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Vol 5.Issue XIV

September 21, 2015

Daily Exclusive ORYZA Rice E-Newsletter

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India 2015-16 Main Paddy Rice Sowing

Surges Despite Weak Monsoons

Sep 18, 2015

Total area planting to India's 2015-16 Kharif (main) rice crop (June - December) is continuing to

be ahead of the last year planting despite concerns of weaker rains in the second half of the

monsoon season (August-September). Total rice planted area stood at around 37.266 million

hectares as of September 18, 2015, slightly up from around 37.19 million hectares planted during

the same time last year, according to a press release by the Agriculture Ministry.

India received 15% below-average rainfall as of September 17, according to the Indian

Meteorological Department (IMD). The North-west, Central, Southern and North-East regions

received 21%, 18%, 13% and 8% below-average rains respectively. However, the IMD expects

most parts of the country to receive normal to above-normal rain from September 19 to October

3, 2016.

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The IMD forecast a 16% deficit in the rainfall during the second half (August-September) of the

monsoon season (June-September). A likely drought-inducing El Nino this year is expected to

lower production prospects in India this year. The IMD has forecasted the El Nino pattern to

reach to moderate to a strong one during the monsoon season (June – September).

Global rice prices are expected to increase by 10-20% as El Nino is likely to dampen production

prospects in Asian countries, including India, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The total Kharif crop sown area stands at 102.19 million hectares as on September 18, 2015, up

about 1.59% from around 100.59 million hectares during the same period last year, according to

the Agriculture Ministry.

Indonesia May Face Shortage of Subsidized

Rice Stocks by Year End, Says Bulog Chief

Sep 18, 2015

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Indonesia may face shortage of national stock of subsidized rice by the end of this year due to the

government's decision to distribute more rice to the poor, local sources quoted the state logistics

agency Chief as saying.

He told local sources that at the current pace, Bulog's stocks would reach 62,000 tons, while the

agency needs about 1.5 to 2 million tons to meet the consumption demand in the early next year

before the harvest time. He noted that the subsidized rice program, called beras sejahtera

(prosperous rice), has been extended by two months to restore purchasing power and confidence

in the economy on concerns of El Nino induced dry weather that is threatening to cut rice

production this year.

However, he did not mention anything about likely imports to maintain stocks. The Bulog Chief

noted that the government could also decide to procure more rice from farmers or convert the

existing premium rice into subsidized rice to avert rice shortages. Indonesian government is keen

on avoiding imports this year and has not imported as rice so far in 2015.

The Agriculture Ministry is understood to maintain next year's rice production target at this

year's level. “The reason the target remains the same is because this year we have experienced El

Niño and that has severely affected our rice production,” the Agriculture Minister was quoted.

USDA estimates Indonesia to produce around 36.3 million tons of rice, basis milled (around

57.17 million tons, basis paddy), and import around 1.25 million tons of rice in MY 2014-15

(October - September).

Global Rice Quotes

September 18th, 2015

Long grain white rice - high quality

Thailand 100% B grade 350-360 ↔

Vietnam 5% broken 325-335 ↔

India 5% broken 355-355 ↔

Pakistan 5% broken 310-320 ↔

Myanmar 5% broken 415-425 ↔

Cambodia 5% broken 420-430 ↔

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U.S. 4% broken 530-540 ↔

Uruguay 5% broken 535-545 ↔

Argentina 5% broken 530-540 ↔

Long grain white rice - low quality

Thailand 25% broken 325-335 ↔

Vietnam 25% broken 315-325 ↔

Pakistan 25% broken 290-300 ↔

Cambodia 25% broken 405-415 ↔

India 25% broken 315-325 ↔

U.S. 15% broken 500-510 ↔

Long grain parboiled rice

Thailand parboiled 100% stxd 340-350 ↔

Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd 415-425 ↔

India parboiled 5% broken stxd 340-350 ↔

U.S. parboiled 4% broken 570-580 ↔

Brazil parboiled 5% broken 545-555 ↔

Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ ↔

Long grain fragrant rice

Thailand Hommali 92% 810-820 ↔

Vietnam Jasmine 450-460 ↔

India basmati 2% broken NQ ↔

Pakistan basmati 2% broken NQ ↔

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Cambodia Phka Mails 830-840 ↔


Thailand A1 Super 305-315 ↔

Vietnam 100% broken 305-315 ↔

Pakistan 100% broken stxd 275-285 ↔

Cambodia A1 Super 355-365 ↔

India 100% broken stxd 300-310 ↔

Egypt medium grain brokens NQ ↔

U.S. pet food 335-345 ↔

Brazil half grain NQ ↔

All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel,

Myanmar Rice Federation to issue Export

Licences for Up to 500 Tons

Sep 18, 2015

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The Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) is planning to issue export licences to exporters for up to

500 tons of rice, according to local sources. The MRF has called on companies to apply to the

Ministry of Commerce for licences.

However, the MRF told local sources that it will grant licences for both land and sea trade but

would require interested companies to maintain a reserve of 2% of exports for six months. The

licences will reportedly valid for one month. It also noted that it is holding discussions with the

Commerce Ministry on the same.

With about 34.8 million tons of rice in reserves and amid expectations of a bumper harvest, the

MRF expects exports to resume completely by October. Dr Soe Tun, the MRF’s vice-chair, said:

“A cargo ship can carry 1,000 tonnes of rice. We might face difficulty loading rice onto a ship if

only 500 tonnes of rice is allowed.”

After the country's rice exports reached a record in 1.8 million tons in FY 2014-15 (April -

March), the government expected to export around 2 million tons in FY 2015-16. However, in

the aftermath of floods and temporary suspension of exports for more than a month, the exports

are expected to be around 1.6 million tons.

U.S.-China Trade Protocol Still Not

Finalized, Says USA Rice Federation

Sep 18, 2015

The phytosanitary protocol between China and the U.S., which reportedly establishes the

phytosanitary or pest control rules necessary to allow U.S. rice into China, is still not finalized,

Bloomberg reported the USA Rice Federation as saying.

The Federation has denied claims by the US Rice Producers Association early this week that the

U.S. and China will sign a phytosanitary protocol during the week of September 21, 2015 when

Chinese President Xi Jinping leads a delegation on an official visit to the U.S.

Citing information from USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the

Federation noted that the phytosanitary protocol between the two countries is still undergoing

regulatory review in China.

It noted that the USDA APHIS is “working closely” with U.S. rice industry, China’s

Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine “to come to a bilateral

agreement on the final set of protocols for exporting U.S. milled rice to China.”

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The USDA APHIS sent its latest phytosanitary protocol to China last month and is expecting

China's response to the U.S.' draft protocol soon.

Thailand Rice Sellers Increase Some of Their

Quotes Today; Other Asia Rice Quotes


Sep 18, 2015

Thailand rice sellers increased their quotes for 5% broken rice by about $5 per ton to around

$340-$350 per ton today. Other Asia rice sellers kept their quotes unchanged.

5% Broken Rice

Thailand 5% rice is indicated at around $340 - $350 per ton, up about $5 per ton from yesterday

and about $15 per ton premium on Vietnam 5% rice shown at around $325 - $335 per ton. India

5% rice is indicated at around $355 - $365 per ton, about $45 per ton premium on Pakistan 5%

rice shown at around $310 - $320 per ton.

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25% Broken Rice

Thailand 25% rice was last shown at around $325 - $335 per ton, about $5 per ton premium on

Vietnam 25% rice shown at around $320- $330 per ton. India 25% rice is indicated at around

$315 - $325 per ton, about $25 per ton premium on Pakistan 25% rice shown at around $290 -

$300 per ton.

Parboiled Rice

Thailand parboiled rice is indicated at around $340 - $350 per ton. India parboiled rice is

indicated at around $340- $350 per ton, about $75 per ton discount to Pakistan parboiled rice last

shown at around $415 - $425 per ton.

100% Broken Rice

Thailand broken rice, A1 Super, was last indicated at around $305 - $315 per ton, at par with

Vietnam 100% broken rice shown at around $305 - $315 per ton. India's 100% broken rice is

shown at around $300 - $310 per ton, about $25 per ton premium on Pakistan broken sortexed

rice shown at around $275 - $285 per ton.

Online Marketing Tool to be Launched for

EU Farmers

Sep 18, 2015

A new online marketing tool called "Farm Inc" is to be launched shortly to help European Union

(EU) farmers to better market and brand their products independently and thereby face global

competitions in a better manner.

The project is supported and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and was carried out by

seven partner institutions, including universities, agricultural associations, VET providers and

consulting firms from five EU countries of Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Latvia. Copa-

Cogeca, the federation of European farmers unions and agri cooperatives, Italian Coldiretti and

Latvian Farmers Parliament have been involved in promoting the product.

They showcased during a series of roundtable discussions and info days across Europe, in

Belgium, Greece, Italy and Latvia in September. About 304 stakeholders, including farmers,

representatives of farmer associations, agricultural entrepreneurs, VET trainers and policy

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makers, participated in 21 pilot events in the targeted countries. While 46% of the participants

rated the material as "excellent", 47% rated as "very good" and 100% said they would

recommend this course to others.

The project involves a customized training tool and an interactive e-book, which contains basic

marketing principles for the agricultural sector as well as practical experiences (case studies,

field visits etc). The book is divided into six modules - What is marketing?, A good marketing

plan, Farmers markets, Quality, The strength of a Rural Brand, Selling Abroad - and primarily

focuses on marketing, branding and internationalisation of agricultural products.

“There is a great potential for regional and local products in the market, but, there is a lack of

marketing strategies to enable European agricultural entrepreneurs to compete with the

international network and structures of multinational companies," said the Secretary-General of


Oryza Weekly: Prices Have Yet to Respond to

Forecasts for Strong El Nino

Sep 18, 2015

The Oryza White Rice Index (WRI), a weighted average of global white rice export quotes,

ended the week at about $387 per ton, down about $4 per ton from a week ago, down about $6

per ton from a month ago and down about $83 per ton from a year ago.

In its September 2015 Rice Outlook report, the USDA forecasts 2015-16 global rice production

(milled basis) to be around 475.8 million tons, down about 1% from last year due to an expected

decline in average yields. Southeast Asia, North Africa, and North America account for most of

the expected global rice production decline. In the same report, the USDA forecasts 2015 global

rice trade to be around 42.5 million tons, a decrease of about 2% from 2014 but unchanged from

last month’s forecast.


Thailand 5% broken rice is today shown at about $345 per ton, unchanged from a week ago,

down about $20 per ton from a month ago and down about $90 per ton from a year ago.

The Agriculture Minister may impose a ban on second crop planting in about 2.4 million

hectares of rice land due to intense water shortages.

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The Thai Office of Agricultural Economics estimates paddy rice production for 2015-16 may

plunge to its lowest level in 19 years due to the extending drought conditions.

Thailand's Finance Ministry may demand damages up to 510 billion baht (around $14.8 billion)

incurred in the rice pledging scheme from the former Prime Minister as well as the other accused

Cabinet Ministers and officials involved in the rice pledging scheme


Vietnam 5% broken rice is today shown at about $330 per ton, up about $5 per ton from a week

ago, down about $15 per ton from month ago and down about $115 per ton from a year ago.

Cambodia 5% broken rice is today shown at about $425 per ton, unchanged from a week ago,

down about $10 per ton from a month ago, and down about $45 per ton from a year ago. Dam

waters have flooded some rice paddy fields in Cambodia, reigniting concerns over Mekong

Region Hydropower Projects.


India 5% broken rice is today shown at about $360 per ton, down about $20 per ton from a week

ago, down about $10 per ton from a month ago, and down about $80 per ton from a year ago.

The government forecasts 2015-16 kharif (June-December) rice production at around 90.6

million tons, down slightly from 2014-15.

Total rice planted area stood at around 37.266 million hectares as of September 18, 2015, slightly

up from around 37.19 million hectares planted during the same time last year, according to a

press release by the Agriculture Ministry.

Rice traders and millers in Nepal are seeking government intervention to curb rice imports,

especially rice imports from India traveling through land borders.

Rice farmers in Bangladesh are facing lower prices and higher supplies, as the country achieved

a record 34.708 million tons production in FY 2014-15.


Pakistan 5% broken rice is today shown at about $315 per ton, down about $5 per ton from a

week ago, down about $20 per ton from a month ago and down about $110 per ton from a year


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A delegation from the Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) met with the Prime

Minister last week to seek government protection of the rice export trade.

The Prime Minister has announced a relief package of Rs.351 billion (around $3.3 billion) to the

agriculture sector, including the rice sector, in order to help farmers reduce production costs and

simplify the agricultural loan processes.

The President of the Union of Small and Medium Enterprises is urging the government to

conduct rice cooking competitions in order to promote exports.

Basmati rice export prices increased in August after declining continuously for three months,

according to the UN’s FAO.

The chairman of REAP says the rice export sector is disappointed that the agriculture relief

package has not considered its demands, noting that the Rs.5,000 per acre (around $120 per

hectare) subsidy is not sufficient for basmati rice farmers.

Central & South America

Brazil 5% broken rice is today shown at about $500 per ton, unchanged from a week and a

month ago and down about $110 per ton from a year ago. Brazil’s Conab has forecasted the

country’s 2014-15 paddy rice production at around 12.449 million tons, up about 2.7% from

production in 2013-14. Rice acreage is also down about 3.3% y/y.

Five per cent broken rice from Uruguay and Argentina is today shown at about $540 per ton,

unchanged from a week and a month ago, and down about $75 per ton from a year ago.


U.S. 4% broken rice is today shown at about $535 per ton, unchanged from a week ago, up about

$45 per ton from a month ago and up about $5 per ton from a year ago.

In its September World Agricultural Demand and Supply Estimates report, the USDA estimates

U.S. 2015-16 all rice supplies to be around 11.95 million tons, a decrease from last month’s

forecast and from 2014-15’s supplies, due to expected lower production.

The U.S. rice industry opposes the emerging Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal with Japan,

and is making it clear that they would not support the deal if their demands on tariff free higher

quota and quality access to Japan’s rice market are not met.

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The phytosanitary protocol between China and the U.S., which reportedly that establishes the

phytosanitary or pest control rules necessary to allow U.S. rice into China, is undergoing

regulatory review in China. The USDA is expecting China's response to its latest phytosanitary

protocol sent last month.

Other Markets

Droughts in Indonesia reduced rice production, lifting rice prices. Supply shortages and elevated

prices have pushed the government to distribute more rice to the poor, depleting the nation’s rice

stocks and likely leading to imports.

The government of Myanmar has partially lifted the ban on rice exports, which was imposed in

early August. Rice exports by sea will now be allowed, but cross-border trade remains banned.

Myanmar has lowered its export estimate for 2015-16 from about 2 million tons to 1.6 million

tons. The Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) is planning to issue export licenses to exporters for

up to 500 tons of rice for both land and sea trade, according to local sources. The MRF has called

on companies to apply to the Ministry of Commerce for licenses.

Due to high prices, the Iraq Trade Ministry has again extended its deadline to buy at least

30,000 tons of rice in international tenders from the U.S., Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, and

India. The new deadline is September 17.

The Philippines’ National Food Authority (NFA) will import 750,000 tons of 25% broken rice

at $426.83 per ton from the governments of Thailand (supplying 300,000 tons) and Vietnam

(450,000 tons), according to local sources. Under this tender, 250,000 tons will be imported this

year, including 125,000 tons in November and 125,000 tons in December, and 500,000 tons will

be imported next year. The extra imports are part of efforts to boost stocks amid concerns that

the country’s production will be hurt by the El Niño weather pattern.

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences estimates

Australia’s paddy rice production in MY 2015-16 to be around 655,000 tons, a decrease of

about 10% from production in MY 2014-15.

Paddy sales in Italy in the first week of the new crop year 2015-16 have remained sluggish due

to low availability of stocks.

European paddy quotes in the first week of the crop year 2015-16 (September-August) showed

some slight movements with opposite trends in different countries.

A new online marketing tool called "Farm Inc" is to be launched shortly to help EU farmers to

market better and brand their products independently and thereby face global competitions in a

better manner.

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