  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    lot'SSION NO. 163-166flO WN 10 MAY 1945

    COpy NO. 41


    APO 114

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    ! LH . l l l tHFJ.DQU/.RT!RS

    XXI 0CImJIt Ca.H\NDAPO 2)4

    Fi eid Or'der No. 73TACTlC/II. MISSION RIP

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    I. July 19"5I Do:te

    : : 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1S E C R E TBy kuth. ot the C.G.XXI Boabel' Cc.aand.

    J ./..... ~ " " {Inl t1al l

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    ~ C l U J . . R T E R SW BOIIBER CClnLJID

    " ;0 23. July 19C5

    SUBJECT I Report of Operotions. 10 Mny 1945 TO: Commondint Genero.1. Twentieth : ~ i r Foroo. WUhinttonJ 25 , D,C.

    1. I08mIFIC"TIOl'f OF' LlISSIOli'I0.. Field Order Number 73, Heo.dquartors XXI Bomber COlllllQ.nd.9 Uo.y 1945, directed the 58th, 73rd, o.nd 314th Bombo.rdmGnt ' f 1 n ~ . to

    po.rticipo.te in nttncks ::l.gninst 4 oil-s torage to.rgota on Inn r Bomber Cor=o.nd Missiona No. 163 thl"Outh 166.

    b. Igrgeta Specified:

    Utssion(1) ?I'iIllA[Y ViDual T;,ra ts I

    Tgrget Poroe.!1AI o"lmd

    (3 ) No l as t resort to.rgets were nllmed.

    (2 ) SecondArY ytsUD,l 0llIi ?r1muy Blldgt To.I'atl lureN ~ V : l l ;.I'l!onnl (Tll.1'get 90.30-657J..)


    TOku.y::l.Jno. Fueling Sto.tion _ ConI Liquefo.otion a.nd Briquetto Fnctory 90.32-674otoke Oil Refinery _ 90.30-2121o Sb!lllo. Oil Storngo _ 90.32_1684

    731'd 6 SqUAdrons731'd 6 Squadron.31_ 1250__56th 8 Squadrona

    2. STRjiIEGI bRD PLQlf OF Q?ER4]OH:0... Selection. of D-Davi Intelligence source. ir:dioated that

    t h i . COQmnnd could more tu l ly support the Okino.wo. C n m p a i ~ by I t r ikingoil-s torage centers o.s woll o.S [yuahu o.lrtlGlds. IndiCations were thattho bulk of the tuel nnd o il being usod ut tho Kyushu o.irtield wus being stored 1n the Tokuynma and Otake areas. I t was plo.nne4thBrofore. to s t r i k e " Kyul!lhu a.1rfiEl1ds and tho ... o U _ s t o r a ~ t A r ~ t . Oftthe day, with the airf io ld ~ I S 1 1 0 n s to be diaputehod as a diversIonary m8o.lure 1 hour and 30 minutes pr ior to the o11-atoro.lO . t t ikoa .The WOo.ther to r 10 May indiCated f a y o r ~ b l e oonditione in theKyushu and T o k u y ~ a areae for dnylight precision b o m b i ~ and f i r . de_cision '\1mB mude to o.tto.ok.

    b. Impgrt.pep or Target. :(1) Tbo 2 tnrgets o.uigned to th91 73"d Wing - theNavo.l Fueling Station (Target 90 ..32-673) and tho Coo.l Liquefaotion and

    See Foreword-1-

    ._ _---

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    Briquette Fnctory ( T a : r ~ t 90.32-67 ') wero cODlidored & I 1 t a r . t .t. . . .tho instal lnt ions of the forller hlld upandod Il.nd/or U .o rM . aN t oftho la.t ' ter. Tho ta.:r&eta are 10Co:tod on tbtl Tokuyatla 1IQ.tertroat 1_ nro:!. c.pproxilllntely 1500 by 4000 fOISt a.nd Bre the l tLJ'p.t unJ . t . 1181sb t i on and tho th i rd lQ%'&ut 011 ref inery in J c . p ~ . In nddltlon tosynthet ic o i l produotion. the extensive oi l . torQlo copneity WQ8 tt-m ~ t e d a t 6.500.000 bnrrels .

    (2) Tho tD . r r t n8sign&d to the 3l4th 1f1l1& _ tho OtaJr:e onRefinory (Ta.rget 90.30_2121) i8 located on tho bay north of Iwnkwd QDd20 miles west of It,u'e in CUl a.roa. approximately 3700 by 4000 fee t . fb i .ta rgot W:l.S one of the lo.rge.t orwio 011 refinGr1G. c.nd .tortll0 o..rec.. inJo.Ptlnt h:l.v1ng ext3nsive surfa.ce o.nd undergrOW\d storo.p.

    (3) The t ar ge t a ui gn ed to tho 58th W'1nt ... tbe 0 ShllDllOil S to ra ge (Targ et 90.3 2..1884) .. 111 located on tho aouth ahore orTokuyuc:l. Bay a.nd covered an area 5500 by 1000 foet . I t wnA the ln rge . tknown oil-s torago uni t in Jo.pan's Inner Zone and the estimated to ta was 2.000,000 bnrrels in both surfo.oo a.nd underground storQIP.

    o. DetOils gr PIODning .. Oper4tiona.ll(1) Bambinc PlanA I

    ( . ) Deter_loft ion of Bomb Lo4d;J.. All nircr::l!'t wore to carry 500-pound gonera.l

    purpose bombs. Those bombs wert> selected aincc they ho.'ge bet te r . tornge characterist ics t the 2504P0und bomb and the number of di rec thit.s required on the 1l'Ic.ny soparo.te units in tho t:l.%"et a reu preCludedthe use of lerger sh e bcabs. These bombs wero :uso considered tbllmost offect ive against surfo.ce s to rnge tanka. o stimate d nt approximntely120 fee t in dillllloter. On tho bo.sis of exporience in otber tbl laten atoporation. it w ~ indiCated that the cha.rte weight of 2So-pound boabahad f ~ i l e d to destroy storage t ~ of over 100 foe t in diameter. In -c lmib.ries were not selected since it WQS believed tha t the explosionand fragmentation of d e l l O l i t i ~ n bombs w o ~ l d ignite the infl4Dmllble port ions of the ta rgets ,

    ! . Fqling IL For Uiuion . No. 165. 164. nnd 166 the

    l/lO-aocond delay nose and 1/40-80eond Oolo.y t a i l fudng . were 8O}eoted.This tn l1 f u ~ e would o.llow an adeqUAte delay for the bomb t o p en et ra teto a depth surf lc lont to i nsure de tonat ion belo-rr the content. 1e 'n l .theroby exerting lDo.xllllUlll pressure o.gtlinllt the ta.nk wo.lls. The 1/10 ..second delay noae fute wns solectod as an &s.uro.nce fYte.

    It. POl' !!i.S10D 10. 165 the 1/l0.. .econd delay nose and ta.1l lu tes _re ellployed for bo.b. In order to allow peDa_trc.tion of the buildings u well QI I the relat ively low . t o T a ~ tt.z*.before detontltlon.(b) Bpmbing DAtol

    .1. Twv aiming points wero selected for 1I1.. 10MNo. 163 and 164. One a l m i ~ point waA the la.rge furn.oo buJldlns onthO otlstorn e d of thO ref i nery oren. From th is point Il probable olr_oule r o rro r of 1000 t e e t included 0.11 inata.lla.tlona In the ... tornsoction and oJl 011 atora.go of the ellLltern not ion of the plant . Theother aiming point aelectod w ~ a large centrally lOCated bUilding in


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    the plant &reA west of the river. where p r o b ~ b l e c i r c ~ l a r error of1000 feet included all of the important factory in.tallationj . POI' Wission Mo. 165, I a 1 m i n ~ point was .e lec t -

    ed - the center of the plant in the crackift& unit area. A probable .circulnr error of 1000 feot included a ll s t o r ~ tank. and other plantInstallllUons.1. Two (Liming poinh were selected for MillionNo. 166. one about two-thirds of tha distnnce down frail the north e d ~ e

    oJ: the northorn tonk ClUll and one on the nor thorncos t tanks of the . o ~ t h orn b ~ t t e r y . On tho former. 0. probable circu.lo.r error of 1500 t ee t In ...cludod nIl r O m a l n i ~ tnnk, in the nor thern area, and In ~ h la t tor thosame probable circular error included 0.11 t ~ n k s end 0. majority of thoother insto.llntions in thG southern areo.

    .i. It W(l.8 decided to attack from tm south for thofollOWing reo.sonSI ini t ial po1nta would bo ollsily 1 d e n t 1 r i ~ b l o J ontho b ~ s i s of predicted ground winds. s m o ~ o would bo cnrried o.wuy o.tright o.ngles to the llXOS of o.ttnckl such lln nttllck would prOVide thobost possible naes for mnximum bomb po.ttcrn covorage of the t a r te t ' lminimum o . n t i o . i r c r ~ t fire would be encountered; llnd on Ui.sion. 163.164, and 166 th e sun would not hindor vision of tho b o m b ~ d i e r

    ~ The specified o.ltitude of o.ttnck Wo.l 15.000 to113,000 feet,

    ~ for mo.xioum bomb 40n51 ty ;. minimUlll. interYnlollleteron the tnrgets. setting . a . ~ e c l f i e d

    332OO0N .. 13136E

    7. Axes of dr i f t . nnd other pertinontbombing d ~ t Q were ~ follow.:

    Y1ss1on Axis of BoCb RWl. T1l::.o ofNumber Attgck: .Rt1U GrPllp4 pgod B . RenW. W . ~ . U L dog/mph lIRh i i ipytjf l163.164 ,. 30 13 "'5/65 270 165 H 00 5 285/65 290 166 36 00 12 285/65 270 ,

    (2) Nulln t10PI The 4 forces wero to use Iwo Jimn enrouto out nnd on roturn per XXI Bomber Command Tt'.cticc.l DoQ,trine. Froll.Iwo J l to tho to.rgot nnd return, route pinna wore ns follows 1

    (0.) Mi,,10n. 163. 164. epd 16613255N .. 13315E 58th "ing o.ssGmbly nf"Go..32:35N .. 1330QE 73rd. "'ing assembly nreo..

    D3puture point wo.. 0. t;00d cheek point in the b qnnd wo.s to be und to mnke turn on to the lnitla.lpoint.3 3 ~ 3 0 N _ 1313030 (IP) This point of land on tho upper pc.rt at thep.ninhula. wn. sele cted In order 't o obto,in thebest axi& of attnck:.T::.rge1: _ (673. 674, 1884) J, right turn wn. to bo BJ:\de ntter bOllbins inorder to nvoid nntio.lrcroft conoentrntiona.


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    32:%N - 13225E332030N 13130E

    3:340M - 13130E

    (b) MialioQ No. 165:314th " i n ~ o.aaembly aroo..Turning point waa the IQmO o.s thQt for IIll,.iona163, 164. llnd 166.A turning point w ~ se1&cted before the in i t ia lpoint in order to reduce the turn to the tar&'t.

    3400N 13136E (IP)

    To.rget (2121)

    A. ~ o o d cheek point _ s selected o tf the lowerpeninsula. in order to obto.ln a good axil otattack to tho to.rget.h right turn wns speoified off tho t o . r ~ e t Inorder to a.void antio.icro1't oODcenUatiou.

    (3) Plight Engipoet1nri(0.) D e s l ~ a . t e d o.ltitudos o.nd speedl wore p1wnnld tor

    mo.ximum fuel econolflY and .o.fety.(b) FUGl rOSGrve indioo.tod thnt 0.11 :3 ~ l n g . to cnrry i. t u l l bomb bDY ta.nk In addition to ful l wing and centorwing tenks for a total fuol 10lld of cpproximo.toly 7300 gallon(c) No m ~ l m u o or minimUlll bomb load. were apooiflod.I t wns estimated that tho a v e r ~ g e Saipan and Tin1nn baaed aircraft ~ l be ablo to carry 0. potontio.l bomb lond of 10,000 to 12.000 pounda tthe Guam bo.sed 3l4th Wing 0. potential load of 6000 pound.. ~ u n 1 t i o n

    load WaS ostimo.ted at 1500 pounds.( t l ~

    (0.) Routes selocted on the missions had an a b u n d n n ~or oxeollont radnr check points. All reCerence point. in navigo.tionwore choson for the enlOe by which they could be identified by radar.

    (b) The .i108 of the pr1mnry v18unl t ~ r g e t . were auchtho.t thoy WGre not rocommonded IlS primary radllr ta.rgeta. The KureNavo,l l.rsenal. which had 1Il0.ny good ro.dnr chock pointe. WIlS ae1ected 0.11the secondary visual nnd the pr1mary rndar target.(e) Wint>' 'WOre to ,e lect the1r own n111ling point ' torrndnr bombing.(d ) Radar could be used on withdawal 0 . ' a navitational""'d.

    (5) RAdar Co\,\ptor MeuureA!the seo.rch tor location of Japanese radarequipment.(6 ) Air-Sea Rofcl.lO '

    I t was plo.nned to continues t ~ t i o n . by o.n. of a i r b o ~

    (a) l!ual.1 The N.vy fta tlU'nished with dete,ill of tt.m1ssiona and provided tho tollowing resoue faoi l i t ies ,


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    H . U i l

    J.. Fl9'6 subma.r lnea wero stlltlonod a t the tollow-ing positions for the entire missions. at 3030N 132008, at 3230N 13230E. a t 3230N _ 13ol00E. o.t 3 1 0 0 1 ~ _ 13530E, llJ'Id Il t 2930N - 13700.

    3: .. Surfa.Cc vessel . wore stat ioned a. follows,from 091915Z until the end of th e missions I l t 271SR _ 13900, Ilnd fortho ontire missions at leOOR - 1443aE.

    l . D.ulbo tlirplo.nes wero Q,s.s1ned Id follow ~ 271SN 13900E trom lOOllSZ until the end of tho .1 10n.; at 26005l4000E from 1OO}45Z until the end of tho m1 10na; Ilt ZOOON 14330S from lOO33QZ to lOO530Z.

    J . Tho usual crash boo..ta wore I l .dp '0d ort Timan.So.1po.n, North Field. GWlll. d u r l ~ the erltica.l times of take-or t l1D.dlo.nding.

    (b) ~ This Cocmnnd assignod 5 Super Duabo' toorbi t tho 5 subma.rlns poalt1ona l isted "bow 0.8 followsl 2 to . t a r to.t 0923002. 2 to sto.rt o.t lOOOOOZ ond 1 a.t 100030Z. with 0.11 po.troll tDlunti l 011 oiroraft hod po.ued on withdTownl.

    d. pptA1l; or PleontQ( .. Inte111CPDco:(1) Enemy Air Opposition I I t estimated thnt only

    30 onaay n&btcrs in the TokuyDmo. ::.reQ llOro capable of 8.29 intorcop.t ien. Thore 0150 oxistod the possibili ty that Qirflolds within 0 50milo r:.diu' of the targets conto.ined part of tho rointorcelll6nts intendedfor tho lyushu o.nd o.c.inAwQ. dofansos and th.'\t the onemy lIi&ht 118e to rB_29 interception some of the units intended for Okinawa efforts.

    (2) Enemy Aptinircrntt:(0.) Heavy gun do(on'os wore loCated o.s follows ITokuyamn oroo. 13; Kowo.guchi. 6.5 miles lou tboost of theol1-storo:l!!lo nreo.. 15; IwoJeuni. 6; Moo Shima. 0. 3-l!!lI,lD bnttety; o.n4 Inaddition nava.l vassels cnpablo of giving effectiva ~ n t i o i r c r ~ t opposition vroro moored in Tokuyomo. Bny, Hiroshimo. Bny, luro Hntbor. o.nd noar

    Yo. b lend (b) On tho bnsis of tho o.bovo c o n s i d o r ~ t i o n i t wnsrocanmondod that 0.11 nirornft o.ppro::\ch from tho southwost cornor ofShikoku to tho projoction of (yushu, avoid ing Saoki. Oita,and UsC!, nirficld.s on ltyushu. I t WOoS ~ 1 8 0 rooommon.dod tho.t c.1rcraft

    o . t t ~ c k l n g Otoko in tho Iwokuni oron avoid tho TokJyQmo. defonsos from tho wost.(0) For tho TokuytlDl:l. tar tots en o.xia or ottock be ..

    t v ~ o n 20 and 40 de&reos true recommended, nith 0 sharp b r o n k o . . ~to bo mc.dc to tho eCl8t Md then south OVClr t ho lnlnnd Soo to nvo1clN ~ v o . 1 dofonsos in H i r o s h ~ Bay o.nd nonr Tn Island, Por tho otako~ t t ~ c k :-.11 oxis of nttt\,ck W05 recommended frOlll. the wost and dowmrind,\7ith eour so, o f 70 to 90 douees t.rUO c.nd n r ight bronko.WCl.1 to 0,"'014tho J!oC'.val defonae

    (a) A bnao nltitudo or 15,000 toot wn.I reCCl-.oftde4for all t o r ~ o t a . This wn' seloctod in st end o f n discus,eel nltitude or10,000 foot which ~ rulod o ~ bocnu,c or tho eXQo,slve dr i f t thr.twould bo oncountored a t th at altitu de.

    -5 .l J i J1J ! i l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    .UQ . l l " l3, EIDlUTION OF tHE lUSSIONSI

    n. TAko:Off I Take-off Wl'lS Q.CCCIllPHeho d e' follows IAlrcrBft Fi rs t!lloD No. Jl'1ll< Airborne Tnnotr Tr.kc-gCr163 73rd 60 091SS0Z 091641Z164 73rd 63 0\0I162OZ 091656Z165 314tb 132 091530Z 091606Z166 56th ..B... 991601Z 0917t6ZTotal 343 091S:50Z 091746Z

    o. 0 n r Ti luet I

    e . Landinp J.ircrc.ft of the main forces Innded o.t tho i r bo....r. 8 follows I

    b. RQute Outl Routes to nSllombly points wele flown n. briored,with timing uniformly ~ o o d . Tho 58th Wing did oxeoptionnlly woll inthis r os pe ct s in ce i t s 88 o.ircrnft were C1.1rborno from only 1 runwny.Full use was made of 0.11 navlgntionnl nid oolestial , radio ~ n Lorandthough the 58th IVingll!l in oxpe rionc e w it h tho h. t tor was n ha,ndlonP.

    (1) Primary To.ll:et: Tnrll;Clt o.ror. D:-.vigo.tion WQS ~ c o l l l p l 1 a ~ad rtsuo.l ly, with only 22 B_29' s of the 73rd Wing on L!lsalon No. 16:5bombing by radc.r. All check points ...erc ensi ly recognitGd. .ul/AP'1-13~ . used by most navigntors as ~ aid in o r i o n t ~ t i o n , in wind dotermino.tion in the targGt aret'., nod to st..'"'.l't bocb runs. Wind in the tcrtoto..rO:l ~ 285 degrccs o.t 45 knots . Tho 302 o.ircrc.ft th.:'l.t bombod 'thopria:-cry h rge t s dropped 1436.7 tons of bombs botwoon 1000caZ c.nd lOOlSOZo.t ~ l t i t u d e 5 ranging from I t ,620 to 21,080 feot .

    (2) I j l In t5 gf Opportunitx! Twenty_tllllO o . i r c r ~ . r t ( l n o l w i l n ~1 that also bombed i t s primary t arget ) bombed vcrious to.rgets ot oppor_tuni ty with 10t .3 tons of bombs between 100000Z o.nd 100130Z a t a l t i t u -des from 11,800 to 19,000 feet .

    The routes on roturn woro flown 0.8 briofed.o.t Iwo Jimnd. Route BAAlpTWenty-four B-29' III lo.nded

    Mission No. J!W Fi r a t Ljlndlng LoSt LqDding163 73rd lOO642Z lOO606Z164 73rd 100645Z l00813Z165 lOO656Z lOoeuZ166 56th 100700'% l00920Z

    f .North Field , Loases I Ono 8-29 1m. los t 'tIhen it Gl'o.shed on landing o. tGunm. There _ r e no c ~ s u n l t l o s .g. Opergtional Summrv I

    (1) Nayigatignl Seo Annex A, Par t II fo r track ohar t .for nIl missions.


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    port) .

    .!H Q lL 1(2) Banblng I (See l.nnox A. Pr.rt I I , for de tn lhd 1'0Bombing wa.e: consldeJ'!!Id good to oxoellent.

    (3) Flight Engin0Gtingt (Soo , ~ o x ht Pr.rt I I torC ~ ~ t 8 1 nnd Annox Sf C o n s o l l d ~ t G d S t ~ t i 8 t l C o . l Summery for fuel oonsUQption nnd wolght d o . t ~ . )

    (0.) N ~ r r ; t l v g or Missions 4 FlowDIl . Ini tiAl Cru l.e l The ini t ia l oruise to point.

    of c ~ l r . J . b Wt\5 conducted :lot ::.Itltudos between 1500 nnd 7000 foo t Md c.t tl.c ~ l l b r o . t o d ~ l speod of botweon 190 ~ n 203 milos per hour. H 1 ~ h o rspoOds wero flown r.t highor ....l t i tudos in no '1ttompt to cOl:lpress thaforca ...00 to roduco assombly t im3S. ; '11 Inlt1::-. l cruises - .oro ncoOlllpliahedby Ind1vldUl'.l ...!rcr,...rt.

    J. Cl1r;b to Bombipg )1taudO!p Indiv1du::-o.l r.J.rcrt'..ft m ~ d o tho climbs to bombing ~ l t l t u d o s without difficulty.} . Formrj;loD i.IC W1ys POTmr';t!on ' \uemb1y wtt.8

    mc.dG C'.t b O l l l b l n ~ clt1tudo ~ Cruiso to t ~ r g q t s l Bombing Bltitudea ~ e r o

    14.620 to 21,ceO f G ~ t nnd bOillbing w:::.s g 0 3 n e r ~ l l y done o.t n cc.l1blmtodr.1r specd of 195 miles pGT hOIlr.

    ~ Returns to B ~ s o s l Tho sl1lt".11est l'.mount offuol u ~ usod by t 56th ~ l n g which descended nt 100 feot por minuteto 8000 foet nnd cru183d to bns3 ~ t h ~ t nlt i tude. Tho best roturn ofthe Sl4th ~ V l n g was m!'\do by descend ing 30 fee t per minuto to b(lJlG ntm=-.xirnurn. ro.nge nir speeds.

    (b) Commont. on the lUl0' 'lS l1. The cempression worked wei! for ~ 1 WingJ. ;"irph.nos of thG 58th Wing. which cTuhod

    ~ highor cl t l tudos ~ n ~ i SpOOd5, used mere fuol to thG tOorget.(4) ~ ' (3130 :.nnex ;., Pnrt IV, for roport on oquip ..

    mont ~ n peTformnnco). A mnjority of tho bombing was dono vllun11y.Lr.ndfC'.l1 c.nd tn l t in l points wero good rndr.r o h o c l ~ points.

    (5) Gunnsryl (Soo :"nnox . ~ Par t V. for roport) ContrOolf l ro oontrol lIy:stolllB woro 99.2 per oent oper"\tlvo nnd .50-oo.Ubor maohinogW1B v o r ~ 98.9 por cont operntiv3.

    (6) .ar.Seg. RgllolW I Thero wore no ditchingll on theeoo.hlliena.

    h. W o ~ t h o r I (Sao Annox 8 , fo r dot",UII). Tho war .thor oncoun...torod on tmse m1sdon5 wo.a o.pproxico.tely 0.5 foroonat o.nd did not in ..torforo with their p.rformAnC9.

    '.detc l l s ) .a. t o t ~ . l of

    (1) Ra.dnT Counter k 3 ~ a u r e a l (Soo !.nnox C. Pr.rt I , fo rTm se('t.roh 1mB contlnuGd for Jo.pcnoao t"ruSnr . tn t !ons wi th50 1ntorcopts being . 1 0 g ~ e d .


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    (2) ~ (50

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    .I !l. U . 11 1

    P.,-t I .. H&v1g..t1on Track ChartPart II - e O I l l b 1 ~Put III .. Fl1!:ht Engln$8rin,; Chart.PlU't IV - RadSf'Part V ..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr





    .,73!d. K1TA-lQ-JIMA~ 3 092Q36Z'-0

    \ I I"\ \\ I p'\ '\ II. 1\\ \I \ ~ A N-- -_. -- -- t fiNiAN I5I!JGUAMI

    L A N D I ~I ~ I L " "100700! 1009201l00642e IOOBl3l100""f\64! 'OO8+4Z,

    ," ,",IW \ ~ I M A -- --+-- -zo\ II, \ I

    ' \ I\ \ J\\ I,I I

    ~ E y ' I ~ " - _ _ __ 58th.Wing

    ------- 73rd.Wing-- - 3l41h. WingI

    TAKEOft-I ~ I ~ Q 8 t58ttl.091607! 091746Z13rd.-09155QZ 091656!;\r4th . 0015 ' 3 " " OQI&O&2,


    , ,,, ,,,,,


    LAND'S ENDI ~ I L ' t00l292 r 0 0 2 1 ~ Z10000Sl 100l44Z1001072 1001342

    TARGET181. I LOS'100105 l 100150llOOO52Z: looZOl1000462 IOOlI4!!,

    - - - + - - = - - - - - - - ~ ~ . _ _ - - - - + _ - - - - - - _ I _ - - 30 '

    SOI t,,'

    LANDFALLt 1st. I Los!58th.- IQOO35Z 100115273rd." 092320Z 092325l",314th. IOOOO8i! lOoo40Z

    20 '

    ,10 q,

    30" I.i1' I

    IO K I N ~ W A I"._- ----+-



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    1. All W i n ~ 8 reported generally good we ..ther e.nd oloar v 1 . 1 b i l 1 ~ .The 56th and 73rd WiOli8 used the 8llll1e I .P . . whioh wu eu11y idefttif1edOJld the approachos to the to.rget .. v e r a ~ d dri f t s of 11 del;reea r ightfor tho 73rd Wing. 7 d e ~ e e . r ight for the 58th Wing, and 6 depoeear ight for the 314th ':fil\l>. Some of the la ter equadrons over the targets reported diff icul ty in ..coun .t ely looat ing the a1min! point. . dueto henvy 8lIloke.

    2. In ~ a n y instances bombardiers used referenoo-point b o m b i ~ .LittlG f ighter opposition wa.. encountered on the bomb run; ho_ver .meagor to moderate f lak on the bomb run from nuvul ve e ls in t nenrbyba,y , . , ~ e reportod by the Seth and 73rd - ringe. Soma flu . a encounteredby the 314th TIing. In no instunce reported did the nntlairorQ/t f i reaffeot the bomb run.

    3. The 497th Group of tho 73rd ~ i n g had ~ o r e than normal mo.l-functions with the A-2 relel1So ClBoha.nism, with 5 B-2g'. haVing troublein releasing bombs over the primary target .

    4. RGsults obtained ~ r 0.8 follows I the 73rd Wing h it i t s 2o.1mlng points well . haVing 64 and 65 per cent of bomb bursta identif iedwithin 1000 t ee t of eQoh of the o.iming pointe. Visual bombing resul tsor the other 2 :'i1ings indicated excellGnt resul ts .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    ,,'" ,,,,, .. ,'!>~ '!' '!\>

    .. " -1 ... ..,'j5 'iI>

    ,... .1 J._ ! ,! ! . .

    . i . .-..--r---- t ' .. - - - t - - - - ; ..--- .

    ............; .

    _.. ..._;._--_.-

    I).. ..'" '-....J' '"..I,..: - 310/40 015,000 207/18 16 280/30 ,. 320/23 10 330/20 072,000 177/15 23 310/20 20 340/17 ,. ~ 0 / 1 5 14Sw.rfo.ce 160/11 27 320/14 .. 175/13 21 010/12 16

    l i n d . Aloft .. Oburn4Bue to UOH 240N to inoN 31 0R 'to aO Tllloet

    25,000 245/50 290/6520,000 300/6018. 000 290/.017,000 290/44-16,000 290/4315,000 230/20 290/>0 >00/>5 295/4512,000 260/268,000 260/26 310/287,000 235/23 300/27


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    If ',.'


    l----if------1-----l J:,,5:::.A:::.""AN'-_-I _J

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    J "S....lPAN


    JYNO TIC MA.' P ~ l A Uo 0 0 , 2 ,-:;-:-76"40Y /9 4-9 MISS ONS- i ~ ~ R - < ~ O ~ / 6 ' ~ < L ; ' ~ < ; ~ 2 ~ ' ' : ' / ~ 6 . ~ ' . 3 ~ .~ / ~ ~ / 6 : : 5 ~ g . ~ / 6 ~ 6

    ( , ,TRUK


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    j iJall


    a '


    Part I - R.sar Counter Meal!lurelPart II - R1410

    MilltAD' '0. lOp. 1M. 10&. 'Ad 10010 IIoy to. .


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    1. Purpol&ja . To lOCate Japanese r ..dar stations by of airborne Drantennaa.b. To continuo .. general surnT of Japanese n.du charaoter-

    i s t ic s for frequencies in the r e ~ l o n 4 0 . ~ O O I:1p.2. Method; ton observers narcMd with the tollowlQ1; le ts I 10APR_4, 2: APR-S. 8 APA-ll. 5 APA ..24 . and 2: APA-6.3. Resylt. :

    ChAractaristics Locatign A' ll' ~ ' l ! a =00069 0510 30 3055N-13400E 051065 0915 21 122 P E:W00102 0475 13 3250N-l:5300E 0510'5 1350 21 122 P n 00101020200077 1800 03 3405N-13120E 051045 1105 21 122 P at OTA0300135 0..0 ,. 3220N..131358 051045 1255 21 122 P El'I 00075 0970 O' 3400N_142ooE 051045 1115 21 121 S GL OTA0300076 0965 08 3400N-14200E 051045 1115 21 121 S GL OTA.0300079 0490 30 3400N ...14200E 051045 1115 21 121 5 ow CHI00079 0490 07 34009_142008 051045 1115 21 121 S -00212 0980 02 3'-00"-14200& 051045 1115 21 121 S GL 00.00216 1000 10 3400N_14200E 051045 1115 21 121 S at 00.OD210 0980 12 3400N_142OOE 051045 1115 21 121 5 Ell' 0010300200 o o os 34001f01420oE 051045 1115 21 121 5 GL 00.00068 0,"5 30 3310N...1323OE 051045 1140 21 121 S Elf CHI00068 0510 2. 3300N...13300E 051045 1030 21 121 5 "" CHI00068 0510 30 3355N ...13210E 051045 1140 21 121 5 EW CHI00068 0510 26 29209-136508 051045 1220 21 121 S EW CHI00066 OSlO 36 2620N-13745E 05104.5 1325 21 121 S EW CHI00069 OSlO 30 3030H-1344OE 051045 0920 21 121 S Ell' CHI00070 050S 26 3 1 4 0 N _ 1 3 3 ~ I o O E 051045 0940 21 121 S EW CHI00071 0500 38 3115N-13400E 05104.5 1050 21 121 S ",1 CHI

    00072 050S 20 3300B1340oE OS104S 1025 21 121 S ,W CHI00072 0510 3300N...13400E 051045 1030 21 121 5 E\'I CHI00072 0515 28 1555N-1451sE 051045 0735 21 121 S E\1 CHI00072 OSOS .. 1545N_I4520E 051045 1025 ., 121 S ow CHI00073 0500 50 3000N13525E 05104.5 0915 21 121 S El't CHI00073 1000 18 332SN_13330E 05k045 1125 21 121 S Elf CHI00074 0500 22 2730N ...13830E 051045 1325 21 121 S ,W CHI00074 OSlO 22 2550B_HOI0E 051045 1030 21 121 S ,W CHI000'75 0515 .. 3305N-13232E 051045 1045 21 121 S Ell' CHI00078 0495 07 33OON_13.200E 051045 lOS0 21 121 S00078 0495 03 3320N13140B 051045 lOS1 21 121 S00078 0495 .0 34ooH13130E 0510

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    ~ i l l i . I

    Chvag t t r l . t l c . Loc.UOP ha l J a .. ' l l ' , i ' l ! t t .IlalI00096 0:165 50 2 6 1 0 " _ 1 ! 7 ~ 061045 0755 21 121 S EW 00101010.00099 0460 10 264.0R-1371sE 051045 ""05 21 121 S EW 00101080200100 0700 20 323011_13340E 051045 1115 21 121 S EW 00101010100101 0735 00 33255..131358 051045 1007 21 121 S "" 00101010100103 0000 16 33251-13135 051045 lSS0 21 121 S


    00153 0475 20 33508.131558 051045 1715 21 121 S "" 00103001-1.2 0000 04 3215N..133408 051045 1015 21 121 S ., ..-OOlM 0500""

    3200. . .13400 051M5 1000 21 121 S EW 00103OOU6 0460 05 3 1 ~ H ..13425E 051045 0955 21 121 S Ell' 0010300147 0495 15 3310N-1323OE 0 5 1 0 ~ 1050 21 121 S B\T 0010300150 0500 15 30tON..1361OE 051045 1227 21 121 S E I 0010300153 0495 07 3 2 1 S H _ 1 3 ~ O S OSl045 1000 21 121 S "" 0010300157 0400 10 31101..13505 051045 0000 21 121 S E'f 0010300160 0490 05 11451.1"0051 051045 1000 21 121 S "" 0010300160 0000 03 33OO51330OE OSlO-loS 1 0 21 121 S "" 0010300161 0510 oe 3OO5N-I36108 051045 1000 21 121 S E"'J 0010300167 0500 OS 3300Jl_133OSE 0510-15 1000 21 121" S "" 0010300176 0000 05 32SSH...1330OE . 0 5 1 0 ~ 1025 21 121 S Ell' 0010300113 1000 09 32509_13310 051045 1022 21 121 S OL 0010300196 0495 45 33209_13245 051045 llOS 21 121 S Ell' 00103 .'. Origin. b. :a..thod, c. Reliabi l i ty'. Remlrk'i

    c. A very strong C. W. Carrier. unmodu13,ted. extendlnt; In f r e -quency from 46 to 51 megacycles, wa' logt;ed when at 30 der;rees North.This signal - . s .0 strong that i t kicked the APR_' sir;ncJ strength meterpointer over again . t I ts rIght stoP. I t s only pecul ia r chuo.c ter l ll tic~ Q , $ tbnt a t uneven periods it would go off nnd on.

    b. 69/510/30/3055N.1340OE was out o.t seo..c. Four OF cuts nre identified llbove by the noto. tion 122.

    PARt I I RADIO'. Strike Reports. Thirty_eight strIke report , were reoei-.edby tho Ground Sto.tlon8. Thirteen of thuo 'Were tro.n,.1 t ted by a i rc ra t tof tho 73rd Wing, 14 by plo .nos of the 58th 'Ting, o.od 11 by the 3BthTling o.ircro.l't.2. FO I Trp.n 'giulon' i r.reo.tber. encoded in UCCFAC, o.ld 'hmeSignals were the only Fox-type message. transmittod by the ~ radieSto.tiOM.

    3. FugU!pelell AtmospheriC interference during t his a ll8 io n"If05 sUght . The ll-megacyCle f requoncl es o f 0.11 '111' were u,ed mo.teffect ively. Some j ~ i n g wns reported on tho 3.o.nd 7-megacycle t re quoncies. Following h 0. breakdown or b-o.l'fic per trequeQC716 por o8nt on 3 met;o.cycle., 22 pel! cElnt on 7 megacycles. and 72 porcnot on 11 mctgacycl08.

    4. Ncm.ut1oRAl Ald. I Throe requests for HF/tI' b ' o . r 1 ~ . werorooctived by the Grollnd S t a t 1 o ~ o.nd 0.11 wero relelyod to the aircrnf"t.One: VHF/DP b e a . r i ~ wo.5 obtained trom Condor 8nao, SaipCLn. The 58th!1ing reportod that 5 o.ircro.!'t used ai r- to-aIr hemlnt; effectively.Range hopr . , and broadcast .tatlolU1 wen used with toed ".ult


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    5. Net Dl.ql , l lne '04 Security! Only 1 security violation ...reported. The 73rd Wing .ald ,er ia l operators were a8kin, for IwoJim&. weather utin& -Iwo in the olear. Corrective aetion baa b 'entaken. The 73rd and 314tb W 1 ~ . I"$ported ,ood net d1sclpUn.. The58th Wing saId lome operator, did not monitor before tran1tt1n& aDdasked fo r too lllany weather broadcu t . , The., .IIlatter. u e being cor_rected.6, Epemy I t ln l l l " ion i l The follow!n, incidents or j . -mln, andonRcy tr ,n'm! lonl were recorded duri n, th1. mission:

    a o :}U.S kPO i(1) Unidentified OW a t 091630Z was parU.l1y oCr.otive.(2) Jap net operating from 1500Z to 1900Z was partial ly

    b. 6955 kef!(1) Jap voice a t 092200Z was ineffeOtive.(2) CWo ba5P1pe. and unitell iglble oode at 2233Z werevery ef fect ive .(3) OW llbd Jap voice a t 2305Z were very e f r . oUn .

    c. 11960 ke. ; Ne11g1ble.d. 3020 ke f ; Neg11g1ble.e. 6615 kG. t CYi froID. 1635Z to 0150Z llr:.d 2200Z to 2350% wupar t1a l lye t fec t ive .r. 10305 pl! . Negllg1ble.g. 3990 ke. : Negligibleh. 'U S KI( ' ;

    ( l) CW from 1910Z to 23352 and o.t 2050Z and 22392 WILlpv.rtio.lly efrective.(2) ~ 1 x e . code ehara.ctera and long dlllMS at 11462 werevery effective.

    i . 19620 k91j Regligihle.7. Ditke .. ; no d1atre.. menages wore received by the GroundSto.tion6. EqUipment Malfunption'j AN/ABT-13I 1 channel #2 would notkey, AH!ARN-7, 16 .enae antenna. brokon. 1 loop 1noporatho. 3 eOQ_t rol boxes inoperative. CR=22 I 5 inoporative. RC-SOI:5 .1lllOpo.r_Q.tivo, 6 mlcrophone ..wttchoa I n o p e r ~ t 1 v o l 6 m 1 c r o p h o n ~ button. broken.

    R ~ 2 1 . , .e. 1 wo1ght l os t In fl ight. SCR-69S1 1 Inop_ero.tive.

    -24-' ! . 2 .U l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    J .HAH



    Part I ... Delli)' Air Oppol1tlonPart II ... EM-y Ahthlrcrat t .nilAir_to-Air Boabll'\1;P u t I I I Damat8 A.....aent

    Section A ... T&J'S8t 613/1576Section B ... Tar,.t 2121Section C ... t ....,.t 1884

    Mi'l ieA' 19 103. 16&' 100 tp4 10010 M&, 19G

    -25 .


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    1. General I&.. A total ot S8 onelllf r i ~ h t e r a -.Me 57 a ~ C k . dur1rL the ..

    missions. The enellly t l ~ h t e r a d&JI4ged 5 8-2.91 11. O ld.. _u 3 d . a t J ' ~ d ,:3 probably mstroyod. and 10 dam3pd.

    b. The . n e ~ evidently hnel CIlIPle ear ly wuni l l l ; .lace ear lyB_29 tormatlonll nJ'e met pr io r 'to landt'o.ll. The uni t . at.l'lklllfj: OtakelIusto.1ned 53 attlLcka l1ncl those hl t t in& 'fokuYQ/ll,tl 25 . in u te . la te r re -ooived only 3.

    c. The OnDpy t ighter . made froquent us. of the aunt both torair-to_air bombing nnd for coordino.ted atto.oka.d. Favor! t i l l l.pproaohe" were frOlfl a.bove Mel frOlll tho t rontquarter.e. Only It of th e 57 o:tta.oks were proued to within 200 yardll.

    2. Direction and level of follows,

    26''-'-....L--.." 1''' 0


    -----"1__.I 0!iNOlie


    Direction and Level of Approa.ohot Enemy AireroJ't

    T o t ~ l Numberot Atto.cka





    .-rhis report is baud on evo.lU!l.ted infor ll lat ion avni lo.ble af te r tho cca..pUat ion of the Conaol1do.ted Sta t i s t i ca l SWlIIJlary."".- ----

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    3. Broakdown of'jEnemy Ai rer n f t


    4. p e t a i l s of CIQimal

    1fo Attn.ckl1.151153321


    0.. nestroY'dj 1 Tony by TG, 1 Zeka by TG. 1 Unidentifiedby RSG. Toto.ll 3,b. Probably pOltroyedl 1 Zeke by RSC. 1 Nick ~ TO. 1 Tonyby TO. Total : 3c. Qnmgclldj 1 ABC by N ~ , e , 1 ABC by RSG. 3 unidentif ied byHosll, 1 unidentif ied by RSG, 1 I r Y i ~ by ~ S Q , 1 Nick by RSG. 1

    by TG, 1 Tony by TO. Tot0.1: 10.5. lIiasion8 No. 163 gn4 164: All foraat ion, excopt 1 were inclose vilual contact from landfo.ll to lo.nd', end. Only 1 wo..

    susto.ined o.nd tha t o.ttnek woos made ~ o . i n s t tho t i r s t formation oyerthe t a . g e t . I n add it ion. aD e s t ~ t e d 7' enomY a i r c r ~ t were s i t h t e d .The s i ~ l e attack was a fly-tftrough ,out of tho sun and a breakaway la0. shcrp dive i n frDDt of the formo.tion. The o.ttackin@; Tony was rapor ...ted to have f i red 2O-1fIIll. projocti les .

    6. 1 " i o o No. 165:a. FoTty"' lx enemy f i g h t e r . ware e st imat ed to hllve ~ e e n en'"countered, wi th a t o t d of 53 , e p a r a h at t ,oks made. Of' t h u e , 403

    were on the f i r a t formation over the te.rget, 17 o c c u r j o i ~ ' i n 'thov i c i n i t y of the u,embly area, 22 a f t e r landfall (including I . P . ) ,3 in the target area, and 2 a f t e r bombs away.

    b. },lost of the eMIlY a i r c r a f t attacked s i ~ l y , but there,ome in sta nc e, o f Tonys and twin-engine f ighters a t t a c k i ~ i n po.i r,.ooet :-o.tto.cks eMe trom s i d . of the forllle.tion, o.fter which it p u l l e to.hoo.d, turned back IlCro,. tho formation, and then dropped the bOlllb.froo an approximate height of 1200 to 2000 t e e t above. Acouracy-a,poor, One aer ia l bOfllb. WllS ,een to h i t the ocean without explodiD&-

    H.QJ. !< l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    1. Enemy AlA Fire :a. Prlm,ry I , ree t ; TOKUYIDA N'vAl Fuel St.tiQQ;

    (1) th h t a r ~ e t was bombed by 51 Ale of the 73rd 'tf:lJ1lbetween 0Q52Z 0103Z t ros 14.900 - 20.000 fee t . The LXeS of attackfor dif ferent forllla.t1ons varied from 300 to 360 The weather in thet n r ~ e t ",rea was ~ o n e r a . l l y clear . and the wind a.t bombih a.ltitude . .sfrom 3000 a t 4S knots .

    (2) Heavy f lak wu reported as follows 1(a) In the orea. ot Kashima Shima andfl::Lk woos m e : l ~ e r a.nd iJUl.ccura.te and of the type.

    ~ nhi te b ur et s were o b s e r ~ 4 . moetly low.Clc: ino ShilllD..Both

    (b) NOll!", meo.ger und inneeuro.ta ba.rro.te wo.sencountered. BlaCk burst . were mostly low,(0) At th o I.P hea.vy flak conshted ot menterIna.ccura.te predicted concentration8. Black bur8ts wore c b s e r v e ~ .Soma i naccura. te ( low) mad1um AlA t i ro was reported.(d) In the tlU"get area, hoa.vy flo.k waS of ba.rra.@;8.

    predicted concentrat ion. and continaously pOin ted type moder.te anda.ccurate, Ships 1n the harbor f i red h ~ H l V Y , inQ.Ccura.te, continuoualypolntod f la k, r es ul tin g in bursts .

    w e r ~ rocked.


    (3) Five Ale receivod minor damage from f lak, and 5No. Ale were los t to fInk.(4,) Flak was aleo reported a.t the f o l l o w i ~ 10c.o.t1ons I

    (0.) At 3350N _ 132158 - from surface craf t .

    b. Primpry TAl,gtj TokuYnmR NAvQ1 COQl LiquefActioD andBr iquet te Factory:

    (1) Thh ta rge t f te bombed by 59 Ale of the 73r4 lUngb ~ t w e o n 0107Z - Ol20Z from 16,700 _ 21.080 Ct, The o.xe. of attackvllrlod from 21 0 to 47. The weo.thor over tho t a r ~ t was generallycleo.r. o.nd the wind o.t b o m b i ~ o.ltitude wo.. from 3000 o.t t5 Ienots.

    (2) FInk walll encountored III tollows:(A) At 01ta, a.ntialrol 'aft wt l . heavy. _o t e r , In ..

    a .ccura .t e, and continoudy pointed. BlaQIe bl.lrsts were low.(b) Over tho target . antia. i rcrnft WflS hoavy. flod_erate. inacouro.te, contJ,nou'ly pointed and ha.rrage. Bl.lrsts wereblo.cle, white. brown, yellow, green, red. arango, purple. and amber.(0) On w1thdro.w:a}.. in the nrea.. north of Yoah1mo.Shima. in Hiroshima Be.y, 12 or more .eSBols f ired heavy, floderate.

    accu[jlto. continously poi n ted flo.k. Bunts of a.ll colore were obll8ered.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    (d) Over lIatsuyama, heavy, mea,.er, inaccurate, pointed f ire wa' reported.

    (3) Seven Ale received minor t lnk de.maV from n. t l . k .No Ale ~ r lost to f lak.

    (_) Phosphorus bursts were reported OTet" the t a rV ' andover All were ineffect ive.c. Primary Tl l le t ; CtAke 011 RcfiDbry;

    (1) Thi. tflrr;et was bombed by 112 Ale of the 3Hth Winsbetween 0046Z Ol14Z from 1_,620 _ 19,100 f t . I t wa. al.o bombed by2 Ale of the 73rd Wing Mod by 2 Ale of the 58th \fin!: tbo.t had joined.314th Win& formations. ~ of were from 750 to 65. Th8lPe:::.:thar over the t a r ~ t waa clear for n moderate bnte, nnd thewind o.t bombin!: ti l t1 tude was from 268 a t _3 knot

    (2) Flok 'WS eneountcsrd n ' fo110\1s:(n) At Oito..A/P', o.ntio.irol"Qf't WIle h'o.Ty, . e ~ r . :::lndino.ccuro.te.(b) At Saki (33&lN - 13135E) o.ntio.ireroft wa.heo.vy, menr;,r. o.nd ino.ccuro.te.(e) At Bofu, o.ntio.1rcro.ft WIlli hei lVY, me"'r;,r to

    modero.te. o.nd r ;enernl ly 1nnccurnte. 000 Ale 'ftnll hi t .(d) At Tekuya.mnl a n t i o . l r c r ~ t Wile heavy, modero.te,

    a.nd 1nnccuro.te.(e ) At the t[lfget, o.ntic.ircroJ't was heavy, Ilodernte,

    o.nd Innccurc.te.( t ) On wlthdro.wnl. from naval ...8 . ' l s10. tho InlMd Sea was heavy, intenso. and Qccur'\tA barrc.r;o. BUl'lltll'II'I3ro of mo.ny colors 1n ndd1tlon to and white. Except 0. . notedabove, all fh lc\l;e ft. ,ullta.1ned here.(g ) North of Matsuyama West AlP on Shikoku n new

    hoavy AlA in.ta. llat1on o.l0f\l> the Was reported. Hdnvy, m e ~ ' r .o.nd innccure.te f ire was enoountered frCIII 6 to 10 gun'.(3) No ~ were lost to fInk.'Six of the.e were class i f ied ::I.S major A to ta l of 23 ft. dD.lll8.r; tho W1n,. FInk Offic . , . .

    d. Prim. ry Tarest ! 0 Shima NAVal 011 StgrBJol(1) Thl. target was bombed by 60 Ale or tho 58th Winr;

    between 01S0Z .150Z from 16,650 16. '00 feet , I t was 01'0 bombed by3 J./e of tho 314th W'lnr;.(2) In the te.rr;et aren, f lak WD.. ~ p o r t e 4 u heavy,meager, and r;oneraUy inaccurate.(3) FInk was aho reported a t the follo.1ftr; looatioQ.'1

    (a) One mile west of antiCL1rorllft wa.honvy, meager, and inaecuro.te.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    nntio.1rcraft was (b) At Kan.hoshi ( on th e west..l!I1dehea.vy. nlee.r;er, and inaccura.te.of ShSJcok",)

    (c) ' \ n t l a 1 r c r ~ t from nllvnl "uob wa. encountered.o.t 3320N 13203.( t ) No Ale were los t . but. ;Je sustained minor flakdo.mnge.(5) A few inef fect l vo phosphorus burs t . were ob .oned .

    2. Air-to-Air Bo;'olPI and RockeD;0.. Two rock eta hnving 0. white wuko wore obserYCd. but were

    not .con to strike nny ;./e n t a ShimA.b. One erewmllft on the a Shlmn mi lon reported . e e l ~ 0.

    s i lver strenmer tho .t looked l ike :J. wire sereon f l o Q t l ~ down between2 Ale of tho fOl"lDa.tlon.c. Soo Annex D. Part It f or ndd lt lonn l InfOtmntlon.

    "f turns Evq,dye ; ' C t i o p l Yost Ale employed 8v:..dvo IlCtlon conal . t lnsnnd ehnnges 1n o.ltltude. especlsl ly while over Hiro,hi. . Bo.y.

    J i .H l l l i I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    Q Q .lll:.l Q!i 1! 111LLPoRT I I I _ SroI'ION A _ D.i1i,.GE riSSESSHENT PRORl'


    1. SumID"Xy;n. This report ~ S 6 0 S 8 G 8 d ~ r ~ to T ~ r g o t 673/674 roaul t ingfrom XXI Bomber Comcnn4 Missions 163 nnd 164 of 10 Way 1945.b. Tho Tokuyuma Naval Fueling S t ~ t l o n 1s now inactive sincenpproximntely SO per cent of t h total root area ~ destroyed or dnD:l.ged. npproxllDtl.tely 32 per cent or the by-products tnnka waa destroy

    ed or damnged nnd 0.11 aude a l l to.nk:s were destroyed.c. .Acong the important units dostroyed or dll.l!lo.ged in theo il t a rge t wero:

    (1) E x p e r i ~ n t a l laboretories. 100 per cent destroyed.(2) Crncking and o il t es ti ng un it s. 73 per cent destroyed.(3) Hydrogenation units , 69 per cent d e s t ~ o y e d .(4) Refining unit , 100 per cent destroyed.(5) Refining unit , 47 per cent dostroyed.(6) Refining unit, 14 per cent destroyed.(7) Oil wnsh!ng, londing and mixing unit, 100 per cent

    dostroyed.d. The assessment of damage in the oil target was limited

    by 2 factors: f i r s t , the SCale of phoU.8, whieh is unauitablo "torassossment of damage to cracking columns, disti l l ing units, and pipe.lines; second, the lack of a cOQPlete, accurate, funct ional layeut ofthe plo.nt.

    e . As o.n 011 target , there wns no line of demarcation b e t'-eon Tcrgets 673 nnd 674. Photos confi rm 0. POW report ( r e f e r e ~~ which states tho.t 0. h ~ d r o g G n o . t i o n plant replaced the naval co0.1ynrd nnd briquet1:e fnctory.Roferenoes!

    A. Objective Folder 90.32, 1roo., Japan, 1 July 1944B. Tokuynma No.vo.1 Station, OF_IS_FE 31-44., .hugust 1944C. Photo Industrial Study No.2, The Petroleum Industry, Ac/AS,and OW of Naval Intelligence, July 1944.

    Annotated llnd attached:Fre-strike enlo.rgement from 3PR511 188 _ 3RI392. IUm! !Qtion of 0AmAie:Unit Roof h r e ~In l ip. ft.

    DamM;e in SpuatO FeatSUPEBFIC4LDestroyed Structural Guit,4 MinorTesting and Exper.ioent.1 Laboratorles . (Ref.A)

    '.b .o.d.


    3 tanks15.8001,0002,0002 tanks 1 Tank

    -XXI B.C., C.I .U. DIA Report No. 73


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    Unit In Sq. F t. Deltroye4 Structural Gutted Il1nOI'2. oli Loo.;Ung &mx;in< Plant (Rot A).; 7;500 3;750 3,750b; 1,200 1,200c. 3_ 2_S. Oil 1I'1l Ihli'lg p!Aiit(Ret 4) .; 1.500 1.600b; 15 011 tank8 11 tanks 1 tankc. S t1nllhed011 taDb .- 3_4. Refinery-asphalt(Ret A) . ; 3;001 3;001b; 4;800 2._ 2;400c. 2,500 2.500d; 3;500 3,500c; 3,500 3.500t . 36 tanks 17_5. T r ~ l e ToppIng

    4: Refining Plant(Ret A) Q . 2;100 1;100b; ',200 1,700c; 2;100d; 3,100c. 500t; 2,001 2.000g. 1,'500b; 6001; 900j . 32. ta""" 2_ 6_6. Craoking 4: Oil ,Testing Plant(Ret A) 18;000 18,000b! 18'000 16;000.c. 5;000 5,000d; 2;100 2;100c; 1,550' 1,560t . 11 tM b 1 tank o t.tn1sI1. FOlter RefiningPlant ( R e p o r ~ e d )

    Ret A) " '900 90"b; 1;500 1.500c. 1,200 1,200d; 2;010 2.000e. 1;810t; 2;800g. ;800h; 6;0001; 1;200OJ; 5,600 (R.e=oved); 1,1001. 8;000 8,800""

    8i8eO 6.600n; 1;000e, 3,200 3,200p. 5.000 5.000'"


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    Unita.Cracking, aDd oil

    t e l l t i n ~ unit(Ret B) a.b.d.". C r a c k ~ anaoil testint unit(R.t B) . ;b.d;"

    Root Area'In Sq. Ft.


    15,6009,2009002. BOO10 tankll


    DAlIAGE IN SQUARE FEETSUPERFICIALDestroyed Structural C utted ilil'lor



    1,6009,9003,000 6,5000,6001,5001:5,2001,200800

    1 taJllt


    4.200 12,200. 8,0002.400

    11. Hydrogenationand Catalys t Plant(R.t B) b;o.d;".t h;i.j;k;1.lZ. Steam Power PlinG-,(Ret B) a.b;"




    9007,0007,50023,4001l;2005 ~ 6 o o.8:>06,8004,500



    4 tonk.18; 10 02,4002,000

    16;4008.000'.8002.4001;6001,2003 ,600l lfanke


    2 ~ O O O- .800






  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    Destroyed Structural GUtted klnorDAKAGE IR SQIWlE FEETstJPkRPfcW:

    2,0001,600500 2,000






    8 tank,ten'"













    13 "tanks

    in sq. f t .Roof ares.


    19. Offioes(Ret A) a.b.c;

    d.e.f .

    e .21. Unidentified

    20 . Unidentifiede.b c .d.e .f .

    22 . Crudo Oil TankYard (Ref MB)

    Unit1a. Transportation&warehouse facl1.i t l . . . a.b.c.d.e.f .g.h .1.j .k.1 .m.n.c.p.q.r .e.t .u.v.w.x..

    Total Root Area, 1,139,600 sqaare tee t .T o t ~ l Rod'Damager 558,000 feet.Percent of Roof Area dwmaed cr destroyed I 49.6

    52,400192,150 28555,160 73 13139,600 237 1049.6 Sl,6 100CONFIDENTIAL

    STATISTICAL SaYMARY ofD!Ul' from Current Strike IDestroyedStructuralSuperficial1, Gutted

    2. KinorTotal DamageO r i ~ l n a 1 roof ar6a ~ d / b rnumbe'r of tonks.Percant of tota l damage

    squar" feotof roof,2S7,350BO.600

    DAMAGEHo. ofby_product434

    tanke Ho. crUlle 011storage i:8.DIr::.68

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr





    MAY 1945C.I.U.-XXI 80M. COM



    G) 0;. - 'L : a::::::::: IIr C 181 "i"ill] ~ C I ~ I O ~

    :HIJd I , x- - ~ ~iTI1 k .;::;

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    1. SummarY'a. Tho XXl Bomber Command Strike of 10 Way 1945 (Mission165) lof t damage ~ 1 distributed over Tar&ot 2121', plant area.

    Refining unit a r eu and f in ished-product atot'llgo areas receivedthe most visible damage. Approximately 45 per cent of the plan tinstallat ions were destroyed.

    b. Assessment of damage 'II'a.5 l imited because only U coverage was available and a plant ana lysi s was not available.damage ind iCated In this report is a minimum estimate.


    c. The plant Is probably out of operation.d. liQIgl The ' hU s t l e d aWlllD.ary of damar below is buedon tho number of b u i l d l ~ 8 and structures d a m ~ e d and not on Stnt i s t i ca l SummarY of Damage I



    t Approx 111 .Approx 6

    40 Approx20 Approx15 Approx

    Per oentDMBled

    372 Approx10 Aflprox10 Approx

    Per centGuttod

    121 Approx30 Approx20 Approx

    Per centDestroyed

    Area. A - (Crude 011 Storage)Area. 8 _ (Ref in ing Uni ts )ArGa. C (Refining Units).Arell. D . . (Refining Units)Areo. E - (Administration.

    ServiCing. RD.i! &Wo.ter Shipping) 10 Approx 3 ApproxAroa F - (Central Power P1o.nt) 5 (Aux!lio.rykroo. 0 (Products bldg. )Wo.tor ShippiniS) __ ~ 1 ~ 5 W c l ~ n ~ p x r ~ n " x _ ~ 2 0 ! l Q . ~ " l I l I l P ~ [ ~ P " " . . . . J S : w.." " p ~ [ ~ n ~ x _ ~ t 0 2 . . .__ TOT;.L PLi.NT FJJJILITIES .. 20 4pprox 10 Approx 15 Approx45% of plant d o l t t r o y e d / d ~ l l g e d3. I tomiut1on or DQIIlag9(See follOWing page).xn B.C C.I.U. Of!.. .Report No. H .

    -37 ..

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    )of d:PW-'r Root a.rea Destroyed ~ " ' r u c 1 ; u r o . J . ~ v . E R F I C L U . Total Pereent of roof Funotion of buUalncl oallDon'tGutted MinorArea A1. Diam _ 125' 100% Tank

    2. " " 100% "3. " " 100% " " " 100% "Area B1. 100% Bldg,. refining2. 100% " "3. 100% " " 100% " "5 . 100% " "6. Ohm - 10' ea 100% t ank. 7. 100% '. " "8. 100% " ", re a1. 100% Bldg., rt:fining2. 100% , ,3. 100% , , 100% " "5. 100% , ,6. 100% " "7. 100% , ,8. 100% " "9. 100% " ,to . 100% , " "11 . 100% 3 smal l bldg., refining12. 100% Bldg refining13. 100% , "14. 10Cl)l Bldg., refining15. 100% " ,:6. 10Cl)l " "11. 100% " "18, Diam - 85 ' 100% Gasometer100% . 4 scalI bldgs. refin1n19 .20. 100% 100% Bldg, refining, power :)1" h e a t ~21. Bldg. "_. -


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    CONFIDENTIALPERCENT OF DAMAGESUPERFICIALIUlnbc Roof Area Destroved Struotural Gutted Minor Tdt"l l'ereent of roof Functiofi of buildinll'" eODmlcnt22 ''''''' 2 b ldg s. r ef in ing23 Die.m _ 25' 100% ronk21 lOO'}l Bldg refining25 Dlo.m _ 60 ' lOO'}l Tonk2. " " 100% "27 " " lOO'}l "2. " " 10or. "29 " 25 ' lOO'}l "30 lOO'}l Bldg... r e f i n i r ~31 lOO'}l 2 b:l:.dgs "32 10Clil 3 bldgs. ; !'33 lOO'}l 2 bldgs. , "31 100% Bldg., "35 25% 75% 2 bldgs... " 3. lOO'}l Bl"l; ""! 37 lOO'}l 3 bldgs "38 lOO'}l 2 bldgs "gM lOO'}l Bldg ", 40 lOO'}l 2 bldga "11 100% Bldg "12 10or. " "43 Dlam _ lOr 100% 4 tonk. ",

    11 Dinm - 4-35 11_25' 100% 5 tanks45 10Clil 2 Bidge "46 10Clil Bldg "47 100% " "4. lOO'}l " "100% " "9 ,.' \ ~ T lOO'}l Bldg., rofining100% , ", 3 lOO'}l " "lOO'}l " .'


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    Percent of d G m A ~ oSUPERF'ICL\Lllo. Roof Aroll. Dostroyed &: Gutted l:linor Total Poroont Function of build1nga oOllf:lontStruotural of root

    5 a ; ~ 5ay, DL Il (; rel-:IUng1001- ' ,7 100% " "6 100% , " 1001- " "10 1001- 5 small bldgs , ref in ing11 1001- Bldg, refining12 100% . " "13 100% Lorge bldg, refining14 Dio.m _ 25' 100% 3 tank .15 " - 85 ' 100% Gasometer16 50% 50% Bldg, refining . .17 Dio.m - 70 I 1001- Gnsomctor16 " " 1001- Gasometer,. , " 100% "20 " 60 ' 1001- ,21 " 30 ' 100% Tank22 " 60 ' 1001- Gnscmctol'"23 100% Bldg, refining2. Dinm - 20' ea 100% Tank25 " 60 ' 1001- Gnscmetor26 lo@ 3 BIdge., refining27 100% 2. Bldgs., tl26 100% Bldg, refining2. 100% , "30 100% 2 Bldg., r o r i n i ~31 100% 2 " "32 1001- 8 smal l bldGs., refining33 1001- Bldg., refining. furnnoe3. 1001- " " ,35 1001- Bldg., refining36 1001- " "37 Di'J.m - 35' 1001- Tank


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    ,t of dC'.oont'd.

    P ... ' " 'VB 10011:0- SUPEHIt' CIALr Aroo. Dostroyed Gutted lUnor TottLl Function of buildingJ commGntStructuro.l of roo!'

    '00% ,00% tHdg., refining, ,5 _ 25 ' ,00% 10 tnnkB5 - 15 ''5 ' '00% ., ,00% Bldg.25' '00% 01 tN1k:a. (poss ible re fin ing),00% Bldg., refining

    100% . ,'00% 2 b l d e : ~ l o . "'5 ' 50% 50% S tMk ''00% Bldg. , r of in ing'00% 2 bldgs, r o f i n i n ~100%- Bldg. '00% " ,100% " "'5 ' 100% :. tanks20' 50% 50% 2 ,SO' ,00% 2 ,SO' '00% 2- ,'0 ' loot. 5 "35' ,00% 2 ,25 ' ,00% S ",00% BIdS., raNnincloot. " .

    ,00% B l d ~ . , sorviee100% " .100% " ,70% 30% 2 bldgs, ",00% Bldg. , ,,00% " "'00% " ,.10

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr






    P ~ r c c n t or d a r n a ~ oDestroyed & SUPERFICI.AL Percent- Function of buildiD; commantNo. Roof }.rea Structur-l uttcd Ulnor Total of roof10 , 100)1 Bldg sorvice100% " ",

    1. ,00% Main powGr plant bldg.2. 100% ':1: power plant ll'ervice bldgs.-3. 10all 2 " " " " -lUtEl'. G" 100% Bldg. Storage or shop2. 10cr,( II I I" n4. l()()'f: " " " "5. 100% " " " "6, 100% " " " "7. 100% " " " "8, 10etfo " " " "9, 100ft " " " "10 , Dio.m - 70' locr,( T_n , Diam - 70 1 1'/% 73% 6 tanks'2 , 100% Bldg. _ Storago or shop13 , 100% " n n i l14 . 10cr,( " " " "15 . locr,( " . " " "16 , 100% " " " "17 , 100'f0 " " " "18 . 100% " " " 19 , 10cr,( " " " "0. 100% " " " "21 . 100% " " " "2 2 100% " " " ".23; 50% 5cr,( " " " ".



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    ' - ~ . _ -

    ..a:_0 ...JN I a: 0 O u: i I -t'lz 0 z0 ....0> 2 W'" . - 0,0 x

    f- z x -u..W'" " Z\ ! )< 0a : 0 u~ 0

    0...> 00 0 ...

    )- ...~ W '"...

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    .... "" -.. ..0-0- ....

    0-.. ....

    ".----J--------, r - " - - - - ,

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    C.I.U. XXI 80N.COM.

    0 INT.@ PAlIl@ D"M'-- RE,--+ DES

    CA . . '- DES

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    i . l iJllJI

    I 'M1M' h e 101. 10+. 100. ep4 10010 . . . . ' ...

    _.J I l l l l I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    FORM 34MISSION NO. 163 - 166

    10 May 1945Mission 163 - 73rd l Ii ng - Primary Target - TokuyaJIB. Naval Fuel StationMission 164 - 73rd i 'l ing - Primary Target - Tokuyama. Navsl Coal Yards &: Briquet te FactoryMission 165 - 314th \ling Primary Target - Cte. ke Oil RefineryMission 166 _ 58th l11ng - Primary Target - Oshima Naval 011 Storage

    EP'J'ECTI"(WES or MISSlom COST OF MlSSIOl'lS~ c r a f t kirborDa . Percent of Aircraft On H,!,nd 346 . . 69.9% J.1rcreft lost _ iPercent o r Aircraft A i r b o r n Q ~ 1 . . . 3 A1rcraft Bootling Frlt1Jlry Target ... 302Percent Of BOIllbing Aircraft .\1rborne 88.o:r ro' .. ll.P:&:Aircraf t Bombing other Target8 ..... 21

    4ircraft Damaged _ y Percent Of .Aircraft Jo.irborne.

    ~ ? e w Member Casuolties .......Percent Of Total Participating

    419..' . . .2%Bomba Dropped On Pri:m3.ry Targets. . . . . . 1437 Tone

    Bomba Dropped On Other Targets. ~ 104 rODeBombing Results - Unknown t o exce l le n t.


    ld rcrof t Lending J.t Iwo J 'ima. . . . . 4 24


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    t:lSSlC1'1 163 - 166OA.'I'E 10 May 1945

    ' 1 f E ~ !.

    A/e 'J'lMi: c:: r,..i-;- C :l T:I1tI1:: OF kl::i'llrlN A/C A/e A/C A/e Tour..../e . /e A/e ING Tour.UNIT '" u . L . , l , ~ F"n.:n:C " ' l l ~ ECJv1:lmG B O ~ I N G ":BING, ~ T Y P E J./C A/C1....:.1.1 ;1.-"' rc . i'Jt:._ Ii......" r 1(;..; l..nSf LJA'1'Z HltSf us r mJlWlY SECCNDARY O'J'HER fUSsIO'" unGTIVE N"'.fA1..:. on T/.hGt.T TJ.RGET TARCETS E>ncTIVEM sion # 1 6 ~

    73YIG 9, 60 1 bOb , ..y 1550 Z 1647 Z 10 May 0642 Z 0806 Z 54 2 - 56 41 !; 1 - 1 1 -!.4 _ ~ . ~ o n /}164

    73WG 97 66 3 63 1620 Z 1656 Z 06"5 Z 0613 Z 56 - 1 - 57 61 1 .. 1 1 .M sion /11614M 1B5 132 11 ],32.2- 1530 Z 1606 Z 0656 Z 08,4 Z 112 - 14 . 126 62 2 . - 2 2 -

    M sslon iJl66 .[sa OG 122 8ll 2 88 d 16rY1 Z 17,6 Z 0700 Z 0920 Z 80 4 - 84 41 1 .. 1 1 -_-----rw'L '9d 351 17 348 9 May 1530 Z 17,6 Z 10 May 0642 Z 0920 Z 302 21 5 328 20

    Super dWlilo aircre. f t .Includes 1 spnre a i rc raf t ..=. Includes 11 spare aircraf t .d Includes 2 spere aircre.ft.

    NJI'EL XXI BC F i el d o rder No . 73 called fo r 6 squadr

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    ~ , i ; . J < l l " I


    'lECK1.Nlc.lL FAIWRE PrnSONNEL ERROR FLIGHT CONDITIONS EJmlT ACTIctI O'nfERUNIT Non- Banbed Bcmbed Non- """'"" Bombed Non- Bombed Banbed Non- Bombed ECIlIbed Non- v l ~ 8 o m b l ! d . EombedEl'tectiTe Secondary Other EffectiTOse._.,., Other ktree 'UT9 econdary Other grrecUv Secondary Other t'1'l'ect1v eondary Other

    Mise! n #16373 ' J - - 1 - 1 !! - . - - - - - . 1

    Miss! n #16473 4 - 1 2 - - .. - - - - . - - - I

    Missi n 11165314 W( 6 - 1 - - 2!! - . 11 - - - - - ., Mias! n #16658 W( 3 - 2 1J! - 2!! - - . - - - - - -Tar,ll 16 - 4 4 - 5 . - 11 - - - - - 1

    Maintenance personnel error b Air crew personnel error . 1 aircraf t ere\1' personnel end 1 aircraf t msintenaDce personnel error .



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    2 . ~ ~ ~ 1~ : I ~ s ! O : r 163 - 166

    10 I.s.y 1945tlOH3Il,G R t: :1 DATE.

    TARGET BOI1lD T I ~ : . : . or .-..?.l2AS! ALT" OF a::t:::;,.SE: T.....G::';' V! SIEI.E TARG!7 ::o'!' ~ I S I S I . EAIRCRAFT VIS:.JAL JW)l.;l. ?:.r.{ D i \ ~ P P : "G V:5. SI:iHTJ:1i D;.".;.D DROP?I:-CUlIlT DROPPIiiG P.AD"J1.lWl OF TARG!:T TYPE :::A.1:G..EST LATE51' L::J;i:::5'!' i : I G : ~ S l ' 5 ! : J . H ' i ' I ~ : G ' /::E VIS-:...L ~ . c: F . . : : : " ' ~ ' ; E in:;: ?'::CA_ 0:13lY.:aS ONLY C ( , : , ! \ ? ~ : : O ~ " ~ :.E..w,_?, :.?_ 0;.":'5'::'.:' PT" 0:'1::':; L2.AD:::iI.Mission ' 1 6 '

    73 we Tokuye.m:l. Naval Fuel Statio P 51 0052 Z 0103 z 14900 20000 3 - 26 3 - 19Toltuyaue. Naval Coal Yard P 3 0119 Z 0120 Z 20370 20400 - - 3 - - - -J.nd Briquette FactoryIwkuoi TO 1;0, 0105 z - 18690 - - - 1 . - - -O;ake Oil Refinery TO 1;0, 0119 z - 18500 - - - 1 - - - -

    Mission 'J10 1'73 Ii ( Toku,ywra Naval Coa l Yard P 56 0107 z 0120 Z 18700 21080 6 - 50 - - - -l..nd :ar iquette FactoryChichi Jm TO 1 0101 Z - 11800 - 1 - - - - - -Coastal Torm TO Ig 013C " - 20000 - . - - - 1 - ,,16'ission14 ;/0 Otake 011 Retinery P 112 0046 Z 0114 Z 14620 19700 12 - 100 - - - -Tokuywra TO 7" 0105 z 0109 z 18000 19000 - 7 - - - -Oahillll Naval Oi l Storage TV 3 0107 Z 011l Z 17000 10000 - - 3 - - - -S:l.inmzo TO 1 0059 2i - 18000 . 1 - - - - - -&eki ":"irfield TO 1 00]4 Z - 17500 - 1 - - - - -u.. '1m> TO 1 0000 Z - 15500 - 1 - - - - -B:>tu Mrfie ld TO 1 0107 z - 17000 - 1 - . - - - -llissi:m '166sa"" Oahina Naval Oi l StoraGe 80 0105 z 0150 z 16850 18700 11 - 69 - - - -ukuroo ~ p l o . n e B a ~ e TO 1 0103 z - 18400 - 1 - - - - -tnke OU Refinery TO 2;0, 0100 Z 0104 z 17400 18700 - - 2 - - - -

    hi p a t J2-5 '1ll. IJ2-5BE TO 1 - - - . 1 - - - - ,P:'iJmry Targets 502 32 2'46 1;3 - -!. n'(;a 3.L4th i ns f onmt ion on tU ss ien lb5 . !! JOm IU W l . ~ 1 1 : : . , : : . ~ n " ~ ~ 1 5 , 1 0 1\01. en on ,11 !!: . i.1rcratt alao bombed priJ:BrY target en d is included in tha t f i8ure .!. Bombed tTi th 314th Wing fcr lmt iO l l on MiSoion 16.5.. 3o.dDe4 with 73rd Win;; fOI'!ll!ltion on i-iissien 1 6 ~ . ..::. 2. !! f. !


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    D I ~ P O S I T I O ~ OF BOMBS " H J < . B ~ I M ~ l a . . " ' l 163 - 166


    NOBe '1'811 No Tons 10 ""ons ~ n "0 Tons "0 '.rona "'0 "'ons "0 I monsMiosion 116':1:

    I 73 'itG "'-1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr




    MISSION '63 - ]6 6DATE ) 0 May 1945,


    #16' To ," ,va fuel Sta tion73 "0 971 971 - 6cx - 271 46 - 917 61.8S 654S 89.7 % 95OS

    tJ164 Tokuvn 'Ill Nave Co&l Yards &: Br i uette Factory7J UG ,,,,6 1046 - 70 - 280 66 - 1046 66.9S 66.9S 93.7% 93.7S

    #16\ Oteke 11 Ref' srv14 IJG 2197 2197 Strike photos oboc eel by smoke.

    #166 O.ehiTlll: Neval 1 Store.ao58 ;;0 1533 1533 Strike photos obse od by smoke


    ! ! ~ ! !

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    10 ] 1..lQ MIlO' 19J+.









    Mis,ian { , I ~

    Mieiion t /



    EIIJII!EllDIIlllOfIAeelow. I IUN- L!Q!!!,.!Ie ! I i !Ie.. cUllS OTHER

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    .u. lJ. ll. I 1lISSI:il'r Ale ATTACj\SBY E/A TYPE CR DES- l'llOB. FD1ED IN =

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    llISSIore 1 6 .DATE 10 I!ol 191.5

    FLIGHT DA.TA AND FUEL CON5lJJPI'ION-- , -MISSION NWJ3ER :;163 !)l64 #165 #166------UNIT 73RD ;1I1\G 73RD tI m 314TH lJIm 58TH "lID' - - . -.\!RCRAFT COmlDERED '" 54 52 10 5 75AVa. FUIn; TIME 15117 14'58 16102 15119,Ave. DISTAmE FLOl.iN 2972 3081 2963 2928(!'eutieel A ir M il es )FUEL COmUJID,

    Average 6404 , 6644 6637 6428Maximum 6930 6885 7345 , 6950Iinimlm). 6130 6300 6261 6000

    FUEL 1m,uJNIOO 950 723 683 760_ imum 1210 1422 1377 1150Mlm- 470 394 95 450

    Ava. GMS. USED ?ER HOUR 419.1 443.8 414.3 419.6AVG. GJ.IS. WED PER MIlE 2.15 2 . 1 6 2.2q. 2 . 2 0

    . TOT.iU. USED ON IURBORNE .'./e 380261 , 398305 867709 564953 Ex::cludes super dumbo a i r c r a f t and a i r c r a f t landing a t Iwo lima.

    \lEIGH!' DATI.I NO. I.IRCRAFT 11.IR30RNE 60 63 132 a 88a'.va. BJ..sIC \,'1'. OF J.IRCRl.FI' 75601 75624 75555 74729

    ..VG. USEFUL L-OllD 60902 61494 62145 61540I.VG. NO. OF BWBS LD.'..DED Ie .2..u64(Tm 9.H'64(TNr) 19.8-1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    1.HJ l ! . I



    MiNioN Mg. lOS. 14, lAS. am 1M


    J l11Jl . l l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    XXI 90_ eCJlllAHDGOAIlUOOK 9 ..... 1945

    Ul1.!!UBy Aut.h or CO m Be


    a:nGENOO 1 . ~ 1 G 73e

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    FJElD ORO'" NW!ll']< '73 CON r =

    l4PI reference: XXI BOIll. Cot1 "Tokuyaftia ArM".!.[pI 059088 " ' t i l be scheduled to be bOillbed t irst .(4) Boch Iced: 500 ). b GP's b ed 1/10 nClle lIld 1/40 taU.(S) Route'

    Sa,.Wins Assembly Area Zone 13235N - 13300& (Rea"_17 Ar.,)3320300 - 13136& (Depart. . . . Folnt)334030N - 13lJ03OE (IF)TargetRigh t Tumlwo JimaBMa

    e. The 313th Wing attacks with 6 squadrons.(1) Primary ViUAl Target

    lliyazaki Airfield

    !(anoya A.irf ield

    FQtee Required1 Squadron

    1 Squadrm1nterseCtion or main_.Rea1nit8 ins tal l-ations md runways.

    2 Squadronssa 1irf ie ld 143l.24. Ret I L 1 t ~Iloaaic Target No,1m u,. AlP1 Squadron ( .) Center of .. in runwa,y Ref, Litho-llosa1olIet_,,_ A/F1 Squadron (b) 02JA7

    (2) BOIIlb Loadt 1000 and 2OC() pound GP'a fused w1th tn.t.antaneaue and vari0u9 delayed fusee.() Time Control, Strike t arge t p ri or to !()()9{XlC.(4) Avoid as"embly areaa d ottl!lr wings upon withdrawal.

    d. 314th Wing attaCQ with 12 squadrons.

    Firat group wi l l leave depa rt lf t point at 0 ftlalo.Primary vi!lual target: 90 . )0 - 2 l2 l (Faint er ).


    AXIS CF ATrA.CJt74 Degrees Tru.

    IORCZ RFJ:JJlR1Il12 lul l squ.&drona ai r -bo"'.

    Referencel xn Ba!Cc-. Litho4loea1c 1tOt.ak. Re1'inc'7".(4 ) Bomb Load' 500 Ib GP's luaed 1/100 no08 and. 1/100 taU.(S) Rout"

    Sa,.Wing Assembly Zone 13235N - 1)225E (Reaesemb17 Area)J,20JQN - lJ136E (Depanur'l! Po1nt)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    J l H u tFInD ORDEll NtlllB!R 73 CONTDlUPD

    33400 - 13130E3403N - 13136E (IP)TargetHight.- Turn11m JimaBase

    x. (1) llethod ot Attackl By squadrms & t t a e k ~ with 111n1n_ 1,nooterval between squadrons.(2) SecondD.ry visual and primm'y radar: 90.30 - 657' (Wtcket).

    lIP1: - 037055. Reference: XXI BQIlCOIll Li tho-oMosaic lureArea J Urban.(3) Altitude ofAttack: Base 15,000 feet. Ma.UDRVl! altitude18,000 foot .(4) D Day and D Hour is 101030K.

    4. Q:rltted.b. Csx:!.e Name M me" Visual !lipton Ho-

    (1 ) Anaphase DtShima Oil Storage 1.66(2) Indices Naval Fueling Station 163(3 ) Rotative Coal Yard am Briqutto 164Factcry(4 ) Fainter Ot.ake Oil Refinery 165(5 ) lIopieh Matsu,yama A.irfield 159(6 ) Checkbook Kanoya Air field 162(7 ) B10Jfzy Usa Airfield 160(S) Neckcloth Mlyezaki Airfield 161

    5. Conmunicationet11. xxI BomCOlll. SOl end SOP for reporte, contaot r6lport.s,and IFF prococ:!.\re. Strike report No. 1 will be wsed.

    u:w.yCCJl GIll nI 9:)11( C

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    J I U . t



    MielieA' 10- 103. 10' , 106 epA 10010" 19'5



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr



    Cony No.1 COQlID.nnding Genoral . Twent ie th .hir ForOG2 COllllllc.ndlng Gonora.l, XXI Bomber Commnnd3 Doputy COlDIlIC'.nder, Twentioth Air Force" Chiof of Std ' f , Twentioth 4f' Forco5 Chiof of S t ~ f , XII Boabar C o m a ~ n d6 Deputy CIs, Opns. XXI Bomber COIllll:lJ1d7 Deputy CIS. Sup !c Jr.I::l.lnt. nI Bombor C ~ n d8 AC of S. A_2. XII BombOr Ccauannd9. COIlmanding Genora.!. Army Air ForcoaATTN: AC/AS. Intelligence10 Commandor in Chief. Pac1tic Ocean Aroas CAd-v Hq)11 Commandor in Chiof. Pacifio OcOan Arou (Rear Bq)12 Chief of Naval Operations. OP_16_V13 Joint Intell igence Cantor. Pacif ic OCOan Aroas14, COlllllander Air Force. Pacif ic Fleet15 Commander, Third. Fleet16 CcxamandcT. Fif th Fleet17 Commandor. Pi r s t Carr ier task Porce16 COClmander, Yarianu:19 Commander in Chief. U,S. MJIIY Foreos, Pacif ic26 C c o . m a n d i n ~ General. U. S. Army Foroes. PacU'i c Ocean Arou21 COllllllanding Goneral, Alliod Air Forcos,

    Southwest Pacif ic Areas22 Commanding Gonoral, S o U t h W ~ 8 t Pacif ic Areas, ATIHl 0-2(For Section 22. RaM)23 C o a m a n d i ~ Gonoral. Far East Air ForcesU Command1n!, Denerd. U.S. S t r o . t e ~ i c Air Porces in Europe25 COllllllandin!, General. E iy ,.th Air Force26 CommaiuU.D.f; Gonora'!. Mediterranean Alliod Air Porco a27 Commanding General. Piftoonth Air Force2B - 29 Comml1ftding Genoral . Soven th Air Porco30 C O I M l o . n d i n ~ Gonenl . VII Bomber COilllJll;L11d31 .. 32 CO!M'landing COMnl. VII F 1 ~ h t o r Comma.nd33 COlllJllo.ndlng Gonord. Elovonth Air Force34 COllllllandlng Gonerlll. XX Bomber Command35 Comlllandlii:g Genero.l, 38th Flying Tro.1ning 'Iil\C:56 CommGnd Hq. Allied Air Forcoa. Southwoat PGeUit Areu.,AtIHI Senior Intelll!,onco Oft i ter R . ~ . A . ' .37 C O I ! ' m M d l ~ GoneI'd. 56tb BOllbo.rdm3nt Ying38 CCialltIQftding Gonerc.l. 73rd Bombardment 1rln&:59 COlll4landing GonercU, 313th Bombnrdcont WiDE;40 COlIUllondlng General. 314 tb BOCllbo.rc!mont .il1&41 COIllJl\(l.nding Q ~ J n o r a l . 3I5th BOlabnrdmont t"inr;42 Commo.ndiD& O!'ficer, 3rd Photo Rocon Squadron013 COllllllll.Dding Offioer, 4lat P h o t o ~ Rooon Squadron>14 COIIUllnnd i Offioor, 3:3rd Sto. thtioal Con trol Uni t45 Chomicul Warfaro Officer . XXI Bombor Command46 To.ctics and\ing Sootions. A ~ 3 . D I BOIIlber COlIlIIland41 Ordnanco Offll)Cr. D I Bomber ConD::md48 COClmunding Officer. XII Bombor Ccmm:u1d. Colllbllt Sta!1l&

    Contor (ProviaioDul)49 _ 50 Ris te r ieu! Off icer . :xxI Bomber COllllll:1.Dd51 60 C o m t l o . n d i n ~ Oonoro..l.. J..rllY Air Forces,ATTN I ;'C/J..S I n t e l l 1 ~ n e o . Collect ion Dirte lon

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 163, Ocr


    Copy No.81 Commanding General, Army Air For ce s l'o.ciic OcelUl Areu,

    .ATTN: AAF Evo.lua.tion Boa.rd62 Commanding Oon$ro.l. ;"rmy Air ForcllS Pa.c1fic Ocean J . r e ~ATTBI Director of CommunicntionsFori Countor Uoa.sures Air bna.lysia Center63 CotIllo.nding Officer. 6 th Bomb Group (VH)84 COIDlll.:u\ding Officer . 9th Banb Group (VE)

    85 Gommtl.ndinl5 Officer. 16th Bomb Group (VB)86 Commanding Officer . 19th Bomb Group (VR)67 Commo.nding Ot'ficer. 29th BOlIlb Grolotp (VH)66 Commanding Oft1cer. 39th Bomb Group ('VB)89 ComllUl.nding Officer . 40th Bomb Group (VH)90 Comma.nding orf icar . 330th Bomb Group (VH)91 Conuno.nding Orticer, 3318t Bomb Group (VH)92 Offioer, 444th Bomb Group (VB)93 Commanding DUicer , 462nd Bomb Group (VH)94 Commandin,g Orfioor, 468th Bomb Group (VH)9S Commanding Offioer. 497th Bomb Group (VH)96 Commo.nding 0rf icer , 498th Bomb Group (VH)97 Commo.nding Orficer, 499th Bomb Group (VB)98 COIMlo.nding Orticer . SOOth Bomb Group (VH)99 CommClIlding Oft1cer. SOlst Bomb Group (VR:)

    100 COlft.IIl:mding Officer. 50and Bomb Group (va)101 Coclllo.nding orr icor , S04th Bomb Group (VB)102 COI:lOCLndlllg Offioer. 5C'5th Bomb (]tcup (VH)103 C O l D D I a . n d i ~ Officer, 509th Composite Group104 COCLlllnnding Officer. 655th BOIllb Squadron (H) (lIl)lOS Co:utm.ndinl5 Off1cor, T'wentieth Alr Porco Leo.d erew SChool106 Comma.ndlng Officor. 15th Fighter Group107 Comma.nding Officer, 21st Fighter Group108 Officer, 506th Fighter Group109 Reporting Unit, 1..-2, XXI Bomber C o , ~ m : : l l ' l d (Filo Copy)no _ l lSReport ing Unit , 1;,-2, XXI Bomber Comm:md

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