Page 1: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production


MAGAzIne OVeRVIeW: Known as the voice of the electric utility industry since 1922, Electric Light & Power is the authoritative source of electric industry business news for electric utility executives and management.

Six times a year, Electric Light & Power provides insight into industry news, financial, legal and regulatory issues. It reviews generation trends, smart grid technology, information technology and customer information systems, renewable energy, energy efficiency and much more.

This single source provides a broad view of the electric utility industry, with in-depth analysis of key business issues and interviews with industry leaders.

job FunCtIOn1

SubSCRIbeRS by buSIneSS And InduStRy1

puRCHASInG InFluenCe

is distributed to

qualified subscribers per issue1…

53.1%Electric Utilities & Gas Utilities

16.1% Consulting / Engineering Firms

11.1% Power Marketers / Aggregators / Energy Service Providers

8.3% Constructor / Construction Companies

5% Architectural / Engineering Firms

4.4%Independent Power Producers

2%State or Federal Agency or Commission



67% 24%

67%of our readers believe online or print advertising, or both in this magazine makes them more aware of a company and its products/services.2


1. June 2014 BPA Brand Report.

2. The information provided is derived from a third party deployment and implementation product (Qualitrics Public Report). Percentages reported have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

3. Includes executive, financial, administrative.

4. i.e. power system automation, controls, communication, hardware/software, metering, GIS, CIS, billing.

5. Includes investor-owned electric utility, municipal or other public electric utility/public

power, rural electric membership cooperative, investor-owned gas utility/local distribution company, gas producer/gather/transporter, federal power agency, system or project.

Of responding subscribers2…

Influence Purchases

Authorizes Purchases over $1million

General/Corporate Management3

Electric Grid Operations Management/Supervision and Others

Engineering Management/Supervision

IT Management/Operations4





of our readers have visited a company’s website after seeing an advertisement in the printed magazine.2


are more likely to click on an advertisement if they’ve previously seen the company in an industry magazine.78%

Page 2: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production


AdVeRtISInG deAdlIne

leAd FeAtuRedepARtMentS

bOnuS dIStRIbutIOn VAlue AddedFInAnCe GeneRAtIOn ReneWAbleS CuStOMeRS CuStOMeRS ee And dR

nOV/deC Ad Sales Close:


Ad Material Due: 11/25/14

Special Report: Operating performance Rankings

Utility of the Year

Risk management

nuclear power Update

On-site Generation Outage Restoration

Distribution Automation

Automated Demand Response

eL&P executive conference/ distributecH/utility Products expo., San Diego, CA

EL&p Executive Conference Show issue AdEffect™ measure Effectiveness

JAn/Feb Ad Sales Close:01/27/15

Ad Material Due: 02/03/15

CEOs of the Year

Building a Competitive work force

Gas-fired Development

Renewable Energy at Rural Utilities

Cybersecurity Grid Resiliency winter peak Demand Strategies

Homeland Security for networked industries, washington, D.C.

tech Advantage, Orlando, fL

Lead Advantage

MARCH/ApRIl Ad Sales Close:03/26/14

Ad Material Due: 04/02/15

EL&p Executive Conference wrap-up

Utility Success in a Low-Growth Environment

power plants and Regulations

wind power Customer Engagement

Grid Communications Technologies

Demand Response

cS week, Charlotte, nC

AweA windPower, Orlando, fL

utc expo, San francisco, CA

Power-gen europe/renewable energy world conf. and expo europe, Amsterdam, The netherlands

eei Annual conference, hollywood, fL

CS week Special Section

AdStudy® measures Recall, Readership and Exposure

MAy/June Ad Sales Close:05/27/15

Ad Material Due: 06/03/15

Environmental policies and Regulations

Disruptive Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

power plant maintenance

hydro power Social media physical Security for Grid infrastructure

Utility-sponsored Energy Efficiency programs

eSri, San Diego, CA

HydroviSion international, portland, OR

Lead Advantage

July/AuG Ad Sales Close:07/27/15

Ad Material Due: 08/03/15

Gas Supply and Electricity production

vegetation management

Gas-fired Turbines

Solar power Data in the Cloud

Smart Distribution

Smart Grid and EE

Power-gen natural gas, Columbus, Oh

Solar Power international, Anaheim, CA

Adimpact™ measures, Exposure, interest and Action Taken

Sept/OCt Ad Sales Close:


Ad Material Due: 10/02/15

Safety and Training

policy Update Coal-fired Generation

Grid Storage Technologies

Data Analytics high voltage Transmission

Demand Response and Generators

Lineman’s rodeo, Overland park, kS


Power-gen lnternational / nuclear Power international / renewable energy world north America, Las vegas, nv

Adprobe™ measures noticeability and information Content

nOV/deC Ad Sales Close:


Ad Material Due: 12/03/15

Special Report: Operating performance Rankings

Utility of the Year

Risk management: preparing for Uncertainty

nuclear power Update

Distributed Energy Resources

Outage Restoration

Distribution Automation

Demand Response Case Studies

2016 eL&P executive conference / distributecH / utility Products expo.

EL&p Executive Conference Show issue

AdEffect™ measure Effectiveness


yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

CONTACT INFORMATIONMonica HughesSales Manager phone: +1 918 831 9884fax: +1 918 831 9776e-mail: [email protected]

1X 3X 6X 9X 12X 18X 24X 36X 48X

Full-page Spread $19,896 $19,264 $18,929 $18,645 $18,304 $17,963 $16,905 $15,916 $14,951

Full Page $10,460 $10,118 $9,948 $9,806 $9,635 $9,436 $8,925 $8,356 $7,902

2/3 Page $7,930 $7,674 $7,533 $7,390 $7,276 $7,169 $6,708 $6,310 $5,969

1/2 Page Spread $12,772 $12,618 $12,515 $12,412 $12,309 $12,206 $11,948 $11,639 $11,382

1/2 Page $6,457 $6,253 $6,139 $6,025 $5,941 $5,827 $5,514 $5,174 $4,860

1/3 Page $4,746 $4,604 $4,519 $4,433 $4,354 $4,286 $4,036 $3,786 $2,433

1/4 Page $3,598 $3,490 $3,411 $3,376 $3,331 $3,263 $3,070 $2,900 $2,728

Distributed on the 15th of the issue month.

pRIORIty pOSItIOnSInside Front Cover Spread Inside Back Cover Spread Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover

Rate plus 15% Rate plus 10% Rate plus 20% Rate plus 15% Rate plus 10%

editorial SubmissionsElectric Light & Power welcomes interesting editorial material, story ideas, news briefs and other items. Use of editorial material is at the editor’s discretion. Electric Light & Power reserves the right to accept, refuse and edit all submitted material. All submitted materials become the property of PennWell Corporation.

Mail, fax or e-mail submissions to:kristen wright, Senior Editor 1421 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, OK 74112 phone: +1 918 831 9177 • fax: +1 918 831 9776 e-mail: [email protected]

Marketing Opportunities PennWell offers ways to get your marketing message out in creative forms that add value to your monthly ads.

Tip-in Inserts – Inserts attached inside the magazine with a thin line of removable glue

Tip-on Inserts – Inserts attached to the cover with a thin line of removable glue

Magna-stripped Inserts – Insert attached to a narrow strip of paper before binding

Polybag Inserts – Magazine is sealed in a plastic bag, inserts are placed in the bag and not attached to the magazine

Belly Bands – Paper strips that wrap around the middle section of the magazine; can be printed on front and back

Bound-in Inserts – Bound into the magazine just as a page of the magazine and is nonremovable

4-page Gatefold Insert – Folded insert bound into the magazine that can be opened, but not removed

For samples, size specifications and pricing contact your sales representative.

In every IssuemOnThLY COLUmnSThese contributed columns provide insight and opinions into utility customer care, risk management, legal issues, and regulatory and financial concerns from industry insiders.

mOnThLY fEATURESThese cutting-edge topics with extensive research and expert insight help decision-makers formulate strategic direction. Features include the annual operating performance rankings and the prestigious Utility of the Year award.

finAnCEThese articles examine the special requirements of power industry finance with an eye toward the development of trends that will affect long- term planning.

T&D OpERATiOnSThis section provides the latest news on smart grid incentives, programs, projects and technologies.

iT / CiS & CRmThis section examines technology solutions and tools utilities are adopting to decrease expenses, deliver improved customer-care and increase interaction with customers.

REnEwABLESThis section tracks renewable energy and distributed energy resources to help utilities as they work to comply with renewable portfolio standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations.

GEnERATiOnLooking at timely business issues related to the production of electricity, this section includes new trends and environmental regulations and in-depth examinations of traditional fuel sources.

EnERGY EffiCiEnCY AnD DEmAnD RESpOnSEThese articles follow the development and implementation of energy efficiency and demand response programs from T&D to end-user applications.

Page 3: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

2015 DI GITAl

HOMe pAGe Ad OppORtunItIeS dog eAr & PAge PeeL - $2,205

Exclusive interactive media ad position on the home page. The peel begins as a “dog ear” in the upper right-hand corner of the page and, on mouse-over, extends down and to the left. Position includes:

• Dog Ear: Logo displayed in upper-right corner• page peel: Expands to reveal sponsor’s site content• Page Peel Format: Banners must be a .gif (non-animated),.jpg or Flash

.swf format.

LeAderBoArd Home PAge PLuS - $1,840

(leaderboard and Anchor)

position: Top and bottom of home page; two available positions on rotation. One piece of creative to run in both positions. Dimensions: 728 x 90, 40K

rigHt rAiL Site SPonSor AdS - $1,140 - $1,390

position: Right Column, Top & Middle of Page

• Site Sponsor 1: 300 x 250, 40K, - $1,390• Site Sponsor 2: 300 x 250, 40K, - $1,270• Site Sponsor 3: 300 x 250, 40K, - $1,155• Site Sponsor 4: 300 x 250, 40K, - $1,040• Skyscraper 1: 300 x 600, 40K, - $1,445• Skyscraper 2: 300 x 600, 40K, - $1,155Format: Banners must be a .gif (animated or static),.jpg, Flash .swf format, or third party vendor tags. Available sizes comply with IAB standards.

weLcome Ad - $2,890

• Ad Dimensions: 800 x 600• max file size: 100k• Animation: 3 loops max, animation must stop after 15 seconds • format: .gif, .jpg, FlashReceive High Visibility with the Welcome Ad

The Welcome Ad is a high-impact ad unit offering ultimate brand visibility for a major announcement or introduction. One of the largest rich media ad units available, the Welcome Ad is seen by home page visitors once every 24 hours and is exclusive to one advertiser per month.

*Third party performance reports are available on a monthly basis.

Dog Ear

SiTE 1

SiTE 2

SiTE 3

SiTE 4

SkY 1

SkY 2





DIGITAl COnSuMptIOn SnApSHOtKnown as the voice of the electric utility industry since 1922, Electric Light & Power is expanding on its history of providing quality media products. We continually strive and adapt to exceed the needs of consumers and advertisers. Electric Light & Power not only embraces the digital age – we lead the charge.

Electric Light & Power is constantly evolving in how it provides content and interacts with its growing audience. Digital channels help companies disseminate information to large audiences rapidly and cost-effectively. We keep a pulse on media consumption rates and habits, including the ever-increasing use digital products, video and social media channels.

SOURCES: Information and statistics gathered through internal sources, social media sites and / or third-party deployment and implementation products. Webcast information derived from a third party deployment and implementation product (Qualtriccs Public Report).






12 MOntH AVeRAGe (JULy 2013 - JULy 2014)AVG Mobile Page Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25,732

AVG Monthly Unique Visitors . . . . . . . . . .7,151

AVG Monthly Mobile App Page Views . . . .13,945

Executive Digest eNl

General eNl



78%of responding subscribers use webcasts in the research and evaluation stage of the buying process.

12 MOntH AVeRAGe (JULy 2013 - JULy 2014) AVG Monthly Page Views . . . . . . 230,937

AVG Monthly Unique Visitors . . 87,167

SocIal mediaSTRONG


Page 4: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production

Sponsored by






yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

Our apprOaCh

Our apprOaCh

Our apprOaCh

OtHeR WebSIte AdSSociAL mediA tooLBAr - $840

This unmatched branding opportunity is located on each article page inside the sharing tools that visitors use to distribute an article link by e-mail or social networking sites.

Dimensions: logo 120 x 60, 40K and Banner 468 x 60, 40K format: Banners must be a .gif (static) or .jpg format. Available sizes comply with IAB standards. Additional sizes may be available.

SeArcH SPonSorSHiP PLuS - $2,150

Through a keyword rich text link adjacent to the website search box, you will enhance your site’s search engine relevance and ranking. The text link remains throughout the site.

• Text link position: Listed under search box on all Web pages Dimensions: 25 characters plus URL

• Banner ad position: On search results page Dimensions: 300 x 250, 40K


• Opportunity to make multiple ad impressions per user on the Electric Light & Power website

• Exclusive sponsorship with branding on every page of the websiteformat: Banners must be a gif (animated or static), .jpg or Flash .swf format. Available sizes comply with IAB standards. Additional sizes may be available.

content rotAtor SPonSorSHiP - $690 Per montH

The Content Rotator Sponsorship offers the opportunity to have your brand associated with premium content in a prime location on our website. The text link remains stationary as content rotates.

Text link position: Listed at the bottom of the content rotator box on the home page.

Dimensions: Text link of 45 to 50 characters including spaces plus URL


• A unique branding opportunity to associate with our best content, in a prime location, on our home page

• Increased targeted traffic on your website as a result of improved search rankings

*All pricing and/or positions are subject to change.







yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

For more inFormation, contact:

monica Hughes Sales Managerphone: +1 918 831 9884 fax: +1 918 831 9776 e-mail: [email protected]

Topic and sub topic center pages allow advertisers and readers to focus on niches within the industry.








PuSHdown Ad - $2,080 Per montH

As one of the largest ad units available, the Pushdown Banner can support a more detailed message through the use of streaming video and multiple targeted links to your offerings.

Dimensions: Collapsed Panel: 970 x 66, 60k; Expanded Panel: 970 x 418, 110k

format: Ad must be a .gif (animated or static), .jpg or flash .swf format.

toPicS incLude:• Generation

– Natural Gas– Coal– Nuclear

• Transmission & Distribution

– Natural Gas– Coal– Nuclear

• Smart Grid• Executive Insights• Renewable Energy

– Hydro– Wind– Solar

• Energy Efficiency/DR• Customer Service

• World Regions– North America– South America– Europe– Africa– Asia/Oceania

tOpIC CenteR AdS $1,050 Per PoSition

Our Topic Center sponsorships were specifically designed to reduce your total campaign spending through effective ad placement. Targeted topic centers eliminate wasted impressions and maximize the effectiveness of your buy.

SPonSorSHiP detAiLS:

• Each topic center has four rotating positions available:– leaderboard and Anchor 728 x 90, 40K– Three 300 x 250 middle/rectangle banners, 40K

• Banners must be provided in both sizes and must be in .gif (animatedor static), .jpg, Flash .swf format or third party vendor tags 

Three-month minimum contract required

Page 5: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

Our apprOaCh

Our apprOaCh



miDDLE 1:180 x 150






miDDLE 1: 468 x 60

yOur ad here!

yOur ad here!

MObIle deVICe SpOnSORSHIp$1,575 pER mOnTh

App fEATURES• Read the latest news from Electric Light & Power• Sort by most viewed• Watch the latest newscast videos• Save your favorite articles• Share with friends

AD pOSiTiOnS ARE AS fOLLOwS:• Advertiser logo in white

Smart phone Dimensions: 210 x 175, 10K format: 24-bit transparent .png and click thru URL

• Splash page: Shows briefly while the application is loading. iphone Dimensions: 210 x 175, 10K

• Banner Ad: Displays on the bottom of each screen Smart phone Dimensions: 320 x 50, 15K format: .gif (animated or static), .jpg and click thru URl

eXeCutIVe dIGeStPublished every month, the Executive Digest lets busy executives and managers check quickly on energy company financials, weather risk management and the latest important industry reports.

Circulation: 19,400 - 25,000Frequency: Monthly

TOp AnD AnChOR – $1,840Dimensions: 728 x 90, 40KText: 50 words plus one link

miDDLE 1 – $1,445Dimensions (three options): 468 x 60, 40K OR 180 x 150, 40K OR Hybrid Ad -150 x 150 image, 40K Text (45 words plus one link)

SkYSCRApER – $1,155160 x 600, 40K

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

VIdeO SpOnSORSHIpS EnERGY nEwS wRAp-Up SpOnSORShip - $1,630 pER mOnTh*10-15 second company focused video leading into the Energy News Wrap Up Wrap-Up; Brings in 360 - 460 viewers each week.Dimensions: 480 x 360 (4:3); 480 x 270 (16:9); 500 Kbps (recommended), 400 Kbps, 300 Kbpsformat: WMV, MOV (QuickTime), AVI, MPEG2, MPEG4, 3GP, DV

LEADERBOARD - $1,390 pER mOnTh*position: Top and bottom of pageDimensions: 728 x 90, 40Kformat: Banner must be a .gif (animated or static) or .jpg format, Flash .swf, or third party vendor tags. Available sizes comply with IAB standards.

TAB pLAYER SpOnSORShip - $1,155 pER mOnTh*position: Below each video for all videos within a tab Dimensions: 468 x 60, 40K format: Banners must be a .gif (animated or static) or .jpg format Available sizes comply with IAB standards.


CUSTOm viDEO ChAnnEL $2,625 pER mOnTh (Up TO ThREE viDEOS)

EACh ADDiTiOnAL viDEO: $525 pER mOnThThe Custom Video Channel extends the reach of video you have created (or we custom produce) with an exclusive landing page on our relevant website providing exposure to your target audience.


BASiC viDEO pACkAGE - $7,875

pREmiUm viDEO pACkAGE - $12,600A unique opportunity designed specifically to spotlight your company’s products and services. Our experienced video team, and one of our editors, journey to a destination of your choice for a two-day on-location video shoot to showcase how your products/services have made an impact on end-users.


Monthly reports provide details for each sponsored white paper, including total downloads and contact information for every prospective customer that downloads your white paper. 24/7 access allows for custom report generation.

pRiCinG:• 1-5 white papers: $370/month• 6-10 white papers: $580/month• 11-15 white papers: $890/month




pREmiUm SpOnSORShip - ADDiTiOnAL $580 pER mOnThMaximize your company brand and white paper exposure by upgrading to a premium sponsorship.

BEnEfiTS inCLUDE:• Logo recognition throughout white paper section• Logo recognition on website home page

• White paper placement in e-Newsletter

* Three-month minimum contract required

Page 6: 21,000 78...standards, deal with disruptive technologies and meet their customers’ environmental expectations. GEnERATiOn Looking at timely business issues related to the production

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

Our apprOaCh

Our apprOaCh

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives Our apprOaCh

dIGItAl MAGAzIne SpOnSORSHIpSDiGiTAL mAGAzinE COvER AD - $1,365 pER mOnThA digital edition is an interactive, online magazine delivered in electronic format directly to your target audience via e-mail. Sponsor ad is adjacent to digital magazine cover.

Dimensions: 576 x 775, 8” x 10.5”

AnnOUnCEmEnT SpOnSOR - $1,365 pER mOnThAd appears in e-mail alert; Sent to all digital edition subscribersDimensions: 160 x 600 format: .jpg

DiGiTAL mAGAzinE BELLY BAnD - $630 pER mOnTh• Sponsor ad that is placed around the middle section of the magazine cover. • Dimensions: 178 x 127, 7” x 5”• format: Ads may be delivered in .jpg, .tiff, .png, .pdf, .eps or non animated .gif• Circulation: More than 8,611 unique subscribers for Electric Light & Power

digital edition• frequency: Monthly*All pricing and/or positions are subject to change.

buyeRS GuIde Electric Light & Power offers a comprehensive online buyers guides enabling the power delivery market to search, compare, contact and buy.

Visit and click on the Buyers Guide link at the top of the page to learn more. For more information on buyers guide advertising, contact: Sue McAdams | phone:+1 603 891 9393 | e-mail: [email protected]

LEAD GEnERATinG AnD REpORTinG:• Full reporting on all registrants• Breakdown of live attendees and on-demand users• 24/7 protected access to registration database

EvEnT CUSTOmizATiOn:• Customized registration page with data collection fields

specific to your needs• Customized webcast audience console

LivE EvEnT:• Up to one hour• Live and interactive:

- Q & A - Audience polling - Send Web pages directly to audience

• Unlimited audience size• Introduction and wrap-up text read by webcast producer

mARkETinG:•Electric Light & Power home page listing• Two pre-event targeted e-mail promotions to brand database• One post-event targeted e-mail driving registrations to the on-

demand version• e-Newsletter promotion• Reminder e-mail messages to all registrants

- 24 hour notice - 30 minute notice

• Webcast print ad in Electric Light & Power, ½ page, four color (more than $11,000 value)

pOST EvEnT:• On-demand archive available within 24 hours of live event• Archive posted for six months

WebCAStSSHAred SPonSorSHiP - $3,100 excLuSive SPonSorSHiP - $15,760





yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

yOur MarkeTing ObjeCTives

Our apprOaCh

Our apprOaCh

e-MAIl lISt RentAl $2,000 minimUm ORDER

fEATURES:• Target segments of our subscribers with a custom e-mail message• Three-day turnaround• Delivered in HTMl and text formats for maximum reach• Great for promoting trade show participation, product information, seminars

and company news

Rate (for magazine advertisers): e-mail list Rental $450* Net Per Thousand

Rate (for non advertisers): e-mail list Rental $550* Net Per Thousand

Reports (upon request):• Number of e-mails delivered• Number of e-mails opened• Number of click-throughs

Custom e-mail Surveys:• Target segments of our subscribers

with a blind or branded survey• Gain market intelligence and

leads using our qualified e-mail recipients

e-neWSletteRBi-weekly e-Newsletter covering the latest news and trends in the energy and utility sector, from business and technology perspectives.

Circulation: 23,000 - 30,000frequency: Weekly

TOp AnD AnChOR – $1,500Dimensions: 728 x 90, 40KText: 50 words plus one link

miDDLE 1 AnD 2 – $1,210Dimensions (two options): 180 x 150, 40K OR Hybrid Ad: 150 x 150 image, 40K Text: 45 words plus one link

SkYSCRApER – $1,210Dimensions: 160 x 600, 40K; 180 x 600, 40K

Format for all e-Newsletters: Banners must be static .gif or .jpg format and may include a 50-word (max) text backup with link. Additional sizes may be available. Flash banners are not accepted in e-Newsletters.

* Published rates are for a single insertion.



miDDLE 1:180 x 150






miDDLE 2:180 x 150

For more inFormation, contact:

monica Hughes Sales Managerphone: +1 918 831 9884 fax: +1 918 831 9776 e-mail: [email protected]

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