Page 1: 21 Tips to a More Successful Dental Practice

1. Create A Systematized Internal Marketing Plan

21 WAYS to make your

Give a gift card to all referring


Make follow-up calls after long


Send a basket of goodies to high value patient’s


Organize a “dental health”


Hand out hygiene bags to local businesses

Ask 1 patient per day for a


Ask 1 patient each day for a


2. Incentivize Your Staff


Post on board in break room and monitor daily

Determine % of pro�t that goes into pro�t sharing. Reward based on performance to KPI’s.

Modern technology not only makes patients feel comfortable and con�dent in your skills, but also

portrays the image that you keep up with technological advances in dentistry.


3. Give Bonuses To Staff

4. Use Modern Technology

5. Greet Everyone 6. Answer the Phone

The second a patient walks in, they should be greeted with a smile and welcomed into the o�ce.

Don’t let phone’s go to voicemail! New patients will simply call another dentist. Have a backup solution in place that phone calls can roll over to if you aren’t there. This backup solution must have the ability to book appointments.

Hi, How are you?

7. Build the ideal practice

8. Learn Patient Names

9. Specialize

Have your team help you come up with a long term plan. This will help them feel ‘vested’ in the practice.

Everybody should call the patient by their name. This makes them feel comfortable, and shows you care.

Find a ‘niche’ and specialize. Sleep Apnea. TMJ. Implants. Whatever it is, be known as ‘the dentist’ for that service.

10. Create an Office Culture

Make sure that every sta� member is on board with your visions and goals for your practice. If they aren’t, �nd

somebody else.

11. Expand Your Services

When it comes time to grow your book of patients, think about ways you can expand your services and improve the value you provided to strengthen your competitive position and help pique the interest of prospective patients.

12. Offer Flexible Financial Terms

Providing �exible payment methods can help build rapport with patients. When you ensure that a wide range of options is available, patients may be more inclined to accept treatment recommendations.

13. Remember to Engage

Your patients will leave if you show indi�erence, if they fear the dental visit and you haven’t developed trust. Therefore, remember to use patient newsletters to remain in the forefront of their minds and provide them with invaluable snippets of information to guide their oral health decisions.

14. Improve Your Cancellation Rate by Upgrading Your Scheduling System

Integrate text message reminders of appointments. These have proven to have the highest % of interaction.

15. Make Sure Your Staff is Trained

When your patients come in for their appointments, you are not the only professional they'll be in contact with. In fact, your front desk team IS your practice to new patients. Make sure that each person who greets and works with your patients, either in person or on the phone, is well trained in dental best practices as well as communication. This will help improve the overall experience.

16. Create Incentives for Staff to Help Control Costs

Have a contest where the person that contributes the greatest cost saving idea gets a quarterly bonus of something substaintional such as an iPad, Flat Screen TV, etc.

17. Run Reactivation Campaigns

Any practice that has been in business for a while, likely has hundreds if not thousands of inactive patients. These are ones you’ve built a relationship with in the past. Get those patients in the door!

18. Have the BEST Patient Experience Everywhere

Create a new patient experience unlike any other. Do what others AREN’t doing.

Don't forget to utilize the internet to obtain new patients! Either learn online marketing such as SEO & Web Design inside and out, or hire a dental marketing �rm you can trust.

19. Online Marketing

SOURCES:�table-dental-practice�table-changes-to-my-dental-o�ce�t-center.html�t-for-your-dental-practice.html | (801) 783-3101


Aweing your patients should be a high priority. Impress them with your ads, your building exterior, the inside of your o�ce, etc. At each of these points, leave an impact—that means not looking like every other dentist’s o�ce in the country. This doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. Being a pediatric dentist that establishes vividly at every turn the focus on making a painless, fun experience for kids o�ers as much wow factor as being the high-end o�ce with expensive furniture and nice paintings.

20. WOW Factor

Dentists who stop trying to improve, both in their medical expertise and their business, stagnate and fall behind. Momentum can only take you so far, regardless of how big your last burst of e�ort to improve may have been. By continuously looking for ways to improve your craft, your customer service, your marketing, your team e�ciency, you’ll stay ahead of the competition, ahead of stagnation, and ahead on your bottom line.

21. Keep Learning

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