Page 1: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at
Page 2: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at


1.1-Important scientists


2.1-Columns (Doric)

2.2-Columns (Ionic)

2.3-Columns (Corithian)

2.4-Architecture 2



4.1-Archaic Age

4.2-The classical age

4.3-The hellenistic age

5-History of Grecee





8.1-Greek gods family tree

9-Natural enviroment

10-Olympic games

Page 3: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at


1 MATHEMATICS: Pythagoras is famous for his theorem and Euclides for his advances in geometry. In physics, there was Archimedes and in medicine, Hippocrates, who formulated the oath that established how doctors should act and behave.

Page 4: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

2 ASTRONOMY: Aristachus of Samos proved that the Earth was spherical and orbited the Sun. Eratosthenes calculated the volume and diameter of the Earth. Anaxagoras discovered that the Moon recived light from the Sun and explained the phases of the Moon and eclipses.

Page 5: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

Important scientists

PHYTHAGORAS: Was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. Pythagoras made influential contributions to philosophy and religion in the late 6th century BC. EUCLIDES: Was a Greek mathematician, often referred to as the "Father of Geometry". ARCHIMEDES: Was an ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. HIPPOCRATES: Was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine.

Page 6: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

The main characteristics of Greek art are the relationship between the parts of a whole and visual balance.

The Greeks made colums in white stone,and then they covered it with paint. At the front of the buildings there was always a triangular pediment. There are three styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian)

Page 7: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at the top. It has 20 sides.

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It has a base and the capital is decorated with scrolls.The shaft is taller than the doric. It has 24 faces.

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It is more decorative than the others and the capital is adorned with acanthus leaves. The shaft is thinner. It has 24 sides.

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The greeks made a lot of diferent constructions. These are some of the main ones:

Temples: dedicated to the gods.

Tombs: could be very decorative, like the mausoleum.

Theatres: were they showed comedies and tragedies.

Stadiums: where they held races and fights between athletes.

Hippodromes: were there was horse-racing and charriot-racing.

Gymnassiums: places were they did physical exercise.

Page 11: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

The Ancient Greeks became known for their perfection in art. During the classical era they developed their own style. Periods of Greek Art Archaic Period: The Greeks from the Archaic Period made sculptures of men called Kouroi and women called Korai. These statues had similar features and stood stiffly with their arms at their sides. Classical Period: During the Classical Period, Greek artists began to sculpt people in more relaxed postures and even in action scenes. The most famous works from this era include the statue of Zeus at Olympia and the statue of Athena at Parthenon.


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Hellenistic Period: After Alexander the Great conquered much of Asia, the sculpture and artwork of the Greeks became influenced by the cultures and people they had conquered. This period saw new subjects including women, children, and common people appear in Greek art. Famous works from this era include the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

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Greek sculputure focuses on the human form and shows an ideal of beauty, proportion and balance, and in some cases, movement.

There are three types of sculpture:

o Archaic

o Classical

o Hellenistic

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Figures were carved in stone, in a rigid pose. They had faces with very big eyes and a forced smile but it was an archaic smile. Hair styles were carved with geometrical motifs

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Sculptures usually depicted gods and goddesses or athletes, who were eternally young and had perfectly proportioned bodies. The faces of the figures had a serene expression. The poses tried to give the impression of movement, but in a natural way.

The main sculptors in the 5th century B.C. were

o Myron

o Phidias

o Praxiteles

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Sculptures expressed feelings, effort and pain, showed scenes from daily life.

As well as youth, they depicted children, the elderly and animals, all in poses that ser forced, tragic or majestic. Most were done in marble

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The history of Greece can be traced back to Stone Age hunters. Later came early farmers and the civilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings. This was followed by a period of wars and invasions, known as the Dark Ages. In about 1100 BC, a people called the Dorians invaded from the north and spread down the west coast. In the period from 500-336 BC Greece was divided into small city states, each of which consisted of a city and its surrounding countryside.

There were only a few historians in the time of Ancient Greece. Three major ancient historians, were able to record their time of Ancient Greek history, that include Herodotus, known as the 'Father of History' who travelled to many ancient historic sites at the time, Thucydides and Xenophon.

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The economy of ancient Greece was characterized by the extreme importance of importing goods

In the Ancient Grece , the agriculture was really important, altough there wasn´t a lot of cultivate land. The main crops were olives and vines.The greek used bees for honey and livestock: Goats, sheeps,pigs,cows,donkeys and mules.

Many greeks made crafts. Greeks artisans were good at metal and leather work and they also made pottery, perfumes and textiles.

Artisants and farmers usually sold their products directly in the market. Obiously there was sea trade with the colonies. The city states recived a large income because they charged a tax for the gods that when trough their ports.

For payment they used silver coins

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Most other forms of History knowledge and accountability of the ancient Greeks we know is because of temples, sculpture, pottery, artefacts and other archaeological findings.

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Page 21: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

The society in Greece was divided into 3 groups:

CITIZENS: they could vote and take part in political life. They had yo pay some taxes

NON CITIZENS: they were foreigners and had no political rights, most of them were traders and artisans.They had to pay some special taxes.

SLAVES who were not free and belonged to others,they we agricultures and craftworkers.

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Greek women lived in a different room called GYNAIKON. In Athens , their father chose their husband but in Sparta ,womens were more “free” The girls did not go to school.

They wore long white dresses with gold jewerly The Greek diet is characterized in "Mediterranean triad": wheat, olive oil and wine.


Page 23: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

Ancient Greece was composed of the Balkan Peninsulas, the Peloponnese and many islands in the eastern Mediterranean.

Greece had a privileged position between Asia (Mesopotamia), Africa (Egypt) and the rest of Europe.

The close proximity of the sea and mountains had a decisive influence on its history. On the one hand, it contributed to the isolation and independence of a Greek cities, which never united in one state. On the other, because it was easier for the Greeks to get the products they needed from other places in the Mediterrranean.

Greek culture spread along the Mediterranean coast (Europe, Africa and Asia).

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Greek mythology consists of stories belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world and the origins and significance of their religious practices. The main Greek gods were the twelve Olympians: Zeus (king of the gods), Hera (queen of the gods), Poseidon (god of sea), Ares (god of war), Hermes (messenger of the gods), Hephaestus (god of fire), Aphrodite (goddess of love), Athena (goddess of Wisdom), Apollo (god of music), Artemis (goddess of hunt), Demeter (goddess of agriculture) and Dionysus (god of wine).

Other important deities are: Hebe, Hades, Helios, Hestia, Persephone and Heracles. Zeus’ parents were Cronus and Rhea who also were the parents of Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter

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Page 26: 2.1-Columns (Doric) - · styles of colums (Doric, Ionic and Corinthian) It is the simplest style and the column has not base.The shaft is wider at the bottom than at

The Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honour of their gods. The Isthmos game were staged every two years at the Isthmos of Corinth. The Pythian games took place every four years near Delphi. The most famous games held at Olympia, South- West of Greece, which took place every four years. The ancient Olympics seem to have begun in the early 700 BC, in honour of Zeus. No women were allowed to watch the games and only Greek nationals could participate. One of the ancient wonders was a statue of Zeus at Olympia, made of gold and ivory by a Greek sculptor Pheidias. This was placed inside a Temple, although it was a towering 42 feet high.

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At Olympia there were 4 different types of races; The first was stadion, the oldest event of the Games, where runners sprinted for 1 stade, the length of the stadium(192m). The other races were a 2-stade race (384 m.), and a long-distance run which ranged from 7 to 24 stades (1,344 m. to 4,608 m.).The fourth type of race involved runners wearing full amor, which was 2-4 stade race (384 m. to 768 m.), used to build up speed and stamina for military purposes.

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