
The Official Newsletter of St. Joseph Knights of Columbus Council 10287 Placentia, Ca

2021-2022 Volume 32 No 01 Orange County Chapter, District 124

The Patron

July 2021

Inside Page

Grand Knight Mes-sage


Council Calendar 3

Pray for our sick, distressed and de-parted.


Ceremonials &

Council Meetings


Essay Contest



Membership Growth

Knight’s Sites

Blood Drive


Blanket Drive

Youth Ministry


Field Agent’s Message


Officers, Chairmen & Directors

Patron Credits


Pro-Life Rosary



Web edition

2 JULY 2021 Grand Knight’s Message

My Brother Knights,

It only seems appropriate that my first message to our Council begins

with me taking a moment to thank our former Grand Knight, Hugh Lynch for his

many years of service with the Knights - especially the last two years as our Grand

Knight. His selfless leadership and dedication to Council 10287 and our parish

community is what helped to ensure our council stayed active and thrived – de-

spite a global pandemic. Additionally, I want to personally thank him for offering

his continued guidance and support as we transition roles and enter a new Colum-

bian Year.

Our Council is looking towards the possibility of a much different year than this

last one. As our parish and local community begin to open back up, there will be a

growing need for our Council to support these activities. I know I speak for many

of our Brother Knights that we are eager to re-engage and do what we can for our

parish. When will it happen? Will it be the same as before? Details to answer

those questions remain elusive. However, what I can say is that Council 10287 will

do what we have done many times before – we will find a way!

In the meantime, I would be amiss if I did not use this opportunity to also call up-

on each of us to remember why we joined the Knights of Columbus. Was it to help

our St. Joseph’s Parish Community? Was it to grow in faith by our actions? Advo-

cate for the poor, the unborn, the forgotten? Whatever the reason was, I can as-

sure you that your reason is just as critical now than it ever has been. Our Parish

& Our Community – they need good men of faith to resume our position and ac-

tivities in support of Faith, Family, Community and Life.

In closing my first Grand Knight message, I challenge each one of our able Brother

Knights to reengage with our Council this coming year. Come to a meeting. Help

when and where you can. We will make a difference together.

Your Servant in Christ,

Joe Emens

Grand Knight

St Josephs. Council 10287

3 THE PATRON Calendar

Birthday Anniversaries—page 8

July 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5


6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Chapter Meet-

ing 7:00 pm

7:00pm Gen-

eral Member-

ship meeting

Hall A

7:00pm Busi-

ness Meeting

In-Person Hall

A Installation

of Officers

St. Jude Assem-

bly Meeting

Rosary Vigil

Page 6.

Chapter Workshop

for all Council


Location TBD

4 JULY 2021 Pray for Our Sick, Distressed, &Deceased

Fran Wysocki Feb 26, 2019

John M. Kelly May 10, 2019

John McQuade October 2019

Franklyn Soldo February, 2020 (PGK 2000-2001)

Armond Tavianini July 24th, 2020 (PGK1994-1996)

Paul A. Moynihan October 24th, 2020

Elouise Woore Tom’s wife March 1st, 2021.

Jim Dollar President of our St. Vincent d’Paul Society

Charles (Chuck) Hosick Past Grand Knight 2007-2008. Died March 15, 2021

Dolly Esqueda Richard’s wife June 26, 2021

Our Recently Deceased Brethren

Pray for Our Sick or Distressed

Carson Gerace

Merle Nieuwlandt

Wismar Family

Grosser Family

Marian Moynihan

Deacon Ken Kleckner

Teri Kleckner

Jim Rudy

Maureen Haskins

Wayne Webb

John Spillman

Eli Ruiz

Elouise Woore (RIP)

Eileen Reindl

Tom Woore

Diane DeVargas requests prayers for her

husband Vince, our past Grand Knight.

He has been hospitalized twice these past

three weeks for heart failure and is home


John Melia (son of Pat Melia)

Jaul & Janet Prukop

Gwen Marciales

Derek Cray

Larry Schmidt

Dolly Esqueda RIP

Richard Esqueda

The Patron 5



Council meetings are held on the 2nd (Business meeting) and 4th (General Membership) Tuesday of the

month in St. Joseph Parish Center Hall A & Kitchen unless otherwise announced. The meetings start at

7:00PM. 717 N. Bradford Ave. Placentia, CA 92870. REFRESHMENTS AT THE GENERAL Membership


Since June 22nd, 2021, WE HAVE RESTORED OUR IN-PERSON COUNCIL meetings in Hall A.

State/Chapter sponsored Combined Ceremonials are planned for every other month starting with July.

The Ceremonies will be both in-person and on-line at a location hosted by the chapter. The dates, time

and location will be announced by the councils.

Naz LeBlanc, DD #124

Knights of Columbus


St. Joseph Knights of Columbus can be found on the parish website. Just go to of Columbus.

Our 1st Virtual Meeting

6 JULY 2021


Our monthly Prayer Service will be Sunday July 25th (unless notified otherwise) be-

ginning at 9AM sharp in front of the Monument To The Unborn. We will follow

Social Distancing Practices .

Pro Life Director Walt Hill


Sunday, June 27, 2021

7 The Patron Essay Contest Winner

Columbian Year Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest Winner

The theme for this year’s contest is “Trusting God”.

In an essay of 500-750 words participants should

discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time

has helped them or someone they know find the

strength and hope to endure it. They should consid-

er especially those times when it was a challenge to

understand why something was happening and also

sharing any lessons about faith and hope they or

someone they know may have learned from this


Felix Piro - Contest Chairman

St. Joseph Council 10287

The Goal of the Catholic Citizenship

essay contest is to give students an

opportunity to define the role of a

Catholic citizen in many different sce-

narios, and to strengthen the bond

between the Knights of Columbus

and local school.

Hugh Lynch PGK

Ariana’s essay title:



JULY 2021



Daniel Baladad 3rd

Thomas Pongetti 3rd

Larry Schmidt 10th

Damon Micalizzi 19th

Thomas Walsh 20th

Frederick Visconti 20th

Kyle Nowlin 21st

Bob Alvarado 25th


March 19, 2015 was the 25th An-

niversary of St. Joseph Council

10287. Shown in Hall A is the

plaque displaying the founding

members .

Bulletin Board #2

Membership Growth

Status 2021-2022

Knights of Columbus Apparel

Local Buyer: Pam Baca 714-402-4460, Email: [email protected]

Her Company: Engraveworks. 611 Rosewood Ave. Fullerton, CA 92833

Clothing Manufacturer Website:

A. Select the style from the catalog/website

B. Information that is required to place an order is below

Example Polo Shirt:

1. Style No: K158P Vigor Pocket, Size XL, color-Royal

2. Decorations: Knights of Columbus—3rd Degree Emblem on left Chest

above pocket, St. Joseph Council 10287 (semicircle above emblem) with Placentia,

CA (straight line under emblem); on right chest, name (your name) in script.

Knights of Columbus Apparel

Name Item Style Size

Color Remarks


The Knights of Columbus Council has requested

use of Hall A on Sunday, November 7th from 8am

to 1pm.

This request is to permit Lifestream access to the

hall in support of our annual Blood Drive orga-

nized by our chairman, Terry Gibbons.

Hugh Lynch, GK

June 1, 2021

9 The Patron Bulletin Board#3


St. Joseph Council 10287 provided “grilling services” to prepare Hamburgers

and Hot Dogs for an “In-Person” meeting of the parish Youth Ministry on

Sunday June 13th after the 5pm Mass. Thanks to Terry Gibbons, Joe Emens,

Bob Alvarado, Gene Chronik, Larry Wells, Terry Nieuwlandt, and Tom

Pongetti for manning the grill and organizing the food presentation. Special

thanks to Olga Alvarado for coordinating the “Veggie dog grilling” and pro-

moting the Knights service projects to the Youth Leadership.

Saturday, JUNE 12TH St. Joseph Picnic Tables

Bob Alvarado and Terry Gibbons receiving goods at the Blanket

Drive for the homeless. The goods are distributed at St. Mary’s in


“Right off the bat, we ere blessed with a large donation of blankets from surplus supplies at St.

Vincent de Paul. Then we had a continuous stream of parishioners during the two-hour blan-

ket drive.

We collected a total of 121 blankets, comforters or sleeping bags wit 59 items coming from St.

Vincent de Paul and 62 items from St. Joseph parishioners. It filled up my truck to capacity!

I’d like to thank you and Fr. Miguel for your support, John Correz and Maureen Haskins for

arranging the St. Vincent de Paul donation, and Terry Gibbons for helping receive all the do-

nations. But most of all, thanks to our wonderful St. Joseph parishioners who donated items

and gave us love and encouragement for our homeless ministry.




Summer is in full swing, vacations and backyard barbeques, outdoor sports and yardwork! I look forward to this time of year with flowers in bloom and thoughts of a much needed and anticipated summer vaca-tion. I hope your summer is going well for you!

In last month’s message I mentioned taking stock of all the things that need to be done around the house. And I further suggested that taking stock should extend to seeing where you and your family stand when it comes to financial protection. It’s interesting to read about Blessed Michael McGivney’s attitude in Faith and Fraternalism by Christopher J. Kauffman: “Though he [Fr. McGivney] seems to have been well aware of the value of ceremonials as the binding force for fraternal unity, he spent his energy in pro-moting the insurance feature.” You know the story well; how the untimely death of his father nearly de-railed Fr. McGivney’s plans to become a priest. As the curate of St. Mary’s, he encountered families in similar situations. So, it’s no wonder he was so practical when it came to making sure families were fi-nancially sound.

In my position I feel a deep kinship with Fr. McGivney in helping to protect Catholic families. I see my-self as your partner in facing this planning process. You don’t have to go it alone. With our new financial need’s analysis tool, with cutting edge software, robust and in-depth, we can approach this togeth-er. Since my last message a number of members reached out to me. Let me give you a fictionalized ac-count about two of them. I recently met with a brother Knight and his wife who have a couple of young children. Together, we were able to see that based on what this couple wanted for their family, there was a need in two particular areas. One, the brother’s group life insurance, while free as a benefit, was not enough to do what he wanted his life insurance to do. He desired more to make sure, if he had an untime-ly passing, his wife and children could stay in the same home, could still attend Catholic grade school and could afford to make a college education a reality. The other area that he had not thought about was what I call the “death of his earning power.” What if he became sick or hurt and could not work? His employ-er provided very minimal coverage for a few months, but after that there was nothing. We explored how the Knights could fill that void and make his family whole. All this from spending time with me. The best part for him…and for you, is that this service is absolutely free. Many others in the industry charge fees for this kind of analysis. It’s a fraternal benefit that I am happy to provide.

The other couple was recently retired. Well past the stage of this former young couple. I completed a financial needs analysis for them. They were in very good shape financially; had all their proverbial ducks in a row in almost every area. The area that they were concerned with was an extended care event. How could they protect all that they had worked for and saved in the event of needing help with daily living activities? I was able to help them plan for that and shift the financial burden to the Knights. The other issue they looked at was setting aside a little of what they had saved to help their grandchildren. We were able to set up a plan to pass that money tax free to them.

Maybe you have similar concerns; meeting with me can allay them. I am your partner as we share our brotherhood in the Order. That kind of relationship is rarely found elsewhere in the financial services world. Let’s get together and see where you stand. I’ll await to hear from you.

Gods love be with you always!

Vivat Jesus,

Kevin Garza

The Patron

The Patron, published since 1990, is the official newsletter of and published monthly by the Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council No.10287 for its members as a not for profit 501C-8


Members are invited to submit articles to the editor by the 23rd of the month for the next issue. Please send in news of Knights events. Photos, drawings, and graphics, are wel-come as long as they do not infringe on copyright. Send changes of home address, phone number or e-mail address to the Financial Secretary:

Felix Piro 714-306-9172

[email protected]

Knights of Columbus Council 10287

P.O. Box 268 Placentia, CA 92871-9998

Email: [email protected]

e-mail or call-in articles for the newsletter to the editor:

Adrian Sherrill

Home: (714) 993-2806

Mobile 714-766-9074 [email protected]

St. Joseph Council was founded by Fr. John Ruhl, Pastor

March 19, 1990.

OFFICERS July 1, 2021—June 30, 2022

Directors, & Committee Chairmen

11 The Patron

Grand Knight Joe Emens

Deputy GK Bob Rothaus

Chancellor Ray Gerace

Recorder (Open)

Treasurer Terry Nieuwlandt

Advocate Larry Wells

Warden Scott Landry

Inside Guard Albert Prukop

Outside Guard Joseph Mbogo

1 year Trustee Bob Alvarado

2 year Trustee Ken Eazell

3 year Trustee Hugh Lynch

Appointed & Selected Officers

Financial Secretary Felix Piro 714-306-9172

Lecturer: Tom Pongetti

Chaplain: Fr. Miguel Hernandez

District Deputy Naz LeBlanc 714-948-0385

Officers, Directors &Committeemen

Membership Director Darryl Jenkins

Retention Joe Emens, Ken Eazell,

John Spillman

Recruitment Mike Spillman, Tom Pongetti, Ray Gerace

Program Director Joe Emens

Faith Director Deacon Ken Kleckner

Adoration Deacon Ken Kleckner

Comfort Larry Schmidt

Domestic Church Matt Heffron

Retreat Captain Tom Woore

Family Director Ray Gerace

Family of the Month Naz LeBlanc 714-948-0385

St. Vincent d’Paul Walt Hill

Ice Cream Social Tom Pongetti

Pancake Breakfasts Rodd Kliner

Pancake Breakfasts Mike Spillman

Fish Dinners Walt Hill

Fish Dinners Hugh Lynch

Community Director OPEN

Free Throw Felix Piro

Essay Contest Felix Piro 714-306-9172

Soccer contest Felix Piro

Blood Drive Terry Gibbons

Wheelchair Mission Terry Gibbons

Soup kitchen Larry Schmidt

Life Director Walt Hill

Pennies from Heaven Walt Hill

Pro Life Walt Hill

Special Needs Drive Don Palmer

Public Relations Bob Alvarado

Newsletter Editor Adrian Sherrill

Parish Bulletin Naz LeBlanc

Phone Tree Walt Hill

Website Bob Alvarado

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