
[email protected] | 717.546.4044

Google Adwords is one of the best, most cost-

effective ways to advertise today. But to generate a

solid ROI, every Adwords campaign must be set up

properly. The Google Adwords platform makes it

easy to start running ads almost immediately.

However, too many businesses – and even some

PPC management companies – are making costly

mistakes that result in worthless clicks.

MarlinSEM helps businesses unlock the power of

Adwords to generate web traffic, leads, sales and

brand recognition. We are an SEM management

agency focused on maximizing ROI from Adwords

and other PPC platforms. In this guide, we address

some of the most critical reasons to use Adwords in

2017 and we illustrate how your business can

benefit immediately.

What's Inside

9 fresh ways to grow your business

with Google Ads in 2017 ……………..…….... 2

What is SEM? ……….…….………..…………..… 7

7 stats you need to know ………...…….…… 9

Why Adwords management is crucial … 10

Why MarlinSEM ……………………….………... 13

Testimonials ………………………………………. 14

Pricing ………………………………………………... 15

Get started ………………………………..……..… 17


2017 Guide to Google Adwords

[email protected] | 717.546.4044



fresh ways to grow your business with Google Adwords in 2017

1) Targeted prospects are already searching for you.

Right now, people are searching Google

for the products and services you offer.

With Adwords, you can drive those

buyers to your website instantly.

Google Ads are extremely targeted,

because they let you display your ads

based on very specific search terms that

you specify. It's one of the most targeted

forms of advertising available—online

and offline.

If you're not using Google Adwords, you

can bet these customers are going to

competitors' businesses instead.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 3

2) Clicks are guaranteed.

The results from Adwords are guaranteed and instant. Unlike SEO,

which is often a lengthy, expensive process that comes with no

guarantees, SEM generates clicks to your website right away.

As soon as you launch a Google Adwords campaign, your ads are

eligible to be displayed when people search for your keywords.

And the best part is …

3) You only pay for the clicks you receive. Some businesses are still wasting thousands of dollars a month to

advertise in the Yellow Pages. These ads come with high costs,

regardless of the results they deliver. In some markets, advertising in

the phonebook doesn't deliver nearly enough calls to recoup the cost

of the ad. Same with newspaper ads, TV, radio and other forms of

online advertising.

With Google Adwords, you only pay for each click on your ads.

So, for example, even when your ads appear in front of targeted buyers, you don't pay a dime unless the

ad is actually clicked on.

What is SEM? SEM stands for Search Engine

Marketing. It's another term for using

Google to place paid ads in the search

results of people who are searching

for your products.

Skip to pg. 7 for a detailed overview

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 4

4) 64% of people click on paid search ads, not organic listings.

Nobody clicks on Google ads, right? Wrong.

A recent analysis found that 64% of people click on the paid ads, not the organic

search results, when they search for keywords with high commercial intent (for

example, keywords like "Philadelphia painting contractor.")

That's almost two-thirds of all clicks going to paid ads when people are looking for a

product or a service online. This brings us to another very important point…

Source: Wordstream U.S. Advertise Data Research

5) SEO can be costly and results are not guaranteed.

Yes, every website should be properly optimized for search engines –

that's a given. But if you're spending thousands of dollars a month on SEO,

you may be wasting your marketing budget on the wrong side of search.

You could spend millions of dollars on SEO, but that doesn't mean it will

generate a single click to your website. That's because, ultimately, Google

controls its search results – and the search giant is constantly changing its

rulebook on how websites are ranked organically.

Remember: SEM lets you generate targeted clicks immediately. No waiting.

64% of people click on the paid ads first, not

the organic search results

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 5

6) ROI is easily trackable and achievable.

With Adwords, there's no guesswork about your return on investment. Adwords makes it easy to track

every click, as well as conversions – such as a leads generated, purchases or phone calls to your


You can even quantify the value of those conversions, so you

know exactly how much you're spending vs. how much your

revenue your ads are generating – in real time.

The analytics capabilities are truly robust. And with the help

of a good Adwords management partner, you can easily make

sense of the most important numbers impacting your


7) Remarketing lets you follow your visitors.

Advertising with Google Adwords gives you the ability to "follow" your prospects onto other sites after

initially visiting your website. Display ads (banners) for your business can be set to appear on certain

types of sites that are relevant to your business.

That's the power of Remarketing and it's great for businesses that have a

longer sales cycles, which is typical with big-ticket items (for example: a

swimming pool installation).

Remarketing begins with search, but follows your buyers online to keep your

brand on their mind.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 6

8) You control the costs.

Advertising on Google is essentially a bidding process. You bid on keyword terms that are relevant to

your business (i.e. "plumber"). If competitors are bidding on the same terms, then higher bids will

usually appear more prominently on search results pages.

While you don't have control over your competitors' bids, you do

have total control over how much you bid for each keyword, as well

as your overall budget.

You can set maximums for how much you're willing to spend on each

click. And by also setting a maximum for your daily spend, you can

have your ads "turn off" when you hit that max.

9) More people are now searching from mobile devices.

More than half of all Google searches now happen on mobile devices. With

Google Adwords, you don't have to worry that you're missing buyers who are

searching from different devices. Google will automatically display your ads to

both mobile and desktop users and will optimize your campaign based on the


You also have the ability to adjust your bidding based on mobile devices. And, you

can designate certain keywords or ads to be used for mobile only.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 7

What is SEM?

SEM is short for Search Engine Marketing. It's a term used to describe Google Adwords: the process of

placing ads in the search results of people who have searched for keywords related to your business.

When you search in Google, you'll notice some results are labeled as an "Ad." These ads can appear in

several places on a search results page, depending on what device you're using.

SEM is sometimes also referred to as: Paid search marketing

Pay-per-click advertising

Search marketing

Sponsored search

Google Adwords

As an advertiser, you set the ads to appear when

people are searching for the products or services

you offer.

Here's how it works …

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 8

How Adwords Works

Google Adwords lets you create an ad campaign that will drive traffic to a page or product on your

website. You only pay when someone clicks your ad.

Define your keywords.

(i.e. "Lancaster furniture")

Your ad appears when someone

searches for your keywords.

The customer clicks the ad

and visits your website.

SEM vs. SEO: What's the difference? Many people confuse SEM with SEO, but the two are very different traffic models.

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. That's the process of optimizing your website with the hope

of ranking higher in Google's organic, non-paid listings. Basic SEO is recommended for every website,

but ultimately no results are guaranteed. With SEM, you pay to appear in

search results instantly, thus generating targeted clicks to your website

right away.

Adwords is like an auction. The visibility of your ad is determined in part by how much you "bid" on

your keywords. If another advertiser places a higher bid than you, their ad

will get priority over yours. For the most part, bidding within Adwords is automated and happens in real-

time. However, you have total control over these bids and can set a maximum that you're willing to pay

per click for each keyword.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044

of people click on a business that is

on page 1 of Google.

100% return on investment (avg) Adwords generates $2 in revenue

for every $1 spent, on average.

businesses use Adwords to drive

traffic and sales

72% of Adwords advertisers planned to

increase their budgets from 2014 to 2015

based on the previous year's performance.

SEM stats you need to know


of consumers search online to find a

local business


98% 70% of mobile searches call a business directly

from Google Search

of Google clicks go to paid ads when the search

is commercial in nature

2/3 1.2million ADWORDS WORKS

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 9 10

Why Adwords Management is Crucial

SEM can deliver a phenomenal ROI, but only when the campaign is actively

monitored and managed by an experienced Adwords professional.

Adwords is a sophisticated ad platform. There are numerous components

designed to help you enhance your targeting and lower costs. If you aren't

utilizing every feature available to you – or if you're using these features

incorrectly – then you could be wasting hundreds or thousands of dollars on

worthless clicks every month.

Too many businesses make the mistake of managing Adwords themselves

without knowing how to use it properly.

Here are 6 sure-fire ways to dump your ad budget down the drain:

1) Bad keywords The most common reason for wasted clicks is

bidding on keywords that aren't relevant to

your business. If you're targeting the keyword

"painter" – you could get clicks from 2 totally

different types of searches 1) people who are

searching for painting services, or 2) someone

searching for "famous painters and artists." If

the wrong audience is clicking your ads, you're

losing hundreds of dollars every month.

When it's not managed properly, Adwords blows money like a slot machine.

Always use a professional.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 11

2) Missing or wrong match types To prevent the mistake above, Google lets you set "match types" for your keywords to make your

targeted search terms more precise. But most inexperienced Adwords users do not use this feature

correctly, if they take advantage at all. Defining match types lets you identify words or synonyms that

must be in the search query in order for the ad to appear.

3) No negative keywords Let's say you're a swimming pool supplier, and you're targeting

"pool" keywords. Without any further fine-tuning, your ad could

appear for searches for "pool halls," "billiard pool games" and

other irrelevant terms. Negative keywords must be used to weed

out the searches that have nothing to do with your business.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 12

4) Bad bidding strategies Google will easily let you put your bidding on auto-pilot – but that's the quickest way to throw money

out the window. To minimize costs, you must customize your bidding settings based on the goal of the

campaign and make routine adjustments.

5) Wrong ad networks Inexperienced advertisers often make

the mistake of choosing the default

"Search + Display Network" option

when launching a campaign. Depending

on your goals, you don't want your ads

appearing unless someone is actively

searching for your keywords. By

choosing the Display Network right off

the bat, you'll spend more on clicks

from people who are just browsing the

Internet, rather than those who are

actually ready to buy.

5) Bad Quality Score

Google's Quality Score rates the quality of your keywords and ads. It's based on several factors, such as

the relevance of your ads (ad copy + keywords), the relevance of your landing page, click-through rates

and many others. A high score significantly lowers your click costs. So if you're not setting up your

campaign properly, then you're paying more than you should be on every click.

Yes, Adwords is easy to get started, but…

While it's simple to start running a campaign, it's not easy to minimize costs unless you know what

you're doing. This is why most businesses have their Adwords accounts managed by experienced

professionals who know how maximize ROI.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 13

Why Choose MarlinSEM?

Experienced Adwords Management Professionals

MarlinSEM is a professional PPC management company, based outside Harrisburg, PA. Led by founder

Mike Marlin, we are experienced Adwords specialists who manage campaigns for businesses across the

United States.

Experience: 10+ years' experience managing Adwords accounts

Nerds, not bots: Your account is managed by real, living

humans—not automated systems, which are notorious for

making costly mistakes.

Skill: We geek out about Adwords! We specialize in Search

campaigns, cost reduction and boosting account performance.

Adwords wizardry. We keep track of the latest features and

changes in Adwords, so you don't have to.

ROI specialists: We've helped reduced click costs by up 200%

for some clients, while also maximizing click-through rates.

Constant campaign edits: Good Adwords campaigns require constant management. We work in

your account all month long to improve performance.

Customer retention: 85% of our clients stay with us for 2+ years.

Monthly email reports: Clients receive a monthly breakdown of account performance and

campaign changes performed.

Amazing customer service: We love our clients! We're always available by email and phone

whenever you have questions.

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 14 14

What Our Clients Say

Delilah Rettagliata

Qside Federal Credit Union

MarlinSEM's strategies lowered our click costs by over 40% and also

doubled the click-through rates of our ads. Best of all, the clicks are

converting! We're now generating a higher rate of new-member

applications than we've ever experienced from Adwords before.

Chris Flohr

Pulse Direct / PostcardPower/ Innovative Technologies in Print

We have partnered with Mike and his team for nearly 10 years. They

have managed our digital marketing efforts, both for our own

businesses and our clients'. MarlinSEM remains a key resource for us

and Mike continues to play a significant role in developing content and

online strategies for our own company websites, social media outlets

and Google PPC campaigns, which over the years have helped us

generate hundreds of leads and secure dozens of new clients.

Greg Shank

Re/Max Associates of Lancaster

Working with Mike at MarlinSEM has been a great experience. Mike is

very knowledgeable on Adwords and knows what it takes to get results,

while minimizing click costs. Each month we would receive a report of last

month's activity, and Mike would recommend changes based upon what

we saw was working best. Mike has been a trusted source of mine for


[email protected] | 717.546.4044

Ad spend $500-$1,999

Ad spend $2,000-$4,999

Ad spend $5,000+

Ad spend up to $499


Pricing Based on Your Budget

Our Adwords management pricing is simple, straightforward and directly proportional to your

advertising budget. Each package is designed with features and services to get the most from your ad

spend. Regardless of which package you choose, our job is prove the value of Adwords and deliver a

greater return on investment as your budget grows.


Economical for

businesses with limited

ad budgets. Take

Adwords for a test drive.



management for small

businesses. Custom

monthly reporting.


The best of Adwords

plus Facebook, Bing,

remarketing and

a lot more.


High-ROI performance

for consistent

advertisers. Get the

most from Adwords.

What's included?

See the next page for a breakdown of each package.

$195/mo + $400 setup

$265/mo + $400 setup

$375/mo + $875 setup

10% + $1,375 setup

[email protected] | 717.546.4044 16

Straightforward Packages





ELITE Free Adwords credit up to $100

Ad copy versions Up to 20 Up to 100 Up to 150 Unlimited

Keyword groups Up to 5 Up to 10 Up to 20 Up to 100

Keyword research

Ongoing ROI optimization

Conversion tracking

Your own account rep

Ongoing ad copy optimization

Ad extensions

Optional conference call Quarterly Monthly Monthly

Custom monthly reports

Landing page 1 free 1 free 1 free

Display banner design Add-on Add-on Up to 25 free Up to 40 free

Remarketing campaign Add-on Add-on

Bing/Yahoo Ad testing Add-on Add-on Free setup Free setup

Facebook Ad testing Add-on Add-on Free setup Free setup

Google analytics integration

Competitor analysis

Custom bids & rule management

Dynamic keyword insertion

[email protected] | 717.546.4044

Mike Marlin Jr.

Search Marketing Director

[email protected]



Let's Get Started

Discover what Google Adwords can do for your business. Contact us today open your Adwords account and start generating traffic within 24 hours.

Email me personally to get started and receive a

$100 free Adwords credit when you spend your first $25!

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