
•  Establishedin2004•  ~200acGvemembers•  8infrastructureprograms•  1R&DGroup(wasAppropriateTechnologyDesignTeam(ATDT))project

•  ExecuGveCommi\eeandsupportcommi\eesprovidechaptermanagement,fundraising,andpublicity



Belizeupclose•  Belizeissmall:About175miles,

north-south,by80mileswide•  Ithasdiverselandregions:cayes,


•  BelizeissmallenoughandtransportaGonisgoodenoughthatastopatBelizeOpenSourcecanbeincludedaspartofyouriGnerary,alongwithwhateverelseyouchoosetodoinBelize

•  IfyouvisitBelizeandvolunteerwithBOSSD,areasonableporGonofyourtripexpensescanbetaxdeducGble

Howtogetinvolved•  Contactme:

•  [email protected]•  BelizeOpenSource:h\p://

•  SFP-EWB:h\p://•  EWB-USA:h\p://

•  IndividualchaptersandprojectsareaccessiblethroughtheEWB-USAwebsite

•  PublicLab:h\p://

ClevelandStateEWBproject•  ThenewschoolbuildingprovidesaddiGonalspaceforthe

currentovercrowdedschoolthatservesapproximately450studentsandservesasahurricaneshelterforthegeneralcommunity•  Aproject-specificassessmenttripwascompletedin


•  Dataonbuildingmaterialqualityandavailabilitywasgatheredalongwithmaterialprices

•  DetailedsitesoilsampleswerecollectedandshippedtoCSU’scampusforlaboratorytests.SoilcharacterisGcswereincorporatedintotheschoolbuilding’sfoundaGondesign

•  SoilcharacterisGcsforaleachfieldfortheschoolbuilding’ssepGcsystemwereevaluated


ClevelandStateEWBfunding•  ThepreliminaryesGmateforconstrucGon,furnishingand

ousitngtheschoolwas~$150kUSD•  Thecommunityagreedtoraise$100kincashand/or

in-kindcontribuGons(includinglabor)•  TheCSUChapteragreedtoraiseupto$50k(Coyle/

BOSSDhelpedinmodestamounts)•  ThecommunityappliedforfundstotheBelize


•  (asofearlyAugust‘12,thecosttodatewas~$134k,with$61kfromBelizeand$73kfromCSUEWB)

•  ConstrucGonbeganinApril,2011andwascompletedin2012

CSU Project Manager/ Site Engineer and APR School Project Committee Chairman Julio Magaña at the completion of the project.

Classroom tiled and ready for use. The door is only open when the building is utilized as a hurricane shelter by the community. Similar doors allow passage throughout the building in safety.

Not everybody could be listed. We wish to also thank BASF, Parker Hannifin Company, and Belize Open Source, to name a few more.

While in Belize the leaking roof on the existing school was repaired. No more leaks. The black of the roof is the build up of ash from the burning of sugar cane. Because of the slope on the new school, each passing rain helps to keep the roof clean.

Anemometer installed on the roof of the other school building. Data collected by the students of APR is emailed to CSU engineering students working closely with Dr. Majid Rashidi and his wind amplification turbine system to properly size the wind turbines.

CSU Students Amy Kalabon (left) and Alice Summerville (Right) level stone for the leach field on the school property.

Completion of pipe runs to septic tanks behind the school. At this time the tanks are sealed and the pipes all covered.

Distribution box walls poured, top was added the next day and everything is now covered with fill material.

The leach field with all the pipes set awaiting the final cover of 18 inches of soil.

CSUstatusNov 23, 2015, Norbert Delatte, the faculty advisor wrote EWB-USA staff: • We are not planning a 501B submittal for the Belize project because we have evaluated our proposed water project for the village and we don’t think it makes sense. There isn’t a need for it and the village wasn’t enthusiastic about it.

• We are working on the 527 to close it out. I have a draft I have been working on. Our final M&E trip was on January 6 – 9, 2013.

Water Quality Testing Photo (left to right) Anna Florian, Stephen Kolbus, and Michael Sutadji taken by Norbert Delatte

Installation of Solar Panel Photo of Michael Sutadji taken by Anna Florian

Discussion Panel with Community over Water Treatment Design Presentation Photo of Community members taken by Michael Sutadji

LamarUniversitystatusSeptember 2015, Document 527, Program Closeout Report indicates: • Our project consisted of designing a septic tank for the implementation of a modern restroom facility at St. Viator High School. Since the community has found other means of obtaining this restroom facility, our designs have now become obsolete. We are happy to hear of the progress at St. Viator High School, but have decided to start a new program in another part of the world.

• We are thankful for the kindness you have shown, as well as patience you and your students have had with us. We apologize for not completing the project sooner and for the uncertainty you all must have experienced when we failed to correspond appropriately throughout these years.

Blanca Torres, principal of the August Pine Ridge school, wrote, “The aerial photo mapping seems very interesting. I shared with my children and sisters the images of our village … and they just loved them. … I welcome these opportunities where I can involve my students in new learning experiences. I am very interested in exposing them through your mapping project. We feel pride in having our community appear in internet pages and more if we are involved in getting those images.”


In progress and completed new classroom building Richard Obratil, former Chapter President, Project Manager/Site Engineer EWB-Cleveland State University Chapter, wrote, “... here is a picture of the building…”



MufflesJuniorCollege,Belizemapping•  Did two hands-on

training and mapping sessions with Rafael Castillo, the faculty advisor, and the Environmental Club at the Muffles Junior College campus near Orange Walk Town

•  Left them with a complete KAP mapping kit

•  Put a sustainable mapping capability in place at Muffles which can serve the Environmental Science program


•  This40-acreruralpropertyislocatedinnorthwesternBelizeneartheMexicanandGuatemalabordersabout16milesfromOrangeWalkTown,betweenthevillagesofAugustPineRidgeandSanFelipeand3.5milestotheRioHondoBelize/Mexicoborder

•  GoogleMapsshowsit,butunGlrecently,twomoreclicksinandyouranoutofpixels–it’sbe\ernow




ComposGngLatrineStatus•  ThefirstcomposGngtoiletswereworkinggreat

•  Useracceptancewashigh•  GeneraGonanduseofcompostforagriculturalapplicaGonswassuccessful

•  Thecommunitywantedmoreunits

Phase2(cont.)•  July2014:ANselectedparGcipantsincommunityofElLllanito

•  August2014:MaterialProcurementpriortoconstrucGonstarted

•  August19-August31,2014:ConstrucGon

•  PostConstrucGon:DocumentaGon–inprogress

Phase2Planning(cont.)•  Goal:buildfourteencomposGngtoiletsinElLlanitocommunityusingthenewdesign($336/toilet)

•  AlcanceNicaraguaresponsibiliGes:materialsprocurementandtransportaGon,idenGfyingnewbeneficiaries,managingtheconstrucGon,andcollecGngbeneficiaries’contribuGon(40%ofcost)

Phase2Planning(cont.)•  July2014:ANselectsparGcipants•  August2014:MaterialProcurementpriortoconstrucGonstart

•  August19-August31:ConstrucGon•  PostConstrucGon:

•  DocumentaGon



•  OurteamcompletedstructuralevaluaGonanddevelopedinexpensiveupgradestoimprovetheintegrityofthestructure

•  Addconcretemasonryunits(CMUs)withrebarandgroutatthecornersofthebasevaultstructuretoaddmomentresistance

•  Limittheforceintothebasevaultstructurefromtheuppersuperstructure,viagracefulfailuresodetachesfromthebasevaultstructureinhighwindloads(~80mph)


Nextsteps•  TheEWBteamhasraisedfundstodomorecomposGngtoiletsforthefamiliesthatneedthem

•  Almost$3kthroughanIndieGoGocampaign•  $7.5kgrantfromEWB-SFPchapter• MyRotaryClubofLivermoreandourNGOpartneredwiththeMasayaNicaraguaRotaryclubforaGlobalGrant(GG)for$37.5k,enoughtodoabout80moreunits

•  RotaryClubofCastroValleyallocatedfunds(DDF)togetusto$15kmin

•  EWB-SFPATDTisdonaGng$5k•  TheRotaryFoundaGonapprovedtheapplicaGon–fundsareinNicaraguawiththeMasayaRotaryClubandwearepreparingtostartthenextphase



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