Page 1: 2015 Feb. Chimes New cozy place to enjoy. Many do not, and the casseroles from PCC make a loving difference

My last New Year’s resolution was to make no New Year’s resolutions. I have done very well at keeping this resolution, by far my most resolute performance. Keeping resolutions, keeping promises, keeping faith… these are demanding. Life seems easier just avoiding such challenging commitments. Still, years ago it dawned on me that we are defined by our commitments, our sense of self is shaped by the commitments we have made and the commitments we have kept.

I always tell parents bringing their children to be baptized the story of George Ainsworth. George was the patriarch of a farming family in the town Heather and I lived in after I finished school. The story goes back to a time when our church was adding an addition to the church building, making our sanctuary unusable for a couple of months. During that time we worshipped with a much smaller congregation meeting in the next village. During that time, a young couple came to the pastor of that church, bringing their infant to be baptized. This couple had recently set up operations on a rented farm with the hope of one day owning a farm of their own. Realizing this dream would be a long-shot, at best, but it was their only shot.

On the day their child was baptized members of both congregations participated in the sacrament of baptism. In the course of that service, we all stood before God and one another, pledging our intent to support this young family as they sought to rear their child in the faith. When worship ended that morning I heard the following conversation between George and his son David (both members of our congregation):

“David, I am going to need the truck this afternoon.” “Fine with me. What’s up?” “I’m going to take one of our heifers over to this family.” !

(Continued on page 4)

In This Issue !Sunday School News 2

Sacred Circle 3

Cathedral Guild 3

Mosaic Volunteers Needed 3

In Memoriam 3

Pastor’s Message con’t 4

Scout Sunday/Sabbath 4

January Calendar Insert

Monthly Casserole 5

Missions Says Thank You 5

Journey to Adulthood 6

Men’s Breakfast 6

Hoagies for Sale 6

Member Care Soup Sales 7

Coffee Hour Hosts Needed 7

Guild Thank You 7

VIP Parking Space 7

Don’t Forget 7

January Birthdays 8

The Chimes Submit items to

Lynne Poag via email [email protected] !


March 1, 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Steven E. Winkler Senior Pastor

Dr. Virginia E. Leopold, Pastor Emirata Dr. Richard T. Say, Pastor Emiratus

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 609-654-4220 (office)

609-654-0515 (Sunday School)

Worship Services at 8:00, 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Sunday School during the 9:00 AM Service

Nursery Care available at 9:00 & 10:30 Services Fellowship Hour at 10:00 AM

The Chimes The News of the Protestant Community Church of Medford Lakes, NJ

February 2015

Page 2: 2015 Feb. Chimes New cozy place to enjoy. Many do not, and the casseroles from PCC make a loving difference

Sunday School News! Andria Gross ! Sunday School Superintendent

During the remaining weeks of this Sunday school rotation titled God’s Call, which comes from Genesis 12-33, the children are focusing on the stories of Abram and Sarai, whose names were later changed by God to Abraham and Sarah. This Bible story is about Abraham and his descendants. Throughout this story, we cannot help but notice God’s desire to be in relationship with us, and we can celebrate that God is with us in all of life’s circumstances.

Central to this story is the idea of promise and fulfillment. God has promised Abraham and Sarah that they will have descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, yet for much of their lifetime they remain childless. Sometimes the promise is spoken of directly; other times it remains hidden. But every episode in the life of Abraham and Sarah must be read with these questions in mind: Will God be able to fulfill the promise to make a great nation out of Abraham and Sarah? Will Abraham or Sarah (or God!) do something to ruin the promise?

The children will learn about Isaac, the first son of Abraham and Sarah. Isaac marries Rebekah who delivers twin boys—Esau and

Jacob. The first child comes out of his mother’s womb hairy and red and so was named Esau. The second child comes out grabbing the heel of the first and so was named Jacob. The children are learning that the names in the story carry important meanings. God changes Abram and Sarai’s names to Abraham, meaning “father of nations” and Sarah, meaning “princess.” Isaac, son of Abraham and Sarah means, “he laughs.” Isaac’s twin sons are Esau, meaning “red” and Jacob, meaning “one who grabs.”

The story of the great nation of Israel and the story of

God’s people starts with a story of one family, and all the stuff of family life is found here:

dreams both lost and fulfilled, sibling rivalry, hospitality toward guests, making mistakes,

faithfulness to one another. But finally, these are stories about blessing. God richly blesses

this family and sometimes even their mistakes turn into blessings. As our children venture

into their unknown futures, a sense of God’s rich blessings will give them courage to step

into that future with confidence and faith.


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Members of Sacred Circle have had very interest ing and informative discussions on the r o o t s o f o u r v a r i o u s denom ina t i ons and the i r

religious beliefs and worship practices. We are working with two books: Christianity’s Family Tree: What Other Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton and God Stories, edited by C. Michael Curtis. !The study continues at 7 PM each second Wednesday of the month in the Leopold study. All women of our church are invited to join us on Wednesday, February 11. ! Nancy Sauer


The February meeting of the Cathedral Guild will be on the 24th at 11:45 AM in the Todd building. The speakers will be Pegi Siegel and Karen Winner, residents of Medford Leas. Their topic is Insights into Quakerism which fits in with our Peace Initiative. Bring a sandwich and a friend. Beverage and desserts are provided. !

Dottie Mulholland

There is an Easter Mosaic in Sunday school that was done by the

Sunday school children more than 15 years ago, but over the

years, it has become faded. In September, Sandy Chase worked

with the Sunday school children for a few months replacing the

faded paper mosaic pieces with bright, plastic mosaic pieces. It's

becoming a beautiful piece of art under her supervision and artful

eyes. The Mosaic project is about finished and she'd like to have

the work completed by Easter. There are a few others who have come to help Sandy complete

the mosaic, and they each have found that the process is peaceful and enjoyable. Sandy

works on the Mosaic Friday afternoons at 2:00 PM upstairs in the Todd Building, and she

would love others to participate and enjoy the blessings of finishing the Easter Mosaic. So if

you have an hour or two on a Friday afternoon, come and join in the fun and quiet time that

this project offers.Andria Gross

Volunteers Needed to Complete Sunday School Mosaic

Edith Joseph


In Memoriam

Lebern (Lee) Miller


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(Pastor’s Message continued from cover page) !I was awed. Not only because of the generosity of this gift (their livestock was and is very valuable), but because George had not left the building before he figured out a way to fulfill a part of the promise he (and the rest of us) had just made. His was not an idle promise, and George’s example of faithfulness has long inspired and challenged me.

When George passed away many years later, David asked me to be a part of his memorial service. I agreed, on the condition I could tell this story. I felt this tale provided an accurate description of the life George had lived.

You and I, we have often made commitments before one another and before God to work and walk together, to support the ministries of our church. I am awed by your faithfulness.

God bless,

Scout Sunday and Scout Sabbath Once again this year, Scouts of the church have an opportunity to

participate in Scout Sunday services. This annual event

helps to commemorate the birth of the Boy Scout

movement in early February, and allows Scouts to live

by the 12th point of the Scout Law, “A Scout is

Reverent.” Scout Sunday will be held at the 9 AM

service on February 8th. All Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts,

Gir l Scouts, and adul t Scouters are welcome to

wear their uniform. Please contact Manny Estacio at

estac io@ver or 609-953-3326 so that we can

know how many Scouts will be participating. Selected Scouts

will have an opportunity to read selected passages as part of the church service.

This year for the first time, Scouts will also have an opportunity to observe Scout Sabbath

Services with Congregation Beth Shalom in Cherry Hill on Friday, February 13th. More

details will be announced from the pulpit. Manny Estacio

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When Did I See You Hungry I’m tired of being cold. I’m tired of putting on an extra sweater. I’m tired of a runny nose. I’m tired of heating bills. Oh, we have a heater, I have sweater, I can come in from the cold.

Winter is just dark and cold, but most of us have a warm cozy place to enjoy. Many do not, and the casseroles from PCC make a loving difference.

Pick up a casserole container the first Sunday of the month and prepare one of the provided casserole

recipes or one of your favorites. As an alternative, Suzanne Murray has ready-to-bake ingredients from donors most Sundays at coffee hour.

Macaroni and Cheese 1. Follow the recipe on the box.

2. For extra protein add some ham, hot dogs, or other meat if available.

3. Label and freeze. Return to PCC the following Sunday or take to the church office.

Kathy Roberts

What a successful casserole year! Thanks to the generous support of the Dutch Wagon Amish Market, we continue to be a major source of food for the Christian Caring Center. Pequea Valley Meats, Dutch Country Salads, Paradise Valley Poultry, and Lancaster County Baked Goods have provided the PCC with all manner of foods which YOU turn into wonderful casseroles. The Mission Council provides the funds for the other supplies, but this year all the protein came from the Market.!A big thank you also goes to Panera Bread from which the French toast bread comes. This has proven to be a big hit for those who are fed in the woods.!During 2014 we gave out 596 casseroles, in addition to breads, cakes, salads, soups, sliced lunch meat, rolls and other goodies which go "as is" every Monday morning. You have truly nurtured the least of them in His name. To each and everyone of you who has participated in the casserole program, thank you for sharing your time and energy to make these meals. It is very much appreciated. And please support our donors!

Missions Council Says

Valerie Armstrong and Suzanne Murray

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Journey to Adulthood

T h e M e n ' s Breakfast wi l l be h e l d S a t u r d a y , February 21st, at

8:30 AM in the Todd Building. !

The speaker will be our own Bai Kamara, telling us about oppressive conditions in his native homeland, Sierra Leone. ! ! ! ! Ken Roberts

The J2A youth are about to begin the Confirmation phase of the Journey to Adulthood program. This year, the youth have chosen their own mentors. In early December, the J2A youth were asked to give me names of members of the congregation who they knew and admired, and they came up with a list of almost 30 people! The youth are learning what mentoring means to them, and this knowledge has equipped them with the information they needed when they chose a mentor. !A mentor provides the youth with guidance, is one who listens, is a wise and trusted friend, is one who encourages and helps identify dreams and pursuits, and one who serves as a Christian role model. A selected mentor will guide the youth in their journey to Confirmation as well as their journey to Taize'. It's a short-term commitment that asks the mentor to join the youth at two Sunday evening classes and to assist the youth in choosing scripture that speaks to who they are as young adults. !if you have been asked to mentor one of our youth, please prayerfully consider the opportunity. If you have any questions or need additional information in order to make your decision, please feel free to speak with Rev. Winkler or me. I always encourage potential mentors to speak with previous mentors about their experience of mentoring because they will attest to their most meaningful and moving experience. It is truly a privilege. Thank you for the support of our J2A youth and the Journey to Adulthood program.

Andria Gross

SUPER BOWL HOAGIES FOR SALE !The youth will be selling Hoagies for Super Bowl Sunday. The hoagies may be ordered in advance at fellowship hour and picked up on Sunday, February 1st, just in time for the b ig game. Thank you for supporting this youth fundraiser!

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Member Care

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Purchase your weekly grocery dollars at Coffee Hour or in the church office. Be part of the Grocery Dollars Challenge!

Canned goods are collected & c a s s e r o l e t i n s a r e distributed the 1st Sunday o f t h e m o n t h . Fr oze n casseroles are returned the 2nd Sunday of the month!

If you enjoy the coffee and light snacks that are

provided at Fellowship Hour, please do your

part by signing up to host.

sign up at fellowship hour

or call the church office to volunteer.

Soup Sales Chicken Rice soup will

b e f o r s a l e o n

S u n d a y, J a n u a r y

25th. It is still $7.00

a quart and no preordering is

necessary. Come to Fellowship

Hour and buy a quart or two. The

soup freezes well and can be just

what the doctor ordered to ward

off the cold. Suzanne Murray

Please be mindful not to park there. This space is reserved for a Very Special Parker! Thanks. Chrissie Greatrex, Gala chair

Have you noticed the V I P P a r k i n g s i g n on Minnetonka Trail right before you turn i n t o t h e c h u r c h driveway? Well, that parking spot belongs to the winner of the live auction sold at the PCC Gala in June.

The Cathedral Guild wants to thank all who came to the Epiphany Luncheon on January 3rd. Bai Kamara provided a very interesting and informative overview of the Sierra Leone civil war from a perspective not usually available.

Suzanne Murray

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The Protestant Community Church is an inclusive ecumenical faith community purposefully seeking to be caring, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, study, prayer and Christian service.

The Protestant Community Church 100 Stokes Road Medford Lakes,NJ 08055 !Return Services Requested




01 Valerie Armstrong Robert Curran 03 Janet McFarland 04 Amy Talbot 05 Sonja Hardwick Jane Smith 06 Michele Rahinsky Rebecca Dyremose David Thomas 07 Tiel Hardwick 08 Sheryl Taylor 09 Ginnie Phillips Steven Wingert 11 Corey Williams

13 Russell Williams 14 Jennifer Flanagan Nicholas Palumbo Ethan Mercy Bria Williams 15 Jennifer Gottschalk Marc Pettine Aiden Vitelli 16 Layla DelRossi 17 Scott Long 18 Kent Hardwick 19 Juanita Campbell 21 Dwight Tamaki Mary Lynne Reynolds

21 Lisa Ferraro 22 Christopher Meyers Abby Smith 23 Kathy Bealuk 24 Dorothy Mulholland Zachary Powell 26 Paula Masters 27 Timothy Estacio Kevin Ulriksen Kayla Ulriksen

Happy Birthday to All

!The Jazz & Blues Showcase Series will resume at a later date. Renovations to Memorial Hall need to be completed before concerts begin.

February Birthdays

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