Page 1: 2015 December Broadcaster Newsletter

Ugly Sweater Christmas PartyFriday, December 11, 5:30 PMOur annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party forall Young Adults (for young adults 22-50…andthe young at heart!) will be on Friday, December 11!Get it on your calendars now—and let Tiffany ([email protected]) know if you will needchildcare and for how many. Dinner this evening willbe a “Christmas Dinner Sides Favorites” potluck. So bring your personal favorite Christmas dinner side dish to share with the group. Tiffany will make a turkey and a ham for the group (trust her…really)—so bring what you love to have as a side or a dessert at Christmas. We will also have a White Elephant Gift Exchange—Eric Dresing is really hoping he can get unwound VHS tapes from PBS again this year—he LOVED those!

First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa Street

Davenport, Iowa 52803


December 2015 g A Monthly Publication of The First Presbyterian Church g Volume 44, No. 10

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g


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Gift of WarmthHot Cocoa & Glove Giveaway

Monday, December 21, 4:30 PM

West Parking Area of FPC

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The Christmas Eve Services of First Presbyterian ChurchThe 4:00 PM worship service is particularly for families with young children. Along with ChristianEducation Director Tiffany Horvath, the Sunday School youth and Active Christian Teens (A.C.T.)will present “The Most Awesome, Incredible, Stupendous, Amazing, Breathtaking and ExcitingChristmas Pageant in the History of Forever.” The Cherub Choir and Kirkwood Choir will sharespecial music. We will sing traditional carols and experience the wonder of the candle lit service.The Blessing of the Babies recognizes all infants born since last Christmas and little ones who arenew to the congregation.

At 9:00 PM, Holy Communion will be shared in the hushed quietness of the first Christmas whenGod “descended the back stairs of Bethlehem” to become one with the human race. Soloists will offerthe special music for the evening. The Feast of Light will be celebrated as the darkened Sanctuary istransformed by candlelight to symbolize pilgrims coming to see the Light of the World. The Rev.Kristy Parker will offer the meditation. Several traditional and favorite Christmas carols will be sungduring the distribution of the Sacrament.

At 11:00 PM, a festive service of carols and candlelighting will herald the welcome of Christmas Day.The Sanctuary Choir and Cecelian Carolers will provide inspiring music. Of course, carol singing willabound. The traditional Service of Darkness and Candlelighting during the singing of “Silent Night”will add a special feeling to the conclusion of this memorable Christmas celebration.

Rejoice, Rejoice,

Emmanuel!Taizé Services in the

Season of AdventWednesdays, December 2, 9,&16, 6:30 PM, in the ChapelIsaiah had prophesied: “A shootshall come out from the stock of

Jesse, and a branch shall grow outof his roots” - Isaiah 11:1

Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come. Adventfor Christians is the four week period before Christmasof expectation and anticipation of the Messiah’s(Christ’s) birth. The meditative Taizé prayer service provides the worshiper an opportunity to reflect onChrist’s birth and life and its significance and influenceon his or her life, during the season of hope.

Join others in this peaceful, candlelight service of song,prayer, and silence. It provides a time to commune withGod in a very personal and individual manner while renewing your spirit. Plan to experience this worship opportunity to praise and thank God for the Light He sentwhich provides salvation for each of us. All are welcome.

Join us for the next Hope Projectat FPC! We’re giving the gift of warmth with ahot cocoa and glove giveaway. Meet by the portecochere entrance by the west parking lot, onMonday, December 21, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.Everyone is invited to participate in providingthis gift of warmth as we extend care, hope, andwitness to the community as the heart of the city.This ministry is a form of listening to those in ourcommunity and making connections throughHope Projects. For more information, contactDiane Pumphrey ([email protected]).

Hope Projects: Caring and reaching outthrough visible works of service -- creating hope and awareness in our community as we put the church’s mission into action.

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Out the Study Window by Rev. Richard Miller

Waiting in Advent

Waiting. We’re not very good at that anymore. Maybe wenever were. In this modern age, we get frustrated if wehave to wait for any length of time. Just the other day, Icomplained to my wife about a package I’d ordered fromAmazon that hadn’t arrived yet. After all, it had beenthree whole days. Waiting feels like time wasted. Andwho can afford to waste time these days? We have toomuch to do. Every second counts.

But that is precisely what I like about the advent season, it is all about waiting. During advent, we’rereminded of all those centuries when God’s people awaited the fulfillment of God’s promises, theyears of uncertainty, the times of doubt.

I suppose this side of Christmas it’s easy to think that the Christmas season is all about arrival, thebirth of Jesus. But that is only partly true. The waiting that preceded Christ’s advent, the waiting thatmarked the time before Christmas, the waiting lasted hundreds of years. So, once you remember thatperspective a little waiting can be seen as a good thing. I know that’s a heretical thought for some ofus, but bear with me. Here are five things that I think we can get from waiting.

1. WAITING REMINDS US THAT WE ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.It’s so easy to get caught up in our own plans, convinced that everything we do is absolutely, cruciallyimportant. Being forced to wait gives us the opportunity to remember that other people have plansand priorities as well. We are not the focal point of the universe. Our plans are not unimportant, butthey often need perspective.

2. WAITING REMINDS US THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL.At the very least, waiting forces us to realize that we are not in control. And that can be a valuable opportunity to reflect on who is.

3. WAITING REMINDS US THAT LIFE IS A GIFT.Forced to sit at a stop light for several precious minutes, I have a choice. I can choose to grumble andgripe about the loss of my precious time, or I can remember that those very minutes are a gift so that I might slow down, calm my body, and lessen the stress of the season.

4. WAITING REMINDS US THAT THE PRESENT MATTERS.Do you feel like life is always focused on what comes next? What would thinking about now looklike? My grandmother used to say “Richard ‘next’ is in God’s hands. Now is what we have. Enjoythe script God is writing with your life right now.”

5. WAITING REMINDS US THAT THE FUTURE IS BIGGER THAN WE THINK.I think we all have a sense of our own mortality, and it seeps out when we’re forced to wait. We really don’t want to think about the future. So, in the light of eternity, is a two-minute wait at the grocery store really that onerous?

Prayer Vigil for Victims of ViolenceSunday, December 27, 7:00 PMJoin with fellow Christians for a prayer vigil at First Pres., on Sunday, December 27, from 7:00-7:30 PM. Please meet at the porte cochere entrance bythe west parking lot. We will pray for people in our country, and for families andfriends who are victims of violence. Let us pray for God’s healing for victims,and let us bear witness to the senseless violence in our country. For more information, contact Rev. Richard Miller ([email protected]).

Together we celebrate the traditions that are the foundation of our worship at First PresbyterianChurch. Together we honor thewillingness to reach out into ourcommunity and world throughmission. And together we arecommitted to inspire, nurture,and grow our faith communitythrough our continued generous support of First Presbyterian Church. As weseek to fulfill the needs of thechurch, let the joy of givingwithin us be a reflection ofour love for God and neighbor. God has given us an abundance of grace and as Christians we give in the spirit and manner of Christ as he guides usthrough our walks of faith. You may place your pledge cardin the Sunday offering plate or deliver it to the church Finance Office, during office hours. Visit the church websiteat to pledge, as giving online is easyand allows you to set-up automatic recurring contributions.

Sacrament of CommunionSunday, December 6The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be served on Sunday, December 6, at all of the services of worship. TheFurthest Pew Communion will be delivered the week of December 6. If you or someone you know would like to bevisited by a Pastor and served Communion, contact thechurch office (563-326-1691).

Congregational Meeting Sunday, December 6, 9:55 AMThe purpose of the meeting is for the election of officers and receiving of a report from the Church Government &Personnel Committee about a compensation matter for Rev. Richard Miller.

Church Officer TrainingSaturday, December 12, 8:30 AMNewly elected officers, please plan to attend officer trainingon Saturday, December 12, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM in the Parlor. A make-up date, for those who cannot attend thatmeeting, is set for Saturday, January 9, 2016, from 8:30 AM

– 12:00 PM. Currently serving Elders and Deacons may alsoattend. Installation and Ordination of church officers will be on Sunday, January 10, 2016, during the 9:00 AM and11:00 AM worship services. Please R.S.V.P. to the church office (563-326-1691).

Pledge Today!

First Presbyterian Church g 1702 Iowa Street g Davenport, Iowa 52803 g 563.326.1691 g

Gift of WarmthHot Cocoa & Glove Giveaway

Monday, December 21, 4:30 PM

West Parking Area of FPC

Page 3: 2015 December Broadcaster Newsletter


CEFY (Christian Education & Fellowship for Youth)

We have a VERY busy monthat CEFY—but first and foremost,we want to focus on the bestnews of all to share this month:


Yes—this month will be busy. Yes—it will be hectic. Yes—there will be stress and small panic moments and utter exhaustion. But—as the days go by, I would ask that each one of us take a momentto remember what is really going on this month. We are together. We are a family—whether it be yourchildren, your neighbor, or the stranger sitting next to you on the bus. And, Jesus was born for eachone of us. So many times in this frantic holiday hustle and bustle that message—that realization—canget lost. Each of us are so blessed in our lives and His love—and Christmas is a reflection of that love. So, whether you spend this month volunteering in a soup kitchen, or frantically running aroundtrying to find 24 light-up angel wings the night before Christmas, or simply basking in the well-lovedChristmas carols and traditions of your own family—know that God loved you enough to send us Hisson, and that you personally are a product of that very love.

And, that, truly, remains the best Christmas present in the history of forever. So—that being said, hereis what is going on with CEFY:

Christmas PageantOur 2015 Christmas Pageant is “The Most Awesome, Incredible, Stupendous, Amazing, Breathtaking and Exciting Christmas Pageant inthe History of Forever” and your children are invited to be a part of thisproduction on December 24, at 4:00 PM. Youth in Cherub Choir andKirkwood Choirs will be singing, the middle and high school youthgroups will be putting on a pageant, the young elementary youth are invited to be in the nativity scene as animals around the manger, and allthe babies born this year will be recognized in our annual, “Blessings ofthe Babies”. Any children wanting to be in this (required for any whoare singing!) need to plan to be at our dress rehearsal Wednesday,

December 23 at 5:30 PM (we will have our annual pizza party afterwards) and then need to be here at3:30 PM on December 24 ready to begin our Christmas pageant. Middle and High School youth NEEDto be here at 3:00 PM on Christmas Eve if they are in the pageant.

Sunday SchoolSunday School meets on the third floor of the Christan Education Building from 10:05-10:45 AM forgrades preK through 12th grade.

We have typically gone to the gym in December to work on Christmas crafts. This year, we are only going to do crafts for ONE SUNDAY in December—on December 20. We are going to focus moreon the Nativity Story this month and talking to the children about the true meaning of Christmas.

There is NO Sunday School on Sundays,December 27 and January 3.

Kirkwood ClubKirkwood Club is for 1st-5th grades and meets Wednesdayevenings from 6:30-7:15 PM, on December 2, 9 and 16.

December 23 will be a dress rehearsal for the Christmas Pageantstarting at 5:30 PM for EVERYONE (preschool, Cherub Choir,Kirkwood Club, and middle and high school youth) concludingwith a pizza party. In a perfect world, we will be done by 7:00 PM. In reality, we may be done by New Year’s Eve.

There is no Kirkwood Club on Wednesday, December 30—enjoy your Christmas break!

EPIC & ACT (middle & high school youth groups): On Friday, December 4, we have a Late-In (like a lock in, buteveryone goes home at 11:00 PM, so Tiffany can get somesleep in her aged state) scheduled from 6:00 -11:00 PM.Everyone in 6th through 12th grade is welcome to come playgames, watch a movie, work on the Christmas pageant andhave fun! Tiff is bringing pizza—please bring a side ordessert to share.

We have started our Secret Santas! Don’t forget to bring in aweekly note, letter, card or small surprise for your Secret Santa.We will have the big reveal and gift exchange on Sunday, December 13. Your final gift for this can’t be over $10.

The PAS Christmas Concerts are December 19 and 20. Most of the youth are involved in this, and we do need tobring refreshments for intermission. There is no youth groupon December 20 because of the whole singing thing.

Christmas Pageant Dress rehearsal is December 23 at 5:30 PM.We will practice and then have a pizza party. Everyone needsto be here in costume ready to go (or at least ready to helpsmall angels and small manger animals find theirhalos/wings/hats)

There is no youth group on December 27—enjoy your Christmasbreak and lack of homework on a Sunday afternoon!

Tiffany’s Epiphany:A lot of people don’t knowthis, but Scrooge LOVED Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.It’s because every buck was dear to him. (sorry)

Love Gift

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nt GivingTree

Angel Tree

Project (Prison



Alice Chikomo Ministry

Harare, Zimbabwe




Boys and Girls


The Advent Giving Tree is an important part of the life of the church during the Advent season. It is a way for the congregation to reach out to people in our neighborhood and around the world to bring the love of God to them, to help meettheir needs during the holidays, and to remind them of God’s ever-lasting gift to us all through the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Advent Giving Tree will include:

Love Gift

Angel Tree ProjectAsk most children and they wouldprobably say that the Christmas season is their most favorite time of the year. For children with an incarcerated parent, however, Christmas can be a very bleak timeof year. Children may feel unlovedor abandoned, and their caregivermay not have enough money foranything but basic necessities. TheAngel Tree Project helps these children by having church memberspurchase gifts for them, on behalf oftheir imprisoned parent. For a childto know that they have not been forgotten may be even more importantthan the gifts themselves! For an incarcerated parent, it’s opportunity forrestored dignity and hope.

You and your family can help in twoways: by purchasing gifts for thechildren and/or by helping deliverthe gifts before Christmas. The Deacons Outreach Committee is incharge of this project and they needyour help. You can claim Angelsfrom the tree in Fellowship Hall between services or to sign up tohelp deliver presents. All childrenare selected from the Davenport/Bettendorf area.

This is a wonderful way to teach thereal meaning of Christmas. Pleaseprayerfully consider becoming part ofFirst Presbyterian Deacons’ AngelTree Project, in conjunction with thePrison Fellowship Ministries. Contact Mia Carr (mialyncarr@, or Diane Schreiner([email protected]) for more information or to offer to help.

Alice Chikomo MinistryMrs. Alice Chikomo and her husband, Rev. HerbertChikomo, served the FPC congregation in 1983 before returning to their native Zimbabwe. Alice continues to servethe Harare community with an outreach program assistingblind mothers and their young school children. Alice usesFPC financial gifts to provide daytime shelter for activitieswith the women, who are street people. She helps them viasewing projects, light lunches, and assisting with assemblingschool uniforms for those who have school aged children.

AMKA Afrika SchoolThe AMKA Afrika School in Tanzinia, founded in 2010, is thriving, having expanded to a campus of six buildings serving 270 students. FPC has provided funding for textbooks, computers and structural improvements in support of this educational program in an underserved area.

Boys and Girls ClubThe Boys and Girls Club will have a “Backpack Christmas Tree” set up in Fellowship Hall. Theclub would love any new backpacks you can donate for Christmas this year. Many of them start theschool year without one, or with the free, nylon drawstring bags that businesses give away and by December, they have nothing left. All donations are so appreciated. For more information, pleasecontact Tiffany Horvath ([email protected]).

ILUGUA - Irrigation SystemsILUGUA (Lutheran Church ofGuatemala) has been FPC’s missionpartner since 2007 and has been internationally acclaimed by Breadfor the World for its efforts in coordinating programs in sustainableagriculture to some of the poorest citizens in the Zacapa region ofGuatemala. A Giving Tree gift toILUGUA will help to fund irrigation systems and to feed families served by ILUGUA’s outreach.

Love GiftOccasionally congregation members have short term special financial needs. Contributions to LoveGift provides a way for you to help your fellow church members through a difficult time. Pleaseconsider making a monetary contribution to Love Gift by choosing a Love Gift Ornament from theAdvent Giving Tree. If you would like further information regarding Love Gift please contactSteve Earp ([email protected]), Gail Yingling ([email protected]), or Phil Eshleman([email protected]).

Re-Member - ToolsMultiple mission groups from FPC have traveled to South Dakota to work on building projects coordinated by Re-Member at the Pine Ridge Reservation. Work groups do not typically bringtheir own tools for the projects, as Re-Member furnishes the necessary items. FPC has funded the purchase of tools in previous years and a Giving Tree gift to Re-Member will provide additional tools.

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Von Maur Hall Series - Sundays, 10:00 AMDecember 6: Christ’s WorkPeter and Merriam Rink are leading the presentation. They will be lettingus know about Christ's work that the CDF Committee does: Boys' andGirls' Club; Homework Helpers etc.

December 13: Care of the SoulWe live in a world that teaches us to be more concerned with the conditionof our cars, our careers or our portfolios than the condition of our souls.The condition of our souls affects us and those around us. This class is presented by David Fairweather.

December 20: Giving OptionsElder Mike Bawden will present an informative and creative program on'end-of-the-year' giving options. He will also inform us of exciting potential giving alternatives for our church to put Christ's love in action!

December 27: ACE in recess

Tuesday Morning Video Series - 10:30 AMThe series is entitled: Cultural Literacy for Religion: Everything the Well-Educated Person Should Know. Connie Richardson will lead this series and present aspects of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Islam...andmuch more! For more information, contact Connie Richardson ([email protected]).

Library NewsThe Donald B. Blackstone Library is located near Fellowship Hall and ready to assist you by providing religious resources and recreational reading. Please stop by thelibrary on Sunday mornings between services. You may access our collection from home by visiting the church’s webpage ( and clicking on the‘Search Library’ quick link.

1. Our Library Committee is seeking many overdue books and the many books that are not returned. Ifyou have seen any books that fit this description, please nab them, round them up and bring them into the Library. The reward, in place of the normal $10,000 reward, will be the inner satisfaction ofdoing the right thing!

2. Seeking volunteers who would cheerfully pop in to the Library between services to welcome andhelp visitors.

3. Browsing is encouraged in the Library! We love people who come in to browse through our bookshelves! Browsing is Beneficial to mind and spirit.

4. CHRISTMAS is coming and your relatives are too! Stop in and 'check-out' our Christmas storybooks for your grand-children and children.

In Memory or Honor of:________________________________________________________________________________________________

Given by:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Adult Christian Education (ACE) Opportunities

Christmas Flowers 2015The Chancel Guild will brighten the Sanctuary with poinsettias given in memory or honor of loved ones. To be a part of this wonderful tradition, complete and return the form to the church office or place it in the offering plate. The deadline for making memorials is December 13, 2015.

(circle one)

Your Vision for FPCFPC has begun a time where we will be creating a shared vision forour church. The Session has engaged the services of consultantRev. Jim Kitchens to help with our process. An Envisioning Leadership Team has been commissioned. This team recently metin retreat with Rev. Kitchens and the process has begun in earnest.

This is a congregational process. Each of you will be encouraged to share your experiences during three congregational gatherings. Each of these gatherings will have a different focus. We encourage you to attend all three.

Rev. Kitchens will be present to lead our discussions. The Envisioning Leadership Team will be there to listen to you andgather information. The meetings will begin following the 11:00 AM worship service and should last about 90 minutes. Refreshments will be provided.

More details about these meetings will be made available soon.

It does not matter your age, how long you have been attendingchurch here or where you are on your faith journey, hearing fromyou is important.

Save these dates:Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

New Library BooksChildren’s (But Adults Can Enjoy Them) The Peanuts Guide to Happiness - Schulz The Peanuts Guide to Life - Schulz Waiting is Not Easy! - WillemsNon-FictionThe Brain That Changes Itself - Doidge My Stroke of Insight - Bolte A Common Struggle: A Personal Journey Through the Past and Future - Kennedy

FictionThe Martian - WeirCome Rain or Come Shine - Karon

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Pickleball is at FPC! Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:00 AMOur recreational pickleball group is playing inside now.We play every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from9:00-11:00 AM in the church gym. Are you an experienced player or just interested in learning moreand trying out the game? Either way, we have you covered! We have extra equipment for those just gettingstarted. For more information, please contact DianeSchroder (563-326-5753) or David Fairweather (563-359-9712).

Manna & More! Sunday, December 13Time: 8:30 to 10:30 AM

Menu: Cinnamon pancakes, plain pancakes & plain waffles, sausage, fruit, assorted toppings and beveragesCost: $3 adults, $1 children (12 years and under)

Share a delightful breakfast and fellowship time withyour family andfriends before andafter the 9:00 AM

service. Mark yourcalendar to join us thesecond Sunday ofeach month. We look forward to seeing you!

Order Your Keepsake Book Now!Advance orders are now being accepted for the 100-page full color coffee table book published bythe Heritage Committee featuring photographs and stories of our congregation’s rich 175-year heritage.The book is a compilation of true stories spanning 175 years of ministry to the Quad Cities and beyond. Readers can turn to any section and read astory representative of the depth and dedication of our congregation and its pastors. Hundredsof hours of research, documentation, writing, photography, and design have gone into this monumental keepsake project. Now is the time to reserve your copy at the pre-publication price of $49. Order your copy online by following the links on the church’s website at You may also order by check and note “175th Book” on the memo lineof your check. Orders are accepted with a deposit of $20 per copy. Your payment is your confirmation. If you wish to give this as a Christmas present and would like a certificate towrap as a gift, please contact the church office after you have paid for the book, and we can mailthe certificate to you. The anticipated delivery date is March 15, 2016. For more information regarding the book and its contents contact Carolyn Draper-Math 563-391-7866.

Congregation Development & Fellowship ActivitiesOn Saturday, November 7, Travel Fellowship hosted anIowa Wine Tour, traversing scenic byways and smalltowns on a day trip enjoyed by FPC friends.

Music & The Performing Arts Series

The Twenty�sixth Annual Christmas ConcertSaturday, December 19, 2015 7:30 PMSunday, December 20, 2015 4:00 PMFIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH � 1702 IOWA STREET � DAVENPORT, IOWA 52803

Singing, dancing, having funFa la la la la la la la la!Musikgarten is second to noneFa la la la la la la la la!Sharing music, making friends,Fa la la la la la la la la!Lifelong love of music never ends.Fa la la la la la la la la!

Musikgarten provides a unique musical environment that is encouraging, loving, and supportive toboth children and adults.

Newborn babies through 3 year olds are welcome to come with their parents. All classes meet Sundaymornings from 10:15-10:45 AM. For more information, please contact Kathy Middleton([email protected]; 563-505-0471) Come for the fun! Stay for the musical and spiritual foundation!

TICKETS for the O Night Divine Christmas Concert are in great demand!If you have reserved seats and will not be able to use them, please return the tickets to the church office as soon as possible so that others may enjoy the performance.

Cecelian Carolers & Celebration Singers

Page 7: 2015 December Broadcaster Newsletter

Gifting Stock – When stock is gifted to the church,please notify the Finance Office of the following information sowe can give full contribution credit:

1. Number of Shares Transferred2. Company or Stock Symbol 3. Date of Transfer

The instructions to transfer stock are below:

Pershing LLCOne Pershing PlazaJersey City, NJ 07399

Tax ID# 13-2741729

We ask all of our members to fulfill their 2015pledge prior to December 31. Donors must deliver checks on or by December 31 in order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for2015. Checks that are placed in the church offering during the first worship service in 2016(January 3) will not qualify for a charitable deduction in 2015, even if the check is predatedto 2015 or was actually written in 2015. However,under the so-called “mailbox exception,” checksthat are written, mailed, and postmarked in 2015will be deductible in 2015 though they are not received by the church until 2016.

As always, thank you for your continued supportof First Presbyterian Church. If you have anyquestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Shannon Gruhlke at [email protected] or 563-326-1691, ext. 219.

The Broadcaster:This newsletter is a monthly publication ofFirst Presbyterian Church of Davenport, IA

First Presbyterian Church Staff:The Rev. Richard MillerPastor The Rev. Sue HowesAssociate Pastor EmeritaThe Rev. Kristy ParkerParish AssociateTiffany HorvathDirector of Christian EducationAhreum Han CongdonPrincipal Organist & Assistant Director of MusicLinda Bengfort*Assistant Choral Director, Accompanist& & Interim AdministratorBen Klemme*Interim Sanctuary Choir DirectorGail Glockhoff Long*Interim Handbell DirectorKathy Middleton*Interim Musikgarten Teacher/Admin.& Cherub Choir ConductorAdam Page*Musician for Youth & WorshipMusikgarten Teacher/FacilitatorShannon M. Gruhlke, CMFinance & Facilities ManagerLauren Browne/Claire Knightly*Accounting AssistantDiane PumphreyOffice & Communications ManagerTammy MayhewMembership & Pastoral Care CoordinatorRebecca MuhammadAdministrative CoordinatorKerri Peterson*Wedding CoordinatorJessie Munn*Nursery CoordinatorGeorgia RobertsCustodianDave SpauldingCustodian Kevin Wilson* Custodian Chad Dean* Custodian * Part-time employeeFirst Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, Iowa 52803

Phone: 563-326-1691 Fax: 563-326-5416


{xtÜà Éy à{x v|àç



Find FPC on FACEBOOK and Twitter!Then “like us” and “follow us!”Find out all the latest FPC news on the church’s Facebookpage. Check out some of the photo albums posted of the life ofFirst Presbyterian Church. You do not need to be a Facebook orTwitter member to view the feeds. The more you like andshare our posts about all of the good things happening at thecorner of Kirkwood and Iowa Streets, the more people we canreach with the good news! You can bea First Pres. ambassador by sharingFPC on social media!

Member News - The congregation marks the followingoccasions in the lives of those who make up our community.Baptism: Jocelyn Rose Miller (daughter of Patrick and Elizabeth Miller) - November 8, 2015.

New Members Welcomed: Pat Cresap and Oliver Ott - November 22, 2015

Make a Note of it...Publication Schedule:Articles for the FIRST PRESS (covering programming at FPC from January to May) were due in November. Articles for the February issue of TheBroadcaster newsletter will be due on January 15. For more information, please contact Diane Pumphrey ([email protected]).

The church will be closed December 25 and January 1 for theChristmas Day and New Year’s Day holidays.

Committee reports for the 2015 Annual Report are due December 31, 2015. For more information, contact DianePumphrey in the church office ([email protected]).

Church Government and Personnel(CG&P) Open Forum - December 6, 10:00 AMTo foster open communication, the CG&P Committee will beavailable December 6, at 10:00 AM, in Room 105, for churchmembers to bring them any concerns they may have.

Now you can make a contribution to FPCwith a quick text message to 563-538-5020! Simply send a text to 563-538-5020 with the amount you wouldlike to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount. Example: $25. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register.Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit card information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email. You may also designate your contribution to Pledge, Donations, PantrySunday,Deacons, or GivingTuesday, by texting that after the dollaramount. Example: $25 Pledge. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give, and it will process automatically! Try it -- you’ll like it :)

Financial Summary for the month of October 2015



October 2015


October 2014

Actual Budget Actual BudgetGeneral Income 60,405 72,870 79,439 72,666 Custodial Accounts Income 8,969 - 14,666 General Expenses 69,738 76,429 77,001 72,942 Custodial Accounts Expenses 8,969 - 14,666 - Surplus (Deficit) (9,333) (3,559) 2,438 (276)

2015 YTD

2015 YTD


204 YTD

Actual Budget Actual Budget General Income 753,764 747,482 765,670 739,910 Custodial Accounts Income 85,271 - 205,846 - General Expenses 737,482 792,120 769,740 771,763 Custodial Accounts Expenses 85,271 - 205,846 - Surplus (Deficit) 16,282 (44,638) (4,070) (31,853)

FBO: First Presbyterian Church1702 Iowa StreetDavenport, IA 52803

Phone (563) 326-1691

Account Number: JAU101076DTC Number 0443

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FPC Provides Local Giving Opportunity for Giving Tuesday on December 1!

What is Giving Tuesday? The Giving Tuesday concept originated nationally three years ago as a response to consumerism – Black Friday & Cyber Monday. Now Giving Tuesday is a global dayof giving that inspires philanthropy and encourages charitable giving during the holiday season. First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is offering a local giving opportunity as part of Giving Tuesday (December 1) through social media promotion. You’ll be able to share the good news and all the goodwork happening at Davenport’s heart of the city – providing a local #GivingTuesday option with allof your connections. So follow us at @FPCDavenport on Twitter and like us of Facebook.

What does FPC support? Homework Helpers, Community Family Garden, Scott County MealService, Salvation Army Meal Site, Boy Scouts, Boys & Girls Club, Cafe’ on Vine, Churches United,Carelink, Winnie’s Place, college care packages, care packages for soldiers, CROP walk, Camp Wyoming scholarships, Quad City Arts, Fishers of Men, Food Pantry, Fair Trade Coffee, Humility of Mary Shelter, In Touch Gifts, Kids AgainstHunger, Love Gifts, Little Dresses for Africa, Lakota Giveaway, AMKA Afrika, Alice Chikomo Mission, ILUGUA – Guatemala, Pastoral Care Assistance fund for

those in need, PUNCH, Souper Bowl of Caring, United Neighbors, Trunk-N-Treat, Hope Projects, Prayer Shawl ministry, Community Easter Egg Hunt &Celebration, Cocoa & Glove Giveaway,Vacation Bible Camp, Kicks for Kids, and more.

How can you participate? Simply by “liking,” “sharing,” and “retweeting” the FPC Giving Tuesday option. The more you share, the greater the outreach – FPCDavenport is the heart of the city! Take a heart-hand picture on your phone and post it to our Facebook page or Twitter -- share what you LOVE about FPC!

How can you visibly show your support? You may visit the church website and click on the “Giving Tuesday” links to access online giving. On the church’ssocial media sites (Facebook and Twitter) share “I supported FPC on Giving Tuesday!” so that the message can be shared. FPC is also offering a new and easy way togive through text messaging. How does this work? Simply send a text to 563-538-5020 with the amount you would like to contribute. Be sure to include the dollarsign before the amount. Example: $25. Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and creditor debit card information. Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with theamount you wish to give, and it will process automatically. FPC Davenport is the heart of the city -- let’s show it!

563-538-5020$25Giving Tuesday

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