Page 1: 20141002-「臺美氣象先進資料同化與預報模式系統發展技術合作協議」第11號 執行辦法


行政院 第 3418次會議

民國 103年 10月 2日



作協議」第 11號執行辦法,請鑒核案。



展技術合作協議」及其第 1 至 10 號執行辦法案,均經提



發展技術合作協議」第 11 號執行辦法,經報奉鈞院同意




Page 2: 20141002-「臺美氣象先進資料同化與預報模式系統發展技術合作協議」第11號 執行辦法



臺北經濟文化代表處副代表王珮玲,分別於本(103)年 4

月 22 日及 8 月 4 日依國名輪先原則代表雙方完成簽署,

檢附該第 11號執行辦法,請備查。


(一)本第 11 號執行辦法執行期間自 103 年 1 月 1 日起至至

103年 12月 31日止,合約金額為美金 52萬元整(折合

約新臺幣 1,560 萬元),分別由中央氣象局及民用航空

局於 103 年度相關工作計畫項下分別支應新臺幣 1,260

萬元及 300萬元。






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四、本案擬由院復准備查,並函請總統府秘書長查照轉 陳。







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第 11 號執行辦法







化代表處 (TECRO) 透過其指定代表交通部(MOTC)所屬中央氣象局


共同致力之合作。本執行辦法附屬於 2005 年 1 月 12 日 TECRO 與 AIT 簽








報變得十分困難。AIT 的指定代表 UCAR 將會提供軟體與技術諮詢服務,

協助 TECRO 的指定代表 CWB 建立及測試先進的資料同化系統以及天氣預

報系統以強化豪雨事件的預報。AIT 指定代表 UCAR 提供之詳細工作內容

列於附件工作說明書。TECRO 與 AIT 的指定代表將依據雙方簽訂之協議及

第 11 號執行辦法進行技術合作。






Page 5: 20141002-「臺美氣象先進資料同化與預報模式系統發展技術合作協議」第11號 執行辦法

依照本執行辦法,UCAR 代表 AIT 執行此項工作,TECRO 須支付

AIT 進行本執行辦法所有相關的費用,且 AIT 會將全額轉付給 UCAR。

本執行辦法所述工作的總價經雙方同意為美金 520,000 元整,TECRO

同意於簽署本執行辦法後 1 個月內先行支付 50%予 AIT,其餘 50%於完成

本第 11 號執行辦法之工作項目時支付。雙方並同意以美金付款。









公眾領域技術-WRF 模式以及其相關資料同化系統(WRFDA、


共同發展完成的,係屬於公眾領域範疇。雙方同意 WRF、WRFDA、

WRF/DART 系統乃至任何修改、更新、功能增加與改進等,也將維持於公



本執行辦法自 2014 年 1 月 1 日生效,所述工作完成日期為 2014 年 12

月 31 日。本執行辦法得依協議條款作修正及/或終止。





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駐美國臺北經濟文化代表處代表 美國在臺協會代表

王 珮 玲 ____ 唐 若 文_ _ 簽名 簽名

副 代 表 執 行 理 事____ 職稱 職稱

103 年 8 月 4 日____ 103 年 4 月 22 日 _

日期 日期





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第 11號執行辦法




1.工作項目 1:支援中央氣象局 WRFDA 作業系統和提升 WRFDA 的表現

2013 年期間,TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局(CWB;Central Weather Bureau)

完成了在中央氣象局作業環境下 OP25 版本之建置,包含了 WRFDA V3.4.1/WRF V3.3.1 和 WPS V3.3.1。2014 年 AIT 之指定代表 UCAR(University Corporation for Atmospheric Research),與中央氣象局雙方將更密切地合作升級中央氣象局作業

系統至 OP26 版本,此版本以 V3.3.1 版本為基礎並將包含 WRFDA V3.5.1 和 WRF模式的一些增強功能。UCAR 亦會繼續提供中央氣象局 WRFDA 作業系統相關


1.1 一般性支援中央氣象局 OP26 系統

2014 年 AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,於 OP25 升級至 OP26 之過渡期間,將在

TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局提供混合變分資料同化系統相關的技術支援。



1.2 支援具雙網格解析度功能之混合變分資料同化在 OP26 系統上之建置

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,首先將重新檢視在全新 15/3 公里巢狀模式範圍中

具雙網格解析度功能之混合變分資料同化,此模式範圍由 TECRO 之指定代

表中央氣象局提供。UCAR 將評估具雙網格解析度之混合變分資料同化演算

法使用於臺灣複雜地形上之效能、有效性和穩健性。其次,UCAR 將協助

CWB 在 OP26 作業系統上建置具雙網格解析度功能之混合變分資料同化。 1.3 提供系集卡爾曼調整濾波資料同化系統版本更新





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AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將提供 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局關於系集卡


以下是工作項目 1 的時程摘要與資源需求:

執行期程 支援 OP26 作業系統 01/01/14– 11/30/14

資源需求 0.15 FTE UCAR 人力

遞交項目 1. 協助作業系統運行之報告 11/30/14 2. 具雙網格解析度功能之混合變分資料同化於 15/3 公

里模式範圍之測試報告 11/30/14

2.工作項目 2:發展中央氣象局對流尺度資料同化系統

2013 年,AIT 之指定代表 UCAR 使用升級版本的 WRF 3DVar 與 4DVar 具有


方法,新的動力控制變量選項 CV7,與 Kessler 方法的伴隨。程式碼與設定已在

中央氣象局 5 公里解析度模式範圍下測試過並在 2013 年底遞交 TECRO 之指定

代表 CWB。2014 年 UCAR 將提供訓練與技術諮詢予 CWB 人員來進一步改進系

統。UCAR 將持續發展 4DVar 系統的雷達與降水資料同化功能,此升級系統將

用於測試梅雨鋒面個案。以下為工作項目之描述: 2.1 改進 3DVar 系統的對流尺度同化與預報

目前的 WRFDA 3DVAR 系統具有雷達資料同化的功能,可用於對流尺度資

料同化,但是更進一步的調整與發展仍是必要的。AIT 之指定代表 UCAR將帶領TECRO之指定代表CWB的訪客,提供訓練與協助使系統有所改進。

這部分主要是 CWB 的工作項目,UCAR 的角色為監督與諮詢。正在考慮的

項目為: • 梅雨測試個案的雷達資料品質控制 • 為 CWB 發展之 CV7(風場 UV 控制變量)背景誤差協方差 • 進行 CV7 的單觀測點測試 • 評估 3DVar 使用 CV7 在 3 小時,1 小時與 30 分鐘更新循環之效能 • 改進快速更新 3DVar 之多重外迴圈循環之效能





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2.2 依循 WRFDA 主軸統籌 4DVar 發展的架構

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將以 WRFDA 為主軸合併對流尺度發展架構,提供

統一的 WRFDA 系統讓綜觀尺度和對流尺度應用,並遞交給 TECRO 之指定

代表 CWB。此統一系統的新特點包含以 UV 為控制變量之 CV7、搭配濕度

偽觀測的反射率資料同化、Kessler 暖雨微物理與連續性約束。目前的連續

性約束僅能適用於單一運算模組,未來將進行平行化處理。 2.3 測試與進一步發展 4DVar 降水功能

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將在美國大陸上使用第四階段資料,測試統一版本

的 4DVar 降水同化。同時藉由 TECRO 之指定代表 CWB 的協助,UCAR 將

發展 4DVar 同化 CWB 降水資料的功能。UCAR 將報告測試結果並遞交發展

程式碼予 CWB。 2.4 測試與進一步發展在 3 公里網格範圍下的統一 WRFDA 4DVar

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將使用 CWB 的 3 公里網格範圍來測試與改進統一

4DVar 系統的效能。首先將會以無雷達資料做測試,緊接著再做有雷達資料

的測試。以下的子項目將以無雷達資料來進行: • 使用梅雨個案在無雷達資料同化下調查統一4DVar與UV控制變量的效

能 • 改進多重增量方法的效能 • 在 CWB 3 公里模式範圍上調查同化窗區與數位濾波初始的影響

2.5 評估統一 WRFDA 4DVar 雷達資料同化的效能

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將使用統一 WRFDA 4DVar 來測試雷達資料同化功

能並改進其效能,其將使用梅雨個案來做測試與敏感性研究。UCAR 將進行

以下子項目: • 重複 2.4 工作項目但同化雷達資料 • 藉由調整數個同化參數進行敏感性實驗 • 利用梅雨個案評估敏感度與效能

以下是工作項目 2 的時程摘要與資源需求:

執行期程 a. 提供 OP26 系統之支援 01/01/14 – 11/30/14





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b. 發展對流尺度資料同化系統 01/01/14 – 11/30/14

資源需求 1.00 FTE UCAR 人力

遞交項目 1. 對流尺度 3DVar 測試報告(與 CWB 訪客) 11/30/14 2. 更新(統一)WRFDA 程式碼 11/30/14 3. 4DVar 降水資料報告 11/30/14 4. 4DVar 雷達資料報告 11/30/14

3. 工作項目 3:使用中央氣象局地基式 GPS 觀測網資料進行水氣反演之改善與


AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,過去提供 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局,有關使

用臺灣地區作業之連續地基式 GPS(cGPS)觀測網資料,進行資料收集與水氣

反演的工作。UCAR 負責中央氣象局之 GPS 資料處理系統的維運與作業,以提

供臺灣 74 個 GPS 測站的可降水量估計。此一 GPS 資料處理系統包含使用標準

二次差法(double difference)和精密單點定位法(precise point positioning,PPP),提供逐時輸出、每 2 小時輸出以及逐日輸出 3 種分析資料。此外,使用臺灣地區

地面自動觀測網所收集之觀測資料以推算 GPS 測站之地面溫度與地面壓力,並

據以產製每小時、每 2 小時之近即時可降水量產品,以提供天氣監測與預報之所

需;系統亦每日計算 1 次 GPS 測站座標和可降水量資料之重分析。2014 年,UCAR將和中央氣象局密切工作,所提出的工作包括持續分析中央氣象局 GPS 資料、

在現行系統上新增中央氣象局總計約 120 個新一代的 cGPS 觀測資料、更新 GPS處理軟體至 Bernese 5.2 版,以及評估 PPP 方法所推導出之可降水量的準確度。

以下將針對每一個工作項目進一步說明。 3.1 中央氣象局 GPS 觀測網資料分析

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將持續監控中央氣象局的 cGPS 資料分析在大氣的

應用,UCAR 會確保可降水量資料處理系統能夠正常運作,並且監控觀測資


產品可以持續提供給所有研究人員與預報員使用。本分析系統涵蓋 10 個日

本國土調查所(GSI)的 cGPS 觀測站,這些觀測資料是經過 GSI 的特殊同

意後才能取得。UCAR 將會重新向 GSI 提出一年的申請,以便持續使用距

離臺灣方圓 500 km 以內之 cGPS 觀測資料。





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3.2 整合新的中央氣象局測站至分析系統 中央氣象局之 cGPS 測站網已更新至 120 站,AIT 之指定代表 UCAR 將整合


用先進的全球定位衛星(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)接收器,

可以追蹤 GPS 和 GLONASS 訊號(取決於所採購設備之韌體)。本項工作只

包含 GPS 訊號的使用,要在近即時的大氣分析系統中處理 GLONASS 的觀

測資料需要大量的工作,此不包括在現行的協議中。 3.3 更新處理系統之軟體至 Bernese 5.2 版

本項工作所使用之資料分析軟體為 Berness GNSS 分析軟體。目前中央氣象

局的分析系統使用的版本為 5.0,最新的版本則是 5.2 版。中央氣象局將負

責向 Berne 大學的天文學院購買此一版本,AIT 之指定代表 UCAR 將把處理

系統移植到此一新的版本上。 3.4 評估精密單點定位(precise point positioning,PPP)分析法的效能

AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將評估 PPP 處理系統在大氣應用的效能,此將包

括 PPP 結果和近即時以及每日後處理產品之比較的報告。

表 3.1:2014 年提出的工作項目 工作敘述 中央氣象局的工作 UCAR 的工作

中央氣象局 GPS 資料分

• 持續收集 GPS 資料 • 持續提供 GPS 分析所


• 持續監測與分析 GPS資料。

• 重新向日本國土調查



所需之 cGPS 資料。 整合更新之中央氣象局

測站至分析系統 • 提供逐時資料檔至中



• 計算新測站的座標,



的處理系統。 更新處理系統之軟體至

Bernese 5.2 版 • 從 Berne 大學取得正式

的 V5.2 版本 • 更改現有之處理軟



作。 設計和安裝 PPP 分析系 • 無 • 建置和安裝逐時和每





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統 日之 PPP 處理系統,


產製。 技術報告

• 無 • GPS 相關處理程序之

監控和備份 。 • 提供中央氣象局人員


以下為工作項目 3 之工作時程和需要的資源

執行期程 a. 中央氣象局 GPS 資料之監控與分析 b. 整合更新之中央氣象局測站至分析系統 c. 更新處理系統之軟體至 Bernese 5.2 版 d. 評估 PPP 分析法的效能 e. GPS 分析之技術支援

01/01/14 – 11/30/14 01/01/14 – 06/30/14 01/01/14 – 09/30/14 01/01/14 – 09/30/14 01/01/14 – 11/30/14

資源需求 0.25 FTE UCAR 人力 遞交項目 1. 整合更新之中央氣象局測站至分析系統 06/30/14 2. 更新處理系統之軟體至 Bernese 5.2 版 09/30/14 3. 提供 PPP 分析方法的報告


4. 工作項目 4:WRF 模式作業效能之改進 在 2013 年期間,AIT 之指派代表 UCAR,和 TECRO 之指派代表中央氣象

局協力合作研究中央氣象局之 WRF 模式的表現並改進作業效能。研究發現 WRF模式之高解析度網格在臺灣地區降水預報過大的特性,對於其所使用的模式近地

表擴散方法表現得較為敏感;此外將 WRF 模式 3.5.1 版本中一個改進的淺積雲

參數法放入 CWB OP25 程式中,並加以測試以處理海洋上對流的問題。在 2014年,UCAR 和中央氣象局將協力合作測試一個新的、較佳的擴散方法,以進一步

改善 WRF 模式於臺灣地域之降水預報表現;UCAR 亦會更進一步調查 WRF 模

式輻射參數法之表現,以及輻射參數法對模式偏差的影響。UCAR 與中央氣象局

也會合作進行模式新版作業架構之測試;此外,UCAR 亦會提供中央氣象局之

WRF 作業系統相關之諮詢與建議。 4.1 研究 WRF 模式中溼對流預報之物理過程





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4.1.1 研究改進 5 公里網格之臺灣降水預報

在 2013 年期間,AIT 之指派代表 UCAR,發現 WRF 模式在 5 公里網

格的降水預報有時對於水平擴散參數法較為敏感。UCAR 將會對修改的

擴散方法進行測試,並檢查其對 5 公里網格降水預報的影響。

4.1.2 調查與評估 WRF 輻射預報

2013 年期間,AIT 之指派代表 UCAR,和 TECRO 之指派代表中央氣象

局發現,WRF 模式改用 RRTMG 輻射參數法能有效降低模式輻射和溫

度偏差情形。儘管近地表輻射通量被改善,但和 ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,歐洲氣象中心)即時分析

資料相比,仍存在偏差。在 2014 年,UCAR 將會針對偏差進行更進一

步的研究,一旦發現偏差原因,UCAR 將會研究並提出改善此一模式面


4.1.3 評估 15/3 公里之 WRF 架構

TECRO 之指派代表中央氣象局,針對本身未來的數值天氣預報系統,

開始配置與評估新的作業網格;AIT 之指派代表 UCAR,將會在此一工

作項目與 CWB 密切工作。UCAR 將會在模式範圍設計與物理參數法之


4.2 提供中央氣象局 WRF 作業模式諮詢與建議

AIT 之指派代表 UCAR,將提供 TECRO 之指派代表中央氣象局,關於 WRF作業模式所需之諮詢與建議。2014 年,將會執行以下工作項目:

4.2.1 提供 CWB OP25 和 OP26 系統一般性支援

此項任務包含研究探討中央氣象局所發現 WRF 現有問題及提供中央氣

象局有關模式執行面向之諮詢。 4.2.2 更新 WRF 程式以處理側邊界條件






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WRF 模式的程式將會進行更新,提供個別處理使用不同時間的側邊界

條件之可行性。這項工作將能使 WRF 模式得以在一取得兩個全球模式


4.2.3 研究於初始場和邊界條件使用 GFS 對流層頂層場之可行性




4.2.4 提供中央氣象局有關使用 NCEP 之替代的海平面溫度資料之諮詢

在 2013 年,UCAR 指出,使用包含在標準 GFS 資料中的海平面溫度場,



能減緩此問題。在 2014 年,UCAR 將會針對替代的海平面溫度來源在


以下為工作項目 4 之時程摘要與資源需求:

執行期程 a. 研究 WRF 模式之擴散行為對臺灣地區降水

預報之表現 1/01/14 – 11/30/14

b. 研究 WRF 模式中輻射之表現 1/01/13 – 11/30/13 c. 提供中央氣象局 WRF 作業模式諮詢與建議 1/01/14 – 11/30/14

資源需求 0.45 FTE UCAR 人力

遞交項目 1. WRF 地形降水預報之報告 11/30/14 2. WRF 輻射表現之報告 11/30/14 3. 中央氣象局作業系統支援之報告 11/30/14

5. 工作項目 5:計畫管理與協調

由於 2014 年所提出之各項工作需要 AIT 指派代表 UCAR,和 TECRO 指派







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有效的溝通。UCAR 和中央氣象局人員互訪也是必要的。此外,UCAR 必須每月


以協調各項工作進度並確保順利執行。以下為本項工作之細節。 5.1 UCAR 和中央氣象局雙方持續更新與改善計畫網頁

藉由 UCAR 和中央氣象局的網站,報告、演講以及軟體等都容易藉以更新

與交換。在 2014 年,AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,將持續維運、改善與即時更

新此一網頁,以使 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局能知道各項工作發展的現

況。 5.2 訪問氣象局

為確保計畫能順利執行,AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,訪問 TECRO 之指定代表


具有很大的幫助。Drs. Jenny Sun, Hans Huang 和 Wei Wang 將訪問氣象局 1至 2 週,每位訪問者亦需提供報告並放置於 UCAR 的網頁上。其他 UCAR成員,包括 Dr. Bill Kuo,在必要情形下也將訪問中央氣象局。同時也期待

中央氣象局資深成員洪景山博士在 6 月期間訪問 UCAR 進行期中檢閱,而

馮欽賜、洪景山和陳得松博士,能在秋季訪問 UCAR,以進行計畫審查與明

年計畫之初步規劃。 5.3 遠端視訊會議


別著重在雙方感興趣之特定議題。視訊會議可以由 AIT 之指定代表 UCAR或 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局依計畫需要發起。在每次視訊會議後將提

供相關報告並放置於 UCAR 的網頁上。

5.4 每月工作報告與工作討論

每月工作報告將提供給 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局,以說明計畫的完成

度。報告將維持簡短以不至於削減太多投入研發的人力。 5.5 計畫管理支援

UCAR COSMIC 計畫辦公室將提供本計畫之行政管理支援,包括: ․ 計畫經費、成員工時和相關花費之控管





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․ 安排 AIT 之指定代表 UCAR 和 TECRO 之指定代表中央氣象局之人員 互訪事宜與填報相關文件作業等 ․ 協助計畫報告與遞交項目之準備 ․ 中央氣象局訪問人員之行政支援(例如健康保險和簽證文書作業)

以下為工作項目 5 之工作時程安排與資源需求

執行期程 a. 更新與維運中央氣象局和 UCAR 之計畫網

頁 1/01/14 – 11/30/14

b. 到中央氣象局訪問 1/01/14 – 11/30/14 c. 經由 Skype 進行視訊會議 1/01/14 – 11/30/14

資源需求 0.1 FTE UCAR 科學人力

0.05 FTE UCAR 行政人力

遞交項目 1. 更新計畫網頁 11/30/14

2. 到中央氣象局訪問 11/30/14 3. 提供每月簡短工作報告給中央氣象局 03/01/14 - 10/01/14

II. 經費 以下為 IA#11 之經費估算

工作項目 人力 人力費用 差旅和訓練 合計 工作項目#1 0.15 $30,000 $ 30,000 工作項目#2 1.00 $250,000 $20,000 $ 270,000 工作項目#3 0.25 $50,000 $ 50,000 工作項目#4 0.45 $90,000 $10,000 $ 100,000 工作項目#5 0.15 $30,000 $40,000 $ 70,000

合計 2.0 $450,000 $70,000 $ 520,000

以上經費之人力費用是用來支援 AIT 之指定代表 UCAR,執行工作說明書



用。UCAR 提出的旅費包括一些必要的經費。就如同 IA#11 之工作說明書所述,

由中央氣象局支援此任務之經費,包括旅費、會議等總額約 US$520,000。詳細





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的經費安排如 IA#11 第四條之「財務條款」所描述。

III. 中央氣象局團隊在 UCAR 之任務分配

為了要成功執行這個中央氣象局-UCAR 計畫,TECRO 之指派代表中央氣象局與

AIT 之指派代表 UCAR 之間的強力合作是必要的。由 UCAR 科學家執行的工作

已經在工作說明書中詳述,中央氣象局同仁將在多項工作上與 UCAR 科學家合

作。部分工作將在臺北的中央氣象局完成,而部分工作將由出差至 UCAR 工作






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Implementing Arrangement Number 11

Consultancy Services

for the

Enhancement of the CWB Regional NWP System

to the


between the


and the




associated with



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This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative scientific, technical, engineering and administrative activities to be undertaken by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) through its designated representative, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), to provide consultancy services for the Enhancement of the CWB Regional NWP System. This is a cooperative effort between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), through its designated representative, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) and AIT, through its designated representative, UCAR. This Implementing Arrangement pertains to the January 12, 2005 Agreement between TECRO and AIT for Technical Cooperation associated with the Establishment of Advanced Data Assimilation and Modeling Systems (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) and is a part of the Agreement.


The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will be carried out under the general terms and conditions established by the Agreement.


Taiwan is extremely vulnerable to flooding rains produced by both thunderstorms and tropical cyclones. Prediction of these heavy rain events is made difficult by Taiwan's complex terrain and the lack of traditional observations over the ocean surrounding the island. AIT's designated representative, UCAR, will assist TECRO's designated representative, CWB, with their predictions of heavy rain events by providing software and consulting services for the implementation and testing of advanced data assimilation and weather prediction systems. The detailed tasks to be provided by AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, are included in the attached Statement of Work. The technical cooperation between the designated representatives of TECRO and AIT will be performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and this Implementing Arrangement No. 11.


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TECRO agrees to provide fixed payments to AIT for all work performed by AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, in association with the project covered by this Implementing Arrangement. AIT will transfer to UCAR all payments made by TECRO to AIT for work performed by UCAR in association with this Implementing Arrangement. The total firm fixed price for activities described in this Implementing Arrangement is mutually agreed to be U.S. $520,000. TECRO agrees to transfer fifty percent of the firm fixed price to AIT within one month after the signing of this Implementing Arrangement, with the remaining fifty percent to be transferred upon completion of the tasks set forth in this Implementing Arrangement No. 11. It is agreed and understood that payments will be provided in U.S. dollars.


Intellectual Property - The parties agree that no Intellectual Property or other Proprietary Information will be provided under this Implementing Arrangement. Intellectual Property and Proprietary Information are defined as software, designs, processes, drawings, data, and modeling systems which includes, but is not limited to, all versions, derivative works, updates, improvements, modifications, enhancements and releases thereof, patents, patent applications, continuations-in-part, inventor rights in the United States and any foreign countries and applications therefore. In the event that any activities under this Implementing Arrangement require the use of the other party’s Intellectual Property or Proprietary Information, the parties shall in good faith enter into negotiations to reduce to a mutually agreeable writing the obligations and terms associated with such understandings.

Public Domain Technology - The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, as well as its associated data assimilation systems (e.g., WRFDA, WRF/DART), were developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) with significant participation of the broad scientific community. The WRF model, WRFDA, and WRF/DART are in the public domain. Both parties agree that the WRF model, WRFDA, WRF/DART systems and any modifications, revisions, enhancements, updates, or improvements shall remain in the public domain and are not considered Proprietary Information.

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This Implementing Arrangement takes effect 1 January 2014 and the completion date of tasks described in this Implementing Arrangement is 31 December 2014. This Implementing Arrangement may be amended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

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Statement of Work

for Implementing Arrangement #11

Consultancy Service

for the

Enhancement of the CWB Regional NWP System


between the

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States

and the

American Institute in Taiwan

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I. Task Descriptions Task 1: Support for the WRFDA Component of the CWB Operational

System and Improvement of the Performance of WRFDA During the year 2013, TECRO’s designated representative, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), implemented OP25, which included Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data assimilation (WRFDA) V3.4.1/WRF V3.3.1, and WPS V3.3.1, in the CWB operation. In 2014, AIT’s designated representative, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), will work closely with CWB to upgrade the CWB operational system to OP26, which will include WRFDA V3.5.1 and some enhancement for the WRF model based on Version 3.3.1. UCAR will also continue to provide technical support to CWB on the WRFDA component of the CWB operational system. 1.1 General Support for the CWB OP26 System In 2014, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will provide general technical support to the hybrid-DA system during the transition from the OP25 to the OP26 at TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. UCAR will provide solutions and necessary training related to the hybrid-DA system in support of the OP26 operations to CWB. 1.2 Support the Implementation of the Dual Resolution Hybrid-DA in OP26 System AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will first revisit the dual resolution hybrid-DA in the new nested 15/3-km domain that is provided by TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. UCAR will examine the performance, validity and robustness of the dual resolution hybrid-DA algorithm over Taiwan’s complex terrain. Second, UCAR will assist CWB in the implementation of the dual resolution hybrid-DA in the OP26 operational system. 1.3 Support the Upgrade of the EAKF System AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will provide support and consultation for the upgrade of the EAKF system to TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for Task 1:

Performance Period: Provide support for OP26 01/01/14 – 11/30/14

Resources Required: 0.15 FTE

UCAR staff

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Deliverables: 1. A report on the activities for operational support. 11/30/14 2. A report on the dual resolution hybrid-DA test over the 15/3-km domain.


Task 2: Development of a convective scale DA system for CWB In 2013, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, conducted a case study of Typhoon Fanapi using an upgraded version of WRF 3DVar and 4DVar with the radar data assimilation capability. This upgraded version includes a new method for the assimilation of reflectivity, a new momentum control variable option CV7, and the adjoint of the Kessler scheme. The code with a namelist that was used over the CWB 5km domain was delivered to TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, at the end of 2013. In 2014, UCAR will train and provide technical consultation to CWB personnel to further improve the system. UCAR will also continue to develop the 4DVar system for radar and precipitation data assimilation. The upgraded system will be tested using a Meiyu front case. These tasks are described as the following: 2.1 Improve 3DVar System for Convective-scale Assimilation and Forecast The current WRFDA 3DVAR system can be used for convective scale data assimilation with radar assimilation capabilities, but further tuning and development are needed. AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will host a visitor from TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, and train the visitor on the system and assist the visitor in making some improvements. This is mainly a CWB task; UCAR’s role is consulting and supervision of the visitor. The items under consideration are:

• Radar data quality control for a Meiyu test case; • Development of CV7 (UV control variable) background error covariance for

CWB; • Conduct single observation tests with CV7; • Assessment of the performance of the 3DVar with CV7 for 3h, 1h, and 30-

min update cycles; and • Improve the performance of the rapid update 3DVar with multiple outer loop

cycles. 2.2 Unify the 4DVar Development Branches with the WRFDA Trunk AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will merge the convective scale development branch with the WRFDA trunk to deliver a unified WRFDA system for both synoptic scale and convective scale applications to TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. The new features of the unified system include CV7 UV control variables; reflectivity data assimilation with humidity pseudo observations; Kessler warm rain microphysics; and the continuity constraint. The current continuity constraint can only work in serial mode and will be parallelized.

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2.3 Testing and further Development of the Precipitation 4DVar Capability AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will test the precipitation assimilation with the unified 4DVar code using the stage IV data over the Continental US. In the meantime, with help from TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, UCAR will develop the 4DVar capability to assimilate the CWB precipitation data. UCAR will report the testing result and deliver the developed code to CWB. 2.4 Testing and further Development of the Unified WRFDA 4DVar at 3-km Mesh AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will test and improve the performance of the unified 4DVar system using CWB’s 3km grid mesh. The test will be done first without and then with radar data. The following subtasks will be performed without radar data:

• Examine the performance of the unified 4DVar with UV control viable without radar DA using a Meiyu case;

• Improve the performance with multi-incremental scheme; and • Examine the impacts of assimilation window and DFI for the CWB 3-km

domain. 2.5 Evaluating Radar DA Performance using the Unified WRFDA 4DVar AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will test the radar data assimilation capability using the unified WRFDA 4DVar and improve its performance. A Meiyu case will be used for the test and sensitivity study. UCAR will perform the following subtasks:

• Repeat the tasks in 2.4 but with radar data assimilation; • Conduct sensitivity experiments by tuning several assimilation parameters;

and • Evaluate the performance and sensitivity using the Meiyu case.

The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for Task 2:

Performance Period: a. Provide support for OP26 system 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 b. Development of the convective scale DA system 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 Resources Required: 1.00 FTE

UCAR staff Deliverables: 1. A report on convective 3DVar tests (with CWB visitors) 11/30/14 2. The updated (unified) WRFDA code 11/30/14 3. A report on 4DVar of precipitation data 11/30/14 4. A report on 4DVar of radar data 11/30/14

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Task 3: Support and Improvement of Water Vapor Retrievals Using CWB GPS Networks AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, has previously provided support to TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, in the application of data collected from continuously operating GPS (cGPS) stations in Taiwan to retrieve estimates of atmospheric water vapor. UCAR maintains and operates a data processing system at CWB to generate integrated precipitable water vapor (PW) estimates from the network of 74 GPS stations in Taiwan. The system includes jobs that analyze data in daily and sub-daily (hourly and two-hour) batches in both a standard double difference and precise point-positioning (PPP) mode. In addition, data from surface meteorology stations in Taiwan are used to compute surface pressure and temperature at the location of each of the cGPS stations. Significant products generated from these analysis jobs include the near real-time estimates of PW for monitoring and forecasting activities, as well as the computation of station coordinates and PW estimates in a post-processed (daily) solution. For 2014, UCAR will work closely with CWB to continue the analysis of CWB cGPS data, modify the processing structure to include data from up to 120 stations based upon an expansion of the CWB cGPS network, upgrade the GPS analysis software to Bernese Version 5.2, and conduct an evaluation of PW data products produced by the PPP strategy. Each of these tasks is outlined in the following sections: 3.1 Analysis of CWB GPS Network AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will continue to monitor the analysis of the CWB cGPS network for atmospheric purposes. Specifically, UCAR will ensure that all current processing elements are functioning normally and will monitor the system for data quality, data latency, and overall product quality. This task will ensure that the derived PW products are available to both researchers and forecasters who are interested in using these data. The analysis system incorporates data from ten additional cGPS stations operated by the Japanese Geographical Survey Institute (GSI). The access to this data is granted through a specific request to the GSI. UCAR will resubmit the annual request to the GSI to continue using the cGPS stations within 500-km of Taiwan for meteorological applications. 3.2 Incorporate New CWB Stations into Routine Processing The CWB cGPS network was recently upgraded in instrumentation and expanded to 120 stations. AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will incorporate data from the new stations into the daily and sub-daily processing systems. The new and upgraded stations use a modern Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver that may be able to track both GPS and GLONASS signals (dependent on the firmware options purchased for the instrument). This task will only include the use of GPS data. Significant effort is needed to ensure that GLONASS data can be used in a near real-time atmospheric analysis system and is beyond the scope of this Implementing Arrangement.

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3.3 Update Processing System to Bernese Software Version 5.2 The primary data analysis software utilized for this task is the Bernese GNSS Analysis Software. Currently, the CWB processing system uses version 5.0 of the software for its analysis. The most current version of the software is now version 5.2. CWB will be responsible for purchasing this version of the software from the Astronomical Institute at the University of Berne. AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will be migrating the processing system to this new version. 3.4 Evaluate Performance of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Analysis AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will evaluate the performance of the PPP processing system for atmospheric applications. This will include a report that compares the PPP results to both near real time and post-processed (daily) products. Table 3.1: Proposed Task List for 2014 Description CWB tasks UCAR tasks Analysis of CWB Network • Continue collection of

GPS data • Continue providing

surface meteorology observations for use in GPS analysis

• Monitoring and analysis of GPS data

• Resubmit request to Japanese GSI to include their cGPS stations in routine CWB analysis.

Incorporate new CWB stations into Routine Processing

• Provide hourly data files to the CWB ground based processing computer (gdgps)

• Compute a-priori coordinates for new stations, ocean loading parameters, and incorporate data into all processing jobs.

Update processing system to Bernese Software Version 5.2

• Acquire official software update (version 5.2) from the University of Bern

• Modify existing processing system to work within this updated version of the analysis software.

Design and install PPP analysis system

• None • Build and install hourly and daily PPP processing system. Data products will not be generated in real-time.

Technical support • None • Archive and monitor all GPS related processing.

• Assist CWB staff with technical support on as needed basis.

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The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for Task 3:

Performance Period: a. Analysis and monitoring of CWB GPS network 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 b. Incorporate new CWB stations into routine analysis 01/01/14 – 06/30/14 c. Migrate CWB processing system to Bernese V5.2

software 01/01/14 – 09/30/14

d. Evaluate Performance of PPP Analysis Strategy 01/01/14 – 09/30/14 e. Technical support of GPS analysis 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 Resources Required: 0.25 FTE UCAR staff Deliverables: 1. Incorporate new CWB cGPS stations into analysis system 06/30/14 2. Upgrade CWB analysis system to Bernese Version 5.2. 09/30/14 3. Provide report on PPP analysis strategy 09/30/14

Task 4: Improvement of WRF Model Operational Performance During 2013, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, and TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, collaborated on investigating the behavior and improving the operational performance of the CWB WRF model. Over-prediction of precipitation in the high-resolution grid over Taiwan was found to be sensitive to the WRF model’s diffusion which is carried out on the model’s terrain-following surfaces. An improved shallow convection scheme from WRF Version 3.5.1 was tested and implemented in the CWB OP25 code to address the issue of oceanic convection. In 2014, UCAR and CWB will collaborate to further improve the WRF precipitation forecasts in the Taiwan region by testing a new and improved diffusion scheme. UCAR will further examine WRF model’s radiation performance and its impact on model biases. UCAR and CWB will also collaborate on testing the new operational configuration of the model. Additionally, UCAR will provide consultation and assistance to CWB on the operational WRF system.

4.1 Investigate the Behavior of WRF Model Physics Emphasizing the Prediction of

Moist Convection 4.1.1 Investigate and Improve Precipitation Forecasts on the 5-km Grid over Taiwan During 2013, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, found that WRF forecasts of precipitation on the 5-km grid were sometimes sensitive to the parameterization of horizontal diffusion. UCAR will test modifications of the diffusion scheme and examine the impact on 5-km precipitation forecasts.

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4.1.2 Examine and Evaluate WRF’s Radiation Prediction During 2013, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, and TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, found that switching to RRTMG radiation in the WRF model significantly reduced model radiation and temperature biases. Even though the surface radiation fluxes have been improved, biases still exist when compared with output from ECMWF Interim analysis. In 2014, UCAR will investigate this bias further. Once the bias is identified, UCAR will research and propose remedies to improve this aspect of the model. 4.1.3 Evaluate Model Configuration for 15/3 km As TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, begins to configure and evaluate the new operational grid for its future NWP system, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will work closely with CWB on this task. UCAR will provide support and consultation on domain design, choice of physics, and will participate in examination and discussion of test results. 4.2. Consult and Advise CWB on the Operational WRF Model AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will consult and advise TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, about the operational WRF model as necessary. In 2014, UCAR will perform the following tasks: 4.2.1 General Support for CWB OP25 and OP26 Systems This task will include the investigation of WRF problems identified by CWB and consultation to CWB about aspects of running the model. 4.2.2 Update WRF Code for Processing Lateral Boundary Conditions In order to shorten the data waiting-time to start the operational forecast at CWB, WRF model code will be updated to provide the capability to process and utilize individual lateral boundary condition times separately. This will allow the WRF model to start its integration as soon as two times of GFS data become available. 4.2.3 Investigate the Possibility of Using GFS Tropopause Fields in IC/BC To represent atmospheric conditions accurately in the model’s initial and lateral boundary files, generally, more information is better. This task will investigate the possibility of using the GFS-predicted atmospheric conditions at the tropopause and maximum wind levels to supplement the data at constant pressure levels.

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4.2.4 Consult CWB on Using Alternative SST Data from NCEP In 2013, UCAR demonstrated that using the SST field contained in the standard GFS dataset may present problems along coastlines of Taiwan due to its low resolution, and in some instances, it had an adverse effect on the precipitation forecast over Taiwan. Using alternative higher-resolution SST data can alleviate the problem. In 2014, UCAR will consult with CWB on evaluating any potential impact of this alternative SST source in the operational system. The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for Task 4:

Performance Period: a. Investigate the behavior of WRF model diffusion on the

prediction of precipitation over Taiwan 01/01/14 – 11/30/14

b. Investigate the performance of radiation in WRF 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 c. Consult and advise CWB on the operational WRF 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 Resources Required: 0.45 FTE UCAR staff

Deliverables: 1. A report on WRF prediction of topographic rainfall 11/30/14 2. A report on the behavior of WRF radiation 11/30/14 3. A report on support of CWB operational system 11/30/14

Task 5: Project Management and Coordination The tasks proposed for 2014 require close collaboration between TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, and AIT’s designated representative, UCAR. Therefore, the exchange of information and progress between CWB and UCAR in a timely manner is important. Effective and efficient communication methods, such as project web pages and ftp data transfers, will be continued and updated on a timely and regular basis. Exchange visits between CWB and UCAR staff are also necessary. To keep CWB informed on the progress of the project, monthly reports will be prepared by UCAR and delivered to CWB. A monthly project meeting will be organized to ensure coordination of the various tasks and a smooth execution of the project. The following work will be included under this task.

5.1 Update and Improve both the CWB and UCAR CWB Project Web Pages

With the use of CWB and UCAR web pages, reports, presentations, and software are easily exchanged between the two groups. In 2014, AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, will continue to maintain, improve, and provide timely updates of the web pages to keep TECRO's designated representative, CWB, informed on current developments.

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5.2 Site Visit to CWB

To ensure smooth execution of the project, it is desirable for AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, to visit TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. Such visits are highly valuable to resolve technical problems and report on the progress of the project. It is anticipated that Jenny Sun, Hans Huang, and Wei Wang may visit CWB for a one or two-week period. Reports from each of the visits will be produced and posted on the UCAR web page. Other UCAR staff, including Dr. Bill Kuo, will visit CWB as needed. It is also expected that senior CWB staff Dr. Jing-Shan Hong will visit UCAR in June for the mid-term review, and Drs. Chin-Tzu Fong, Jing-Shan Hong, and Der-Song Chen will visit UCAR in the fall to review the progress of the project and to begin preliminary planning for next year’s tasks. 5.3 Teleconferences To ensure smooth execution of the project, periodic telephone conferences will be held. These telephone conferences will focus on specific topics of interest to both parties. The telephone conferences can be initiated by either TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, or AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, as required by the project. After each teleconference, a report will be produced and posted on the project web page. 5.4 Monthly Reports Monthly progress reports will be provided to TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, to document the project’s accomplishments. These reports will be brief so as not to detract from the FTE dedicated to research. 5.5 Project Administrative Support The UCAR COSMIC Program Office will provide administrative support for this project. This includes:

• Monitoring of the project budget, staff time-charges, and other spending; • Arranging travel for staff of AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, and

TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, and filing all the related paper work; • Support for the preparation of project reports and deliverables; and • Administrative support for CWB visitors (e.g., health insurance, visa paperwork).

The following summarizes the schedule and resources required for Task 5:

Performance Period: a. Update and maintain both CWB and UCAR CWB

project web pages 01/01/14 – 11/30/14

b. Site visits to CWB 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 c. Telephone conferences via Skype 01/01/14 – 11/30/14 Resources Required: 0.1 FTE UCAR

scientific staff and

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0.05 FTE UCAR administrative staff

Deliverables: 1. Updated web page for project 11/30/14 2. Site visits 11/30/14 3. Brief monthly reports to CWB management 03/01/14- 10/01/14

II. Budget The following are the estimated costs for Implementing Arrangement #11:

Tasks FTE Personnel Cost

Travel/Training Total

Task #1 0.15 30,000 30,000 Task #2 1.00 250,000 20,000 270,000 Task #3 0.25 50,000 50,000 Task #4 0.45 90,000 10,000 100,000 Task #5 0.15 30,000 40,000 70,000 Total 2.0 450,000 70,000 520,000

The budget under Personnel Cost is used to support staff of AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, to perform tasks described in this Statement of Work. The figures include benefits and overhead. The Travel/Training budgets in each Task are used to support UCAR staff travel to visit TECRO’s designated representative, CWB, as well as the cost associated with the training of CWB staff. The travel processed by UCAR also includes the necessary overhead. As stated in the Implementing Arrangement #11, the total firm fixed price available from CWB to support the tasks, travel, and meeting expenses described in this Statement of Work will be a total of $520,000 USD. The detailed financial arrangements are described in the Implementing Arrangement #11, Article IV – Financial Provisions. III. CWB Joint Team Assignments at UCAR In order to successfully carry out this CWB-UCAR project, strong collaboration is needed between AIT’s designated representative, UCAR, and TECRO’s designated representative, CWB. The tasks to be performed by UCAR scientists are detailed in this Statement of Work. CWB staff will collaborate with UCAR scientists on various tasks. Some of the tasks will be performed in Taipei at the CWB. Some of the tasks will be carried out by CWB staff while they are on assignment to work at UCAR. Specific assignments will be made to most efficiently use the available personnel resources.

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