  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    Form : 1 STAR

    Day : Friday

    Date : 2nd

    March 2013

    Time : 08.30am9.50am / 80 minutes

    Proficiency Level : Low

    Subject : English

    Subtopic : Poem (Mr. Nobody)

    General Objective : Students are able to understand the meaning of the poem and exposed to

    the significant events in the poem Mr.Nobody

    Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, students are able to:

    1) Identify and match 8 words with its synonyms

    2) Write and present at least one event/ wrongdoings done by Mr. Nobody in

    each stanza

    3) Carry out a role play in front of the class with 80% accuracy

    Educational Emphasis : 1) Thinking Skills

    2) Knowledge Acquisition

    Noble Values : Responsible and honest

    Teaching Method(s) : Poem recitation, Interaction, role play

    Teaching Aids : 1. Animation video clip- Mr Nobody

    2. Powerpoint/LCD screen

    3. Handouts,

    4. Sweets/gifts

    Previous Knowledge : Reciting poems, moral values

    References : A Collection of Poems, Short Stories and Drama Form 1 to Form 3

    Teaching Content : Poem interpretation- Understand the literal meaning as well as figurative


  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    Content and Teaching Procedures:

    Stage/Time Content Teaching/Learning Activities Students Activities

    Set Induction

    (10 minutes)

    Greeting and

    introduction for

    the lesson.

    1.Teacher introduces the lesson of

    the day by showing a video

    2. Discussion

    Students watch video

    animated Mr Nobody

    Rationale: Video is one of

    the good element to makethem interested in learning

    and show them how to

    recite poem

    Development 1

    (20 minutes)

    Literal Meaning

    1. Teacher divides the students

    into two groups.

    2. Teacher Discusses the nouns

    and adjectives

    3. Distribute handout one- asks

    students to find the meaning

    4. Teacher checks the answer

    together with the students.

    1.Students watch video

    one group writes the nouns

    and another group writes

    the adjectives.

    2. Students find meanings

    of the words

    ( handout one) Circle the

    synonym for the underlined

    words in the poem

    Development 2

    (20 minutes)





    1. Teacher moves on to the next


    2. Teacher distributes handout

    two to the students.

    3. Teacher explains the meaning of

    the poem to the students.

    4. Teacher clarifies any doubts

    before moving on

    Students try to complete

    some blanks

    (Handout Two)


    To test their

    understanding about the

    poem in general

    Development 3

    (25 minutes)


    1. Teacher moves on to the next

    activity (role play).

    2. Teacher asks for volunteers for


    3. Teacher assigns roles to the


    4. Teacher calls the students to

    act in front of the class.

    5. Teacher gives some

    reinforcements to thevolunteers.

    1.Students studies the

    script (Handout Three)

    2.Students act in front of

    the class.

    Rationale: To train a

    student becomes confident

    and active in the class



    (5 minutes)

    Summary of the


    Both teacher and students

    summarize the lesson of the day


  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    Handout One

    Poem Mr Nobody

    Activity: Circle the synonym for the underlined words in the poem.

    No Underlined words Synonym

    1. I know a funnylittle man, strange comical

    2. Who does the mischiefthat is done naughtiness obedience

    3. And yet we all agree differ concur

    4. `Tishe who always tears our books, it is this is

    5. `Tis he who always tearsour books, rips fixes

    6. Who leaves the door ajar, partly open completely closed

    7. And scatterspins afar; collects disperses

    8. And scatters pins afar; nearby far

    9. For, prithee, don't you see, please pretty

    10. He puts dampwood upon the fire, wet dry

    11. And all the carpets soil. dirty clean

    12. The papers always are mislaid, there misplaced

    13. Theres no one tossesthem about flings keeps

    14. The finger marksupon the door touches stains

    15. We never leave the blindsunclosed, screens sightless

    16. To let the curtains fade. lose colour brighten

    17. The ink we never spill; the boots knock over drop

  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    Handout Two

    Poem - Mr Nobody

    What is the poem about?

    The poem is about a common situation in every house.

    When someone does mischievous things in the house, he/she will not admit it. They willput the blame on other people.

    This poem reminds us to admit and be responsible to our misbehaviour.

    Stanza 1 Meaning

    I know a funny little man,

    I know a strange man.

    As quiet as a mouse, He hardly makes a noise.

    Who does the mischief that is done

    In everybodys house!

    He is blamed for all the trouble that

    happens in everyones home.

    There is no one ever sees his face, No one has ever seen him

    And yet we all agreeThat every plate we break was cracked

    By Mr Nobody

    But he is blamed when plates get

    broken. His name is Mr Nobody.

  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    Stanza 2

    Tis he who always tears our books,

    No one admits being responsible for

    the torn books.

    Who leaves the door ajar,

    No one admits to having left the doors

    partly open.

    He pulls the buttons from our shirts,

    No one is responsible for tearing the

    buttons off the shirts;

    And scatters pins afar;

    No one admits to dispersing the pins

    That squeaking door will always squeak, The door will always squeak because no

    one oils it.

  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    For, prithee, dont you see,

    We leave the oiling to be done

    By Mr Nobody.

    Please, dont you know

    No one is going to oil that squeaky

    door.Mr Nobody is going to do it.

    Stanza 3

    He puts damp wood upon the fire,

    That kettles cannot boil;

    No one admits to putting damp wood in

    the fire - the water in the kettle will

    not boil.

    His are the feet that bring in mud,

    And all the carpets are soil.

    When the carpets are dirtied no one

    admits to coming in with muddyshoes.

  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    The papers are always mislaid,

    Who had them last but he?

    Thepapers often go missingbut no oneadmits being the last person to read


    Theres no one tosses them about

    But Mr Nobody

    No one admits to throwing the papers

    all over the place.

    Stanza 4

    The finger marks upon the door

    By none of us are made;

    No one admits being the person who

    left the dirty fingerprints on the


    We never leave the blinds unclosed,

    To let the curtains fade;

    No one admits to leaving the blinds

    unclosed and cause the curtains to lose


  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    The ink we never spill;

    No one admits having spilled the ink.

    the boots

    That lying around you see

    Are not our boots they all belong

    To Mr Nobody

    No one admits having left their bootslying around.The boots belong to Mr


    Handout Three

    MR NOBODY : Role-play Script

    MOM : Hey, this plate is cracked, almost broken. Who has been so careless? Was it

    you, honey?

    DAD : No, it wasnt me. Maybe it was Aaron who did it.

    MOM : Aaron, did you drop this when you were washing it?

    AARON : No, maybe it could have been sis who cracked the plate.

    MOM : Alice, was it you?

    ALICE : Of course not. Im always careful, not like Aaron.

    MOM : Well, as usual, if I ask, the answer is always nobody did it.

  • 8/10/2019 20140923220920literature Lesson Plan Sample- Mr Nobody


    DAD : Aha, I know for sure that one of the children must have dirtied the carpet. I

    can see muddy sneaker prints on it. Werent the two of you outside playing in

    the rain yesterday?

    ARON : Dad, we did not wear sneakers, only slippers.

    ALICE : Nobodys sneakers were muddy at all. Check the shoe-cupboard.

    MOM : What do you know! Its Mr. Nobody again!

    DAD : Looks like we need to install a CCTV to see who does not close the door

    properly, who leaves the newspapers scattered everywhere, who forgets to

    draw the curtains, who spills ink, who tears the books and whatever else that

    goes wrong.

    MOM : Okay, Ill call the CCTV companytomorrow!

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