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  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus


    The PelorusWinter 2013

    Serving Division Twelve of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

    In This Issue:2012 Annual

    Performance Reports

    Flotilla 12-6 celebrates itstwentieth anniversary.

    Celebrating the

    accomplishments and

    the retirement of Walter


    Updates from area

    Flotillas and Auxiliary


  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus



    Al Crothers

    Division Twelve Commander

    US COAST GUARD AUXILIARYD i s t r i c t 7 D i v i s i o n 1 2

    W i n t e r E d i t i o n 2 0 1 3

    T h e P e l o r u s

    FROM THE COMMANDERWelcome to a New Year. I hope everyone is having a good and safe holiday season.

    I want to thank the Division Board and the membership for your vote of condence

    to elect me as your 2013 Division Commander and John Murphy as your Vice Division

    Commander. We will do our best to live up to your expectations. But, I can say that we

    will not be able to do it all by ourselves. That is where the Division Staff, Flotilla

    Commanders, Flotilla Staffs, and you, the membership, come in. Your participation is

    important to the continued success of Division 12, District 7, and the Auxiliary.

    It is a privilege to be part of this great organization, Division 12. AUXINFO, as of

    9 Dec 2012, indicates that Division 12 has dedicated 48,792 hours of service in 2012.

    That is tremendous and a true sign of a great organization. Im sure the hour count will

    go up once all of the 2012 hours have been recorded. So, please get your reports to the

    FSO-IS for input. Im certain that we will continue to make this a great division in

    2013. Our boating public, the U.S. Coast Guard, and our

    membership (us) expect it.

    Again, I want to thank you for electing me to this role. Myduty is to be the divisions primary point of contact along

    with the facilitation of activities, communications, and

    help you, the members, get your jobs done as efciently

    and effectively as possible.Continued on Page Six

    I t i s wi th aheavy hea r tthat the CoastGuard family

    mourns the loss ofChief Boatswains Mate TerrellHorne III. We are forever grateful to you for your serviceto our country.

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    The Division Commanders Report Page 2, 7

    Report from the Vice-Commander Page 6

    2012 Mission Hours Reports Page 25-26

    Birthdays of Famous Coast Guard People Page 6

    Celebrating Walter Spall Page 4

    A New Years Message Page 5

    Citadel Detachment Report Page 8

    State Liaison Report Page 21-22

    Twentieth Anniversary for Flotilla 12-6 Page 13

    Flotilla Reports

    The Inland Lakes (12-1, 12-3) Page 9

    The Grand Strand (12-2, 12-4) Page 10

    Charleston (12-8, 12-12) Page 11

    East Cooper & Georgetown (12-6, 12-10) Page 12-13

    Division Staff Ofcer Reports

    Auxiliary Aviation Page 14-15Communications Services Page 17

    Communications Systems Page 17

    Diversity & Inclusion Page 24

    Human Resources Page 16

    Information Systems Page 17

    Materials Page 24

    Marine Safety Page 22

    Member Training Page 18

    Operations Page 23

    Publications Page 16

    RBS Visitation Page 16

    Secretary Records Page 20-23

    Vessel Safety Examinations Page 18-19

    USCG Icebreaker EastwindIn 1960, the USCG Icebreaker Eastwind became the

    rst cutter to circumnavigate the globe. She departed

    Boston in October of 1960, then entered the Pacic

    Ocean via the Panama Canal. Upon reaching the

    Pacic, the Eastwind visited New Zealand and the

    McMurdo Sound Station in Antarctica. After going through some of the harshest weather on the planet, in

    areas where it is not unusual for the ice to become

    10-20 feet thick; the crew of the Eastwind began their

    voyage home, passing through the Indian Ocean en

    route to the Suez Canal. After going through the

    Mediterranean Sea and the Straits of Gibraltar, the

    Eastwind returned to Boston in May of 1961.

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    CELEBRATING WALTER SPALL On Saturday, December 8th, Flotilla 12-4 of the

    Central Grand Strand celebrated the retirement of Walter

    Spall with a dinner and ceremony. Walters wife Sally was

    presented with a bouquet of owers as a way of saying

    thank-you for allowing him to participate with the Auxiliary

    for thirty years. After the salute to the ag, Bud Sheppard

    said a very personal and tting prayer.

    We are honored to be here to recognize a man that has dedicated

    30 years of serving the public with boating safety and serving you

    Lord. He will always be remembered as the man that started Flotilla

    12-4. We lift Walter up to you Lord and pray that You will heal and

    comfort him. We pray that You give him many more years of life to be

    an encourager and man of character to everyone that he meets. Amen.

    In 1982 Walter decided that the Coast Guard Auxiliarywould be the ideal avenue to enhance his professional

    development and return something to the community. Im

    sure he will tell you how much he got from the Coast Guard

    Auxiliary and his training at Cape May, but he gave much

    more. Throughout his long and distinguished service,

    Walter has held a myriad of appointed and elected ofces

    in the Auxiliary. At the Flotilla level Walter has held the

    Finance, Public Education, Materials, Marine Safety, and

    Operations ofces. He also was appointed the Division Staff

    Ofcer for Information Systems and Public Education. In

    1995 he was elected Flotilla Commander of Flotilla 12-2 in

    Allentown, Pennsylvania.

    Although it required him to commute more than two

    hours; Walter patrolled out of Sea Isle City in the Cape

    May area of the Jersey Shore. Annually, Walter led the

    safety patrol of Ocean Citys Night in Venice Boat Parade.

    Over the years Walter has also completed many courses

    which have qualied him as ATON Verier, Instructor,

    Vessel Examiner, Coxswain, Qualication Examiner and he

    has earned the right to wear the coveted Operational

    Auxiliary Program (AUXOP) device.

    After retiring from his day job, Walter retired to

    Surfside Beach, SC and transferred to Flotilla 12-10 in

    Georgetown. Walter remained active in the Flotilla holding staff ofcer positions and going on safety patrols. Walter

    also became the Detachment Leader of the effort to

    establish a new Flotilla on the Grand Strand here in the

    Surfside Beach area. In 2010 Walter was elected the rst

    Flotilla Commander of Flotilla 12-4 and steered the Flotilla

    through its rst formative year. While Commanding a new

    Flotilla with few experienced members, Walter took on the

    task of training the rst crew members, arranging training for staff ofces and obtaining training assistance from sister


    Thanks to Walter Spall we have accomplished, in only

    two years, a Flotilla of over thirty members and growing


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    Rev. Dr. Phillip Poole, LLWe all love new stuff. We love that new car, new

    house, new watch, new shirt or, really, a new anything.

    We love to put the word new in front of a word

    because it changes the meaning of what it is; at least in

    our own minds, it becomes something special.

    That new thing we get as a gift, or buy with our own

    money, gets our special attention. We treat these new

    things with tender loving care. Since we all say Happy

    New Year, I want to challenge you to treat the NEW

    decisions you make for your life with tender loving care.This is a new year, and we are going to make new

    decisions for our lives, so we better choose wisely.

    I said this last year, and it is worth repeating again

    this year; please stop. Stop! Do not do it! Please, do notmake a New Years resolution! New Years resolutions

    do not last; typically, we do not follow through with

    them at all. Last year, forty-six percent of Americans

    made New Years resolutions, but only eight percentactually kept them. New Years resolutions are generally

    a waste of time. If we truly want make changes in our

    lives for the better, we need to ask God to help us with

    these changes.

    So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.

    There, we will receive His mercy, and we will nd grace tohelp us when we need it most.

    God is always working on us to help change the

    things that we need to and want to change. Making a

    change with Gods help is not just a one-time quick x;

    it is something that takes place repeatedly. We give

    ourselves to God once, but we need to transform and

    renew our lives for Him constantly.

    If we want to be successful in following a healthy

    diet or getting rid of a bad habit, we really need God to

    help us. Making a New Years resolution is us thinking there is always a way out, or it is OK if we fail.

    However, asking for and allowing God to help us is the

    beginning of something new that we are going to be

    doing for the rest of our lives.

    In order for us to change things in our lives, we have

    to change the way we live our lives. In order for us to

    change the way we live our lives, we have to change

    what we say and do. In order for us to change the thingswe say and do, we need Gods help. Only with His help,

    can these changes become permanent additions to our

    lives. Please do not make a New Years Resolution.

    Instead, allow God to make changes in you, for results

    that last a lifetime.

    Gods love,



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    VICE COMMANDERS REPORTChange of watch planning has been well organized and

    we will all enjoy the courtesy, protocol and our traditional

    great fun in Myrtle Beach. Afterwards, we elected folks have

    a daunting, but welcomed responsibility to maintain the

    Divisions established good course, offer improved

    opportunities and tackle the issues that will surely come our

    way. Division 12 is an incredible volunteer organization

    with unparalleled patriotism, talent, experience, membercredentials and maturity. Both the USCG and the

    recreational boating public are constantly vocal in their

    appreciation of your dedication and service. In addition to

    all of our commitments, I plan to focus on the need for

    recruiting new members as a key element to preserve our

    strengths and to support the benets of our membership


    There are many good reasons given for the overall

    reduction in volunteer interest across America. The

    American public is changing, our national security network is under constant attack and the supporting role of the

    Auxiliary is receiving unparalleled key support requests

    from the USCG to help them in fullling their port security

    mission. I personally

    can not think of any

    reason an inv i t ed

    boating friend that is

    p a t r i o t i c a n d a

    qualied candidate

    would not want to join

    any Flotilla in DivisionTwelve. Spreading the

    welcome mat for new

    membership growth

    represents a serious patriotic challenge to all of us.

    As a start, please bring a potential member to your next

    Flotilla meeting. Of course, remember to empathize the fun

    we have in addition to our serious business.

    Semper Paratus

    John Murphy


    John MurphyVice Division Commander

    Birthdays of Famous Coast Guard PeopleLloyd Bridges: Actor, Born January 15th, Served in the US Coast Guard during World War Two.

    Thad Allen: 23rd Coast Guard Commandant, Born January 16th, Widely praised for his efforts in directing Federal

    response in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

    Richard Cromwell: Actor, Born January 8th, Served in the US Coast Guard during World War Two.

    Chiao-Shun Soong: Chinese Patriarch, Born in February. Also known as Charles Jones Soong, Chiao-Shun is

    considered by many to be among the most well known Americans of Chinese descent to serve in the US Coast Guard,

    or any other branch of the armed forces.

    Dorothy Stratton: Educator, Coast Guard Captain, Director of Girls Scouts USA, Born in March. One of the most

    well known of anyone who has served with the Coast Guard.Charles Gibson: Journalist, Host of Good Morning America from 1987-2006, Born 9 March. Joined the US Coast

    Guard Reserves in 1966.

    Tom Blake: Professional Surfer, Born 8 March. Considered one of the greatest (and most inuential) surfers of the

    1900s. Blake served with the US Coast Guard during World War Two where he taught swimming, ocean rescue, and

    munitions loading.

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    FROM THE COMMANDERCommanders Report (Contd.)

    Please include me in your activities and communications.

    Also, get me involved in issues and/or areas of interest that

    need to be resolved in order to help you perform your job.

    A New Year and new leadership usually bring out

    questions regarding our direction. The District 7 Strategic

    Plan (2013 thru 2016) is a good place to start with for 2013

    guidance. It helps us understand what our direction is. Please

    read it and maintain a copy for future reference and use.

    The District 7 Strategic plan can be found through the

    following link:


    The District 7 Strategic Plan lists the issues of greatest

    importance as:

    Effectiveness in recreational boating safety missions.

    Leadership development and use of exemplary


    Growth and diversity of the districts ready volunteer


    Joint planning and mission execution with the CoastGuard.

    It also provides insight to the Auxiliary Mission, the

    National Commodores Vision Statement, National Strategic

    Imperatives, District 7 Commodore's Vision Statement, and

    District Strategic Issues.

    As the New Year starts, there are items that need to be

    completed early in the year. Flotilla Commanders need to

    provide the Flotilla Financial Report and Flotilla Inventoryby the end of January. I will need these reports prior to the

    end of the month in order to prepare the Division reports.

    Flotilla Goals will be due by 1 February. Other items that we

    need to perform throughout the year are the monthly otilla

    activity reports, monthly staff reports, and special reports (like

    National Safe Boating Week). Remember to copy myself and

    John Murphy, VCDR on all of these reports so we can see and

    understand what is going on within the division.

    Please remember the Auxiliary Cornerstones while

    performing our tasks and missions. They are dened in thecurrent Auxiliary Manual (section A; pages 2-3 thru 2-4) as:

    Member Services

    Recreational Boating Safety

    Operations and Marine Safety


    Also, remember the people side of things and respect all of

    the individuals that we meet, work with, work for, and

    associate with.

    The Winter Division meeting/COW Banquet is at the

    Beach Colony Resort; Myrtle Beach, SC; in the Carolina

    Room on 12 January 2013. The remaining 2013 Division

    meetings are 13 April, 13 July, and 12 October at the Mt.

    Pleasant Water Works Public Meeting Room. All of the

    general meetings are scheduled for 1000 with the

    Commanders Call at 0900. The Change of Watch Banquet

    starts at 1900.

    I look forward to se eing you at the meetings and serving

    with you throughout 2013. Thank you for your Time and


    Semper Paratus

    Al Crothers

    DCDR 12
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    Cadet LaRiviere


    D e t a c h m e n t

    Its been a busy time for all of us at The Citadel. The freshman had the

    opportunity to go underway with the crew at Station Charleston. They conducted

    man overboard drills, and learned about the procedures and rules when going

    underway. The upperclassman continued their Boat Crew Training in the

    Communications Room as well as learning and rening their knots. Later

    the cadets received a tour of the Coast Guard Cutter Oak and Coast

    Guard Cutter Gallatin. The cadets enjoyed training with the enlisted men

    and women at Station Charleston! It was productive weekend with great


    Left Photo: Christmas lights and decorations at The Citadel. AbovePhoto: The Citadel Regimental Band marching in the Charleston

    Christmas Parade.

    As the semester came to a close, the Cadets nished their training to head home for winter break. This semester we

    added several of our newest members to the Detachment, Cadet Kyle Busbee, Cadet Alexander Rosenbaum, Cadet

    Connor Rosenbaum, Cadet Keaton Walker, Cadet Eric Borio, Cadet Patrick Heavey, and Cadet Andrew Mize. They have

    been training with the Detachment this semester and have solidied their commitment to the Coast Guard Auxiliary. These

    Cadets are excited to take on the mission of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and look forward to continue their training.

    Overall it was an eventful semester full of physical training, Field Training

    Exercises, and other educational training events. We look forward tocontinue training next semester with the Enlisted men and women at Coast

    Guard Station Charleston and with the Auxiliary!

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    From Left: Lee Rudd - PV; Sep Harvin - FN; William Hayes- PA; Joe Livingston - IPFC/OP; COMO Jay Dahlgren - CS/

    PB; Ellen Newman - PE; Joe Newman - VFC/CM; RonCunningham - MA/VE; Bob Young - IS/SR; Richard

    Phillips - MS/NS; John Owen - FC/DV/HR. Absent PerryMoses III - MT.

    Flotilla 12-1, Lake Marion & the Inland Sea John Owen, FC

    Flotilla 12-1 has been busy during the closing months of

    the 2012 boating season. Safety and training patrols were

    completed on Lakes Marion and Moultrie, as well as, Patrols

    through the locks and on the Cooper River. QE check rides

    were successfully conducted for re-certications of two

    Coxswains from each of Flotillas 12-1 and 12-3 and one

    Crew from Flotilla 12-1. Several VE Blitzes were staged over

    different weekends at Scarboros Landing on Lake Marion.Seven members visited a monthly meeting of the Swamp Fox

    Boat Club in Eutawville to discuss ongoing cooperation

    during boating events and display the Flotillas Equipment

    Trailer. A Suddenly In Command class was presented to a

    church youth group.

    The Flotillas Change of Watch was conducted on

    December 5th and the new FC and FSOs were sworn in.

    The above photo was taken at our Change-of-Watch and

    shows our 2013 FC, VFC and FSOs.

    Preliminary plans are being made to attend up-coming Boat/Sportsmans Shows in January and March 2013.

    12-3, Lake Murray

    Jerry Ruschkofski, FC

    Greetings from Lake Murray and Flotilla 12-03. Myname is Jerry Ruschkofski and I have been elected to serve as

    Flotilla Commander for Flotilla 12-03 for 2013. My ViceCommander is Ken Uschelbec. Between us we have almost60 years of service in the Auxiliary and Division 12. We are

    looking forward to an exciting year of service to the Coast

    Guard and the Boating Public here in the Midlands of South

    Carolina and especially on Lake Murray. Our focus in 2013 isgoing to be growth and training.

    In the growth area, we plan to be more active this yearwith more PE Classes; more inner action with the Lake

    Murray Association, the Lake Murray Power Squadron, and

    other organizations with interest in the Lake. We plan toreestablish a VHF radio communications network around the

    Lake with base stations at Auxiliary members homes who live

    on the Lake and at Flotilla Island. Our thinking is if the

    Boating Public hears the Auxiliary on the radio, it will

    generate more interest in our programs.

    In the training area, we have appointed a new MemberTraining Ofcer who is very energized. He plans to do more

    training with the Coast Guard in Charleston. We also want to

    do some training with other Auxiliary units in the area.

    Flotilla 12-03 has aircraft and pilots that are part of theAuxiliary Air program that might be available for training

    with boats. If the details can be worked out, this training would be expanded to include other Auxiliary units and

    Coast Guard units. We could easily use our base at Lake

    Murray for this training similar to the Army parachute jumpexercise this past September.

    Speaking of the Army Parachute Exercise, we would like

    to again thank all the Coast Guard and Auxiliary members

    and units who participated in September's exercise. Not onlywere all the troops recovered successfully, but it was a greattraining opportunity. I have told by the Army that this may bean annual event, so put it on your calendars for 2013.

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    THE GRAND STRAND12-2, Grand StrandDorothy Schoch, FC

    Although the overall performance levels for Flotilla 12-2

    have seen a decrease from 2011 (based on hours put into

    AuxData), our Flotilla has seen two areas with spectacular

    growth levels. The rst is in Vessel Safety Checks, where we

    logged in eleven hours, which is an increase of 120% over

    last year. Great job everyone! The Vessel Safety Check

    program is one of the cornerstones of our organization, and

    I would encourage anyone who is not qualied in this areato take the VE test and join us on a boating safety event.

    Upon passing the VE test, you will need ve supervised

    vessel safety checks. This is a great program and it has no

    doubt saved many lives since we started it.

    The second area of growth was in Search and Rescue

    hours, where we logged in more than twenty hours, which is

    a 250% increase over 2011. We also saw a 9.5% increase in

    Public Education and logged in just under 3,500 hours for

    2012. Keep in mind however, that this data is as of 31 Dec

    2012, so as we enter January these gures could increasesince there could still be hours yet to be inputed into the


    Id like to say thanks to our members for all of their

    hard work and dedication to Flotilla 12-2.

    Members of Flotilla 12-2

    The Central Grand Strand of South Carolina.

    Flotilla 12-4, Central Grand StrandChuck Budnick, FC

    We wrapped up 2012 with over 5,400 hours, which is

    only 9% less than in 2011. As the last of the 7029, 7030 and

    7038 forms get submitted and put into the system, this gure

    could still be subject to change. We did however, see growthin three elds: Public Affairs (55%), Vessel Safety Exams

    (3%), and Marine Safety (5%). Bravo Zulu everyone! Lets all

    work to build on this to see growth in 2013. Im very

    optimistic about the upcoming events for National SafeBoating Week.

    Prospective members are always welcome to attend our

    monthly Flotilla meeting, so if you know of anyone who may

    be interested in joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary, make

    sure to bring them along to our next meeting.Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to

    Flotilla 12-4. The work that we do provides a valuable

    service both to the United States Coast Guard and to the

    safety of our community.

    Semper Paratus

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    12-12, Edisto BeachKaren Andrews, FC

    On October 13th we had a booth for the Home Tours.

    We had a great turnout, answered lots of questions and

    gave out a good number of boating safety brochures.We are doing two or three

    helicopter operations per

    month. The Christmas

    Parade was December 8th

    due to the warm weathert h e r e w a s a g r e a t

    attendance this year.

    12-8, CharlestonPaul Berka, FC

    In my rst ofcial message as Flotilla Commander, I

    want to extend my thanks for all the encouragement and

    support I have received from everyone in the otilla. I

    would like to thank Paul Thomas for his leadership and

    guidance to our otilla over the past year. I would also liketo thank all the members of my 2012 staff, and I know

    you will be supporting Dwaine Harris in 2013.

    My major objective for 2013 is to enlarge the core of

    individuals that support the Flotilla activities. Each Flotilla

    Staff Ofcer (FSO) should in 2013 be seeking other

    members to train in their area of responsibility.

    We all continue to make personal sacrices to serve in

    the otilla and for that I thank you. We need to remember

    that the existence of our otilla provides a valuable

    support to the Gold Side and the boating safety of thegeneral public. We have three events in January. The rst

    is the monthly otilla meeting on the 9th, the Division

    Change of Watch in Myrtle Beach on the 11th and 12th,

    and the Charleston boat show which will be held at the

    North Charleston Convention Center on the 25th, 26th

    and 27th. Volunteers are going to be needed for this

    event. Please check with Joe Woodbury for details on the

    boat show.

    Be safe, have fun andlets all work to make 2013

    another great year for

    Flotilla 12-8 and for the

    Coast Guard Auxiliary.

    Semper Paratus

    Paul H. Berka

    Charleston Parade of BoatsOn 1 December, participants from Flotilla 12-8 assisted

    the Coast Guard in maintaining safety patrols for the Annual

    Parade of Boats. Boat captains from around the area

    decorated their vessels, such as the one shown above. Santa

    Clause was also in attendance, dancing lively along the

    forecastle deck of a large vessel. As we made our way back to

    the boat landing, the night sky was clear, the moon a

    beautiful change of color as it made its way above the city,and the water smooth as a mill pond. Indeed, it was a

    spectacular low country evening.


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    EAST COOPER & GEORGETOWN12-6, Mount PleasantRon Foreman, 2012 FC

    Fellow shipmates this will be my last newsletter input as

    Flotilla Commander, as I nish my second year . The past

    two years have been a wonderful time where the Flotilla has

    performed in the highest standards of the Coast Guard and

    the Auxiliary, and winning the Cup for most improved

    Flotilla in District Seven and being awarded the Flotilla

    "Meritorious Achievement Medal". Bravo Zulu to all of you

    for your Vessel Exams (VE), Visitation (PV), for those fewthat supported Phil Poole with the Public Education (PE)

    and those doing Navigation (ATON) verication and the

    many Safety Patrols, as we lead in the total number of the

    prior listed in Division 7. I challenge each of you to keep up

    the drive to be the best we can be and make it a better


    I want to thank those who have helped guide me in the

    right direction and continue to motivate me to motivate

    others. Remember you can make a difference in making this

    Flotilla and the Auxiliary even better, just step up andbecome a Flotilla Staff Ofcer, mentor or work for the

    division as a Staff Ofcer. Your time and talent are

    important to the Auxiliary and the Coast Guard.

    We had a wonderful Christmas Party & Change Of

    Watch Ceremony on the 8th of December and followed by

    the Mt Pleasant Christmas Parade on the 9th where we took

    second place, great job for those who helped.

    As I depart the position of FC and become your IPFC, I

    will be around to provide support as needed for those that

    desire mentoring. Jeanne and I would like to wish all of you a wonderful

    Christmas and a very happy New Year, as 2013 will bring us

    many new rewards and challenges.

    Ronald Foreman

    2012 FC 12-06

    FC-Elect Andy Poole presents Outgoing FC Ron Foremawith a gift of appreciation for his dedication and service.

    US Coast Guard Auxiliary Photo.

    12-10, GeorgetownRick Bankert, FC

    The Georgetown otilla will be establishing our yearly

    goals for 2013. Goals under consideration include: new

    membership, enhancing our social activities, and increased

    participation of current members.

    Our area does not have a large population. However we

    can set goals for inviting friends to our meetings. We will also

    consider promoting the Auxiliary on the local government

    TV channel.We will consider options for promoting our social

    activities. We will reect on successful past social activities a

    we try to get together on the water and off the water.

    We will also ask current members to consider taking on

    the challenge of engaging in new areas such as PE, VE or

    crew/coxswain certication.

    Our otilla has many members with great experience

    and qualications. We can ask for their continued

    participation as they continue to lend their expertise and


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    EAST COOPER & GEORGETOWN20th Anniversary of Flotilla 12-6

    Sunday, November 15, 1992 was a dream come true

    for Rick Marton and Rick Buxton on Bonneau, SouthCarolina as they took their oaths as Commander and Vice

    Commander of Flotilla 12-6 of the US Coast Guard

    Auxiliarys Seventh District during the chartering ceremony

    of the new Flotilla.

    Sixty-seven people attended the banquet. Immediate

    Past District Captain Horst Wuestenhagen presented

    Commander Marton with the charter amid applause for the

    twenty members of the Santee Cooper Lakes Flotilla.

    The ideas of coming to the lake area was spawned in1987, and hard work, perseverance and enthusiasm paid off

    as the Coast Guard Auxiliary will now have a presence on

    Lake Moultrie. Their services will include search and rescue,

    education and courtesy vessel safety examinations. They will

    work out of the Dennis Wildlife Center.

    United States Coast Guard representatives to the

    ceremony were Commander Alvin A. Sarra, Commanding

    Ofcer of the USCG Group Charleston and Captain

    Robert T. Ritchie, Chief of the Boating Safety Division inMiami, Florida and Director of the Auxiliary. Newly electedState Senator Bill Mescher and his wife Kitty also attended.

    Submitted by John Sikes, SO-PB XII (1993)

    Congratulations to Flotilla 12-6 on reaching its

    twentieth anniversary. Id like to say thanks to Maggie

    McCarty, John Sikes, Ron Foreman and Barbara Burcheldfor letting me include this article into the Division


    William CarterSO-PB

    Shown in photograph from left to right: Horst W.Wuestenhagen, DCP, Senator Bill Mescher and RickMartin, FC of the new Seventh District Flotilla 12-6.

    1993 Rick Martin

    1994 Rick Burton

    1995 Simon Kirby1996 Lee Borts

    1997 Frank Carney

    1998 Charles Wooton

    1999 George OBriwn

    2000 Charles McCarty2001 Larry Moran

    2002 Arlene Southerland

    2003 Jack Connelly

    2004 Bob Gillow

    2005 Bob Weskerna2006 Maggie McCarty

    2007 Ed Jones

    2008 Gary Graham

    2009 Al Crothers

    2010 Al Crothers2011 Ronald Foreman

    2012 Ronald Foreman

    Flotilla 12-6 Past Commanders

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    Our visit to Sector Jacksonville.

    Working with the crew from USCGAir Station Savannah.

    Ron Sain, AAAC, Flotilla 12-2I recently assumed the responsibility for reporting

    Division Twelve aviation activities in the Pelorus. My

    predecessor, Ken Plesser, is the new District Staff Ofcer

    for Aviation (DSO-AV) for District 7, and I am the Assistant

    Auxiliary Air Coordinator (AAAC) for training in South


    More than fteen Division 12 Auxiliarists are involved

    in Auxiliary Aviation (AUXAIR). Many are active withboth air and surface platforms. Two air facilities have own

    missions this past quarter: Ken Plesser, (12-3), and myself,

    (12-2). A third airplane co-owned by Jay Byers, (12-30, and

    Al Paglia (12-3) was recently inspected and is expected to

    become available soon. Two other airplanes are potential

    assets pending engine and propeller overhauls required to

    comply with the Coast Guards requirement that after a

    predetermined number of years/hours, components must

    be overhauled: Steve Jacobs, (12-6) and Mike Rasnak,

    (12-8).Division 12 AUXAIR RECENTLY added two

    Observers: Ann Marie Graham (12-6) and Bud Shepard

    (12-4). Now Bud Shepard is working on Air Crew

    requirements, and Walt Runck (12-6) and Jim Nelson (12-4)

    are close to completing the requirements for Observer. The


    pilots, air crew, and observers will be a ready asset for Coast

    Guard support in the northern AOR of Air Station

    Savannah. If you know of any pilots please encourage them

    to participate. Auxiliary Aviation provides opportunities for

    additional training to y safely and gain new skills.

    In the past quarter, Division 12 aviation facilities ew

    Maritime Observation Missions (MOM), logistics missions,

    and one Rotary Wing Air Intercept (RWAI) exercise to assistin training a junior pilot and two MH-65 helicopter crews

    from Air Station Savannah. Ken Plesser (12-3) ew twelve

    air intercept exercises over a 3.8 hour mission. LCDR Nims

    commended the AUXAIR support for adding realistic

    value to the operation. For Auxiliary Aviation, participation

    claried the use of unfamiliar terminology and


    On October 13 Tommy Timberlake (12-4), Bud

    Shepard (12-4), Jim Nelson (12-4), Ann Marie Graham

    (12-6), Walt Runck (12-6), Ken Plesser (12-3), and I had theopportunity to tour the Command Center at Sector

    Charleston. The tour gave the Auxiliary aviation crews an

    opportunity to learn about the other side of

    communica t i ons and answer ques t ions abou t

    implementation of the new EF Johnson encrypted radios.

    Continued on following page

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    Left Photo: Team Savannah representatives at St. Peter DCDR Warren Wilson, Observer Peg Peterson, DSO-AV

    Plesser, VDCDR Ted Phillips, CO, CGAS Savannah GregObserver Nancy Hastie, ADSO-AV Bob Hastie.

    On November 17, Tommy Timberlake (12-4) and I ew an

    MOM mission to Air Station to be tted with Aircrew Dry

    Coveralls (ADCs), then continued the ight to Jacksonville to

    tour Sector JAX with Auxiliary pilots and crew from the

    southern AOR.

    Aviation activities decline in the fall and winter quarters

    as offshore water temperatures drop below 70 F. With water

    temperatures below 70 F Auxiliary aircraft can not yoffshore further than gliding distance from land. But with

    ADCs missions can go offshore and be a more valuable asset

    to the Coast Guard when water temperatures drop below 70


    The big event for the next quarter is the annual

    AUXAIR Workshop at Air Station Savannah located on

    Hunter Army Air Field on February 1st. and 2nd.

    Participants must pass a 75 yard swim test wearing a ight

    suit and un-inated PFD then climb into a raft plus update

    themselves with required operational training and aero-medical issues. Anyone interested in learning more should

    contact me.

    Ron Sain

    Flotilla 12-2

    AAC reports from D7 Auxiliary AviationIn mid-September, Cecil Christopher announced his

    resignation as the DSO-AV in order to return to work to

    support a critical program in the Department of Defense.COMO Walter Jaskiewicz appointed Ken Plesser as DSO-

    AV and David Cristol as ADSO-AV-AAC Savannah.

    During the period 20-23 September, the District

    Training Conference was held in St. Petersburg, FL. The

    photo to your left was taken at this event. This provided an

    opportunity for members of Team Savannah to discuss

    operations and to interact with AuxAir from the otherthree Air Stations as well as the active duty leadership.

    During the month of October the transition Aux AirSavannah began the transition process for AAC David

    Cristol. Ken Plesser provided historical material and

    guidance for the new AAC and the transition was

    completed on schedule.

    A tour of Sector Charleston was completed by several

    members. The original intent was to distribute the new

    radios but they were not available. The tour was still

    valuable in the exchange of information and between

    AuxAir and the active side.The month of November as AAC has progressed well.

    The main challenge has been managing the transition and

    understanding the current status of all activities. An effort

    is underway to refresh the roster and conrm all

    participants commitment and status.

    A visit was made to Sector Jacksonville by 4 pilots and

    2 crew. A tour was provided and we had a good exchange

    of information on topics such as communications and

    operations. Ed Chappel and I have been invited to speak atthe Sector meetings in mid December and hope that this

    will provide a platform to better dene our missions.


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    John Owen, SO-HRId like to say Great Job to the Division 12

    Flotilla FSO-HRs! During the period

    from January to November 2012,

    Division 12 added thirty-one new

    members (thirty were added in 2011).

    Almost half of those new members

    initially inquired through the E-Responder

    program. Approximately seventy inquiries have been madethus far about Auxiliary membership within Division 12

    through the E-Responder program.

    As 2013 approaches, please ensure new FSO-HRs are

    listed, so I can contact them about the E-Responder

    program. As a reminder, only those individuals referred to

    Flotilla Commanders, Vice Flotilla Commanders and FSO-

    HRs from me should be contacted. I make initial contact to

    determine eligibility and interests, and match those with the

    appropriate otilla. Once referred, they are all yours to

    process. Three attempts should be made by otilla humanresource ofcers to contact the potential member (please

    record dates, times, methods).

    This information will be recorded on the Monthly E-

    Responder Reports which I maintain and submit to the

    District Human Resources Ofcer. The District HR Ofcer

    and I make additional efforts of contact the person before

    removal from our records we want to get potential new

    members to otillas for processing or remove them if no

    longer interested.

    The most important part of the E-Responder program isfor Flotillas to contact the potential members. This is why the

    checks and balances and the reason I send courtesy copies

    of the referral data to the Flotilla Commander and Vice

    Flotilla Commander. If anyone has any questions or concerns

    with the E-Responder program or Human Resource issues,

    please feel free to contact me. Im looking forward to another


    PublicationsWilliam Carter, SO-PB

    As the new SO-PB, let me say what an honor it is for me

    to be able to serve the Auxiliary and Division 12. As you can

    tell, Ive made some changes to the Division newsletter. In the

    future Id like to include more photos from each of the

    Flotillas. This could be from public affairs events or just

    simply photos taken by members that showcase the beauty of

    their community. Graphics always make the difference. In

    addition to The Pelorus, I also handle the newsletter forFlotilla 12-8.

    The Pelorus will be released in January, April, July and

    October. Id like to have all submitted articles in by the 15th

    of the month prior. If youre going to need more time thats

    ne, just let me know in advance. Feel free to contact me if

    you have any questions or ideas for future publications.

    Program VisitationDwaine Harris, SO-PV

    The Division Twelve Program Visitation team had 1,531

    visits in 2012. Thanks to each one of you for every visit.

    The PV program is another way toeducate the public about the

    Auxiliary, boating safety, and the

    importance of wearing a life jacket

    Restocking our display racks with

    safety pamphlets seems like a small job

    but it generates conversations and helps us get out

    information about vessel safety checks and other life saving subjects.

    Our greatest responsibility as Auxiliarists is to support

    Recreational Boating Safety. I would invite you to encourageothers to consider being a PV this year. Four visits are all that

    is required for staying current on this qualication. Your visit

    could be the visit that saves a boaters life.

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    Information SystemsSue Hastings, SO-IS

    I want to thank all the Division FSOs-IS for a

    good year in 2012. We had inputter

    coverage for each Flotilla. I look forward

    to working with them and the new

    FSOs-IS in 2013 to provide the best

    service to you our members.

    You can help by turning your missions,

    exams, or visits in a timely manner. We still have manymembers who do not turn in a 7029 form on a regular basis.

    If you are not sure how to complete a form electronically or

    by hard copy, please check with your FSO-IS. It is also very

    important that your contact information is kept up to date.

    REYR is being run on 31 December 2012. If you go into

    this status you will need to do the maintenance task whether it

    is hours, visits, exams, or tests before your certication can be

    restored and they have to be entered into AUXDATA. Your

    Flotilla Commander then must make the request to remove

    REYR though the District 7 Help Desk. It is very importantthat IT/VE/PV show only one Trainee on the mission form.

    The Directors ofce will not accept missions for

    recertication if more than one Trainee is listed for these


    Communications ServicesDavid Hastings, SO-CS

    I want to thank the Flotilla Staff Ofcers for

    Communication Services in 2012 for the great job they did in

    having a web site for every Flotilla in Division 12. I amlooking forward to working with the Flotillas for 2013. Any

    Flotilla that does not have a FSO-CS can have a WOW II

    website set up. For those not familiar with this acronym, itsshort for websites without web masters. This web design

    system is easy to operate and it does not require any special

    programming. I will help any Flotilla that needs help in doing


    Members, please help your Web Masters by providing

    them with up to date information on your classes, activities,

    etc., that can be added to your websites. Our websites are

    usually the rst impression we make to a potential new

    members o r the boating public.

    Communications Systems Jim Ramsey, SO-CM

    Greetings All,

    Now that the Christmas Season is about over I hope

    everyone has a great New Year!

    I have been working with the Sector Charleston

    Command Center folks to establish a plan of action for

    Auxiliary personnel that have an interest in being a part of

    the watch. I hope to have the plan ready to implement by the

    beginning of the New Year.

    If anyone is interested in becoming a radio watch-stander

    please feel free to contact me and I will explain therequirements to become Auxiliary qualied. That is the rst

    step. Station and Sector requirements would follow the

    Auxiliary PQS. This program is a commitment, so please call

    and Ill go over the requirements.

    Also, Im looking into the interest to make an Auxiliary

    communications van or trailer. The trailer would be used by

    Division 12 as a mobile communications unit. If anyone is

    interested give me a ring and lets discuss.

    Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you.

    Happy New Year to all,

    Jim Ramsey

    [email protected]



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    Member TrainingBe Moore, SO-MT

    This fall saw a busy summer season

    winding down with several otillas

    culminating their on-the-water training

    efforts with crew and coxswain

    qualications and re-qualications. In

    addition, an 8-hour TCT class was

    conducted in November.

    Now is the time to be thinking about what you would liketo accomplish in 2013. As I have said before, member

    training is the core of our existence in the Auxiliary, whether

    you are in upgrade training yourself or helping someone else.

    Memb er training is also pre valent on each patrolon-the-

    water or walking the docks. I encourage each member to

    actively enter a training program. Most of the AUXOP

    courses, i.e., AUXCOM, AUXSEA, AUXPAT, AUXWEA,

    etc. are available on line and offer a wealth of information.

    Contact your otilla training ofcer for more information.

    We hope to hold several division wide training sessions in2013. Flotilla 12-8 under the guidance of FSO-MT Richard

    Daniel has developed a GPS for Mariners course and will

    offer the rst class on 19 Jan 2013. They also plan on

    presenting a Charting and Plotting class in March 2013. If

    you interested in either or both of these classes, contact your

    otilla member training ofcer or Richard Daniel at

    [email protected] . In addition we hope to conduct

    another division wide ICS 210 class for future coxswains and

    an 8-hour TCT class both in late spring/early summer.

    As you can see, Member Training Ofcers have a lot tooffer. You can help them by telling them of your training

    needs and desires. Stay in touch with your Member Training

    Ofcers. I guaranteethe more you get involved with

    training, the more you will enjoy being in the Auxiliary.

    AUXOP Courses, Leadership Courses, and Online

    Testing Are Available on the Coast Guard Auxiliary Training

    Directorate Website.

    Access the site by visiting the link below: .

    After you self-enroll into the course, review the onlinepresentation and related materials. Once you complete the

    review of the course, access the National Testing Center

    take the nal exam (AUXOP courses must be proctored).

    Vessel Examinations Andy Poole, SO-VE

    Equip Yourself: Gear for Cold Weather BoatingAs the water temperatures around the South Carolina

    lowcountry continue to drop, cold weather boaters need

    protection from hypothermia, both on deck and in the event

    of falling overboard. Cold water shortens in-water survival

    time, making a quick rescue essential. Fortunately, you have

    options whether you hunt, sh, or cruise on cold water.

    Choose the right gear to increase your chances of surviving a

    cold-weather mishap.

    Flotation Coat

    Flotation coats provide warmth and double as a life jacket

    should the wearer fall in the water. Float coats are

    recommended for boaters who boat year-round in locales

    with moderate air temperatures and cold water. If you boat

    in extremely cold temperatures, a otation coat will not

    protect you from hypothermia if you were to fall into the


    Immersion or Survival SuitWinter boating calls for hardy gear. Survival suits will

    protect you from the elements, and they will provide

    otation and hypothermia protection if you enter the water.

    Wearing a survival suit can increase survival time in col



    Continued on following page

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    Dry Suit

    Dry suits can be instantly drawn tight to prevent water from

    entering, appropriate thermal layers worn beneath the drysuit provide insulation and they are not buoyant. Dry suits

    are suitable for intentional entry into the water, but provide

    no passive protection if you fall in.

    Personal Position Locator Beacon

    Otherwise known as a PLB, a personal position locatorbeacon is a scaled down version of the Emergency Position

    Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). When immersed in

    water or manually activated both EPIRBs and PLBstransmit a signal that allows rescuers to pinpoint your


    Personal Emergency Locator Light

    An emergency light worn and activated if a person is in the

    water can attract the attention of rescuers, providing a

    much more visible target than your head in the water. Thebright, ashing light increases the chances of being spotted

    by rescuers or a passing boater.


    Store hand held and/or parachute ares in immersion suit

    pockets, secured with a lanyard. Make sure to study their

    instructions before you need them.


    Attracting attention will increase your chances of surviving

    in the water. Whistles are a inexpensive and simple way tomake noise without exhausting yourself. Rescuers are

    trained to turn off the boat engines and listen for a period

    of time while they are on search and rescue missions, or a

    nearby boater may hear the signal. Conventional whistles

    dont work if the pea inside is wet, so make sure that you

    choose a waterproof model.

    Common sense can also increase your chances of survival

    in cold weather. Dress in layers to provide maximum

    protection and warmth. Technical bers provide thermalprotection and wont absorb water. Include a hat to protect

    your head from heat loss. Wear gloves.

    Don't be tempted to skip proper cold weather clothing

    and gear. Be sure to wear a life jacket, le a oat plan, get a

    vessel safety exam, and have the appropriate hypothermiaprotection when boating in the cold.

    Division 12 completed 1, 883 Vessel Safety Exams this

    year, as of December 16, 2012. Last year, the division set a

    record with 2, 881 Vessel Safety Exams. Since records areestablished to be broken, lets all see what we can do to

    exceed the VSC Record of 2011.

    DIVISION STAFF OFFICER REPORTSVessel Examinations (Contd.)






    5% 4%

    Hours: Vessel Safety Checks

    12-1 12-212-3 12-412-6 12-812-10 12-12

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus




    Minutes from Division 12 Meeting

    Waterworks, Mt. Pleasant, S.C

    Saturday, October 13, 2012

    The meeting was called to order at 1020 hours by Vito

    Giardina, Division Commander.

    The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Al Crothers,

    Division Vice Commander.

    The Invocation was given by Al Crothers, Division Vice


    Division Members in Attendance: (listed below)

    DCDR Welcome/Introductions:

    Vito Giardina DCDR welcomed everyone and guests

    CDR LeFebvre and LTJG Rice, Sector Charleston.

    Vito thanked Flotilla 12-02 Grand Strand for therefreshments.

    Division Minutes: July Division meeting minutes were

    approved at Commanders Call as listed in the Pelorus


    Financial Report: Approved at Commanders Call as

    submitted by John Murphy, SO-FN

    DCDR comments:

    Vito Giardina reviewed the items covered at

    Commanders Call.

    VCDR comments:Al Crothers commented on the number of hours

    reported to date in AUXINFO (approximately 35,000). He

    also stated that we now have 279 members in our Division. Al

    thanked all for electing him as the new DCDR.Division Staff Ofcer Reports:

    Please read these reports published in the Pelorus


    New Business:

    Swearing in of newly elected DCDR, Al Crothers byCDR LeFebvre and DCAPT-N Bob Weskerna

    Presentation of Awards:

    Flotilla Meritorious Achievement Award for greatest

    improvement in overall performance for 2011 presented to

    Ron Foreman, FC 12-06. Membership Growth Award Michael Mikutaitis,

    12-03 and Charles Budnick, 12-04.

    Meritorious Team Award for State Liaison Ofcer

    Training-Barbara Burcheld, 12-06.

    Continued on Page Twenty-ThreeRoster of members and guests present


    Jay Dahlgren

    John Owen

    Perry Moses

    Ron Cunningham


    Dorothy SchochCarl Brown

    Jeanette Brown

    Alma Lyerley

    Judith Ash

    Joyce Slingerland


    Michael Mikutaitis

    Peg PetersonKen Plesser

    Gerry Ruschkofski

    Sue CartyDon Carty


    Chuck Budnick

    Jack Stacy

    Nancy Johnson




    Al Crothers

    Andy PooleBob Weskerna

    Deborah Lee

    Walter Runck

    Ron Foreman

    Ann Graham

    Barbara Burcheld

    Festus Burcheld

    12-8 Joe Fleming

    Bob Mathewes

    Paul BerkaAlan Miles


    Vito Giardina

    Richard Bankert

    Sue Hastings

    Dave Hastings

    Reggie Hollar

    Allen James


    Karen Andrews James Andrews

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus




    SLO-SC Barbara Burcheld attended District 7 Training

    Conference in September, giving two separate presentations.

    Barbara developed a presentation for the RBS Strategic Plan2012-2016, highlighting the Coast Guards priorities including

    increasing the number of persons who complete a boating

    safety course or test that conforms to the National Boating

    Education Standards as recognized by the USCG.

    Barbara assisted in the development and presentation of

    Public Education Best Practices with DSO-PE Judi Bacon

    and DCAPT-N (e) Dave Fuller. Her part of the PE

    presentation explained how some Auxiliary courses (About

    Boating Safely, Boating Skills & Seamanship, and Sailing

    Skills & Seamanship) are affected by NASBLA standards andapprovals, BLA certications; and SLO facilitation of

    auxiliary public education missions with the states.

    We sent the South Carolina Boating Law Administrator

    (BLA) an offer to have auxiliary data for 2012 RBS

    Performance Report, such as the number of vessel safety

    checks, public education classes and students. The annual

    report covers the period 01OCT - 30SEP and is sent to the

    Coast Guard Ofce of Boating Safety with a 12/31/2012

    deadline. The information is used to report activities funded

    with RBS Program Dollars.2012 Auxiliary data of certied boating courses held in

    South Carolina reveal a growing trend of decline in public

    education courses and students. While the number of

    recreational boaters increases each year, the number of

    auxiliary boating safety courses continues to decrease. One-

    third of all scheduled Auxiliary ABS classes were cancelled in

    2012, primarily due to lack of student enrollment. In some

    cases ineffective product advertising and holiday/event

    conicts contributed to cancellations.

    SLO-SC monitors the DNR certied boating safetycourses in South Carolina. For Division 12 specically, public

    education results for 2012 are shown in the pie chart shown

    to your upper right.

    The number of classes held by each otilla are as follows:

    12-1: 1 12-4: 0 12-10: 3

    12-2: 2 12-6: 12 12-12: 1

    12-3: 2 12-8: 4

    See the following page for more detailed information on

    ABS course statistics.SLO-SCs are working with the E-Department on public

    education instructor and course development to increase

    recreational boater enrollment in Auxiliary safety courses.Stay tuned.

    The Navigator winter edition included an SLO article

    from Barbara. She also contributed stories to the Lake

    Murray Association newsletters highlighting safety about day

    markers, navigation lights and boat fenders. She is nalizing a

    story about local South Carolina Auxiliarist Robert

    Weskerna, elected to D7 Chief of Staff, to be released tonewspapers and publications in December.

    We attended the Lake Murray Safety Consortiummeeting on September 19, 2012; meetings were cancelled

    October-December 2012.

    The Burchelds supported the Sea Cadets Great Portage

    Race 9/15/2012 with one of the two operational facilities;

    setting up the safety zone for 20 cadets from South Carolina

    ranging in age from 10


    18 2219




    ABS Students for 2012

    Continued on following page

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    STATE LIAISON REPORTto 18 years old. They exhibited a wide range of ability tested

    their knowledge and canoe skills. The Sea Cadet leaders were

    very appreciative of the AUX keeping tabs on them.

    Operational Facilities Master Chief (12-01) and

    Voyager (12-06) provided safety zone coverage with

    Auxiliarists from 5 otillas, 3 Divisions and 2 Districts.

    In this 4th Quarter 2012 report, we shared another

    example of Division 12 membership working with otherorganizations and providing positive public impact:

    Flotilla 12-4 (Socastee, SC) members were invited to

    inspect and judge units participating in the event at the old

    Myrtle Square Mall site across from the Myrtle Beach

    Convention Center on September 21. The Myrtle Beach

    Area Chamber of Commerce/CVB and the City of Myrtle

    Beach welcomed the South Atlantic Shrine Association

    (SASA) 39th Annual Meeting to the area 9-22 SEP. Events for

    the SASA, included the great Shrine competitions featuring

    motorcycles, light weight motorcycles, small cars and

    marching units all competing for trophies.

    In the below photo, from left: Auxiliarists Eric Hurlin and

    Chuck Budnick inspect a motorized unit. Photo and story

    courtesy of Tom Williamson, FSO-PA 12-4.






    2012 27 332 23% 79 24%

    2011 33 478 22% 100 21%

    Marine Safety Rick Bankert, SO-MS

    I am looking forward to productive year for all of our

    otillas in the area of Marine Safety. I would like to ask

    each Marine Safety otilla ofcer to send me the following

    information over the next two months.

    First Let me know what your otilla does, for Marine

    Safety, that you consider to be successful missions. Just a

    sentence or two about each mission.

    Second What would you wish for in order to makeMarine Safety more successful? Again, a brief statement

    of areas that should be developed further or new ideas

    that you would like to consider.

    Here are some web sites that you might want to check


    Please feel free to e-mail the monthly reports to me at:[email protected].

    Tha nk you.

    Rick Bankert


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    Meritorious Team Award for National Conferences-

    Brett Grooms, 12-06.

    Commodores Certicate of Excellence Award(250+Hrs) OPS/MS-Ron Foreman, 12-06 and Robert

    Mathewes, 12-08.

    Commodores Certicate of Excellence Award RBS

    (250+Hrs)-Barbara Burcheld, 12-06, Ron Foreman,

    12-06, James Poole, 12-06, Phillip Poole, 12-06, DaveHastings, 12-10, Steve Rodvansky, 12-01.

    Commodores Certicate of Excellence Award CG

    Operational/Administrative Support (100+Hrs)-Barbara

    Burcheld, 12-06, Hugo Endris, 12-06, Jay Dahlgren,12-01.

    Commodores Certicate of Excellence Award

    Watchstanding (100+Hrs) James Ramsey, 12-06, Steve

    Rodvansky, 12-01.

    Multi-Directorate Award for OPS/MS/RBS

    (250+Hrs)-Karen Andrews, 12-12. Multi-Directorate Award for OPS/MS (250+Hrs)

    George Gammon, 12-06.

    NSBW Presentation-Alan Miles, 2012 NSBWChairperson presented both, Power Point and slide

    presentations of the 2012 NSBW programs. This same

    presentation was shown and well accepted at DTRAIN

    held in September.

    Guest Remarks:

    CDR LeFebvre thanked everyone for their dedication to

    supporting the Boating Safety Program and stressed theimportance of wearing PFDs. LTJG Rice also thanked

    everyone for their support and for our assistance in keeping the fuel budget in control.

    Bob Weskerna spoke about the election process. He

    spoke about a few items from DTRAIN regarding QE

    missions and the release of a new version of POMS. Bob

    also spoke about realizing when its time to step down from

    OPS missions and look at the possibility at taking on other

    positions in the otilla.

    DCDR -Closing Remarks:

    Thanked all the members for their support during his

    term of ofce and reminded everyone of the COW dates.A motion was made by Ron Foreman to adjourn the

    meeting and seconded by Mike Mikutaitis. The meeting was

    adjourned at 1230 hours.

    Respectfully submitted,Deborah Lee


    Operations Joseph Fleming, SO-OP

    Happy New Year to All Division 12 Members. Hope

    everyone had a Merry Christmas. I know spending time

    with family and friends is what Christmas is all about. The

    New Year is upon us again and with it will be new

    challenges and opportunities in our everyday operations as


    This year we need to keep a closer watch on our fuel

    usage so we can prevent running out like the past. The Goldside depends on us with many of their daily missions and

    thats one of reasons we are here. On your regular patrols

    take time to practice SAR patterns, man overboard drills

    and plotting. This will keep your skills sharp, so when the

    time comes when you need them its like second nature to


    FSO-OPS, I would like to hear from ALL of you on

    any problems with operations or equipment problems and

    needs. I also need an operation report each month so I can

    keep our DSO up to date of our operations and needs.Remember when you wear the uniform; you represent

    ALL of us. So wear it proudly and professionally.

    Semper Paratus

    Joseph Fleming

    Secretary Records (Contd.)


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    Diversity & InclusionAl Crothers, SO-DV

    Diversity & Inclusion

    Dependability, Integrity,


    Diversity is about our commitment to embrace men and womenof all racial, cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds as full,

    equal, and vital members of our organization.

    There is another staff ofce for all levels of theAuxiliary. That ofce is Diversity and Inclusion. This

    directorate was ofcially established recently. Flotilla

    Commanders should consider a candidate for the role, if

    they have not done so already. I plan to hold the division

    ofce for 2013 in order to understand what the directorate

    requirements are from the division level.

    There are great references (Resources, News, and

    Outreach Programs) for all of us to read in order to

    understand the new directorate ourselves. You can nd a

    list of those on the Diversity & Inclusion

    page. Here is the URL:

    Commandants VisionCharting the Course of the United States Coast


    We are dened by our Missions, People and Heritage.

    We will selessly serve our Country and perform our duties

    in a manner that secures the trust and condence of

    mariners and citizens alike. We will set a course that

    steadies the Service, honors our profession, strengthens our

    partnerships, and respects our Shipmates.

    Semper Paratus


    Michael Mikutaitis, SO-MAHappy New Year to everyone. I'm Michael Mikutaitis

    (I go by 'Mik'), I'm last year's FC for 12-3 at Lake Murray. I

    will be serving as the division materials ofcer for 2013.

    If you are a newly appointed FSO-MA for your otilla

    you can rest at ease. The position is not that difcult to

    handle. Those that have stayed on for 2013 then you know

    the job.

    I will keep you updated on any changes to the ANSCcatalog during the year. They have put the catalog ordering online making ordering much simpler. Some catalog itemshave limits on them, submit your order and if it is rejected

    which I haven't seen happen yet then contact me and I will

    resend it using your information or I'll send it up the chain

    of leadership. The only time you should exceed the quota

    are for those special events that pop up from time to time.

    You will need to submit a monthly report to me and

    what I would like to see is what you ordered for the

    previous month especially postage. Please submit that

    report to me by the 1st of each month. This report shouldbe what you submit to your VFC for your otilla.

    A report from ALL FLOTILLAS is required.

    Do not stockpile a large amount of materials except for

    our known events. I will send out the ANSC ordering formto you in a few days. Your FC should provide you a formoutlining your job duties but I'll be sending out a copy of

    that form too. Below is my contact information:

    Michael Mikutaitis, SO-MA 070-12

    USCG Auxiliary

    6 Kinlaugh Ct.

    Columbia, SC 29204-4431

    803-331-5810 cell/home ~ 803-737-1877 work
  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus


  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus
















    12-1 4,419.30 -38.7% 77.00 -49.6% 185.00 -56.5% 122.00 -33.5% 2.00 -50.0%

    12-2 3,472.40 -20.2% 143.00 -18.3% 11.00 +120.0% 133.00 -27.3% 20.80 +252.5%

    12-3 5,393.60 +2.0% 20.00 -20.0% 51.00 -23.8% 194.00 +20.8% 47.70 -64.5%

    12-4 5,458.00 -9.1% 45.00 -16.6% 131.00 +3.1% 241.90 +55.1% 17.50 -7.9

    12-6 14,990.80 -26.4% 325.10 -31.7% 300.25 -45.1% 509.30 -34.7% 57.10 -1.2

    12-8 8,874.15 -24.7% 56.00 +16.6% 225.50 -18.8% 581.50 +22.4% 4.50 -90.5%

    12-10 6,895.75 -9.7% 40.00 -27.2% 54.00 +5.9% 971.70 +75.0% 0.00 N/A*

    12-12 2,279.90 -14.0% 23.00 -30.3% 35.00 +52.2% 119.00 +33.7% 9.60 -42.5%

    Total 51,784.60 -20.7% 729.10 -28.4% 992.75 -34.8% 2,872.40 +11.2% 159.20 -44.2%









    12-1 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 41.00 -59.4% 832.30 +85.7% 52.00 -18.1

    12-2 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 197.50 -14.6% 225.50 -10.6% 98.60 +9.5%

    12-3 0.00 N/A* 0.00 N/A* 189.00 +60.1% 528.30 +2.3% 139.00 -6.7

    12-4 62.50 +5.0% 0.00 -100% 70.00 -33.7% 420.1 -39.5% 30.00 -19.0

    12-6 655.50 -7.5% 47.50 190.00 -36.1% 1,109.40 -39.6% 265.50 -41.1

    12-8 338.55 +19.8% 32.55 -61.3% 180.00 -28.3% 864.60 -28.8% 87.00 +5.4%

    12-10 0.00 -100% 6.30 -57.0% 89.50 +18.3% 552.70 -18.7% 54.60 -69.7

    12-12 0.00 N/A* 26.00 +225% 43.00 -16.5% 487.30 -16.5% 26.00 +18.1%

    Total 1,056.55 -4.3% 112.35 -4.0% 1,000 -20.5% 5,020.30 -19.4% 752.70 -30.0

    The information above is accurate as of 30 December 2012 from the D7 AuxInfo report. Division Twelve logged in nearly

    51,700 hours for the year 2012. This represents an overall decrease of 20%. With the exception of Public Affairs, performance

    levels have decreased in every category listed above.

    * Flotilla did not log hours in this category for 2012 or 2011, therefore the percentage increase/decrease does not apply.

    Flotilla logged no hours in this category last year.

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus



    DIVISION STAFF OFFICERSDivision Twelve Bridge

    Division Commander Al Crothers [email protected]

    Vice Division Commander John Murphy [email protected] Immediate Past Division Commander Vito Giardina [email protected]

    Flotilla Commanders/Vice Commanders12-1, Lake Marion & the Inland Sea FC John Owen [email protected]

    VFC Joe Newman jenewm [email protected]

    12-2, Grand Strand FC Dorothy Schoch msdot@

    VFC Judith Ash [email protected]

    12-3, Lake Murray FC Gerry Ruschkofski g_rusch [email protected] omVFC Ken Uschelbec [email protected]

    12-4, Central Grand Strand FC Chuck Budnick [email protected]

    VFC Thomas Timberlake timberl [email protected]

    12-6, Mount Pleasant FC Andy Poole nautica [email protected]

    VFC Festus Burcheld fburch [email protected]

    12-8, Charleston FC Paul Berka phberk [email protected]

    VFC Dwaine Harris dwaine [email protected]

    12-10, Georgetown FC Rick Bankert rgbsc@

    VFC Vito Giardina [email protected]

    12-12, Edisto Beach FC Karen Andrews [email protected]

    VFC Cliff Songer cdsong [email protected]

    Division Support Staff AUXAIR Auxiliary Aviation Ron Sain jrsain@

    DDSL-12 Directors DistrictSecurity Liaison Vito Giardina [email protected]

    ADDSL-12 Assistant Directors

    District Security Liaison Al Crothers al_crot [email protected]

    SLO-SC State Liaison Ofcer Barbara Burcheld [email protected]

    SLO-SC State Liaison Ofcer Festus Burcheld [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 2013 Winter Pelorus


    DIVISION STAFF OFFICERSDivision Staff Ofcers

    SO-CM Communications Jim Ramsey [email protected]

    SO-CS Communications Systems David Hastings [email protected] SO-DV Diversity & Inclusion Al Crothers [email protected]

    SO-FN Finance Vito Giardina [email protected]

    SO-HR Human Resources John Owen [email protected]

    SO-IS Information Systems Susan Hastings [email protected]

    SO-MA Materials Michael Mikutaitis [email protected]

    SO-MS Marine Safety Rick Bankert [email protected]

    SO-MT Member Training Be Moore [email protected]

    SO-NS Navigation Systems Allen James [email protected] SO-OP Operations Joe Fleming [email protected]

    SO-PA Public Affairs Jay Bird [email protected]

    SO-PB Publications William Carter [email protected]

    SO-PE Public Education Vacant Position

    SO-PV Program Visitation Dwaine Harris [email protected]

    SO-SR Secretary Records Deborah Lee [email protected]

    SO-VE Vessel Safety Exams Andy Poole nautica [email protected]

    Upcoming Division Change of WatchThe Division Change of Watch Ceremony is scheduled for January of 2013 and will be held at the Beach Colony

    Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC. Contact Vito Giardina if you need additional information.

    Where: Beach Colony Resort, Myrtle Beach, SC

    Time: Jan 11-12

    Attire: Tropical Blue for Division Meeting, Dinner Dress Blue or Service Dress Blue for S aturday dinner.

    Condentiality NoticeTelephone numbers and addresses of members are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. As a matter of policy,

    rosters of names, addresses and telephone numbers shall not be made available to the general public or any

    outside organization. Privacy of all rosters shall be safeguarded and the page clearly labeled. The publications of

    these rosters, addresses, and telephone numbers on any computer on-line service including the Internet is

    prohibited by the Privacy Act of 1974.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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