Page 1: 2013 Gwandong Winter English Camp- Master Plan

2013 Gwandong Winter English Camp

Journey to Middle Earth

Teacher’s Master Copy

Page 2: 2013 Gwandong Winter English Camp- Master Plan

Camp Rules

1) Please speak in English: Use English as much as possible when talking to your friends, or to the teachers.

2) Do not use your cellphones: Please turn your cellphone off when you are at camp. Only use your phone when the teacher says it’s okay for an activity.

3) Do not use Korean websites: When you have to use the computer, do not use Naver or Daum. Instead, we want you to use (in English) and when you need to search for information. You cannot type in Hangeul, only English!

4) You will get stickers: When you do something good, like answer a question or give a great presentation, you win stickers for your team. The stickers will go on your team’s banner. The team with the most stickers will win special prizes at the end!

5) Please share: Share your crayons, scissors and other things with the other students.

6) Help each other: Help the students in your team with their English. If you help a lot, a teacher will give you a sticker!

7) No swearing or fighting: Do not swear in English or Korean. Also, do not fight with the other students.

8) Come to school on time: The English Zone will be open and warm. Sit down and put on your name badge.


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Camp orientation Team-building exercises.

Cookie House introduction.

Scavenger hunt introduction.

Combat training Skating

Make team posters. Group presentation.

Make cookie houses Presentation.

Scavenger hunt challenge

Finish land claim presentations/ Costumes.

3D Diorama Introduction Construction.

Land claim introduction.

Work on land claim presentations.

Project presentation.

New Year goals. Write journal entry.

Teams work on land claim arguments, Write journal entry.

Poetry writing/ Songs Write journal entry

Party Write journal entry.

This is the timetable for this year’s winter camp. Read it every morning, so you know what you

will be doing!

Do you have any questions? Ask one of the teachers!

Zackary can be reached by e-mail ([email protected]), or KakaoTalk (Scroozle).

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An Introduction to Middle-Earth

Middle-earth is home to many races. The oldest of these races are the immortal elves. The elves came

from the undying lands of Valinor, thousands of years ago, during the First Age. At that time, the world

was new, but it was not without evil. The Dark Lord Morgoth fought the elves, from his kingdom of

Angband. After many centuries, dwarves and humans arrived; however, unlike the elves, the dwarves

and humans could die of old age.

The First Age finished when Morgoth was defeated. The Second Age began when the elves, dwarves,

and humans rebuilt the lands after the destruction caused by wars. It was during this time Morgoth’s

servant Sauron came to power in Mordor. At first, Sauron tricked everyone into thinking he was kind. He

created the rings of power. Three rings were for the elves. Seven rings were for the dwarves. Nine were

given to men, and they became great kings and sorcerers, called the Nazgûl. However, Sauron created a

master ring for himself: the one ring of power. When he wore this ring, he could control all the other

magic rings, and the people who wore them.

The second age ended when the elves, humans and dwarves fought Sauron’s ors, trolls, and Nazgûl. The

ring of power was cut from Sauron’s finger, and the war was over. At the start of the Third Age, many of

the elves were tired of fighting, so they returned to the undying lands. To help the humans, dwarves,

and remaining elves, the gods sent the Istari to Middle-earth. The Istari looked like humans, but they

were wizards. These five wizards would help stop Sauron from returning.

Sauron was not dead, because his ring of power was not destroyed. The Nazgûl made wars throughout

the land, especially in the countries north of the Shire, where the peace-loving Hobbits lived. The

hobbits were smaller than dwarves, and had lives as long as humans. In their home, they enjoyed nature

and farming. When the elves wanted to go west, to the undying lands, they would often pass through

the Shire.

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Day 1: Monday

Welcome to the first day of camp! Today, you will be introduced to the theme of the camp, and the

activities you will do this week.

There will be five teams for this winter camp, and each team is a race. Each race lives in Middle-earth, a

fictional world created by J.R.R. Tolkien. There is a piece of land each of your races want and you will

make a presentation on why it should be yours. Throughout the camp, you will do activities to win this

land over the other teams.

To begin Monday, you will be introduced to the camp’s theme, and then do some team-building

exercises. This will be a chance for you to win some sticker points for your team, and get ahead.

You will need to design your team’s poster, so you can place your

stickers on it, when it’s finished. Think of some identifying aspects of

your team’s race, and use them in your poster’s design.

When your posters are finished, you will be given the opportunity to

construct a 3D diorama of your team. A 3D diorama is a type of 3D

model. You will use the paper, glue, and other materials given to you.

Look at pictures of the types of homes your races live in, and then try

to make them in 3D. Make little paper dolls of your team, and place

them into the diorama.

Next, you are going to write your hopes and dreams of 2014 on piece

of paper, and stick them to your diorama. When this is all finished, you

will make a presentation with your dioramas and your hopes and


Before the day is finished, you must write a daily diary. This diary is in your camp booklet. Tell the

teachers what you did, and if you thought it was fun or not.

One team will be chosen to clean the English Zone. If it’s your team, don’t go home!

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Diorama Plans

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New Year Goals

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Monday’s Diary

What did you do today? Let the teachers know what you thought was interesting.

Zackary will fix your English when you’re finished.















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Day 2: Tuesday

Welcome to the second day of camp! Today, you are going to make cookie houses! Gingerbread houses

are the most common type of cookie houses, but you will be making a different kind of cookie house.

Your cookie houses’ designs must be similar to the architectural style of your races. The Elves live in

nature, so their houses are in trees (like Lothlorien), or around trees (like Rivendell). The Dwarves live

under the ground, so they like caves (like Moria, or Erebor). The Nazgûl live in old, dark, twisted,

fortresses (like Dol Guldur or Minas Morgul). The Hobbits live in cozy hobbit holes in the Shire (like Bag

End). The Istari live in different kinds of places (like Orthanc

or Rhosgobel), depending on the type of wizard.

Use the different ingredients, as a team, to create the

structures of your cookie houses. If you need help with your

designs, you can look at yesterday’s 3D dioramas. After you

finish making your cookie house, you will need to give a

short presentation. You will explain the meaning behind

your house’s shape.

Afterwards, you can eat it!

In the second half of today’s exercises, you will start on

your land claims. Each team is fighting over a piece of land

in Middle Earth. Everyone thinks the land should belong to them, but you will need to prove why it’s

yours, on Thursday. Today, you will start planning your presentation, and your arguments.

If you look on your maps of Middle Earth, the land you will be arguing over is called Minhiriath (in the

west, between the two rivers Baranduin and ). It is south of the Shire, where the Hobbits live. It

is west of Isengard, where one of the Istari lives. It is between where the Elves live (Mirkwood, Rivendell,

and Lothlorien), and where the Elves go (the Grey Havens). Minhiriath once belonged to Sauron, the

master of the Nazgûl. It is also right next to one of the ancient homes of the Dwarves, Ered Luin (Blue


Research your team’s race, and give examples why the land should be yours. Tell us how your race is

going to use the land, if you win it.

Think carefully. The fate of Middle Earth is in your hands!

Before going home, you must write in your daily diary!

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Cookie Houses

Building a cookie house is like building a card house. Start with the internal structure first, and then add

the details. Make sure it is on a flat surface, and the walls are strong. If you are going to make different

floors, go slowly, and wait for the icing to dry a little.

If you build too quickly, it will break and fall apart. Once it is broken, it is difficult to put back together.

So, before you start, make a plan on a piece of paper. Decide what you are going to use to construct

your cookie house. When your team agrees to the plan, start organizing your ingredients.

When you are making the cookie house, it might be easier making two teams. Have three students make

one part, and two students make another. Don’t try to make everything at the same time.

Remember, you need to design your cookie house like a building your race would make. Look at some

pictures online, or at your diorama for inspiration.

Here’s an example of Bilbo’s and Frodo’s Bag End in Hobbiton. Look at it, and think of how they made it:

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Cookie House Plan

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Tuesday’s Diary

What did you do today? Let the teachers know what you thought was interesting.

Zackary will fix your English when you’re finished.















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Day 3: Wednesday

Welcome to the middle of the camp! Today, you will embark on a quest.

What’s a quest? A quest is an adventure. For example, Frodo went on a quest to Mordor to destroy the

One Ring. Your quest won’t be as dangerous, but it will be difficult.

On your quest, you will have to complete many missions. Sometimes, you will need to do an activity, in

front of a teacher. At other times, you will need to look for something. The quest is not a race; what is

important is doing as many activities as possible before there is no time.

During the quest, be sure to get the signatures of the teachers. If your papers aren’t signed, then your

quest wasn’t successful!

Once the quest is finished, you will work on your presentations. Remember! Your presentations are

tomorrow! Be sure to think of your team’s arguments and why you should own the land of Minhiriath.

For tomorrow, at least one member of your team must dress in a costume. The costume’s style must be

similar to your race’s. Think of what you will wear, and then when you go home, you can prepare the

costume for tomorrow’s presentation.

In the final period of today, we will work on some songs and poetry. Music and poems are important to

the peoples of Middle Earth. You will be given a chance to write a poem for your team. The best poem

will win many stickers.

Finally, before you go home, you must write in your daily diary.

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Into the West Lyrics

Lay down

Your sweet and weary head.

Night is falling;

You’ve come o journey's end.

Sleep now,

And dream of the ones who came before.

They are calling,

From across the distant shore.

Why do you weep?

What are these tears upon your face?

Soon you will see

All of your fears will pass away.

Safe in my arms

You're only sleeping.

What can you see

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea,

A pale moon rises.

The ships have come to carry you home.

And all will turn

To silver glass.

A light on the water

All souls pass.

Hope fades

Into the world of night.

Through shadows falling

Out of memory and time.

Don' s y: “We ve come no o e end”.

White shores are calling,

You and I will meet again.

And you'll be here in my arms,

Just sleeping.

What can you see,

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea,

A pale moon rises.

The ships have come to carry you home.

And all will turn

To silver glass.

A light on the water

Grey ships pass,

Into the West.

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Working together with your team, write a poem about your team’s race.

Here’s an example from Tolkien:

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.

금이라 해서 다 반짝이는 것은 아니며

헤매는 자 다 길을 잃은 것은 아니다.

오래되었으나 강한 것은 시들지 않고

깊은 뿌리에는 서리가 닿지 못하리.

타버린 재에서 불길이 일고

어두운 그림자에서 빛이 솟구칠 것이다.

부러진 칼날은 온전해질 것이며

왕관을 잃은 자 다시 왕이 되리.












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Wednesday’s Diary

What did you do today? Let the teachers know what you thought was interesting.

Zackary will fix your English when you’re finished.















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Day 4: Thursday

Welcome to the second last day of the winter camp. Have you been having fun so far? We hope so!

Today is going to be a very busy day, so let’s get started.

First, you are going to learn some basic combat training. This will be useful because Middle Earth isn’t

always peaceful. The teams that master their combat training the fastest will get bonus points. The

training will consist of different activities and series of movements. Don’t worry; you will not die. We


Once everyone is relaxed, you will finish your preparation for your presentations. Finish your posters,

and memorize your speeches. Every student must speak at least once during your presentation. Don’t

forget to prepare the costume for the presentation; it can greatly help your team get points.

The presentations will take some time, so please listen quietly as the other teams give theirs. After each

team gives their presentation, everyone will be given a chance to ask the team questions. For every

question you ask, you get one point. For every question your team answers, you get one point. So think

of interesting questions!

When the presentations are finished with, the small lunch party will begin. We’ll eat some food together

and unwind. As you eat your lunch, don’t forget to write in your daily diary.

We will need to clean up the English Zone very well, because we will not be using it on Friday.

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Combat Training

Archery- An elegant form of combat, mastered by the green elves of Mirkwood. Using a

bow and arrow, you must hit a series of letters to spell certain words. You will have a time

limit, and the faster you hit the correct letters, the more points your team will get.

Sneaking- The ability to move quickly, and quietly, is very helpful. The hobbits of the

Shire are quieter than elves when they move. Your e m’s leader will lead you

through a dangerous maze. There will be a series of numbers on the ground from 1-

10 you must step on, in order. However, if you step on a dangerous piece of paper,

you will die. The team members (except for the leader), will be blindfolded. The

blindfolded team members must listen carefully to their leader, and step only

on the papers the leader tells them to.

Wraith Assassination- Without their robes, the Nazgûl are completely invisible. The

nine ringwraiths are the most dangerous weapons of Mordor, and Sauron’s

deadliest agents. With everyone together, you must move without being seen,

and try to take out the target. A teacher will stand in the front of the room,

and everyone will be in a line. As the teacher’s back is turned, everyone will

advance forward. When the teacher turns around, everyone must stop moving. If

the teacher sees a student moving, that student must go back to the start. The first

student to reach the teacher gets the point for their team.

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Thursday’s Diary

What did you do today? Let the teachers know what you thought was interesting.

Zackary will fix your English when you’re finished.















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Day 5: Friday

Today is the final day of camp, and maybe the most different. Today, you are going to go to a skating

rink! It’s a chance to exercise, after you ate all that junk food yesterday! Before you go, there are some

things you should first prepare:

Bring TWO pairs of socks (so, four socks). This will protect your feet.

Bring a water bottle. You will be thirsty, so bring something to drink.

Wear layers. When you get hot, it’s easier to take off each layer.

Bring gloves. You don’t want to get bloody hands…do you?

Bring some money, if you want to buy snacks.

It’s okay if you don’t know how to skate. A teacher can show you how to stand up and move. Once you

can do that, a teacher will teach you how to stop, and even skate backwards!

We will play some games on the ice with your teams. If you win the games, then you get some sticker


At the end of the day, all the stickers will be counted, and the team with the most stickers will be the

winner! The students in that team will get a special prize!

Before you go home, please don’t forget anything at the skating rink!

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