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Response-2000 is a user friendly sectional analysis program that can be used to predict the complete

load-deformation response of a reinforced or prestressed concrete cross-section subjected to the

combined actions of shear, moment, and axial load. Program Response-2000 is made freely available from

the following web site: “”  At this web site you will also find numerous

examples and other program resources. Once you have downloaded, installed, and started  Response, a

menu will appear at the top of the screen. The components of each menu item are listed below.

Define-Material Properties: In this menu, the user selects basic material properties (f’c,f y, f pu). By clicking

a “Detailed sub-option”, the user may define these parameters in greater detail such as by selecting the

shape of the compressive response relationship.

Define-Concrete Section: In this menu, the user defines the shape of the concrete cross-section by using

one of many predefined section shapes or by defining their own section. Note the menu of shapes that

are available.

Define-Transverse Reinforcement, Longitudinal Reinforcement, and Tendons: In selecting reinforcement,

you must first define a name for the layer being defined, select the reinforcement, and then click Add.

Loads-Loads: This enables the user to specify the loading (Axial Load, Moment, and Shear) as a constant

+ an increment.

File Define Loads Solve View Options HelpNew  Quick Define Loads Full-Response Cross Section Preferences Contents

Open Edit General Time Dep. Effects More-Detail 1 Cross Section Plot Print in Color Using Help

Close Material Properties Detail T&S Strains Member Response 9 Cross Section Plots Object Options About

Save Concrete Section Strain Discontinuity One Load Next Load Stage Insert Text Box

Save As Transverse Reinf. Full Member Properties 2-Strain Previous Load Stage Insert Beam Graphic

Print Preview  Longitudinal Reinf. 1-Strain Load-Deformation Plot Insert Chart

Print  Tendons M-N Interaction Pushover Results Delect Selection

Print Setup M-V Interaction

MRU List N-V Interaction

Exit  Stop Analysis

The menu sub-headings shown in italics are common to most windows program and considered self-explanatory

The menu sub-headings shown in bold font, are further described below.

The menu sub-headings shown in normal text are additional or supplemental features.

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Solve-Section Response: Clicking this causes the program to solve for the load deformation response of 

the defined section subjected to the specified loading.

Solve-2 Strain: This allows the user to specify the strain distribution over the depth. The program will

find the corresponding moment and axial load.

Solve-1 Strain: This finds the deformation state corresponding to the defined loading ratios with one

strain defined.

Solve – Member Response: This will predict the response of a longitudinal section of the member. To use

this feature, it is necessary to first define the longitudinal section properties in the Loads – Full Member

Properties menu.

View-Cross Section: This shows the cross-section, material and reinforcing properties.

View-1 Section Plot: This shows one selected load-deformation plot

View-9 Section Plot: This shows 9 graphical images including moment-curvature response. This is the

recommended View to understand the experimental response.

View-Load Deformation Plot: This allows the user to create whatever plot they wish.

Options-Preferences: In this sub-heading, the user selects which system of units to use.  

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This is a summary of “keystrokes” used to examine the response of a rectangular beam (b = 300 [mm], h =

900 [mm], f c = 35 [MPa], and As = 4 Ø 22 bars that are located 60 [mm] from the bottom of the member).

The underlined items shown in this example are menu selections. Use your mouse to navigate through

the menu options.

Options-Preferences : Select SI Metric Units and click OK

Define-Material Properties : Change Concrete Cylinder Strength to 35 [MPa] and click OK

Define-Concrete Section : Select the rectangular shape by clicking on it.

Choose b = 300 [mm], h = 900 [mm] and click OK

Define Longitudinal Reinforcement : Name = layer1

Number of Bars = 4

Selection Type : click on Select by area

Bar Area = 380 [mm2] (Ø 22)

Distance from Bottom = 60 [mm]

Select Add and Click OK

Loads – Loads : Select Moment Increment = 1 [kNm] and set others equal to zero, Select OK

Solve – Sectional-Response : Once the analysis is complete, click on the control plot (lower left figure

with shaded background). Page-Up and Page-Down are used move along

the control plot. The figures on the right describe the response at each

corresponding load step. Clicking the right Mouse button will allow the

user to view the numerical results.

Solve – MN Interaction : Observe curve being created 

Press Page-Down key to illustrate condition along MN boundary

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Load – Full Member Properties : Select the length subject to shear equal to 2500 [mm].

The default settings are for the analysis of the left side of a simply

supported beam that supports a center point load. Click OK.

Solve – Member-Response : Press Page-Down and Page-Up to view response of longitudinal

section over range of loading

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