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Our DAILY Devotion Schedule

Theme: Jesus was Here

Think of all the places you have been where you have seen those annoying inscriptions where someone wrote their name and the words: “was here”. As we travel along to see the many places that we know Jesus may have also visited perhaps we can acknowledge His visit to that place and what He did, or something about the Old Testament history of the place. If you would like to present a devotion you may want to focus on an event in either testament. After choosing the day, then you can choose one of the locations for your subject. Don’t worry about telling us all the history… that’s what we are paying our guide to do. We just want a 5 minute devotion that will help us start or continue our day.

Following is a list of where we will go. Please choose the day you would like to present a devotion. Choose from the places we’ll visit on that day a topic for your devotion. Then you can send me your title if you wish within a month from now. I’ll assign the devotions based on first come first served, followed by the draft. There are not enough days for all of us to present devotions but there will be readings that we will need everyone to be prepared for. Choose the date now… Send me the title later.

The attached file repeats these instructions and gives you the places we will be each day.

(See attached file: YOUR DAILY Devotion schedule.docx)

For a reminder with more detail of the daily travels you may want to refer to this which some of you have already sent to your electronic reader.

Attached here for your convenience.

(See attached file: YOUR DAILY ITINERARY for Israel 2012.pdf)

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

Sunday, October 16, 20118:17 PM

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Greetings Pilgrims(This one is long, so if you don't have time, just hit "delete".)

Shopping in IsraelIf you are like me, you have probably bought a bunch of souvenirs on a trip and later wondered why. There are tons of souvenir items to buy, but you might be better off thinking about your purchases now. Take a look at some websites that show pictures of souvenirs and other wares that are offered in Israel and think about what you really want as a special souvenir on this trip. It may be that you want something that is a work of art in gold, silver or olive wood for example. Try to narrow it down in your own mind and make sure you will have room in your suitcase. Decide how much you are prepared to spend on the item.The next step may be a little uncomfortable, but with practice it can be fun as well.Are you ready to Haggle?· 1 Approach any sale in Israel with a mindset to haggle. Sometimes people from Western environments assume that prices are fixed and whatever price a vendor mentions the first time is the rock bottom price. But this is not so. Israel, like most countries of the Middle East, depends on bargaining to do business, so approach almost any sales situation ready to negotiate.· 2 Know what you want and how much you are willing to pay for it. Set yourself an ideal price and a price you find reasonable for the product you want. This way, you will know where to begin your price negotiation, and also where to end it.

· 3 Ask the price before you tell your price. A vendor will be trying to gauge if you're a savvy shopper or a sucker, so begin by getting the vendor to quote the price. If it's much higher than your ideal price, just say no but don't walk away. Chances are the vendor will ask what price you were thinking or wanting which is your cue to stop to think for a few seconds and then quote your ideal price.

· 4 Be persistent with what you want. If the vendor is negotiating in the area of your ideal or reasonable price then haggle until you reach an agreement.

· 5 If the vendor will not approach your reasonable price, walk away. Be explicit about your actions by telling him that it's too much for you. Don't try to trick him by saying you saw a better price in another stand at the market because he probably knows all the local prices and bargains. Simply inform him that his price is too high, walk away and be sure to walk past the stall again after about fifteen or twenty minutes. Chances are he will call you back to offer a price closer to what you want.

· 6 Remember it's just business. Keeping a cool head is the best way to haggle at a market in Israel, as in other places. So don't get angry or insulted but keep a friendly, business-like attitude toward the transaction in order to get the best bargain.

You have your purchase, you have paid for it, and you have paid the tax. Don’t forget, that you may be able to get a refund on your taxes before you leave Israel.

VAT Refund

Purchases can be made in Israeli Shekels, U.S. dollars or Euros. Tourists who have purchased items with a value exceeding $100 (including VAT) in stores that are registered with the Ministry of Tourism or in stores participating in the VAT-refund plan are entitled to a refund of

Sunday, October 16, 20118:23 PM

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Ministry of Tourism or in stores participating in the VAT-refund plan are entitled to a refund of VAT when they leave the country. Stores that offer VAT refund service have a special sign.

To receive VAT refund, ensure that you get a receipt with a list of all the items you have purchased and details of the purchaser. The receipt and purchases must be put into a sealed bag. Tourists must then go to the “Change Place” at Ben Gurion airport or other exit port. If you wish to send the items that you purchased with your luggage, you must declare the purchase at the security check, and present your passport, flight ticket, purchases and receipts at the counter. The attendant will open the bag, examine the contents, sign the receipt, and refund the VAT in any currency minus a commission. The VAT refund can also be sent to your address abroad for an additional charge.

There is no VAT refund for the following items: food, drinks, tobacco products, electrical appliances, cameras, film or other photography equipment.

Additional information about VAT refunds is available on the "Change place Financial Services" website: or at 03-975-4020.

View VAT refund form.Additional things to remember.Never insinuate that the vendor’s products are substandard in order to try and negotiate a better deal. If it were substandard you wouldn’t be interested.Do not ask the guide in front of the vendor if that is a good deal. The guide has to develop good relations with many of the vendors they encounter. Let’s say you want to buy a silver Seder plate or a pottery Roman lamp. Ask the guide ahead of time where a good place is to buy that kind of item along our travels. The guide will point out a good place and may be able to give you some guidance on prices. Use the haggling guide above and have fun with the experience and enjoy your purchase.Don’t forget to say “Todah” (Thank you) or if you know the vendor is Arabic, you might like to say…”Shokran” (Shook ran).


God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

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Dear Pilgrims,

I know this is what you have all been waiting for. A chance to learn some Hebrew before you get to Israel.

There is no better time than now to begin. You will learn some words from the guide, but wouldn't it be nice to know a few of the words before you get there and surprise the guide with your expert enunciation of perfect Hebrew? OK, maybe not expert, but extremely good pronunciation..... OK, would you believe you could speak like a native? Er uh... a native toddler?

Don't get hung up on perfection. Let's just learn some Hebrew. After all this is a study tour right?... so you may as well learn some things.... They don't call me the education secretary for nothin'. My goal is to help you find ways to learn things that will be helpful to you in your ministry.

The more you learn now, the more you will be able to absorb when we get to Israel. I know this is not for everyone, so if you have no desire to learn Hebrew then just tell me...Todah rabah, aval ani lo rotzeh medabehr kitzat Ivrit.

If you want to learn some Hebrew.....

then click here.. |\|/

(See attached file: Short Hebrew vocabulary.pdf)

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

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Will You Take The Challenge?Sunday, October 16, 20118:26 PM

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From: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy

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From: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Doug O'Brien/USW/SArmy@USW, Dave Hudson/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Pilgrim list

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

It is time to send you an updated list, and to let you know that there are now 3 openings so if you have friends

who were waiting, now is the time to let them know. I placed the notice on the bulletin board as well. There is now room for three singles or a couple and a single.

There have been a few changes, but I'll let you figure out what they are. Below is the updated list.

Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmyClaudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmyColleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmyDarren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmyDavid Allen/IM/USW/SArmyDerek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmyDonna Hood/USN/SArmyDoug Riley/DO/USW/SArmyEdward Hill/HI/USW/SArmyErica Helton/DO/USW/SArmyGeorge Hood/USN/SArmyIan Robinson/SC/USW/SArmyIsobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmyJeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmyJohn Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmyLeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmyLee Lescano/SC/USW/SArmyLisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmyMarcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmyMario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmyMark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmyMichele Lescano/SC/USW/SArmyNoelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmyRhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmyRobert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmyShelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmySteve Smith/GS/USW/SArmyJohn Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmyLinnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmyHoward Bennett/USW/[email protected] Wild/USW/SArmyPaula Wild/USW/SArmyJudy Smith/USW/SArmyEloisa Martin/USW/SArmyJeff Martin/USW/SArmy

God bless!

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Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Roy Wild/USW/SArmy@USW, Paula Wild/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Aleph bet

I know you can all find the Hebrew Aleph Bet on your own, but just in case you don't get around to it I thought I would send you one. You can also go to Psalms 119 and find it. Sometimes the letters change form when they are on the end of a word. If you see two letters together such as "N" the second one is the one used for word endings. (Second going from right to left).

Some letters look very similar, but you eventually begin to catch the slight differences. For example, R and D are sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Don't worry.... I won't test you. I just enjoy the challenge of language learning, and if you have any interest, this is a terrific opportunity to learn some skills that may even help you in your study and ability to use study tools that include original language as part of the work.

This may help you to attempt reading signs when you get to Israel. You have plenty of time between now and then to begin learning the Aleph Bet. Maybe you can put it on your ipod and learn while you walk. Don't forget to begin working your way up to a 3 mile walk. -- (Couch Potato to Israel 2012).

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His

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Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Re: Study tour - time to learn some Hebrew

No, It's better than that! You get to be the first to choose which day and devotion you would like to present.

Take a look at the itinerary and choose a place that your topic would be most appropriate for, and we'll allow you to present at that time and location.

I'll be sending out some more on devotions later, so the rest of the group can also begin thinking about where they may like to present something.

Congratulations Ian for a good job on knowing how to say "Where is the bathroom?" It is indeed an important question to know how to ask.

Eifo ha sherotim?


God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW,

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Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study tour - time to learn some Hebrew

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

If you ever wanted to learn Hebrew, the study tour is a great way to jump start your learning. You will see and hear it the whole time you are there. If you learn the letters now, you may really enjoy trying to read the signs and to understand some of the spoken language.

I don't know about you, but whenever I visit another country I try to learn at least a few things in the language of that country.

I'm going to give you a phrase learn now that you can use when we get to Israel, and I'll use our alphabet instead of the Hebrew aleph-bet

If you want to say "How are you" you say: Ma shalom kha? if you are speaking to a man and: Ma shalom mekh? if you are speaking to a woman.

Then they will answer: "Tov" which means good or fine.

Another common expression is "Ma nish ma?" Which is more like"What's up?" or "What's happening".

Now, a very important question to test you on. See if you can figure this one out, and I'll put it in Alphabet letters so you can read it. What does this mean? Eifo ha sherotim? Pronounced like: A Foe ha share oh teem.

P.S. the letters "kh" I used above in the transliteration is a guttural sound used in Hebrew similar to the "ck" sound but not quite.

I have gotten a little feedback so far from my quiz that I sent out yesterday. I hope to get some more soon.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW,

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Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Re: Study tour - time to learn some Hebrew

Yes! Excellent.

Would you like to know what your prize is for being the first to guess?

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

Ian Robinson---08/03/2011 11:21:50 AM---Eifo ha sherotim? = Where is the bathroom? Blessings,

From: Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmyTo: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWDate: 08/03/2011 11:21 AMSubject: Re: Study tour - time to learn some Hebrew

Eifo ha sherotim? = Where is the bathroom?


Ian Robinson, MajorCommunity Relations & Development DirectorThe Salvation ArmySouthern California Division

Office: 562.264.3680Cell: 310.971.1237

Jeff Martin---08/03/2011 11:18:20 AM---Greetings fellow Pilgrims, If you ever wanted to learn Hebrew, the study tour is a great way to jump

From: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyTo: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW,

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Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWDate: 08/03/2011 11:18 AMSubject: Study tour - time to learn some Hebrew

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

If you ever wanted to learn Hebrew, the study tour is a great way to jump start your learning. You will see and hear it the whole time you are there. If you learn the letters now, you may really enjoy trying to read the signs and to understand some of the spoken language.

I don't know about you, but whenever I visit another country I try to learn at least a few things in the language of that country.

I'm going to give you a phrase learn now that you can use when we get to Israel, and I'll use our alphabet instead of the Hebrew aleph-bet

If you want to say "How are you" you say: Ma shalom kha? if you are speaking to a man and: Ma shalom mekh? if you are speaking to a woman.

Then they will answer: "Tov" which means good or fine.

Another common expression is "Ma nish ma?" Which is more like"What's up?" or "What's happening".

Now, a very important question to test you on. See if you can figure this one out, and I'll put it in Alphabet letters so you can read it. What does this mean? Eifo ha sherotim? Pronounced like: A Foe ha share oh teem.

P.S. the letters "kh" I used above in the transliteration is a guttural sound used in Hebrew similar to the "ck" sound but not quite.

I have gotten a little feedback so far from my quiz that I sent out yesterday. I hope to get some more soon.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW,

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Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Study tour quiz

Just for fun..... Here is a quiz to peek your interest. It starts easy and gets harder. 1. is a word. 2 is a sentence. 3 is a phrase. The last one is the hardest and I'll really be impressed if anyone figures it out. I'll be looking forward to hearing from those of you who wish to take the challenge.

1 Mwlv 2 Bwf rqwb 3 <yhwlah du hcwdq P.S. Remember... Hebrew reads from right to left.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study tour visa requirements

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Subject: Study tour visa requirements

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

The good news is that I have checked out the requirements for visas and both the United States and Mexico along with many other countries are not required to have visas in either Israel or Jordan. If you are a citizen of another country and do not carry an American passport please let me know so I can check it out well before we travel. Tourists from some countries must obtain visas ahead of time, and I would rather not have any surprises.

I don't need to hear from everyone, but if you have a passport that is not issued by either the U.S. or Mexico please let me know.

As long as I'm talking about passports...... Please double check your expiration date. Remember it has to have at least 6 months remaining on it beyond the time that you return to the U.S. +++++ Also, please send in your passport photo page pdf or fax as soon as you are able.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Study tour facebook page

Hi David,

I visited your facebook page for the Study tour. I hope I signed up for the correct one. It was the only one I could find on a search.

Thank you for your work on this. I'm not very good at using facebook, but I think there are some good things that we could do on this site leading up to the tour, and even after as people post their pictures.

If you want to post any of the information things that I send out, you are welcome to do so. Let me know if there is something you need from me along the way.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

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commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Re: Greetings my fellow pilgrams

Thanks David, this sounds like a good thing. I'll take a look at it.

From: David AllenSent: 07/31/2011 01:07 PM PDTTo: Jeff MartinCc: Angela Strickland; Claudia Ruiz; Clem Leslie; Colleen Riley; Darren Trimmer; Derek Strickland; Donna

Hood/USN/SArmy@USN; Doug Riley; Edward Hill; Eloisa Martin; Erica Helton; Evangeline Leslie; George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN; Hope Maxey; Howard Bennett; Ian Robinson; Isobel Robinson; Jeanne Stromberg; Jeff Martin; John Desplancke; John Van Cleef; Judy Smith; LeAnn Trimmer; Lee Lescano; Linnea Desplancke; Lisa Van Cleef; Marcia Smith; Mario Ruiz; Mark Nelson; Michele Lescano; Noelle Nelson; Rhonda Lloyd; Robert Lloyd; Rose-Marie Leslie; Shelley Hill; Steve Smith; Victor Leslie; [email protected]@

Subject: Greetings my fellow pilgrams

I sound like John Wayne (NOT).

I just want let you know that I am very excited about going to the 2012 Israel Study Tour with you ALL. I had planned on going in 2012 two (2) years ago. What a great team. (and I have been told we have a very good leader. Praise God.

If you are interested I have started a Facebook Group "2012 Israel Study Tour". I know everyone is not on Facebook and that is OK.(I think you can still receive any information etc. not sure though).

There are two (2) "2012 Israel Study Tour" that I have set up.

One has myself as administrator (not my choosing - Facebook's)

The other one has no Admin. This is the one I would like to delete. I added names on the members list but I thought that was wrong. As you should add your name not me. I deleted my name but could not delete you (if I added you). So if you delete you name from this group then the Facebook will delete the group.

So if you are interested in being a part of the 2012 Israel Study Tour Facebook Group see you there Pilgrams (there is that John WAyne thing again.


-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Dan Starrett/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: study tour


Just wanted to let you know that you are good to go on the study tour. Sorry about the little mix up that took place while I was on vacation. Your approval should come through soon if it has not already.

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I look forward to meeting you and travelling with you to Israel.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected]: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Dave Hudson/USW/SArmy@USW, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study Tour 2012 information

Greetings fellow Pilgrims

Some of you have received this already, but I'm sending some things again because we now have a full tour, and the list at the bottom shows your fellow Pilgrims that will be coming on the tour. You'll be receiving message from me or from Hope Maxey from time to time. We'll be sharing information or asking for passport photo pages, or deposits and payments and other necessary things. Approvals are still in process.

There is still a possibility that someone may have to cancel. I hope that doesn't happen, but if something comes up that necessitates that, please let me know as soon as you decide because there are a few on a waiting list.

(See attached file: YOUR DAILY ITINERARY for Israel 2012.pdf)

It is time now to begin preparing yourself mentally and spiritually for the tour. I know you have been doing this your entire career as you read God's Word, you may wish to read the Gospels, or some pertinent stories in the Old Testament that. The above itinerary will give you a few clues about possible passages to read. For instance, you may wish to read about Elijah on Mt. Carmel since that is on the list of places to see. Please pray for your fellow pilgrims as we all prepare for this great adventure. It will be great lift one another up in prayer as we all prepare ourselves.

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I know that none of you are couch potatoes, but I found this website that helps to prepare someone to go from couch potato to running a 5-K race. I adapted the material to help all of us get ready physically for the walking and hiking that we will be doing on this trip. I hope you'll have fun preparing in this way. Maybe you can encourage one of your fellow pilgrims to do this with you whether they are near or far away.

(See attached file: Couch Potato to Israel 2012.pdf)

Finally, Here is the list of your fellow officer pilgrims. Some have already been approved, and barring anything unforeseen, this will probably be our tour group. We also have an Advisory Board member Dick Hagerty and his wife Theresa who are planning to come along with us as well. Some of you may know them, and if you wish to greet them Dick's email is shown above.

Shalom, and God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmyFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: AUTO: Jeff Martin is out of the office (returning 07/25/2011)

I am out of the office until 07/25/2011.

I am on vacation through July 25th. For T.E.D. matters please contact Dianne Meads, England Bomar-Watson, Tay Howard, Dena Rogers or Hope Maxey via Lotus Notes. Thank you.

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Re: NOT APPROVED: Education Council - David Allen -Conference (Officer): Conference: Study Tour 2012 Holy Land" sent on 07/15/2011 10:06:36 PM.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy

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From: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Dave Hudson/USW/SArmy@USW, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study tour 2012

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

I am so pleased to announce that as of today all who have indicated so far that they wish to go have registered on the TED site. Great job! We still have room for four more delegates, and I hope they will begin to get registered soon. For those of you who have registered, you have accomplished this first hurdle. If you are on this list then you have registered.

If you have a passport that's good because you will need it.

When you get a chance, please scan your passport opened to the photo page and send the pdf of the scan to Hope Maxey.

If you don't have a passport please work on that ASAP then send in your scan as well.

Don't forget to double check the expiration date on your passport! This is very important. I don't want to see you left behind either here or over there due to this kind of problem. Remember it must not expire within six months beyond the time we return to America.

Shalom and God Bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study Tour 2012

Greetings Pilgrims,

We are making progress and all but two couples on this list have registered on TED. If you are one of the couples

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We are making progress and all but two couples on this list have registered on TED. If you are one of the couples that did not, then make sure to get it started. Don't worry that your application did not show up if you have already registered. There is no need to follow-up and have me check on it for you. I'll follow-up in a couple of weeks if there are still any who have not registered and send a personal note.

I'll be sending things out from time to time to keep you thinking about our pilgrimage.

One more reminder about passports. Please double check your expiration date to ensure that it does not expire less than six months beyond the end of our tour. You don't want to get stranded in Jordan!

Here is our list of pilgrims. Whenever there are any changes to it, I'll be sure and update you. You will receive information from either me or Hope Maxey as we go along.


God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Couch Potato to Israel 2012

Greetings fellow Pilgrims.

One of the things that I hope we will all be motivated to do this year is to prepare to make the most of our study tour.

To help you do this, I put together something to get you moving. You may not be a couch potato, and you may have made some goals to help get you ready for the walking that we will all be doing in Israel.

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Attached you will find a simple guide for helping to prepare yourself mentally, and physically for the tour of a lifetime. I have named it "Couch Potato to Israel 2012" because I based it on a similar plan that is used to prepare a person to run a 5K even if they have never run before. We won't be running in Israel, but will be walking, and will do some stairs or small hills possibly.

Use this plan if it is helpful or use your own plan. The important thing is to get moving, and with some headphones and Scripture on an iPod or other audio device, it can prepare you mentally as well.

By the way, did you know that your Kindle can read out loud to you? You'll find the feature by pushing the button next to space bar with "Aa" on it. Add a free Bible from and you're good to go.


(See attached file: Couch Potato to Israel 2012.pdf)

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Re: 2012 Study Tour

Just checking some details.... Is this your first study tour?

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Re: 2012 Study Tour

It is a conference.

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It is a conference.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

David Allen---06/28/2011 10:12:18 AM---I am am looking forward to doing my application but I am a little confused as to where to find it. I

From: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmyTo: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWDate: 06/28/2011 10:12 AMSubject: Re: 2012 Study Tour

I am am looking forward to doing my application but I am a little confused as to where to find it.

Is it a conference or a higher education or a ?? form?

Thanks for your help.

-----Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy wrote: -----

To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 06/25/2011 12:16 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: 2012 Study Tour

Just a reminder.... If you haven't yet started to register for the Israel Study Tour, you must do so on the TED site.

Below is the link for the TED database which will take you directly to the on-line application. Let me know if you have any further questions.



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Login using these details:

Username: Firstname LastnamePassword: Your current Notes password

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMSubject: Pilgrim list for study tour and some info

Greetings fellow Pilgrims:

Just a small disclaimer... Receiving this email does not imply final approval for this tour.

However, barring anything unforeseen, this seems to be a pretty good start to our list of Pilgrims for Israel 2012. I have attached the list of your fellow pilgrims below so you can see who else has signed up. If you haven't completed your application I urge you to do so ASAP.

To whet your appetite for our adventure, I have prepared an itinerary that you can email to your Kindle or Ipad. It is a PDF and it will appear on your device after you email it. If you have never emailed to your device, all you need to do is find the address for it, and then copy the attachment into an email and send. More information will be

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to do is find the address for it, and then copy the attachment into an email and send. More information will be coming soon. It is possible there will be some changes to this schedule, but they should not be substantial.


(See attached file: MY DAILY ITINERARY for Israel 2012.pdf)

Pilgrim List

Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmyClaudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmyClem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmyColleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmyDarren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmyDavid Allen/IM/USW/SArmyDerek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmyDonna Hood/USN/SArmyDoug Riley/DO/USW/SArmyEdward Hill/HI/USW/SArmyErica Helton/DO/USW/SArmyEvangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmyGeorge Hood/USN/SArmyHope Maxey/USW/SArmyIan Robinson/SC/USW/SArmyIsobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmyJeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmyJohn Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmyLeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmyLee Lescano/SC/USW/SArmyLisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmyMarcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmyMario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmyMark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmyMichele Lescano/SC/USW/SArmyNoelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmyRhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmyRobert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmyRose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmyShelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmySteve Smith/GS/USW/SArmyVictor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmyJudy Smith/USW/SArmyEloisa Martin/USW/SArmyJeff Martin/USW/SArmy

Shalom and God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW

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To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: 2012 Study Tour

Just a reminder.... If you haven't yet started to register for the Israel Study Tour, you must do so on the TED site.

Below is the link for the TED database which will take you directly to the on-line application. Let me know if you have any further questions.



Login using these details:

Username: Firstname LastnamePassword: Your current Notes password

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Doughty/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Dan Starrett/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Re: Fw: Study Tour 2012

Thank you David,

I've got you on the list, and we will watch for your application.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, Major

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Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

David Allen---06/22/2011 01:18:09 PM---I have attached the application for this trip. I have not been on a Study Tour yet. I thought I had

From: David Allen/IM/USW/SArmyTo: Victor Doughty/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Dan Starrett/USW/SArmy@USWCc: George Baker/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Grady Brown/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USWDate: 06/22/2011 01:18 PMSubject: Re: Fw: Study Tour 2012

I have attached the application for this trip. I have not been on a Study Tour yet. I thought I had better go soon before my Parkinson's gets in the way.

Thanks for this opportunity.

-----Victor Doughty/IM/USW/SArmy wrote: -----

To: IM OfficersFrom: Victor Doughty/IM/USW/SArmyDate: 06/16/2011 11:11 AMSubject: Fw: Study Tour 2012

FYI----- Forwarded by Victor Doughty/IM/USW/SArmy on 06/16/2011 11:10 AM -----

From: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyTo: TECCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff [email protected], Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USWDate: 06/16/2011 11:03 AMSubject: Study Tour 2012


The Education Department will be posting the information for the 2012 Study Tour today on the Bulletin Board in Lotus Notes under For Your Information.

Attached also here, you can view this information and let those in your command know about this opportunity. All applications must be processed through TED and should be done as soon as possible because there is a limited number of seats for this tour.

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God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV----- Forwarded by Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy on 06/16/2011 10:00 AM -----

Bulletin Life 120 days

Who Can Read This Posting


Submitted by Jeff Martin

Date 06/16/2011


Study Tour 2012 Holy Land – Where Jesus Walked

The 2012 Territorial Study Tour to the Holy Land is a provision for Eligible Officers who have completed at least 10 years of active service (commissioned 2001) and have not previously taken a study tour trip.

Administration has also approved an opportunity for Officers who have served at least 25 years of active service to attend as a 2nd educational tour opportunity to participate under the same provisions.

See the attached cover letter and Overseas Furlough form, along with the daily itinerary for information in preparing for a special journey of a lifetime.

Each delegate will complete an electronic Conference Attendance Request application for approval using the T.E.D. database system located on the Territorial

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for approval using the T.E.D. database system located on the Territorial website - - the below link is provided for your convenience:

Link for TED on line system

Call or email the Education Department before September 27th.

Sincerely,Hope MaxeyAdmin. Asst. to Major Jeff MartinTerritorial Education Department at Crestmont310.265.6352

(See attached file: OVERSEAS FURLOUGH Application.doc)

(See attached file: Cover Letter packet 2012.doc)

[attachment "OVERSEAS FURLOUGH Application.doc" removed by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy][attachment "Cover Letter packet 2012.doc" removed by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy][attachment "DOC.PDF" removed by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy][attachment "OVERSEAS FURLOUGH Application.docx" deleted by Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy]

-----Forwarded by David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy on 10/16/2011 2:38 PM -----To: Angela Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Claudia Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Clem Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Colleen Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Darren Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, David Allen/IM/USW/SArmy@USW, Derek Strickland/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Donna Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Doug Riley/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, Edward Hill/HI/USW/SArmy@USW, Erica Helton/USW/SArmy@USW, Evangeline Leslie/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, George Hood/USN/SArmy@USN, Ian Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Isobel Robinson/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeanne Stromberg/DO/USW/SArmy@USW, John Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, LeAnn Trimmer/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lee Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Lisa Van Cleef/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Marcia Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Mario Ruiz/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Mark Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Michele Lescano/SDM/USW/SArmy@USW, Noelle Nelson/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Rhonda Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Robert Lloyd/SW/USW/SArmy@USW, Rose-Marie Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, Shelley Hill/HI/USW/SArmy, Steve Smith/GS/USW/SArmy@USW, Victor Leslie/SC/USW/SArmy@USW, John Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Linnea Desplancke/ARCC/USW/SArmy@USW, Howard Bennett/USW/SArmy@USW, [email protected], Judy Smith/USW/SArmy@USW, Eloisa Martin/USW/SArmy@USW, Jeff Martin/USW/SArmy@USWFrom: Jeff Martin/USW/SArmyDate: 08/09/2011 12:57 PMCc: Hope Maxey/USW/SArmy@USWSubject: Study Tour 2012 - electronic readers

Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

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Greetings fellow Pilgrims,

For all of you who have a Kindle or other electronic reader, I am sending you a couple of files that you can email to your reader. I have a Kindle, so I'll give you some ideas of how to do this, but those of you who have other kinds of readers are on your own.

Kindles have an email address associated with them, and only you can email to your Kindle. If you do not know your Kindle address, then open your Amazon account and click on "Your Kindle Account" then click on manage your devices and you should see your email. You can email to that from your lotus notes account. If you would rather just have these on your computer, or on paper that is also an option. You may wish to place the itinerary on your reader.

Here is our itinerary again, for those who may not have been on the list earlier.

(See attached file: My DAILY ITINERARY for Israel 2012.pdf)

Here is the speech of Eleazar that took place in Masada. I thought you might enjoy it in modern English since Josephus is a little hard to understand. It is also ready for an electronic reader such as Kindle.

(See attached file: masada speech.pdf)

I plan to watch the movie "Masada" again before I go. That is such an amazing place, and the movie may help you to appreciate more what you are seeing when you get there.

God bless!

Jeff Martin, MajorEducation Secretary

Ps 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever. NKJV

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