
2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Organizing Data

John Sum

Institute of Technology Management

National Chung Hsing University

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management



Data A necessity for almost any enterprise to carry out its business.

Consists of raw facts, and when organized may be transformed into information.

Database A collection of data organized to meet users’ needs

Database Management System (DBMS) A group of programs that manipulate the database and provide

an interface between the database and the user of the database or other application programs.

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


CharacterBasic building block of information, represented by a byte.

FieldA group of characters.

RecordA collection of related fields.

TableA collection of related records.

DatabaseA collection of integrated and related tables.

The Hierarchy of Data

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Entity A generalized class of people, places, or things

(objects) for which data is collected, stored, and maintained.

Attribute A characteristics of an entity; something the

entity is identified by. Keys

A field or set of fields in a record that is used to identify the record.


AttributesCustomer name, Employee name

Primary keyA field or set of fields that uniquely identifies the record.

Data Entities, Attributes, and Keys

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Key Field Attributes


Keys and Attributes

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


The Traditional Approach

The Traditional ApproachSeparate files

are created and stored for each application program.

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


The Database Approach

The Database Approach A pool of related data is shared by multiple

application programs. Rather than having separate data files, each application uses a collection of data that is either joined or related in the database.

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


The Database Approach

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Planned Data Redundancy A way of organizing data in which the

logical database design is altered so that certain data entities are combined.

Summary totals are carried in the data records rather than calculated from elemental data.

Some data attributes are repeated in more than one data entity to improve database performance.

Data Modeling and Database Models

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Data Model A map or diagram of entities and their relationships.

Enterprise data modeling Data modeling done at the level of the entire organization.

Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams A data model that uses basic graphical symbols to show

the organization of and relationships between data.

Data Modeling

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management





Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Hierarchical Database Model A data model in which the data is organized in a top-down,

or inverted tree structure.

Network Data Model An expansion of the hierarchical database model with an

owner-member relationship in which a member may have many owners.

Relational Data Model All data elements are placed in two-dimensional tables,

called relations, that are the logical equivalent of files.

Database Models

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Hierarchical Database Model

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


A Network Data Model



2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


A Relational Data Model

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Relational Database Terms

Selecting Data manipulation that eliminates rows according to

certain criteria.

Projecting Data manipulation that eliminates columns in a table.

Joining Data manipulation that combines two or more tables.

Linked Related tables in a relational database together.

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Description Dept. Number Manager SSN Lastname HiredateSales Manual 598 098-40-1370 Fiske 01-05-1985

Linking Data Tables to Answer an Inquiry

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Logical Access Path

Application requires information from the DBMS.

Physical Access Path

DBMS accesses a storage device to retrieve data.


Logical and Physical Access Paths

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Concurrency Control A method of dealing with a situation in which two or more

people need to access the same record in a database at the same time.

Data Manipulation Language (DML) The commands that are used to manipulate the data in a


Structured Query Language (SQL) A standardized data manipulation language.

Manipulating Data

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Structured Query Language

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management

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Database Output

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Microsoft Access Lotus Approach Orcale IBM DB2

DBMS Selection Criteria

Database size

Number of concurrent users




The vendor


Popular DBMS

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Distributed Databases

A database in which the actual data may be spread across several smaller databases connected via telecommunications devices.

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Distributed Databases

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) A set of standards that

ensures software written to comply with these standards can be used with any ODBC-compliant database.

2005 SPRING CSMU Introduction to Information Management


The automated discovery of patterns and relationships in a data warehouse.


Data Mining

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