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The classical gel-to-solmodel

Many of the current training schoolswhich focus on myofascial treatmenthave been profoundly influenced byRolf (1977). In her own work Rolfapplied considerable manual orelbow pressure to fascial sheets inorder to change their density andarrangement. Rolf’s ownexplanation was that connectivetissue is a colloidal substance inwhich the ground substance can beinfluenced by the application ofenergy (heat or mechanicalpressure) to change its aggregateform from a more dense ‘gel’ state toa more fluid ‘sol’ state. Typicalexamples of this are common gelatinor butter, which get softer byheating or mechanical pressure.This gel-to-sol transformation,also called thixotropy (Juhan 1987),has been positively confirmed tooccur as a result of long-termmechanical stress applications toconnective tissue (Twomey andTaylor 1982).

But the question arises: is thismodel also useful to explain theimmediate short-term plasticity offascia? In other words, what actuallyhappens when a myofascialpractitioner claims to feel a ‘tissue

release’ under the working hand? Inmost systems of myofascialmanipulation, the duration of anindividual ‘stroke’ or technique on aparticular spot of tissue is between afew seconds and 1 1

2minute. Rarely is

a practitioner seen – or is it taught –to apply uninterrupted manualpressure for more than 2minutes.Yet often the practitioners reportfeeling a palpable tissue releasewithin a particular ‘stroke’. Suchrapid – i.e. below 2minutes – tissuetransformation appears to be moredifficult to explain with thethixotropy model. As will be shownlater, studies on the subject of ‘time

and force dependency’ of connectivetissue plasticity (in terms of creep

and stress relaxation) have shownthat either much longer amounts oftime or significantly more force arerequired for permanent deformationof dense connective tissues (Currier& Nelson 1992).

Additionally the problem ofreversibility arises: in colloidalsubstances the thixotropic effectlasts only as long as the pressure orheat is applied. Within minutes thesubstance returns to its original gelstate – just think of the butter in thekitchen. This is definitely not anattractive implication of this modelfor the practitioner.

Piezoelectricity ^ or thebody as a liquid crystal

Oshman and others have addedpiezoelectricity as an intriguingexplanation for fascial plasticity(Oshman 2000, Athenstaedt 1974).Piezo (i.e. pressure) electricity existsin crystals in which the electriccenters of neutrality on the inside ofthe crystal lattice are temporarilyseparated via mechanical pressurefrom the outside and a small electriccharge can be detected on thesurface. Since connective tissue canbe seen to behave like a ‘liquidcrystal’ (Juhan 1987), these authorspropose that the cells which produceand digest collagen fibers (calledfibroblasts and fibroclasts) might beresponsive to such electric charges.To put it simply: pressure from theoutside creates a higher electriccharge, which then stimulates thefibroblasts to increase theirproduction rate of collagen fibersin that area. Additionally thefibroclasts might have a selectivebehavior not to ‘eat’ fibers which areelectrically charged. In a nutshell:more stress, more charge, morefibers. Similar processes havealready been shown to exist in boneformation after fractures as well asin wound healing.

Nevertheless, the processesinvolved seem to require time as an

important factor. The half-life spanof non-traumatized collagen hasbeen shown to be 300–500 days, andthe half-life of ground substance1.7–7 days (Cantu & Grodin 1992).While it is definitely conceivable thatthe production of both materialscould be influenced bypiezoelectricity, both life cyclesappear too slow to account forimmediate tissue changes that aresignificant enough to be palpated bythe working practitioner.

The traditionalexplanations areinsu⁄cient

Both models, thixotropy andpiezoelectricity, are appealingconcepts to explain long-term tissuechanges. Yet it seems, additionalmodels are needed when it comes toshort-term plasticity. Laboratorystudies on the subject of time andforce dependency of connectivetissue plasticity (in vitro as well as invivo) have shown the followingresults: in order to achieve apermanent elongation of collagenfibers one needs to apply either anextremely forceful stretch of 3–8percent fiber elongation, which willresult in tissue tearing along withinflammation and other side effectswhich are usually seen asundesirable in a myofascial session.E.g. for an 18mm distal iliotibialband such permanent elongationhappens at 60 kg and more(Threlkeld 1992). Or it takes morethan an hour (which can be taken atseveral intervals) with softer 1–1.5percent fiber elongation, if onewants to achieve permanentdeformation without tearing andinflammation (Currier & Nelson1992, Threlkeld 1992).

For short-term application ofstress the typical relationships areshown in Fig. 1. Microfailure is seenas the breaking of some individualcollagen fibers and of some fiberbundles which results in a




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permanent (plastic) elongation ofthe tissue structure. This is followedby a cycle of tissue inflammationand repair. Based on measurementswith different kinds of paraspinaltissues, Threlkeld calculates thatmicrofailure occurs at around 224–1.136N which equals 24–115 kg(Threlkeld 1992). While high-velocity thrust techniques mightcreate forces within that range, itseems clear that the slower softtissue manipulation techniques arehardly strong enough to create thedescribed tissue response.

This research leads to a simplethought experiment. In everyday lifethe body is often exposed to pressuresimilar to the application of manualpressure in a myofascial treatmentsession. While the body naturallyadapts structurally to long-termfurniture use, it is impossible toconceive that adaptations couldoccur so rapidly that any unevenload distribution in sitting (e.g.while reading this article) wouldpermanently alter the shape of yourpelvis within a minute. It seemsessential therefore that we find

additional models – besides thethixotropic and piezoelectricconcepts – to account for thepalpable tissue changes that occur ina treatment session.

The need for a more rapidself-regulatory system

From an evolutionary perspective itmakes sense that animals have aslowly adapting plasticity system inorder to adjust to patterns of long-term use. In addition to this capacitythey have also developed a morerapid system of adapting their formand local tissue density to temporarydemands. This regulation system isopen for adaptation to how theanimal perceives its interaction withthe environment. It seems logicalthat this ability of being morerapidly adaptable is mediated by –or at least connected to – a bodysystem which is involved in theperception of our needs as well as ofthe environment. Traditionally, thisbody system has been called thenervous system.

It is therefore suggested that theself-regulatory qualities of the

client’s nervous system must beincluded in an explanatory model ofthe dynamics of fascial plasticity inmyofascial manipulations. Theauthor’s own experiments in treatinganesthetized people (with verysimilar results to that noted whenmanually treating very fresh piecesof animal meat) have shown thatwithout a proper neural connection,the tissue does not respond as it doesunder normal circumstances(Schleip 1989).

Although it has not beenconsidered very much in recenttimes, the inclusion of the nervoussystem in attempting to understandfascial responsiveness is not a newconcept altogether, since thefounder of osteopathy AndrewTaylor Still wrote more than acentury ago.

The soul of man with all the streams of

pure living water seems to dwell in the

fascia of his body. When you deal with

the fascia, you deal and do business

with the branch offices of the brain,

and under the general corporation law,

the same as the brain itself, and why

not treat it with the same degree of

respect? (Still 1899).

The nervous system asa wet tropical jungle

Many people think of the nervoussystem as an old-fashionedtelephone switchboard system of theindustrial age and thereforeincapable of representing finer andmore complex processes such as ‘lifeenergy’, etc. The reader is cordiallyinvited to consider this to be anoutdated model. Current concepts inneurobiology see the brain more as aprimarily liquid system in which fluiddynamics of a multitude of liquidand even gaseous neurotransmittershave come to the forefront.Transmission of impulses in ournervous system often happens viamessenger substances that travelalong neural pathways as well asthrough the blood, lymph,

Fig. 1 Stress–strain curve of dense connective tissue. Most forces generated during daily life load

the tissue in the linear region of the curve and produce non-permanent elongation. Microfailure

with permanent elongation happens at extreme loads only and is accompanied by tearing and

inflammation. The region of overlap of the microfailure zone with the physiologic loading zone

varies with the density and composition of the tissue, yet for most fascial tissues it would be well

above a 20 kg loading (drawing based on Threlkeld 1992). Figure by Twyla Weixl, Munich,


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cerebrospinal fluid or groundsubstance (Kandel 1995). Thisglobal system for rapid bodyregulations is inseparably connectedwith the endocrinal and immunesystem. Rather than picturing thenervous system as a hard-wiredelectric cable system (which in theview of many bodyworkers is thenof course incapable of beinginvolved in more subtle energeticphenomena) picture it in yourmind’s eye as a wet tropical jungle

(Schleip 2000). This jungle is a self-regulatory field with an amazingamount of complexity, continualreorganization and plasticity, evenin adults.

The Golgi re£ex arc asa breakthrough

Unfortunately, the precise details ofthe neural dynamics of fascia haverarely been explored. Cottingham(1985) presented a milestoneproposal when he suggested aneurophysiological concept whichwas readily adopted by otherauthors (Ward 1993, Schleip 1989)and which will be briefly describedhere: Golgi receptors are said to befound all over in dense properconnective tissues. They exist inligaments (here called Golgi end

organs), in joint capsules, as well asaround myotendinous junctions(here called Golgi tendon organs).These sensory receptors arearranged in series with fascial fibersand respond to slow stretch byinfluencing the alpha motor neuronsvia the spinal cord to lower theirfiring rate, i.e. to soften relatedmuscle fibers. Cottingham suggestedthat during soft tissue manipulation– as well as in Hatha yoga posturesand slow active stretching – theseGolgi receptors are stimulated,which results in a lower firing rate ofspecific Alpha motor neurons, whichthen translates into a tonus decreaseof the related tissues.

Too bad ^ it is not a simplere£ex!

Unfortunately, later research hasshown that passive stretching of amyofascial tissue does not stimulatethe Golgi tendon organs (Jami1992). Such a stimulation happensonly when the muscle fibers areactively contracting. The reason forthis lies in the arrangement of theGolgi tendon receptors. They arearranged in series with the musclefibers. When the muscle with itsrelated myofascia is passivelyelongated, most of the stretch will betaken up or ‘swallowed’ by aresulting elastic elongation of themuscle fibers. This is of coursedifferent in active clientcontractions, in which the Golgitendon organs function to providefeedback information aboutdynamic force changes during thecontraction (Lederman 1997).

But there are other Golgireceptors

Does this mean that deep tissuework (in which the client often ispassive) will not involve the Golgireflex loop? Perhaps, but notnecessarily. These measurementshave been done with passive jointextension movements, and not yetwith the application of direct tissuepressure as in a myofascialmanipulation.

Furthermore, it is important tonote that only less than 10% of theGolgi receptors are found whollywithin tendon. The remaining 90%are located in the muscular portionsof myotendinous junctions, in theattachment transitions ofaponeuroses, in capsules, as well asin ligaments of peripheral joints(Burke and Gandeva 1990).

Studies of the fine antigravityregulation in bipedal stance havealso revealed a new functional rolefor Golgi receptors. In order tohandle the extreme antigravity

balancing challenges as a biped, ourcentral nervous system can reset theGolgi tendon receptors and relatedreflex arcs so that they function asvery delicate antigravity receptors(Dietz et al. 1992). This explains thatsome of the leg’s balancing reactionsin standing occur much quicker thanit would take for a nerve impulsefrom the brain to the leg. In otherwords, the previously discussed andwell-documented role of the Golgiorgans (as a feedback mechanismabout dynamic force changes duringactive contractions) covers only aminor functional role of theseorgans. For example, little is knownabout the sensitivity and relatedreflex function of those Golgireceptors that are located inligaments (Chaitow 1980) or in jointcapsules. It seems possible – yet alsoquite speculative – to assume thatthese less-explored Golgi receptorscould indeed be stimulated withsome stronger deep tissue techniques(Table 1).

And there are Ru⁄ni andPacini corpuscles

A detailed histochemical study ofthe thoracolumbar fascia at theBiomedical Engineering Institute ofthe Ecole Polytechnique in Montrealrevealed that it is richly populatedby mechanoreceptors (Yahia et al.1992). The intrafascial receptorswhich they described consist of threegroups. The first group are the largePacini corpuscles plus the slightlysmaller Paciniform corpuscles. Theegg-shaped Pacini bodies respond torapid changes in pressure (yet not toconstant unchanging pressure) andto vibrations. A bit smaller are thePaciniform corpuscles, which have asimilar function and sensitivity. Asecond group are the smaller andmore longitudinal Ruffini organswhich do not adapt as quickly andtherefore respond also to long-termpressure. It seems likely that thePacinian receptors are being




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stimulated only by high-velocitythrust manipulations as well as invibratory techniques, whereas theRuffini endings will also be activatedby slow and deep ‘melting quality’soft tissue techniques.

Both types of intrafascialmechanoreceptors, the Pacinian/Paciniform and the Ruffini bodies,are found in all types of denseproper connective tissue, i.e. inmuscle fascia, tendons, ligaments,aponeuroses, and joint capsules. Inmyotendinous junctions thePacinian corpuscles are morefrequent on the tendinous site (asopposed to the Golgi tendon organswhich are more frequent on themuscular site). They have also beenshown to be more frequent in thedeeper portions of joint capsules, indeeper spinal ligaments, and in

investing (or enveloping) muscularfasciae like the antebrachial, crural,abdominal fascia or the fascia of themasseter, the lateral thigh, in plantaras well as palmar tissues, and in theperitoneum (Stilwell 1957). TheRuffini endings are specially dense intissues associated with regularstretching like the outer layer of jointcapsules, the Dura mater, the

ligaments of peripheral joints, andthe deep dorsal fascia of the hand.At the knee joint the Ruffini endingsare more frequent at anterior andposterior ligamentous and capsularstructures, whereas Pacinian bodiesare more accumulated medially andlaterally of the joint (van den Berg &Capri 1999).

It is of interest to note that Ruffiniendings are specially responsive totangential forces and lateral stretch(Kruger 1987) and that stimulationof Ruffini corpuscles is assumed toresult in a lowering of sympatheticnervous system activity (van denBerg & Capri 1999). This seems to fitto the common clinical finding thatslow deep tissue techniques tend tohave a relaxing effect on local tissuesas well as on the whole organism.

Our reference scene

Figure 3 illustrates the neural tissueplasticity dynamics at this level. Itis suggested that the followingscene should be used as a referencepoint for this article. Imagine apractitioner working slowly withthe connective tissue around thelateral ankle, in an area with no

striated muscle fibers. (Choosingthis reference scene allows us tofocus on intrafascial dynamicsonly, and – for the purpose of thisarticle – to ignore the stimulationof intramuscular mechanoreceptorsand other effects which would beinvolved in the analysis of manyother myofascial workingsituations.) If that practitionerreports a ‘tissue release’, what hashappened? Possibly the manualtouch stimulated some Ruffiniendings which then triggered thecentral nervous system to changethe tonus of some motor units inmuscle tissue which is mechanicallyconnected to the tissue under thepractitioner’s hand.

An unknown universewithin us

In order to discuss the third groupof intrafascial mechanoreceptorsdescribed by Yahia and hercolleagues in Montreal, it isnecessary to go on a short excursion.It commonly comes as a big surpriseto many people to learn that ourrichest and largest sensory organ isnot the eyes, ears, skin, or vestibular

Table1 Mechanoreceptors in fascia

Receptor type Preferred location Responsive to Known results of stimulation


Type Ib

K Myotendinous junctions

K Attachment areas of aponeuroses

K Ligaments of peripheral joints

K Joint capsules

K Golgi tendon organ: to

muscular contraction.

K Other Golgi receptors: probably

to strong stretch only

Tonus decrease in related

striated motor fibers

Pacini and Paciniform

Type II

K Myotendinous junctions

K deep capsular layers

K spinal ligaments

K investing muscular tissues

Rapid pressure changes and vibrations Used as proprioceptive

feedback for movement control

(sense of kinesthesia)


Type II

K Ligaments of peripheral joints,

K Dura mater

K outer capsular layers

K and other tissues associated

with regular stretching.

K Like Pacini, yet also to sustained pressure.

K Specially responsive to

tangential forces (lateral stretch)

Inhibition of sympathetic activity


Type III and IV

K Most abundant receptor type.

Found almost everywhere,

even inside bones

K Highest density in periosteum.

K Rapid as well as sustained pressure


K 50% are high-threshold units, and 50%

are low-threshold units

K Changes in vasodilation

K plus apparently in plasma


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system but is in fact our muscleswith their related fascia. Our centralnervous system receives its greatestamount of sensory nerves from ourmyofascial tissues. Yet the majorityof these sensory neurons are so smallthat until recently little has beenknown about them (Engeln 1994).

If one studies a typical musclenerve (e.g. the tibial nerve), itconsists of almost three times moresensory fibers than motor fibers.This points to a fascinating principlethat sensory refinement seems to bemuch more important than themotor organization. However let usnot get distracted by this. Whilemany of the nerve fibers in a typicalmotor nerve have a vasomotorfunction, which regulate blood flow,the largest group of fibers aresensory nerves. Now comes the reallyinteresting point: of these sensorynerves only a small fraction, or 20%,belong to the well-known types Iand II nerves which originate inmuscle spindles, Golgi organs,Pacini corpuscles and Ruffiniendings (see Fig. 2). The majority, orfour times as many, belong to aninteresting group of types III and IV

sensory nerves which are hardlymentioned in most textbooks(Mitchell & Schmidt 1977).

What dowe know aboutthis hidden network?

These hidden neurons are muchsmaller in diameter and are nowcommonly called interstitial muscle

receptors. A better name would beinterstitial myofascial tissue

receptors since they also existabundantly in fascia. A minority ofthese nerves are covered by a verythin myelin sheath (type III), but90% of these nerves areunmyelinated (type IV). Theseinterstitial receptors are slower thanthe types I and II nerves and most ofthem originate in free nerve endings.

In the past it was assumed thatthese nerve endings are mostly painreceptors. Some have also beenshown to be involved in thermo- orchemoception. While many of thesereceptors are multimodal, researchhas shown that the majority of theseinterstitial receptors do in factfunction as mechanoreceptors, whichmeans they respond to mechanicaltension and/or pressure (Mitchell &Schmitt 1977).

This large group of interstitialmechanoreceptors can be furtherdivided into two subgroups of equalsize: low-threshold pressure units(LTP units) and high-threshold units

(HTP). A study of the Achillestendon of cats revealed that abouthalf of types III and IV endingsencountered were LTP units andresponded to light touch, even totouch as light as ‘‘with a painter’s

brush’’ (Mitchell & Schmidt 1977).Based on this latter finding, does itnot seem possible – indeed likely –that soft tissue manipulation mightinvolve stimulation of types III andIV receptors?

Recent insights into thephysiology of pain have shown thatseveral interstitial tissue receptorsfunction both as mechanoreceptors(usually as HPT units) and as painreceptors. In the presence of pain –and the support of variousneuropeptides – their sensitivitychanges such that normalphysiological pressure changes oftenlead to strong and chronic firing ofthese receptors. This explains whycurrent research has revealed thatpain often exists without anymechanical irritation of nervousstructures as was frequentlyassumed by the root-compressionmodel (Chaitow & DeLany 2000).

What are they doing?

This of course triggers the questionabout the natural functional role ofinterstitial mechanoreceptors in thebody. What regular consequences orreactions have been associated withan excitation of this hidden and richsensory network? Of course some ofthem function as pain receptors. By1974 a Japanese study had alreadyrevealed that types III and IVreceptors in the fascia of temporalis,masseter and infrahyoid musclesshow ‘responses to the mandibular

movement and the stretching of the

fascia and the skin’, and it wastherefore suggested that these nerveendings are concerned ‘with the

sensation of position and movement of

the mandible’ (Sakada 1974).Furthermore the majority of these

types III and IV mechanoreceptors

Fig. 2 Within a typical muscle nerve there are almost three times as many sensory neurons than

motor neurons. Note that only a small portion of the sensory information comes from types I and

II afferents which originate in muscle spindles, Golgi receptors, Pacinian and Ruffini endings. The

majority of the sensory input comes from the group of types III and IV afferents or interstitial

receptors which are intimately linked with the autonomic nervous system. Figure by Twyla Weixl,

Munich, Germany.




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have been shown to have autonomic

functions, i.e. stimulation of theirsensory endings leads to a change inheart rate, blood pressure,respiration, etc. Stimulation of typeIV receptors tends to increasearterial blood pressure (Coote &Perez-Gonzales 1970) whereasstimulation of type III receptors canboth increase and decrease bloodpressure. Several studies have shownthat an increase of static pressure onmuscles tends to lower arterial bloodpressure (Mitchell & Schmitt 1977).It seems that a major function ofthis intricate network of interstitialtissue receptors is to fine tune thenervous system’s regulation of bloodflow according to local demands,and that this is done via very closeconnections with the autonomicnervous system.

Touch research with catsand humans

Based on this research it should notcome as a surprise that slow deeppressure on the soft tissue of cats hasbeen shown to lead to a reduction inmuscle tonus measured by EMGactivity (Johansson 1962) and thatslow stroking of the back in catsproduces a reduction in skintemperature as well as signs ofinhibition of the gamma motorsystem (von Euler & Soderberg1958).

Furthermore, it has been proventhat deep mechanical pressure to thehuman abdominal region (Folkow1962), as well as sustained pressureto the pelvis (Koizumi & Brooks1972), produces parasympatheticreflex responses, includingsynchronous cortical EEG patterns,increased activity in vagal fibers, anda decreased EMG activity.

According to the model ofhypothalamic tuning states by ErnstGellhorn, an increase in vagal tonedoes not only trigger changes in theautonomic nervous system andrelated inner organs, but also tends

to activate the anterior lobe of thehypothalamus. Such a ‘trophotropic

tuning’ of the hypothalamus theninduces a lower overall muscletonus, more quiet emotionalactivity, and an increase insynchronous cortical activity, bothin cats as well as in humans(Gellhorn 1967). It thereforeappears that deep manual pressure –specifically if it is slow or steady –stimulates interstitial and Ruffinimechanoreceptors, which results inan increase of vagal activity, whichthen changes not only local fluiddynamics and tissue metabolism,but also results in global musclerelaxation, as well as a morepeaceful mind and less emotionalarousal.

On the other hand, sudden deeptactile pressure or pinching or othertypes of strong and rapidmanipulations have been shown toinduce a general contraction ofskeletal muscles (Eble 1960),particularly of ‘genetic flexormuscles’ (Schleip 1993) which areinnervated via a ventral primaryramus from the spinal cord.

Talking to the belly brain

Mechanoreceptors have been foundabundantly in visceral ligaments aswell as in the Dura mater of thespinal cord and cranium. It seemsquite plausible that most of theeffects of visceral or craniosacralosteopathy could be sufficientlyexplained by a simulation ofmechanoreceptors with resultingprofound autonomic changes, andmight therefore not need to rely onmore esoteric assumptions(Arbuckle 1994).

Recent discoveries concerning therichness of the enteric nervous system

(Gershon 1999) have taught us thatour ‘belly brain’ contains more than100 million neurons and workslargely independent of the corticalbrain. It is interesting to note thatthe very small connection between

these two brains of a few thousandneurons consists of nine times asmany neurons involved in processesin which the lower brain tells theupper one what to do, comparedwith the number of neuronsinvolved in the top-down direction.Many of the sensory neurons of theenteric brain are mechanoreceptors,which – if activated – trigger amongother responses, importantneuroendocrine changes. Theseinclude a change in the productionof serotonin – an important corticalneurotransmitter 90% of which iscreated in the belly – as well as otherneuropeptides, such as histamine

(which increases inflammatoryprocesses).

What are we doing?

Myofascial manipulation involves astimulation of intrafascialmechanoreceptors. Theirstimulation leads to an alteredproprioceptive input to the centralnervous system, which then resultsin a changed tonus regulation ofmotor units associated with thistissue (Fig. 3). In the case of a slowdeep pressure, the relatedmechanoreceptors are most likelythe slowly adapting Ruffini endingsand some of the interstitialreceptors; yet other receptors mightbe involved too (e.g. spindlereceptors in affected muscle fibersnearby and possibly someintrafascial Golgi receptors).

Measurements on themechanoreceptors of the knee jointligaments have shown that theirstimulation leads to weak effects inalpha motor neurons, yet topowerful changes in gamma motorneurons. This means that theseligamentous mechanoreceptors areprobably used as proprioceptivefeedback for preparatory regulation(preprogramming) of muscle tonusaround this joint (Johansson et al.1991). For myofascial practitionersthis is fascinating news, as it suggests

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that simulation of fascialmechanoreceptors may primarilylead to changes in gamma motortone regulation. While the alpha andgamma motor system are usuallycoactivated, there are someimportant differences between them.The alpha system originatesprimarily in the cortex, and it isparticularly involved in volitionaland precise movements of theextremities, whereas the gammasystem originates in older brain stemstructures and plays a strong role inthe more global and unconsciouspostural organization of antigravity-extensor muscles and chronicmusculo-emotional attitudes(Glaser 1980, Henatsch 1976,Juhan 1987).

Nomuscle is a functionalunit

When discussing any changes inmotor organization, it is importantto realize that the central nervoussystem does not operate ‘in muscles’,i.e. a muscle is never activated as awhole. The functional units of themotor system are the so-called motor

units, of which we have severalmillion in our body, much like aschool of fish that have learned toswim together. Depending on thequality of sensory feedback, thesemillions of motor units can be

individually regulated (Basmajian &De Luca 1985). We can now applythis understanding to our referencescene, in which a practitioner isworking on the connective tissuearound the lateral ankle. When thepractitioner reports a tissue release,it may be that it is caused by alowered firing rate of only a few fish(motor units) in the vicinity, andthat this movement is transmitted tothe tissue under the practitioner’shand. If the practitioner then feelsthe change and responds in a

supportive way toward theseparticular fish, other fish may soonfollow the new direction, which ofcourse leads to additional ‘releasesensations’ for the practitioner, andso on (Fig. 4).


Immediate fascial plasticity cannotbe understood by mechanicalproperties alone. Fascia is denselyinnervated by mechanoreceptors.Manual stimulation of these sensoryendings probably leads to tonuschanges in motor units which aremechanically linked to the tissueunder the practitioner’s hand. Atleast some of these responses areprimarily regulated by a change ingamma motor tone, rather than inthe more volitional alpha motorsystem. Of particular interest are theRuffini organs (with their highresponsiveness to tangentialpressure) and the very rich networkof interstitial receptors, sincestimulation of both of thesereceptors can trigger profoundchanges in the autonomic nervoussystem. Part 2 of this article series

Tonus change Centralof related skeletal Nervous System

motor units

Palpable tissue Stimulation ofresponse mechanoreceptors

Tissue manipulations

Fig. 3 The ‘Central Nervous System Loop’ (inspired by Cottingham). Stimulation of

mechanoreceptors leads to a lowered tonus of skeletal motor units which are mechanically linked

with the tissue under the practitioner’s hand. The involved intrafascial mechanoreceptors are

most likely Ruffini endings, Pacinian corpuscles (with more rapid manipulations), some of the

interstitial receptors, plus possibly some intrafascial Golgi receptors.

Fig. 4 Myofascial tissue as a school of fish. A practitioner working with myofascial tissue may

feel several of the motor units responding to touch. If the practitioner then responds supportively

to their new behavior, the working hand will soon feel other fish joining, and so forth. Figure by

Twyla Weixl, Munich, Germany.




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will include the discovery andfunction of intrafascial smoothmuscle cells. It will show how fascialmechanoreceptors can triggerimmediate viscosity changes of theground substance, and howfibromyalgia might be related to allthat. Several practical applicationsfor the practitioner will be given.


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Mechanoreceptorsinfluence local fluiddynamics

Let us now look at some of the othereffects of myofascial work. It is thelarge group of interstitial receptorsthat make up the majority ofsensory input from myofascialtissue. Their activation triggers theautonomic nervous system tochange the local pressure in fascialarterioles and capillaries.Additionally, stimulation of Ruffiniendings appears to have a similareffect in terms of a lowering ofsympathetic activity (van den Berg& Cabri 1999).According to Kruger many of the

interstitial fibers – if stronglystimulated – can apparently alsoinfluence plasma extravasation, i.e.the extrusion of plasma from bloodvessels into the interstitial fluidmatrix (Kruger 1987). Such achange of local fluid dynamicsmeans a change in the viscosity ofthe extracellular matrix. This harksback to Ida Rolf’s originallyproposed gel-to-sol concept (Rolf1977), yet this time with theinclusion of the client’s nervoussystem. It also supports theassumption of Mark F. Barnes, that

myofascial manipulation mightinvolve a change of the system of

ground regulation, which accordingto Pischinger is defined as afunctional unit of final vascularpathways, connective tissue cells andfinal vegetative neurons (Pischinger1991, Barnes 1997). With anincreased renewal speed in theground substance it also appearsmore likely that the piezoelectricmodel which was explored in Part 1might play a role in immediate tissueplasticity.If myofascial manipulation affects

both the local blood supply as wellas local tissue viscosity, it is quiteconceivable that these tissue changescould be rapid and significantenough to be felt by the listeninghand of sensitive practitioners. Thisfirst autonomic feedback loop – herecalled ‘Intrafascial Circulation Loop’– is based on the work of Mitchelland Schmidt (1977) and is illustratedin Fig. 1.

Changes in hypothalamictuning

And there is a second autonomicfeedback loop. The interstitialmechanoreceptors can trigger an

increase in vagal tone which leadstowards more trophotropic tuning ofthe hypothalamus. Based onGellhorn (1967) this results in globalneuromuscular, emotional, corticaland endocrinal changes that areassociated with deep and healthyrelaxation (see the paragraph ‘Touch

research with cats and humans’ inPart 1). This Hypothalamus-Loop isillustrated in Fig. 2.

Fascia is capable ofspontaneous contraction

Yahia and her team in Montreal –after doing the study on the sensoryinnervation of fascia which wasdiscussed in Part 1 – also conducteda fascinating study on theviscoelastic properties of thelumbodorsal fascia (Yahia et al.1993). Performing various repeatedtests with dynamic and statictraction loading on fresh pieces oflumbodorsal fascia from cadavers,their findings supported the well-known force and time-dependentviscoelastic phenomena which havealready been described by otherresearchers: creep, hysteresis, andstress relaxation (Chaitow &DeLany 2000). Yet they also

Palpable tissueresponse

manipulation of tissue Stimulation ofmechanoreceptors

Local fluiddynamics

Interstitial & Ruffini

AutonomicNervous System

Tissue manipulations

Fig.1 The ‘Intrafascial Circulation Loop’ (based on Mitchell & Schmid 1977). Fascia is densely innervated by interstitial tissue receptors. The

autonomic nervous system uses their input (plus that of some Ruffini endings) to regulate local fluid dynamics in terms of an altered blood pressure in

local arterioles and capillaries plus in plasma extravasation and local tissue viscosity. This change might then be felt by the hand of a sensitive





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described for the first time a newphenomenon, which they termedligament contraction. Whenstretched and held at a constantlength repeatedly the tissues startedto slowly increase their resistance(Table 1).

Since nobody had described suchspontaneous contraction ofconnective tissue before, theyperformed repeated tests involvingdifferent temperatures, solutions,and humidity, all with similarresults. After very carefully ruling

out the possibility of anexperimental artifact, Yahia andassociates finally concluded:

A possible explanation for the

contraction of fascia held under

isometric conditions could be the

intrusion of muscle fibers in the

Palpable tissueresponse manipulation of tissue

Stimulation ofmechanoreceptors

Global muscletonus Interstitial & Ruffini


AutonomicNervous System

Fig. 2 The ‘Hypothalamus-Loop’ based on Gellhorn (1967). Note that slow deep pressure usually leads to a more parasympathetic state. This

activates the more trophotropic anterior lobe of the hypothalamus to lower the overall tonus of the body musculature.

Table1 Fascialmechanoreceptors inmyofascialmanipulation

Responsiveness to manipulation Results of stimulation

Probably only responsive to muscular contraction or

to very strong manipulation.

Tonus decrease in related striated motor fibers.

Only responsive to high velocity or vibratory


* Increased local proprioceptive attention

Specially responsive to lateral stretch * Increased local proprioceptive attention

* Inhibition of sympathetic activity

* 50% of these are high threshold pressure units


* Increased local proprioceptive attention

* Other 50% are sensitive to low pressure (LTP) * Increase in vasodilation and respiration* Stimulation of HTP may produce pain and

increase plasma extravasation



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lumbodorsal fascia. Indeed, many

visceral muscles possess the ability to

contract spontaneously. Price et al.

(1981) demonstrated that strained and

isometrically held intestinal muscles

undergo relaxation followed by

contraction. In order to test these

specimens in a relaxed state (without

spontaneous contraction), they used

diverse techniques to suppress

spontaneous activity, amongst them the

use of epinephrine. An histological

study of lumbodorsal fascia would

therefore be desirable to evaluate

whether muscles play a role in the

contraction observed (Yahia et al.


The discovery of fascialsmooth muscle cells

A few years later, in 1996, a Germananatomy professor, Staubesandpublished an exciting new paper. He

and his Chinese co-worker Listudied the fascia cruris in humanswith electron photomicroscopy forseveral years and found smooth

muscle cells embedded within thecollagen fibers (Staubesand & Li1996) (Fig. 3). For a more detaileddescription of this discovery seeBox 1 ‘Fascia is alive!’Interestingly, this article also

reported – similar to Yahia’sinnervation study – the widespreadexistence of intrafascial nerves.Staubesand describes a richintrafascial supply of capillaries,autonomic nerves and sensory nerveendings. Based on his findings, heconcluded that it is likely that thesefascial smooth muscle cells enablethe autonomic nervous system toregulate a fascial pre-tension

independently of the muscular tonus(Staubesand & Li 1997, Staubesandet al. 1997). He therefore postulates

that this new understanding offascia as an actively adapting organgives fascia in general a much higherfunctional importance, and that theclose links between fascia andautonomics may have far-reachingclinical implications.Unfortunately, Staubesand was

unaware that Yahia’s research hadalready demonstrated that fascia hasthe ability to actively contract andto do so with measurable andsignificant effects. But Yahia couldnot isolate or identify the relatedmuscle cells. Staubesand on theother hand had been able to identifyand to photograph the relatedmuscle cells, but he himself had noproof at that time that they arepowerful enough to have anyfunctional importance. Neverthelessit seems justified to say that bothstudies taken together show thatthere are smooth muscle cellsembedded within fascia, and that itis highly probable that they areinvolved in the regulation of anintrafascial pre-tension.

Myofibroblasts and tissuecontractility

Compared with striated muscle cells,smooth muscle cells offer a moreefficient transformation of chemicalenergy into mechanical strength. Ithas long been known thatfibroblasts often transform intomyofibroblasts which containsmooth muscle actin fibers and cantherefore actively contract. Thishappens in pathological situationslike Dupuytren’s contracture, livercirrhosis, in rheumatic arthritis anda few other inflammatory processes.Yet it is also a productive element ofearly wound healing, andmyofibroblasts are found regularlyin healthy skin, in the spleen, uterus,ovaries, circulatory vessels,periodontal ligaments andpulmonary septa (van den Berg &Cabri 1999).

Fig. 3 Electron photomicroscopy of a typical smooth muscle cell within the Fascia cruris. Above

it is the terminal portion of a type IV (unmyelated) sensory neuron. (Photo reproduced with kind

permission of Springer Verlag, first published in Staubesand 1996.)




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From a teleological perspective itmakes sense that an interspersing ofsmooth muscle cells into fascialsheets equips the organism with anaccessory tension system to increasemuscular tonus and offers anevolutionary survival advantage infight/flight survival situations.Staubesand’s study haddemonstrated a scissor-like

configuration of the collagen

fibers in the epimysium. Thisarrangement makes perfect sense asit allows a small quantity ofintrafascial smooth muscle cells toeffect a relatively large latticenetwork.An interspersing of smooth

muscle cells into fascial envelopeswould also explain the followingobservation: The fascial lining ofmany organs consists mostly of

collagen fibers, whose small range ofelasticity allows for minute lengthchanges only. Yet the spleen canshrink to half size within a fewminutes (which has been shown tohappen in dogs when their bloodsupply in the spleen is needed due tostrenuous activity). The most likelyexplanation for this are smoothmuscle cells embedded within thatorgan capsule.

Box1 Fascia is alive!

The following is an excerpt of an interview from the author with J. Staubesand, now emeritus professor of anatomy at the University of Freiburg,


The complete version is available at

Staubesand: We did some electron photomicrograph studies of the Fascia cruris, which is the connective tissue covering the lower leg in humans.

Rather surprisingly we found isolated smooth muscle cells within the fascia. Additionally, we found some intrafascial nerve fibers and sensory

nerve endings which have not been reported previously.

Do you think these smooth muscle cells have any functional significance?

That is indeed possible, although at this time one cannot say for sure. Because of the microscopically thin layers of tissue that we examined in our

electron photomicrographic studies, we are not yet able to say anything about the relative three-dimensional density of the smooth muscle cells

within fascia. Yet it appears likely that these smooth muscle cells are there for a functional reason. Based on our findings it seems quite possible

that the body is able to regulate a fascial pre-tension via those smooth muscle cells, in order to adjust to different muscular tonus demands. This

function would also explain the amazingly widespread presence of autonomic nerves and capillaries which we found in fascia.

It is true that such a function puts fascia into a very different picture than in the past, where it was believed that fascia would only adjust passively

to short-term changes in tensional demands. This new picture of fascia as an actively adapting organ; and the widespread existence of various

intrafascial neural receptors, gives fascia a much higher functional importance.

What kind of nerve supply did you find in the fascial sheets that you studied? Were they sympathetic fibers?

This we can’t say with certainty. Further studies are necessary to clarify this question. Yet what we can say is that there are myelinated, as well as

unmyelinated nerve fibers in fascia. The myelinated axons are generally regarded as sensory. The unmyelinated nerve fibers could have motor

functions as the efferent nerves of the autonomic nervous system to the smooth muscle fibers, or they could also serve other autonomic nervous

system functions. Based on studies from Heppelman and others (Heppelman 1995) on pain receptors in the joint capsule of the knee in cats and due

to striking similarities with our observations we can assume that there are also pain receptors in the fascial tissues that we examined in humans.

In our studies we found that what had previously been described as perforations of the superficial fascial layer by the venae perforantes, are

regularly created by a triade of vein, artery and nerve. And these perforations are quite numerous. For example, in humans there are about 150

such triad perforations in each leg.

In your publications you also mentioned a possible relevance for the understanding and treatment of fibromyalgia

With fibromyalgia the main understanding has been that the pain receptors are in the muscle tissue. Yet now we know that there are many sensory

receptors, including pain receptors in fascia, which points our attention in fibromyalgia, as well as in many other kinds of soft-tissue pain

syndromes to a much higher value of therapeutic interventions in the fascia itself.

What is the most relevant aspect of your research for manual therapists?

I believe that the most important aspect of our findings for your work relates to the innervation of fascia. The receptors that we found in the lower

leg fascia in humans could be responsible for several types of myofascial pain sensations. If you could influence these fascial receptors with your

manipulation this could be of significant importance.

Another aspect is the innervation and direct connection of fascia with the autonomic nervous system. It now appears that the fascial tonus might

be influenced and regulated by the state of the autonomic nervous system. Plus – and this should have ramifications for your work – any

intervention in the fascial system may have an effect on the autonomic nervous system in general and on all the organs which are directly affected

by the autonomic nervous system. To put it more simply: any intervention on the fascia is also an intervention on the autonomic system.



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Fascial tonus, breathing,and fibromyalgia

Tonus regulation of fascial smoothmuscle cells is most likely achievedvia the sympathetic nervous systemas well as vasoconstrictor substancessuch as CO2. The discovery offascial muscle cells therefore opens adoorway for exciting speculationsabout a direct link between fascialbehavior and the pH of the body,which is directly linked to breathingfunction and CO2 levels. AsChaitow, Bradley and Gilbertshowed (Chaitow et al. 2002) there isalready a clear link between smoothmuscle contraction and depletedlevels of CO2 such as occurs inrelative respiratory alkalinity. Whenthere is a shift toward increasedalkalinity due to – for example –hyperventilation – vasoconstrictionis automatic and dramatic. Possibly,at this same time fascial smoothmuscle cells contract and increaseoverall fascial tension. Theimplications for such changes inconditions such as fibromyalgia andchronic fatigue are enormous, sincea common clinical finding is thatmost people with FMS andCFS are frank or borderlinehyperventilators.One can also speculate about the

possible effect of increased serotoninlevels on fascial smooth muscle cells.Serotonin has been known to be anenhancing agonist for smooth

muscle contractions such asperistaltic activity orvasoconstriction in large pulmonaryvessels. Unusually high levels ofserotonin have recently been foundin the cerebrospinal fluid offibromyalgia patients (Pongratz &Spath 2001). A possible connectionbetween fibromyalgia and serotonin-mediated hypertonicity of fascialsmooth muscle cells might be aworthwhile investigation. On theother hand, serotonin has beenshown to decrease the painthreshold of group IV receptors(Mitchell & Schmidt 1977), whichcould mean that the increased painsensitivity of those receptors infibromyalgia might be less of amotor dysfunction (fascial smoothmuscle cell hypertonicity) but moreof a sensory regulation dysfunction.Based on Yahia and Staubesand,

Fig. 4 illustrates a third autonomicfeedback loop – which I call ‘Fascial

Contraction Loop’ as a potentialfactor behind short-term fascialplasticity. Leaving aside the possibleinteractions of chemicalvasoconstrictor substances for themoment, this ‘loop’ focuses onneural network dynamics alone. Toput it simply: Stimulation ofintrafascial mechanoreceptors (inthis case mostly free nerve endings)triggers the autonomic nervoussystem to alter the tonus ofintrafascial smooth musclecells.

How about visceralligaments?

In visceral osteopathy it is oftenclaimed that gentle manipulation ofa visceral ligament can induce animmediate and palpable releasewithin that ligament (Barral &Mercier 1988). Similar conceptshave also been suggested forosteopathic work with skeletalligaments (Barral & Croibier 2000,Crow et al. 2001). Since ligamentscan be seen as special arrangementsof fascia – often ligaments arenothing but local thickenings withinlarger fascial sheets – the questionarises: how is this possible? As wasshown in Part 1, that in order tocreate an immediate yet permanentlengthening of any substantialfascial structure with mechanicalmeans, much larger amounts offorce and/or time are required thanare usually applied in gentle non-thrust manipulations.Fascial smooth muscle cells and

active fascial contractility have onlybeen reported from large fascialsheets. This is also where the scissor-like fiber arrangement makes itpossible for a relatively smallamount of interspersed contractilecells to effect the whole fascial latticenetwork. It therefore seems unlikelythat intra-ligamentous smoothmuscle cells might be the basis ofthis reported osteopathicphenomenon.

Palpable tissueresponse

manipulation of tissue Stimulation ofmechanoreceptors

Interstitial & Ruffini

Intrafascialsmooth muscle cells

Autonomic Nervous System

Fig. 4 The ‘Fascial Contraction Loop’ (based on Yahia and on Staubesand). Embedded between the collagen fibers of fascia are smooth muscle cells,

which are regulated by the autonomic nervous system. Their activation can cause an active intrafascial tissue contraction.




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It seems more likely that theosteopathic soft tissue manipulationstimulates mechanoreceptors withinthe treated ligament, which theninduces a relaxation of related(smooth or striated) muscle fibers;and this is felt as a ‘ligamentrelaxation’ by the practitioner.Additionally, it is quite possible –particularly with stimulation ofvisceral ligaments – that specificmetabolic ground substance changesand physiologic organ functionchanges might be triggered in theneighborhood, which could also bepalpable. Yet the actual length ofthe ligament would not be altered. Iftrue, this explanation wouldchallenge – or modify – some of thecurrent assumptions in osteopathyand would lead to several differentpractical consequences in that work.

Acupuncture pointsand fascia

As we learned in Part 1 of thisarticle, an electron photomicroscopystudy of the Fascia cruris(Staubesand 1997, Staubesand & Li1997) showed that there arenumerous perforations of thesuperficial fascia layer that are allcharacterized by a perforating triadof vein, artery and nerve (Fig. 5).Staubesand could identify that mostof the perforating nerves in thesetriads are unmyelated autonomicnerves.A study by Heine around the

same time also documented theexistence of these triad perforationpoints in the superficial fascia.Heine, a German researcher whohas been involved in the study ofacupuncture and othercomplimentary health disciplines,found that the majority (82%) ofthese perforation points aretopographically identical with the361 classical acupuncture points intraditional Chinese acupuncture(Heine 1995).

This stimulated a Germansurgeon to conduct a clinical studytogether with Heine. They studiedthese fascial perforation points inpatients suffering from chronicshoulder–neck or shoulder–armpain. They found that theperforation points in these patientsshowed a peculiar anomaly. Theperforating vessels were ‘strangled’together by an unusually thick ring

of collagen fibers around them,directly on top of the perforationhole. The surgeon then treated thesepoints with microsurgery in order toloosen the strangulations and toachieve a freer exit of those vessels.This resulted in a significantimprovement for the patients (Bauer& Heine 1998).Many took this as clear evidence

of a new mechanical explanationmodel for pain in relation toacupuncture points. Yet just a yearlater a back pain researcher fromSpain published a study which seemsto question some of Bauer andHeine’s assumptions and which adds

an exciting new dimension (Kovacset al. 1997). Using a well-orchestrated double-blind studydesign with patients suffering fromchronic low back pain, surgical

staples were implanted under theirskin. An interesting point was thatthe location of the implants wasdefined by their innervation (astrigger points) and was carefullychosen not to coincide with Chineseacupuncture points. The result:Kovacs’ treatment led to a clear painreduction in the majority of hispatients, with at least a similarstatistical improvements to thosethat Bauer and Heine had with theirpatients.Kovacs’ suggested the following

explanation: most likely a class ofneuropeptides, called enkephalins,are released by both treatments,which then counteract the release ofsubstance P and other neuropeptideswhich are associated with pain andwhich support the activation ofnociceptive fibers. In other words:the stimulation of certain

Fig. 5 The superficial fascia is perforated at specific points by a triad of nerve (left), vein (large

body in middle) and artery. Based on Heine most of these perforation points are topographically

identical with traditional Chinese acupuncture points. The perforating nerves usually innervate

Pacinian and Meissner corpuscles under the skin.



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noci- and/or mechanoreceptorsunder the skin stimulates the releaseof specific neuropeptides that help todeactivate pain receptors which areinstrumental in the maintenanceof chronic pain (Kovacs et al.1997).

Adynamic systemsapproach

The beauty of Kovac’s approach liesin his view of the nervous system as‘a wet tropical jungle’, i.e. in hisinclusion of the liquid aspects of thenervous system. Compared to themore mechanically orientedtreatment approach of Bauer andHeine, Kovac looks at the body as acybernetic system in which an

intervention is seen as stimulationfor complex internal self-regulatoryprocesses.Cybernetic approaches often

work with flow charts as usefulsimplifications for complex dynamicinterdependencies. Figure 6 can beseen as a first attempt toward ananalysis of some of the neuralfactors behind immediate fascialplasticity. It includes the fourdifferent feedback loops describedearlier in this article. This flow chartdoes not include anyneuroendocrine aspects, although itis very likely that they aresignificantly involved in myofascialmanipulation. Following Kovac’sexample, it would be useful forfuture research to explore whetherdeep tissue work triggers a release of

specific neuropeptides, which mightexplain some of the profound shortterm as well as long-term effects ofthis work.

From hero technician to ahumble midwife

It seems clear that in order to betterunderstand and to use fascialplasticity, we need to include theself-regulatory dynamics of thenervous system. This will include anattitudinal shift in the practitioner.If we are willing to move from amechanical view of the bodytowards an inclusion of theneuroendocrine system, we aredoing well to prepare our brain (andguts) to think in nonlinear system

Tonus changeof related skeletal

motor units

CentralNervous System

Proprioceptive function

Palpable tissueresponse

manipulation of tissue Stimulation ofmechanoreceptors

Global muscletonus

Interstitial receptors & Ruffini endings


Local fluiddynamics

Intrafascialsmooth muscle cells

AutonomicNervous System

Tissue manipulation

Fig. 6 Flow chart of several processes involved in the neural dynamics of immediate tissue plasticity in myofascial manipulation. This chart includes

the four different feedback loops which were discussed in part one of this article series. The practitioner’s manipulation stimulates intrafascial

mechanoreceptors, which are then processed by the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The response of the central nervous

system changes the tonus of some related striated muscle fibers. The autonomic nervous system response includes an altered global muscle tonus, a

change in local vasodilation and tissue viscosity, and a lowered tonus of intrafascial smooth muscle cells.




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dynamics. The self-regulatorycomplexity of the nervous systemcould be compared with that of arainforest or a metropolitan city.According to Senge and others,in dealing with such complexsystems it usually does not workvery well to assume the role of amaster who interferes from theoutside with heroic interventionsand who believes to be able topredict his results withcertainty. More often than not suchlinear interventions produceunforeseen long-term reactionswhich are counterproductive (Senge1990).Usually, it works better to assume

the more humble role of a facilitator,who is curiously interested inlearning and whose personality ismore comfortable to deal withuncertainty principles. In thecontext of a bodywork session,practitioner and client then worktogether as ‘a learning team’(Petersen 2000).Table 2 shows some of the

consequences of this shift. Ratherthan seeing practitioner and client asclearly separable entities (subjectand object) and discussing different

‘principles of intervention’ inmanual therapy in which thepractitioner performs a number ofactive techniques on a mostlypassive client, it is suggested thatthere is benefit to be gained byinvolving the client as an active

partner in an ‘interaction’ process,for example with specificmicromovements during the fascialmanipulations.Note that the common distinction

between structure (e.g. bones andconnective tissue) and function

Table 2

Classical concept: New neurobiological model:

The Body as a Mechanical Object The Body as a Self-Regulatory Process

The body is seen as a perfect or imperfect machine, governed mainly by

classical Newtonian physics

The body is seen as a self-regulating (SR) biological organism, involving

nonlinear system dynamics, complexity and autopoiesis

Typical ‘industrial age’ viewpoint Typical ‘information age’ viewpoint

Clear distinction between structure and function No clear distinction between structure and function

Less focus on nervous system Strong inclusion of nervous system

Subject/object separation (‘principles of intervention’) Subject–object connection (‘interaction’ instead of intervention)

Problem-solving attitude Focus on enhancing already existing SR

A machine has a limited number of variables. An inner sense of absolute

certainty in the practitioner is therefore seen as achievable and as


The system has high degree of complexity with almost unlimited

variables. Practitioner personality needs to be comfortable operating

with uncertainty principles

Local ‘precision’ is important and admired Good timing and gradation (dosage) are getting at least as important

‘Master technician’ as idol ‘Facilitator’ or ‘midwife’ as idols

Typical work example: Direct mobilization of a precise ‘ spinal fixation’

or sacral torsion by the practitioner

Typical work example: Inclusion of facilitated active client

micromovements during the hands-on work

Fig.7 A door blocked by a rock requires a different approach than if one deals with an animated

obstacle. Similarly, a blocked joint or immobile tissue can be understood in purely mechanical

terms or as an active self-regulatory system. The choice of approach depends largely on whether

the practitioner sees any neural dynamics involved in the specific situation on the client’s side.

This article makes a point to see fascia as enervated and as alive, and therefore suggests to treat

fascia more with the second approach.



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(neuromuscular organization) is nolonger useful within such a picture.The Nobel laureate Ludwig vonBertalanffy puts it this way:

The antithesis of structure and

function, morphology and physiology,

is based upon a static conception of the

organism. In a machine there is a fixed

arrangement that can be set in motion

but can also be at rest. In a similar

way the pre-established structure of,

say, the heart is distinguished from its

function, namely, rhythmical

contraction. Actually, this separation

between a pre-established structure

and processes occurring in that

structure does not apply to the living

organism. For the organism is the

expression of an everlasting, orderly

process, though, on the other hand, this

process is sustained by underlying

structures and organized forms. What

is described in morphology as organic

forms and structures, is in reality a

momentary cross section through a

spatio-temporal pattern. What are

called structures are slow processes of

long duration, functions are quick

processes of short duration. If we say

that a function such as the contraction

of a muscle is performed by a

structure, it means that a quick

and short process is superimposed

on a long-lasting and slowly

running wave. (von Bertalannfy


Adifferent role model

The role of a ‘master technician’ inTable 2 can best be described by thefollowing story: The heating systemof a big steam boat was broken andfor several days nobody could fix it.Finally, a master technician wascalled in. He just walked around andlooked at everything and finallytook out a little hammer from hispocket and hit a little valve, whichimmediately fixed the problem andthe machine started working again.When his bill of $1000 arrived, thecaptain didn’t want to believe such ahigh sum for such little work, so he

asked for a more specified bill. Thenext day the new bill arrived, it said:

‘‘For adjusting a little valve: $ 0.01.

For knowing where: $ 999.99’’.

Many bodywork practitioners stillworship this story as an ideal ofmastery in their work, although it

clearly belongs in the realm ofdealing with a mechanical universe.If one is willing to deal with fascia ina dynamic systems perspective,it is more appropriate to assumethe role of a midwife or facilitator

that is skillfully assisting aself-regulatory process of the

Table 3 Practicalapplications


1. Short and tight tissues

Bring attention to the primary (inappropriately) shortened and hypertoned myofascial


2. Include antagonists

Include bringing attention to the antagonistic muscle fibers of the related joint.

3. Respect receptor density

Give extra time and attention to those tissues that have an usually high density with

mechanoreceptors (suboccipital muscles, periosteum, palmar and plantar fascia,

myotendinous junctions, ligaments).

4. Face and Hands

Give high attention to those myofascial fibers that move the face or hands

5. Abdomen and Pelvis

Deep pressure on visceral nerves as well as sustained pressure on the pelvis have been

proven to increase vagal tonus


6. Timing

For tonus decrease: slow and melting to induce parasympathetic state and to avoid

myotatic stretch reflex

For focusing attention: stimulating, calling attention, more rapid changes, but never


7. Ruffini-angle

Tangential pressure (lateral stretch) is ideal to stimulate Ruffini organs, which tend to

lower sympathetic tone.

8. Attention to ANS

Pay great attention to the state of the autonomic nervous system

(which influences the body’s overall tonus regulation).

9. Unusual sensations

Create unusual body sensations that are most likely to be interpreted as ‘significant’

by the filtering action of the reticular formation of the central nervous system; i.e.:

(a) unusually strong stretch of those fibers

(b) unusually subtle stimulation (‘whispering effect’)

(c) unusually specific stimulation

(d) sensations that are always slightly changing/moving in a not precisely predictable


10. Immediate feedback inclusion

As soon as you sense the beginning of a tonus change, mirror this back with your touch

in some way to the tissue. The more precise, immediate and refined your feedback

inclusion is, the more effective your interaction will be.

11. Animistic Thinking

A motherly caring attitude towards lots of little gnomish entities inhabiting the tissue

triggers usually the highest ‘sensory acuity’ in the practitioner’s (mammalian) nervous



12. AMPs

Engage the client in active micromovement participation (AMP). The slower and more

refined they are and the more attention they demand, the better.

13. Ask and allow for a deepening of proprioception.

14. Relate body perceptions and movements to functional activities and include the external

space orientation as well as the social meaning aspects of altered body expressions.




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organism. This ideal is expressed inthe Chinese saying:

‘‘Give a man a fish, and you feed him

for a day.

Teach him how to fish, and you feed

him for a life time’’.

Where to work

Table 3 gives somerecommendations for the practicalwork. Since myofascial work seemsto be more focused on softening orrelease of tight tissues (Rolf 1977,Barnes 1990) rather than on anincrease of tonification, it usuallyincludes work on those myofascialtissues which appear asunnecessarily short and tight (seerule 1 in Table 3). Yet if one includesthe self-regulatory system dynamicsof the client’s motor coordination, itis also useful to include work on theantagonists of those hypertonictissues (rule 2). For example if theclient shows a chronic anteriorpelvic tilt (not only in standing andwalking but also in supine and proneposition on the table) and theModified Thomas Test (Tunnel1998) has revealed that one orseveral hip flexor muscles are short,it is often helpful to work with theupper hamstrings and gluteals (rule2) in addition to direct work withthe shortened hip flexors (rule 1).The basis for rule 2 rests primarily

on the clinical experience of theauthor. Nevertheless, the followingtheoretical explanation might beapplicable: Agonists and antagonistsof a specific skeletal joint areneurologically closely connected viaa complex network of spinal andsupraspinal reflexes and feedbackloops (Kandel 1995). Any tonuschange in the agonists will tend toalso trigger changes in the relatedantagonists, and vice versa. Bringingattention to the antagonistic fibersof the primarily shortenedmyofascial tissue might thereforeprovide an additional input for the

nervous system regulation aroundthis joint. Giving this additionalinvitation for the nervous system to‘please re-evaluate your tonus

regulation around this joint’ mighttherefore be more efficient than onlyrepeating the same access road (viathe shortened agonistic tissues)again and again. Nevertheless,usually more work should be doneon the shortened agonistic tissuesthan on their opposing antagonists.An understanding of the ‘inner

anatomy’ of the client, i.e. of theclient’s body scheme organizationwithin the cortex, supports rule 4,i.e. to give extra attention to themyofascial tissues which areinvolved in movements of the face

and hands. Together bothrepresentational areas make upabout two-thirds of the ‘inner bodyorganization’ in the brain. In thecortex, there is a general tendencyfor local spreading: the excitementof a local cortical area will tend toinfluence surrounding areas in itsneighborhood. E.g. if thepractitioner achieves a healthy tonuschange in previously tightened hand– and face muscles within 15minutesof myofascial work, it is more likelythat this change – involving two-thirds of the clients internal bodyimage organization – will spread tothe rest of the body, compared to ifthe practitioner works for an houron the trunk only (which makes up

Fig. 8 The manual practitioner needs to understand the filtering action of Reticular formation in

the spinal cord and brain stem. Only if this system interprets the practitioner’s touch as significant

or interesting, will it allow this input to reach higher areas of the clients body organization.



Fascial plasticity

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only a minor portion of thesomatomotor cortex).Rule 5 rests on the research which

was discussed in Part 1 of this article(Folkow 1962, Koizumi & Brooks1972).

How to work

The basis for rule 7 has beenexplored in Part 1, same for rule 8which relates to Gellhorn’ s researchon trophotropic and ergotropictuning states (Gellhorn 1967).Rule 9 acknowledges the fact that

the reticular formation (see Fig. 8)usually filters out all manualinput which is interpreted asnonsignificant by the clients centralnervous system. An example: whileprobably sitting and reading thisarticle, the reader’s underwear andother pieces of clothes are touchingthe body, sometimes with anamount of pressure comparableto very fine craniosacral bodywork.Also the ischial tuberosities maybe exposed to pressure comparableto strong myofascial work. Yetboth inputs are readily ignoredin everyday life and do not leadto significant short-termchanges.Rules 10 and 11 underline the

importance of palpatory sensitivity.Imagine the school of fish which weused as an analogy in Part 1 for thehundreds of motor units under thepractitioner’s hand or elbow. If letssay one or two of those fish (motorunits) start changing their tonus andif the practitioner’s hand is able toperceive this, it can mirror thischange back to the tissue and mightinfluence other fish to flow in thesame direction. Whereas if thepractitioner’s hand or elbow is notsensitive enough to perceive thischange, this chance might be lost.The question then comes up: Howcan we increase the sensory acuity?The author’s own teachingexperience supports the observation,

that our own (mammalian) nervoussystem tends to work at it’s highestsensory acuity if we are engaged in amotherly bonding relationshipcontext. Imagining dozens of babylike gnomish entities inhabiting thefascial tissue therefore usually worksbetter than imagining nerves,

collagen fibers or other images fromdissections or anatomy books.

Active client participation

If it is true that myofascialmanipulation includes the

Fig. 9 Example of the use of AMPs (active movement participation) of the client in a Rolfings

structural integration session. While deeply melting with one hand into the tissue and specific

joints of the upper thorax, the author guides the client to support his myofascial work with subtle

and nonhabitual slow motion participations. Here the client performs a lateral bending

movement of the thorax combined with a cranially directed extension (following the elbow) in

order to increase an opening of the thoracic vertebral joints. (Photo reproduced with kind

permission of European Rolfing Association.)




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self-regulation dynamics of theclient’s nervous system, then itmakes sense to involve the clientmore actively in the session. Figure 9shows a typical example of usingactive micromovement participationin a sitting client. Refined verbal andtactile guidance from thepractitioner serve to facilitate subtleslow motion participations of theclient such that the nervous system ismore deeply involved in thecoordination around a specific jointor area.Recent insights into the

organization of the motor cortexhave shown that it is less organizedaround topographical body partsbut rather around complexelementary movements towardsspecific spacial end-point directions(Graziano et al. 2002). Rule 14 takesthis insight even further, bypreferring movement participationswith a clear functional intention(e.g. reaching for something, orpushing something away) whichinvolve the client’s nervous systemmore fully than mere mechanically/geometrically described movements(Reed 1996).


Fascia is alive. Practitionersworking with this truly fascinatingtissue should understand that it isinnervated by four different kinds ofmechanoreceptors. Without aninclusion of their responsiveness tovarious kinds of touch, theimmediate tissue release effects inmyofascial manipulation cannot beadequately explained. Fascia hasbeen shown to contain smoothmuscle cells which seem to beresponsible for its ability of active‘ligament contraction’. There arestrong links between fascia and theautonomic nervous system whicheffect fascial tonus, local tissueviscosity, and possible fibromyalgia.A shift from a mechanically oriented

‘technician’ point of view towardsan inclusion of the self-regulationdynamics of the clients nervoussystem is therefore advocated.Rather than seeing the practitioneras the expert technician, client andpractitioner work together as alearning team in order to open newoptions for movement and postureorganization.


The illustrations Figs 7 and 8 as well

as those in Table 1 are by Twyla

Weixl, Hiltenspergerstr.60, 80796

Munich/Germany. E-mail:

[email protected].


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