Page 1: 2 Lab_Report_Milling.doc

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Lecturer’s Name : Yushazaziah Binti Mohd Yunos

Group/ Name: 3 DCF A, Group 4

1. Nur Farahin Najwa binti Othman 55104211335

2. Abu Hurairah bin Zu!i"i 5510421105#

Date: 15 September 212

!it"e :

Lab#or$ %: Machinin& Mi""in&

'ntroduction/ ob(ecti)e :

$a%hinin& $iin& ar' u(ua) u('* to ma%hin' "at (ur"a%'(, but %an a(o pro*u%' irr'&uar (ur"a%'(. +t %an a(o

 b' u('* to *ri, bor', %ut &'ar(, an* pro*u%' (ot(. h' t)p' o" miin& ma%hin' mo(t %ommon) "oun* in (tu*'nt(hop( i( a -'rti%a (pin*' ma%hin' with a (wi-'in& h'a*. Athou&h th'r' ar' ('-'ra oth'r t)p'( o" miin&

ma%hin'(, thi( *o%um'nt wi "o%u( on) on th' -'rti%a miin& ma%hin'. A miin& ma%hin' r'mo-'( m'ta b)

rotatin& a mutitooth'* %utt'r that i( "'* into th' mo-in& wor! pi'%'. h' (pin*' %an b' "'* up an* *own with a

/ui "''* '-'r on th' h'a*. h' b'* %an a(o b) "'* in th' , ), an* a'( manua). +n thi( %ip th' ai( i(

a*ju(t'* "ir(t, th'n th' ), than th' . On%' an ai( i( o%at'* at a *'(ir'* po(ition an* wi no on&'r b' "'*, it

(hou* b' o%!'* into po(ition with th' &ib o%!(. $o(t miin& ma%hin'( ar' '/uipp'* with pow'r "''* "or on'

or mor' a'(. ow'r "''* i( (mooth'r than manua "''* an*, th'r'"or', %an pro*u%' a b'tt'r (ur"a%' "ini(h.ow'r "''* a(o r'*u%'( op'rator "ati&u' on on& %ut(. On (om' ma%hin'(, th' pow'r "''* i( %ontro'* b) a

"orwar* r'-'r(' '-'r an* a (p''* %ontro !nob. $iin& i( th' mo(t %ommon "orm o" ma%hinin&, a mat'ria

r'mo-a pro%'((, whi%h %an %r'at' a -ari't) o" "'atur'( on a part b) %uttin& awa) th' unwant'* mat'ria. h'

miin& pro%'(( r'/uir'( a miin& ma%hin', wor!pi'%', "itur', an* %utt'r. h' wor!pi'%' i( a pi'%' o" pr'

(hap'* mat'ria that i( ('%ur'* to th' "itur', whi%h it('" i( atta%h'* to a pat"orm in(i*' th' miin& ma%hin'.h' %utt'r i( a %uttin& too with (harp t''th that i( a(o ('%ur'* in th' miin& ma%hin' an* rotat'( at hi&h (p''*(.

) "''*in& th' wor!pi'%' into th' rotatin& %utt'r, mat'ria i( %ut awa) "rom thi( wor!pi'%' in th' "orm o" (ma

%hip( to %r'at' th' *'(ir'* (hap'. $iin& i( t)pi%a) u('* to pro*u%' part( that ar' not aia) ()mm'tri% an*

ha-' man) "'atur'(, (u%h a( ho'(, (ot(, po%!'t(, an* '-'n thr'' *im'n(iona (ur"a%' %ontour(. art( that ar'

"abri%at'* %omp't') throu&h miin& o"t'n in%u*' %ompon'nt( that ar' u('* in imit'* /uantiti'(, p'rhap( "or

 protot)p'(, (u%h a( %u(tom *'(i&n'* "a(t'n'r( or bra%!'t(. Anoth'r appi%ation o" miin& i( th' "abri%ation o"

tooin& "or oth'r pro%'(('(.


• o "amiiari' with th' miin& ma%hin'.

• o "amiiari' with th' miin& pro%'((.

• o un*'r(tan* th' u(a&' o" miin& ma%hin' in "abri%ation wor! 

+pparatus/ Materia":

Lab ,eport: -LD 252 Basic .n&ineerin& or$shop

10.23c 5.99 6.00 4.00

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