Page 1: €¦ · 2 It :i.s nocossn,r;:r i'or cw to oc1plm' thn.t tho n,ctivo o-.'' cvorir c:i. t:i.zeu is crucial to the si,..1.ccoss of such a nc1,·t



' e

SIJ'iGAi 'o:ilE GOVEllN!vIEN T PRESS STATEl,ff;lJT ~ ................................ -----·.-.----·----·--------.... ·- MC .J1JL. 28/7 4 (F,A , )

rr.1EX'.r 0::31 SPEECH ]Y TFm }?J\.RLil\JVIENTARY SECEETAJ:l.Y ·----.. ·--·-·-··--·"·-- ·----.... - - --... ·-·------····--·-··-""··--·-··"'···· .... · ··--- ·---------..---........ _..i....,_ J..Q .. THE faDIISTHY .. OP.£.OiillIGN 1).J~P'AI].Sy_JiTJ:l..:_ Qllli_ so~o cr:-U_I\.N. _/1,.T 1l1HE 7 TH HTSTALL1\frIOlf DINNER OF T'H"l.S LIONS --, +-.....( ...... _______________ ... -"r" _______ .. _____ "'_...,_.,. ____ , ....... . _._ ________ _____ .. ____ .. ._._, __ _

CLUB o;:11 SHfG1\FOnB. JTJiiOUG. HELD 1tr THE CATEJ\.Y .......... _____ ,. ___ .: ....... --·---""'--'"""-·--·-··---........... _~ ..... -.. -.. ---.. ·--·----...._...,.:...--.---rtESTAURAlf'I' on ;3NluRDAY. JULY 20 . 1S74 AT 8 ·:.:i . M • ...... .,...~--·--··"'·--...,"·--W.--··...,.···-.,.··"'···--...J.-------·'l'-..... -.....6.. .. _______ .,.. __ ..

I wns wo ndGrj_ng ,vlrn,t and hmv long I should t[Llk 011 such Rl1

occar:d.on . I h,,vo to ~v·ory q1.1j_ckJ.:y now . ' ShouJ~d I dol:i.vGr

a v roJone od 1. ·eor:cont:i.r-i.l c1,11d 1:1011otonous 3Jrncich to s3xij_J. tho ploasu:r·o

o:::· [1, s.1.t:i.sfJrinc 1:1011u? Or s houJ.d Ii ::i.f J.1.[1,Vj.11c noth:i.ll~ i:mch to Sf1Yi

fo:r·co 1:i;ysoJ.f to say soi:1e-t hillE, r.10rclyto fH.J. miy vo::i.d j_n tho 1:1::i.11ds

o <" tJ.,o n,ud i oncG?.

:,Jut t cdn,y I s cr:i.sos- rj.ddcm ivorld. do Gs ucit rrnri:d t , us to induleo

:\.11 S'stcl.1 fr:i.voJ.01.w tnJ.ks . Wo haifG gn thorod horo t onight :for n wo:c tl'!y

cauGo n11d is yot fl,llothor t es t :i.1:1oqy thn t tho bot tor 01ld.owod c:i.tizoi1s

o::· S:\11enroj:·o h"'vo not cU.vo:r·cod thonsolvos fro1:1 t h o intorosts of

t ho corn:11.mi ty .

I::1:i.ftJrs ovcn yonrs ago, tho foundo:r-s of tTu.o Lj_ons Club worG

to crcnto nnd

foster c;ono:r·ous co'nsidornt:i.ons nDoncst tlrrn '.)GOJ) J. os of tho world

thro--:t"h a study o·? tho protlor:rn of ::i.11tG:cnc1.t:i.011[1.l -rolntfonsh:i.3)s;

]):·:'.'oDoto tho theory nnd o·? tho o o f eooe !s"OVorm1011t

,1,lld iood c:i.tizonship, tnlrn n.11 fscth·o j.nten·ost :i.11 civ:i.c~ com:lCrc:i.Rl

,1,nd nornJ. wolfn.:r·o ol tho co1:muni ty 9 a,nd un:i. te ncml)ors in tonds of

d ·-'··r .; d· c·,\ ;1 .:, ,11 ··ni1i ·• 1d. · t 1 d t d. • goo .· .. - -·.Oll ... ,1,_.,), .·. c, ____ ovv"'----J., n,L 1.111 un.- un ors ·c1,n J.n5.

it :i.s ho0rtcm:i.11e t o noto thn t tho Lions hnvo continuod to pl[o/

t))j.s n11J_~.g:h.tG11od roln~ 111.1t I r1,1:i co11fj_do11t tl1c1t I vvo11ld 11ot bo aslcing I

:for -t;i,o :iJ:lJ)o~rnj.blo to crJ.J. upo1~ tho Lfomi Club nnd othor sh1::i.lnr

orG,.,11:;_sod. grouJ,s to cono out r:iorcr str0ngl3r tlmn ovor for corn:mnity

so:i::v:.u:s to stit:1Ul[l. tci· others into nction .

'i1hc dcbili offocts of tho :i.nton1n t:i.onnl 1:1011otary and · I

Oli<lr c;_;r c:d.sos }.,[I.VO socIJGd ::i.nto Sihe,,,1:;0rc 0lld we 1:1ust l)rnco oursolvcs

-co :':z:,co th:i.s ch[l.J.lo11en. If vcrbr-i.l o:x:hortn t ::i.ons CRimot 1:iovo our

c:.: t:.zons to 1?ln.;y n.11 n.ct:i.vo :r·olc :i.n our lltl.tionnl effort to 1:1oot tl·d.s

chaJ.J.cnco, WG 1:1,,,Jr soon brtve .::,, disnstor 011 our hn~1ds ;:,.nd :i.t vd.11 1thon

i)o n.riJ.o to o lntG t o ro t:r-r; t or rcr.ct .

It :i. s ••• ~ •• • , 2/-



Page 2: €¦ · 2 It :i.s nocossn,r;:r i'or cw to oc1plm' thn.t tho n,ctivo o-.'' cvorir c:i. t:i.zeu is crucial to the si,..1.ccoss of such a nc1,·t


It :i.s nocos sn,r;:r i'o r cw t o oc1plm'.s thn.t tho n,ctivo

t:i.011 o-.'' cvorir c:i. t:i.zeu i s crucial t o the si,..1.ccoss of such a nc1, ·t:i. onn,l

tho rn:! tcono of tho wcll- conco:i.vod p l ,rns of tho Govorm1011 t t o

clcwoJ.op our country, Tho success o-:' Jurone :i.s ::-in cn:c:i. t:!.ng oxc,1,1:1plo

o? tho yJ:i.J.J. :i.lle'llGGS il,ll.d do tor1:1:i.1'1r,t:i. 0 11 oi:' .both tJ!10 ])OOJ)l O a nd Govorn-

J:lC,11-C woJ~ld11g for tho corn:w n e,-ood . I nood n ot h,,vo t o 1Jurdon y ou

Vi~. th '.1. d ctn,:i. lod dcs·cr of the svm1:11-; l a11d r.nd nn,ng:.covo f ores t

that .Ju:.cone vms .

Constn,nt cn,lls lmv o been nn,do 0 11 S:i.11e,nJ"Jor on,11s t o 1Jo :i.ndustr:.i.ouss·.)J.:i.11od~ n,nd t q s1J.bord'.to tho:i.r :i.ud.:i.v:i.dur.l c:,T0up :i.ntorosts t o

the n;i,t:.i.onn.l :i.nt m.:·osts . It :i.s tho oi:' such qual:i.ticrn tlmt

lot.,..u}) :i.n our effort s t o bu:i.ld :3uch n hn,J)]J;y and J)rosporous Singn,porc .

I).1·c; :~·:_i.::cs t ~ 1:10::c-o nnd raox·c S:i.11 [.,"<1.))0ro,,ns ,should corao out i:'ro1;1 tho:i.r I

si.1.c lJ. c1,11d bo nct:i.voJ.,y one;.1,cod no t 011J.y :.i.11 tho:i.r personal ndv.:1,11co1:1011t

lJ,.l"G n, :.i.n cor.u:mn:i. ty services vJ':i.1J. hoJ.p bu:i:ld. tho S:1.ngn.};oro

tl~2..·G V·io des ire .

'rho cont:i.nuod prospc~x·:i. ty nnd hnp:; j_noss of,nroro doponds

011 tho ;)rosonco o f nn onli chtcnod lo"'dorsh:i.p at ovor3r strn.tun of

tl1.o ::;oc~.ct;y ~ n,nd thj_r1 o..{}1.:i.n d. 01::, cmds on tho y outh of Si11ct~1:;o ro nnd

thc::.r succood~.118' e:onorat:i.on t o pr.-,vj_do s uch lcn,dorsh :i.J) .

':Oho youth t hc1.vo not e;o i10 til.J'.·01, t ho r ou e,1.1. nnd tunblo

ti1.o:.\:c cldors oxp or:i.onc od, 1,u t t J:i.:i.s do @s no t i:10c1.n thn.t . tl,.cy n.rc

oo·~·t n1il :i.ndul cont. Our youth nood not lmvo to co throueh t ho

0r.10J.:1.· cond:i. t j_ o11s on\3r 1)ocn.usc thoj_:r old ors hn.d 1rnon rcsJ)O llS :.i.bJ.o

e:i.1oue].1 to onsuro th.:i. t tho fru:i. t s of tho:i.r t o :i.l mid s·wo n. t w:i.11 bo n.

h,"L"J);' J [1.ll.d 1:irosJ,orou s S:i.nt,npo:co . I t :i.s: thoroforo: tho rospons:i.b:i.l:i.ty

c .':' tho Jnuth t od n.y i o 3n· thrn:1so lvos n.dcqun tol3r not only· t o Dn. ~.ntn:i.11

·1Jut ;-J.f10 to :i.1:1provo on l :i.11,n ])oro .

TJ".o 3rou th should 11 o t 1:wot tho chnllone os of d:i.ff:.i.cul t t:i.1:1os w':i. th

do)o and J. one hn:i.r . Thoy shouJ.d no t f:i.nd. ox1n·c)ssj_o11 of tho :i. r y outhful

1.lY:.111C:.;:1,Eco :i.n tho f t,X"J:l of :i.11-n.fio:cd luxur:i.os . 'rhoy should: :i.nstond: '

011:T,CO tho1:1solvos j_n n.c t:i.v:i.t:i.o s thn. t <1,:.:- e ·001wfi not onJ.y t o

t o tho 11::.tio n .

--- ' I



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