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1st Bell

An Intervention Program

Created bySamuel R. Coleman

What is 1st Bell?

An intervention program that addresses:

Low Grades

Poor Attendance

Poor Behavioral

Who is the Target Population?

Grades (D & F)

Attendance (Pre Sarb/Sarb)

Behavior (More than 2-3 incidents per semester)

When Should 1st Bell be Implemented?

1st Bell is most effective when implemented during the first 4-6 weeks of a school year/semester.

Early Implementation + Early Intervention =BETTER STUDENT OUTCOMES!!

How is it Implemented?

1. First 4-6 weeks all stakeholders identify at-risk students:

a) low grades

b) poor attendance

c) poor behavior

1. Hold SST to discuss student identified as being at-risk.

1. Ongoing communication.

1. Reassess students near end of semester.

1. First 4-6 Weeks

All stakeholders need to identify students at-risk. Teachers Aides Classified Admin Counselors Etc.

Criteria for identification: low grades poor attendance low motivation poor behavior etc.

2. SST Meetings

SST to convene to discuss students identified as being at-risk. SST to also formula intervention plan to nominee point person/case manager for student. SST to establish monitor committee.

2. Continued - Monitoring

Point-person/Case-manager sets up an email

list. At the end of every class period, teachers

that are part of the monitoring committee

send an email to everyone on the email list

and describe the following:

the students grades, attendance, behavior

for that day.

3. Outgoing Communication


Tracks student behavior Makes documentation easy All stakeholders are aware of student

activity Admin/parent can track teacher’s efforts to

support kids Collecting data

4. Reassess/Evaluate

Interventions need to be in place a minimum of 12 weeks.

Prior to end of semester, SST to reconvene to determine if interventions worked. If so fade interventions and support. If not, SST can discuss higher level of support.

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