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7/17/2019 1a 1/4


A month ago, I and my friends went to the Asian bowl restaurant along Taft avenue to eat lunch.

We were seated and our orders were taken. After fifteen minutes, all of the food arrived except

for mine. I asked the waitress to follow up my order. She then told me that she made a mistake in

taking my order and offered me another food instead. I ust agreed to it because I was hungry and

I still had things to do after lunch. The food was served and we asked for the bill. The waitress

forgot to encode my order in the bill, only my friend!s orders were there. I then called her 

attention again to tell her that there was one dish missing. She then corrected the bill.

Action plan for future and arguments

When the waitress forgot to encode my order, I decided to tell her so that she can correct it

 because it was the right thing to do. It would also bother my conscience if I did not tell her.

"oreover, since she was the one at fault, the food might be deducted from her salary or worse,

she might get fired from her ob. I pity her because she tries to work hard to earn that money and

I might be the cause of her to losing her ob. #or me, it is ust a small thing but maybe for her,

her source of livelihood is on the line.

$ooking back now, I don!t really regret the decision I made. If this is bound to happen again, I

would do the same thing.

%ng,&athleen 'ayle (umanbe)**

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+thical ilemma


A few weeks ago, I was falling in line in front of the Andrew uilding doorway infront of /a0on

uilding. Since the guards were checking the bags of the people, the line was long. eside me,there were three freshman students who were panicking. I heard one of them said 1 2aano na

iyan, magchecheck sila ng bag, baka mahuli tayo34 5What will we do, the guards are going to

check our bags36. When I heard that, I immediately looked at them. Then one of them said,

1huwag kayo magpanic, ganito na lang, ako sa gitna, ikaw mauna at ikaw 5pointing to another 

guy6 sa likod ko.4 5on!t panic, what we will do is you stay in front me and you 5pointing to

another guy6 stay behind me6. /ight there I really did not know what to do because I was caught

up with the moment, I ust stared at them but they did not notice me. I was curious what were in

their bags, thus I decided to ust go with the flow and see if they would be caught by the security

guard. When they were having their bags checked, they were really hesitant in opening their 

 bags. They only opened a tiny part of their bags in front of the guard. The guard was saying 1Sir,

 paki7bukas po yung bag ninyo4 5sir, please open your bag6. The students were opening their 

 bags, but they were really hesitant and they closed it back. Then the guard used the black 

detector to scan their bags. After, the guards ust let them off.

Action 2lan for the #uture

I really regret the decision I made not to tell the guard what I heard from them. In the future if

this would happen to me again, I would really tell the security guard to check that person!s bag


Argument or reasons why you would act that way

I would inform the guards about the bags of the students because I think that it is for their own

good. There are things that the school prohibits its students to bring because it will be bad for

them or for others. If something prohibited by the school is inside the bag, then it will be

considered as a maor offense when caught. If they are planning something bad, it would be best

if someone was able to stop that from happening. If something bad would happen, I would feel

guilty knowing I could have done something about it. (owever, if the thing in their bag was not

a big deal, I would ust say sorry for disturbing them. At least I was able to do my part in

 preventing an incident from occurring and it would not bother me anymore.


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/eflection 2aper

The session last meetings made me reali0e that I can work with people I have met for the first

time. It taught me to be more open to others and first impressions are not true. I thought some of 

my group mates were the type not to engage in the activity, I was wrong, they were very engagedwith the activity. Since everyone was working and cooperating with each other, the group work 

was successful. I also met new people and made new friends last session. I was able to get to

know a lot more people and learn new things about them.

+ven though minimal instructions were given, because of the cooperation we have, we were able

to do what is being asked. The teamwork showed by the group was very evident.

This activity also taught me that I should be friendly and open to others. I should learn how to

make friends and be open to others. There are some things in life that cannot be done alone.

(owever, with teamwork, nothing is impossible. Also, I may never know, but maybe these

 people make an impact in my life.

I also reali0ed that in a group work, my role is more on being a listener rather than a leader. I

noticed that I am the type of person to ust listen to others and follow their instructions. (owever,

I do suggest some ideas. This is a good thing so that whenever there is a person who is more

dominant or aggressive, I would not clash with him or her and there can still be a successful

group work.

+thical ilema


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A few weeks ago, I was falling in line in front of the Andrew uilding doorway infornt of /a0on

uilding. Since the guards were checking the bags of the people, the line was long. eside me,

there were three freshmen students who were panicking. I heard one of them said 1 2aano na

iyan, magchecheck sila ng bag, baka mahuli tayo3 5What will we do, the guards are going to

check our bags364. When I heard that, I immediately looked at them. Then one of them said,

1huwag kayo magpanic, ganito na lang, ako sa gitna, ikaw mauna at ikaw 5pointing to another 

guy6 sa likod ko. 5on!t panic, what we will do is you stay in front me and you 5pointing to

another guy6 stay behind me6.4 /ight there I really did not know what to do because I was caught

up with the moment, I ust stared at them but they did not notice me. I was curious what were

inside their bags, thus I decided to ust go with the flow and see if they would be caught by the

security guard. When they were having their bags checked, they were really hesitant in opening

their bags. They only opened a tiny part of their bags in front of the guard. The guard was saying

1sir, paki7bukas po yung bag ninyo 5Sir, please open your bag64. The students were opening their 

 bags but they were really hesitant so they closed it back. Then the guard used the black detector 

to scan their bags. After, the guards ust let them off.

Action 2lan for the #uture

I really regret the decision I made not to tell the guard what I heard from them. In the future if 

this would happen to me again, I would really tell the security guard to check that person!s bag


Argument or reasons why you would act that way

I would inform the guards about the bags of the students because I think that it is for their own

good. There are things that the school prohibits its students to bring because it will be bad for them or for others. If something prohibited by the school is inside the bag, then it will be

considered as a maor offense when caught. If they are planning something bad, it would be best

if someone was able to stop that from happening. If something bad would happen, I would feel

guilty knowing I could have done something about it. (owever, if the thing inside their bag was

not a big deal, I would ust say sorry for disturbing them. At least I was able to do my part in

 preventing an incident in occurring and it would not bother me anymore.

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