Download - 16 July 2015

Page 1: 16 July 2015

NEW DELHIA mining baron arrested

on charges of being aprime player in theVyapam or jobs scandal inMadhya Pradesh paid forthe air tickets and otherundefined expenses of topleaders of the BJP and itsideological parent, theRSS, according to anincome tax report from2013. That report was notpursued by state policeinvestigators who werehandling the Vyapaminquiry till this week, whenthe CBI took over.

"We are not shieldinganyone. But let's not go byone odd report... let's waitfor the CBI investigation,"

said the BJP's Shaina NCto said.

The document from2013 said Sudhir Sharma,whose vast businessempire includes mines andcolleges, had made "hugepayments in cash for airtickets, travel bills, etc" fora group of politiciansincluding Suresh Soni ofthe RSS and Prabhat Jha,then state president of theBJP.

The report was based ondiaries recovered in raidson Sudhir Sharma andsaid the billionaire made"payments for travelarrangements of importantpolitical personalities" like


MUMBAITemperature: 310CPrecipitation:60%Humidity:84%Wind: 19Km/hr


Arvind Kejriwal Rejects Charges of Nepotism OverAppointing Women's Commission Chief

States want Centre to work for consen-sus on Land Bill: Arun Jaitley

Parineeti Chopra opposite SushantSingh Rajput in MS Dhoni biopic? P8

NEW DELHIAn army contingent stopped

for a thrilling rescue act onspotting a man trapped under atruck on the highway inMaharashtra.

On Tuesday, a dumper trucktoppled over on the rain-slick


In Dramatic Rescue,Armymen Move TruckWith Bare Hands

MUMBAIStudents of Pune's prestigious

Film and Television Institute(FTII) were warned today ofpossible expulsion if they didn'tend their protests against chair-man Gajendra Chauhan andrejoin classes. A circular from


End Protests or FaceExpulsion, Students ofPune Film Institute Warned

AIZAWLA 16-year-old boy, who want-

ed to buy a mobile phone,allegedly killed his sister andbrother-in-law and looted Rs36,000 from them in a villagein Mizoram's Aizawl district,police said today.

The 16-year-old boy CONTD. ON PAGE 5

16-Year-Old AllegedlyKills Sister, Brother-in-Law to Buy Mobile Phone

PATNABJP President Amit Shah will

launch the party's campaign for thecoming Bihar Assembly polls byrolling out 160 'raths' (chariots)tomorrow which will fan out indifferent directions and traversethe length and breadth of the state.

"BJP President Amit Shah is coming tomorrow tolaunch 160 raths which will embark on 'parivartan


BJP to Roll Out 160 'Raths'Tomorrow for Bihar Poll Campaign

NEW DELHIInternational oil prices will

come down with the imminentlifting of sanctions against Iranand benefit India, PetroleumMinister Dharmendra Pradhansaid today.

"With Iran coming to market,the assumption is that there willbe further slide in oil prices...India will be one of the beneficiaries of sliding oil


India Will Benefit From Sliding Oil Prices Post-IranNuclear Deal: Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan

JAMMUThe Vice Chief of the Army

Staff Lt Gen Philip Camposetoday visited Jammu andreviewed the security situationalong Indo-Pak border.

Lt Gen Campose visited thewinter capital and Crossed

Swords Division today and also interacted with offi-cers and men of the Division, a defence spokesmansaid.

During the visit, the Vice Chief was briefed on thesecurity dynamics along the International Border and


Army Vice Chief Reviews Situation Alongthe India-Pakistan Border in Jammu

IMPHALChief Minister Okram Ibobi

Singh today said a new bill onthe Inner Line Permit would beintroduced in the ManipurAssembly within three months.

Mr Singh assured the Housethat he would introduce a newBill related to the


Manipur CM PromisesInner Line Permit BillWithin 3 Months

NEW DELHISPetrol and diesel has become

costlier in Delhi, after the stategovernment decided to increaseVAT (value added tax) rate onthe two fuels with effect fromThursday.

After the revision, petrolprice in Delhi would be costlier


Petrol Prices in DelhiIncreased by Rs 2.78/Litre,Diesel by Rs 1.83


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 330CPrecipitation:20%Humidity: 72%Wind: 19Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 320CPrecipitation: 80%Humidity:84% Wind: 11Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 390CPrecipitation:20%Humidity:52%Wind: 18Km/hr


group headed by PunjabChief Minister ParkashSingh Badal is "explor-ing" a legislation on theRight to Skill in order tocreate a pool of skilledmanpower in the country.

"As far as legislation toprovide the Right to Skillis concerned, unless anduntil there's consensusamong states, this legis-lation cannot be done... Ithink Badal who is head-ing a sub-committee ofthe NITI Aayog will con-sider this as well," UnionMinister Rajiv PratapRudy told PTI.

The committee has

been tasked withaddressing humanresources issues, espe-cially youth, and work-ing on scientific methodsfor skilled manpower.

The chief ministers areexpected to recommendmeasures to the NITI

Aayog on how to dealwith shortage of skilledmanpower in productionlines and also expandoutreach of skill pro-grammes, particularly indemographically advan-tageous states.


NITI Aayog Panel Exploring Right to SkillLegislation: Union Minister Rajiv Pratap Rudy

Billionaire at Heart of Vyapam ScamFunded BJP, RSS Leaders: Tax Report

Vol. 1 Issue: 301 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: Email: [email protected]

WASHINGTONWith the US sealing a deal

over Iran's nuclear programme,the Obama Administration hassaid countries like India andJapan have paid an economicprice for sanctions against theIslamic republic and they mayno longer feel obliged to do so


India Paid Economic Pricefor Sanctions on Iran, SaysUS Diplomat Susan Rice

JAMMUA woman was killed and

a Border Security Forcesoldier injured in firing byPakistan near the interna-tional border in Jammudistrict today.

Two civilians, includinga woman, were alsoinjured in the incident thatcomes just two days aheadof Prime MinisterNarendra Modi's visit toJammu.

Pakistani Rangers and

soldiers of the BorderSecurity Force (BSF)exchanged heavy fire overthe incident, officials said.

Pakistani soldierslaunched the offensive thismorning with mortar



NEW DELHIWithin a day of Delhi Chief

Minister Arvind Kejriwal'semotional appeal for funds,over 500 contributors haddonated more than Rs. 6.50lakh to his Aam Aadmi Party.

On Tuesday, according to fig-ures released by AAP, dona-tions crossed the one lakh barri-er after nearly two months."The amount reached Rs.6,75,783 with 537 contributorsresponding to the appeal byevening," a party functionarysaid.

AAP's best day in this monthso far was July 1, when it gotRs. 28,702 in donations. OnSaturday, July 11, it had

received Rs. 709.On Monday, Mr Kejriwal

said, "You would say I am aweird Chief Minister for askingfor funds like this. You will say

we made him Chief Minister,still he is asking for money. Wecan get money the wrong waybut that is not who we are. Your


UNITED NATIONSIndia has been able to achieve

a more than 20 per cent declinein new HIV infections between2000 and 2014, reversing thespread of the virus, accordingto a UN report that says theworld is on track to end theAIDS epidemic by 2030.

According to the report titled"How AIDS changed every-thing - MDG 6: 15 years, 15lesson of hope from the AIDSresponse", the world hasexceeded the targets containedin the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MGD) tohalt and reverse the spread ofHIV.

New HIV infections havefallen by 35 per cent and AIDS-related deaths by 41 per cent,

while the global response toHIV has averted 30 millionnew infections and nearly 8million AIDS-related deathssince 2000, when the MDGswere set said the report that wasreleased in Addis Ababa yester-day by the Joint United NationsProgramme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS).

"The measure of success forthe United Nations is not whatwe promise, but what we deliv-er for those who need us most.When it comes to halting andbeginning to reverse the AIDSepidemic, the world has deliv-ered," UN Secretary GeneralBan Ki-moon said followingthe report's launch.

Mr Ban said 15 million CONTD. ON PAGE 5

New HIV Infections Down by20 Per Cent in India: UN

Woman Killed, BSF Soldier Injured InPakistan Firing Ahead of PM's Jammu VisitNEW DELHI

Transgenders cannow mention them-selves as "third gender"while seeking informa-tion on governancerelated matters throughonline RTI applicationthrough the website.

The Department ofPersonnel and Training(DoPT) has introduceda field -- third gender --other than male andfemale on the RTI por-tal.

"The field 'third gen-

der' has been introducedon the website allowingtransgenders to givedetail of their identitywhile filing RTI appli-cations online. Thoughit is not a mandatoryfield but it will help thegovernment in collect-ing data on differentcategories of people fil-ing queries under thetransparency law," aDoPT official said.

The move assumessignificance as Supreme


NEW DELHIIndia should emerge as

the "human resource cap-ital" of the world, PrimeMinister Narendra Modisaid on Wednesday whilelaunching the ambitiousSkill India Mission aimedat giving vocational train-ing to youth across thecountry.

"If China is like a 'man-ufacturing factory' of theworld, India shouldbecome the 'humanresource capital' of the


Modi at 'Skill India' launch: India canbecome human resource capital

Sewage-Polluted GodavariAwaits Kumbh Devotees

NASHIKWhile millions will

bathe in the Godavari overthe next two months, in thehope of a 'cleansed' and'liberated' life, most ofthem are unaware of howtoxic the river has turned.

High levels of pollutionand filth loom over theSimhastha Kumbh Mela,the largest congregation ofany faith in the world heldevery 12 years, even as thegovernment calls for anenvironmentally friendlycelebration.

"Sewage from 19 guttersenters the Godavari. Allthat water comes toRamkund. People don'tjust bathe in this water,they also consume it,"Nishikant Pagare, a socialworker in Nashik toldreporters.

Nishikant Pagare hadmoved to the BombayHigh Court in 2012 againstthe pollution of theGodavari, pressing forstricter norms before the

Maha Kumbh Mela atNashik.

The Bombay High Courthad asked for the police toman the banks and ensureit isn't used for purposesother than bathing andasked the municipal corpo-ration to put up boards stat-ing that the water was unfitfor consumption.

Sewage however, flowsstraight into the Godavariand then to Ramkund andTrimbak where thousandsof devotees throng to takea dip in the holy river. Theadministration claims,

most drains have beendiverted but admits, workon a few still remains.

The municipal body isalso grappling with thechallenge of cleaning theriver of materials thatdevotees empty into it.

"No one is allowed towash clothes in the riverbut even though we askthem not to, they don't lis-ten. They also drop flowersand throw garbage in theriver," said Ajay Ingole, aworker at the NashikMunicipal Corporation.


VARANASIPrime Minister

Narendra Modi willmake a day-long visit tohis Lok Sabha con-stituency Varanasi onThursday during whichhe will address a publicrally, inaugurate a powerproject scheme and opena trauma centre at the

Banaras HinduUniversity.

Preparations are afootat the DLW Grounds inthe city to host the pro-gramme of the PrimeMinister, who will reachthe Lal Bahadur ShastriAirport at Babatpur in aspecial plane on


PM Narendra Modi to Address PublicRally in Varanasi on Thursday

NEW DELHICongress Party general

secretary Digvijay Singhsaid Wednesday thatPrime Minister NarendraModi's launch of a "SkillIndia" campaign wasnothing but a repackag-ing attempt, and addedthat this effort would nothave been possible had

not former PrimeMinister Rajiv Gandhinot taken the initiative tointroduce the use of com-puters in the country.

Responding to reportsin the media of PrimeMinister Modi launchinga "Skill India" campaignin 100 cities today,


Modi's 'Skill India' campaign anotherrepackaging attempt: Digvijay Singh

RTI to Now Have a Third GenderField for Online Applications

Arvind Kejriwal's Appeal WinsDonations for 'Broke' AAP

Indian Among TouristsArrested in China For'Terror Videos'BEIJING

An Indian is among agroup of 20 foreign touristswho have been arrested innorthern China for suspectedlinks to "a terror group"according to reports byBritain's Foreign Office and aSouth African charity. Indianofficials confirmed that theembassy in Beijing hassought access to the Indianunder arrest.

China has agreed to release11 of the tourists, but the restwill continue to be held with-out charge at a detention cen-ter in Inner Mongolia, the


Deadlock on LandBill impacting ruraldevelopment: PMNarendra ModiNEW DELHI

Ahead of theParliament session,Prime MinisterNarendra Modi onWednesday reached outto parties appealingthem not to come in theway of prosperity offarmers, saying the


Page 2: 16 July 2015

NEW DELHIBJP on Wednesday hit out at AAP-led Delhi govern-

ment over its reported plans to appoint Swati Maliwal,wife of a party leader, as chairperson of DelhiCommission for Women (DCW) and saying it willapproach court "on behalf of people of Delhi" if she wasfound to be "not qualified" for the post.

Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay expressed doubts ifDelhi Government has picked Maliwal, wife of seniorAAP functionary from Haryana Naveen Jaihind, to savesenior party leaders Kumar Vishwas and Somnath Bhartifrom respective cases pending against them before DCW.

"On behalf of people, BJP will definitely look into whatwomen empowerment works she (Maliwal) has done inthe past. If being an AAP member is the only criteria shehas fulfilled, then the (Government) deci-sion raises question mark. We will defi-nitely knock doors of court on behalf ofDelhi people if we find no satisfactoryanswers," Upadhyay told reporters.Referring to reports claiming Jaihind andKejriwal as relatives, Upadhyay saidwhether Delhi Chief Minister was carry-ing forward the alleged "Jai Hind jijaji(hail brother-in-law)" tradition ofCongress by considering Maliwal for thejob."Jai Hind jijaji. Congress had initiatedthe Jai Hind (hail brother-in-law) jijaji tra-dition (in Indian politics). People of Delhiwant to know if Kejriwal's AAP too hascarried forward the tradition? "Kind ofreports that are emerging in media...Someclaim Jaihind is a brother-in-law, some saythere is some other relationship. We don'twant to make any allegation, but definite-ly we want to know yeh rishta kya kehla-ta hai (what this relationship hints at)? Weneed explanation on this," he demanded.In January 2014, AAP had objected toappointment of Barkha Singh as DCWchairperson by then Congress-led Delhigovernment saying she had links with cer-tain political party.

Remove pay anomaly: Delhi govtschools teachers' body demandsNEW DELHI

A deputation led by Delhi State Government SchoolsTeachers' Association today sought Centre's help toremove pay anomaly because of which they were goingthrough "stress and humiliation".

The association members submitted a memorandumof their demands to Jitendra Singh, Minister of State forPersonnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.

They sought the Minister's intervention for imple-mentation of the 6th Central Pay Commission's recom-mendations which, according to them, had been deniedin their case. The deputation led by the Association'sPresident C P Singh and General Secretary Ajay VeerYadav, submitted the memorandum to the Minister andcomplained that the teacher community working in theDelhi State Government was going through stress andhumiliation because of non-redressal of pay fixation, arelease issued by the Personnel Ministry said.

As a result of this anomaly, some of the juniors weredrawing more salary than their seniors which was alsoinjustice to them, they alleged. Jitendra Singh gavethem a patient hearing and assured the aggrieved teach-ers that based on the representation made by them, hewould get the issue re-examined all over again, it said.

HC notice to Delhi Govt, NOIDA on pleato scrap toll on DNDNEW DELHI

The Delhi High Court today issued notice to the citygovernment and New Okhla Industrial DevelopmentAuthority (NOIDA) on a PIL seeking direction to dis-continue collection of toll from commuters of DND fly-over on the grounds that it was illegal.

A bench of Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice JayantNath sought response of the Delhi government andNOIDA by September 9 on the petition filed by a trustwhich also sought quashing of a January 1997 supportagreement entered by the city government with NOIDAto facilitate construction of a bridge.

In the PIL, Sai Centre for Socio Legal Action claimedthat the financial statements, which allegedly showedthat far beyond what was spent has been collected, weredeliberately kept out public domain by Noida TollBridge Project Company Ltd (NTBCL) and NOIDAwas maintaining silence in "apparent collusion".

"By such illegal acts, NTBCL is making undeservedand illegal gain of huge sums of money and makingusers of the bridge pay more than what is legallypayable. "It is the specific case of the petitioner that thecollection is wholly illegal, without sanctity of law andshould be stopped/discontinued forthwith," the petitionfiled through advocate Rajdipa Behura said.

The petitioner has relied upon information and docu-ments received from NOIDA in response to RTI appli-cations filed by one Vimla Batham who had soughtinformation regarding design, development, establish-ment, financing, construction, operation and mainte-nance of the bridge connecting Maharani Bagh in SouthDelhi and Okhla Barrage in NOIDA.

It said being aggrieved by the continuous increase inthe toll rates of the DND flyover, the woman had filedRTI pleas seeking information from NOIDA on hikingtoll rates but the questions were not answered adequate-ly. The petition said the DND flyover was constructedpursuant to the concession agreement of November 12,1997 entered into between NOIDA, InfrastructureLeasing and Financial Services Ltd (ILFSL) andNTBCL. The concession agreement was entered intofor development, establishment, financing, design, con-struction, operation and maintenance of the bridgewhich was built for convenience of the public commut-ing between NOIDA and South Delhi or Gurgaon, thepetition said. It urged the court to call for all relevantrecords from the respondents and direct NOIDA to pro-hibit NTBCL from levying or collecting toll fees fromthe users of the bridge with immediate effect.

It also sought a direction to NOIDA, NTBCL andothers to provide complete information to the petitionerand ensure that the toll rates are revised by the govern-ment. Regarding the issue of jurisdiction, the petitionersaid that the bridge was constructed partly on landsfalling within the jurisdiction of Delhi and UttarPradesh governments. Apart from Delhi Governmentand NOIDA, UP Government, NTBPL and ILFSL havealso been made parties in the petition.

Honour killed policemen, trooperswith 'martyr', Delhi HC urgedNEW DELHI

A plea was filed in the Delhi High Court onWednesday seeking it direct the government to issue thehonourific of "martyr" or "shaheed" to paramilitary orpolice personnel who sacrifice their lives in the line ofduty. The public interest litigation (PIL) was filedbefore a division bench headed by Chief Justice G.Rohini, who posted the matter for July 29 for furtherhearing.

Citing that 31,895 paramilitary personnel sacrificedtheir lives in the last 53 years in the line of duty, the PILsaid the honour of being called a "martyr" or "shaheed"still eludes the troopers and officers of paramilitary andpolice forces in the country.

The plea was filed by advocate Abhishek Choudhary,who apprised the court that "the personnel of the threearmed forces of the country, namely army, navy and airforce, are called `martyr` or `shaheed` when they arekilled during duty, but unfortunately the men/women ofpolice and paramilitary forces who are killed in anti-Maoist operations, rendering internal security dutiesand guarding our borders in extreme conditions are notgiven the stature of a `martyr`."

"In many places, like along the Pakistan border, para-military personnel work along with army men and inMaoist-affected states, they work with air force offi-cials. But in case of death in action, the Central ArmedPolice Personnel (CAPFs) are not accorded `martyr` or`shaheed` status," the plea said.


Website: Email: [email protected]


NEW DELHIDelhi Chief Minister Arvind

Kejriwal has rubbished allegationsthat he is related to Swati Maliwal,who is being considered by his gov-ernment to head the DelhiCommission for Women or DCW.

Mrs Maliwal, 30, is the wife ofNaveen Jaihind, an Aam AAdmiParty leader considered close to chiefminister Kejriwal. She has been asso-ciated with Mr Kejriwal since hisdays as an activist of India AgainstCorruption (IAC), which was a partof the anti-graft agitation led byGandhian activist Anna Hazare in2011.

AAP says there is no nepotism."We have not heard of any decisionbeing taken by the Delhi governmentin appointing Swati Maliwal as thechairperson of the DCW. However, ifthis is the case we welcome themove. She has a long history ofactivism in the field of anti-corrup-tion, RTI and women empower-ment," said AAP spokesperson DilipPandey.

But the opposition BJP has ques-

tioned Mrs Maliwal's qualificationsfor the job. "Does she fulfil all thecriteria of 1994 women act, section2(3) of which says the chairpersonhas to be a person who has expertisein issues relating to women?" askedDelhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay.

In January 2104, AAP had objected

to the appointment of the presentDCW chief Barkha Singh becauseshe has links with the Congress. Shewas appointed by the previous SheilaDikshit government.

Mrs Singh, whose term ends thisFriday, has had several run-ins withAAP and its leaders.

Arvind Kejriwal Rejects Charges of NepotismOver Appointing Women's Commission Chief

NEW DELHIDelhi Chief Minister Arvind

Kejriwal today voiced opposi-tion against the land bill andraised concerns over Centre's"interference" in the nationalcapital saying it was againstthe spirit of cooperative feder-alism.

Mr Kejriwal put forth hisreservations and concerns atthe second meeting of the NITIAayog's Governing Council inthe national capital, chaired byPrime Minister Narendra Modito discuss various issues,including the land Bill.

In the meeting, Mr Kejriwalalso suggested a "separate ses-sion" of the body on Centre-State relations and Cooperative

Federalism.The Delhi Chief Minister's

comments assume significancein the backdrop of the AAP

government'sstrained rela-tionship withthe ModiGovernmentat the Centreover jurisdic-tion issuesa m o n gothers.

The AAPhas also beencampaigningagainst thep r o p o s e dchanges to theland acquisi-tion lawterming them

as "anti-farmer".

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal OpposesLand Bill, Questions 'Interference' in Delhi

NEW DELHIThe Delhi High Court

would hear a plea againstthe AAP government forallegedly violatingSupreme Court guidelinesby bringing out advertise-ments "glorifying" ChiefMinister Arvind Kejriwalon Monday.

Justice V P Vaish said heneeded to hear the issueproperly, so that he couldpass a detailed order on theplea filed by NGO NyayaaPath, which also soughtdirection to the city gov-ernment to immediatelywithdraw a recent televi-sion advertisement and"restrain itself from suchtype of image buildingexercise of ArvindKejriwal".

"Re-notify the matter forfurther hearing on July20," the court said.

The Kejriwal govern-ment had on July 12 comeout with an advertisementwith tagline 'Wo pareshaankarte rahein, hum kaamkarte rahein' (they troubleus, but we continue towork). Referring to therecent advertisement pub-lished from Mumbai, the

petitioner sought directionto the Centre, Lt Governorand Delhi Governmentthat its cost be recoveredfrom Kejriwal, who wasbeing glorified by it.

Senior advocate ChetanSharma, appearing for theNGO, took objection tothe tagline of the adver-tisement and asked whatdoes "Wo" (they) mean.

"Is 'Wo' referring to thejudiciary because some oftheir leaders are behindbars or does it refer to theopposition or the media,just because the media hasnow given them a coldshoulder. Now they areusing tax payers' money inissuing advertisements.

"Their campaign is likewhat Hitler had done. It'slike feed a hundred lies tothe public and it willbecome the truth. Why arethe advertisements appear-ing in the newspapers ofMumbai highlighting theissues of Delhi. Is itbecause they want toexpand political campaignfor upcoming elections ontax-payers' money, whichis meant for the people ofDelhi," Sharma contended.

Delhi HC to hear plea agnst AAP govt'slatest ad campaign on July 20

GURGAONGunmen opened fire on

an SUV near a big mall inGurgaon this morning,causing the car to toppleover onto an auto-rick-shaw. The driver of theauto-rickshaw was killed.

The police allege that theshooting was the result of agang-war. They haveannounced a Rs. 50,000reward for any informationon them.

The gunmen - the policebelieve there were four -were in a Santro andescaped. Three teams are

hunting for them, a seniorpolice officer told said.The driver of the SUV wasshot in his shoulder.

The officer said that a"known criminal" was inthe SUV with his associ-ates and was the target ofthe attack. The man driv-ing the Santro is allegedlya murder accused out onbail.

The shooting took placeon MG Road outside theCentral Mall in Gurgaon,just ahead of IFFCOChowk, a major landmarkin the area.

NEW DELHIThe killing of four policemen in

Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district is an"act of cowardice" and shows thefrustration of Naxals over the actionbeing taken by the administrationagainst them, Chief Minister RamanSingh said in New Delhi today.

He said Naxals are frustrated overthe various development-relatedactivities being undertaken by thegovernment.

"I am disheartened to know aboutthe killing of four policemen byNaxals.It is an act of cowardice. Icondemn it," Dr Singh said.

"The measures taken by the gov-ernment for security of people anddevelopment of the state has madethem frustrated. The act of killingshow their cruel face," said the chiefminister, who is in the national capi-tal to attend a meeting of Niti Aayogto be chaired by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi.

Dr Singh said he has directed state

Forest Minister Mahesh Gagra andDirector General of Police ANUpadhyaya to visit the spot to assessthe situation.

Mr Gagra is a member of state leg-islative Assembly from Naxal-hitBijapur area.

The bodies of four assistant consta-bles, who were abducted on Mondayby Naxals, were found today on a

road near Gudma village under KutruPolice Station in Bijapur district.

"They were without arms and trav-elling in a bus when they wereabducted by Naxals.This is whatNaxals do (kill innocent).

"Their real face is exposed. Theday is not far when Naxals andNaxalism will be removed from thestate," Dr Singh said.

Gurgaon Gang War. SUV FiredAt, Falls on Auto, 1 Dead

NEW DELHISocial activist Anna

Hazare will go on an indef-inite hunger strike atRamlila Maidan in Delhion October 2 over the LandAcquisition Bill and OneRank One Pension issue.

The activist toldreporters at his native vil-lage Ralegan Siddhi inMaharashtra, "I will launchthe fast at Ramlila groundin Delhi on October 2."

An ex-serviceman him-self, Mr Hazare had joinedthe Indian Army in 1963and served for 15 years asa soldier. He was posted toseveral key states includ-ing Jammu-Kashmir,Assam, Sikkim, Bhutanand Mizoram and evenserved in the India

Pakistan war of 1965.Earlier, in a letter to

Prime Minister NarendraModi, the activist wrote,"We have to take care ofour soldiers and farmers.Making hollow announce-ments for their welfare andactually implementing

them are different things."Mr Hazare is also likely

to honour war widows andmothers of martyreddefence personnel in Delhion the occasion of'Shaheed Din' on July26.

Retired Army personnel

are holding protests in 55spots across India,demanding that the centralgovernment to set a datefor the implementation ofthe scheme. The govern-ment has earlier said it wascommitted to OROP andhas set aside Rs. 8300crore for its implementa-tion, but has refused tospecify a timeline.

The Centre has also beenunder fire from the opposi-tion and activists over thechanges to the land acqui-sition bill, terming them as"anti-farmer". They aredemanding the reintroduc-tion of the consent clausein acquisition of land,claiming that its absencewill expose farmers toimmense risk.

Anna Hazare To Start Hunger Strike in Delhi on Oct 2

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh CondemnsKilling of Kidnapped Policemen by Naxals

BJP slams AAP govton reports to appointMaliwal as DCW chief

Page 3: 16 July 2015


Website: Email: [email protected]

LUCKNOWSuspended IPS officer

Amitabh Thakur, who hadlodged a complaint againstSP Chief Mulayam SinghYadav for allegedly threat-ening him, was todayslapped with a chargesheetby UP government accus-ing him of dereliction ofduty, anti-establishmentapproach and floutingcourt orders.

The officer, who hasbeen charged with indisci-pline and indulging in anti-government activities, saidhe, would submit his reply"on each of the 15 countssoon". Mr Thakur said hewould move court in a dayor two seeking a CBIinquiry into all develop-ments after his wife NutanThakur, who is an RTIactivist, lodged a com-plaint against mining min-ister Gayatri PrasadPrajapati to the Lokayukta.

Mr Thakur was suspend-

ed on July 13 by theAkhilesh Yadav govern-ment hours after he hadapproached the UnionHome Ministry in Delhiseeking a CBI probe intothe rape charges filedagainst him after he lodgeda complaint against MrMulayam for allegedlythreatening him.

The state home depart-ment prepared the chargesheet and handed it over to

Director General, CivilDefence, KamlendraPrasad, an officialspokesman said today.

Mr Thakur was IG CivilDefence posted inLucknow at the time of hissuspension.

During the suspensionperiod, Mr Thakur willremain attached to theDGP office and will notleave the headquarterswithout prior permission,

he said.The state home depart-

ment spokesman said gov-ernment has charged MrThakur with violatingcourt orders.

"In its order passed onApril 9, 2014, the courthad stated that the petition-er (Amitabh Thakur) isserving as an IPS officerand is bound by the rulesof conduct. As a servingIPS officer he is on duty 24hours. The court hadobserved that he may notbe allowed to take up pub-lic causes which do notconcern him and in whichthe state may be involveddirectly or indirectly."

"In clear violation of thehigh court order, Thakurcontinued to file PILs inthe court. He filed overtwo dozen PILs in thecourt on various issues," hesaid, adding the state wasdirectly involved in severalof them.

Chargesheet Issued Against Suspended Senior Cop Amitabh Thakur

NEW DELHIThe Indian military today

denied the Pakistan army'sclaims of shooting down anIndian "spy" drone.

"Some reports of a dronecrash in POK (PakistanOccupied Kashmir) are beingreferred to. No drone or UAVcrash of Indian Army hastaken place," the defence min-istry said in a statement. Thearmy's Northern Commandhas also issued a denial.

The Pakistan army hasalleged that the drone wasbeing used for aerial photog-raphy near the Line of Controland was shot down in theBhimber area of PoK.

The drone was "broughtdown for violation of

Pakistan's territorial integri-ty," it claims.

The incident comes daysafter Prime Minister NarendraModi and his Pakistani coun-terpart Nawaz Sharif heldtalks in Ufa in Russia where

the two leaders were attend-ing a summit.

In a joint statement after thetalks, the two countries decid-ed to arrange meetings of sen-ior military officials to reducetension along the border.

Army Denies Pakistan's Claims ofShooting Down Indian 'Spy Drone'

HYDERABADA huge Hindu reli-

gious festival - one ofthe largest for SouthIndia - had begun justtwo hours before 29 peo-ple, 26 of them women,were choked to death ina stampede on the banksof the River Godavari inAndhra Pradesh.

A day later, many areblaming VIPs for thedisaster. They point outChief MinisterChandrababu Naidu,who opened the MahaPushkaralu festival witha dip in the river, stayedon for 90 minutes to par-ticipate in a puja. Safetyguidelines recommendthat VIP visits should beas short as possible, andnot deviate from plans,so that arrangements andattention can focus onthe lakhs of devotees.Mr Naidu was not urgedby officials to leavequickly.

The Chief Ministerand his entourage visiteda public ghat, rather thananother ghat nearbyreserved for VIPs.

Crowd managementexperts say almost every

10 minutes, the crowdswelled by some 10,000people. By the time MrNaidu and his ministersleft, the crowd was hot,impatient, and over-sized.

The police failed todivert people to dozensof other ghats within 15kilometres. Nor werethey arrangements likebarricades to allow onlybatches of peoplethrough instead of anuncontrollable scrum.

The government hadprofessed before the fes-tival began that 1,600crores had been spent toensure a smooth experi-ence. Most of the 18,000police men were notfrom the area, didn'tknow it well enough tosteer pilgrims, and hadnot been given maps;safety drills had not beenrehearsed; emergencymedical care was miss-ing.

To give a sense of the

scale of the crowd, con-sider this: safety expertssay that at a public open-air event, the ideal densi-ty is one person persquare metre, if it is amoving crowd of ablepeople, it can be 3 peo-ple per square metre. InRajahmundry, it wasmore than 7 people persquare metre - women,children, and the elderlyincluded. Recipe for dis-aster is what people saythis is.

Fault-lines for Andhra StampedeSuggest VIPs Made Bad Situation Worse

States want Centre to work forconsensus on Land Bill: Arun Jaitley

NEW DELHIFinance Minister Arun

Jaitley on Wednesday saidthat 16 chief ministersattended the second meetingof the Governing Council ofNITI Aayog chaired byPrime Minister NarendraModi.

Addressing a press confer-ence, Jaitley informed thatthe PM gave a patient hear-ing to all the chief ministersand concluded that concernsof states will be kept in mindwhile passing the LandAcquisition Bill.

“PM talked about howmost states were not able toimplement the LandAcquisition Act passed bythe previous UPA govern-ment,” Jaitley said.

While giving details aboutthe meet, Jaitley said thatthere was a common viewraised by many states that theLand Acquisition Act needsto be amended.

“Many CMs were of theview that delay in imple-menting Land Bill is slowingdevelopment projects,”Jaitley noted.

“The chief ministers sug-gested that the Centre should

work towards evolving aconsensus on the LandAcquisition Bill, and if ittakes a longer time to reach afinal deal, then it should giveenough flexibility to states toframe their own land law,”the Union Minister said.

The Finance Minister alsohit out at the state heads whodidn't attend the meet. “SomeCMs had informed the PMabout their inability to attendtoday's meeting, but thosestate heads who chose toboycott the GoverningCouncil meeting should con-sider if it is in the spirit of co-

operative federalism.”Further hitting out at the

states which continue tooppose the Land Bill, theBJP leader said that somestates which had requestedfor changes last year are nowopposing the current versionof the Bill.

The Niti Aayog meetingtook place at PM's officialresidence 7, Race CourseRoad.

Congress chief ministersskipped the high-level meet.Besides the Congress lead-ers, West Bengal ChiefMinister Mamata Banerjee

also didn't attend the meet, asher Trinamool Congress isagainst the proposed landbill.

However, PM Modi's bêtenoire Bihar Chief MinisterNitish Kumar attended theNiti Aayog meeting.

Uttar Pradesh ChiefMinister Akhilesh Yadav alsogave the meet a miss.Official sources said that theSamajwadi Party leader has anumber of engagementslined up today in the statecapital.

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu JJayalalithaa, who also didn'tattend the meet, sent a letterof her written speech.

Since the deliberations areto be attended only by ChiefMinisters, the state Financeand Public Works Minister OPanneerselvam, whom shehad intended to send for themeeting, will also not partic-ipate, the AIADMK supremosaid in the letter to the PrimeMinister.

"....As I am engaged withother pressing official work,which I have been unable toreschedule, I will not be ableto attend the meeting on 15thJuly, 2015.

MUMBAISenior Shiv Sena politician

and MLC Neelam Gorhe todaysaid that party workers wantparty chief Uddhav Thackeray'sson Aditya Thackeray, to take upfull time politics and representpeople in the LegislativeAssembly.

"Aditya has a keen interest inlegislative politics. He is a per-son who cares deeply for thepeople and wants to do some-thing for them by solving theirproblems. He has started con-tributing immensely to the partyand his work will be definitely

helpful as an MLA. We expectmore from him now," SenaMLC Neelam Gorhe told PTI.

Incidentally, if Aditya stands

for elections, he will be the firstperson from the Thackeray fam-ily to do so, since the family hasalways preferred to control thegovernment from behind thecurtains, ever since the Senacame into existence.

Another Sena MLA, whorequested anonymity said thejunior Thackeray's meeting withstate Education Minister VinodTawde at the Vidhan Bhavanwas not merely to discuss provi-sion of electronic learningtablets to students, but also tounderstand more about work-ings of the Vidhan Bhavan.

"Uddhav generally keeps veryclose tabs on happenings in theAssembly session through vari-ous sources and gives overallguidance to Sena legislators.Aditya too has started under-standing functioning of theAssembly as well. His visittoday was a part of it," the legis-lator said.

Mr Gorhe said AdityaThackeray has a fair amount ofknowledge about sectors likeeducation, higher education,technology and urban develop-ment which would be useful toserve the people.

BAREILLYA crucial witness in the rape case against Asaram Bapu

has been provided with police security, four days after oneof the witnesses in the case was shot dead. Nine witness-es in the case have been attacked so far.

Arvind Bajpai, Principal of Sawaswati Shishu InterCollege in Shahjahanpur will now be accompanied by a

gunman, confirmed Deputy Inspector General RKSRathore.

Mr Bajpai had issued Transfer Certificate (TC) of thegirl, who had alleged that she was raped by Asaram, onthe basis of which she was considered minor, Mr Rathoresaid, adding, the principal had appeared in the court inDecember 2014 in the case.

Mr Bajpai said that he had received threats over thephone before he appeared in the court in the case to pro-vide evidence. He said that he had requested toShahjahanpur Superintendent of Police to provide himwith security at the time, but was denied.

But after Kripal Singh, another key witness in the case,was shot at on July 10 and succumbed to his injuries at ahospital in Bareilly, he has been provided security.

Mr Singh in his statement in the case against Asaram,recorded about three months ago, had alleged that peopleconnected to the godman were threatening him for the lastfew days.

He was an employee of a transport firm, whose owner'sdaughter had lodged a case against the 74-year-oldAsaram for sexually assaulting her at his ashram nearJodhpur in Rajasthan in 2013. Asaram has been in a jail inJodhpur since September 2013.

Two months later, Asaram, along with his son NarayanSai, was booked for the alleged rape of two sisters at theirashram in Gujarat's Surat.

Among the nine witnesses to have been attacked so far,three of them including Mr Singh, have died.

After 9 Attacked and 3 Dead, a Crucial Witness inAsaram Bapu Rape Case Gets Police Protection

Shiv Sena Hints at Larger Political Role for Aditya Thackeray

BHOPALInitiating its probe in the

Vyapam scam, the CentralBureau of Investigation(CBI) today registered firstinformation reports (FIRs)in two cases related to rig-ging of examinations,naming among others amember of the MadhyaPradesh Backward Classesand MinoritiesCommission and his son.

The FIRs have been reg-istered in connection withthe Pre-Medical Test of2010 and pre-PGExamination, 2011.

The Central agency hadon Monday taken over allVyapam scam cases fromthe Special Task Force ofMadhya Pradesh police.

The Supreme Court whilehanding over the investi-gation to CBI had alsoasked it to probe the deathsof people linked toVyapam. According toCongress, 49 people asso-ciated with the massiveadmission and recruitmentscam have died mysteri-ously so far.

The CBI has named 21candidates in the FIR inconnection with Pre-Medical Test 2010, book-ing them under sectionsrelated to criminal conspir-acy, cheating and forgeryamong others of the IndianPenal Code, sources said.

In the second caseagainst eight suspects inPre-PG examination,

2011, the agency has regis-tered FIR under same sec-tions.

Those named in the FIRinclude Gulab Singh Kirar,a member of the MPBackward Classes andMinorities Commissionand his son Shakti SinghKirar.

Others named includeFormer Controllers ofExamination, Vyapam,Sudhir Bhadauria andPankaj Trivedi.

The premier investiga-tive agency has constituteda 40-member team headedby Joint Director RPAgarwal to probe the scamin which several high-pro-file politicians and bureau-crats are accused.

Vyapam Scam: CBI Begins Probe,Registers First Set of FIRs

DEHRADUNUttarakhand Governor K K Paul today asked

experts to prepare a plan of action for effectiveimplementation of the earthquake early warn-ing system to minimise damages in case of dis-asters. Addressing the inaugural session of aseminar held on his initiative at Raj Bhawan byIIT Roorkee, Mr Paul said effective implemen-tation of the relatively new technology in theearthquake-prone areas of Uttarakhand wouldneed a detailed action plan. The plan shouldinclude creating awareness among people liv-ing in vulnerable areas by conducting periodicmock drills for them on how to use the system

in case of earthquakes, he said. The seminarwas organised by the centre of excellence fordisaster mitigation and management of IIT,Roorkee. "Skilled human resources, use ofmodern tools and a better networking of theavailable communication systems is necessaryto ensure that Uttarakhand fully embraces thenew technology of earthquake early warningsystem," he said at the seminar. Better co-ordi-nation among communication systems whichconnect each and every village with each otherand all of them with the state capital will notonly help minimise the ill effects of an earth-quake but also other natural disasters, he said.

3-Year-Old Child Killed in Rain-Hit UttarakhandDEHRADUN

A three-year-old girl who slipped and felloff a ridge is among three people killed inPithoragarh district in the last 24 hours asheavy rains continued to pound Uttarakhand,officials said today.

The met department's advisory forinclement weather continued for six of the 13districts in the hill-state where nearly 6,000people were killed in floods followingunprecedented rains two years ago.

"A man in Pithoragarh lost his life when hisvehicle fell in to the Kaali river which hasbeen in spate since the monsoons began," dis-trict magistrate Sushil Kumar said, listingthree deaths in 24 hours.

The State Disaster Relief Force along withthe police has been trying relentlessly to lookfor the vehicle which was swept away yester-day evening but to no avail, he said.

Another incident took place in Darma valleywhen a mountain slip buried the operator of anearthmover of the state road maintenancegroup, he said.

Uttarakhand Governor Calls for EffectiveAction Plan on Earthquake Warning System

Page 4: 16 July 2015


If Hamlet’s friends,Marcellus and Horatio, drift-ed out of Shakespeare’s

pages today, they would proba-bly find themselves on thestrike-plagued campus of theFilm and Television Institute ofIndia in Pune rather than on theramparts of gloomy Elsinorecastle. And they would remark:‘Something is rotten in the stateof FTII’.

Notwithstanding the lateststorm over the appointment ofthe so-called ‘Bharatiya JanataParty man’ Gajendra Chauhanas chairman of the institute’sgoverning council, the smoothfunctioning of India’s elite cen-tre for film education hasalways been blighted. In fact,the FTII has witnessed nearly 40strikes since its inception in1961. The ‘strike-culture’,already in vogue from the mid-1970s, grew particularly acutein the 90s, when students inces-santly squabbled over the aca-demic and administrative facetsof the FTII.

A 100-day protest in 1991,caused by fractious disputesover the nature of course struc-ture, is especially memorable.This was followed by a majorstrike in April 1996 when thethen Chairman, AdoorGopalakrishnan, introduced arevised syllabus, shortening theduration of all specialisationsfrom three to two years, besidesintroducing new courses in a bidto conform the institute to mod-ern filmmaking standards.

However, at the time, stu-dents, backed by their teachers,vehemently protested againstthe alleged ‘course dilution’,which was supposedly inimicalto the art of cinema. After fur-ther deliberations by a reviewcommittee, a new syllabus,unanimously green-lighted byboth the academic and the gov-erning council, was introduced

in 2000, only to have the stu-dents strike again in Septemberthat year.

Students, however, demur. “Itis unfair to cast the students asstereotypical villains with a pas-sion to strike,” JabeenMerchant, an eminent alumnaand one of the authors of the keyP.K. Nair Committee’s report onthe future of FTII, said.

According to Ms. Merchant,the nub of the problem is thatthe government-aided FTII hasoften functioned on the whimsof the Information andBroadcasting Ministry (I&B) —reflected in the questionableappointments to the FTIISociety. “Even then, the presi-dent is usually chosen with care,irrespective of the party inpower at the Centre. This iswhat makes this strike differ-ent,” she observes.

A questionable appointment

The reason for choosing Mr.Chauhan, clouded in secrecy,was finally revealed on July 10when the Minister of State forI&B, Rajyavardhan Rathore,said they needed a full-timechairperson for the institute. Notjust that, the Minister wasreportedly persuaded by theRashtriya Swayamsevak Sanghto push Mr. Chauhan’s candida-ture. The choice of a man ofstature, as the students nowdemand, implies a certain inde-pendence of thought and action,besides an understanding of cin-ema that goes beyond acting.

Mr. Chauhan, whose careersummit is his portrayal of thePandava Yudhisthir in B.R.Chopra’s ‘Mahabharat’ TVseries, has appeared in numer-ous B-grade TV soaps andBollywood films. Compare thisto a list of the institute’s formerheads, which reads like a who’swho of Indian cinema — AdoorGopalkrishnan, Shyam Benegal,Saeed Akhtar Mirza. Mr.

Chauhan’s nomination has beenmet with near-universal con-demnation.

More disturbing than theappointment is the reconstitu-tion of the FTII panel by theCentre, where four of the eightmembers are RSS propagan-dists, one of whose artistic qual-ification involves shooting doc-umentary propaganda for PrimeMinister Narendra Modi’s elec-tion campaigns. It is theseappointments that raise seriousquestions about the direction thegovernment wants to give to theinstitute. “Authorities think thatsocieties are adornments withlittle consequence to the aca-demic discourse and that theycan install anybody they like.This is in blatant contradictionto the laws and spirit thatdefines the role of the FTIIPresident and the governingcouncil,” said Vikas Urs,spokesman of the present FTIIStudents’ Association (FSA).

Meanwhile, Mr. Chauhanstrenuously defends his candi-dacy, saying he is aware of theproblems plaguing FTII and thathe is determined to restore to itits lost prestige. “I am not say-ing my artistic capabilitiesmatch those of the luminarieswith whom I am being constant-ly compared. But for twodecades now, I have been in theadministration of the Cine andTV Artists Association ofMumbai. So, how can mydetractors claim I am devoid ofany experience,” he asks.Students must stop “meddling inpolitics,” he stresses.

“I am broadly aware of theacademic backlogs and the direneed for upgrading standards.With a number of serious prob-lems to be dealt with, I appeal tothe students to revoke theirstrike and participate in a col-laborative effort to pull up theinstitute,” he says.

Mr. Chauhan can take comfort

from the fact that none of hisillustrious predecessors hasbeen spared the spectre of anFTII strike either.

Plagued by strikes

In 1997, when Dr. MohanAgashe, the then FTII Director,came up with an innovative ideato stop strikes by freezingadmissions until every studenthad finished his or her course,the FSA appealed to theBombay High Court and wontheir case arguing that the FTIIwas wasting governmentresources by refusing to takenew students.

According to filmmakerHansal Mehta, a lack of clarityand transparency has been afundamental flaw at the heart ofFTII, which in turn has engen-dered its steady bureaucratisa-tion. “Eschewing any concernfor the artistic future of theinstitute or students, the gamehas been reduced to a show ofstrength between political par-ties,” said Mr. Mehta. “If theI&B Ministry under theCongress put its own peoplewhen the United ProgressiveAlliance was in power, the BJPwill do the same. But even so,can a Gajendra Chauhan comeremotely close to a SaeedAkhtar Mirza or even a VinodKhanna [also a BJP leader]?”

According to eminent film-maker Anand Patwardhan, moredisturbing than Mr. Chauhan’sappointment is the unveiledattempt to ‘saffronise’ the insti-tute. “He [Chauhan] is merelyan incidental figurehead. Thedubious constitution of the gov-erning council and its murmur-ings about imbuing studentswith a ‘nationalistic fervour’ isextremely troubling,” heremarked, adding that he sym-pathised with the striking stu-dents as this was a serious ques-tion of the future of art in India.

The students, meanwhile, are

determined to continue theirstrike until the Ministry engageswith issues more seriously.“While we are distressed thatour academics are hanging fire,we cannot accept such a chair-man and a governing council. Arot at the top will affect everysubsequent appointment,including that of the newDirector in the future. He[Chauhan] does not inspire anyconfidence with his body ofwork,” said HarishankarNachimuthu, president, FSA.

Is privatisation the solution?

In the ensuing din, was the Pword uttered at all when a dele-gation of protesting studentsfrom the FTII met with I&BMinister Arun Jaitley last week?Ministry officials say Mr.Jaitley made only a reference tothe Geethakrishnan Committeeset up a little over a decade agoto examine the status of severalinstitutes, including the FTII,with a roadmap to address theissues plaguing them. TheMinistry had opposed the moveto privatise FTII then.

About five years ago, AmbikaSoni, I&B Minister in the UPAgovernment, had asked HewittAssociates to work on a reportto reform FTII, aimed atupgrading it to internationalstandards. Interestingly, theminutes of some of the meetingsheld back in 2010 say: “There isno inclusion of privatisation,disinvestment or PPP in thedraft report. The idea of PPP hasbeen long removed after the dis-cussion at the ministry andholds no part of the report.”Sources at Hewitt said the reporthas been in cold storage sincethe time of its submission.

Privatisation will put the insti-tute out of reach for many stu-dents who aspire to be part ofthe cinema industry. A bettersolution might be to appoint asuitable chairperson and initiatereal reforms quickly.

THURSDAY | JULY 16, 2015


Unveiled with great fanfare onJuly 18, 2005, the Indo-U.S.nuclear deal was touted as a

major transformative initiative. Buton its 10th anniversary this week, itsmuch-advertised energy, technologi-cal and strategic benefits for Indiastill seem elusive. Indeed, the dealhas yet to be commercialised. Thepremise on which it was founded —that India could build energy “securi-ty” by importing high-priced, foreignfuel-dependent reactors — was, inany case, a pipe dream.

The deal, given the heavy politicalinvestment in it, will eventually beoperationalised, however belatedly. Itwill take a minimum of 10 yearsthereafter for the first nuclear powerreactor under the deal to come online.After all, the international plant con-struction time frame, with licensingapproval, now averages at least adecade, with the vast majority ofreactors currently under constructionin the world plagued by seriousdelays and cost overruns.

Delays and challenges

For example, the Areva-designedplant in Finland, on Olkiluoto Island,is running at least nine years behindschedule, with its cost projected torise from €3.2 billion to €8.5 billion.The Russian-origin plant atKudankulam, in Tamil Nadu, took 13years to be completed, with the sec-ond of its two reactors yet to be com-missioned. In this light, the deal isexpected to deliver its first commis-sioned reactor a generation afterbeing signed.

But if reactor imports are to be gov-erned by “technical and commercialviability,” as Prime MinisterNarendra Modi has declared, not asingle contract would be feasible.The stalled negotiations with Arevaover the price of power suggest thatthe deal’s commercialisation wouldbe dictated neither by technical norcommercial viability but by theextent to which India is willing tofork out subsidies to support high-

priced imported reactors of a kindthat do not even mesh with its three-phase nuclear power programme.

Indeed, it is a moot questionwhether the deal will ever yield sub-stantive energy benefits, given theexorbitant price of foreign-originreactors, the concomitant need toheavily subsidise electricity generat-ed by such plants, and the grass-rootssafety concerns over the Fukushima-type multi-plant nuclear parks thatIndia has earmarked forWestinghouse, GE-Hitachi andAreva, each of which is to sell proto-type Light Water Reactor (LWR)models presently not in operationanywhere in the world. The accident-stricken Fukushima reactors, inJapan, were also the first of theirkind.

Adding to India’s risks from theproposed import of prototype modelsis its plan to induct a multiplicity ofdifferent LWR technologies from theUnited States, France and Russia.Given the several different reactortechnologies already in operation orunder development in India, suchimports will likely exacerbate thecountry’s maintenance and safetychallenges.

Issue of liability

The Indo-U.S. deal — with itsmany twists and turns — has hoggedthe limelight at virtually every bilat-eral summit. The deal took centre-stage even during U.S. PresidentBarack Obama’s January 2015 visitto India. In its arduous journeytoward implementation, the deal hasspawned multiple subsidiary agree-ments. Each auxiliary deal has beenhailed by an overzealous New Delhias an important breakthrough and adiplomatic success, regardless of theconcessions it had to make or the newobligations thrust upon it. Indeed, ithas employed smoke and mirrors tocamouflage its concessions.

Consider the latest “breakthrough”announced during Mr. Obama’s visit:India agreed to reinterpret its own

law so as to effectively transfer thenuclear-accident liability of reactorvendors to Indian taxpayers. India isalso reinterpreting a provision ofdomestic law in order to bar victimsof a nuclear accident in India fromsuing for damages in America.

Does this yielding indicate thatIndia has learned anything from itsbitter experience over the 1984 gasleak from an American-owned chem-ical plant in Bhopal that killed aboutas many people as the Fukushimadisaster? Indeed, Japan’s law, whichindemnifies reactor suppliers andmakes plant operators exclusivelyand fully liable, should serve as asobering lesson for India: GE built ordesigned the three Fukushima reac-tors that suffered core meltdowns;yet, despite a fundamental designdeficiency in the reactors, the U.S.firm escaped penalties or legal actionafter the disaster.

Supplier liability is a well-estab-lished legal concept, applied in manybusiness sectors around the world todeter suppliers from taking unduerisks. In fact, U.S. law allows suppli-ers, designers and builders of nuclearplants to be held legally liable in theevent of accidents, although the 1957Price-Anderson Act channels eco-nomic liability, but not legal liability,to operators. Internationally, howev-er, America has pushed an oppositenorm — that importing countrieschannel all liability to their plantoperators and limit all claims to thejurisdiction of their own courts so as

to free suppliers of any downsiderisks.

Economics of nuclear power

The nuclear power dream has fadedglobally. The crash of oil and gasprices, coupled with skyrocketing

reactor-construction costs, has madethe economics of nuclear power moreunfavourable than ever. Few newreactors are under construction in theWest, with the troubled nuclearpower industry desperate for exports.Even as the global role of nuclearpower appears set to become margin-al, India stands out today as the solecountry wedded to major reactor-import plans.

Surprisingly, Mr. Modi has placedthe nuclear deal, like his predecessor,at the hub of the relationship withAmerica. Washington has long pan-dered to the Indian weakness for thedeal’s consummation, with itsdecade-long negotiations charac-terised by shifting goalposts.

It made the Modi government yieldsome ground even on its demand thatIndia accept nuclear-material track-ing and accounting arrangements thatgo beyond the safeguards system thatthe International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) has approved andapplied to India’s civilian nuclearprogramme. In other words, an elab-orate bilateral safeguards system, ontop of IAEA inspections, in whichIndia will separately track andaccount for nuclear materials “by

flag” (that is, by each national ori-gin).

Going back on commitments

For its part, the U.S. has reneged onseveral of its 2005 commitments.Gone is the pretence of Washingtonextending India “full” nuclear coop-eration or granting it “the same bene-fits and advantages as other leadingcountries with advanced nucleartechnology, such as the U.S.” Gonealso is the original agreement thatIndia would “assume the sameresponsibilities and practices” asAmerica. Instead of meeting its com-mitment to adjust domestic laws andguidelines of U.S.-led multilateralregimes to “enable full civil nuclearenergy cooperation and trade withIndia,” the U.S. actually worked withits Congress and with the NuclearSuppliers Group (NSG) to barexports of what India really needs —civilian enrichment and reprocessingequipment and technology, eventhough such transfers would be underinternational safeguards.

Consider another issue: Years afterthe U.S. pledged to bring India intothe four American-led technology-control cartels — the NSG, MissileTechnology Control Regime,Australia Group and WassenaarArrangement — India is still plead-ing for its admission, with Mr.Obama in New Delhi merely reiterat-ing America’s support for India’s“phased entry” into these groups. Inanticipation of membership, Indiahad largely harmonised its exportcontrols with the guidelines of thefour cartels. It is now filing a formalapplication for admission to eachregime, in the hope that the U.S.would be more forthcoming in itssupport than it has been so far.

Reality check for India

Even in the event of India beingadmitted to the regimes, the technol-ogy controls it still faces will not goaway. These regimes are designed toharmonise export policies, not to pro-mote technology trade among mem-

ber-states. Despite the vaunted U.S.-India Defence Technology and TradeInitiative, the U.S. side refused earlythis year to accept any of the six jointhigh-technology projects proposedby India, insisting that New Delhifirst sign “foundational agreements”on military logistics and communica-tion interoperability that America hasdesigned for its allies in a patron-client framework. The four joint proj-ects announced during the Obamavisit were for relatively modestdefence products.

The key fact is that U.S. non-prolif-eration policy has yet to treat India ona par with another nuclear-armedcountry outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty fold — Israel.

Against this background, why animport deal to generate an increasing-ly expensive source of energy criticalto Indian interests but has never beenelaborated by deal pushers in India?They have peddled only beguilingslogans, such as “End of nuclearapartheid against India” and “A placefor India at the international hightable”. India would be foolhardy tosaddle its taxpayers with uneconomi-cal reactor imports, making theEnron dud look small. India’s diplo-matic overinvestment in the deal hasalready made it harder for it toaddress more fundamental issueswith the U.S., including an increas-ingly one-sided defence relationship.

It is past time for India to reducethe salience of the deal in its relationswith America. Without beingweighed down by the nuclear-dealmillstone, India would be betterplaced to forge a closer, more bal-anced partnership with Washington.The warming U.S.-India relationshiphas gained momentum independentof the deal’s future.

(Brahma Chellaney, professor ofstrategic studies at the Centre for

Policy Research, is the author,among others, of Nuclear

Proliferation: The U.S.-IndiaConflict.)

Get-together of the separatists

FTII’s long history of strife

Built on hype, deflated by reality


Website: Email: [email protected]

Fight For Right

It will be too easy to read major political intent into anIftar meeting hosted by the separatist leader of theTehreek-e-Hurriyat, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, which

also saw the presence of other separatists such as MirwaizUmar Farooq of the Hurriyat Conference and Yasin Malikof the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front. The leaders, afterall, reportedly called the meeting as “Unity Phase I”.Considering that such groups have various definitions ofseparatism and have significant differences in theirapproach towards Kashmiri nationalism, such a reading onthe basis of political unity would be inaccurate. It is clearthat the near-term reason for various separatist leadersmeeting is a commonality of interests. First is the allegedthreat from the obscure militant organisation that callsitself the Lashkar-e-Islam and whose targets includedlower-rung Hurriyat activists. Second is the call from themilitant and Pakistan-based leader of the United JihadCouncil, Syed Salahuddin, for unity among separatists.The third is the fact that there has been a lull in separatistactivity. This is in contrast to perceptions of more wind inthe sails of the State government led by the PeoplesDemocratic Party in alliance with the Bharatiya JanataParty. The significant turnout in last year’s elections andthe massive package now announced by the Central gov-ernment for development in Jammu and Kashmir areclearly points of concern for the separatists.That said,there are several differences within the separatist ranksthat cannot be overlooked even if they have seeminglyburied the hatchet and met at a social gathering. These per-sisting differences, which came to the fore even during theintense and nearly spontaneous protests in 2008, relate notjust to ideology but also to questions related to leadershipand tactics. Separatists belonging to the JKLF stream, forexample, have clearly opposed the pro-Pakistan agenda ofMr. Geelani’s outfit and his supporters and rejected hisclaims of leadership of the separatist movement. There arefew takers within the separatist stream in the valley for Mr.Geelani’s agenda of Kashmir’s merger with Pakistan. Theslogan of azaadi itself has several nuances and meanings,not all of them related to the demand for self-determina-tion. Another common thread among the separatists istheir dismay over the resumption of India-Pakistan high-level talks following the joint statement in Ufa without anyexplicit mention of Kashmir. That said, the renewed poten-tial of the separatists, working together, to create troublefor India should not be underestimated. While the Indiangovernment has done the right thing in seeking to addressits immediate concerns with Pakistan, which Islamabadhas rightly sought to work toward in the joint statement, itwould be prudent on the part of both to keep talking aboutKashmir in the background, a process that has paid divi-dends in the past.

After all, the international plantconstruction time frame, with

licensing approval, now averages atleast a decade, with the vast majori-ty of reactors currently under con-struction in the world plagued byserious delays and cost overruns.

Page 5: 16 July 2015

5 NEW DELHI | THURSDAY | JULY 16, 2015Fight for right

Website: Email: [email protected]

Modi That should be our target and we

should lay emphasis on that," Modi saidaddressing the launch event in New Delhi.

"The world needs skilled people. There is ahuge job market out there. We must map theneeds and train our youth accordingly," hesaid.

He said India has the potential to provide aworkforce of about 4 to 5 crore to the worldif the capabilities of the countrymen arehoned through proper and dynamic trainingin skills.

"This mission is for those people who areleft behind. And who are these people?People with money aren't left behind, theseare the poor," he said, adding the programmeis a war against poverty.

Modi clarified that the mission is not limit-ed to skill, but also includes entrepreneurship.

Noting that the world and technology ischanging fast, he said, "We need to havefuturistic vision and prepare plans for thenext 10 years" and advocated the need forregular interaction between industry andtechnology experts.

Observing that there are several developednations which have wealth but not humanresources, he said India, in the near future,will be the only country that can cater to thisrequirement if proper skills are developedhere.

"People of India have huge capabilities andthis has been recognised the worldover sincecenturies. We have forgotten the skills. Wehave to regain those," he said, adding thetraining institutes in India need to be dynam-ic.

He said while the Indian IITs made a namefor themselves globally in the last century, itis the turn of ITIs (Industrial TrainingInstitutes) to do the same this century.

The event saw a large turnout of Unionministers including finance minister ArunJaitley and defence minister ManoharParrikar as well as chief ministers. Foreigndignitaries and senior industry leaders wereamong the invitees.

Modi's 'Skill...Digvijay Singh took to Twitter to say,

"Another repackaging attempt of Modi GovtDigital India and Skill India, wouldn't havebeen possible if Rajiv Gandhi hadn't broughtcomputers."

He further went on to say, "Which BJPopposed claiming loss of jobs by bringingcomputers. Skill India initiated by UPA Govt,now NDA & Modi claiming Credit! GrowUp!"

On Tuesday, former finance minister andsenior Congress leader P. Chidambaram alsoechoed similar sentiments.

An official release issued by the Ministry ofSkill Development and Entrepreneurshipsaid, the campaign is an important milestonetowards achieving the objective of skillingwith speed, scale and standards across thecountry.

It said this event will bring together keystakeholders, including central ministries,departments, state governments, leadingindustry bodies and trainees.

The ministry said partnerships with allthese stakeholders is vital to ensure the suc-cess of Skill India.

The national event will be telecast liveacross more than ten thousand ITIs, NSDCtraining centres, select Nehru Yuva Kendras,and some educational institutions in all statesand union territories in the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launchthe National Skill Development Mission andunveil the new National Policy for SkillDevelopment and Entrepreneurship.

Modi will also roll out the ministry's flag-ship scheme, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikashYojana. National Skill Development Missionwill converge, coordinate, implement andmonitor skilling activities across India.

Prime Minister will also launch Skill Loaninitiative, where loans from 5,000 rupees to1.5 lakhs rupees will be available to morethan 34 lakh youth of the country, who seekto attend skill development programmes,over the next five years.

PM Narendra ...Thursday afternoon.Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, who will

also arrive at the airport from Lucknow onThursday, and Governor Ram Naik willreceive PM Modi at the airport.

At the programme, PM Modi will launch anIntegrated Power Development Scheme(IPDS), give a go-ahead to the four-laning ofthe Varanasi-Babatpur Road and lay the foun-dation stone of a Ring Road.

He will also lay the foundation stones fortwo power sub-stations at Chowk andKazzakpura respectively from the DLWGrounds and later address a public gatheringin Varanasi.

Before heading to the DLW Grounds thePrime Minister will first inaugurate themuch-awaited Trauma Centre of the BanarasHindu University.

PM Modi's June 28 rally in the holy citywas cancelled due to heavy rain, which hadleft the venue (DLW Grounds) waterlogged.

So, foolproof arrangements are being madethis time round and the PMO is monitoringall the preparations.

Power Grid Corporation of India has beenasked to erect a special waterproof pandal atthe venue. Three special technicians havebeen called from New Delhi and a large num-ber of labourers are working round the clockon it, said Sanjay Bhardwaj, Media In-chargeof Varanasi Constituency as well as thePoorvanchal (Eastern UP) Region.

Pandal flooring base has been prepared byfirst laying bricks and then covered with ply-woods, and even water pumps have beeninstalled to meet any contingencies, he said.

Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal willalso be present during the launch of the IPDSand few more Union ministers would also bepresent there.

State BJP chief Laxmikant Bajpai whoreached Varanasi on Wednesday, held meet-ings with party workers to look into thepreparations.

UP Health Minister Ahmad Hasan alongwith UP Power Minister Yasar Shah willaccompany PM Modi throughout the pro-gramme.

Deadlock on...deadlock over the land acquisition Bill is

seriously impacting rural development.Addressing the second meeting of the

Governing Council of NITI Aayog, whichwas convened to discuss the LandAcquisition Bill, he said the Centre and Statesmust move together to end poverty.

The meeting was boycotted by ChiefMinisters of the nine Congress-ruled states.Only 16 CMs were present.

Modi said, "The political deadlock overland acquisition (law) is seriously impactingrural development, including the creation ofschools, hospitals, roads and irrigation proj-ects."

Observing that there was no differencebetween the Centre and states on payingenhanced compensation, Modi said, "politicalconsiderations should not come in the way ofa solution that would facilitate developmentof rural areas, and greater prosperity for farm-ers".

The Bill was before the ParliamentaryStanding Committee, he said, adding that"ahead of the upcoming Parliament session, itwas appropriate that the suggestions of statesbe listened to, once again".

The Right to Fair Compensation andTransparency in Land Acquisition,Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act or landacquisition Bill is being scrutinised by a 30-member joint committee of Parliament. Thecommittee is scheduled to give its report laterin the month.

The monsoon session of Parliament beginson July 21.

Besides the CMs of the nine-Congressruled states, the notable absentees were WestBengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee,Tamil Nadu's J Jayalalithaa, Odisha's NaveenPatnaik and Uttar Pradesh's Akhilesh Yadav.

The meeting, however, was attended byBihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar andJammu and Kashmir Chief Minister MuftiMohammad Sayeed, besides the CMs of theNDA-ruled states.

Sewage-Polluted...Over 8,000 people have been deployed by

the municipal corporation to clean the city,toilets and the Godavari during the Kumbh.

"Last month itself, nearly 20,000 peoplecleaned the Godavari. That included govern-ment officials as well. I personally cleanedthe river", Praveen Gedam, MunicipalCommissioner of Nashik told reporters.

Indian Among ...South African charity, Gift of the Givers

Foundation, said.Chinese authorities said some of those

arrested had been watching propagandavideos from a banned group in their hotelroom, the charity added in its statement.

The group was on a 47-day tour of thecountry when they were detained at an airportin the Inner Mongolian city of Erdos. Theirtour operator realized something had gone"horribly wrong" on Sunday, two days later,the foundation said, when he hadn't heardfrom them.

"Consular staff have visited the group toprovide assistance and we are liaising withChinese authorities," a British Foreign Officespokesman told Reuters.

Chinese law enforcement authorities couldnot be immediately reached for comment.

"These individuals have no terror links, nocriminal record in their country," said Gift ofthe Givers, which has negotiated hostagereleases.

Several of those detained are relatives ofShameel Joosub, chief executive of telecomcompany Vodacom Group Ltd., the charityadded.

New HIV...people on HIV treatment meant that the

world was on its way to an AIDS-free gener-ation.

It also means that nearly 75 per cent of allpregnant women living with HIV have accessto antiretroviral medicines that improve thequality of their lives and protect their children

from HIV, he said.The report noted that India "literally"

changed the course of its national HIV epi-demic through the use of strategic informa-tion that guided its focus to the locations andpopulation approach.

"This placed communities at the centre ofthe response through the engagement of non-state actors and centrally managed policy anddonor coordination," it said.

HIV treatment coverage for people livingwith HIV and TB has also increased and interms of numbers of patients, the largestincreases in antiretroviral therapy amongpeople living with both HIV and TB haveoccurred in India, South Africa, Tanzania andZambia.

India accounts for more than 60 per cent ofthe Asia Pacific region's people living withHIV-associated TB.

Arvind Kejriwal's....10 rupees will help us pursue honest poli-

tics.""Since we came to power, our funds have

dried up. Now, we want funds to run ourparty and we want it from the public. Youpeople funded us, we never had any money tofight polls, we never took any money secret-ly from big shots... Now, after forming a gov-ernment, whatever money we had is over. Weneed money to run the party," he explained.

Last year, AAP had said that Mr Kejriwal'sfunds appeal on social media had helped theparty raise Rs. 1 crore in two days. TillNovember 2014, the party had raised Rs. 21crores, but sources say it has all been spentfor the elections in February this year that itwon.

The party received a total Rs. 4.22 lakh indonations in June; on June 17 it got Rs. 100.

AAP, launched on an anti-corruption plank,has sought to differentiate itself from otherpolitical parties by raising funds through fundraiser events and online donations. It claimsthat every paise it receives is accounted forand available for public scrutiny and chal-lenges other parties to do the same.

NITI Aayog...Mr Rudy was here to flag off 150 Skill Vans

to create awareness among masses about thegovernment's initiatives and policies on skilldevelopment. These vans will drive throughDelhi and the NCR region to make peopleaware about Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikashYojana, National Skill Development Missionand Skill Loan initiative and the like.

Mr Rudy, the Minister of State(Independent Charge) for Skill Development& Entrepreneurship, himself drove one of thevans.

"The Skill Vans are being launched to cre-ate an awareness on skill development acrossthe country," the Minister said.

He said, short duration courses can opennew job opportunities for the unemployed inthe country.

A number of programmes have been organ-ised throughout the country today to mark thefirst World Youth Skills Day.

Prabhat Pheris, Nukkad Natak and func-tions at the state level are being organised tocreate awareness among the masses.

Later in the day, Prime Minister NarendraModi will launch a slew of initiatives at amega event in New Delhi, including theNational Skill Development Mission, the newNational Policy for Skill Development andEntrepreneurship 2015 and the PradhanMantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, among others.

Billionaire at Heart...Laxmikant Sharma, former Mining and

Education Minister in Madhya Pradesh andDharmendra Pradhan, now a union minister;Congress state legislator Veer Singh Bhuria,the report said, received "regular payments"from Sudhir Sharma. "All those who areguilty should be punished," said TomVaddakan of his party.

The Vyapam scam is based on bribes paidfor the blatant and wide-spread manipulationof recruitment exams for government jobsand state colleges.

After six months of dodging arrest, SudhirSharma was jailed in July 2014, a month afterformer minister Laxmikant Sharma, whom heserved as an aide in the early 2000s.

The income tax report accessed by NDTValleges that Sudhir Sharma regularly receivedlakhs in cash from two colleges linked to theVyapam scam. That money, tax officials said,"was passed onto a Madhya Pradesh minis-ter's aide on the same day". The report calledfor an inquiry into "deep links" between theentrepreneur and Laxmikant Sharma.

RTI to Now...Court had last year, in a landmark verdict,

given recognition to transgenders as the thirdgender. It had then also asked governments togrant them all facilities including a voter ID,passport and driving licence, among others.

The apex court had also directed the Centreand states to take steps for bringing the com-munity into the mainstream by providing ade-quate healthcare, education and employment.

The waslaunched in 2013 to enable citizens to fileRTI applications online.

The Centre's flagship Right to InformationAct, which was enacted in 2005, mandatestimely response to citizen's request for gov-

ernment information.One has to pay a fee of Rs 10 for seeking

information. The portal also helps an RTIapplicant and appellant to see the status of hisapplication and appeal.

An information seeker is allowed to submita fee of Rs 10, towards cost of information,via internet banking or through SBI and itsassociated banks. People can also use credit,debit and RuPay cards to make payment onthe website.

Woman Killed...shelling. Two mortar shells landed at

Bhalwal Bhrath village that killed a womanand injured two other civilians.

The deceased has been identified as PoliDevi, 42, a resident of Akhnoor sector.

"Three others - Ramesh Lal and Usha Devi,both civilians, and constable Anjali Kumar of89 battalion of BSF - have been injured in thefiring," a senior police officer said.

"Two of the injured persons have beenshifted to Jammu city for treatment, while thethird, Usha Devi, is being treated in a localhospital in Pargwal village near the border,"he said.

"Pakistan Rangers started unprovoked fir-ing at Molu post of the BSF in Akhnoor sec-tor today morning," he said earlier.

"One BSF trooper was injured in the firingwhich started at 8:55 am. BSF has retaliatedusing small arms and automatics," he added.

In recent months, Pakistan troops have fre-quently violated the bilateral ceasefire on theline of control and the international border inJammu and Kashmir each time a leader fromIndia's central government visits the state.

BJP to Roll...yatra' (journey of change) across the state.

They will go to every village and locality inthe state and take our party's audio visualmessages to the people," party's general sec-retary and Bihar in-charge Bhupendra Yadavsaid today.

Mr Yadav said the raths will highlight theplight of Bihar during the "15-year rule ofRJD chief Lalu Prasad" and how it destroyedthe state.

It will also focus "on the seven years ofprogress under the NDA rule and again two-and-a-half years of chaos and confusion", hesaid.

"Our party has made 80 lakh new membersin the state. These raths with the help of NDAconstituents and allies including LJP, RLSPand Hindustan Awam Morcha - Secular, willreach all houses in the state and with theirhelp reaffirm our determination to changeBihar to ensure better development andfuture," Mr Yadav said.

Street plays will be staged and party leaderswill work in tandem with booth-level workersto spread the message of change. Party work-ers will also indulge in door-to-door cam-paign for the polls.

"The results of Legislative Council pollshave already declared that panchayati raj rep-resentatives have put faith in BJP and itsallies. Their mandate is a clear-cut indicationthat Bihar is progressing on the path ofchange," Mr Yadav said.

The BJP Bihar in-charge also said thatPrime Minister Narendra Modi is coming onJuly 25 to address a 'Parivartan Rally' atMuzaffarpur.

Army Vice Chief...Line of Control in the area by Major

General Kulpreet Singh, the spokesman said.He was received by Major General

Kulpreet Singh, General OfficerCommanding, Crossed Swords Division,Major General Sanjeev Narain, GeneralOfficer Commanding, Tiger Division and AirCommodore Ashutosh Lal, Air OfficerCommanding, Air Force Station, Jammu atTechnical Area Jammu.

The Vice Chief also paid homage and richtributes to brave martyrs of the CrossedSwords Division at the 'Warriors' Grove'.

Thereafter, he visited the forward locationof Rakhmuthi and addressed the troops in aspecial Sainik Sammelan where he applaudedthe efforts of the men in ensuring peace andthe defence of the country and for placing thecall of duty above all while serving the moth-erland.

The General Officer bestowed his bestwishes to the units in the forward areas andexhorted all ranks to rededicate themselves tothe service of the nation.

India Will ...prices," he said. India is the world's fourth

largest oil consumer and also the secondbiggest buyer of Iranian oil after China,importing about 11 million tonnes of crudeoil in 2014-15.

However, Mr Pradhan remained non-com-mital on whether India will increase importsfrom Iran after restricting it at 11 milliontonnes in the past two fiscal.

In Dramatic Rescue....highway between Ahmednagar and Shirdi.

The vehicle fell on a pan shop vendor.An Indian Army bus passing through

noticed the commotion and stopped. Onassessing the situation, about a dozen person-nel got together and using only their strengthheaved the truck back into place.

A video that has been circulated onWhatsApp zooms in on the man who sur-vived the weight of the truck.

"Must see the video and salute the IndianArmy. These are GUARDSMEN presumablyfrom the Regt Centre passing through...KUDOS! !!" said a message posted alongwith the video.

End Protests ...the institute's director, warning of strict

action, including expulsion, was handed overto students who have been on strike for overa month.

The students have been boycotting classesin protest against the appointment of MrChauhan, alleging that he lacks the creden-tials and vision need for the post, and that hewas appointed only because of his proximityto the ruling BJP. Mr Chauhan has refused toquit and has dismissed the protests as well asadvice from several renowned film personal-ities to step down.

A meeting between the protesters andInformation and Broadcasting Minister ArunJaitley failed to produce a solution to the row.Oscar winning sound engineer ResulPookutty, who met the senior minister alongwith other protesters to press for MrChauhan's removal, tweeted last week: "Notjust @AnupamPkher Mr.@arunjaitley alsotold us in the meeting that we haven't madethe best of choice but as a Govt.we can'tretract!"

In the middle of the crisis, the governmenthas put off an interview to select the newdirector of FTII, sources have told reporters.The interview was to be conducted by a panelheaded by Mr Chauhan.

16-Year-Old....confessed to the Juvenile Justice Board on

Tuesday that he had killed the couple on July7 and took away Rs 36,000, said Aizawl dis-trict Superintendent of Police C Laldina.

The boy was arrested from his home a dayafter the crime, Mr Laldina said.

Mr Laldina said quoting the boy as havingtold the Board members that he had beengiven a single-barrelled gun to hunt animalsin the jungle surrounding his village and wasovercome by the temptation to rob his step-sister so that he could buy a mobile phone.

"The boy went back, gunned down the hus-band and hit his step-sister with firewood,"his interrogators said adding that he alsoinflicted several injuries with an axe."

The couple recently received Rs 66,000from the government after being selected asthe beneficiary of the state government's flag-ship programme - the New Land Use Policyof which they had already spent around Rs30,000 and the rest stolen by the accused.

Manipur CM...implementation of ILP system, as desired

by the people of Manipur, within threemonths.

The chief minister invited suggestions fromgeneral public, experts, Joint Committee onInner Line Permit System (JCILPS) and othercivil society organisations, R K Bhagat SinghLiaison Officer (press/media), ManipurLegislative Assembly said.

Meanwhile, the state Assembly also with-drew the Manipur Regulation of Visitors,Tenants and Migrant Workers (MRVTMW)Bill, 2015.

While moving the motion for withdrawal ofthe MRVTMW Bill, 2015, which was passedin the house on March 16, the chief ministersaid the same Bill was sent to the Presidentby the state governor for approval and that ithas been lying with the President.

Speaker Th Lokeshwar Singh had calledthe emergency sitting of the ManipurAssembly during the day to discuss themotion to withdraw the MRVTMW Bill,2015.

The speaker adjourned the Assembly afterthe house unanimously passed the motion towithdraw MRVTMW Bill.

Petrol Rs 2.78 (approximately) per litre, while

diesel would dearer by Rs 1.83 (approximate-ly) per lite.

The retail price of petrol in Delhi will benow be Rs 69.43 per litre and diesel will sellat Rs 52.07 per litre.

The VAT rate on petrol has been increasedfrom present to 25 per cent from 20 per centand on diesel to 16.6 per cent from 12.5 percent. The move is aimed at bringing unifor-mity in the tax rates and now the retail priceof diesel in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi willbe almost the same.

The effective retail price of petrol, evenafter this hike however will be lowest inDelhi as compared to neighbouring statesincluding Haryana and Punjab.

Oil companies fortnightly revise fuel ratesbased on international oil prices, which is stilldue.

India Paid ...if the pact is scuttled by the US Congress.

US National Security Advisor Susan Ricehas argued that if the deal is not approved bythe Congress, countries like India and Japanwould no longer be obliged to enforce USsanctions against Iran.

From Page 1

Page 6: 16 July 2015

SCIENCE & TECH6 NEW DELHI | THURSDAY | JULY 16, 2015Fight for right

Website: Email: [email protected]

Leading e-retailerFlipkart on Mondayunveiled a novel

policy to allow its employ-ees to adopt children.

"Our employees will begranted paid leave and Rs.50,000 allowance to meetlegal, agency and regulato-ry costs for adoption. Wehave about 30,000employees across thecountry," a Flipkartspokesman told IANS inBengaluru.

Adoptive mothers willget six months paid leaveand four months of flexibleworking hours, whileadoptive fathers will beeligible for six weeks ofpaid leave.

Noting that more work-ing couples were adoptingchildren, the e-commerceplayer said its adoptionassistance programmewould add value andencourage work-life bal-ance among professionals.

The company, however,did not give break-up of itsemployees, including

working couples and howmany of them will opt foradoption.

"The policy objective isto give employees time tobond with an adoptedchild. Absence from workon prior approval is flexi-ble, as it allows more timeto meet their personalneeds and priorities," thecompany said in a state-ment.

Adoptive employees canalso avail three months ofunpaid leave with assur-ance of job continuity.

"We will facilitate tie-upwith day-care centres forchildren up to six yearsand its cost will be sharedequally by the companyand employees," the state-ment noted.

In support of its initia-tive, the company quoted areport from the state-runcentral adoption resourceauthority, which said 1,368children found new homesin the first quarter of thisyear across thecountry.

1. Neurospora is used as genetic material becauseA. it has short life cycle of 10 daysB. the product of single meiosis can be easilyanalysedC. meiotic products are linearly arranged in the formof ordered tetradsD. is a diploid fungus

2. Phloem is a tissue found inA. reproductive organs of animals B. plantsC. insects D. mammals

3. N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due toA. N2 fixation B. industrial pollutionC. nitrogen cycle D. absorption of N2

4. out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in acell membrane, what is true?

A. Lipids are maximumB. Carbohydrates are minimumC. Carbohydrates are maximumD. All three are in equal proportion


Answer: 1(A), 2(B), 3(C), 4(B)

TODAY’S STARARIES Plans to get some long-neglected tasks done around the house or yard

may be interrupted by a phone call from someone dear who lives faraway. You might be so excited by the call that you are no longer in theright frame of mind to finish your work once the conversation ends. Don'tworry. You can always get the tasks done later.

TAURUS Plans to get together with a close friend or romantic partner might goawry due to circumstances beyond your control, Taurus. Sudden eventscould necessitate being out of touch. You might have to face delayswhen you're trying to make arrangements. Don't give up - you will reachyour goal but just a little later than you'd hoped. Accept things as theyare and change your schedule. These things happen.

GEMINI A member of your household has perhaps been withholdingsome negative emotions for a long time. He or she may finally letloose with everything today. This could prove disconcerting,Gemini, as you probably had no idea this was going on. Somehonest talk is definitely in order. Try to show that you understand.All should be fine in the end.

CANCER An unexpected and perhaps unwelcome call or email from a co-worker might mean you have to work some extra hours, Cancer.This could be frustrating. You may feel that someone is takingunfair advantage of you. If you aren't up to doing it, say no. Thiswon't affect your long-term standing with this person. Otherwise,grit your teeth, dig in, and think of it as a favor.

LEO You may have been saving up for something you really wanted, Leo,when an unexpected expense compels you to spend some of your sav-ings. This could cause some gloom. Make sure you've exhausted all ofyour other options before digging into your nest egg. Appearances couldbe deceiving. There could be other resources at your disposal that youdidn't immediately think of.

VIRGO Some hidden problems in your house could suddenly appear,Virgo. This could involve plumbing, electricity, or the walls. Repairsare definitely indicated. It's best if you see to them right away ratherthan wait. The problem will only escalate if neglected. It's probablybetter to call in professionals than to try to do it yourself. Things likethis are a drag, but they happen.

LIBRA Some strange communications could come your way today, Libra.Hang-ups or blank emails could have you wondering who the personis and what they want from you. This is probably due more to prob-lems with phone lines or Internet connections than to anything else,so don't waste time worrying. If you think you know who's trying toreach you, wait until tomorrow and contact him or her.

SCORPIO A group you're affiliated with could find some discrepancies in theirfinancial records and ask you to check into it, Scorpio. This is prob-ably due more to mistaken entries or lost pages than to any majordisaster, but solving it will set everyone's mind at ease. Don't besurprised if you have to dig through little scraps of paper buried inthe bottom of files. It will be worth it, though.

SAGITTARIUS Secrets that someone close has been trying to keep hidden could comeout today, Sagittarius. This may or may not be something Earthshaking,but either way, some quick damage control might prevent them frombecoming common knowledge. The people around you are more under-standing than you know, so express how you feel. By tomorrow it shouldbe old news. Take care of business and all will be well.

CAPRICORN Some strange news concerning friends who live far away couldcome to you secondhand today, Capricorn. Attempts to reachthe people in question may prove fruitless, at least now. Withholdjudgment about what you hear until you talk to your friends, asmuch of what is passed on to you is likely to be misinformation.Tomorrow you should have better luck reaching them.

AQUARIUS Some rather unsettling insights into a friend's thoughts and feel-ings could come to you today. Your intuition is keener than usual,Aquarius, so trust your instincts about everyone, even strangers.Disconcerting though it may be, the experience will increase yourunderstanding of others and enable you to deal with them in theright way. This could strengthen your relationships.

PISCES A disagreement with a friend or family member could cause confu-sion and hurt feelings if it isn't nipped in the bud. Communication isthe key, Pisces. Avert misunderstanding by explaining in detailexactly what it is you need or what you're prepared to give. Don'tassume everyone knows this already. Do this in person if you can.Phone or email might not be as effective.

Nokia on Mondayissued a statementclarifying its plan

to re-enter the mobiledevice business by latenext year. As before,Finnish company notedthat one of the possibleways to get back intomobile business wasthrough brand-licensingmodel. Further detailing,Robert Morlino,spokesman for NokiaTechnologies, added thatNokia was looking for apartner that could takeresponsibility for all of themanufacturing, sales, mar-keting, and customer sup-port for the product.

Saying the reentry intothe mobile business was"complicated", Morlinogave the example of theNokia N1 Android tablet,which was launched lastyear with a brand-licensingagreement with Foxconnthat made the establishedChinese OEM responsiblefor manufacturing, distri-bution, and sales of thetablet.

"If and when we find aworld-class partner who

can take on those responsi-bilities, we would workclosely with them to guidethe design and technologydifferentiation, as we didwith the Nokia N1 Androidtablet. That's the only waythe bar would be met for amobile device we'd be

proud to have bear theNokia brand, and that peo-ple will love to buy," saidMorlino.

The company clarifiedthat the partner they arelooking for should able todo all "heavy lifting" and

should be able to workclosely with Nokia todeliver a product. Nokia asa company currently existsin mobile network infra-structure, mapping servic-es, and technology devel-opment and licensing seg-ments.

Talking about a possibletimeline for the launch ofits smartphone, Nokia,which was once the world'slargest mobile manufactur-er, revealed that it will beonly in Q4 2016, when therestrictions in place fromthe Microsoft acquisitionend.

"We will look for theright partner who can takeon the heavy lifting andwork closely with us todeliver a great product. Aswe agreed with Microsoft,the soonest that could hap-pen is Q4 2016 - so it's safeto say Nokia won't be back(at least in phone form...)before then," addedMorlino.

To recall, the terms of theMicrosoft-Nokia deal hadstipulated the Finnish com-pany couldn't use theNokia brand on smart-phones till Q4 2016, andon feature phones for 10years.

Last month, Nokia'sCEO Rajeev Suri had alsorevealed plans to re-enterthe mobile phone businesslate next year.

iBall Andi 3.5V Genius2 With 3.5-InchDisplay Listed on Company Site

12:00AM MasterChefIndia : Extra Class01:00AM Ye HaiMohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko

Kya Naam Doon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Tere Shehar Mein05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM Tu Mera Hero07:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas08:00AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki08:30AM Tere Shehar Mein09:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein10:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya10:30AM Tu Mera Hero11:00AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas11:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir12:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum12:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai01:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum02:30PM MasterChef India03:00PM Tere Shehar Mein03:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins05:00PM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas05:30PM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:00PM MasterChef India06:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki07:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya :Ab Tak Ka Safar07:30PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein08:00PM Tu Mera Hero08:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins09:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai10:00PM Tere Shehar Mein10:30PM MasterChef India11:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein11:30PM Tu Mera Hero __________________________

12:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM Jodha Akbar02:30AM Kumkum

Bhagya03:00AM Jamai Raja03:30AM Doli Armaano Ki04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Narayan Seva Sansthan05:30AM Dera Saccha Sauda06:00AM Sant Nirankari Mandal06:30AM The Faith show

07:00AM Kumkum Bhagya07:30AM Service Wali Bahu08:00AM Satrangi Sasural08:30AM Jamai Raja09:00AM Kumkum Bhagya09:30AM Jodha Akbar10:00AM Service Wali Bahu10:30AM Hello Pratibha11:00AM Doli Armaano Ki11:30AM Satrangi Sasural12:00PM Jamai Raja12:30PM Kumkum Bhagya01:00PM Service Wali Bahu01:30PM Doli Armaano Ki02:00PM Satrangi Sasural02:30PM Jamai Raja03:00PM Kumkum Bhagya03:30PM Hello Pratibha04:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs04:30PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai05:00PM Jodha Akbar05:30PM Qubool Hai06:00PM Kumkum Bhagya06:30PM Service Wali Bahu07:00PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai07:30PM Hello Pratibha08:00PM Jodha Akbar08:30PM Jamai Raja09:00PM Kumkum Bhagya09:30PM Qubool Hai10:00PM Satrangi Sasural10:30PM Doli Armaano Ki11:00PM Service Wali Bahu11:30PM Jamai Raja _________________________

12:00AM Best ofSavdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : UP FightBack Now

01:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

03:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

04:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

05:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Punjab FightBack now

06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

07:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

07:30AM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

08:30AM Comedy Classes09:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si09:30AM Mere Rang Mein Rangne


10:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

10:30AM Comedy Classes11:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si11:30AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki12:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back01:00PM Best Of Savdhaan India :

Mumbai Fights Back02:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

02:30PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

03:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

04:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

05:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

06:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

07:00PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

07:30PM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00PM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

08:30PM Kalash09:00PM Laut Aao Trisha09:30PM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si10:00PM Comedy Classes10:30PM Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back11:30PM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! __________________________

12:00AM SoundShuffle0 1 : 0 0 A MTeleshopping

06:30AM Morning Music Mocha07:00AM Morning Music Mocha08:00AM Jump Starter09:00AM Morning Music Mania10:30AM Tweet Your Beat11:00AM Bindass Juke Box12:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui01:00PM Halla Bol (2)02:00PM Love By Chance03:00PM Teleshopping03:45PM Bounce04:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui05:00PM Fb Jukebox06:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui07:00PM Halla Bol (2)08:00PM Love By Chance09:00PM Halla Bol (2)10:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui11:00PM Love By Chance __________________________

12:00AM Bade AchheLagte Hain12:30AM Teleshopping01:00AM Ring Wrong

Ring01:30AM FIR

02:00AM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo02:30AM Lapataganj03:00AM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi03:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain04:00AM Saas Bina Sasural04:30AM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge05:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye

Kuch Bhi Karega06:00AM Teleshopping07:48AM Filler08:00AM Teleshopping08:24AM Teleshopping08:48AM Filler09:00AM Ring Wrong Ring09:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:00AM Gutur Gu10:30AM Lapataganj11:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega12:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo12:30PM FIR01:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain01:30PM Saas Bina Sasural02:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi02:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge03:00PM Lapataganj03:30PM FIR04:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo04:30PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain05:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi05:30PM Saas Bina Sasural06:00PM Gutur Gu06:30PM Ring Wrong Ring07:00PM Jeannie Aur Juju07:30PM FIR08:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo08:30PM Lapataganj09:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi09:30PM Saas Bina Sasural10:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge11:00PM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega ___________________________

0 1 : 0 5 A MChakradhaar02:55AM Shikari: The

Hunter05:30AM Ram Jaane07:55AM Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge10:50AM Hulchul02:05PM Garam Masala05:05PM Bandhan08:00PM Bhaag Milkha Bhaag_________________________

12:51AM Filler04:09AM Tere

Mere Phere06:15AM Manjunath08:57AM Thunderball11:39AM Monsters vs. Aliens01:36PM Deewana04:52PM Main Khiladi Tu Anari08:00PM Ishq11:00PM Quantum of Solace

Flipkart Announces Schemefor Employees to Adopt Kids Pinterest is not a social net-

work but a "catalogue ofideas" to help people dis-

cover and try new things in theirlives, founder and chief execu-tive Ben Silbermann says.

Silbermann said Monday thatthe company - now valued at $11billion (roughly Rs. 69,916crores) after its latest funding - isfundamentally different fromsocial networks which try tobring users together.

"We've always thought of

Pinterest as a catalogue of ideas,"he told the Fortune BrainstormTech conference in Aspen,Colorado.

"There are recipes to cook,there are products to buy, thereare places to visit. And we figureour job is taking this huge cata-logue of ideas - there are 50 bil-lion pins - and to show you theright ones at the right time. And Ithink that's a different thing thana social network."

Pinterest has become one of the

Internet's hottest websites, partic-ularly among women, by givingpeople virtual bulletin boards thatthey can decorate with picturesshowcasing interests in anythingfrom food to sports, to fashion ortravel.

Pinterest is making internation-al growth its top priority,Silbermann said, noting thatsome 40 percent of its users arenow outside the United States.

No IPO comingBut he also said there are no

immediate plans for public stockoffering and that the SanFrancisco company is focused ongrowing its base and buildingrevenues, mainly around adver-tising.

"We don't have any short-termplans to go public," Silbermannsaid.

"Our inspiration is to build aproduct that people love... and tobuild a business model that cansupport that."

Silbermann said Pinterest -

which sometimes calls itself a"visual bookmarking tool" -helps people with important per-sonal choices.

"These are some of the mostimportant and personal decisionspeople make - what am I going toeat, what's my home going tolook like, where am I going totravel. I think people struggle tohave good tools to make thosedecisions. They still flip throughcatalogues, they look at bill-boards."

Pinterest CEO Sees Site's Future in Its 'Catalogue of Ideas'

Intex has unveiled itslatest product inIndia, the 2111-FHD

television, at a price ofRs. 9,990. The 21-inchtelevision features a full-HD (1920x1080 pixel)resolution display. The21-inch size was onceamongst the most popu-lar television sizes inIndia, and Intex will behoping to popularise itagain with its impressivespecification sheet.

The standout feature ofthe Intex is its full-HD res-olution, which promises tooffer more detail and asharper picture, despite thesmall dimensions. It's alsolight and easy to handle,with a net weight of just2.4kg. The TV also fea-tures a 16.7 million colourdisplay, two 3W speakers,a response time of 5ms anda wall-mounting kitincluded in the box. TheTV also features Eye Safe-T, which offers betterresponse times, smoothermotion and a viewingexperience designed to beeasy on your eyes.

Speaking at the launch,Nidhi Markanday,Business Head, ConsumerDurables & IT Accessoriesfor Intex said, "Intex

Technologies hasalways aimed at pro-

viding customers morethan satisfaction. The wayour products weave theexperience of entertain-ment into happiness iswhat we aim to achieve.Our rapidly increasingacceptance of ConsumerDurable products clearlyshowcases the popularityof our brand and cementsour connection with ourcustomers. The LED 2111-FHD is another revolution-ary offering from Intexwhich shall connect theconsumers again with theonce hugely popular 21-inch TV size. This modelnot only provides powerfulfeatures but also fits per-fectly in your budget. Withthis new launch we aim to

bring thebest of our offer-ing at a delightful price."

Intex has not specifiedexactly how many HDMIand USB inputs the TVhas, and the TV has not yetbeen listed on the compa-ny's website at the time ofwriting. The TV also hasan odd 16:7 aspect ratio,which may lead to a pic-ture surrounded by blackbars or at worst, stretched,as most video content uses4:3, 16:9 or 21:9 aspectratios.

The Intex 2111-FHDwill be available for Rs.9,990, and is the Indianbrand's cheapest full-HDtelevision set. Intex hasalso launched 42-inch and50-inch full-HD TVs thisyear.

Intex Launches 21-Inch Full-HD Television at Rs. 9,990

Page 7: 16 July 2015

SPORTS7 NEW DELHI | THURSDAY | JULY 16, 2015Fight for right

Website: Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHIThe Board of Control for

Cricket in India (BCCI)went into a huddle follow-ing the suspension ofChennai Super Kings andRajasthan Royals by theJustice RM Lodha panel onTuesday. A crucial IndianPremier League GoverningCouncil meeting inMumbai on Sunday willtake stock of the situationand discuss the way for-ward. Corporate India nowsee a great opportunity toown teams even as formerfranchises Pune and Kochisee light at the end of thetunnel.

The IPL, experts esti-mate a $4 billion brandvalue, must have at leasteight teams. According toan agreement with tourna-ment broadcasters Sony, aminimum of 60 matchesneed to be played in anyedition. With only sixteams in the fray, that tar-get would be impossible. Itgets more complex with

the format of home andaway matches. The possi-bility of two new teams ishigh and there will be noshortage of takers.

Pune and Kochi lost theirright to own teams due tofinancial reasons. Punewas owned by the Saharagroup, BCCI's formersponsors. Sources say thatcorporate India is keen tobuy teams and word is thatthe Mittals, Jindals,Dhoots, Adanis and

Munjals are keen.There is also interest

from overseas, particularlyfrom the Johannesburg-based Guptas. As well ascomputers, the Guptas -worth $22 million annually-- have interests in mining,air travel, energy, technol-ogy and media. One of thethree brothers, Atul, onceowned a A1 GP team in2005-06. There are at leasteight bidders who are keento make a pitch for the two

slots. Prominent amongthem are Sajjan Jindal,UK-based tycoon LakshmiMittal, Gautam Adani,Videocon's VenugopalDhoot, Harsh Goenka ofRPG Group and PrasadPotluri of Telangana-basedPVP Ventures.

The Jindals are alreadydiscussing a takeover ofRoyal ChallengersBangalore. Current ownerVijay Mallya may lose hisstakes.

CSK, Rajasthan Royals' Suspension OpensIPL Window for Corporate India Biggies

TAIPEITop Indian shuttlers P V

Sindhu and K Srikanth, andfast-rising Sameer Vermareached the second roundof the USD 200,000Chinese Taipei Grand PrixGold badminton tourna-ment here on Wednesday.(Click here for latest inBadminton)

In women's singles,world no. 14 Sindhudefeated Indonesia'sLindaweni Fanetri 21-19

21-19 to set up a clash withthird seed Tai Tzu Ying ofChinese Taipei.

World No.3 Srikanthdefeated Chinese Taipei'sTzu Wei Wang 21-17 21-15in a 34-minute battle inmen's singles competition.The third seeded Indianwill next take onIndonesian Ihsan MaulanaMustofa. (Jwala Gutta-Ashwini Ponnappa Set tobe Included in TOPScheme by Sports

Ministry)Sameer also crossed the

first hurdle with a hard-fought 20-22 21-13 21-13win over Chinese Taipei'sKuo Po Cheng. He willmeet world no. 1 ChenLong of China next.

However, it was the endof the road forCommonwealth Gamesbronze medallist RMVGurusaidutt as he lost 21-23 17-21 to Shesar HirenRhustavito of Indonesia.

LONDONSerena Williams, who

owns all four tennis GrandSlam titles for the secondtime in her career, hasachieved another historicmilestone in the wake ofher Wimbledon victory.

The WTA Tour revealedTuesday that world numberone Williams is the firsttop-ranked player everwith more than twice asmany points as her nearestrival.

Records dating to theWTA's 1973 foundingshow the 33-year-oldAmerican's domination tobe the greatest of any pointin the rankings' history,with Williams on 13,161points and Russia's second-ranked Maria Sharapovaon 6,490. (Calendar Slamno Swear for Serena)

In addition to sweepingthe US, French andAustralian Opens plusWimbledon over the past12 months, Williams wonlast year's WTA Finals inSingapore and at Miami

last March to help buildher runaway rankings mar-gin.

Williams beat Sharapovain the Wimbledon semi-finals and downed Spain'sGarbine Muguruza in lastSaturday's final to win hersixth Wimbledon crownand 21st Grand Slam titleoverall. (Serena Inspired

by Ageless Federer)That puts Williams one

shy of matching Steffi Graffor the Open Era-record of22 Grand Slam singlescrowns and just three shyof Margaret Court's all-time record of 24.

Williams has won asmany Grand Slam titles asall other active women's

players combined, includ-ing Sharapova's five andseven for Venus Williams,Serena's older sister. PetraKvitova, SvetlanaKuznetsova and VictoriaAzarenka have won twomajor titles each whileSamantha Stosur, AnaIvanovic and FrancescaSchiavone own one each.

PV Sindhu, Kidambi Srikanth Reach ChineseTaipei Grand Prix Gold Second Round

Serena Williams Hits AnotherMilestone With Ranking Feat

MELBOURNEThe relationship between

Australian tennis' govern-ing body and one of itsbrightest stars, BernardTomic, seems almostbeyond repair, with theyoungster's father onTuesday threatening to sueTennis Australia (TA) fordefamation. (TennisAustralia Apologises For'Hall Of Shame' Gaffe)

The potential legal actionfollows a "clerical error",where TA mistakenlyreported Tomic would beplaying in the "Hall ofShame" tournament in theorganization's daily resultsemail. reports Xinhua.

In fact, the tournamentthe 22-year-old wasentered to play in was the"Hall of Fame" grasscourtevent in Newport, RhodeIsland, which began onJuly 11. (Tomic DumpedFrom Davis Cup Squad)

Tennis Australia quicklycorrected the email 14minutes later, andexplained in a statement:"The result listing beforethe Hall of FameChampionships, the SharmEl Sheikh event in Egypt,won by Astra Sharma,should provide someexplanation as to how this

error occurred. There wasno malicious intent."

But the Tomics are notconvinced by the explana-tion.

In a statement sent toFairfax media on Tuesday,Bernard's father, John,expressed his disdain at thetreatment of his son.

"The Tomic family isvery disappointed by TA'scontinual shaming andmisrepresentation ofBernard," he said.

"It seems TA have com-menced living up to theirthreat. How typicallychildish and arrogant of TAto permit publication ofsuch material and thenexpect to get away with it.We have no alternative butto refer the matter to ourlegal people for advice."

Tomic ended up losing

his Hall of Fame round of32 match 6-3, 7-5 to fellowAustralian John PatrickSmith who ranks 131places below the world No.25.

Over the past monthTennis Australia has had itshands full dealing withantics of another of thecountry's most promisingtalents, Nick Kyrgios, whowas accused of "tanking"in his fourth round matchagainst Richard Gasquet.

After his third-round lossto world No. 1 NovakDjokovic, Tomic unleaseda scathing attack on TennisAustralia's chief executiveCraig Tiley, presidentSteve Healy and perform-ance director Pat Rafter,after the organisation indi-cated they would no longerfund Bernard's sister Sara.

LONDONThe MCC World Cricket

Committee, whose newestmembers include formerIndia captain SouravGanguly, formerAustralian captain RickyPonting, and formerPakistani player RamizRaja, feels the ICC's deci-sion to limit the ODIWorld Cup to 10 teams is a'retrograde step' and detri-mental to the sport'schances of finding a placein the Olympics.

The committee met atLord's on July 13 and 14 --the first gathering for thenew members, and the lastfor outgoing membersRahul Dravid and SteveBucknor.

"The ICC Cricket WorldCup should be a twelve-team tournament. Thecommittee believes thatthe organisation of a ten-team ICC Cricket WorldCup for 2019 and 2023 is aretrograde step that dam-ages the potential forgrowth in cricket's devel-oping nations," the com-mittee said in a statementafter the meeting.

"The committee urgesthe ICC Board to reconsid-er its position and take adecision that it believes isin the best interests of theglobal game. This wouldneed to be done in the nexttwelve months for cricketto have a chance of beingincluded in the 2024Olympics.

"A preliminary qualifica-tion round could be heldfor the lower ranked FullMember teams and the topAssociate nations, thatwouldn't lengthen the tour-nament and would givemore teams a chance tocompete in the sport's best50-over competition. Thecommittee has asked ICCto look again at its decisionto limit the numbers toonly ten teams," it added.

The committee also rec-ommended that everyeffort should be made tomake cricket an Olympicsport.

"The Olympics is a fun-damental opportunity forcricket - in both the men'sand women's game - andwith a global reach, such apresence would expose thegame positively to newmarkets.

"Competing in anOlympic Games would bea huge opportunity forplayers, a massive boost todeveloping cricket nationsand give much greaterexposure for the sport to anew audience.Government funding inmany countries is specifi-cally linked to a sport'sOlympic status.

Sourav Ganguly, Ricky Ponting Batfor 12-Team World Cup in 2019

Bernard Tomic Threatens To SueTennis Australia For Defamation

LONDONAustralia captain

Michael Clarke has said heexpects Brad Haddin toplay again in the Ashesdespite the wicket-keeper'swithdrawal fromThursday's second Test atLord's.

The 37-year-old Haddinpulled out on Tuesday,with a team spokeswomannot giving any more detailsbeyond "family reasons".

Clarke did not get intospecifics either when hespoke to reporters at Lord'son Wednesday but said heexpected Haddin, who isstaying on tour, to featureagain in the series.

"He's doing as well as hecan do," said Clarke ofHaddin. "I think this timeright now it is prettyimportant we respect theprivacy of the Haddin fam-ily and give him thischance to be with his fami-ly."

Clarke added: "I'm reallyconfident that we'll seemore of Brad Haddinthroughout this series andhe will play a big part inthe rest of this series."

England captain AlastairCook said : "Our thoughts

are with him (Haddin)."I don't know the

specifics, but when youhear it's for personal rea-sons you just hope his fam-ily are OK.

"The England side sendtheir best wishes."

Haddin's decision towithdraw from the secondTest is not the first time hehas put his family ahead ofhis cricket career.

In 2012, Haddin tookseveral months out of thegame after his then 17-month-old daughter Miawas diagnosed with neu-roblastoma -- a rare formof cancer.

As his daughter's condi-

tion improved, Haddinreturned to internationalcricket during Australia'slosing 2013 Ashes tour ofEngland.

Haddin was not at hisbest during England's 169-run win in the first Test inCardiff, dropping Joe Rooton nought before theYorkshireman made 134.

Haddin's place at Lord'swill be taken by interna-tional debutant PeterNevill, also his deputybehind the stumps at NewSouth Wales.

Clarke was confident the29-year-old would acquithimself well at Lord's asAshes-holders Australia

look to level the five-match series.

"That's the reason youpick a second wicket-keep-er," Clarke said. "I'm reallyconfident we bring some-one in who is in reallygood form."

Nevill scored 764 first-class runs at an average of76.40 during the lastAustralian season, includ-ing an unbeaten 235against Tasmania in Hobartand completed 34 dis-missals in the domesticSheffield Shield.

Cook said he did notexpect Nevill's inclusion toweaken Australia.

"His first-class record ispretty decent, he's averag-ing 45 and got a double-hundred," Cook said

"So we expect it to be nodifferent in terms of thequality.

"He's obviously beentalked about as being his(Haddin's) replacement fora couple of years."

Cook added Englandwould look to utilise theinside knowledge of newcoach Trevor Bayliss, pre-viously in charge of NewSouth Wales.

Michael Clarke Confident Brad Haddin Still Has Ashes Role

LONDONAustralia, reeling from

the late withdrawal ofwicket-keeper BradHaddin, are reportedly setto drop Shane Watson forthe second Ashes Test atLord's on Thursday as theybid to level the five-matchseries at 1-1.

Watson was twice outlbw cheaply in all-toofamiliar fashion asEngland, against manypre-series predictions, wonthe first Test in Cardiff bythe crushing margin of 169runs with more than a dayto spare last week.

With his medium-pacedbowling barely used bycaptain Michael Clarke atSophia Gardens,Australia's Fairfax Mediareported Wednesday thatthe 34-year-old Watsonwould be dropped at Lord'sand replaced by fellow all-rounder Mitchell Marsh,11 years his junior.

Watson's lbw double inCardiff means he has nowpassed fifty in just two ofhis past 16 innings.

"My gut feeling is they'llprobably go with MitchellMarsh," former Australiacaptain Steve Waugh toldSky Sports before theFairfax report, subsequent-ly cited by Cricket

Australia's own website,was published.

"A guy at that age...when he's played a longtime, when you make adecision like this now --it's pretty much final.There's probably no wayback from being droppednow."

Marsh, the son of formerAustralia opener GeoffMarsh, has played in fourTests and impressed in theteam's opening two tourmatches by scoring hun-dreds against both Kentand Essex.

Cricket Australia toldAFP Wednesday theywould not comment on theFairfax report, saying thatthe Test side would beannounced as scheduled onThursday morning atLord's.Nevill Lord's debut

Haddin, 37, withdrew onTuesday for what a teamspokeswoman said were"family reasons", althoughhe will remain with thesquad in London.

Peter Nevill, alsoHaddin's New South Walesdeputy, is now set for aninternational debut onThursday. This is not thefirst time Haddin has puthis family ahead of hiscricket career.

Ashes 2015: Shane Watson FacesAxe as Australia Seek to Draw Level

Champions LeagueTwenty20 Buried,Australians Not Amused SYDNEY

The cancellation of theChampions LeagueTwenty20 has not gonedown well with theAustralians. Two Big BashLeague teams - SydneySixers and New SouthWales Blues - have wonthe tournament twice andfeel the scrapping of theChampions LeagueTwenty20 as a step in thewrong direction.

Big Bash winnersSydney Sixers werescheduled to play the tour-nament in September butthe decision to cancelCLT20 has left them in thelurch. Sixers won thechampionship in 2012.Now suspended ChennaiSuper Kings were thedefending champions.

Sixers general managerDominic Remond said hewas "very disappointed",according to a report inSydney Morning Herald.

"For the players, theopportunity to perform onthe world stage, againstthe best teams, has been ahuge motivation for mak-ing the BBL final,"Remond said.

Page 8: 16 July 2015

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Here are sun risks youprobably weren't awareabout

Do you think you know every-thing about staying safe in thesun and spotting the danger signsof skin cancer? We've found outsome surprising facts about pro-tecting yourself while out in theblazing sun...

You're not as safe as you thinkin the shade

Don't assume you're absolutelysafe when you're walking in theshade especially if you don't reg-ularly reapply your SPF. "UVrays hit us either directly or bybouncing off a surface," explainssuncare advisor Clare O'Connor.So shade or not, sunscreen reap-plication is a must.

Burnt skin spells a patchyfuture

It's no secret that burningmakes skin vulnerable to cancerin the long term but it also makesthat particular bit more likely toburn again in the shorter term."The skin 'remembers' being

burnt and is sensitised for futuresun exposure, whether that's thenext day, month or year," saysClare.

"It also means that skin is more

likely to go a patchy colour in thesun, rather than develop an eventan." So, don't listen to anyonewho reckons the best way to tanis to 'toughen up' their skin by

going red first.

Your phone is a sun damagerisk

Do you like to read or browse

the internet on a smartphone ortablet when you're out in the sun?Make sure you wear sunglasses.UV light bounces off the screeninto your eyes, which are espe-cially vulnerable to sun damage

Melanoma doesn't always looklike you imagine

We've seen cancer campaignpictures of blackened, gnarlymoles. And yes, somemelanomas do look like that butnot all. "Some melanomas don'tcontain any pigment, and justlook like a fleshy nodule," saysdermatologist Dr Jennifer Jones."So, I'd always urge people to getany skin changes checked. Seeyour GP if you get a new mole,lump or lesion, if there's a 'spot'that isn't healing, or if a mole isgrowing, itching, bleeding orchanging in colour."

It's normal to get new molesthroughout life, so don't panic butdo mention anything new to yourGP. They will refer you to a der-matologist if it's anything thatneeds further investigation.

Skin cancer risks you are unaware of!

Atinge of comedy lendsentertainment value tomovies, especially if a

filmmaker intends to drive home aworthy message on socially perti-nent issues, says National Award-winning filmmaker SubhashKapoor who has tackled themeslike the recession, judiciary andhonour killing in his movies.

Credited with films like PhasGaye Re Obama, Jolly LLB andthe recently released GudduRangeela, Kapoor told IANS: “Ifissues dealing with serious sub-jects like judiciary, recession andhonour killing are told with thesame tone in films, then filmmak-ers will end up excluding audiencebecause, fundamentally, peopledemand entertainment when theystep into a theatre.

“But when I put a certainamount of comedy or satire in afilm to talk about these seriousissues without making a change tothe perception, then it becomeseasy for me to reach out to a vastnumber of people.”

A former journalist, he believescomedy enhances a filmmaker’sreach.

“It helps connect with the audi-ence innovatively. Usually, peopledon’t mind issue-based films, butif the same thing is delivered tothem with a certain amount ofhumour and fun, then they willlove it even more,” added Kapoor,whose latest film Guddu Rangeela– starring Arshad Warsi, AmitSadh and Aditi Rao Hydari in a

story with honour killing at its core— has been appreciated by critics.

Kapoor, who mostly delves intowoes of people in small townsthrough his storylines, feelsobliged that an increasing numberof filmmakers are travelling to thecountry’s interiors for shooting asit’s bridging the gap between ruraland urban India.

He likes to slot his films in the“social commentative” genre.

“My films will be more on socialcomment, recession, judiciary andhonour killing. It’s very importantnot to forget what is often called inmedia, ‘Bharat’. It’s great to see somany people making films onsmall towns. Tanu Weds Manu,NH10 and Gangs of Wasseypurare best examples of small townstories.

“People are basing films on thereal world and that is really excit-ing,” added Kapoor, whose experi-ence as a political journalist in thepast helps him in telling sociallyrelevant tales in a nuanced way tothe audience.

“As a journalist, I have coveredvarious elections – 1996, 1998 and2001. So, I’ve had the opportunityto travel in north India, especiallyin Haryana, Uttar Pradesh andPunjab. Also, I’ve interacted witha lot of people and seen the socie-ty and culture that they live in.That’s where I get my humour andsatire from,” said the director, whois now focussed on the sequel ofJolly LLB 2“

Guddu Rangeela director Subhash Kapoor feelssatire is the best way to highlight social issues

Moonlight produc-tion presents yetanother interest-

ing story of a girl namedlilly who hailed from a smalltown and wanna get rich,successful over night.But,will she or won't she?Stay tuned, promos to outsoon. Samira Raza, in mainlead with supporting castReet, Roopa, Sahiba,Akanksha and Gagan DeepSingh. Param of Moonlightproductions is very hopefulthat this small budget enter-tainer will do big in theindustry.

This small budget entertainer willdo big in the industry: Param MLP

Debutant directorVijay Chander,whose forthcoming

Tamil actioner Vaalureleases in cinemas onFriday, says actorSilambarasan aka Simbunever gave up on the proj-ect despite several monthsof delay for it to hit thescreens.

“Simbu could have leftthe project midway andmoved on. But he didn’tbecause he knew it was myfirst film and understoodhow important it would befor me. He didn’t give upon me or the project andI’ll always be indebted tohim for life for that,”Chander told IANS.

The film, which original-ly went on floors in 2012,is finally gearing up forrelease.

Vijay blames time for thedelay.

“Sometimes when timedoesn’t work in yourfavour, things go haywire.One of the mistakes thatwe made was taking abreak after the first sched-ule. Unfortunately, I could-n’t reassemble my actorsbecause most of them arepopular and were busy

with multiple projects.Hence, we had to wait,” hesaid.

“In the beginning, wewere shooting at a railwaystation set in Hyderabad.We were forced to stopshooting for about sixmonths after a bomb blastin the city. We could haverecreated the set elsewhereand completed the shoot,but it involved lot of cost,”he said.

While the delay wasinevitable, Vijay still con-siders Vaalu a special proj-ect.

“I’ll treasure the time Ispent with Simbu on this

journey. Had we finishedthe film in a year, wewould have moved on andprobably never stayed intouch. This delay strength-ened our bond,” he said.

The film happenedbecause of comedianSanthanam and the film’scomposer S.S. Thaman.

“They’re my goodfriends. They alwayswished to see me as direc-tor. It was in Thaman’smusic studio that I metSimbu for the first time.He had come there torecord some song. Simbujust heard half hour of thestory and gave his nod,” headded.

Vaalu director claims Simbu nevergave up on the film despite the delays

Priyanka Chopracompletes shootfor Prakash Jha’sGangaajal 2

Actress Priyanka Choprasays she has completed theshooting for Prakash Jha’s

directorial Gangaajal 2, and willsoon start shooting for Bajirao

Mastani.The Fashion

actress, who wasshooting forGangaajal 2 inBhopal, is now backin Mumbai for theshoot for SanjayLeela Bhansali’s ven-ture.

The trailer ofBajirao Mastani will

be released on digital platforms onWednesday, ahead of its theatricalrelease alongside Kabir Khan’sdirectorial Bajrangi Bhaijaan onJuly 17.

Bajrangi Bhaijaan is based onthe love story between 18th centu-ry Maratha warrior PeshwaBajirao I (Ranveer Singh) and hissecond wife Mastani (Deepika).Priyanka plays Kashibai, the firstwife of Peshwa Bajirao.

After YRF’s ShuddhDesi Romance, theaudience will get to

see Parineeti Chopra andSushant Singh Rajput inthe same frame once again.We hear Parineeti will beessaying Sakshi Dhoni’srole in the MS Dhonibiopic.After Alia Bhatt,Shraddha Kapoor and KritiSanon, the Ishaqzaadeactress has been offered toplay Mrs Dhoni.

A source was quotedsaying, “”The makers arekeen to sign Pari as she isas bubbly as Dhoni’s wife.Moreover, she has worked

with Sushant Singh Rajputin ‘Shuddh Desi Romance’and their pairing had beenappreciated. So, she is highup on the makers’ wishlistto be cast opposite Sushantyet again.” Though this iswhat the source said, MsChopra’s spokesperson hasdenied any such develop-ment.

We hear Neeraj Pandey’sfilm starring SushantSingh Rajput will releasein the beginning of 2016instead of October 2015this year because a lot ofwork on the film is pend-ing at the moment.

Parineeti Chopra opposite SushantSingh Rajput in MS Dhoni biopic?

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