  • 8/8/2019 13 Ways to Win an Argument



    August 26, 2010, 2:33 pmmenshealth

    Argue like a Great!

    When you want to ace a debate, turn to Aristotle for help. He identified 13 Fallacies used

    to win arguments. Heres how to benefit from them


    1. ACCENT OR EMPHASIS Aka Emphasising words

    Stressing key words can have a huge impact on the strength of your argument, says Alex Just,

    former president of the Oxford Union debating team. Clinton did it famously with his use of that

    woman to distance himself from Monica Lewinsky.

    The situation An email using visual prompts.

    Use it Im grateful for your professional opinion.

    2. FIGURE OF SPEECH Aka Modifying words

    Aristotle argued that if a word is constructed similarly to another, people assume they have a

    similar meaning. So by tacking ism or ist at the end of a word, you convey your meaning without

    having to explicitly state it.

    The situation You want to accuse your opponent of being prejudiced.

    Use it That sounds like a fat-ist viewpoint to me.

    3. ACCIDENT Aka Making sweeping generalisations

    A sweeping generalisation is a mental shortcut, says Dr Christopher Tindale, the author of

    Fallacies and Argument Appraisal.

    Our brains do not compute that the rule may only hold true for a minority of cases.

    The situation Youre running out of evidence to support your case.

    Use it Women are much worse drivers than men. They are always crashing.

    4. AFFIRMING THE CONSEQUENT Aka Stretching the meaning of a word

    This argument works because at first it makes sense, says philosopher Dr Gary Curtis, of, a website cataloguing logical fallacies. It relies on stretching the context of a word

    to its limits, then hiding behind it.

    The situation You need to justify your bad behaviour.

    Use it It says healthy eating on the box for this cake, so its fine if I eat half of it in one go.

  • 8/8/2019 13 Ways to Win an Argument


    5. CONVERSE ACCIDENT Aka Finding the exception to the rule

    The exception to the rule is always an efficient weapon to poke holes in an opponents argument,

    says Just. No matter how strong their case is, you can bring it to its knees with an unequivocal

    piece of fact.

    The situation You are in the wrong and need an escape route. Quick.

    Use it Of course Im romantic I bought you flowers on Valentines Day.

    6. AMPHIBOLY Aka Using ambiguous grammar to create confusion

    If you deliberately use unclear grammar, what you say can be taken in a number of ways

    depending on your opponents prejudices and agenda. And you can use this to your advantage,

    putting your opponent off balance, says Austin Cline, philosophy expert for

    problem-solving website

    The situation You need a witty retort to silence a smug opponent.

    Use it I often talk about sex with your girlfriend.

    7. EQUIVOCATION Aka Supporting an argument with an argument

    You can boost your argument by inferring that if A is true then B is, too. And if B is true, therefore

    A is true, says Curtis.

    Your opponent wont realise the arguments are supported by each other, rather than hard fact.

    The situation You want to flatter yourself or others.

    Use it If you can make women laugh, they find you attractive. Im funny, so she fancies me.

    8. COMPOSITION Aka Thinking a group is defined by its parts

    People assume a group takes on the characteristics of its members, says Cline. So mention

    upstanding actions of friends and your opponent will assume that together theyll act the same.

    The situation You want a night out with your mates, but your partner isnt keen.

    Use it Ill be going out with Tim, he never drinks too much, so I wont be back late.

    9. DIVISION Aka Success by association

    This is the opposite of Composition, says Cline.

    You apply the attributes of a group to yourself and bask in its reflected glory. It works best when

    you want to make yourself stand out and shine.

    The situation A job interview or on your CV.

    Use it My attention to detail and work ethic are illustrated by the many awards my department has

    won recently.

  • 8/8/2019 13 Ways to Win an Argument


    10. IRRELEVANT CONCLUSION Aka Unrelated arguments

    You can sometimes use two unrelated facts to prove a point, explains Tindale. When people are

    emotional, they are often so fired up they fail to realise two facts arent linked.

    The situation You want to oust someone from power.

    Use it Since Gordon took over, productivity is down while complaints are up.

    11. BEGGING THE QUESTION Aka Using an unproven fact to prove your point

    This happens when you use an unproven but commonly believed fact to prove your case, says

    Just. If you place enough emphasis on it, your opponent wont try to argue against it.

    The situation You want to end the argument.

    Use it Of course, if Tim Cahill played as an out and out striker, he would score even more goals

    than he does at the moment.

    12. FALSE CAUSE Aka Assuming theres a consequential connection between events in


    This method works on the assumption that one event wouldnt have happened without the other,

    says Madsen Pirie, the author ofHow To Win Every Argument.

    The situation An argument in which your knowledge is poor.

    Use it The week Rob became manager, fewer people came into the cafe, so it stands to reason

    that its because of him.

    13. THE FALLACY OF MANY QUESTIONS Aka The loaded question

    This catches you off guard, says Douglas Rushkoff, the author ofWhy We Listen To What They

    Say. Shop assistants are trained to ask, How may . . . , not, Can I help you?, as it makes you

    think you asked for help.

    The situation You think your girlfriend is cheating on you.

    Use it Are you still seeing other people?

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