Page 1: 12P1-02 2012 THRILLER TASK 2

Dan is wearing typical clothing for a young adult and is shown to be at a possibly underage party where there was heavy drinking. There are not many films that focus on the younger age groups and represent them well, however, I feel that the character that we have created is one that many people will be able to relate to – Drunk too much at a party, wakes up somewhere and has a story to tell about it.

A similar character to ours would be Scott Pilgrim. He wears typical clothing for a young adult and is from a middle class background. In the film he is seen at a party similar to the one shown in our film, but not as ‘intense’. During the film he is shown to be very typical for his age in the way he acts and the things he does (go to parties, play an instrument, share a flat etc)

Although our character, Dan, is not shown to be violent – He does come from a similar background to that of our character (middle/working class) similar to this image. When many people think of hooded teens they imagine things like this – taken from within the London Riots last year.

Similarly, teenagers like this (right) are also examples of middle-class teens. They are wearing typical clothing and are in a typical situation as to what a teenager could be in

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