  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    aloalkanes and Haloarenes - 4 Marks Questions

    1. Give one example each of

    a) Markwonikovs addition.

    b) Kharasch effect.c) Sand Meyer reactiond) Diazotisation reactione) Finkelstein reactionf) Swartsg) W rtz reactionh) W rtz Fitti! reactioni) Fitti! reaction

    j) Friediel"s acylation reaction of chloro #enzenek) Friediel crafts alkylation reaction. of chloro #enzene.l) nitration of chloro #enzene.m) s lphonation of chloro #enzene.n) Dehydro halo!enation $# elimination reaction%o) &atsev r le.p) chlorination of chloro #enzene.

    2. 'xplain the classification of halo alkanes #ased on

    a) n m#er of halo!en atoms. b) compo nds havin! sp ( )*+ #ondc) compo nds havin! sp , )*+ #ondd) dihalides. Give one example each and their - /0) names.

    3. 0cco nt for the followin!1

    1) 2alo alkanes have hi!her #oilin! point than the correspondin! parent alkane.

    2) 3oilin! point of halo alkanes 4-543r54)l5 4F

    3) 3oilin! point of 6*3romo # tane 5,*3romo # tane5 6*3romo* ,*methyl propane5 ,*3romo* ,*methyl propane.

    4) Meltin! point of p*Dichlo #enzene is hi!her than its ortho and meta isomer.

    ) 2alo alkanes are polar in nat re # t sparin!ly sol #le in water.

    !) -odo alkane can not #e prepared #y the reaction of alcohol with K- and s lph ric acid. /hosphoric acid is sed inplace of s lph ric acid.

    ") 7rder of reactivity of alcohol with 2+ is tert alcohol5 sec alcohol 5 primary alcohol..

    #) 2alo arenes can not #e prepared #y treatin! phenol with 2+ or 8a+ in the presence of s lph ric acid.

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    $) -odination of #enzene is carried o t in the presence of 2-7 ( or 287 ( .

    1%) /ropane on chlorination !ives ,*chloro propane as a ma9or prod ct and not 6*chloro propane.

    11) Kharasch effect is possi#le only with 23r and not with 2)l and 2-.

    12) 0lcohol reacts with thionyl chloride to !ive p re halo alkane.

    13) Finkelstein reaction of halo alkane is carried o t in the presence of dry acetone.

    14) 7rder of reactivity of halo alkanes as per s #stit tion #imolec lar n cleophilic is primary halide 5 secondaryhalide5tertiary halide.

    1 ) 7rder of reaction as per s #stit tion nimolec lar is tertiary halide5secondary halide 5primary halide.

    1!) 3enzylic halides and allylic halides are more reactive towards n cleophile than halo alkanes.

    1") )hloro ethene is less reactive towards n cleophile than chloro ethane.

    1#) 2alo arenes are less reactive towards n cleophile than halo alkanes.

    1$) S86 mechanism is r led o t in the reaction of halo arenes with n cleophile.

    2%) 'lectron with drawin! !ro ps like 87 , at ortho and para position with respect to halo!en facilitates n cleophillics #stit tion reaction.

    21) 'lectron with drawin! !ro ps like 87 , at meta position with respect to halo!en has no effect on n cleophillics #stit tion reaction.

    22) 2alo arenes are less reactive towards electrophile than #enzene.

    23) 0ltho !h chlorine atom has electron with drawin! effect electrophillic s #stit tion occ r at ortho and paraposition.

    24) 7rder of reactivity of alkyl halide 4-543r54)l54F

    2 ) 2alo alkanes react with K)8 to !ive alkyl cyanide as a ma9or prod ct while it !ives alkyl isocyanide as a ma9orprod ct with 0!)8.

    2!) 2alo alkanes !ive nitrito alkane with K87 , while nitro alkane with 0!87 , .

    2") )2 ( - nder!oes S8 , reaction faster than )2 ( )l.

    4. 'xplain the followin! with s ita#le examples1

    a) chiral and chirality b) enantiomers

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    c) racemic mixt red) retention of confi! ratione) inversion of confi! ration.

    . Mention the differences #etween S8 6 and S8 , mechanism of halo alkane.

    !. Give the prod cts and explain the mechanisms of the followin! reactions1

    a) )2 ( )2 , 3r : 72*

    b) $ )2 ( %( )*3r : 72*

    c) n*3 3r : K72

    ". )arry o t the followin! conversions1

    1. /ropene to

    a) /ropan*6*ol b) /ropan*,*ol

    2. 'thanol to # t*6*yne

    3. 6*3romo propane to ,*3romo propane and vice versa.

    4. ;ol ene to #enzyl alcohol.

    . 3enzene to


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    1%. ,*Methyl*6*propene to ,*chloro*,*methylpropane.

    11. 'thyl chloride to propanoic acid.

    12. 3 t*6*ene to n*# tyl iodide.

    13. ,*chloropropane to propan*6*ol

    14. -sopropyl alcohol to iodoform.

    1 . )hloro #enzene to

    a) p*nitro phenol b) p*chloronitro #enzenec) p*chlorod) p* chloro acetophenone.e) p*chloro #enzene s lphonic acidf) 6=

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    3r , 2eat

    or B li!ht


    :M! 0Dry ether 2 , 7

    r) 43r :M! 0 )2 ( )2 $D%)2 ( Dry ether D , 7

    s) $)2 ( %( )*)$)2 ( %( 4+ 0 3 8aCether M!Cether 2 , 7

    1%. 0rran!e the compo nds of each set in order of decreasin! reactivity towards a% S8 , displacement. #%S8 6displacement.

    a) ,*#romo*,*methyl# tane= 6*#romopentane= ,*#romo pentane b) 6*#romo*(*methyl# tane= ,*#romo*,*methyl# tane=(*#romo*,*methyl# tane

    c) 6*#romo # tane= 6*#romo*,*methyl propane= 6*#romo*,*phenyl propane.d) Methyl chloride= Methyl #romide and Methyl iodide.

    11. /rimary halide 0$) ations ofthe reactions involved.

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    12. 0n alkyl halide ) E2 6@3r is optically active. -t reacts with K72 sol tion to !ive racemic mixt re. 'xplain themechanism of the reaction.

    13. Distin! ish chemically #etween

    a) )2 ( )l= )2 ( 3r= )2 ( - b) )hloro #enzene and chloro methanec) chloro #enzene and #enzyl chlorided) )2)l ( and ))l inone.

    u) 'thyl iodide to diethyl ether

    ) Methyl #romide to , methoxy , methyl propane.

    *) 3enzyl chloride to #enzyl alcohol

    +) 'thyl ma!nesi m chloride to propan*6*ol

    ,) ) mene to phenol

    ) 0nisole to

    i) phenolii) ortho and para hydroxyl aceto phenoneiii) para #romo anisolei ) ortho and para methyl anisole

    ) ortho and para methoxy aceto phenone i) ortho and para nitro anisole ii) 'thene to ethane*6=,*diol

    !. 'xplain the mechanism of the followin! reactions1

    a) )2 , A )2 , : 2 , 7 )2 ( )2 , 72

    b) )2 ( )2 , 72 )2 , A )2 , : 2 , 7

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    1%. 0n or!anic compo nd 0 react with 8a72 nder drastic condition to !ive 3. 3 reacts with 3r , $a>% to !ive ).) onzinc d st distillation !ives 6=(=@*;ri#romo #enzene. -dentify the compo nds and write the e> ations of the reactionsinvolved.

    11. Give the mechanism for the reactio

    $)2 ( %, )2*)2 ( $)2 ( %, )*)2 ( J 23r J

    72 3r

    12. Write the e> ations of the followin! reactions1

    a) Friedel*)rafts alkylation of anisole. b) Friedel*)rafts acylation of anisole.c) 8itration of anisole.d) 3romination of anisole in ethanoic acid medi m.e) 7xidation of /ropan*6*ol with alkaline KMn7 < sol tionf) /henol with 3r , in )S ,g) /henol with dil te 287 (h) /henol with chloroform in the presence of a> eo s 8a72.

    13. Write the e> ation of reaction of 2- with

    a) 6*/ropoxy propane

    b) Methoxy #enzene

    c) #enzyl ethyl ether.

    d) )2 ( *)2 , *)2$)2 ( %*)2 , 7)2 , *)2 (

    e) ) ?2 @)2 , 7) ?2 @

    )2 ( Jf) )2 ( *)2 , *)2 , *7*)*) , 2 @ J

    )2 (

    14. 8ame the rea!ent sed in the followin! reactions1

    a) 7xidation of primary alcohol to car#oxylic acid. b) 7xidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde.c) 3romination of phenol to ,=

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    1 . o are !iven #enzene= concentrated s lph ric acid and 8a72. Write the e> ation involved in the preparation ofphenol sin! these rea!ents.

    1!. Give the prod cts of the followin! reactions1

    a) )2 ( *)2 , *)2 , *7)2 ( :23r

    b) ) ?2 @7) , 2 @ :23r

    c) $)2 ( %( )7) , 2 @ :2-

    d) ) ?2 @7) , 2 @conc 287 ( :conc 2 , S7 ations ofthe reactions involved.

    #. Give e> ation for the followin! reactions1

    a) ethanolic 82 ( with ) , 2 @)l

    b) ammonalysis of #enzyl chloride followed #y reaction with , moles of methyl chloride.

    c) s lphonation of aniline

    d) reaction of aniline with acetic anhydride.

    e) reaction of aniline with a> eo s #romine.

    $. Give the str ct re of 0=3 and ) in the followin! reactions1

    8a)8 72 * 8a72a) ) , 2 @- 0 3

    partial 3r , hydrolysis

    ) )8 2 ( 7 : 82 ( b) ) ?2 @8 , )l 0 3 )

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    c) ) , 2 @3r :K)8 0 3 ) Hi0l2 < 287 , = ,E(K

    d) ) ?2 @87 , 0 3 ) FeC2)l 8a87 , :2)l 2 ( 7 :

    ,E(K e) )2 ( )772:82 ( 0 3 ) 2eat 8a73r 8a87 , :2)l= ,E(K

    f) ) ?2 @87 , 0 3 ) FeC2)l 8a87 , :2)l= ,E(K ) ?2 @72

    1%. 0n or!anic compo nd 0 on heatin! with a> eo s ammonia forms 3. 3 on treatment with 3r , and K72 !ives ) ofmolec lar form la ) ?2 E8. Give the str ct re of the compo nds 0=3 and ). Write - /0) name of the each compo nd.

    11. Give the e> ations of the reactions involved when aniline is reacted with

    a) )2)l ( :K72

    b) )onc s lph ric acid

    c) a> eo s #romine

    d) acetic anhydride

    12. Give the e> ation of the reaction involved when #enzene diazoni m chloride is treated with

    a) 2 ( /7 , : 2 , 7

    b) i) 23F < followed #y 8a87 , C ) D

    13. 0rran!e the followin!1

    a) increasin! order of pK# val es* ) , 2 @82 , = $), 2 @%, 82= ) ?2 @82)2 ( = )?2 @82 ,

    b) increasin! order of #asic stren!th

    i) ) ?2 @82 , = )?2 @8$)2 ( %, = $), 2 @%, 82=)2 ( 82 ,

    ii) 0niline= para nitro aniline= para tol idine

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    iii) 0niline= 8*Methyl aniline= #enzyl amine

    i ) 0niline= methyl amine= dimethyl amine= trimethyl amine= #enzyl amine

    i ) 0niline= ethyl amine= diethyl amine= triethyl amine.

    c) decreasin! order of #asic stren!th in !as phase ) , 2 @82 , = $), 2 @%, 82= $) , 2 @%( 8= 82 (

    d) increasin! order of #oilin! point* ) , 2 @72= $)2 ( %, 82=) , 2 @82 ,

    e) increasin! order of sol #ility in water* 0niline= ethyl amine= Diethyl amine

    14. Write the reaction of final alkylation prod ct with excess of ethyl iodide in the presence of Sodi m car#onatesol tion.

    1 . Write the chemical reaction of aniline with #enzoyl chloride and !ive the - /0) name of the prod ct formed.

    iomolecules - 4 Marks Questions

    1. Mention the f nction of car#ohydrates in plants.

    2. 2ow are car#ohydrates classified Give one example each.

    3. Fr ctose is a ketohexose # t it is a red cin! s !ar. Why

    4. What are monosaccharides Give two examples.

    . Write the e> ations of the reactions involved when !l cose is reacted with

    a) acetic anhydride b) 2-c) 2ydroxylamined) 2)8e) 3r , $a>%f) concentrated 287 ( . Write the si!nificance of each reaction.

    !. 'n merate the reactions of !l cose which can not #e explained #y open str ct res.

    ". Draw the 2owarth str ct res of

    a) N*D*$:% !l copyranose b) O*D*$:% !l copyranosec) N*D*$*% fr cto f ranosed) O*D*$*% fr co f ranose

    #. Draw the 2owarth str ct re of

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    a) s crose b) maltosec) lactose. )lassify them as red cin! or 8on red cin! s !ar. P stify yo r answer.

    $. 'xplain the terms

    a) m ta rotation b) anomers.

    1%. Distin! ish #etween

    a) starch and cell lose b) amylose and amylo pectinc) starch and Glyco!en.

    11. Give the hydrolysis prod cts of

    a) s crose b) lactosec) maltose.d) D80 containin! thymine

    12. What is invert s !ar Why is it called so

    13. What are anomers Draw the anomers of !l cose. 0re they enantiomers

    14 . )lassify the followin! as monosaccharides and disaccharides1

    a) ri#ose b) ,*Deoxy ri#osec) s crosed) !alactosee) lactosef) maltoseg) fr ctose

    1 . 'xplain !lycosidic linka!e with an example.

    1!. 'xplain the followin! with respect to protein

    a) primary str ct re of protein b) secondary Str ct re of proteinc) tert str ct re of proteind) > aternary str ct re of proteine) native state of proteinf) denat ration of proteing) zwitter ion

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    1". 'xplain peptide linka!e with an example.

    1#. Mention the type of #ondin! in

    a) N helix str ct re

    b) O sheet str ct rec) cross links of polypeptide chaind) D80

    1$. 8ame the forces which sta#ilize secondary and tert str ct re of protein.

    2%. Distin! ish #etween

    a) N helix and O sheet str ct re b) fi#ro s and !lo# lar protein.c) primary and secondary str ct re of proteind) n cleoside and n cleotide

    21. 0cco nt for the followin!Q

    a) 0mino acids are more sol #le and has hi!her meltin! point than halo acids.

    b) 0mino acids #ehave like salts rather than amines or car#oxylic acids

    c) 0mino acids are amphoteric

    d) 7n electrolysis amino acids mi!rate towards cathode in acid sol tion and anode in alkaline sol tion.

    e) Mono amino mono car#oxylic acid has two pk val es.

    f) 0mino acids are optically active.

    g) on #oilin! e!! it #ecomes hard

    22. 8ame and !ive the str ct re of amino acid which is optically inactive.

    23. What are essential and non essential amino acids Give two examples each.

    24. What are enzymes 'xplain the mechanism of enzyme catalysed reaction.

    2 . What are coenzymes Give two examples.

    2!. What are vitamins 2ow are they classified

    2". Mention the so rces of vitamin

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    a) 0 b) )c) Dd) 'e) K

    f) 3 6 g) 3 ,h) 3 ? i) 3 6, . 8ame the diseases ca sed d e to the deficiency of each vitamin.

    2#. Bitamin ) can #e taken re! larly # t not vitamin 0 Why

    2$. What are n cleic acids Mention the f nctions of n cleic acids.

    3%. Show the formation of a din cleotide with an example.

    31. Mention the differences #etween D80 and 480.

    32. ;wo strands of D80 are not identical # t complementary. 'xplain this statement.

    33 . What are different types of 480 present in the cell.

    34. 'xplain the terms

    a) transcription b) translation

    3 . What is the effect of denat ration of protein

    3!. Where does the water present in e!! !o after #oilin!

    3". 3ase se> ence in a D80 strand is 0;;G))0 Give the #ase se> ence

    a) in its complementary strand b) messen!er 480

    3#. When 480 is hydrolysed there is no relationship amon! the > antities of different #ase o#tained. What does thisfact s !!est a#o t the str ct re of 480

    3$. Draw the str ct res of s !ars present in D80 and 480.

    1. 'xplain the terms

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    a) monomer b) polymerc) polymerization

    2. What are homo polymers and co polymers Give , examples each.

    3. 0rran!e the followin! in the increasin! order of molec lar forces1

    a) 8ylon ?? b) polythenec) 3 na*S*r ##er

    4. 2ow are polymers classified on the #asis of their str ct re Give , examples each.

    . What do yo mean #y addition and condensation polymers Give , examples each.

    !. What are

    a) nat ral polymers b) semi synthetic polymersc) synthetic polymers Give one example each.

    ". What are #iode!rada#le polymers Give an example of #iode!rada#le

    a) polyester b) poly amide.

    #. What are poly esters Give two examples.

    $. What are poly amides Give two examples.

    1%. Give differences #etween

    a) thermoplastic and thermo settin! plastic b) 8ylon ? and 8ylon ??c) 8ovolac and 3akelited) 3 na*S and 3 na*8 r ##er.

    11. 'xplain the mechanism of polymerization of ethene.

    12. 2ow is

    a) How density polythene b) 2i!h density polythene prepared Mention their properties and !ive two ses of each.

    13. 8ame and !ive the str ct res of monomers of

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    a) polythene b) poly propenec) /B)d) /oly acrylo nitrilee) ;eflon

    f) Dacron $ ;erelene%g) Glyptalh) 8ylon ?i) 3akelite

    j) 8ylon ??k) /oly styrenel) 8at ral r ##erm) 8eoprenen) 3 na*8 r ##ero) 3 na*S*r ##erp) 8ovolac

    14. Write the e> ation of the reaction involved in the preparation of

    a) polythene b) poly propenec) /B)d) /oly acrylo nitrilee) ;eflonf) Dacron $ ;erelene%g) Glyptalh) 8ylon ?i) 3akelite

    j) 8ylon ??k) /oly styrenel) 8at ral r ##erm) 8eoprenen) 3 na*8 r ##ero) 3 na*S*r ##erp) 8ovolac() 8ylon*, 8ylon*?r) /23Bs) Melamine formaldehyde resin. )lassify them as

    i) addition or condensation polymerii) homo polymer or co polymer. Give two ses of each.

    1 . What do yo mean #y v lcanization of nat ral r ##er What is the p rpose of v lcanization

    1!. Draw the str ct re of nat ral r ##er.

    1". 2ow does the presence of do #le #ond infl ence the str ct re and reactivity of r ##er

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    1#. -s $ 82*)2*)7% n homo polymer or co polymer

    1$. -dentify the monomer present in the polymer $)7* $)2 , %?*82* $)2 , %?*82*%n

    /hemistr, in e er,da, life - 3 Marks Questions

    1. 'xplain the terms

    a) Dr !s b) Medicinec) )hemo therapyd) ;ar!et molec lee) Dr ! tar!et

    2. 2ow are dr !s classified

    3. 2ow does enzyme act as dr ! tar!et

    4. 'xplain the followin! terms with respect to dr ! enzyme interaction

    a) enzyme inhi#itor b) competitive inhi#itorc) allosteric site.

    . 2ow do receptors act as dr ! tar!et

    !. 'xplain the followin! term with respect to respect to receptor as dr ! tar!et

    a) anta!onist b) a!onist.

    ". What are antacids Give two examples.

    #. Metal hydroxides are #etter antacids than hydro!en car#onates. Why

    $. 4anitidine and cimitidine are #etter antacids than metal hydroxides and hydro!en car#onates. Why

    1%. Give two examples of antihistamine which are anti aller!ic.

    11. While antacids and anti aller!ic dr !s interfere with the f nction of antihistamine= why they do not with thef nction of each other

    12. What are tran> ilisers Give two examples.

    13. Why sho ld not we take medicine with o t cons ltin! doctor

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    14. How level of noradrenaline is the ca se for depression. What type of dr ! is needed to c re this pro#lem 8ametwo s ch dr !s. 2ow do they react

    1 . 8ame two tran> ilisers s ita#le for relievin! tension.

    1!. 8ame the tran> iliser sed in controllin! depression and hyper tension.

    1". What are #ar#it rates Give two examples.

    1#. Which amon! the followin! are tran> ilisers 4anitidine= vali m= serotonin= and cimetidine.

    1$. What are anal!esics 2ow are they classified Give two examples each.

    2%. 2ow does aspirin act as anal!esic

    21. 2ow does aspirin prevent heart attack

    22. Why sho ld we avoid sin! narcotics as anal!esic

    23 . Morphine narcotics are referred as opiates. Why

    24. Mention chief ses of narcotic anal!esic.

    2 . What are anti micro#ial dr !s

    2!. What are anti#iotics Give two examples.

    2". What do yo mean #y #actericidal and #acteriostatic Give three examples each.

    2#. What are

    a) #road spectr m anti#iotics b) narrow spectr m anti#ioticsc) narrow spectr m anti#iotics Give two examples each.

    2$. 8ame the anti#iotic developed #y /a l 'hrlich for the treatment of syphills.

    3%. 8ame the anti#iotic which leads to the discovery of s lpha dr !s.

    31. What are s lpha dr !s Give two examples.

    32. 8ame the anti#iotic sed to c re

    a) typhoid b) t #erc losis.

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    33 . )lassify the followin! as #road spectr m= narrow spectr m or limited spectr m anti#iotics1 /enicillin*G=ampicillin= amoxicillin= chloramphenicol= vancomycin and ofloxacin.

    34. 8ame the anti#iotic which is toxic towards certain strain of cancer cells.

    3 . What are antiseptics Give two examples.

    3!. What are disinfectants Give two examples.

    3". 2ow do antiseptic differ from disinfectant

    3#. 8ame the s #stance which is sed as antiseptic as well as disinfectant.

    3$. Mention the constit ents of Dettol.

    4%. 8ame the antiseptic added to soap.

    41. What is tinct re of iodine

    42. )lassify the followin! as antiseptic or disinfectant1 F racin= soframycin= tinct re of iodine= iodoform= #oric acid=I.6 phenol= 6 phenol= I., ppm= )l, and very low concentration of S7,.

    43. What are antifertility dr !s Give one example each of

    a) synthetic pro!esterone b) estro!en derivative which are sed as antifertility dr !.

    44. What are the main cate!ories of food additives

    4 . 8ame the artificial sweetenin! a!ent sed #y dia#etic patient.

    4!. Why is aspartame limited to cold food and drinks

    4". What pro#lem arises in sin! alitame as a sweetenin! a!ent

    4#. Why do we need artificial sweetenin! a!ent

    4$. What is the advanta!e of s cralose as a artificial sweetenin! a!ent

    %. What are food preservatives Give two examples.

    1. What are soaps Give the e> ation of the reaction involved in the preparation of soap.

    2. 2ow is

    a) ;oilet soap b) ;ransparent soap prepared

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    3. Which chemical is added to shavin! soap to prevent rapid dryin!

    4. 8ame the ! m added to make shavin! soap.

    . 8ame the chemicals added to la ndry soap.

    !. 8ame the

    a) sco rin! a!ent b) # ilder added to soap. Mention the f nction of each.

    ". Why does soap not work in hard water

    #. What are deter!ents Mention the advanta!e and disadvanta!e of soap over deter!ent.

    $. 2ow are deter!ents classified Give one example each. Mention the se of each.

    !%. Write the e> ation of the reaction involved in the preparation of

    a) non ionic deter!ent b) anionic deter!ent.

    !1. What are #iode!rada#le and non #iode!rada#le deter!ents Give one example each.

    !2. -f water contain calci m #icar#onate= o t of soap and deter!ent which one will yo se to clean clothes

    !3. Ha#el the hydrophilic and hydropho#ic part present in the followin! compo nds1

    a) )2 ( $)2 , %6I )2 , 7S7 ( 8a

    b) )2 ( $)2 , %6@ 8$)2 ( %( 3r

    c) )2 ( $)2 , %6I )77$)2 , )2 , 7%n)2 , )2 , 72

    d) ) 2 67$)2 , )2 , 7%n)2 , )2 , 72

    !4. Give one important se of each of the followin!1

    i) terfenadineii) chlordiazepoxideiii) Morphine

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    i ) dysidazirine ) 8orethindrone.

    56' / 7omeclature5) Write the - /0) names of the followin! compo nds.

    a) n* # tyl chloride

    b) iso # tyl chloride

    c) secondary # tyl chloride

    d) tertiary # tyl chloride.

    e) ethylidene chloride

    f) ethylene di chloride f% vinyl chloride.

    g) p* )l ) ?2 < )2 , )2 $)2 ( %,

    h) m* )l ) ?2 < )2 , ) $)2 ( %(

    i) $ ))l ( %( ))l

    j) o* 3r) ?2 < )2$ )2 ( % )2 , )2 (

    k) )2 ( * ) $p*)l ) ?2 < %, )2$3r% )2 (

    F )l J Jl) )2 ( )*)2 , )*)2 (

    J J ) , 2 @ ) , 2 @

    m) )2 ( )2A)2*)2 , )2 , 3r

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    o) ) ?2 @)l

    p) ) ?2 @)2 , )l

    55) Write the - /0) names of the followin! compo nds

    1) )2 ( *)2*)2*)2*)2 ( 2) )2 ( * )2*)2 , *)2*)2 , )2 ( R R R R R

    )2 ( 72 )2 ( 72 72

    3) Glycerol

    4) ethylene !lycol

    ) )2 ( 7 )2 , )2*)2 ( R

    )2 (

    !) )2 ( 7 )2 , )2 , 7 )2 (

    ") ) ?2 @7 )2 , )2 (

    #) ) ?2 @7)2 (

    $) ) ?2 @7 ) E2 6@ 87 ,

    1%) )2 ( )2 , )2 )2 )2$)2 ( %, J J

    )2 , )l )2 , 72

    11) p*72) ?2

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    1 ) ) ?2 @7)2 , )2 , )2)2 ( J )2 (


    1") )2 , A)2*)2*)2 , )2 , )2 ( J72

    1#) $)2 ( %, )A)$3r%*)2 , 72

    1$) )2 ( *7*)2 , *)2$)2 ( %,


  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    555) Write the - /0) names of the followin! compo nds.

    1. 2)27

    2. )2 ( )27

    3. ) ?2 @)27

    4. )2 ( )7)2 (

    . ) ?2 @)7)2 (

    !. ) ?2 @)7) ?2 @

    ". ) ?2 @)7)2 , )2 (

    #. )2 ( )7)2 , )7)2 (

    $. )27

    12. )2 , A)2*)27



    1 . )27 * )2 , *)2$)27%*)2 , *)27

    1!. 2)772

    1". )2 ( )772

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    1#. ) ?2 @)772

    1$. )772


    58) Write the - /0) names of the followin! compo nds1

    1. )2 ( )2 , )2 , 82 ,

    2. )2 ( )2)2 ( J 82 ,

    3. ) ?2 @82 ,

    )2 (4. )2 ( )2 , )2 , 8

    ) , 2 @

    . 82 , )2 , )2A)2 ,

    !. 82 , $)2 , %?82 ,

    ". )2 ( )7 8*)2 ( J ) , 2 @

    #. $)2 ( %, 82

    $. ) ?2 @8$)2 ( %,

    1%. )27*)2$)27%)2 , )27

    11. )772*)2$)772%)2 , )772

    Roll Number Code No:


  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    Model Paper 1

    Time allowed: 3 hrs

    II !C"#MISTR$%Theor&'

    M(Mar)s: *0

    Ge+eral I+s,ru-,io+s:

    1( .+swer all ,he ues,io+s(

    ( ues,io+ +umber 1 ,o -arr& 1 mar) ea-h( .+swer ,hem i+ o+e word or o+e se+,e+-e ea-h(

    3( 2ues,io+ +umber ,o 1 -arr& mar)s ea-h( .+swer ,hem i+ 30 words ea-h(

    4( 2ues,io+ +umber 1 ,o * -arr& 3 mar)s ea-h( .+swer i, i+ abou, 40 words ea-h(

    5( 2ues,io+ +umber ,o 30 -arr& 5 mar)s ea-h( .+swer ,hem i+ abou, *0 words ea-h(

    6( se o -al-ula,or +o, permi,,ed( se o lo7 ,able permi,,ed(

    1. 2ow does molar cond ctivity of a stron! electrolyte vary with the dil tion of electrolyte sol tion 6

    2. Descri#e electrophoresis #riefly. 6

    3. 2 ( /7 < is triprotic acid while 2 ( /7 ( is diprotic. Why 6

    4. )alc late the n m#er of tetrahedral voids and octahedral voids in an nit cell of F)). 6

    . Write the - /0) name of the compo nd1

    )2 ( )7)2 , )772


    !. Give one example of Swartz reaction. 6

    ". Mention two f nctions of n cleic acid. 6

    #. Mention the monomers of the polymer Dacron. 6

    $. 0cco nt for the followin!1

    a) Mo ntain clim#ers sometimes !et symptoms of a condition known as anoxia. b) )alci m chloride is added to clear the roads covered #y snow.


    1%. Write the e> ations of the reactions involved at each electrode when an a> eo s sol tion of dil te 2 , S7 < iselectrolysed sin! /t electrode.


    11. 4esistance of I.I6M )2 ( )772 sol tion is ,,,I ohm. )ell constant is I.(?? cm *6.)alc late the de!ree , ofdissociation and dissociation constant of )2 ( )772 at this concentration. Given HI 2)l= 8a)l= 2 ( )778a are ations1 ,

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    i) )r , 7 E,* : Fe ,: : 2 :

    ii) Mn7 ation of the reaction involved in the preparation of 3 na*S*r ##er. ,

    1$. )alc late the density of nit cell of 8a)l. Given molar mass of 8a)lA@ .@ . Distance #etween 8a : and )l * is, 6pm. 0va!adro n m#erA?x6I,( mole * . What type of defect does 8a)l exhi#it -f the act al density is 6. @!Ccm (


    2%. ;he vapo r press res of p re li> ids 0 and 3 are id mixt re if the total press re is ?II mm 2!. 0lso find the composition in vapo r phase.


    21. a) )r , 7 ( : ,0l 0l , 7 ( :,)r G I A *

  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    2 . 0cco nt for the followin!1

    a) ;ransition metals form complexes easily. b) First ionization enthalpy of early actinoids are lesser than that of early lanthanoids.c) 7f the d < species )r , : is red cin! while Mn ( : is oxidizin!.


    2!. What happens when D*Gl cose is treated with

    a) 2- b) 287 (c) 0cetic anhydride. 'xplain the si!nificance of each reaction.



    Draw the 2owarth str ct re of s crose. -s it a red cin! or non red cin! s !ar P stify yo r answer.

    2". a) While antacids and anti aller!ic dr !s interfere with the f nction of antihistamine= why they do not with the f nction of each other

    b) What are cationic deter!ents Give one example of cationic deter!ent. Mention one se of cationic



    2#. a) Derive the expression for the half life of a zero order reaction.

    b) 0:@3:?) (H:(M

    #8perime+, %.' M %9' M %C' M Ra,e M/mi+u,e1. 0.02 0.02 0.02 00208

    2. 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.00104

    3. 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.00416

    4. 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00832


    Determine the order with respect to each reactant. Find K .)alc late the initial rate when concentration of eachreactant is I.I6M.Find the initial rate of chan!e in concentrations of 3 and H


    a) Mention the factors which affect the rate of a reaction.

    b) ;he followin! data were o#tained d rin! the first order decomposition of S7,)l, at constant vol me

    S7 , )l , $!% S7, $!% :)l , $!%


  • 8/13/2019 12 Org Ilias Chembggh


    ii) Formaldehyde and #enzaldehyde nder!oes cannizaro reaction.

    b) )arry o t the followin! conversions1

    i) 3enzoic acid to m*nitro#enzoic acid.ii% 3enzoyl chloride to #enzaldehyde.iii) 0cetic acid to acetone.


    a) 0n or!anic compo nd contain ? .EE )ar#on and 66.?( 2ydro!en and the remainin!7xy!en. Molec lar mass of the compo nd is ? . -t does not red ce ;ollens rea!ent= !ivespositive iodoform test and respond to sodi m #is lphate test. 7n oxidation it !ives acetic acid andpropanoic acid. Give the str ct re of the or!anic compo nd.

    b) Give one example each of

    i) Decar#oxylationii) 2B& reaction

    3%. a) Draw the str ct res of

    i) +e7F

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