Page 1: 12 BEST ROAD TRIP GAMES -… · 12/11/2018  · work together to find 5 red things and so on through


Connections One person starts off with a single word eg. dog. The next person has to say the first word they think of related to dog eg. animal. Then the next person has to say the first word they think of connected to animal eg donkey, and so on. When someone can no longer connect a word the game finishes.

Rainbow spotto Go through the rainbow starting with red. Players work together to find 5 red things and so on through the colours of the rainbow. When they find item they yell, “spotto, red car!” etc while one player keeps count.

Spelling bee You say a word and your kids spell it out.

Twenty questions Take turn to think of an object, animal or person. Players have only 20 questions to find out what it is. The answers can only be yes or no.

Add-on Story One person starts a story, with just a line or two, then stops mid-sentence. The next person picks up the tale and keeps building. No one can negate someone else's idea, only build on it. The stories always go in crazy directions that are usually good for a group giggle!

Healthy Competition Ages 6 and up: Though not exactly a "car" game, this activity is perfect for lengthy road trips. To offset the day's sedentary nature, have kids compete in athletic challenges at rest stops. See who can do the most sprints, push-ups, or jumping jacks in a minute.

Hypotheticals Get to know your kids a little better by having them answer hypothetical questions such as, "What would you do If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?" Let everyone have a turn answering the question and give rewards for the funniest, most inventive, most empathetic, etc. answers.

Memory Test The first person says "A is for —" filling in the blank with any word beginning with the letter A, such as "apple." The second person comes up with a word for the letter B, such as "book," but must also repeat the "A" word: "A is for apple, B is for book." Continue through the alphabet, each person taking several turns and reciting more and more letters and words

Three words You choose three nouns. For example, a table, a camel and a ball. Each player creates a story that includes those three objects. Lots of laughter guaranteed.

In charge of the world Everyone gets a turn to say what they would do if they were in charge of the world. The answers could be silly or serious, and your kids may just surprise you.

Virtual hide and seek In this imaginary hide and seek game, your children pick a place inside your house to hide, and imagine they are there. The others in the car ask questions that can be answered with Yes or No. The game continues till someone guesses where the imaginary hiding place is.

Traveller's alphabet The aim is for each player to finish the sentence: "I'm going on a journey to..." using a word that begins with a specific letter of the alphabet. The game then moves through the alphabet from A - Z. For instance: Player 1: "I'm going on a journey to Brazil.” Other players: "What will you do there?” Player 1: "I will do bungee jumping.”.

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for k ids that parents wi l l l ike too!


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