  • 8/8/2019 11334494 Quality Control Tests



    Compiled By

    D.V.Bhavanna Rao, M.Tech., F.I.E.,Chief Engineer (R&B) Quality Control, Andhra Pradesh

    and Member COT


    (IS: 2720 PART 1 1983)

    SCOPEThis standard (Part I) covers the method of preparation of dry samples from the bulk soilsample received from the field for various laboratory tests.

    APPARATUS1 Wooden Mallet : For breaking soil clods.

    2 Trays : For air drying of soil of suitable size and of non-rusting material.

    3 Pulverizing Apparatus: Either mortar and rubber covered pestle or a mechanicaldevice consisting of a mortar and a power driven rubber covered pestle suitable forbreaking up the aggregation of soil particles without reducing the size of the individualgrains. Pestle and mortar made of soft wood may also be used.

    4 Sampler : A suitable riffle sampler or sample splitter for quartering the samples (see IS:1607-1960 methods for dry sieving).

    5 Sieves : Of sizes 75 mm, 63 mm, 37.5 mm, 19 mm, 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm, 6.7 mm, 4.75 mm,2.00 mm and 425 micron {see IS: 460(part I)-1978 specification for test sieves: part I wirecloth test sieves (second division)}.

    6 Drying Apparatus : a) Drying oven: Thermostatically controlled with interior of noncorroding material to maintain the temperature between 1050 to1100 C.

    b) Other suitable drying apparatus.

    7 Balance: a) Capacity 10 kg and min. sensitivity 100 g.b) Capacity 1 kg and min. sensitivity 1 g c) Capacity 250 g and min. sensitivity 0.01 g

    Preparation of Samples for Tests1 General : Soil sample as received from the field shall be dried in the air or in the sun. Inwet weather, a drying apparatus may be used in which case the temperature of the sampleshould not exceed 60C.The clods may be broken with a wooden mallet to hasten drying.The organic matter, like tree roots and pieces of bark should be removed from the sample.Similarly, matter other than soil, like shells should also be separated from the main soilmass. A noting shall be made of such removals and their percentage of the total soil samplenoted. When samples are to be taken for estimation of Organic content, lime content etc,

    total sample should be taken for estimation without removing shells, roots etc.

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    2 Drying of the sample: The amount of drying depends up on the proposed tests to beconducted on the particular sample. The type, temperature and duration of drying of soilsamples for different tests are given in table-I... When oven is used for drying, thetemperature

    in the oven shall not exceed 110C (see note.). Chemical drying of samples should not beadopted for any tests.Note: Soils containing Organic or Calcareous matter should not be dried at temperature above 60C.

    3 Degree of Pulverization: The big clods may be broken with the help of wooden mallet.Further pulverization may be done in pestle and mortar. The pulverized soil shall be passedthrough the specified sieve for the particular test and the soil retained on that sieve shall beagain pulverized for sieving, this procedure should be repeated until on further attempts atpulverizing very little soil passes through the specified sieve. Care should be taken not tobreakup the individual soil particles (see table-I).

    Table I Quantity of Soil Sample Required for Conducting the Tests.(Clauses 3.2, 3.3 & 4.1)



    TypeTemperature and

    duration of drying.

    Amount of soilsample required

    for test.

    Degree ofPulverization

    (IS Sieve size)

    Refer to partof IS 2720.

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    i Water content Oven. 24 h As given in table 2 -- Part 2

    ii Specific GravityOven. 105 to 110oC

    24 h

    50 g for finegrained soils400g for fine,

    medium andcoarse grainedsoils

    2 mm

    part 3/section1

    part 3/section2

    iiiGrain sizeanalysis

    Air Drying As given in table 3 -- part 4

    iv Liquid Limit do 270g 425 micron part 5

    v Plastic Limit do 60g do Do


    FactorsAir Drying 100g 425 micron part 6


    Compactiona) Light







    6 kg(15 kg if soil issusceptible to


    2 kg

    19 mm

    19 mm

    4.75 mm

    part 7

    part 8

    part 9


    strength.Oven 110oC 5oC 1 kg -- part 10



    Do 1 kg / 5 kg -- part 11




    do do -- part 12


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    xi Direct Shear Air Drying/Oven

    110o 5o C1 kg 4.75 mm part 13

    xiiDensity Index


    Oven, 105 to1100C24 h

    As per size ofparticle given

    below75 mm 45 kg37.5 mm 12 kg19 mm 12 kg9.5 mm 12 kg4.75 mm 12 kg




    PropertiesAir Drying/Oven

    110o 5o C500g -- part 15

    xiv CBR Air Drying 6 kg 19 mm part 16

    xv PermeabilityOven, 105 to1100C

    24 h

    2.5 kg (100 mmdia) / 5 kg (200

    mm dia)9.5 mm part 17

    xviField Moisture

    equivalentAir Drying 15 g 425 microns part 18


    equivalentDo 10 g do part 19


    ShrinkageDo 450 g do part 20


    Chemical Testsa)Total Soluble




    d) Cat ionexchangecapacity



    f)pH value

    g)Total solubleSulphates

    Oven, 105 to1100C24 h

    Air Drying

    Oven, 105 to1100C24 h





    10 g

    100 g

    5 g

    80-130 g

    15 g

    30 g

    30 g

    2 mm





    425 microns


    part 21

    part 22

    part 23

    part 24

    part 25

    part 26

    part 27

    xx Vane Shear Air Drying/Oven

    110o 5o C250 g -- part 30

    xxiNegative PoreWater Pressure

    Do 1 kg / 5 kg -- part 35


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    xxiiPermeability ofGranular soils

    Air Drying / Oven1100 C 50C

    1 kg / 5 kg -- part 36

    xxiii sand equivalentvalue

    110o C 5oC 1500 g 4.75 mm part 37

    xxiv Direct Shear Air Drying up to 120 g above 4.75 mmpart 39/

    section 1

    xxvFree Swell

    IndexOven Dry 20 g 425 microns part 40


    Air Drying / OvenDry

    2 kg 2 mm part 41

    Quantity of Sample1 The quantities of soil sample required for conducting various laboratory tests are given

    in table-I for guidance.Note: - For actual quantities corresponding part of IS 2720 shall be referred.

    2 When a smaller quantity has to be taken out of a bigger soil mass, representativesampling shall be done by quartering or riffling

    Note: - In the case of coarse gravel or gravelly soils, quartering by forming a cone shall not be done.The entire sample shall be thoroughly mixed and spread on a flat surface. The sample sospread shall be divided in to four quadrants and diagonally opposite quadrants mixed. Thisprocess shall be repeated till the desired quantity of sample is obtained.

    Table 2 Quantity of sample required fordetermination of water content

    Size of Particles morethan 90% passing

    Minimum quantity of soilspecimen to be taken for the

    test. Mass in Grams.

    425 micron IS Sieve 25

    2 mm IS Sieve 50

    4.75 mm IS Sieve 200

    9.50 mm IS Sieve 300

    19 mm IS Sieve 500

    17.5 mm IS Sieve 1000

    Depending upon the type, 100 to 200 g of thesoil fraction passing the 2 mm IS Sieve will be required for the determination of thedistribution of particles below 63-micron size.

    Determination of Soil Gradation

    A. Dry Sieve Analysis

    (for soil fraction retained on 4.75 mm sieve)

    1. Prepare the sample by drying it in air or oven and bring it to room temperature.

    2. Clean all the sieves to be used (40 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm)

    Table 3 Quantity of Soil required forgrain size analysis

    Maximum Size ofMaterialPresent in Substantial


    Mass to betaken for Test.

    mm Kg

    75 60

    37.5 25

    19 6.5

    13.2 3.5

    9.5 1.5

    6.7 0.75

    4.75 0.4


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    3. Weigh the required quantity of material from the prepared sample.

    4. Place the sieves over a clean tray one over the other in the ascending order of size.

    5. Shake the sieve with a varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to right, circularclockwise and anti clockwise, and with frequent jerking, so that the material is kept movingover the sieve surfaces.

    6. Do not force the material through the sieve by hand, except for sizes coarser than 20mm.

    7. Break the lumps of fine particles, if any, with fingers against the side of the sieve.

    8. Light brushing with a soft brush on the under side of sieve may be done to clear surface.

    9. Find the individual weight of material retained on each sieve and record.

    10. Calculate the percentage by weight of the total sample passing each sieve and report theresults in Form EW- 1.

    B. Wet Sieve Analysis

    (for soil fraction passing 4.75 mm sieve and retained on 75 micron sieve)

    1. Take a portion of the sample prepared by drying in oven and brought to room temperature.

    2. Soak the sample in water and leave it for soaking overnight.

    3. Wash out the finer fraction passing through 75 micron sieve.

    4. Then dry it in oven for 24 hours and sieve the dry particles and find the percentage of soilpassing through each sieve and report the results in form EW-1


    Dry sieving Weight of soil sample taken in gm

    I.S. Sievedesignation

    Weight of Sampleretained (gm)

    Percent of Wt.Retained

    Cumulative Percentof Wt. retained (%)

    Percentage ofWt. Passing

    75 mm

    63 mm

    37.5 mm

    19 mm

    13.2 mm

    9.5 mm

    6.7 mm

    4.75 mm

    2.00 mm

    4.25 micron


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    Wet sieving Weight of soil sample taken in gm

    I.S. Sievedesignation

    Weight of Sampleretained (gm)

    Percent of Wt.Retained

    Cumulative Percentof Wt. retained (%)

    Percentage of Wt.Passing

    2.36 mm

    1.18 mm




    Summary of Results

    Clay / silt (-75 micron) percent

    Sand (-4.75 mm + 75 micron) percent

    Gravel (-40 mm + 4.75 mm) percent

    II. Test for the Determination of Liquid Limit By Cone Penetration

    Method-One Point Method IS: 2720 (Part 5)-1985Apparatus1Cone Penetrometer It shall consist of a metallic cone with half angle of 15 0-3015 and

    30.5 mm coned length. It shall be fixed at the end of a metallic rod with a disc at the top of therod so as to have a total sliding weight of 80 0.5 g. The rod shall pass through two guides (toensure vertical movement), fixed to a stand as indicated in Fig. It shall confirm to IS: 11196-1985. Suitable provision shall be made for clamping the vertical rod at any desired height abovethe surface of the soil paste in the trough. A trough 50 mm in diameter and 50 mm highinternally shall be provided.2 Balance sensitive to 0.01 g.

    3 Containers non-corrodible and air-tight for moisturedetermination.

    4Oven thermostatically controlled with interior of non-corrodingmaterial to maintain the temperature between 1050C and 1100C.Soil Sample A soil sample weighing about 150 g from thethoroughly mixed portion of the soil passing 425 micron IS Sieveobtained in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part -1) 1983 shall betaken.

    Procedure About 150 g of the soil specimen obtained as in 3.2shall be taken and worked into a paste with addition of distilledwater. In case of clayey soils, it is recommended that the soil iskept wet and allowed to stand for a sufficient time (24 hours) toensure uniform distribution of moisture. The wet soil paste shall

    then be transferred to the cylindrical trough of the conePenetrometer apparatus and leveled up to the top of the trough.The Penetrometer shall be so adjusted that the cone point just


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    OrPalette Knives two, with the blade about 20 cm long and 3 cm wide (for use with flat

    glass plate for mixing soil and water).

    3 Surface for Rolling ground glass plate about 20 x 15 cm.4 Containers airtight to determine moisture content.5 Balance sensitive to 0.01 g.

    6 Oven thermostatically controlled with interior of non-corroding material to maintain thetemperature between 1050C and 1100C.

    7 Rod - 3 mm in diameter and about 10 cm long.

    Soil Sample A sample weighing about 20 g from the thoroughly mixed portion of the materialpassing 425 micron IS Sieve, obtained in accordance with IS: 2720 (Part I)-1983 * shall betaken.When both the liquid limit and the plastic limit of a soil are to be determined, a quantity of soilsufficient for both the tests shall be taken for preparation of the soil. At a stage in the process of

    mixing of soil and water at which the mass becomes plastic enough to be easily shaped into aball, a portion of the soil sample in the plastic state should be taken for the plastic limit test.

    Procedure The soil sample shall be mixed thoroughly with distilled water in an evaporatingdish or on the flat glass plate till the soil mass becomes plastic enough to be easily mouldedwith fingers. In the case of clayey soils, the plastic soil mass shall be left to stand for a sufficienttime (24 hours) to ensure uniform distribution of moisture throughout the soil mass(See abovePara). A ball shall be formed with about 8 g of this plastic soil mass and rolled between thefingers and the glass plate With just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniformdiameter throughout its length. The rate of rolling shall be done till the threads are of 3 mmdiameter. The soil shall then be kneaded together to a uniform mass and rolled again. Thisprocess of alternate rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread. The crumbling

    may occur when the thread has a diameter greater than 3 mm. This shall be considered asatisfactory end point, provided the soil has been rolled into a thread 3 mm in diameterimmediately before. At no time shall attempt be made to produce failure at exactly 3 mmdiameter by allowing the thread to reach 3 mm, then reducing the rate of rolling or pressure orboth, and continuing the rolling without further deformation until the thread falls apart. Thepieces of crumbled soil thread shall be collected in an air-tight container and the moisturecontent determined as described in IS: 2720 (Part II)-1973*.

    Report1 The observations of test should be recorded suitably.

    2 The moisture content determined as above, is the plastic limit of the soil. Theplastic limit shall be determined for at least three portions of the soil passing 425

    micron IS Sieve. The average of the results calculated to the nearest whole numbershall be reported as the plastic limit of the soil.

    3 The history of the soil sample (that is, natural state, air-dried, oven dried or unknown) and theperiod of soaking allowed after mixing of water to the soil shall also be reported.

    Examples of Liquid Limit TestsSl.





    Penetration inmm (n)





    Wt. ofEmptyCup +WetSoil





    H2O(5 - 6 =



    Wt. of

    Empty cup


    Wt.of drySoil

    (6 8=9)



    Content Wn(%)(7/9 x100)


    WL =W

    N 0.77log D



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    MN Road 2590 102.4 85.4 17 32.2 53.2 31.95 32.00


    MN Road22 87 109 91.4 17.6 30.7 60.7 29.00 30.00


    MN Road25 71 83.2 62.1 21.1 32.2 29.9 70.57 71.00


    MN Road24 26 105.4 83.7 21.7 32.5 51.2 42.38 43.00

    Examples Of Plastic Limit Tests









    Wt. Of wetSoil &

    empty Cup


    Wt. Of dry

    Soil + cup





    Wt. Of



    Wt.Of dry



    Plastic Limit





    MN Road 150 60.4 57 3.4 36.5 20.5 17



    MN Road 154 53.5 50.8 2.7 32.6 18.2 15



    MN Road 103 54.2 48.6 5.6 33.2 15.4 36



    MN Road 188 68.5 64 4.5 43.4 20.6 22

    V. Plasticity IndexCalculation : The plasticity index is calculated as the difference between its liquid limit andplastic limit.

    Plasticity index (Ip) = liquid limit (WL) plastic limit (Wp).

    Report : The difference calculated as indicated in 7.1 shall be reported as the plasticity index,except under the following conditions:

    a) In the case of sandy soils plastic limit should be determined first. When plastic limitcannot be determined, the plasticity index should be reported as Np (non-plastic).

    b) When the plastic limit is equal to or greater than the liquid limit, the plasticity index shallbe reported as zero.

    Plasticity Index (PI): For above samples: 1). PI = 32 17 = 152). PI = 30 15 = 153). PI = 71 36 = 354). PI = 43 22 = 21

    VI Determination of Free Swell Index of SoilsIS: 2720 (Part 40): 1977

    1. Take two samples of dry soil. 10 gm each

    2. Take two 100 ml graduated glass cylinders.

    3. Pour the soil sample in each cylinder

    4. Fill distilled water in one cylinder and kerosene in the other cylinder upto 100 ml marks.

    5. Remove the entrapped air by gently shaking or stirring with a glass rod.

    6. Leave the samples to settle and allow sufficient time (24 hours or more) for the soil samplesto attain equilibrium state of volume.

    7. Read the final volume of soil in each cylinder.

    8. Determine the differential free swell index Sd using the formula


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    V VX 100

    Volume of soil in water - volume of soil in keroseneSd= xlOO

    Volume of soil in kerosene

    9. If the value of Sd is 50 percent or more, the soil is expansive and not suitable for use asembankment fill material. (For EW-5(a))

    Swell Index TestSample

    No.Final volume of soil

    in waterVw

    Final volume of soil in inKerosene


    Free Swell Index

    Sd =

    Note: permissible LimitMax 50 percent.Precautions1) Pour the soil specimen in both the graduated glass cylinder gently, so that no soil particle

    remains stuck to the wall of the cylinder.2) Sufficient time should be given to both the soil specimen to attain the final equilibrium

    position of volume without any future change in the soil volumes. This may take 24 hours ormore.

    3) For highly swelling soils, the weight of soil specimen may be taken as 5g or cylinders of250ml. capacity may be used.

    A relation between differential free swell (%) and degree of expansiveness of soil is givenbelow:

    Differential free swell (%) Degree of expansiveness

    < 20 Low

    20-35 Moderate

    35-50 High

    > 50 Very High

    If the degree of expansiveness of soil at a site is damageable to the structure to be constructedthere, it is recommended to take suitable measures for foundation design to the same. In suchcases, the foundation should be constructed under the supervision of a geotechnical engineer.

    VII. Determination of Field Density and Dry Unit WeightBy Sand Replacement Method

    Object and scope. The object of the test is to determine the dry density of natural orcompact soil, in-place, by the sand replacement method.

    Materials and equipment: (i) Sand pouring cylinder of about 3 litre capacity, mounted

    above a pouring cone and separated by a shutter cover plate and a shutter, (ii) Cylindricalcalibrating container, 10 cm internal diameter and 15 cm internal depth, fitted with flangeapproximately 5 cm wide and about 5 mm thick (iii) Glass plate, about 45 cm square and 1 cm


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    thick, (iv) Metal tray with a central circular hole of diameter equal to the diameter of the pouringcone, (v) Tools for excavating hole, (vi) Balance accurate to 1 g, (vii) Container for watercontent determination, (viii) Clean, closely graded natural sand passing the 1mm IS Sieve andretained on the 600-micron IS Sieve.

    Test Procedure(A) Determination of mass of sand filling the cone

    1. Fill the clean closely graded sand in the sand pouring cylinder upto a height 1 cm below the

    top. Determination the total initial mass of the cylinder plus sand (M1). This total initial massshould be maintained constant throughout the tests for which the calibration is used.

    2. Allow the sand of volume equivalent to that of the excavated hole in the soil (or equal to thatof the calibrating container), to run out of cylinder by opening the shutter. Close the shutterand place the cylinder on glass plate.

    3. Open the shutter and allow the sand to run out. Close the valve when no further movementof sand is observed. Remove the cylinder carefully. Weigh the sand collected on the glasssurface. Its mass (M2) will give the mass of sand filling the pouring cone. Repeat this step atleast three times and take the mean mass (M2). Put the sand back into the cylinder, to havethe same constant mass (M1).

    (B) Determination of bulk density of sand

    4. Determine the volume (V) of the calibrating container by filling it with water full to the brimand finding the mass of water. This volume should be checked by calculating it from themeasured internal dimensions of the container.

    5. Place the sand-pouring cylinder concentrically on the top of the calibrating container, after

    being filled to constant mass (M1 ). Open the shutter and permit the sand to run into thecontainer. When no further movement of sand is seen, close the shutter. Remove thepouring cylinder and find its mass (M3) to nearest gram.

    6. Repeat step (5) at least thrice and find the mean mass M3. Put the sand into the sand-pouring cylinder.

    (C) Determination of dry density of soil in-place

    7. Expose about 45 cm square area of the soil to be tested and trim it down to level surface.Keep the tray on the level surface and excavate a circular hole of approximately 10 cmdiameter and 15 cm deep and collect all the excavated soil in the tray. Find the mass (M) ofthe excavated soil.

    8. Remove the tray, and place the sand-pouring cylinder, so that the base of the cylinder

    concentrically covers the hole. The cylinder should have its constant mass M1. open theshutter and permit the sand to run into the hole. Close the shutter when no further

    movement of the sand is seen. Remove the cylinder and determine its mass (M4).Keep a representative sample of the excavated soil for water content determination.

    Tabulation of observations. The observations are tabulated as illustrated in Table 3.10.

    TABLE 3.10 Data and Observation Sheet for Determination of DryDensity by Sand Replacement Method

    (a) Determination of Mass of sand in the cone

    1. Mass of sand (+cylinder) before pouring M1 10550 g

    2. Mean mass of sand in cone M2 445 g


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    (b) Determination of bulk density of sand

    3. Volume of calibrating container V 1000 ml4. Mean mass of sand (+cylinder) after pouring M3 8655 g5. Mass of sand filling calibrating container = M1 - M3 - M2 1450 g

    6. Bulk Density of sand S =1450 / 1000 1.45 g/cm3

    (c) Bulk density of soil

    7. Mass of wet soil from the hole M 2234g

    8. Mass of sand (+cylinder) after pouring in the hole M4 8512g

    9. Mass of sand in the hole = M1 - M4 - M2 1593g

    10. Bulk density of soil() = 2234 / 1593 X 1.45 2.03 g/cm3

    (d) Water content determination

    11. Container No 11

    12. Mass of container + wet soil 62.48 g

    13. Mass of container + dry soil 57.76 g

    14. Mass of container 21.43 g

    15. Mass of dry soil 36.33 g

    16. Mass of water 4.72 g

    17. Water content (w) Ratio 0.13

    18. Dry density d =_ _ _2.03_

    1+w 1+0.131.8 g/cm3

    Reference to Indian standard: IS: 2720-1974 (Part XXVIII) by sand replacement method):

    VIII. Determination of Grain Size Distribution by Sieving

    Object and scope. The object of this experiment is to determine grain-size distributionof coarse grained soil by sieving. The test covers both coarse sieve analysis (for gravel fraction)as well as fine sieve analysis (for sand fraction).

    Material and equipment. (i) Balances accurate to 1 g and 0.1 g. (ii) Set of IS sieves:100 mm, 63 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300 micron, 212micron, 150 micron and 75 micron size, (iii) Thermostatically controlled oven, (iv) Two or morelarge metal or plastic water tight trays, (v) Sieve brushes and a wire brush (vi) Mortar with arubber covered pestle, (vii) Mechanical sieve-shaker and (viii) Riffler.

    Test Procedure1. Using a riffler, take a representative sample of soil received from the field and

    dry it in the oven.

    2. Weigh the required quantity of dried soil, keep it in a tray and soak it with water. Dependingon the maximum size of material present in substantial quantities in the soil, the mass of

    soil sample taken for analysis may be as follows [IS: 2720 (Part IV)-1965].

    Maximum Size of Material Present inSubstantial Quantities

    Mass to be taken for Test

    mm Kg

    63 50

    20 6.5

    10 1.5

    4.75 0.375

    3. Puddle the sample thoroughly in water and transfer the slurry to the 4.75 mm sieve, whichdivides the gravel fraction from the sand fraction. Wash the slurry with jet of water. Collect the


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    materials retained on 4.75 mm sieve and the material passing through it in separate containers.Keep the material retained on 4.75 mm sieve in the oven.

    4. Wash the material passing through the 4.75 mm sieve through a 75-micron sieve so that silt

    and clay particles are separated from the sand fraction. Collect the material passing through75-micron sieve and the material retained on it in separate containers, and keep them in theoven.

    5. Sieve the dried material, retained on 4.75 mm sieve (step 3), through the following set ofsieves: 63 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, and 4.75 mm by hand sieving. While sieving through eachsieve, the sieve shall be agitated so that the sample rolls in irregular motion over the sieve. Thematerial from the sieve may be rubbed, if necessary, with the rubber pestle in the mortar takingcare to see that individual soil particles are not broken and re-sieved to make sure that onlyindividual particles are retained. The mass of material retained on each sieve should berecorded.

    6. Sieve the dried material, retained on 75-micron sieve (step 4), through the following set ofsieves: 2 mm, 1mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300 micron, 212 micron, 150 micron and 75micron size. The set of sieve should be arranged one above the other and fitted to amechanical sieve shaker such that the 2 mm sieve is at the top and the 75-micron sieve is atthe bottom. A cover should be placed on the top of the 2 mm sieve, and a receiver should beplaced below the 75-micron sieve. A minimum of 10 minutes sieving should be used. The soilfraction retained on each sieve should be carefully collected in containers and the mass of eachfraction determined and recorded.

    Alternatively, the material retained on 75 micron sieve (step 4), may not be dried, but bewashed through a set of sieves specified in step 6, nested in order of their fineness with thefinest (75 micron) at the bottom. Washing should be continued until the water passing througheach sieve is substantially clean. The fraction retained on each sieve should be emptied

    carefully with out loss of material in separate container and oven-dried. The oven-dried fractionshould be weighed separate and their mass should be recorded.

    7. The material passing 75-micron sieve (step 4) may be used for sedimentation analysis.

    Tabulation of observations. The test observations and results are recorded as illustrated inTable below.

    Calculations. The percentage of soil retained on each sieve is calculated on the basis of totalmass of soil sample taken and from these results the percent passing through each of the sieveis calculated, as illustrated in Table below.

    TABLE : Data and Observation Sheet for Sieve Analysis

    Sample No. 108 Mass retained on 4.75 mm sieve: 167 gMass of dry soil sample: 1000g Mass passing through 75 micron size: 77 g

    S.No. IS SieveParticle size

    D (mm)




    Cumulative% retained

    Cumulative %finer (N)

    1. 100 mm 100 mm - - - 100

    2. 63 mm 63 mm - - - 100

    3. 20 mm 20 mm 33 3.3 3.3 96.7

    4. 10 mm 10 mm 49 4.9 8.2 91.8

    5. 4.75 mm 4.75 mm 85 8.5 16.7 83.3

    6. 2 mm 2 mm 140 14.0 30.7 69.3

    7. 1 mm 1 mm 160 16.0 46.7 53.3

    8. 600 micron 0.6 mm 142 14.2 60.9 39.1


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    9. 425 micron 0.425 mm 118 11.8 72.7 27.3

    10. 300 micron 0.300 mm 82 8.2 80.9 19.1

    11. 212 micron 0.212 mm 56 5.6 86.5 13.5

    12. 150 micron 0.150 mm 35 3.5 90.0 10.013. 75 micron 0.075 mm 23 2.3 92.3 7.7

    Note 1. Dry Sieve Analysis. If the soil sample contains little or no fines (passing 75 micronsieve), dry sieve analysis may be carried out. Dry sieving through 4.75 mm sieve firstseparates the gravel fraction and sand fraction. The material retained on 4.75 mm size isfurther sieved through the following set of sieves: 2mm, 1 mm, 600 micron, 425 micron, 300micron, 212 micron, 150 micron and 75 micron sizes.

    Note 2. The permissible maximum mass of sample on the 200 mm diameter sieves should beas follows:

    IS Sieve Designation Maximum mass of sample (g)

    600 micron 160

    200 micron 5575 micron 25

    Note 3. If the soil contains greater amount of fines (finer than 75 micron size), the dried soil fractionpassing through 4.75 mm sieve (step 6) should be soaked in water containing two grams of sodiumhexameta phosphate (or one gram of sodium hydroxide and one gram of sodium carbonate) per litre ofwater. The soaked specimen should then be washed thoroughly over the nest of sieves specified in step6.

    IX. Determination of Compaction Properties

    Object and scope. The object of the experiment is to determine the relationship between watercontent and dry density of soil using Standard Proctor Test (light compaction) or Modified

    Proctor Test (heavy compaction), and then to determine the optimum water content and thecorresponding maximum dry density for a soil. The test also covers the determination ofrelationship between penetration resistance and water content for the compacted soil.

    (a) Light Compaction (Standard Proctor Test)

    Materials and Equipment. (i) Cylindrical metal mould of capacity 1000cc, with an internaldiameter of 1000.1 mm and an internal effective height of 127.30.1 mm, or mould of capacity2250 cc, with an internal diameter 1500.1 mm and an internal effective height of 127.30.1mm, each mould fitted with a detachable base and a removable extension (collar)approximately 60 mm high (ii) Metal rammer, 50 mm diameter circular face, weighing 2.6 kgand having drop of 310 mm (iii) Steel straight edge (iv) 20 mm and 4.75 mm IS sieves (v)Balances, 10 kg capacity sensitive to 1 g, and 200 capacity sensitive to 0.01 g (vi)Thermostatically controlled oven (105 1100C) (vii) Water content containers (viii) Mixingequipment, such as mixing pan, spoon, trowel spatula etc. (ix) Measuring cylinder of glass, 100ml capacity (x) Sample extruder (optional).

    Test Procedure

    1. Take about 18 Kg of air dried sample for 1000 cc mould (40 Kg for 2250 cc mould) .Sieve the soil through 20mm and 4.75mm IS Sieves and calculate the ratio of fractionpassing 20mm IS Sieve and retained on 4.75mm IS Sieve. Use 100mm dia mould ifpercentage retained on 4.75mm sieve is less than 20, and 150mm dia if soil percentageretained on 4.75mm sieve is more than 20. Discard the soil retained on 20mm sieve.Add enough water to bring its water content to about 7 per cent (sandy soils) or 10 percent

    (clayey soils) less than the estimated optimum moisture content. Keep this soil in an air tightcontainer for about 20 hours, for maturing.


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    2. Clean the mould and fix it to the base. Take the empty mass of the mould and the base,nearest to 1 g.

    3. Attach the collar to the mould. The inside of the mould may be greased thoroughly.

    4. Mix the matured soil thoroughly. Take out about 2 kg of the soil and compact it in themould in three equal layers, each layer being given 25 blows from the rammer weighing 2.6 kgdropping from a height of 310 mm, if 1000 ml mould is used. If however, the 2250 ml mould isused, about 5 kg of soil should be taken and should be compacted in three equal layers, eachlayer being given 56 blows from the rammer weighing 2.6 kg dropping from a height of 310 mm.The blows should be uniformly distributed over the surface of each layer. Each layer ofcompacted soil should be scored with a spatula before putting the soil for the succeeding layer.The amount of soil used should be just sufficient to fill the mould leaving about 5 mm to bestruck off when collar is removed. Find the penetration resistance of compacted soil, using theProctors needle.

    5. Remove the collar, and cut the excess soil with the help of a straight edge. Clean the mouldfrom outside, and weigh it to the nearest gram. Eject out the soil from the mould, cut it in themiddle and keep a representative soil specimen for water content determination.

    6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for about five or six times, using a fresh part of the soil specimen andafter adding a higher water content than the proceeding specimen.

    Fig.a Fig.b

    Tabulation of observations. The observations are tabulated as illustrated in Table below.

    Table : Data And Observation Sheet For Proctors Test (LightCompaction)

    Determination No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    (a) Density

    Mass of mould + compacted soil (g)6607 6644 6723 6795 6837 6842 6829

    Mass of mould (g) 4944 4944 4944 4944 4944 4944 4944

    Mass of compacted soil (g) 1663 1720 1779 1851 1893 1898 1885

    Bulk density () g/cm3 1.76 1.82 1.88 1.96 2.00 2.01 1.99

    Dry density (d) g/cm3 1.55 1.57 1.58 1.64 1.63 1.62 1.58


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    (b) Water content Container No. 23 94 8 9 159 71 10

    Mass of container + wet soil (g) 45.3 59.9 38.8 52.2 46.8 45.6 44.9

    Mass of Container + dry soil (g) 42.5 54.7 36.2 47.4 42.2 41.3 40.2

    Mass of water (g) 2.8 5.2 2.6 4.8 4.4 4.3 4.7

    Mass of container (g) 22.5 22.9 22.5 22.6 23.1 22.9 22.5

    Mass of dry soil (g) 20.0 31.8 13.7 24.8 19.3 18.4 17.7

    Water content (w) (%) 13.9 16.3 18.8 19.4 22.8 23.4 26.6

    Calculations: 1. The dry density of the compacted soil is calculated as follows:

    d =

    (1+w)A curve showing the relationship between dry density and water content is plotted. The watercontent corresponding to the maximum dry density is found from the curve. For the datatabulated above, the optimum water content is found to be 20% corresponding to maximum drydensity of 1.64 g/cm3. The corresponding dry unit weight = 1.64 x 9.81 = 16.09 kN/m3.2. The voids ratio for each determination is found from the equation:

    e = G w - 1


    3. On the same plot, a curve is drawn between penetration resistance and watercontent (Fig. b).

    (b) Heavy Compaction (Modified Proctors Tests)The equipment required for the heavy compaction test is the same as that required for the lightcompaction except that the rammer has a falling mass of 4.89 kg and has a drop of 45 cm. Thesoil is compacted in five equal layers, instead, of three. Each layer is given 25 blows of therammer if the 1000ml mould is used, and 56 blows if 2250cc mould is used.

    X. Determination of California Bearing Ratio Value As per IS: 2720 (Part-16) -1979

    1. Concept and SignificanceCalifornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) test originally developed by California Division of

    Highways (U.S.A) is one of the most commonly used methods to evaluate the strength ofsubgrade soil for design of pavement thickness. CBR value as defined by IS: 2720 (Part XVI)-1979 is the ratio of the force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass with a circularplunger of 50 mm diameter at the rate of 1.25 mm/minute, to that required for correspondingpenetration of a standard material. Standard load is that load which has been obtained fromtests on a crushed stone whose CBR value is taken to be 100 per cent. The ratio is usuallydetermined for penetration of 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm. The results of this test cannot be relatedaccurately with fundamental properties of the material but are useful in design of flexiblepavements.

    2. ObjectiveTo determine the California Bearing Ratio of the subgrade soil.

    3. ApparatusThe apparatus as per IS: 2720 (Part XVI) 1979 comprises of the following:

    (i) Mould. A metallic cylinder of 150 mm internal diameter and 175 mmheight; provided with a detachable metal extension collar 50 mm in height.It also has a detachable perforated base plate of 10 mm thickness. The

    perforations in the base plate do not exceed 1.5 mm in diameter.(ii) Steel cutting collar, which can fit flush with the mould.

    (iii) Spacer disc. A metal disc of 148 mm diameter and 47.7 mm in height.


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    (iv) Surcharge weights: One annular metal weight and slotted weights each of2.5 kg and 147 mm in diameter with a central hole 53 mm in diameter.

    (v) Dial gauges. Two dial gauges reading to 0.01 mm.

    (vi) IS sieves of sizes 47.5 mm and 20 mm.

    (vii) Penetration plunger. A metallic plunger having a diameter of 50 mm and atleast 100 mm long.

    (viii) Loading machine with a capacity of at least 5000 kg and equipped with aplatform that can move vertically at a rate of 1.25 mm/min.

    (ix) Miscellaneous apparatus like mixing bowl, straight edge, scales, soakingtank, drying oven, filter paper, dishes and calibrated measuring jar.

    ProcedurePreparation of test specimen.

    1 Preparation of Undisturbed SpecimenFit to the mould, the steel cutting edge of 150 mm internal diameter. Push the mould into

    the ground as gently as possible till the mould is full of soil. Remove the soil from sides andbottom. Trim the excessive soil from top and bottom.

    2 Preparation of Remoulded SpecimenRemoulded samples are prepared such that the dry density obtained from proctor

    compaction tests, the water content of remoulded samples is either the optimum water contentor the field moisture as the case may be, the remoulded sample are compacted either staticallyor dynamically. The test material should pass 20mm IS sieve and retained on 4.75mm IS sieve.If coarser material is retained on 20mm sieve, it should be discarded and an equal amount ofmaterial retained on 4.75mm sieve and passing through 20mm sieve should be replaced.

    3 Statically Compacted Specimen

    (i) Calculate the amount of soil required such that it fills the mould (excluding collar) atthe desired density after compaction.

    (ii) Calculate the amount of water to be added to give desired water content.

    (iii) Mix the soil thoroughly with water.

    (iv) Fix the extension collar to the mould and clamp it to the base plate.

    (v) Fix the mould with soil, gently pressing it with hands so that it does not spill out ofthe mould.

    (vi) Place a coarse filter paper over the leveled soil surface and then insert the spacedisc.

    (vii) Place the assembly on the pedestal of compression machine and compact the soiluntil the top of the spacer disc is flush with the top of the collar.

    4 Dynamically compacted specimen(i) Sieve the material through 20 mm IS sieve

    (ii) Take about 4.5 kg or more of representative sample for fine grained soils and about5.5 kg for granular soils in a mixing pan.

    (iii) Add water to the soil in the quantity such that the moisture content of the specimen iseither equal to field moisture content or OMC as desired.

    (iv) Mix together the soil and water uniformly.

    (v) Clamp the mould along with the extension collar to the base plate.

    (vi) Place the coarse filter paper on the top of the spacer disc.

    (vii) Pour soil-water mix in the mould in such a quantity that after compaction about 1/5 th

    of the mould is filled


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    (viii) Give 56 blows with the rammer weighing 2.6 kg dropping through 310 mm in threelayers (light compaction) or 4.89 kg dropping through 450 mm in 5 layers (heavycompaction) evenly spread on the surface.

    (ix) Scratch the top layer of compacted surface. Add more soil and compact in similarfashion. Fill the mould completely in five layers.

    (x) Remove the extension collar and trim off the excess soil by a straight edge

    (xi) Remove the base plate, spacer disc and the filter paper and note down the weight ofmould and compacted specimen.

    (xii) Place a coarse filter paper on the perforated base plate.

    (xiii) Invert the mould containing compacted soil and clamp it to the base plate.

    5. Testing the Specimen

    (i) Place the mould containing the specimen, with base plate in position, on the testingmachine.

    (ii) Place the annular weight of 2.5 kg on the top surface of soil.(iii) Bring the penetration plunger in contact with soil surface and apply a load of 4 kg so

    that full contact between soil and plunger is established. This should be taken aszero load.

    (iv) Place the remainder surcharge weight so that total surcharge weight equals to 5 kg.

    (v) Set the reading of dial gauges to zero.

    (vi) Apply load so that penetration rate is 1.2 mm per min. Record the load atpenetration of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm. Themaximum load has to be recorded if it occurs at less than 12.5 mm.

    (vii) Collect about 20 to 50 g of soil to determine the water content

    6. CBR Test on Soaked SpecimenTo perform CBR test on soaked specimen, the sample excluding base plate and spacer

    disc is weighed. A filter paper is placed on the sample with a perforated plate on it. Over it asurcharge weight 2.5 or 5 kg is placed and the sample is soaked in water tank for 4 days. Thesample is then allowed to drain off water in a vertical position for about 15 minutes. The sampleis weighed again to calculate the percentage of water absorbed. It is then tested following thenormal procedure.

    7 Computation of Test Results(i) Plot the load penetration curve with the load as ordinate and penetration as abscissa.

    Sometimes the initial portion of the curve is concave upwards due to surfaceirregularities. In such a case apply a correction. Draw tangent at the point of greatest

    slope. The point where this tangent meets the abscissa is the corrected zero reading ofpenetration.

    (ii) From the curve, determine the load value corresponding to the penetration value atwhich the CBR is desired.

    (iii) Compute CBR value as follows:Test load corresponding to chosen penetration (PT)

    CBR value = x 100Standard load for the same penetration (PS)

    Usually the CBR value is calculated for 2.5 mm and 5 mm penetration. Generally theCBR value at 2.5 mm penetration will be greater than that at 5 mm and in such a case the

    former is taken for design purposes. If the 5 mm value is greater the test is repeated, if thesame results follow, the CBR value corresponding to 5 mm penetration is adopted for designpurposes.


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    XII. Determination of Specific Gravity and

    Water Absorption of Aggregate

    1. Wash a sample of aggregate of not less than 2000 gm to remove dust. Drain and placethe sample in the density basket.

    2. Immerse the basket in water at a temperature of 22C to 32C with at least 5cm cover ofwater above the top of the basket.

    3. Immediately after immersion, remove the entrapped air from sample by lifting the basket

    25mm above the base of the tank and allow it to drop 25 times, at the rate of one drop persecond.

    4. Keep the basket and aggregates completely immersed in water for 24 `/~ hours. thenweigh in water at temperature of 22C to 32C (W1).

    5. Remove the basket and aggregates from water and allow to drain for few minutes.

    6. Empty the aggregates from basket and return the empty basket into water.

    7. Jolt the basket 25 times and weigh in water

    8. Gently dry the surface of the aggregate by wiping with cloth. Spread the aggregates.expose to atmosphere but away from direct sunlight till they appear dry.


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    9. Take the weight of surface dry aggregates (W3).

    10. Place the aggregates in oven at a temperature of 100C to 110C for 24 1/2 hours.

    11. Remove the aggregates in oven, cool in air and weigh (W4).

    12. W4i) Sp. Gravity = ----------------------

    W3 - (W1 W2)

    W4ii) Apparent Sp. Gravity = ----------------------

    W3 - (W1 W2)

    W3 W4iii) Water absorption (Percent of dry weight) = ---------------- X 100


    13. Report results in Form GB - 5.

    Water Absorption of Aggregate

    ObservationsTest No.

    1 2 3Average

    Wt. of saturated aggregate and basket in water (W1) gm

    Wt. of basket in water (W2) gm

    Wt. of saturated surface dry aggregate in air (W3) gm

    Wt. of oven dried aggregate in air (W4) gm

    Specific gravity = W4 / W3 - (W3 W4)Apparent Specific gravity = W4 / W4 - (W1 W2)

    Water absorption = (W3 W4) x 100 / W4 (%)

    Mean value of Specific gravity =

    Mean value of apparent specific gravity =

    Mean value of Water absorption =

    XIII. Determination of Moisture Content of Aggregates

    1. Clean the container thoroughly

    2. Dry it and termine its empty weight (W1) with lid.


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    3. Take the required quantity of the aggregate sample in the container and place itloosely inside the container.

    4. Close the container and determine its weight (W2)

    5. Keep the container with the lid removed in an oven maintained at a temperatureof 110C 5C for 24 hours.

    6. After drying. remove the container and allow it to cool to room temperature.

    7. Determine weight of the dry sample with lid (W3)

    8. Calculate the water content in percentage using the formula.W2 W3

    W = ---------------- X 100W2 W3

    9. Report the results in Form SB - 3.

    Moisture Content of Aggregates


    Tin No.Wt. of Tin(gm) (W1)

    Wt. ofTin + wetaggregate(gm) (W2)

    Wt. ofTin + dry

    aggregate(gm) (W3)

    Loss ofWater(gm)(W2) (W3)

    Wt. of drysoil (gm)

    (W2) - (W1)






    Average Moisture Content (%)

    XIV.Determination of Flakiness Index and Elongation Index Values

    Concept and Significance:Flakiness Index of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles in it whose

    least dimension (thickness)is less than three fifths (3/5 th) of their mean dimension. The test isnot applicable to sizes smaller than 6.3mm.

    ObjectTo determine the flakiness of coarse aggregate sample

    Apparatus1. Balance should have an accuracy of 0.10% of the weight of test sample

    2. Metal gauge confirming to IS 2336 (Part I) 19773. I.S Sieves 63mm, 50mm, 40mm , 31.5mm ,25mm,20mm,16mm, 12.5mm , 10.0mm

    and 6.3mm.

    Procedure1. The sample has to be carefully and properly sieved.

    2. Nine fractions are to be collected with the following specifications:

    Passing through I.S Sieve Retained on I.S Sieve60 mm 50 mm50 mm 40 mm

    40 mm 31.5 mm31.5 mm 25 mm25 mm 20 mm


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    20 mm 16 mm16 mm 12.5 mm

    12.5 mm 10 mm10 mm 6.3 mm

    3. Every Piece of each fractional sieve shall be gauged for a minimum thickness with thehelp of the ISI gauge or in bulk using a set of sieves having standard elongated slots.

    4. Thus, each fraction is to be separated into 2 parts: One consisting of pieces which passthrough the corresponding slot in the standard gauge and the other consisting of pieceswhich do not pass through the corresponding slot in the standard gauge.

    5. Each part is separately weighed. Sum of both the weights gives the total weight of eachfraction.

    Observations and Calculations:

    F l a k i n e s s I n d e x


    Wt.of fraction of thesample



    Retained On

    Weight ingms



    Thicknessguage in



    1. 63.0 50.0 4030 63.0 - 50.0 3832. 50.0 40.0 11820 50.0 - 40.0 12173. 40.0 25.0 21880 40.0 - 25.0 2341

    Total 37730 3941

    Flakiness Index:( 3941/37730) x 100 = 10.44 % Not >15 %

    ELONGATION INDEX: Elongation Index is weight of elongated particles divided by total non-flaky Particles.

    The gauge length would be 1.8 times the mean size of aggregate. For an aggregatepassing through 50mm sieve but retained on 40mm sieve, the mean size is 45mm and limit forthe length of 45, works out to be 1.8 x 45 = 81mm.

    Elongation I n d e x

    S.No Weight ofNon-flakymaterial


    Wt. of




    PercentageLength gauge in

    gms1. 3647 63.0 - 50.0 1262. 10603 50.0 - 40.0 2733. 19539 40.0 - 25.0 676

    Total 33789 1075

    Elongation Index = 1075 x 100(37730-3941)

    = 1075/33789 x 100 = .

    Flakiness + Elongation Index = 10.44 + 3.18 = % (Not > 30%)


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    The Flakiness Index shall be less than 15% for coarse aggregates for road works (Clause.1007of MOST Specification.)

    The Flakiness Index shall be less than 35% for coarse aggregates for concrete works

    (Clause.1007 of MOST Specification.)

    The Flakiness Index shall be less than 25% for stone chipping.

    The Combined Flakiness and Elongation Indices shall be less than 30% for combined mixaggregates (bituminous works)

    XV. Determination of Aggregate Impact Value

    1. Concept and Significance.The property of a material to resist impact is known as Toughness. Due to movement of

    vehicles on the road the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their breaking down into smaller pieces. The aggregates should therefore have sufficient toughness to resist theirdisintegration due to impact. This characteristic is measured by impact value test. Theaggregate impact value is a measure of resistance to sudden impact or shock, which may differfrom its resistance to gradually applied compressive load.

    2. ObjectiveTo determine the impact value of the road aggregate

    3. Apparatus1. Testing Machine

    2. Cylindrical steel cup

    3. Metal Hammer

    4. Tamping rod

    5. Balance.

    4. ProcedureThe test sample consists of

    Aggregate size 10.0mm to 12.5 mm .The

    aggregates should be dried by heating at

    100-110 C for a period of 4 hours and


    1. The Aggregates passing through12.5mm sieve and retained on 10.0mmsieve comprises the test material.

    2. Pour the aggregates to fill about just1/3rd depth of measuring cylinder.

    3. Compact the material by giving 25

    gentle blows with the rounded end of the tamping rod.4. Add two more layers in similar manner , so that the cylinder is full.


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    5. Strike off the surplus aggregates.

    6. Determine the net weight of the aggregates to the nearest gram (W 1).

    7. Raise the hammer until its lower face is 380mm above the surface of the aggregate samplein the cup and allow it to fall freely on the aggregate sample. Give 15 such blows at aninterval of not less than one second between successive falls.

    8. Remove the crushed aggregate from the cup and sieve it through 2.36mm IS sieve until nofurther significant amount passes in one minute. Weigh the fraction passing the sieve to anaccuracy of one gram (W2). Also weigh the fraction retained on the sieve.

    9. Note down the observations in the pro-forma and compute the aggregate impact value.

    10. The mean of two observations, rounded to the nearest whole number is reported as theaggregate Impact value.

    5. Precautions.1. In the operation of sieving the aggregates through 2.36mm sieve the sum of weights

    of fractions retained and passing the sieve should not differ from the original weight

    of the specimen by more than one gram.

    6. Record of Observations and Calculations.


    S.No DetailsTRAIL NUMBER

    1 2

    Average Aggregate

    Impact Value

    1. Wt.of Aggregate sample W1 gms 338.00 339.00

    2.Wt.of Aggregate passing 2,36mm

    (W2 gms)69.00 71.00

    3.Wt.of Aggregate retained on 2.36mm

    (W3 gms)269.00 268.00

    4. Aggregate impact value: W2/ W1 x100 20.41 20.94 21%

    IRC has recommended the following AI values for different types of road construction


    No.Type Of Pavement

    Maximum Aggregate

    Impact Value %

    1.Bituminous surface dressing penetration Macadam, Carpet

    Concrete, and cement concrete wearing course.30

    2. Bitumen-bound-Macadam, base course 35

    3. WBM base course with bitumen surfacing 40

    4. Cement Concrete Base Course 45


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    Tests on Bituminous MaterialXVI. Determination of Penetration Value of Bitumen (Specification No.136 of APSS)

    1. Concepts and Significance.

    Penetration is a measurement of hardness or consistence of bituminous material. It isvertical distance penetrated by the point of a standard needle into the bituminous materialunder specific condition of load, time and temperature. This distance is measured in 1/10 th of amillimeter.

    2. Objectives.1. To determine the consistency of bituminous material.

    2. To assess the suitability of Bitumen for its use under different climatic conditions and typeof constructions.

    3. Apparatus.

    1. Container: A flat-bottomed cylindrical metallic dish 55mm in diameter and 35mm in depthis required. If the penetration is of the order of 225mm or deeper dish of 70mm and 45mmdepth is required.

    2. Needle: A straight highly polished, cylindrical hard steel rod, as per dimensions given infig.

    3. Water bath: A water bath maintained at 25.0 + 0.1 C containing not less than 10 Lt. of

    water, the sample being immersed to a depth not less than 100mm from the top andsupported perforated shelf not less than 50mm from the bottom of the bath.

    4. Penetration Apparatus: It should be with a calibrated accuracy upto 1/10th of a millimeter.

    5. Thermometer: 0 to 44 degrees and readable up to 0.20 C.

    6. Time Measuring device: With an accuracy + 0.1 sec.

    4. Procedure1. Preparation of test specimen: Soften the material to a pouring consistency at a

    temperature not more than 60 C for Tars and 90 C for Bitumen. Stir it thoroughly until

    it is homogeneous and free from air bubbles and water. Pour the melt into thecontainer to a depth at least 10 mm in excess of the expected penetration and allow it


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    to cool to room temperature. Then place it along with the transfer dish in the water

    bath at 25.0C + 0.1 and allow it to remain for 1 to 1 hour.

    2. Clean the needle with Benzene, dry it and load with the weight. The total moving load

    requires is100+0.25gms, including the weight of the needle carrier and super-imposedweights.

    3. Adjust the needle to make contact with the surface of the sample.

    4. Make the pointer of the dial to read zero or note the initial dial reading.

    5. Release the needle for exactly five seconds.

    6. Adjust the penetration machine to measure the distance penetrated.

    7. Make at least 3 readings at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10mmapart and not less than10mm from the side of the dish. (After each test return thesample and transfer dish to the water bath and wash the needle clean with benzene

    and dry it).

    5. Precautions

    1. There should be no movement of the container while needle is penetrating into thesample.

    2. The sample should be free from any extraneous matter.

    3. The needle should be cleaned with benzene and dried before each penetration.

    6. Record of observations and calculations:


    S.No. Details Test 1 Test2 Test3

    1. Penetrometer dial reading

    (i) Initial 0 0 84

    (ii) Final 86 84 171

    2. Penetration value 86 84 87

    Mean penetration value = (86+84+87)/3 = or Say 86Penetration at 25 degree C, 100g, 5seconds in 1/100 cm shall be as under for the differentgrades of materials (as per IS: 73-1961 Table-II).

    Grade of material Penetration

    S 35 30 40

    S 45 40 50

    S 65 60 70

    S 90 80 100

    S 200 175 225


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    XVII. Determination of Open Flash Point and Fire Point of Bitumen

    1. Concept and Significance

    The flash point of a material is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flamecauses the vapours from the material momentarily catch fire in the form of a flash underspecified conditions of test.

    The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the application of test flame causes thematerial to ignite and burn at least for 5 seconds under specified conditions of test.

    2. ObjectiveTo determine flash point and fire point of the bituminous material.

    3. Apparatus1. Cup:- A handle is attached to the flange of the cup.

    2. Stove.

    3. Thermometer: which is having a range of 90 C to 370 C readable to 2 C.

    4. Procedure.

    1. Clean and dry all parts of the cup and its accessories thoroughly.

    2. Fill the cup with the material to be tested up to the level indicated by the filling mark.

    3. Insert the thermometer.

    4. Light and adjust the test flame and apply heat such that the temperature rises at a rate

    of 5 6 C per minute.

    5. Note the temperature at which a flash first appears at any point on the surface of the

    material.6. Continue heating until the bitumen ignites and burns for 5 minutes. Record this

    temperature as fire point.



    1 2 3Mean

    Flash Point 185 188 179 184

    Fire Point 238 240 234 237

    Note: Paving bitumen shall not be heated beyond the flash point. For paving bitumen of all the

    five grades (i.e, S.35 to S.200) the flash point is 175C.

    XVIII. Determination of Softening Point of Bitumen1. Heat the bitumen to a temperature between 125C and 150C.

    2. Heat the rings at same temperature on a hot plate and place it on a glass plate coated withglycerine.

    3. Fill up the rings with bitumen.

    4. Cool it for 30 Minutes in air and level the surface with a hot knife.

    5. Set the ring in the assembly and place it in the bath containing distilled water at 5C andmaintain that temperature for 15 Minutes.


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    6. Place the balls on the rings.

    7. Raise the temperature uniformly at 5C per minute till the ball passes, through the ring.

    8. Note the temperature at which each of the ball and sample touches the bottom plate of the


    9. Temperature shall be recorded as the softening point of the bitumen. [Form Bl-1(C)]

    Softening Point of Bitumen

    1 Grade of bitumen

    2 Approximate softening point

    3 Liquid used in water bath (water I Glycerin)

    4 Period of air cooling (minutes)

    4.1 Period of cooling in water bath (minutes)

    Test PropertySample No. 1 Sample No. 2

    Ball No. Ball No.

    Temp at which sampletouch bottom plate ( oC)

    1 2 3 4

    Mean Value,Softening point

    Note: Permissable Limit More than 40 oC

    XIX. Determination of Ductility of Bitumen

    1. The bitumen sample is melted to a temperature of 75c to 100c above the approximatesoftening point until it is fluid.

    2. It is strained through IS sieve 30, poured in the mould assembly and placed on a brassplate, after a solution of glycerine and dextrin is applied at all surfaces of the mouldexposed to bitumen.

    3. Thirty to forty minutes after the sample is poured into the moulds, the plate assemblyalong with the sample is placed in water bath maintained at 27C for 30 minutes.

    4. The sample and mould assembly are removed from water bath and excess bitumenmaterial is cut off by leveling the surface using hot knife.

    5. After trimming the specimen, the mould assembly containing sample is replaced in water

    bath maintained at 27c for 85 to 95 minutes.6. The sides of the mould are then removed and the clips are carefully hooked on the

    machine without causing any initial strain.

    7. The pointer is set to read Zero.

    8. The machine is started and the two clips are thus pulled apart horizontally.

    9. While the test is in operation, it is checked whether the sample is immersed in water indepth of at least 10mm.

    10. The distance at which the bitumen thread breaks is recorded (in cm.) and reported asductility value. [Form BL-1(b)]

    Ductility of Bitumen

    1 Grade of bitumen

    2 Pouring temperature, oC


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    3 Test temperature, oC

    4 Period of air cooling, (minutes)

    4.1 In Air

    4.2 In water bath before trimming

    4.3 In water bath after trimming

    Test PropertyBriquette number

    (a) (b) (c)Mean Value

    Ductivity value (cm)

    Note: Permissable Limit More than 75 Units


    Prepare 3 test specimens for 1 sample as prescribed in IS: 1208 at 15C. Elongatethe test specimen to 10cm at the rate of 0.25 cm per minute. Immediately cut the testspecimen in to 2 halves at the mid point using scissors, Keep the test specimen in waterbath in an undisturbed condition

    For one hour at specified temperature, Move the elongated half of the test specimenback in to position near the fixed half to just touch. Record combined length as X

    Elastic Recovery (%) = (10-X)/10x100

    XXI. Determination of Rate of Spread of Binder

    I. Cut the cotton pads to a size of 203 x 102 mm. making sure that. each pad is as uniformin size as possible.

    2. Attach the cut cotton pads to heavy wrapping paper using suitable adhesive, the amountof adhesive applied, being the same on each pad. Leave sufficient area of wrappingpaper on the four sides uncovered.

    3. Number the pads on the underside of the paper.

    4. Attach pieces of masking tape to the wrapping paper and tape, to the nearest 0.1 gm.

    5. Weigh the cotton pads complete with wrapping paper and tape, to the nearest 0.1 gm.

    6. Attach the pads to the metal sheets. Fold the uncovered paper under the metal sheet andsecure with tape. such that no uncovered paper is exposed.

    7. Place the metal sheets with test pads. on the road way at such locations, that the tyres ofthe distributor will not run over the pads.

    8. As soon as the bitumen distributor has passed. Remove the metal sheet and test padfrom the pavement. Remove the absorbent pads and wrapping paper. Including maskingtape from metal sheet,

    9. Weigh each pad. Including wrapping paper and masking tape to nearest 0.1g.

    Rate of Spread of Binder

    Tray No. Wt. of Bitumen on tray Rate of spread


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    XXII Determination of Bitumen Content by Centrifuge Extractor

    1. Concept and significanceThe Centrifuge Extractor is used for the quantitative determination of bitumen in hot-

    mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples, essentially as a field test to exercise qualitycontrol and ensure that the specified amount of bitumen has been used. The bitumen content iscalculated by difference of the weight of the extract aggregate, moisture content and ash fromthe weight of the sample taken for the test.

    02. ObjectiveTo determine quantity of bitumen in hot-mix paving mixtures and pavement samples.

    3. Apparatus1. The centrifuge Extractor consists of a revolving bowl inside housing. The bowl is provided

    with a cover plate and it is secured in position by tightening the nuts.

    2. The bowl housing is provided with an outlet, the housing is mounted on an enclosedgearbox. A cover is clamped to housing.

    3. The gears are splash lubricated and the system is operated manually with the handle.


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    4. Procedurea) Percentage basis (for SDBC, DBM, BM etc.,)

    1 Weigh about 500 gm sample of asphalt mix and record the same.

    2. Place the sample in the bowl and cover the sample (i.e. immersed with Benzene)

    and allow it to soak for one day.3. Next day cut the filter paper to size, weigh it and place it in position. Pour the

    Benzene soaked mixes in the centrifuge and fix it.

    4. Place a beaker under the outlet.

    5. Rotate the centrifuge gradually to increase the speed to 3600 rpm. Rotate until thesolvent ceases to flow from the outlet.

    6. Repeat the procedure, till the solvent coming out of outlet is same that of Benzenewithout any sediments or colour.

    7. Remove the filter, dry it in air, and brush the loose particles into the centrifuge.

    8. Dry the filter and contents in the centrifuge in an oven to 98 to 105 C.

    9. Obtain the weight of filter and dry aggregates separately.

    Record of observations:

    Wt. of sample = w1 g

    Initial wt. of filter paper = w2 g

    Final wt. of filter Paper = w3 g

    Wt.of retained fines(filter paper) = (w3-w2) g

    Wt. of aggregates after BT.Extraction = w4 g

    Total Wt. of aggregates + fines = (w3-w2) + w4 g

    Wt. of bitumen (Wb) = w1- ((w3-w2) + w4) g


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    Bitumen content % = Wb/w1 x 100

    b) Area basis (for BTWC,BTSD, MSS etc.,)

    1. In the field, cut the bitumen carpet of a standard size ie. say 15x15 cm,

    simultaneously recording the thickness(X mm).

    2. The weight of the above sample is to be found and recorded.

    3. Further the procedure is same as that of % process. Accordingly the experiment iscontinued.

    Record of observations:

    Wt. of sample = w1 g

    Initial wt. of filter paper = w2 g

    Final wt. of filter Paper = w3 g

    Wt. of retained fines (filter paper) = (w3-w2) g

    Wt. of aggregates after BT. Extraction = w4 g

    Total Wt. of aggregates + fines = (w3-w2) + w4 g

    Wt. of bitumen (Wb) = w1- ((w3-w2) + w4) g

    (for x mm thick observed)

    Wt. of bitumen for 20mm thick (Wc) = (Wb x 20) / X

    Wt. of bitumen in Kgs/10sqm (of 20mm thick) = Wc / 2.25 X 100


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    Examples of Bitumen extraction test Results



    n ofSampl


    Description of



    t ofSample


    Filter Paper Weight








    Weight of



    TotalWt. of









    kness in


    Propor-tionalWt of

    Bitumen for20mm









    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    1. 1.756BTSD+S

    C1001 4.82 6.22 1.40 946 947.40 53.60 20 53.60 23.82



    2. 0.064 MSS 1048 4.35 5.27 0.92 1000 1000.92 47.07 22 42.79 19.0219.00


    3. 4.075 SDBC 838 4.61 5.99 1.38 801 802.38 35.62 - - 4.25 4.50+0.3%

    4. 4.075 B.M 680 4.67 5.91 1.24 657 658.24 21.76 - - 3.20 3.25+0.3%


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    XXIII. Determination of Stripping Value of Road Aggregate

    1. Concept and SignificanceThis test is conducted to determine the effects of moisture upon the adhesion of the

    bituminous film to the surface particles of the aggregate. This test is of significant value toascertain the suitability of the two materials viz., bitumen (binder) and aggregates, because oneparticular aggregate may be satisfactory with one binder and unsatisfactory with another and thesame being true for the binders.

    2. Objectives:1. To determine the stripping value of aggregates used in road construction.2. To ascertain the suitability of road aggregates for bituminous road construction.

    3. Apparatus:1. Thermostatically controlled water bath.2. Beakers of capacity 500 ml.

    4. Procedure:The aggregate sample: The test sample consists of aggregate of size passing 25mm sieveand retained on 12.5 mm sieve.

    1. Obtain the material that passes through 25-mm sieve and is retained on 12.5-mm sieve.

    2. Dry, clean and heat the binder and aggregates to 150-175C and 120 150C respectively

    and mix with 5 per cent binder by weight of aggregate.

    3. After complete coating, allow the mixture to cool at room temperature in clean dry beaker.

    4. Add distilled water to immerse the coated aggregates.

    5. Cover the beaker and keep it undisturbed in a thermostatic water bath at a temperature of40C for a period 24 hours.

    6. Estimate the extent of stripping by visual examination while the specimen is still underwater and express as the average percent area of aggregate surface uncoated.

    Note: Three samples may be tested simultaneously so as to arrive at an average value. The strippingvalue is expressed to the nearest whole number.

    5. Precautions:1. The aggregates should be thoroughly dried before mixing with binder.2. Distilled water should be used for the test.3. Mix-up of the two separate samples should be uniform.

    6. Record of observations and calculations:

    S.No Details Sample 1 Samlple 2 Sample 3

    3 1.Percentage of area of aggregateuncoated by immersion in water

    15 % 20 % 15%

    Average stripping value = (15+20+15)/3 = or 17%

    7. Interpretation of results:The results of the stripping test give an indication regarding susceptibility of aggregates to

    the action of water, or moisture. The more the stripping value, the poorer are the aggregates

    from point of view of adhesion. APSS Table: 1508-8 has specified the maximum stripping valueof 25 % for aggregates to be used in bituminous road construction. MOST Tables 500.8 hasspecified minimum retained coating 95%.


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    2. Specimen extractor for extracting the compacted specimen from the mould. A suitablebar is required to transfer load from the extension collar to the upper proving ringattachment while extracting the specimen.

    3. Water bath with thermostatic control.4. Thermometers of range up to 200 C with sensitivity of 2.5 C and

    5. Miscellaneous equipment like containers, mixing and handling tools etc.

    4. Preparation of Test Specimen1. Measure out 1200 gm of aggregates blended in the desired proportions. Heat the

    aggregates in the oven to the mixing temperature (155 165 C).

    2. Add pre-determined quantity of bitumen at the mixing temperature (130-150 C) and

    mix the materials in a heated pan with heated mixing tools.

    3. Return the mixture to the oven and reheat it to the compacting temperature (120C).

    4. At no time shall the difference in temperature between the aggregates and the binder

    exceed 15C.

    5. Place the mixture in a heated Marshall mould with a collar and base. Spade the mixturearound the sides of the mould. Place filter papers under the sample and on top of thesample.

    6. Place the mould in the Marshall Compaction pedestal.

    7. Compact the material with 75 blows of the hammer (or as specified), invert the sample.and compact the other face with the same number of blows.

    8. After compaction, invert the mould with the collar on the bottom. Remove the base and

    extract the sample by pushing it out the extractor.9. Allow the sample to stand for a few hours to cool at room temperature.

    5.Test Procedure1. The aggregates are tested and their apparent specific gravites, Aggregates Impact

    values and Flakiness and Elongation Index water absorption values are recorded.

    2. Bitumen 80/100 grade is tested for its grade, from penetration test. A 80/100 gradebitumen indicates that its penetration value lies between 80 and 100.

    3. Take approximately 4 Kg of each aggregate and conduct gradation test individually.

    4. Normally the weight of sample to be prepared is about 1200 gm in practice. So in a

    sample of 1200 gm weight, the weight of mix aggregate and bitumen will be 1152 and 48gm, for a bitumen content of 4 %.

    5. Conduct mix gradation trials in various proportions, till MOST table 500-20 & 500-22Satisfied.

    6. With the attained suitable mix gradation of aggregate, take mix gradation of aggregatesample as detailed below for different binder contents (1200gm - W1).

    S.NoBinder Content

    (W2)Mix aggregate Weight


    1 4.00% (48gms) 1152gm

    2 4.50% (54gms) 1146gm3 5.00% (60gms) 1140gm


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    7. At least three specimens for each combination of aggregates and bitumen should beprepared.

    8. After preparation of the specimen it has to be weighed first in air and then in water.

    9. The differences of the weight are the volume of the specimen (or) take the thickness ofthe specimen on four sides and take the average and calculate the volume of thespecimen.

    10. The specimen is then immersed in hot water bath at a testing temperature of 60 C for


    11. The specimen is then removed, fixed in the breaking head assembly and mounted onthe testing machine.

    12. Place the flow meter over one of the posts and adjust it to read zero. And also the dialgauge in proving ring is set to read zero.

    13. The machine is set to operation by applying load, until the maximum load reading isobtained.

    14. Record the maximum load reading. At the same instant, obtain the flow meter reading.Reverse the machine and remove the specimen tested.

    15. Care must be taken to ensure that the elapsed time from the water bath to the maximumload determination should not generally exceed 30 seconds.

    16. The stability values obtained above are correlated if the height of specimen tested isother than 63.50 mm or by its volume using correlation factors as shown below.

    Marshall Stability correlation values:










    1 200-213 25.4 5.50

    2 214-225 27.0 5.00

    3 226-237 28.6 4.55

    4 238-250 30.2 4.17

    5 251-264 31.8 3.825

    6 265-276 33.3 3.57

    7 277-289 34.9 3.33

    8 290-201 36.5 3.03

    9 302-316 38.1 2.78

    10 317-328 39.7 2.50

    11 329-340 41.3 2.27

    12 341-353 42.9 2.08

    13 354-367 44.9 1.92

    14 368-379 46.0 1.79

    15 380-392 47.6 1.67

    16 393-405 49.2 1.56










    18 421-431 52.4 1.39

    19 432-443 54.0 1.32

    20 444-456 55.6 1.25

    21 457-470 57.2 1.19

    22 471-482 58.0 1.14

    23 483-495 60.3 1.09

    24 496-508 61.9 1.04

    25 509-522 63.5 1.00

    26 523-535 65.1 0.96

    27 536-546 66.7 0.93

    28 547-559 68.3 0.89

    29 560-573 69.9 0.86

    30 574-585 71.5 0.83

    31 586-596 73.0 0.81

    32 597-610 74.6 0.78

    33 611-625 76.2 0.7617 406-420 50.8 1.47


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    Example: Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete 25mm thick (MOST: 511)1) Individual sieve analysis of aggregates:i)Sample :-11.2 mm Table 500-20 (Grading-I)

    Sieve size Wt.Retained(g


    Wt. of Passing(g) % Wt.of

    Passing13.2 mm Nil 4760 100.0011.20 mm 1490 3270 68.705.60 mm 2110 1160 24.372.80 mm 435 725 15.23710 Micron 725 - -355 Micron - - -180 Micron - - -90 Micron - - -Total Weight. 4760 -

    ii) Sample :-6.70 mm

    Sieve size Wt.Retained(g)

    Wt. of Passing(g) % Wt.of Passing

    13.2mm Nil 4350 100.0011.20 mm 70 4280 98.395.60 mm 2400 1880 43.222.80 mm 1115 765 17.59710 Micron 560 205 4.72355 Micron 90 115 2.64180 Micron 82 33 0.7690 Micron 25 8 0.18(-)90 8 - -Total Weight. 4350 - -

    iii) Sample :-2.80 mm Stone dust

    Sieve size Wt.Retained(g)

    Wt. of Passing(g) % Wt.of Passing

    13.2mm Nil 2730 10011.20 mm Nil 2730 1005.60 mm Nil 2730 1002.80 mm 860 1870 68.50710 Micron 720 1150 42.12355 Micron 345 805 29.49180 Micron 280 525 19.2390 Micron 265 260 9.52(-)90 260 - -

    Total Weight. 2730 - -2. Mix Aggregate:

    Trail No:1 Specimen Wt. =1200 gm 11.2 mm (30%) = 344 gmsBitumen Wt = 54 gm 6.70 mm (45%) = 516 gms

    --------- 2.80stone dust (25%) = 286 gmsWt. of aggregate 1146 gm Total 1146 gms


    Wt.Retained (g)


    %Wt.ofPassing (g)

    Limits Remarks

    13.2mm Nil 1146 100 10011.20 mm 103 1043 91.01 88-1005.60 mm 417 626 54.62 42-64

    2.80 mm 236 390 34.03 22-38710 Micron 192 198 17.28 11-24355 Micron 99 99 8.64 7-18


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    180 Micron 42 57 4.97 5-1390 Micron 27 30 2.62 3-9(-)90 30 - - -Total


    1146 - - -

    Trail No:2. Specimen Wt. =1200 g 11.2 mm (20%) = 229 gBitumen Wt = 54 g 6.70 mm (50%) = 573 g

    ---------- 2.80stone dust (30%) = 344 gWt. of aggregate 1146 g Total 1146 g

    Sieve size Wt.Retained(gm)


    % Wt.of Passing


    Limits Remark s

    13.2mm Nil 1145 100 10011.20 mm 83 1062 92.75 88-100 Satisfied

    5.60 mm 417 645 56.33 42-64 O.K2.80 mm 280 365 31.88 22-38710 Micron 195 170 14.85 11-24355 Micron 55 115 10.04 7-18180 Micron 45 70 6.11 5-1390 Micron 32 38 3.32 3-9(-)90 38 - - -Total Weight. 1145 - - -

    3. Specific gravity:-

    S.No. DetailsSample Size

    11.20 mm 6.7mm 2.8mmStone Dust

    1. Wt. of Jar (w1) 168 gm 168 gm 168 g

    2. Wt. of Jar + Sample (w2) 731 gm 709 gm 435 g

    3.Wt. of Jar + Sample +Water (w3)

    1022 gm 1006 gm 838 g

    4. Wt. of Jar + Water (w4) 664 gm 664 gm 664 g


    Specific Gravity :- ------------------------- = 2.746 2.718 2.871(w4-w1)- (w3-w2)

    The theoretical specific gravity of mix (Gt) is calculated as below:

    100Gt = ----------------------------------------

    W1 W2 W3 W4------ + ------ + ------ + -------g1 g2 g3 g4


    W1 = % by weight of coarse aggregate (11.2 mm)w2 = % by weight of fine aggregate (6.7 mm)w3 = % by weight of fines (dust)w4 = % by weight of bitumen in total mix

    g1 = Apparent specific gravity of coarse aggregateg2 = Apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate


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    g3 = Apparent specific gravity of fines (dust)g4 = Density of bitumen

    Size %of SampleWt.ofSample (gm)

    Sp.Gravity Sp.GR. of Mix(GT)

    11.20 mm 20 229 2.746

    6.70 mm 50 573 2.718

    2.80 mm 30 344 2.871

    B.T 4.50 54 0.98

    100---------------------------------------20 50 30 4.50

    ----- + ------ + ------- + -------2.746 2.718 2.871 0.98


    Density and voids determination for SDBC requirement as perMOST:511, Table No:500-21





    Sp.Gr ofmix

    BinderContent %


    Specimen cm

    Wt.ofSpecimen gms



    Vol. ofBitumen Vb =


    1. 11-06-01 2.456 4.50 6.38 1183 2.360 10.84

    2. -do- 2.456 4.50 6.39 1188 2.366 10.86

    AVG 2.363

    % of voids in themix Vv=

    (Gt-Gb) x 100Gb

    % of voids inmineral aggt.


    % of voids in the Aggt. filledwith Bitumen VFB =

    Vb/VMAx 100

    4.07 14.91 72.70

    3.80 14.66 74.08

    3.93 14.78 73.39

    Marshall Test Observations

    Trail NoSpecimen










    Marshall Stability Value FlowValue




    1. 11-6-0111-6-2K

    4.50 % 330 959 1.04 997 3.10

    2. 10-6-0111-6-2K

    4.50 % 355 1036 1.04 1077 3.50

    AVG:1037 3.30

    Tests On Sand.

    I. Determination of Bulkage of Sand (APSS 110).

    Object:- This test covers the procedure of determining in the field, the amount surface moisture


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    or Bulking in fine aggregates by displacement in water.

    Bulking of sand:- Increase in bulk volume of a quantity of sand in moist condition over thevolume of the same quantity of sand when completely inundated.

    Procedure: In a 250ml measuring cylinder pour the damp sand (consolidating by shaking) untilit reaches 200ml mark. Then fill the cylinder with water and stir the sand well.(Thewater shall be sufficient to submerge the sand fully). It will be seen the sandsurface is now below its original level. Suppose the surface is at the mark y ml, thepercentage of bulking of the sand shall be calculated from the following formula;

    Bulking % = 100(200-y)/yNote: The percentage of bulking of sand shall be rounded off to the nearest whole number.Therefore the volume of sand used shall be more than the quoted volume by above % in thespecification.

    II. Determination Of Silt Content (APSS 110).

    Object: To determine the percentage ofsilt content.

    Sand shall be durable and free from adherent coatings and organic matter and shallnot contain any appreciable amount of clay balls or pellets.

    Procedure: A sample of sand to be tested shall be placed without drying in a200ml measuringcylinder. The size of sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder up to 100ml mark.Clean water shall be added over it up to 150ml mark. The mixture then shall beshaken vigorously and the contents allowed to settle for 3 hours. The height of siltvisible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as percentage of the heightof sand below.

    Limits: Clay, Fine Silt & Fine dust in natural sand or crushed gravel sand should not more than

    4% by weight.

    III. Determination of Fineness Modulus (APSS 110)

    An empirical factor obtained by adding total percentages of a sample of the aggregates retainedon each of the following series of sieves divided by 100.

    Object: To determine the fineness modulus of sand

    The sieves used are 150,300,600 Microns, 1.18, 2.36, 4.75, 10.0, 20.0, 40.0 mm andlarger increasing in the ratio of 2 to 1.





    Cum. Wt.Retained(g)

    Cum Wt.Retained In %

    Cum Wt. PassingIn %

    1 10mm - - - 1002 4.75mm 1 1 0.02 99.983 2.36mm 45 46 1.06 98.944 1.18mm 583 629 14.49 85.515 600 1935 2564 59.05 40.95

    6 300 1407 3971 91.45 8.55

    7 150 334 4305 99.14 0.86

    8 (-)150 37 4342 - -

    TOTAL 265.21

    Fineness Modulus = Total Cum. Wt. Retained % : 265.21/100 = 2.65%


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    100Allowable Limits: 2.00 to 3.50 %


    First Class Bricks: The tolerance on the specified dimensions shall not exceed + 3%Second Class Bricks: The tolerance on the specified dimensions shall not exceed + 8%Physical Characteristics: When tested in accordance with IS: 3495 1966 the Bricks shallconform to the requirements as follows:

    XXV. Determination of Crushing Strength of Bricks

    Object: To determine the crushing strength of Bricks (APSS 102)

    Preconditioning: Remove the unevenness observed in the bed faces to provide two smoothand parallel faces by grinding. Immerse in water at room temperature for 24 hours. Remove thespecimen and drain out any surplus moisture, at room temperature. Fill the frog (Whereprovided) and all voids in the bed face, flush the cement mortar of grade (1 cement, 1 cleancoarse sand). Then cover it with wet jute bags for 24 hrs followed by immersion in clean waterfor 3 days. Remove and wipe out any traces of moisture.

    Procedure: Place the specimen with flat faces horizontal and mortar filled face, facing upward

    between two 3- ply plywood sheets each of 3mm thickness and carefully centered between theplates of the testing machine. Apply load axially at a uniform rate of 140 Kgs/Cm2 per minute tillthe maximum load at which the specimen fails to produce any further increase in the indicatorreading on the testing machine.Ex:

    Note: The strength of a Brick decreases by about 25% when soaked in water.

    XXVII. Determination of Water Absorption

    Object: To determine water absorption of Bricks (APSS 102).

    Pre-conditioning: Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 100-110C till a

    constant weight is obtained. Cool the specimen to room temperature and obtain its dry weight(W1).

    Procedure: Immerse completely the dried specimen in clean water at temperature of 27 + 5 C

    for 24 hr. Remove the specimen and wipe out any traces of water with a damp cloth and weighthe specimen (W2). Complete the weighing in 3 minutes after the removal of specimen fromwater.

    Water absorption: (W2 W1) x 100


    S.No Size of Brick Dry weight Wet weight Weight of % of water

    Sl. No Characteristics Requirements

    1. Compressive strength Not less than 40 Kg/Cm2

    2.Absorption after 24 hr immersion

    in cold waterNot more than 20% by wt.

    3. Efflorescence Not more than moderate


    Load atfailure (Kg)




    Strength (Kgs/Cm2)1. 10,450 253 41.302. 10,600 253 41.50



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    (Cm) (g) (g) water (g) Absorption1. 23x11x7 2047 2431 384 18.762. 23x11x7 2236 2643 407

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