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A ADWORDS Google’s advertising service that allows brands to display ads on

Google based on keywords. Adwords allows brands to set a budget and

then charges the account each time someone clicks on the ad (see PPC).


a revenue-generating model where website owners allow third-party sites to include click-throughs on their site

and charge based on number of clicks to the link.

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A AGILE in marketing it refers to the ability to

respond quickly to market trends and topics and to adjust strategic plans

based on data gathered through marketing intelligence tools.

ANALYTICS the way marketers and SEOs gain

insight into how the content of a website is performing. Basic analytics

include visitor counts, bounce rate, time on page, etc.. Better analytics

programs also include information on competitors, content groups, keyword

groups, and social media.

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A ASSETS in content marketing, a shift in thinking from viewing marketing as an expense to viewing marketing content, such as

blog posts, slide decks, ebooks, videos, etc.., as resources with

economic value.

AUTHOR RANK the authority of an author based on

social sharing and backlinks to articles written by that author. Author rank can

help content findability and improve position in the SERPs.

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A AUDITS an analysis of website and content

effectiveness. Before you start a new content initiative, or marketing

campaign, it’s useful to understand what you already have, what’s working and what’s not, and to get a roadmap

to help optimize existing content as well as a strategy for future content

creation. This guide will help you get a site

and content audit that fits your needs.

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B B2B Business to Business. B2B marketing refers to marketing practices targeted

at other businesses as opposed to marketing to the general public.

According to Joe Pulizzi, some of the best examples of B2B content

marketing include: Kelly Services, PTC, OpenView Venture Partners, and

Cisco Systems.

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B2C Business to Consumer. B2C

marketing refers to marketing practices targeted at the general public.

According to Joe Pulizzi, some of the best examples of B2C content

marketing include: Patagonia, Red Bull, Coca Cola, and Kraft.B

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BLOGGING a form of website content that began

as online diaries for individuals and has evolved into a key component of many content marketing efforts within

brands. In content marketing, blogs are

relatively short articles or posts written and designed to inform and entertain while positioning the blogger and the

brand as thought leaders and industry authorities. To reach targeted

audiences, blog topics should be based on keyword research and

audience interest.B

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a person, hired by a company, to promote the brand and represent it in

a positive way. An effective brand ambassador should

be knowledgeable about the brand and represent the company values,

ethics, and message to increase brand awareness and sales.B

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a measure of how well a brand is known by its name among its target

audiences. Brand awareness is a long-term

business goal for marketing and public relations efforts and is achieved

through a blend of content marketing, media relations, social media, advertising, and other proven


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a customer who has such strong positive feeling for a brand that they

are willing to contribute to the marketing effort through testimonials, case studies, or contributed content.


unlike product or brand-specific messaging, brand journalism is the

practice of using journalistic technique to produce content that delivers value

or tells a story to engage and inform readers about topics of interest.


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a term that describes the use of content for advertising. The definition

of branded content is controversial, but most agree that it refers to paid

advertising that only indirectly sells a product or service by telling a story to

engage audiences.B

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BRANDSCAPING the practice of partnering with non-

competing brands to create content for the same audience. For

businesses with a local presence, this could be partnering with other local

businesses or city government to promote events or other common


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C CHANNEL in content marketing, the channel is

the method used to distribute content and reach audiences. Common

content marketing channels include: organic, social media, Email, paid, and


CLICK BAIT a negative term used to describe a link that is designed to get people to click

on it with interesting or controversial titles. The content associated with the

link is often not as interesting as the link may have suggested and

ultimately leads to negative SEO for the site.

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CMS Content Management System: a

software platform used to create and manage website content.


often machine selected, content from sources other than your own website

that is selected based on keywords or phrases and published without any

commentary or original content, such as on a list.C

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an interconnected system of creating, publishing, sharing, and distributing

content for consumption on the web. The ecosystem includes not only the

original creator of the content, but everyone who comes into contact with

it and interacts with it in some way.C

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according to Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is a

strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable,

relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined

audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”C

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CONVERSION is the goal marketers set for the

audiences they are trying to attract. Common conversions include: filling in

a form, signing up for a free trial, joining a subscription group, or buying

a product. Conversion rates are how marketers measure their effectiveness

at getting audiences to convert.

CPC Cost Per Click is the actual price

brands pay in PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaigns.C

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CPM Cost Per Thousand (M is the Roman

numeral for thousand) - an advertising payment based on the number of

impressions, in this case per 1,000 impressions. Instead of charging when

a potential customer clicks on an ad, the brand pays for each impression, in

other words, each time the ad is shown.


content that is created by an unstructured group outside of the

company. Crowdsourced content is typically generated on social media.


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content that has been handpicked as the best on a specific subject or topic and delivered in an organized way to

others with the same interests.

CTR Click Through Rate - one of the

metrics used to measure the effectiveness of content. Click through

rate is calculated whenever a user clicks on a link to engage with content

associated with that link.

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CTA Call To Action - calls to action are

critical to the success of content marketing and lead your audiences to

the next step on the customer journey. Depending on what the prospect is

currently engaging with, calls to action might include: clicking on a link to

another page on the website, filling out a form to get an ebook or other gated

content, signing up for a demo, or subscribing to a newsletter.C

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DEMAND GEN is the process of generating demand

for the products or services of a brand through a variety of marketing, PR, and

sales efforts.


the same text that appears on more than one page and under a different URL on a website. Having duplicate

content can be cause for search engine penalties and should be


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EBOOK a long-form style of content published

in digital form and presented with an engaging theme, attractive visuals,

and a casual tone with the purpose of providing more in-depth coverage of a topic than is possible in a blog post or

other short-form content.


part of a strategic marketing plan, a way to pre-plan campaigns and

messaging along with content creation schedules, mediums, publication

methods, and personnel assignments.


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E-BLAST a negative term associated with the

practice of sending emails to prospects used by marketers. E-blasts are often associated with Spam email. Instead, marketers prefer to use terms such as email campaign, email offers,

or subscriber communications.


using blocks of code to include video, graphics, and other materials on a

webpage without requiring users to follow a link to another page to view

the content.


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content that continues to provide SEO value long after it was first published.

Evergreen content may include blogs, videos, or landing pages.


content that doesn’t follow the historical style of the brand creating it.

Experimental content has risks, but can also help capture an audience not

yet engaging with the standard content produced by the brand.


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FAQS Frequently Asked Questions - a

section found on many websites to answer questions posed by

customers and prospects. Sales teams and customer success teams

are good resources for these questions. A FAQ page can be a

valuable marketing tool as well as a source for longer content.F

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FORMATS formats are the mediums you use for content and can include blog posts,

slide decks, ebooks, videos, podcasts, white papers, infographics,

and others. Knowing which format your audience prefers is important to

getting traction for your content.

FORUMS discussion boards designed to allow users to post questions and answers

and engage in conversations about topics of mutual interest. Forums, such

as Quora, are a good resource for marketers to find topics that are

resonating with potential audiences.


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FUNNEL often referred to as a sales funnel, the

funnel represents a model of customer acquisition represented by an inverted

pyramid where prospects enter the sales process at a specific point and are guided to the point of conversion

through pre-designed steps. The traditional sales funnel is less

accurate than it once was and has been replaced by a customer journey

roadmap that depicts prospects coming in at all different stages and

through different entry points.F

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G GHOST WRITERS people who write content without

attaching their byline or getting public credit. In some circumstances, their

writing is published under the name of the person who has hired them. If you want to use a ghostwriter, be sure you

have an understanding with them about how their content will be used

and attributed.

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GOING VIRAL a mostly unrealistic goal of content

creators that their content will spread like a virus across social media

platforms and the internet in general. Although most content doesn’t reach millions of views, there are good SEO and content marketing practices that

help to improve the reach and engagement your content achieves.

GUEST POST when an audience member or person

other than the blog owner is allowed to publish an article as an invited “guest”

to the blog.G

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HEAT MAP a way to visualize how visitors are

interacting with pages on a site. The different colors of the map highlight

which areas of a page users interact with the most.


a model used to illustrate the creation and distribution of content. In this

model the website is generally in the center, the hub, and the distribution channels for content are the spokes

that radiate out from the hub.H

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IMPRESSION the number of views on a webpage or

a piece of advertising collateral. One of the measures of the relevancy and effectiveness of a piece of content.


also known as content marketing. Inbound marketing is the marketing

practice of using content such as blogs, slide decks, and other assets

to bring audiences into the website with the hopes of converting visitors to


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I INFLUENCERS the people in any industry that are well

known for their expertise and knowledge about the industry.

Marketers often seek partnerships with influencers to help increase their own,

or their brand’s, legitimacy and authority in the industry.

INFOGRAPHIC a visually appealing graphic that

explains a concept, creates a timeline, or tells a story with the use of many

pictures and few words.

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JARGON specific words that are used and

understood by people in a particular interest group or industry. The new

rules of marketing include avoiding the use of jargon to make content more

accessible and interesting.J

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KEYWORDS a keyword or keyword phrase is what

a user types into the search engine when looking for information on the

web. Content assets should be written based on keywords and

phrases that target audiences are already using when they’re looking for

your brand or solution on the web.


a process of finding keywords that are being used by your target

audiences that you may not be aware of, but should be using in your



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KPI Key Performance Indicator: the goals

that are set up-front in a strategic marketing campaign to determine the success or failure of marketing, SEO,

and sales efforts. Learn more about tying

marketing efforts to KPIs in this presentation.K

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LANDING PAGE web pages designed to capture

visitors from advertising or content published outside of the website with

the purpose of converting visitors to customers.

LEAD GENERATION the activity of generating new sales

leads for your product or service. Lead generation is one of the common KPIs set for content

marketing efforts.L

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LIFECYCLE STAGE is a way to describe the type of

relationship you have with your target audience and is usually broken down

into three stages: awareness, evaluation, and purchase. Effective

content marketing recognizes these stages and prepares content and

creates a flow through the website to move visitors through the first stages

and into purchase. Even after purchase, content assets should be

created for customer retention and support.L

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LINKS a website address that, when clicked,

moves the user to another page on the website or elsewhere on the



search phrases more than two words long. Although long-tail keyword

phrases may have a lower search volume associated with them, they

are more specific and may drive more qualified traffic to a site when used in

inbound marketing efforts.L

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data, such as that provided by GinzaMetrics, that gives users the keyword, content, competitor, and

channel insights they need to optimize websites and create

content to beat the competition.

MEMES within the marketing context, a

meme is an idea, term, image, or piece of text that is copied and

distributed by internet users, usually via social media.

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MEASUREMENT the key to a successful content marketing program is knowing

what’s working and what’s not and why. Using an analytics tool, marketers can decide what

strategic next steps will help them meet their marketing goals and

contribute to overall company goals.M

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METADATA the data that describes or gives

information about other data. For SEO and content marketing,

metadata includes meta tags, meta descriptions, and meta

keywords that are used in the backend of websites or CRMs to

describe content and provide search bots a way to index pages.

METRICS any number of measurements

used to determine the success of content.M

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a way to make advertising less interruptive and deliver advertising

messages that appear to be “native” to the web page such as

a paid article or post.

NEWSJACKING using a current news story as a launching pad to create content with a unique and relevant spin

that capitalizes on the popularity of the event and improves rankings

and engagement.

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OFFERS content assets that have enough

value that visitors are willing to share their contact information to get access to them. Offers are a major form of lead generation in

content marketing.

OWNED MEDIA marketing is executed in three

ways, owned, earned, and paid media. Owned media refers to

anything a brand has control over, such as blog posts or landing pages that are hosted on their

own website.O

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PAGERANK a value between 0 and 1 assigned by Google to rate the value of your

web page in terms of popularity, trust, authority, and overall SEO

value. Note: pagerank relevancy is changing.

PERSONAS an audience persona is the “who” brands are talking to and targeting

with various forms of communication. Every brand will have multiple

personas - imaginary people who represent, the age, gender, and interests of potential customers.


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PODCAST an audio file that is recorded and

available for download by the users at their convenience. Podcasts often

take the form of radio talk shows to interview influencers or present points

of view or information of interest to a brand’s target audience.


also known as sponsored content, it is content that a brand has paid for to appear on a third party website. See

also “native advertising”.P

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PROMOTION using marketing channels to

distribute and draw attention to the brand and its content.

PPC Pay Per Click: an advertising model

where the advertiser is charged a fee by the website owner each time

someone clicks on their ad.P

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QUALIFIED LEADS people who have not only shown an

interest in your product or service, but also have the budget and intent

to make a purchase.

QUERY the actual words a user types into the search engine to find the information or product they’re looking for. When your content matches the keywords

of a query, the relevant pages are listed in the SERPs for the user to


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R REPURPOSE the act of repackaging content to

serve different purposes. When planning for content distribution,

consider using the same core topics to reach audiences in different ways,

such as turning a video into a slide deck or an ebook into a series of

blog posts.

ROI Return on Investment - showing ROI

means demonstrating how costs, such as content marketing, are

contributing to bottom line profits. Content marketers are using

conversion metrics as a way to show value for their efforts.

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RSS FEED Really Simple Syndication - RSS feeds are a way to get automatic

updates from a website. Setting up an RSS feed for your blog will allow

your audiences to get updates as you post them.R

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SCRAPER in the context of the internet, a

scraper is a tool used to lift content from one site and place it on another. The practice of scraping is illegal and is often used by spammers to fill their

pages with content from legitimate sites.


the rules and formula a search engine uses to decide the relevancy

of web content in order to display the best results of search queries to its



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SEARCH TERMS the keywords or phrases a person

uses to get results from search engines. Use appropriate and

relevant search terms in content marketing efforts to improve audience


SEM Search Engine Marketing - an

umbrella term that includes marketing activities that earn traffic to a website

through both organic and paid means.S

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SEO Search Engine Optimization - the

practice of making sure a website and its individual pages are easily

crawled by search engine bots. SEO best practices ensure that pages are

well-structured, that landing pages and other content on the site have the necessary metadata and use

relevant keywords wisely, and that no 404 errors or other coding errors


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SERP Search Engine Results Page - the

page users are sent to after entering a query in the search bar. Typically a SERP contains 10 results on the first

page, which makes website and content optimization critical to being

included in these top results.

SLIDESHARE SlideShare, a division of LinkedIn, is a

site where users can post slide presentations to share with the

public. S

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SILOS jargon for departmentalized

operations within an organization. For content marketers, if every

department - PR, customer success, email marketing, social media

marketing, etc. are each communicating their own message

without following a consistent corporate storyline, they are

communicating in silos and probably not getting the results they could by

breaking down silos and unifying efforts.S

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those people who have influence as thought leaders in social media

circles. These people spend their time sharing content, commenting on

shared content, and blogging about topics of interests to their audiences.

SOCIAL MEDIA online platforms where people can share ideas and content. Used to

reach target audiences and find topics of interest. Social media

platforms include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest,

Instagram, and more.


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SMO Social Media Optimization - the

practice of optimizing every piece of content with ways to share including

things like adding social sharing buttons and email-to-a-friend


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TARGET AUDIENCE the people you are trying to engage

with and, ultimately convert, with your content marketing efforts. Describe

your target audience by creating personas to represent them and then create the content they want to read.


a highly visible and high ranking piece of content that drives visitors to a

website to view less visible content. It is often generated around keywords

that generate increased search volumes at certain times of the year,

or during certain events.


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TESTIMONIALS a quote from a customer that

focuses on positive results or a positive interaction with a product, service, or brand in general. Since testimonials are statements made

about the brand by a third party, they are generally regarded as more

trustworthy than statements made by the brand itself.

TROLLS refers to people who get joy from posting negative or controversial content on forums or comment

sections. Trolls should be ignored, or dealt with off-line whenever possible.


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UUSER EXPERIENCE (UX) user experience describes how

easy it is for an actual person, as opposed to a search engine bot, to move around your website and find

the desired content.


any content that is created by consumers or users of a website or

other online system and published for the use of other consumers or users.

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a conference or trade show created on the internet that can include

sponsored presences, live webinars, and pre-recorded seminars to address topics of interest to a

specific industry.

VISUAL CONTENT content other than text. Visual

content can include graphics, charts, pictures, video, and infographics.

Visual content is a good way to grab the attention of intended audiences.


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VOICE also referred to as tone. Before you

start creating content, you should determine the tone, or voice your brand will use. Are you serious?

sarcastic? instructional? humorous? Once you decide, communicate your

voice to anyone within the organization, or outside, that may be

creating content on behalf of the company.V

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WEBINAR a seminar available on the web.

A webinar can be live, or on demand. Create a live webinar

event and then offer the webinar on demand as a piece of content

on your site.

WHITE PAPER similar to Ebooks, but typically

more formal. Ebooks are usually broken into smaller chunks (like

chapters) with lots of visuals, white papers are more like

reports and are often based on research or statistics.W

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