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\li0 \ri7432 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 1: \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Cold wind hit me in the face as I walked around the campus{\f63 \u8223\'3f} grounds. Leafless tree \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri330 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 branches swayed in the wind, clawing at the sides of the stone dorms like fingernails. \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri501 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The sun peeped at me from between lead-colored clouds. It was like any miserable \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6268 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 winter day in Montana. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The sun{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s warmth was no match for the drifting snow in the air. I pulled my duster closer \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to my frame, trying to keep the icy air from seeping into my skin. Unfortunately it only \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worked a little, and I shivered as a blast of snow melted as it made contact with my skin. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was on watch. It was night time for the Moroi, which was one of the easiest posts a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardian could get. Hardly anyone left their dorms. Well, except for the novices. Every \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn7540\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb340\margr1480\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 single one of them appeared to have some form of insomnia. Luckily for me I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t ran \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4728 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into any sleep deprived students\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}yet. \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri575 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Shifts of school guardians always patrolled the grounds while everyone else slept. \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Strigoi, the undead vampires who stalked living Moroi vampires like Lissa, didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri655 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out in sunlight, but students breaking rules---sneaking out of their dorms---were a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6191 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 problem night and day. \plain\par\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri958 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I walked on the newly lain snow; the only sound was the howling wind and the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri64 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crunching snow beneath my feet. I tilted my head back, letting my human genes take in \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri514 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the sun{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s rays as I continued my patrol around the school{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s grounds. My head shot \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2783 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 forward when I heard the faint footsteps of another person. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was the only one who was assigned to patrol the novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s side of the campus. Other \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardians were guarding the Moroi dorms and the front gate as well as the back gate. \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3249 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 No one should be walking around my part of the area. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Tensing I realized it was a novice sneaking out, my first catch of the day. Quickly and \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri237 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 silently I rounded a corner, towards the sounds of the footsteps and stopped short. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3193 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 recognized that dark brown hair and stance anywhere. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7822 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose. \plain\par\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri108 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My heart quickened as I took her in. I had finally accepted our love for each other. That \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri917 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 was after almost having an affair with Tasha Ozera. I had promised Rose after \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 everything that happened in Spokane that I would never hurt her again. But that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2124 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mean we could start a relationship that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t strictly educational. \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3539 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I sighed; wishing life weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t so damn complicated. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb320\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri639 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose continued to walk away from me, oblivious of my presence. A hint of a smile \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri629 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spread across my lips. Rose, always breaking the rules, when will you ever learn? \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5321 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Are you sleepwalking?" I asked. \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She spun around, startled. I stood there watching her amused and curious as to why \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she was out here so late in the night. Plus it was kind of amusing to see her caught off \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 by surprise. Hastily she ran a hand through her long hair, which was matted and sticking \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5895 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 up everywhere from sleep. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3763 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I was testing dorm security," she said. "It sucks." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri90 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 A small smile played on my lips at the sound of that. I was about to reply when I noticed \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ha small shiver go through her. Her eyes weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t on me anymore; they were now clearly \plain\par\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1170 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 focused on my jacket. Which was doing a lot better job at keeping me warm. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri413 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took in her attire then. Her blue robe draped around her, down to her fuzzy slippers \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri904 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that were now drenched from her walk in the snow. I may not be able to have a \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1241 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 relationship with her, but that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop me from worrying about her safety. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri856 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "You must be freezing. Do you want my coat?" I asked ready to take it off at her \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7431 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 command. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She shook her head. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m fine. What are you doing out here. Are you testing security \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7946 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 too?" \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4662 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I\i am\i0 security. This is my watch." I said. \plain\par\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri529 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Well, good work." She said. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m glad I was able to help test your awesome skills. I \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6330 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 should be going now." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb340\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She turned to walk back the way she came. Her eyes hurt and betrayed, and looking \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into them brought me back to the day in Spokane. When I and too many guardians to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 count went in search for her and four other students from St. Vladimirs. Mason, Mia and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddie had ran from the ski resort in search for Stirgoi. They were revengeful for what \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri808 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the vampires did to the two royal families in the past and planned to kill them all. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri769 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose had heard about it and took off, not bothering to tell me about it. And in the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 process she wound up taking Christian with her as well. I thought at first it was to get \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her boyfriend Mason back saftly. But really it was about saving all of their lives; she had \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri998 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 realized how stupid they were being and wanted to put some sense into them. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 On their trip back the five of them ran into humans who had helped the Strigoi. Rose \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri451 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and the other novices had put up a good fight, but in the end they had lost and were \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri460 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 held captive in a basement under a house. There the Strigoi had tortured Eddie and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6771 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 teased the Moroi. \plain\par\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri679 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually after two days of their captivation Rose had the idea of using offensive \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 magic. This was strictly prohibited and looked down upon. But that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop Christian \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from using fire to free them. When Rose and Mason had thought the cost was clear they \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2237 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 left the basement. Only to run into the two Strigoi that lived there. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose had got everyone out into the sunlight, leaving herself to die. She had put up a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri75 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 very good fight, but not good enough for Mason who in the end got killed because of his \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3497 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 love for Rose. We had found them shortly after that. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri267 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s actions was the exact reason why I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want my love for Rose to get in the \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri739 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 way. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want a risk like that to happen where we lost Lissa because of some \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5559 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 romance between Rose and I. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb380\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose---" I caught her arm, and despite all the wind and chill and slush, a flash of heat \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shot through me. I released her with a start, she looked up at me shocked. As though \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri749 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d felt it too. "What are you really doing out here?" I used my strict voice then, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5199 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 wanting a clear answer out of her. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4662 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I had a bad dream. I wanted some air." \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 For a moment my mind flashed back to my earlier thought of Spokane. I quickly pushed \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it away. "And so you just rushed out. Breaking the rules didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even cross your mind--- \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5222 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and neither did putting on a coat." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3878 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Yeah," she said. "That pretty much sums it up." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1843 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose, Rose. You never change. Always jumping in without thinking." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She furrowed her brow, a frown spread on her lips. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not true," she protested. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7012 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 changed a lot." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri555 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Blood\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}Rose screaming\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}dead bodies\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}Spokane\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}flashed through my mind all at \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri702 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 once. And it was then that I realized never before had I been so scared in my life. \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Scared for Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s safety, afraid that she will never be the same. And the death of her \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5176 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 best friend would scar her forever. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri469 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 And as I had predicted it has given her a darker outlook on life. As well as everyone \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3441 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 here at St. Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Academy, but Rose especially. \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She noticed my frown as my face shifted unpleasantly at the thoughts of what happened \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 three weeks ago. "Well, don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry. My birthday{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s coming up. As soon as I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m eighteen, \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri483 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be an adult, right? I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll wake up that morning and be all mature and stuff." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb320\margr1440\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I softened into a smile at her attempts of making a joke to cheer me up. "Yes, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure. \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5780 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 What is it, about a month?" \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4466 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Thirty-one days." She announced primly. \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5940 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Not that you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re counting." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4798 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She shrugged, which made me laugh. \plain\par\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri462 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I suppose you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve made a birthday list too. Ten pages? Single-spaced?" Ranked by \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 order of priority?" I was still smiling. It was one of my relaxed and amused ones that \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6874 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rarely came out. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She smiled and opened her mouth to reply but then quickly shut is as her face turned \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5782 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 from happy to sad and hurt. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4585 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "No." She said in a small voice. "No list." \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I tilted my head to get a better look at her, making some of my shoulder-length hair blow \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into my face. My hair was brown, like Roses{\f63 \u8223\'3f}, but not nearly as dark. Hers looked black \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 at times. I brushed the unruly strands aside, only to have them immediately blow back \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 into my face. "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want anything. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to be a boring birthday \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5710 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "It doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter." She said. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri513 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "What do you---" I stopped, I understood then. From the look in her eyes I could tell \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri625 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 exactly what she meant. She wanted freedom. Being eighteen meant we could be \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 together, it meant we could be seen as a couple in public and not be questioned. It was \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri587 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 something she and I both wanted more than anything in the world. Yet we couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7895 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb300\margr1460\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri294 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I understood. I always did. It was part of why we connected like we did, in spite of the \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri693 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 seven-year gap in our ages. We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d fallen for each other last fall when I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been her \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 combat instructor. As things heated up between us, we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d found we had more things to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri844 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worry about than just age. We were both going to be protecting Lissa when she \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 graduated, and we couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let our feelings for each other distract us when she was our \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7700 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 priority. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think our feelings for each other were ever really going to go away. We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d both \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had moments of weakness, moments that led to stolen kisses or saying things we really \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have. After she had escaped the Strigoi, I had told her that I loved her and \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri520 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 admitted I could never be with anyone else because of that. But we still couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be \plain\par\sl-253\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 together either and we had both slipped back into our old roles of keeping away from \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1521 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 each other and pretending that our relationship was strictly professional. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Looking down at Rose I could see her shiver, pulling her robe closer to her. I wanted to \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 change the subject, wanted to stop thinking about our love life and start taking action on \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the now. "You can deny it all you want, but I know you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re freezing. Let{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s go inside. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5789 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 take you through the back." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri428 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Astonishment flashed in her eyes. And I knew it was at my abrupt change in subject \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri399 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rather than me sneaking her around the campus. "I think you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re the one who{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s cold." \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri493 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She teased, as we walked around the side of the dorm where the novice guardians \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1708 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lived. "Shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you be all tough and stuff, since you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re from Siberia?" \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3737 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think Siberia{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s exactly what you imagine." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3128 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I imagine it as an arctic wasteland." She said truthfully. \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4369 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Then it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s definitely not what you imagine." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb320\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri1515 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Do you miss it?" she asked glancing back at me as I walked behind her. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1106 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "All the time." I said my heart aching for my hometown. "Sometimes I wish---" \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7543 \expndtw-26 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Belikov!" \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri393 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 A voice was carried on the wind from behind us. "I knew this was going to happen." I \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri448 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 muttered, too low for Rose to hear. I shoved her further around the corner she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d just \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5777 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 rounded. "Stay out of sight." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She ducked down behind a bank of holly trees that flanked the building. They didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have any berries. I turned from her then, putting on my mask as I walked up to Alberta, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 who was standing in the middle of the courtyard. She was dressed in all black: black \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4263 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 jeans, black shirt and a black leather jacket. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not on watch." I said trying to keep the surprise out of my voice as I stopped a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6760 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 few feet from her. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "No, but I need to talk to you. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll just take a minute. We need to shuffle some of the \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5309 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 watches while you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re at the trial." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri519 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I figured." I said trying to keep Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial secret from a eavesdropping Rose. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3495 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 going to put a strain on everyone else---bad timing." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri342 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Yes, well, the queen runs on her own schedule." Alberta said frustrated as she ran a \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hand through her short hair. "Celeste will take your watches, and she and Emil will \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5620 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 divide up your training times." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I knew she was referring to the field experience starting tomorrow. Six weeks of hands- \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on-practice for the novices. They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d have no classes and would get to protect Moroi night \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb280\margr1400\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri503 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and day while the guardians tested them. "Training times" meant my participation in \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8037 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "They say they don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mind the extra work," she continued, "but I was wondering if you \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1811 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 could even things out and take some of their shifts before you leave?" \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri792 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Absolutely." I said words short and stiff. I was trying to keep Alberta from saying \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anything that would tip Rose off. She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need to know about Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial. It would \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 worry her even more. And knowing her, she would be angrier at the fact that she and \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1221 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t go rather than him being proved innocent. This wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t happen. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Thanks I think that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll help." She sighed. Her face thoughtful. "I wish I knew how long this \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 trial was going to be. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to be away that long. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d think it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be a done deal \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with Dashkov, but now I hear the queen{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s getting cold feet about imprisoning a major \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7860 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 royal." \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6921 \expndtw-20 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Yeah. Thanks." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri384 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She walked away from me, and I stood in the snow watching her. I sighed and called \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri467 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 out to her. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want her to think I was some mean teacher. "Rose?" She glanced \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri255 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry," I said and then paused. My regret fading as I apologized. "And you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4895 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 better bring the keys back tomorrow." \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5302 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She turned away and kept going. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7450 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 2: \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I walked silently across the campus, nodding at the guardian taking over my watch post. \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri508 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The snow threatened to seep into my shirt so I pulled the duster closer to my chest. \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3852 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Thanking God that I had remembered to bring it. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb540\margr1520\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 But according to Rose: I was nothing without my western wardrobe. She had told me \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that the other day and I laughed at that. To her I was like some old cowboy ready for a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shootout. I smiled as I made my way to the main office where Kirova and Alberta were \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6946 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 waiting for me. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I approached the tall European-type building. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s massive shape casting long, dark and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri814 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 spooky looking shadows along the unbroken snow. Seeing the ground like this, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri81 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 untouched and not full of life brought me back a month ago when Rose and I had gone \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5397 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to the Badica house to see Art. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri183 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 A shiver went up and down my spine as I remembered that day clearly. Seeing one of \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri135 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the greatest guardians lying dead on the floor made me cringe. And the way Tamara{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri682 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face looked as she took in her mentor made me realize that this could happen to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7581 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anyone. \plain\par\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure Art put up a good fight, but not good enough. And for her to witness someone \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 close to her that made her who she was today, dead below her feet. Well, I promised \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri226 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself that I would never let that happen to Rose. I would never leave her, never hurt \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7389 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her again. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri372 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know how Tamara did it; I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m positive if it were Rose looking down at me lying \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri568 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lifeless on the floor she would have punched someone. Or rather done something \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3407 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stupid, like avenge my death, and get killed doing it. \plain\par\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My heart squeezed painfully at the thought of Rose running after my killer and getting \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7089 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 killed herself. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb440\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri642 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Shaking my head I entered the building. The warm blast blew away any of my last \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 thoughts and brought me back to reality. That would never happen, we were here, safe, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5729 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and I will always have Rose. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta was sitting in one of the lobby{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s chairs reading a book. She glanced up when the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri109 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 door shut behind me. Smiling she stood up, placing the book on the coffee table next to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4134 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the chair, she walked towards Kirova{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s office. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Taking in a deep breath I entered the room. Kirova was a birdlike woman, who liked to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri221 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 have her reading glasses perched on the edge of her long pointy nose. Nodding out of \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 respect I stood in the middle of the room next to Alberta, waiting for Kirova to gesture for \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7060 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 us to sit down. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7419 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Instead she ushered me forward, I did as I was told, walking around her massive desk \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri132 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to stare at the computer screen. There was a list of times, dates and names before me, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3717 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as I read through it all I recognized what this was. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri762 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 It was the guardians new schedule; due to Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial. Myself and several other \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3245 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardians that went on the rescue trip were going to it. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Victor still wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t officially jailed yet. The queen had yet to assign a trial date, and didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1997 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 like the fact that she was locking up a royal, and a huge one at that. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 But looking at the computer screen I could visually see what the next six weeks would \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be like. And like Alberta had said, Celeste took my watches, she and Emil divided up my \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1780 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 training times. Leaving me with less work to do and giving them more. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb640\margr1460\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "This will be the guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s schedule from here until Victor{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial is finished." Kirova said \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri651 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as she scrolled down the screen. "Is there anything you want to change Belikov?" \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I looked at her astonished, never before had the Headmistress asked a person lower \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 than her to make up the schedule. I was honored but curious as to why. In answer she \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri507 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 ticked her fingers against the hardwood desk, clearly annoyed with me being quiet. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3760 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I cleared my throat. "I see a few fillings I can do." \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I took hold of the mouse and did several changes, adding and taking away a few so that \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Celeste and Emil wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have so much work. When I was done Kirova nodded and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3547 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looked it over, her fingers still clicking on the wood. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually she saved it and sent it to the printer. The hum of the machine came to life, \plain\par\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 easing the strange silence in the room. I relaxed a little as Alberta and I went over to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4778 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 collect the massive amount of papers. \plain\par\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I want those all passed out to the guardians." Kirova said pointing a long skinny finger \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in our direction. "And\i don't\i0 mess it up." She gave us a level look before turning back to \plain\par\sl-258\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3341 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her computer, apparently this conversation was over. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri637 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized how cold Kirova{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s room had been until I re-entered the lobby, the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5116 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 heater nearly burned my skin as w \plain\par\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta told me that we would pass them out after the first day of the field experience. \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1008 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Reluctantly I went back to my dorm, happy to get some sleep in my schedule. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb300\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was in the gym before anyone else, as usual. The guardians lined the walls and stood \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 in the middle of the gym. While the others set up the bleachers that the novices would \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri132 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be sitting on in a few moments. I helped Alberta pass out the new schedules before the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4770 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 first of the novices started showing up. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri271 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually more and more started to arrive, and soon the bleachers were packed with \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri698 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 excited and anxious students. I spotted Rose among them, sitting next to Eddie. I \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri291 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 smiled sadly at that, both of them will never be the same, they had both lost their best \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7840 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 friend. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When the last of the students had arrived Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice cut through the murmur of the \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s conversation{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s. The instructors as well as myself had gathered in front of the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri739 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bleachers and had formed a line. Alberta was trying to call them to attention. The \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5753 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 crowed eventually fell silent. \plain\par\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri654 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "All right," she began. Alberta was in her fifties, wiry and tough. "You all know why \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri720 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re here." It was amazing, they had become so silent that Alberta{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice rang \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri65 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 through the gym. "This is the most important day of your education before you take your \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri140 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 final trials. Today you will find out which Moroi you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been placed with. Last week, you \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri217 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 were given a booklet with the full details of how the next six weeks will play out. I trust \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve all read it by now." I knew that was true, every single one of them needed to read \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 it if they wanted to graduate. "Just to recap, Guardian Alto will highlight the main rules of \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7109 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 this exercise." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She handed the clipboard to Guardian Stan Alto. "Here we go," said Stan gruffly. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 be on duty six days a week. This is actually a treat for you guys. In the real world you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 usually working every day. You will accompany your Moroi everywhere---to class, to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 their dorms, to their feedings. Everything. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s up to you to figure out how you fit into their \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb400\margr1400\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 lives. Some Moroi interact with their guardians just like friends; some Moroi prefer you \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to be more of an invisible ghost who doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t talk to them. Every situation is differ, and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1668 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 you two will have to find a way to work it out to best ensure their safety. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri552 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Attacks may come at any time, anywhere, and we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be dressed in all black when it \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri975 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happens. You should always be on your guard. Remember, even though you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri163 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 obviously know it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s\i us\i0 doing the attacking and not a real Strigoi, you should respond as \plain\par\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 though your lives are in terrible, immediate danger. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be afraid of hurting us. Some \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri542 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 of you, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure, won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any qualms about getting us back for past grievances." \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Students in the crowd giggled at this. "But some of you may feel like you have to hold \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 back, for fear of getting in trouble. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll get in more trouble if you do hold back. \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5745 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worry. We can take it." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 He flipped to the next page of his clipboard. "You will be on duty twenty-four hours a day \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 for your six-day cycles, but be aware that although Strigoi attacks are rare in daylight, \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri745 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 they aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t impossible indoors, and you will not necessarily be {\f63 \u8222\'3f}safe{\f63 \u8223\'3f} during these \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri7809 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 times." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 His statement reminded me of the Badica house and the other recent Strigoi attacks. As \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri218 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 well as Spokane. Rose screaming at me, the smell of blood, and the terrible heartache \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri468 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 at that scene. My heart squeezed at the flash back, causing me to come back to the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7678 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 present. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri128 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When Stan finished, he handed the clipboard to Alberta. "Okay." She said. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri551 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 call out your names one by one and announce who you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re paired with. At that time, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri526 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 come down here to the floor, and Guardian Chase will give you a packet containing \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3067 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 information about your Moroi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s schedule, past, etcetera." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb280\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri403 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Everyone in the crowed straightened up as she flipped through the papers. Students \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 whispered. And I was reminded of my first time of field experience. They acted just as \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7684 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we had. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Ryan Ayleworth." I could see Eddie and Rose flinch in surprise, and instantly I knew \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 why. Ashford, that was Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s last name, he was always the first to be called, but not \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3941 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 anymore. "You are assigned to Camille Conta." \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Ryan sat in the front row and grinned broadly as he walked over to take his packet. The \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri436 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Contas were an up-and-coming royal family. Camille was known as cute, and all the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3186 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 boys wanted in good with her. Ryan was the lucky one. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3085 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Dean Barnes," she said next. "You have Jesse Zeklos." \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta kept reading names, and finally she reached the one I was dreading already. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri90 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I had been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks, and had made a last request \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 before the ceremony. Changing Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian from Rose to Eddie. I had insisted it \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 would help Rose with her training. And that had made Alberta consider. She knew I was \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2142 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 right, and it would provide a great experience for the both of them. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2968 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Edison Castile," Alberta announced. "Vasilisa Dragomir." \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri651 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I glanced up at Eddie and Rose. They were both frozen, eyes wide, mouths open. \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually sense came to him because he stood up with that same horrified look on his \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3607 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 face as he turned to look back at Rose, face white. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri26 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 My eyes traveled back up to Rose. Her face lined with confusion, and soon enough rage \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 started to take over as she processed what had just happened. I silently coached her to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2044 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not shoot up and run down to Alberta and demand what happened. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb400\margr1420\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri539 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eventually she took a deep breath, closing her eyes. It was at that moment that my \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri546 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chest lightened and I was proud of her for holding herself together. Although things \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3579 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going to get better for her in a few minutes. \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta continued reading off names. When she got to the H{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s when I started to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3327 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 panic again. "Rosemarie Hathaway, Christian Ozera." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri619 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t move, she stared at Alberta, as if she forgot her name. A few students \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 around her turned around and coached her on, eager to get to their name. But she was \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2908 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dumbfounded. Her eyes as wide as I had ever seen them. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 A few moments later, Alberta also realized she wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t moving. She looked up from her \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2179 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 clipboard with annoyance scanning the crowd. "Rose Hathaway?" \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri664 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Someone elbowed her, pulling her out of her dream like trance. She stood up and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri757 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 walked down the bleachers, robotlike. She headed toward Guardian Chase, who \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 handed her packet and a practice stake meant to "kill" the adult guardians with, and she \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4350 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stepped out of the way for the next person. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri153 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She opened the packet as if in disbelief of what had happened. She continued to stand \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 by the door, waiting as more and more novices left to find their assignments. As more \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 names were called, many of the novices lingered around the gym, talking to their friends \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri214 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and showing off their packets. Rose hovered near one group, obviously waiting for her \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3858 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chance to come up and yell at one of the adults. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When the last novice had been assigned his Moroi, Stan shouted above the din for us to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 move on to the next stage of the assignment and tried to herd out the novices. I walked \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3350 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 over to Alberta whispering so no one else could hear. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb520\margr1500\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri3125 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose is going to be very upset about her assignment." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3464 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta shook her head. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s for the best I told you." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1918 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I sighed. "Here she comes now. Try not to notice anything{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wrong." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She nodded. About to say something when Rose approached and stood staring at us. \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1169 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When we glanced at her she held up her packet and pointed. "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s this?" \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri425 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta did a great job at making her face look blank and confused. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m pretty sure I \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 looked the same, although knowing Rose, I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be surprised if she saw past my \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2764 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mask. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s your assignment, Miss Hathaway," Alberta said. \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "No," Rose said through gritted teeth. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not. This is somebody else{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s assignment." \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri162 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "The assignments in your field experience aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t optional," she told Rose sternly. "Just \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri244 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 as your assignments in the real world won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be. You can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t pick who you protect based \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2285 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 on whim and mood, not here and certainly not after graduation." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "But after graduation, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to be Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian!" Rose exclaimed. "Everyone \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3424 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knows that. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m supposed to have her for this thing." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I know it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s an accepted idea that you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll be together after graduation, but I do not recall \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 any mandatory rulings that say you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re {\f63 \u8222\'3f}supposed{\f63 \u8223\'3f} to have her or anyone\i here\i0 at school. \plain\par\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5356 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 You take who you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re assigned." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Christian?" Rose through her packet on the floor. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re out of your mind if you think \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6640 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m guarding him." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb280\margr1460\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I knew Rose was out of control. And staring into her eyes I could see a weird darkness, \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri261 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 not quite anger, and not quite madness either. But something in between. And I knew \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri785 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 her well enough that something small as this shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have caused this sudden \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2043 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 outburst. But the darkness vanished as quickly as it had appeared. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Rose!" I snapped, joining the conversation at last. She flinched. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re out of line. You \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4454 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 do\i not\i0 speak to your instructors like that." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Sorry." She said with reluctance. "But this is stupid. Nearly as stupid as not bring us to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6256 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Victor Dashkov{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s trial." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I flinched at that. Alberta blinked. "How did you know---Never mind. We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll deal with that \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2501 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 later. For now, this is your assignment, and you need to do it." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddie suddenly appeared near rose. His voice filled with apprehension. "Look\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6042 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 mind\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}We can switch\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Alberta turned her stony gaze from Rose to him. "No, you certainly cannot. Vasilisa \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Dragomir is\i your\i0 assignment." She looked back at Rose. "And Christian Ozera is yours. \plain\par\sl-231\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6579 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 End of discussion." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "This is stupid!" Rose repeated frustrated. "Why should I waste my time with Christian? \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the on I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m going to be with when I graduate. Seems like if you want me to be \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2571 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 able to do a good job, you should have me practice with her." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri150 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "You will do a good job with her." I replied. "Because you know her. And you have your \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 bond. But somewhere, someday, you could end up with a different Moroi. You need to \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1071 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 learn how to guard someone with whom you have absolutely no experience." \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I have experience with Christian." She grumbled back. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the problem. I hate him." \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb480\margr1480\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was surprised to hear that. After all she was the one who kept four of our Academy{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri285 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 students safe. Even if one out of the four did die. She did her best to keep them safe. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "So much the better," said Alberta. "Not everyone you protect will be your friend. Not \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1621 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 everyone you protect will be someone you like. You need to learn this." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I need to learn how to fight Strigoi," she said. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve learned that in class." She fixed us \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4005 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 with a sharp look. "\i And\i0 I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve done it in person." \plain\par\sl-272\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri695 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s more to this job than the technicalities, Miss Hathaway. There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a whole \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 personal aspect---a bedside manner, if you will---that we don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t touch on much in class. \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 We teach you how to deal with the Strigoi. You need to learn how to deal with the Moroi \plain\par\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 yourselves. And\i you\i0 in particular need to deal with someone who has not been your \plain\par\sl-232\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri6347 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 best friend for years." \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "You also need to learn what it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like to work with someone when you can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t instantly \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4751 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 sense that they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re in danger," I added. \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri277 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I had observed after Spokane that part of the reason why Mason had gotten hurt was \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri468 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 that Rose didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what his exact thoughts were. What he was about to do. And \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2444 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 because of that dependant she has on Lissa lead to his death. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri315 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Right," agreed Alberta. "that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a handicap. If you want to be a good guardian---if you \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2002 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 want to be an excellent guardian---then you need to do as we say." \plain\par\sl-294\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2731 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose opened her mouth to fight us, but I quickly cut her off. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2040 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Working with another Moroi will also help keep Lissa alive." I said. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb420\margr1540\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 That shut her down. It was the only thing that could have, and I knew she knew that. \plain\par\sl-230\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri5118 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "What do you mean?" She asked. \plain\par\sl-269\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s got a handicap too---you. If she never has a chance to learn what it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s like to be \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri606 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guarded by someone without a psychic connection, she could be at greater risk if \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 attacked. Guarding someone is really a two-person relationship. This assignment for \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3423 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 your field experience is as much for her as for you." \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3293 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 She stayed silent processing what I had just told her. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "And," added Alberta. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the only assignment you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to get. If you don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take it, \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4481 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 then you opt out of the field experience." \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri313 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Rose knew there was no way out of this if she wanted to graduate. And knowing her \plain\par\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri212 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 she did badly. I could see it in her eyes. The determination and the fire that I loved so \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2237 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 much about her, and that made me fall for her for the first place. \plain\par\sl-271\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri440 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Reluctantly she picked up the packet. "Fine," she said icily. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll do this. But I want it \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4447 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 noted that I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m doing this against my will." \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri1077 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "I think we already figured that out, Miss Hathaway," remarked Alberta dryly. \plain\par\sl-267\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "Whatever. I still think it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a horrible idea, and you eventually will too." Rose said as she \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3052 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stalked off across the gym before any of us could reply. \plain\par\sl-298\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri652 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I silently shook my head, Rose, always getting the last word in a conversation by \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7144 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 storming off. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7324 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 3: \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb500\margr1560\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After the rest of the novices had left the guardians and I got together reading over the \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 new schedule. Each of them nodding in agreement as they looked the assignments \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 over. My "attack" would be the first one of the day. And Emil was my "Strigoi in crime". \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Smiling down at the white paper before me I thought of which student will be the lucky \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7892 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 one. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri630 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After looking over and answering questions Alberta dismissed us. The guardians \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 dispersed as I walked into the cool night air. The snow crunched below my feet as I \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri169 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 made my way to my dorm. It was necessary for all guardians to wear black during the \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6743 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 field experience. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 This wardrobe helps disguise us and make us appear more invisible amongst the \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri431 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shadows. Most guardians wear black all the time, both on duty and off. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the only \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri603 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "weapon" we have that helps us become immune to the Strigoi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s strong eyesight. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 After getting dressed in my black leather duster, black pants and a tight knitted black \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri60 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 shirt I made my way through the school. Classes had just started so I had enough time \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3766 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to meet up with Emil before attacking someone. \plain\par\sl-295\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 We walked in the shadows of the trees, weaving through them reminded me of the day \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri177 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself and several other guardians set out to save Lissa from Victor. Except this time \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3441 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 we didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have the sun beating down on our heads. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1151 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 One of the last bells rang then. Emil and I knew we had to attack soon, and \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri202 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Ryan interrupted the fight when he lunged at me with his stake. He almost "killed" me \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1090 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 before I grabbed his neck. Indicating that I cracked it and he was now dead. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb280\margr1440\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri299 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Eddies face twisted at this sight, his eyes turning a dark color. His mouth was set in a \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5015 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 grim line as if I really were a Strigoi. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 If it weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t for the attack in Spokane I would have thought Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s expression and \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 determination to kill me was because he wanted a good grade. But seeing his eyes I \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 knew it was much more than that. Spokane had scarred him. He was revengeful for his \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4103 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 friend{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s death and what the Strigoi did to him. \plain\par\sl-268\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t blame him, he was so young and had witnessed too much. Just as Rose had. \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I realized what I had just done, I "killed" Ryan the same way the Strigoi in Spokane had \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 killed Mason. I silently cursed myself for my actions; for what I had just done to Eddie. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri336 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I pushed these thoughts away when both he and Shane attacked, they barely rocked \plain\par\sl-254\fs25\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri768 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 me but it was enough to make me stagger back. This was the open window they \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5942 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 needed. And they knew it. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Before I could block them they placed the stake over my heart, indicating that I was now \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4237 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 "dead". I smiled up at the now panting boys. \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri83 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Emil offered a hand and helped me stand up as I rubbed the part of my head that Eddie \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had hit. We praised Shane for being fast on his feet and Eddie for realizing they had to \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2706 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 treat this as a group endeavor rather than one-on-one trials. \plain\par\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri308 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Ryan was chastised for not paying attention to his Moroi and not acting upon impulse \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri2194 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 when he saw the danger Camille was in. So much for liking her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Kyle mentioned Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s efforts in staying behind and keeping an eye out for both her \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri636 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Moroi. This shocked me; I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even known she was here, and was \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri766 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 surprised that her impulsiveness didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take her over and make her join the fight. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1360\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1400\margb580\margr1460\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-311 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 We nodded approval in Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s direction. She smiled as Eddie approached her and their \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1734 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Moroi. They high-fived and I shook my head as I turned away and left. \par\plain\sl-85\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri316 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 As I continued to walk around the campus I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but think of the way Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri650 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eyes bore into mine. For a moment I truly thought I was a Strigoi. Because of the \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 hatred and longing that Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes held. I shivered at that, never before had I though \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri4410 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 myself as being a threat and the enemy\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \plain\par\sl-296\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7396 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Chapter 4: \plain\par\sl-270\fs27\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri373 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 As I make my way across the campus I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but chastise myself over what I \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 had just done. How stupid it was of me to "kill" Ryan that way\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} And as I walked within \plain\par\sl-226\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the long casting shadows of the trees images of Eddie{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face flashed through my brain. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri659 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 The way his face fell, once full of skill and determination, was replaced by hatred, \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri112 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 longing and most of all revenge. Never before had I seen something like that, even in a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 guardian twice my age. What I saw in Eddie today was brought by a simple act that \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6243 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 happened in Spokane. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5933 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 And it was my entire fault. \par\plain\sl-113\fs11\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri148 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I was assigned another attack in a few more minutes, so I knew I needed to get my act \plain\par\sl-229\fs23\par\pard\pard\sl-267 \li0 \ri3220 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 together if I wanted to give these novice{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a challenge. \par\sect\sectd\sbkpage\margtsxn1320\pard\jexpand\viewkind1\paperw12240\paperh15840\margt1440\margb340\margr1400\margl1440\plain\pard\sl-270 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 Straightening up I took a deep breath of the midnight air. The moon was bright enough \plain\par\sl-257\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 to eliminate the path in front of me with its silvery glow. It was the final period of the day \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4223 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 and within that period I was issued to attack. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 I cleared my head of any thoughts from earlier as I made my way to the classrooms on \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 eastside campus. As I drew closer I looked around to make sure no other guardians had \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri419 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 chosen this spot. Satisfied to see none I sulked in the shadows moving as if I were a \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5243 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 snake gliding across a black lake. \plain\par\sl-295\fs30\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 When I reached the classroom I looked through the window. Novices were lined against \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 the wall trying their best to look like professional guardians. Though I could tell by their \plain\par\sl-256\fs26\par\pard\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2086 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs24 \cf44 stature that their feet were killing them after a long day of standing. \plain\par\sl-297\fs30\par

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