

Weekly Quiz


What is the popular term for the particularly high tide that affected parts

of the country last week?

a. king tide b. super tide c. prime tide


Around 300 protestors marched onto the treaty grounds as part of a hikoi. What

were they protesting against?

a. set net fishing in Maui dolphin territory b. asset sales

c. oil and gas exploration


What is the name of the sporting event that more than 111 million Americans

tuned in to watch last week?

a. NBA finals b. Indianapolis 500

c. Super Bowl


In which NZ city was this photo taken on the weekend?


What was thrown at John Key by a protestor during the Waitangi


a. an egg b. a copy of the Treaty

c. a bag of fish


Who is the co-writer of Lorde’s song Royals?

a. Jordan Luckb. Joel Little

c. Dave Dobbyn


Why was the Woolworths supermarket chain in the news last week?

a. the supermarkets are being sold to a Chinese company

b. they are changing their name to Foodfresh c. they have stopped stocking some New Zealand

products in their Australian stores


What is the name of this Grammy winning duo?


Prince Charles visited flood victims last week and pledged a 50,000 pound donation to help with relief. What

country was he in?

a. England b. The Philippines

c. India


Why were Auckland train workers nervous last week?

a. job cuts were going to be announced b. senseless attacks had been made on train

workers c. an anonymous bomb threat had been made to

police involving the train system


What year was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?

a. 1821 b. 1840

c. 1918


In which city did this scene occur on the weekend?


What is the name of the anti-whaling group that claims it was rammed by a

Japanese whaling boat recently?

a. the Sea Serpent b. the Sea Warriors c. the Sea Shepherd


True or false, this year is an election year?


Last week, a video was recorded of animal cruelty inflicted by a worker of a

New Zealand dairy company, Manuka. In which country did this occur?

a. Chile b. Australia

c. New Zealand


Which country has this flag?


What language is spoken in the city of Amsterdam?


What is the issue that Prime Minister John Key has suggested New Zealand should hold a referendum

(a public vote) for?

a. to decide whether New Zealanders want to change the flag

b. to decide whether New Zealanders want gas and oil exploration

c. to decide whether New Zealanders want school zoning removed


A 37 year old man from Mexico was found after being adrift in the Pacific

Ocean for a long time. How long does he claim to have been lost at sea?

a. 6 monthsb. 13 months c. 28 months


Name this NZ politician.



What is the popular term for the particularly high tide that affected parts of the country last week?

a. a king tide - these tides occur when a new or full moon occurs at the same time as the moon is at its closest to the earth. The recent king tides were about 60cm higher than usual and caused some sections of Auckland’s motorway network may flood.


Around 300 protestors marched onto the treaty grounds as part of a hikoi. What were they

protesting against?

c. oil and gas exploration - About 300 protesters marched peacefully on to the Treaty Grounds at Waitangi, ending a five day anti oil and gas exploration hikoi. After circling the flagpole, they moved on the upper marae where they continued speeches and singing.


What is the name of the sporting event that more than 111 million Americans tuned in to watch last


c. Super Bowl - More than 111 million Americans tuned in to watch Super Bowl XLVIII on Monday. The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the United States.


In which NZ city was this photo taken on the weekend?

Wellington - The Wellington Rugby Sevens


What was thrown at John Key by a protestor during the Waitangi celebrations?

c. a bag of fish - The man responsible for throwing the fish refused to comment on why he did it at the time.


Who is the co-writer of Lorde’s song Royals?

b. Joel Little - he began his career as singer and guitarist of pop punk band Goodnight Nurse. In 2012, Little co-wrote and produced, recorded and mixed The Love Club EP including the single "Royals". Little also worked on the debut Lorde album, Pure Heroine, which was released worldwide in September last year.


Why was the Woolworths supermarket chain in the news last week?

c. they have stopped stocking some New Zealand products in their Australian stores - An aggressive "buy Australian" campaign has seen a host of Kiwi products, such as fresh vegetables and cheese, stripped from Coles and Woolworth stores across Australia.


What is the name of this Grammy winning duo?

Daft Punk


Prince Charles visited flood victims last week and pledged a 50,000 pound donation to help with

relief. What country was he in?

a. England - Prince Charles visited flood-hit areas of southwest England, riding by boat and tractor to survey the damage and show support for the locals. The Somerset Levels area have been under water for a month.


Why were Auckland train workers nervous last week?

b. senseless attacks had been made on train workers - Two Auckland train workers were attacked by the same gang in the space of about an hour. Rail and Maritime Union general secretary Wayne Butson said the union will meet with the operator Transdev and Auckland Transport this week to talk about safety concerns.


What year was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?

b. 1840 - The Treaty of Waitangi was signed by 43 chiefs on February 6, 1840, at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands. Over 500 Maori Chiefs signed during the next eight months. The Treaty had three articles. It is the second and third articles have caused controversy through the years mainly due to issues with translation.


In which city did this scene occur on the weekend?

Sochi - Opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics


What is the name of the anti-whaling group that claims it was rammed by a Japanese whaling boat


c. the Sea Shepherd - Sea Shepherd Australia says the Japanese ship Yushin Maru deliberately crashed into its Bob Barker vessel, damaging the bow and anchor. The Japanese government says a collision happened after Sea Shepherd vessels deliberately tried to sabotage their whale research fleet.


True or false, this year is an election year?

True - Prime Minister John Key gave his clearest hint yet that the general election is likely to be held before the G-20 global leaders' meeting in mid-November.


Last week, a video was recorded of animal cruelty inflicted by a worker of a New Zealand dairy

company, Manuka. In which country did this occur?

a. Chile - Chilean TV has shown video of a worker for NZ dairy company Manuka euthanising a bobby calf in a cruel manner. The director of Manuka has said that although they do euthanise bobby calves as they are not suitable for beef and don’t produce milk, they do have protocols which in this case have been ignored.


Which country has this flag?

South Africa


What language is spoken in the city of Amsterdam?



What is the issue that Prime Minister John Key has suggested New Zealand should hold a referendum

(a public vote) for?

a. to decide on whether New Zealanders want to change the flag - he confirmed the Government was considering the issue, and would discuss with Cabinet the possibility of holding a referendum.


A 37 year old man from Mexico was found after being adrift in the Pacific Ocean for a long time.

How long does he claim to have been lost at sea?

b. 13 months - Jose Ivan said he left Mexico with a friend for a trip in a fibre-glass boat in December 2012. He was found by people living on the island of Ebon Atoll. He apparently survived the 8,000km ordeal by catching fish, birds and turtles with his bare hands.


Name this NZ politician.

Bill English - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

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