

Marine Structures 8 (1995) 617~629 © 1995 Elsevier Science Limited

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On the Application of the Haskind-Hanaoka Relations to Hydroelasticity Problems

R. C. Ertekin*, S. Q. Wang*, X. L. Che* & H. R. Riggs t

*Department of Ocean Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA

tDepart:ment of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA

(Received 2 June 1994; revised 10 September 1994; accepted 14 October 1994)


The Haskind-Hanaoka relations for obtaining the wave-exciting forces, given the incoming and radiation potentials in floating rigid-body dynamics, are extended to deformable-body dynamics in the presence of a free surface and within the assumptions of linear potential theory. These relations are applied to the mode-superposition and the direct methods of solution of hydroelasticity problems. In other words, it is shown that regardless of the structural analysis method used in a hydroelasticity problem, the Haskind- Hanaoka relations can be used to calculate the wave-exciting forces with- out solving for the diffraction potential explicitly. These relations can also be used in the composite singularity distribution method to increase further the computational efficiency.

Key words." Hask ind -Hanaoka relations, hydroelasticity, mode-super- po,;ition, composite singularity distribution, finite element analysis, wave- exciting forces and moments.


The remarkable relations between the radiation potentials and scattering forces in linear potential theory due to Haskind 1 and Hanaoka 2 are well known• (see also Newman3). The Haskind-Hanaoka (H-H) formulas were later extended to include the effects of steady forward speed by Newman 4 and to unsteady motions by Wehausen. 5


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The use of H-H formulas in the calculation of structural loads on a rigid body is due to Ogilvie, 6 who soon after discovered (Ogilvie 7) that the H-H relations are special cases of the Chertock formulas (ChertockS). Newman 9 recognized this fact and obtained analogous relations between the scattering and radiation problems in the far field, and thus provided a set of formulas relating the scattered and radiated waves. More recently, Che ~° used the H-H relations in calculating the modal scattering forces on rigid cross sections of a longitudinally flexible hull, using the strip theory.

As indicated by Ogilvie, 7 Chertock was-well aware of the relationship between the radiation field of a surface, vibrating in an arbitrary pattern, and the generalized force that an arbitrary external disturbance exerts on the surface. Chertock's work 8 is quite general; it includes, for example, the linearized elasticity equations and acoustic equations as well as the Laplace equation. It also includes arbitrary time dependence (see also Wehausen's workS). For a specific problem, however, one has to derive special formulas from the highly general relationship, and sometimes this is not that obvious as in the use of Chertock formulas to obtain the generalized exciting forces and moments (to be used in structural analysis) on a floating flexible body.

This work is motivated by the fact that the H-H relations in hydro- elasticity have virtually not been used except in very limited cases. From the earlier works cited in the pioneering monograph of Bishop & Price 11 to more recent works (Refs 12-14), the computational advantages of the H - H relations have not yet been utilized, except only recently by Che et al.15 who used a hybrid method to determine the wave-induced elastic response of a SWATH .ship at zero forward speed.

In this work, we will consider the general problem of hydroelasticity that describes the interactions of the fluid motion and elastic deformation of a body within the context of the H-H relations. It will be shown that the structural loads that are required in hydroelastic analysis can be obtained from the radiation potentials, in general, and in mode-superposition and direct methods for the solution of the deformable-body dynamics problem, in particular, since the mode functions used in different methods are not the same. Moreover, the H-H relations will also be shown here to be applicable in the composite singularity distribution method (Wu et al)6).


Let us consider a 3-dimensional floating body, partially or wholly immersed, in an incompressible and inviscid fluid and furthermore, let the motion of the fluid be irrotational. Let Ss denote the sea-floor boundary;

Hydroelasticity problems 619


Saa r -

Z Y Sf ' ~



Fig. 1. Definition of the control volume.

S/. the undisturbed free-surface (z = 0); Sb the wetted body surface at its mean position; and So~ the surface of a large control cylinder of radius R (see Fig. 1). The body oscillates under the action of linear, plane-waves propagating in the positive x direction in a right-hand Cartesian coordi- nate system. The unit normal vectors on these boundaries are pointing out of the fluid domain f~.

Because of the linearity of the problem, the total velocity potential is decomposed into three potentials as usual:

~b(x,y,z,t) = ~ 1 ( x , y , z , t ) + ~ b o ( x , y , z , t ) + ~ R ( x , y , z , t ) , (1)

where ~i = ckl(x,Y,z)e -"°', ~D = cko(x,Y,z)e -'°~', and ~R = CkR(x,y, z)e -'~'t, are the time harmonic incoming, diffraction (or scatter- ing) and radiation potentials, respectively, and to is the angular wave frequency. It is understood that real parts of complex functions have physical meanings. The solution of the incoming-wave potential is assumed known although an additional diffraction problem must be solved if the sea floor is not flat. The diffraction potential 4) D is the solu- tion of' the ideal-flow problem when the deformable body is fixed, and the radiation potential 4'R is the sum of all potentials arising from the forced oscillations of the deformable body in an otherwise calm fluid. Note that the modes of motion include both the classical rigid-body motions and the flexible-body motions, i.e.


~bR ---- Z 4~Rs 2j, (2) j = l

where q~Rs represents the spatial part of the radiation potential corre- sponding to the j th mode shape if the mode-superposition method is used and it corresponds to the shape function of the jth-degree-of-freedom if

620 R.C. Ertekin et al.

the direct method is used in structural analysis; 2j denotes the amplitude of the j th principal coordinate in the mode-superposition method and the amplitude of nodal displacement associated with degree-of-freedom j in the direct method; and N denotes the number of mode shapes in the mode-superposition method and the number of degrees of freedom in the direct method. In the case of rigid body motions, indicated by j = 1, 2 , . . . , 6,,~je - i°~t represents one of the six rigid-body displacement- degrees-of-freedom, e.g. j = 1 represents surge, j = 5 pitch, and so forth. It is noted that some authors prefer that 2j refers to the velocity amplitude rather than the displacement amplitude used here for the rigid-body and flexible modes of motion.

The scattering and radiation potentials equations where • denotes either Oo or OR:

A O = 0 x E f t ,

O~D __

must satisfy the following

(3) 00

"-0920 + g--~Z = 0 X E Sf , (4)

00 - - = o x Ss, (5) On

04~ i Oep R j = -i~on~(x,y,z) x E Sb, (6)

On ' On On

limx/7 - ~ r - i k O = 0 x E s ~ n s s, (7)

where r = v / ~ + y2, x = (x, y, z) and n/(x, y, z) is the generalized normal of the j th mode if the mode-superposition method is used and of the shape function corresponding to the j th degree of freedom if the direct method is used. Note also that, by choice, we assumed that the normal scattering velocity on the sea floor vanishes in eqn (5) even if the sea floor is not flat, because the incoming potential is assumed to be modified already by the presence of an uneven sea-floor. We could as well suppose that O/repre- sents the undisturbed potential of progressive waves moving over a flat sea-floor, but then eqn (5) would have been replaced by Odpo/On = - O f l p l / O n where x E S~. Since an uneven sea-floor boundary is not of concern here, we leave eqn (5) for ~z~ as is.

We now turn to wave-exciting forces and moments acting on a deformable body. To do this, we integrate the dynamic pressure given by the linearized form of Euler's integral on the surface, i.e.

• [ * F w j = i p ~ o e -'°'' (dp~+q~o)njdS, j = I , . . . , N , (8) ash

Hydroelasticity problems 621

where p is the mass density of fluid. In the mode-superposition method, Fwj represent the generalized, 'modal' wave exciting forces, while in the direct method, Fwj represent the nodal forces and moments.

All velocity potentials are harmonic functions by eqn (3) and therefore Green's second identity gives

~b o ~ - ~bsj dS = 0, (9)

where S is the union of all boundaries. However, both ~b o and ~bRj, for each j, satisfy the same free-surface, sea-floor and radiation conditions [eqns (4), (5) and (7)], and therefore, the integral over those boundaries vanish leaving only the integral over the body boundary. In addition, iogn~ in eqn (8) can be replaced by -OtkRJOn from eqn (6). Also, Odpo/On = -O~pffOn from eqn (6). Thus, we have

F w j = pe -i~°t (~Rj -~ - - q~t dS, j = 1, . . . , N. b


Although eqn (10) is adequate to calculate the wave-exciting forces and moments, note that another application of Green's second identity can be used to replace eqn (10) by

Fwj = pe -i°Jt f ~PRj - ~ -- alP1 dS, j = 1 , . . . , N. ,I S~


since 4>l does not satisfy the radiation condition. The integration of eqn (11) may also be written in terms of q~Rj by eliminating its normal deriva- tive from the radiation condition, eqn (7).

This completes the development of the H-H relations valid for deformable bodies at zero forward speed regardless of the solution method used to solve the hydroelasticity problem discussed next. clearly, once tile radiation problem is solved, the generalized Froude-Krylov and scattering forces are known from eqns (10) or (11).

It has to be emphasized here that, although the H-H relations derived here for the generalized exciting forces and moments are special cases of the general Chertock 8 formulas, it has not been clear how to couple the structural dynamics, within a specific structural analysis method, and the hydrodynamics via the boundary conditions that the radiation potentials must satisfy on the body. In the next section, this difficulty will be remow:d for two methods of structural analysis most commonly used in hydroelasticity problems.

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In this section, we shall briefly discuss the hydroelasticity problem to shed light on the boundary conditions that couple the structural and fluid- dynamics problems in the context of the H-H relations. It is convenient to start the discussion by writing the linear equations of motion for a deformable body undergoing harmonic oscillations. We assume the struc- ture has been discritized via the finite element method, and the equations can therefore be written as

[Ms] {ii} + [C~] {u} + [K~] {u} = {F}, (12)

where [Ms], [Cs] and [K~] are the structural mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively, {u} the vector of nodal displacements, and {F} the vector of nodal forces resulting from the distributed fluid forces. These forces can be written as

{F} = (FR} n u {FH} -t- {Fw} , (13)

where the vectors on the right-side correspond to radiation, hydrostatic and wave-exciting forces, respectively. We shall only deal with the wave- exciting forces and moments here in the context of the H-H relations and refer the reader, for example, to Ertekin et al. 14 on detailed calculations of the other forces.

The coupling of the hydrodynamic and structural problems is through the unknown displacements of the structure at a given point on its surface and all the forces acting on the same point, which in turn depend on the displacements of the same point. The dynamic response of a floating structure with multiple degrees of freedom can basically be solved by two different methods. One is the mode-superposition method and the other is the direct method.

3.1 Mode-superposition method

In the mode-superposition method, the displacements are represented by the free-vibration mode shapes. For an N-degree-of-freedom system, these shapes constitute N independent displacement patterns, the amplitudes of which may serve as the principal coordinates to express any possible displacement. The mode shapes are obtained by solving an eigenvalue problem. The displacement {D} at the point (x, y, z) is then expressed by

N { D ( x , y , z , t ) } = ~-~{~bj(x ,y , z )}p j ( t ) , pj( t) -- 2je -i~°t, (14)

j = l

while the nodal displacements are

Hydroelasticity problems 623


{-} = { j}pj(0, (15) j = l

where {~bj} is the mode shape, pj the principle coordinate, 2j the amplitude ofpj used in eqn (2) earlier, and {~j} is the vector of nodal displacements in the mode shape. Substituting eqn (15) into eqn (12), we obtain the equations of motion in terms of the principal coordinates:

[Ms] [~] {ii} + [CA [~] {[}} + [K~] [~] {p} = {F}, (16)

in which [~] is a matrix with columnj equal to {~j}. Since the mode shapes satisfy the orthogonality property, multiplication

by the transpose of the corresponding modal shapes transforms eqn (16) into

(M~ + M~){]i} + (C s + C7) {p} + (K* +K~){p} = {Fw}, (17)

where M*, C~, K~ are the generalized modal mass, damping and stiffness matrica;s of the structure, respectively; M;, C), K7 are the generalized fluid modal inertial, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively, where the first two represent the radiation forces and the last one the restoring force; and F w is the generalized modal wave exciting force. The reader is referred to W u 17 for the details.

The generalized wave exciting force of the j th mode is

I {¢3T{"}psOS' (18) F'w j= St,

where pf is the wave exciting pressure. By using the linearized form of Euler's integral, eqn (18) can be rewritten as

= ip~oe-i°~t[ (¢1-~- dpn){~j}r{n}dS. (19) F*wj o Sb

Note that n~ in eqn (8)is replaced by {~bj}r{n} in eqn (19) and Fwj in eqn (19) is equivalent to Fwj in eqn (8). In the hydroelastic analysis, when the mode-superposition method is used, the boundary condition for the radiation potential 4~Rj is

OckRj O n - ioo{qtJ}T{n}" (20)

Substituting eqn (20) into eqn (19) leads to

OCRj Fwj* : -pe-iC°t[,tsb (~bt + Co) ~ dS (21)

= _pe-,OJt Jsh (dp OdpRJ OdPRJ) + dP° On ] dS.

624 R . C . Ertekin et al.

By using Green's second identity and the body boundary condition, Odpo/On = -O~pl/On, we obtain the modal wave-exciting force of the j th mode in terms of the radiation and incoming potentials:

Fwj = - p e - i ~ ' Js \C~RJ -~n - d~I On } dS. (22) b

We can see that eqn (22) is the same as eqn (10) obtained earlier, i.e. the H - H relation.

3.2 Direct method

In the direct method, the equations of motion, eqn (12) are solved directly rather than by mode superposition. The displacements associated with degree-of-freedom j are expressed by

{D(x ,y , z , t ) } = {Nj(x ,y ,z )}uj ( t ) , uj(t) = 2je -i°~t, (23)

where {Nj (x, y, z)} is a vector of shape functions, uj is the nodal displace- ment and 2j is the amplitude of the nodal displacement used in eqn (2).

Equation (23) can be used to convert the distributed fluid forces such that the equations of motion are expressed as:

(Ms + M f) {ii} + (Cs + C f) {l'l} --~ (Ks + K/) {u} = {Fw}, (24)

where Ms, Cs, Ks are the consistent structural nodal mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively; Mf, Cf, Kf, are the consistent fluid nodal- mass, damping and stiffness matrices, respectively; and Fw is the consis- tent nodal wave-exciting force. The consistent nodal exciting force in the j t h degree of freedom is given by

= [ {Ny}r{n}pfdS. (25) Fwj 3 Sb

As in eqn (19), by using linearized Euler's integral, eqn (25) can be rewritten as

Fwj = i p m e - i t o t JSh (flPl + ~)D) {Nj} T {n} dS. (26)

Note that n] in eqn (8) is replaced by {Nj}r{n} in eqn (26). When the direct method is used in the hydroelastic analysis, the

boundary condition for the radiation potential has the following form:

OqbRJ -- im{Nj}r{n} . (27) On

Hydroelasticity problems 625

Substituting eqn (27) into eqn (26), we have

J 04 Rj Fw/ = - p e -i"~' (C~l + dpo ) ~ dS. (28) Sh

We call then use Green's second identity and the body boundary condi- tion for the diffraction potential in eqn (28). This leads to

0 4, R :'] Fw/ = pe- i ' t Lh (dpRjO0@- O, On ] dS. (29)

Equation (29) is the formulation for the wave exciting force in the j th degree of freedom in terms of the radiation and incoming potentials. It has the same form as eqn (10), i.e. the H-H relation.


The composite singularity distribution method is developed by Wu 17 for a single plane of body symmetry and by Wu et al. 16 for double planes of body symmetry for the hydrodynamic analysis of a rigid or flexible body. In contrast with the conventional panel method, the composite singularity distribution method exploits the symmetry conditions of the body. If the body is symmetric, only the one-half (single symmetry) or one-quarter (double symmetry) of the information on the body geometry is required for the hydrodynamic analysis regardless of the angle of wave incidence. Therefore, the composite singularity distribution method can reduce the storage and time required for the computations if the body is symmetric. The composite singularity distribution method is based on the premise that the mode-superposition method is employed for the structural- response analysis.

We will show here the use of the H-H relations only for the single-plane of symmetry case since the double-plane of symmetry case is a straight forward extension of the following development. For a body symmetric about its centreline, namely for the port-starboard symmetry, there are two possible kinds of mode shapes: one is port-starboard symmetric and the other is port-starboard anti-symmetric.

In the single-symmetry composite singularity distribution method, the composite potentials are defined by

4 + = (x, y, z) + (x, - y, z), (30)

~b- = q~ (x, y, z) - (x, - y, z), (31)

626 R.C. Ertekin et al.

where ~b denotes the incoming, scattering or radiation potential. The wave-exciting force for the port-starboard symmetric mode j is given by

• f -]- * Fwj = ipcoe -"°t. (dp + + c~D)n j dS, (32) d Sp

where n~ is the generalized normal of the j th mode shape and Sp is the one half of the wetted body surface. The body-boundary condition of the composite radiation potential corresponding to the j th mode shape is given by

On -2iogn*.t ' (33)

In the mode-superposition method, the generalized normal of the j th mode-shape is given by

nj = {~bj}V{n}, (34)

where qtj is the j th mode shape. Substituting eqn (33) into eqn (32), the generalized wave-exciting force of the j th mode is written as

Fwj -- - i e (~b]- + ~ ) ~ dS. (35)

In order to use Green's second identity, it is necessary to write eqn (35) in terms of the integration over the whole body-surface instead of one-half of it. From the definition of the composite potentials [eqns (30)-(31)] and the generalized normal of the symmetric mode shape, eqn (35) is seen to be equivalent to

P -i¢.o, f O~ ~j Fwj = - ~ e Js (~b + + ~b fi) ~ dS. (36) b

The composite potentials satisfy the Laplace equation, radiation, free surface and bottom conditions, and hence the application of Green's second identity leads to the generalized wave-exciting forces for the j t h mode shape:

F w j = - ~ e d~[ ---~n + dp-~J On } dS

Ish ( Odp-~ Oqb ++~On (37) = P-- e-i'°' 4 alP+J---alP+ On jdS. Note that the body-boundary condition for the composite diffraction- potential, i.e. O~;/On = -Odp+/On, is used in eqn (37). According to the

Hydroelasticity problems 627

symmel:ry properties of the composite potentials, eqn (37) can be rewritten in terms of an integration over one-half of the body:

Odp-~ dP7 On ,] dS. p -ion, O--fi-- Fwj -~ -~ e sp (38)

It is seen that the generalized wave exciting forces in the composite singularity distribution method can be obtained based on the composition radiation and incoming potentials alone; this is equivalent to the use of the H - H relations.

Similarly, we obtain the formulation for the generalized wave-exciting forces tbr the port-starboard anti-symmetric mode j,

Pe-iC°t C~-gJ O---~-- dpI On ,} dS. (39) Fwj = -~ sp

This completes the proof that the H-H relations can also be used in the composite singularity distribution method.


The H-H relations can be used in hydroelasticity analysis regardless of what kind of method is used for the structural response as shown here. The H-H relations can also be applied to the composite singularity distribution method to calculate the generalized wave-exciting forces and moments.

In conventional hydrodynamic analysis, there are basically two advan- tages of using the H-H relations. One is that less computational time would be required and the other is that the one-half (single symmetry) or one-quarter (double symmetry) of the information about the body geometry is needed regardless of the wave incidence angle. This, also reduces the required computational time as well as storage for the problem. If the composite singularity distribution method is used, one can always use body symmetry conditions regardless of the wave heading, and therefore achieve further reduction in CPU time required.

On the other hand, if one needs to obtain some other physical quantities as part of the solution, such as the wave elevation on or around the body, then one must clearly calculate the scattering potential explicitly. In the past, one would normally solve the diffraction and radiation problems separately to achieve this goal. However, it is now understood that once the radiation problem is solved from

628 R.C. Ertekin et al,

{~bRj} = OH[] {V.j}, [H] = [B] [A]-' (40)

where [A] and [B] are the matrices of the integrations involving the normal derivatives of the Green function and the Green function itself, respec- tively, and {V.j} is the vector of the body-boundary conditions, the solu- tion of the diffraction potential can easily be obtained from

{~o} = [H] {Vn}, {Vn} : I, On J" (41)

In other words, once the matrix [H] is calculated to obtain {~Rj}, the solution of {~o} involves only a matrix multiplication. This is clear since ~b o and ~b R satisfy the same boundary conditions and the Laplace equa- tion, except on the boundary (Webster18). Therefore, the computational effort involved to determine the diffraction potential is no longer a major effort. However, if one does not need physical quantities that explicitly require the diffraction potential, including the pressure distribution on the body, clearly the H - H relations are superior.


This work is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, Grant No. BES-9200655. Additional support has been received by the first author (R.C.E.) through the Presidential Young Investigator Award program of the U.S. National Science Foundation, Grant No. BCS-8958346. SOEST contribution No. 3805.


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