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Restless Earth

How and why do tectonic plates move?

What are the different types of plate boundary and what hazards

are found there?

Convection currentsfrom the hot outercore and mantle movethe tectonic plates onthe earth’s surface

The Iron in the outer core producesa magnetic field which protects theearth from radiation from space



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Montserrat !aribbean "#ED!$

Montserrat is found on a destructive plate oundar!

  "rimar! Effects #econdar! Effects

%ocial   • $% people died in 1&&'• ()* of the population were

evacuated to the north of theisland to live in ma+eshift shelters

• "l!mouth - the capital ecame a

ghost town• Man! schools and hospitals were

destro!ed• ,omes were destro!ed and


• ,ealth prolems werereported due ! volcanic ashcontaining .uart/ that can thencause silicosis0

• Ageing population as man!

 !oung people have left theisland

• ver half the population leftthe island and have notreturned man! went to the230

Economic   • Infrastructure4 including theairport4 was destro!ed - $5% ofthe island was covered in ash

• 6armland was destro!ed

• Tourism came to a halt• 2nemplo!ment rose as tourism

industr! declined

Environmental   • More than half Montserrat

ecome uninhaitale7• "!roclastic flows destro!ed

ever!thing in their path

• 6loods as valle!s loc+ed !

ash• 6orest fires caused !

p!roclastic flows

&mmediate Responses #on' (erm Responses

• #cientists monitored the volcano and

set up warning s!stems via radio4

loudhailer and sirens• The 23 government sent 81' million of

emergenc! aid4 including temporar!

uildings and water purification s!stems• Charities li+e the Red Cross set up

temporar! schools• "eople were evacuated to the north of

the island4 and then to other countries

• Ten !ears later the #outh of the island

is still out of ounds4 and scientists are

still monitoring the volcano• The 23 government funded a three !ear

re-development plan7 It is uilding

homes4 schools4 infrastructure and


• The Red Cross have uilt a home for theelderl!

• Tourists ma! come ac+ and the volcano

itself could ecome a tourist attraction

Prediction #eismometers9 to monitor as magma rises to the surfaceTiltmeters9 to monitor the volcano swelling as it fills with magmaAircraft9 To measure the amount of gas given off ! the volcano


Concrete channels9 To divert dangerous :lahar’ mudflows

Concrete shelters9 To protect people from volcanic oms and ashEvacuation routes9 Clearl! signposted7 "eople also have regular drills

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Earth)ua*es in MED!+s and #ED!+s

Haiti "#ED!$

,aiti is found on a conservative plate oundar!7 The in $)1)7 Magnitude '

 Primary caused directl! ! the %econdary result from primar! effects0

%1;4))) people were +illed and 1 million peoplewere made homeless7

1 in ( people lost their <os ecause so man!uildings were destro!ed7

$()4))) homes and %)4))) other uildings4including the "resident’s "alace were eitherdestro!ed or adl! damaged

The large numer of deaths meant thathospitals and morgues ecame full and odiesthen had to e piled up on the streets

Transport and communication lin+s were alsoadl! damaged ! the

The large numer of odies meant that diseases4especiall! cholera4 ecame a serious prolem

,ospitals ()=0 and schools 14%))=0 wereadl! damaged4 as was the airport’s controltower

It was difficult getting aid into the areaecause of issues at the airport and generall!poor management of the situation

The main prison was destro!ed and >4)))inmates escaped

"eople were s.uashed into shant! towns or ontothe streets ecause their homes had eendestro!ed leading to poor sanitation and health4and looting ecame a real prolem

&mmediate Responses #on' (erm Responses

?1)) million in aid given ! the 2#A and ?%%)million ! the European 2nion

&@* of the rule on the roads hadn’t eencleared restricting aid access

Lac+ of immediate aid through poor planning4management and access meant that people hadto tr! and rescue each other

1 million people still without houses after 1 !earso still have to live in aid camps

11(4))) tents and 14)))4)))= tarpaulinshelters provided4 @1)4))) people placed in aidcamps7 ,ealthcare supplies provided to limitdisease

#upport for people without <os4 which e.uatesto nearl! ')* of the population4 throughcash5food-for-wor+ pro<ects

,apan "MED!$ proof

design in the developingworld7

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apan is found on a destructive plate oundar!7 The in $)117 Magnitude &

 Primary caused directl! ! the %econdary result from primar! effects0

Bround sha+ing9 parts of apan were shifted$7> metres further east7

Tsunami- this was caused ! a (@ metre upthrust along a 1@) +m long section of theseaed7

Bround susidence9 a >)) +m stretch ofcoastline dropped verticall! ! )7; metres4which allowed the tsunami to overtop defencesand travel further and faster inland7

6looding- there was massive coastal flooding asa conse.uence of the tsunami flowing inland

#oil li.uefaction9 this was found to haveoccurred in areas of reclaimed land aroundTo+!o4 damaging more than a thousanduildings7

The economic impact on the region and on apanas a whole is severe7 The apanese governmentestimated that the damage alone could cost2#?%)) illion7 D! une that !ear4 $)&companies in apan had een forced intoan+ruptc! ! the disaster7

1(4@>( +illed1$@4>'& properties totall! destro!ed%4&1@ roads damaged'@ ridges damaged7

uclear power plants were damaged7 In the6u+ushima region over $))4))) residents wereevacuated and are still unale to return to thearea7

&mmediate Responses #on' (erm Responses

TeFt messages were sent and TG roadcastsinterrupted to warn people of the potentialtsunami following the

Long term planning9 The! have drills to educate people7 Emergenc!services practice how to rescue people7 "eople+eep emergenc! +its at home torch4 food4 radio0

The nuclear power plant at 6u+oshima wasautomaticall! shut down

Man! uildings in apan are proof deep foundations4 strong4 fleFile steel frames4and shoc+ asorers in the uildings’ frame7

Emergenc! rescue teams were moilised.uic+l! and effectivel! to reach and rescueaffected people7 proof design in thedeveloped world7 E7g7 apan

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