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    Word:Announcing the 2016 RhymeZone Poetry Prize

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    From Shakespeare's Sonnet LVII.:

    Being your slave, what should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of your desire? I have no precious time at all to spend, Nor services to do, till you require.

    From "Vacilliation" by William Butler Yeats:

    i{The Soul.} Isaiah's coal, what more can man desire? i{The Heart.} Struck dumb in the simplicity of fire!

    From "The Three Beggars" by William Butler Yeats:

    Or get the most who most desire?' A beggar said, "They get the most Whom man or devil cannot tire, And what could make their muscles taut

    From "The Blessed" by William Butler Yeats:

    And the sweetness of desire,

    While time and the world are ebbing away In twilights of dew and of fire."

    From "No Second Troy" by William Butler Yeats:

    Had they but courage equal to desire? What could have made her peaceful with a mind That nobleness made simple as a fire, With beauty like a tightened bow, a kind

    From "Two Songs Rewritten For The Tune's Sake" by William Butler Yeats:

    My Paistin Finn is my sole desire, And I am shrunken to skin and bone, For all my heart has had for its hire Is what I can whistle alone and alone.

    From "THE INVITATION" by Robert Herrick:

    --Well, when to eat thou dost me next desire,

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    I'll bring a fever, since thou keep'st no fire.

    From "UPON A DELAYING LADY" by Robert Herrick:

    If you desire My spark should glow, The peeping fire You must blow;

    From "The Sea-Wife" by Rudyard Kipling:

    For whether they lose to the naked life Or win to their hearts' desire, They tell it all to the weary wife That nods beside the fire.

    From "The Widow At Windsor" by Rudyard Kipling:

    'Ere's all they desire, an' if they require

    From "L'envoi To "Life's Handicap"" by Rudyard Kipling:

    The depth and dream of my desire, The bitter paths wherein I stray, Thou knowest Who hast made the Fire, Thou knowest Who hast made the Clay!

    From "After Parting" by Sara Teasdale:

    I set my shadow in his sight And I have winged it with desire, That it may be a cloud by day,

    And in the night a shaft of fire.

    From "A Guiltlesse Lady Imprisoned: After Penanced. Song" by Richard Lovelace:

    The merry torch burnes with desire To kindle the eternall fire,

    From "Lucasta's World Epode" by Richard Lovelace:

    And now her teares nor griev'd desire Can quench this raging, pleasing fire;

    From "After Reading "Antony And Cleopatra"" by Robert Louis Stevenson:

    The sea's roar fills us aching full Of objectless desire - The sea's roar, and the white moon-shine, And the reddening of the fire.

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    From "Blue-Butterfly Day" by Robert Lee Frost:

    But these are flowers that fly and all but sing: And now from having ridden out desire They lie closed over in the wind and cling Where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire.

    From "Fire and Ice" by Robert Lee Frost:

    From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.

    From "Sonnet VI" by Edmund Spenser:

    So hard it is to kindle new desire, in gentle brest that shall endure for euer: deepe is the wound, that dints the parts entire with chast affects, that naught but death can seuer.

    From "Walter Von Der Vogel Weid" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

    Thus the bard of love departed; And, fulfilling his desire, On his tomb the birds were feasted By the children of the choir.

    From "Kitten And Falling Leaves, The" by William Wordsworth:

    What intenseness of desire In her upward eye of fire!

    From "At A Bridal" by Thomas Hardy:

    And each thus found apart, of false desire, A stolid line, whom no high aims will fire

    From "A Florida Sunday." by Sidney Lanier:

    Of shut undaring wings and wan desire -- Mine, too, thy later hope and heavenly fire

    From "To Our Mocking-Bird" by Sidney Lanier:

    Contralto cadences of grave desire Such as from off the passionate Indian pyre

    From "A Sunrise Song." by Sidney Lanier:

    Canst thou be he that, yester-sunset warm, Purple with Paynim rage and wrack desire, Dashed ravening out of a dusty lair of Storm, Harried the west, and set the world on fire?

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    From "Song of the Pilgrims, The" by Rupert Brooke:

    And crying after lost desire. Hearten us onward! as with fire

    From "Incident Of The French Camp" by Robert Browning:

    ``To see your flag-bird flap his vans ``Where I, to heart's desire, ``Perched him!'' The chief's eye flashed; his plans Soared up again like fire.

    From "Jerusalem" by William Blake:

    Bring me my bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my chariot of fire.

    From "Question Answered, The" by William Blake:

    The lineaments of gratified Desire. What is it women do in men require?

    From "New Jerusalem, The" by William Blake:

    Bring me my bow of burning gold! Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold! Bring me my charriot of fire!

    From "By an Evolutionist" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

    I have climbd to the snows of Age, and I gaze at a field in the Past. Where I sank with the body at times in the sloughs of a low desire, But I hear no yelp of the beast, and the Man is quiet at last, As he stands on the heights of his life with a glimpse of a height that is higher.

    From "Lara" by George Gordon, Lord Byron:

    As if 'twas Lara's less than /his/ desire

    That thus he served, but surely not for hire.

    From "Ava Maria Plena Gratia" by Oscar Wilde:

    Sickening for love and unappeased desire Prayed to see God's clear body, and the fire

    From "Apology" by Joyce Kilmer:

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    They know that on flinty sorrow And failure and desire The steel of their souls was hammered To bring forth the lyric fire.

    From "Eyes And Tears" by Andrew Marvell:

    The sparkling Glance that shoots Desire, Drench'd in these Waves, does lose it fire.

    From "Daphnis And Chloe" by Andrew Marvell:

    As thy Malice could desire; Yet bring with me all the Fire

    From "The Harpy" by Robert W. Service:

    Must serve his need and ever feed the flame of his desire, Though be she loved for love alone, or be she loved for hire;

    From "Anticipation" by Emily Jane Bront:

    There cast my anchor of desire Deep in unknown eternity; Nor ever let my spirit tire, With looking for what is to be!

    From "Scholar-Gipsy, The" by Matthew Arnold:

    Thou hadst one aim, one business, one desire; Else wert thou long since number'd with the dead!

    Else hadst thou spent, like other men, thy fire! The generations of thy peers are fled,

    From "Obermann Once More" by Matthew Arnold:

    "Help it to fill that deep desire, The want which rack'd our brain, Consumed our heart with thirst like fire, Immedicable pain;

    From "In Thankful Remembrance for My Dear Husband's Safe Arrival Sept 3, 1662" b

    y Anne Bradstreet:

    What did I ask for but Thou gav'st? What could I more desire? But thankfulness even all my days I humbly this require.

    From "Complaint unto Pity, The" by Geoffrey Chaucer:

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    For Goddis love have mercy on my peyne. My peyne is this, that what so I desire That have I not, ne nothing lyk therto; And ever setteth Desir myn hert on fire.

    From "Court of Love, The" by Geoffrey Chaucer:

    Me to be here, and where as I desire; For where as absence hath out the fire,

    From "Unstable Dream" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    The body dead, the sprite had his desire, Painless was th'one, th'other in delight. Why then, alas, did it not keep it right, Returning, to leap into the fire?

    From "The Heart and Service" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    And since so much I do desire To be your own assuredly,

    For all my service and my hire Reward your servant liberally.

    From "Mine Own John Poynz" by Sir Thomas Wyatt:

    Blame by honour, and honour to desire. But how may I this honour now attain, That cannot dye the colour black a liar? My Poynz, I cannot from me tune to feign,

    From "In Tempore Senectutis" by Ernest Dowson:

    My soul's desire ! Remember, if you may, Nothing of you and me but yesterday, When heart on heart we bid the years conspire

    From "Nuns of the Perpetual Adoration" by Ernest Dowson:

    Therefore they rather put away desire, And crossed their hands and came to sanctuary And veiled their heads and put on coarse attire: Because their comeliness was vanity.

    From "Absalom And Achitophel A Poem" by John Dryden:

    Thy longing country's darling and desire; Their cloudy pillar, and their guardian fire:

    From "Disappointment, The" by Arphra Behn:

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    She Cry'd -- Cease -- cease -- your vain desire, Or I'll call out -- What wou'd you do ? My dearer Honour, ev'n to you, I cannot -- must not give -- retire,

    From "The Star" by Henry Vaughan:

    Next, there's in it a restless, pure desire And longing for thy bright and vital fire,

    From "The Star" by Henry Vaughan:

    For where desire, celestial, pure desire Hath taken root, and grows, and doth not tire,

    From "Essay on Man" by Alexander Pope:

    To Be, contents his natural desire, He asks no Angel's wing, no Seraph's(8) fire;

    From "Glance, The" by Francis Beaumont:

    At Ida; that faint glare to this desire Burnt like a taper to the zone of fire:

    From "Ode on a Sermon Against Glory" by Mark Akenside:

    Nor an holier place desire Than Timolean's arms acquire,

    From "Why dost thou Shade thy Lovely Face?" by Francis Quarles:

    Let me behold and die, for my desire Is ph{oe}nix-like to perish in that fire.

    From "SOMEONE'S GOT A HOLD OF MY HEART" by Bob Dylan:

    You're the one I desire But you must first realize I'm not another man for hire

    From "CARIBBEANWIND" by Bob Dylan:

    And them Caribbean winds still blow from Nassau to Mexico Fanning the flames in the furnace of desire And them distant ships of liberty on them iron waves so bold and free, Bringing everything that's near to me nearer to the fire.

    From "The More We Dance" from "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels":

    We must be cruel to fuel his desire.

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    Let's put another log on the fire-

    From "I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)" from "Jungle Book":

    What I desire is man's red fire

    From "Something to Live For" from "Play On!":

    I have almost ev'ry thing a human could desire, Cars and houses, bear-skin rugs to lie before my fire

    From "You May Call Me Phonicon" from "Triumph Of Love":

    If you desire. But indulge me if you will Until I've had my say. Ah, please, madame I am on fire.

    From "I Must Go On / Take Me As I Am" from "Jekyll & Hyde":

    What we desire - Still we can set The world on fire!

    From "Killer Instinct" from "Bring It On":

    it takes that killer instinct, that killer desire, Are you the little ant or do you set the ants on fire,

    From "Carpe Noctem" from "Dance of the Vampires":

    Let your dreams out of there cages Every passion and desire Let your visions be outrageous Set your fantasies on fire

    From "Keeping the Faith" from "Movin' Out":

    Oh, 'Cause I never felt the desire 'til their music set me on fire

    From "Teamwork" from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang":

    It's the dreamof freedom that your hearts desire. Though one tiny little spark, can barely make a mark, all together many sparks can light a mighty fire!

    From "Ring of Fire" from "Ring of Fire":

    Bound by wild desire I fell in to a ring of fire...

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    From "In These Skies" from "Ace":

    There?s been one desire Just to fly like the birds I see With these wings I am climbing higher In these skies I am free

    From "Alive (Reprise)" from "Jekyll & Hyde":

    Lust, like a raging desire, Fills my whole soul with it's curse! Burning with primitive fire, Berserk and perverse!

    From "Everything But Love" from "Z, the Masked Musical of Zorro":

    All that i desire Any luxury for me His money can acquire No more need to fear

    From "Show Me" from "My Fair Lady":

    Filled with desire. If you're on fire,

    From "Best Woman Wins" by Dolly Parton:

    When you fight from desire You fight fire with fire

    From "My One and Only Love" by Dean Martin:

    You fill my eager heart with such desire Every kiss you give sets my soul on fire

    From "Love Will Make It Right" by Diana Ross:

    Once it was vague desire Now it's a raging fire

    From "Baby It's Me" by Diana Ross:

    We've got the spark, we've got the desire The longer we burn, the higher the fire

    From "Why" by Bee Gees:

    You will be my desire There ain't nobody taking this heart that you're breaking And no one can take me no higher

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    From "Warm Ride" by Bee Gees:

    Now I bring emotion and I bring desire And I bring the potion to set you on fire

    From "Whatever" by Babyface:

    I'm burning with desire, my heart and soul on fire

    From "HOT SUMMER NIGHTS" by Gloria Estefan:

    Woah, drivin' by desire Home town hero haunts the main street Dreaming desperate dreams Woah, where there's smoke there's fire

    From "Heaven's on Fire" by Kiss:

    Paint the sky with desire Angel fly, Heaven's on fire

    From "Hide Your Heart" by Kiss:

    Johnny saw her riding on a street car named desire His fate was sealed She could see him coming like a hundred other liars It was no big deal

    From "Hide Your Heart" by Kiss:

    When pride and love battle with desire

    Better hide your heart, 'cause you're playing with fire

    From "Rise to It" by Kiss:

    Walk the wire of desire And if you dare to take it higher

    From "Killer" by Kiss:

    Ooh, she guarantees, you'll suffer with desire Wicked queen, night machine

    She'll make you walk through fire

    From "Carrying A Torch" by Van Morrison:

    That is my desire Keep on liftin' me, liftin' me up Higher and higher

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    From "Hold On (i Feel Our Love Is Changing)" by B.B. King:

    Put out your hand, touch desire Where there's a spark, could be a fire

    From "Bittersweet Me" by R.E.M.:

    All static and desire You're blue in the face from navel gaze You set yourself on fire

    From "A Ways To Go" by Emmylou Harris:

    I'm running on desire Baby I've got nerves of steel Coming down to the wire Lord above me guide the wheel

    From "Fire" by Bruce Springsteen:

    Girl you can't hide your desire

    'Cause when we kiss Oh, Fire Fire

    From "Burning for Love" by Bon Jovi:

    I'm burning for love, filled with desire I can't stand the heat and my hearts on fire

    From "Guns For Hire" by AC/DC:

    Shoot you with desire The guns for hire

    From "Give In To Me" by Michael Jackson:

    Quench my desire Cuz I'm on fire

    From "Give In To Me" by Michael Jackson:

    Quench my desire

    Give it when I want it Takin me higher

    From "Chiquita" by Aerosmith:

    She, got the poppy-eyed desire Tease, till the boys put out the fire

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    From "Black Sabbath" by Black Sabbath:

    Telling people their desire Satan's sitting there, he's smiling Watches those flames get higher and higher Oh no, no, please God help me!

    From "Double Agent" by Rush:

    Streets of cold desire My precious sense of honor Just a shield of rusty wire I hold against the chaos

    From "Your Mother's Son-In-Law" by Billie Holiday:

    Ain't got the least desire To set the world on fire

    From "Rodeo Moon" by Toby Keith:

    Left with our suitcases filled with desire Four hundred dollars, two good spare tires

    From "Just Like Jesse James" by Cher:

    You break the laws of love in the name of desire Take ten steps back, 'cause I'm ready baby aim and fire

    From "Frozen Fire" by Rage:

    frozen fire, in this iceland sleeps desire,

    frozen fire, a blue flame beneath the wire,

    From "Altar Boy" by Eels:

    As he follows a path Filled with every desire And mimics his footsteps And sets his prayers on fire.

    From "One Slip" by Pink Floyd:

    Then drowned in desire, our souls on fire

    From "Take It Back" by Pink Floyd:

    I was thinking all about her, burning with rage and desire We were spinning into darkness; the earth was on fire

    From "Saving My Heart" by Yes:

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    In the street where we live there's a place called desire There's a stone-cold intrusion of mad man's fire

    From "Fire" by Yngwie Malmsteen:

    Feel the fire, your burning desire Fire, I'm burning up with fire

    From "Presents From The Poison-Hearted" by Cradle of Filth:

    Desire, the fire

    From "To Eve The Art Of Witchcraft" by Cradle Of Filth:

    when greed and lust are sharpened in that one desire that all-consuming fire

    From "Desire" by Ozzy Osbourne:

    It's the same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing's the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain

    From "Devil's In The Soup" by Esham:

    Your hot like fire, you desire More than pleasure, much more higher

    From "Shangri-la" by Kim Wilde:

    As I burn with a dangerous desire Is our time up and on to the next fire

    From "That Old Black Magic" by Ella Fitzgerald:

    Aflame with such a burning desire That only your kiss can put out the fire

    From "Love Like Fire" by Billy Idol:

    Started engines of desire And y'know there ain't a chance Of stopping love, love like fire Love like fire

    From "Man For All Season" by Billy Idol:

    Oh, burning desire, I'm a soul on fire,

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    From "The Right Way" by Billy Idol:

    Oh yeah, well in the land of desire that wanton fire

    From "The Right Way" by Billy Idol:

    Well in the land of fire that wanton desire The pretty little lips saying higher and higher

    From "Burning" by Accept:

    Burning, burning, a rock 'n' roll desire Burning, burning, burning just like fire

    From "On the Beach" by Chris Rea:

    A day of strange desire and a night that burned like fire

    From "Under the Falling Sky" by Jackson Browne:

    Voices can no longer hold my desire Just abandon your sad history and meet me in the fire

    From "The Home Fire" by Louis Armstrong:

    I'm headin' straight for my hearts desire Gee, it's good to know I'm near the home fire

    From "Song For Sunshine" by Belle & Sebastian:

    I am a man filled with longing desire The gifts of creation are ready for hire

    From "Out Of Control Raging Fire" by Patty Loveless:

    Pain has no memory when you burn with desire The flames grow higher and higher

    From "Queen of Hearts" by Whitesnake:

    Your eyes were flashing with desire

    Oh babe, you got me burning, so much You got my soul on fire

    From "Let It All Go" by Mark Knopfler:

    It's volcanic desire, unquenchable fire

    From "He Will Set Your Fields On Fire" by Bill Monroe:

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    Now my friend if you desire You may join the heavenly choir

    From "Afrodisiac" by Brandy:

    You fulfill my every desire When I'm with you you take me higher

    From "Hunter" by Dokken:

    You know desire burns like a fire

    From "Fire (Sexy Dance)" by Paulina Rubio:

    I'm burning up with my desire I wanna play with fire

    From "FIRE ( in album Radio one )" by Jimi Hendrix:


    From "Fire" by Jimi Hendrix:

    I have only one burning desire Let me stand next to your fire

    From "The Demon's Whip" by Manowar:

    Night winds, Oblivion, see my dark desire

    Come forth and appear, he is living fire

    From "Is This Desire?" by PJ Harvey:

    Coldness cooled their desire And Dawn said, "Let's build a fire"

    From "Is This Desire?" by PJ Harvey:

    Is this desire Enough, enough

    To lift us higher To lift above?

    From "Wildfire" by P.O.D.:

    The untamed flame that I desire Me want uncultivated jah glow Foolish intensity, versatile Fly the spirit high, take me higher

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    From "Strip" by Adam Ant:

    If a pretty dress hides your true desire Fold it nice and slow, throw it on the fire

    From "Choctaw Hayride" by Alison Krauss & Union Station:

    Down to the root of my desire While the smoke, it rises higher

    From "Love Fire" by Simply Red:

    This love of mine it's my one desire It's gonna set my soul on fire

    From "Make My Heart Flutter" by Jack Ingram:

    No one else can peak my desire No one else makes me a spinnin' tire

    From "Your Love Is Like A Fire" by Glenn Hughes:

    It thrills me with desire Your love is like a fire

    From "With The Wave Of Your Hand" by Doro:

    I have desire And i'm drawn to the fire

    From "Lacquer Head" by Primus:

    Lacquer head knows but one desire Lacquer head sets his skull on fire

    From "Caramel" by Suzanne Vega:

    To stir a deep desire To fan a hidden fire

    From "Red Hot" by Debbie Gibson:

    I know your love would quench my desire I know your love would light me on fire

    From "Rune" by Inkubus Sukkubus:

    Spin desire, spiral higher

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    From "Devotion And Desire" by Bayside:

    Are lies about devotion and desire? And I know the spark inside your eyes Was just the match I used to set myself on fire

    From "Ring of Fire" by Social Distortion:

    Bound by ones desire I fell down into a ring of fire

    From "Hey You" by No Doubt:

    You think you can rope your desire Well hey you, you naive thing Your patience in time will tire

    From "Womankind" by Annie Lennox:

    Yeah, every desire go through the fire

    From "Ring Of Fire (American Idol Studio Version)" by Adam Lambert:

    Bound by the wild desire I fell into a ring of fire

    From "Wonderful" by Annie Lennox:

    All of the heat of my desire smokin' like some crazy fire

    From "I Want Candy" by Melanie C:

    Got everything that I desire Sets the summer sun on fire

    From "Yeh, Yeh, Yeh" by Melanie C:

    I've got desire, I feel inspired, I wanna go much higher

    From "Jesus Forgive Me" by Concrete Blonde:

    I buried you with my desire Liar, liar, liar

    From "Until The End Of Time" by Foreigner:

    Never will I lose this heart's desire Ever will I feed our love's fire

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    From "The Radical Light" by Vonda Shepard:

    She doesn't know why she's got the desire To lead this boy out of the burning fire

    From "Speed of Light" by Avalon:

    I've heard it said the peace of mind that you desire Is in the power that you acquire

    From "Speed of Light (Mint Royale Mix)" by Avalon:

    I've heard it said the peace of life that you desire Is in the power that you acquire

    From "I Wanna Be Bad" by Gerald Levert:

    Champagne whatever you desire Lie on the floor I'll put logs on the fire

    From "Right By Your Side" by Eurythmics:

    I'm so full of desire when you set my head on fire

    From "Slow Motion" by Billy Dean:

    To fill her every heart's desire That's the love that she inspires And it keeps me reaching higher

    From "Gotta Be Where You Are" by Barry White:

    You're my one desire, you're my eternal fire

    From "Bobby James" by N.E.R.D.:

    Shoplift for food when it was desire I miss my family, miss my friends, I'm so high and so tired

    From "Long Distance Lover" by George Thorogood And The Destroyers:

    Got all the love you desire

    I'll set your soul on fire

    From "Demon of Temptation" by Blutengel:

    youre my desire you make all my dreams come true come to me your burning fire

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    From "Trial By Fire" by Testament:

    Your death is their desire thrown in the fire

    From "Anesthesia" by Type O Negative:

    Remember desire only fuels the fire - liar

    From "Wheels of Fire" by L.A. Guns:

    Innocence fuels my desire Wheels of fire

    From "Engel (English Version)" by Rammstein:

    Live in virtue, no desire In the grave an angel's choir

    From "Young Boys" by Lords Of Acid:

    My boy, shock me and thrill me, you know what I desire You're hot, nasty and spicy, you'll have to quench my fire

    From "Sleep Now in the Fire" by RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE:

    It's the cost of my desire Jesus blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire

    From "Summoning The Master" by Acheron:

    Take flight on leathern wings and show us desire. Come forth oh evil one from the searing lake of fire.

    From "Buzz Buzz" by Brian Setzer Orchestra:

    Down the lonely streets of desire You're my angel of mercy all dressed in white And I'm a smoking gun for hire

    From "You And The Night And The Music" by Jamie Cullum:

    Fill me with flaming desire Setting my being completely on fire

    From "Cry Of The Brave" by Dragonforce:

    In the depths of your desire So secretly you feed the fire

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    From "Storming The Burning Fields" by Dragonforce:

    Blinded by the hate and desire Burning in your heart like a fire

    From "Back to School" by Ace Frehley:

    Anticipation mixed with desire No one can stop you 'cause you're heart's on fire

    From "Hide Your Heart" by Ace Frehley:

    When pride and love battle with desire Better hide your heart, 'cuz you're playing with fire

    From "Forget Myself" by Third Eye Blind:

    Phone call rings and your voice is desire Then winter moves into summer fires

    From "I Want Candy" by Annie:

    He's got everything that I desire Sets the summer sun on fire

    From "Wendy Under The Stars" by Odds:

    To my young body's aching desire For an older woman's well banked fire

    From "Burning Up" by Ashlee Simpson:

    Is this love or just desire? You make me feel like fire

    From "Getaway Car" by TobyMac:

    Man down in the clutches of his own desire I got to find the kind of speed that will put out a fire

    From "Look In Any Window" by Quiet Riot:

    What a desire His mind is on fire

    From "Fire" by Augustana:

    Desire, taking me so much higher

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    From "Who Owns This Place?" by Don Henley:

    You know there ain't no end to man's desire To steal your water, steal your fire

    From "Just a Little Bit" by Blue Cheer:

    You have a strange desire When you walk across the ground Then you set the earth on fire

    From "There Was A Time" by Asia:

    The best intentions come to nil when love has lost desire And slowly years will show the dying embers of a fire

    From "That Old Black Magic" by Marilyn Monroe:

    A flame of burning desire That only your kiss, kiss, kiss Can put out the fire

    From "Sleeping In The Fire" by W.A.S.P.:

    Sleeping In The Fire Touch, touch in the flame's desire Feeling the pain's denial, And your finger's in the fire.

    From "Control Myself" by LL Cool J:

    I'm battling desire

    lord help me douse this fire

    From "Judy" by The Corrs:

    Judy has her own desire She wants to step into your fire

    From "Rock Fever" by Rainbow:

    Ooh you...drippin' with desire Skin tight, dynamite

    Fever takes me higher

    From "Conscience" by Dan Hill:

    Standing like a statue of desire You could set the coldest night on fire

    From "If I Have My Way" by Chrisette Michele:

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    You're who I desire, you light my fire

    From "Without A Doubt" by Black Sheep:

    So when you see is on a flyer, it should be your desire To witness more wreck than a West coast fire

    From "Pass the 40" by Black Sheep:

    But still you reach up higher, a black sheep is your desire Then you look up at me 'cause I'm a frequent flyer

    From "Careless Love" by Bessie Smith:

    In your clutches of desire You've made me break a many true vow Then you set my very soul on fire

    From "Careless Love Blues (Alternate Take)" by Bessie Smith:

    In your clutches of desire You made me break a many true vow Then you set my very soul on fire

    From "Downtown" by Lloyd Cole:

    I want to see something that I might desire I want to take you down babe into the mire

    From "Seven Sins" by Fancy:

    Of your secret desire Your hopes will be fulfilled But... your soul will burn In the fire

    From "Island Of Dreams" by Fancy:

    Words of desire Island of dreams Moments of fire You will see it look into my eyes

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