  • 1. You will need your 1-C CLOZE Notes Introduction to Geography 1

2. 2 3. 1. What is Geography? a. Geography is the study of Earth in all its variety b. Geography concerns Earths land, water, and plant & animal life. 3 4. 1. What is Geography? c. Geography gives information about 1) the very diverse groups of people who live on Earth 4 erie/samburu-people- destination/kenya-samburu-013.3.jpg year-40202160257314.jpg O4/s640/holy_sepulchre.jpg Flag.jpg 5. 1. What is Geography? c. Geography gives information about 1) the very diverse groups of people who live on Earth 2) places the people have created 5 china_64511_990x742.jpg get/I00007Z0xA3obfDY/s/750/750/Barcelona-Sagrada-Familia- 6. 1. What is Geography? c. Geography gives information about 1) the very diverse groups of people who live on Earth 2) places the people have created 3) how those places differ 6 7. 1. What is Geography? d. Geography has a major effect on the way people live. 2. Some of the important places we will be studying this year 7 8. 8 a. Africa Europe African Trading Kingdoms Ghana, Mali, Songhai Africa Nile River Middle East Asia Sahara Desert Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean 9. 9 Europe Fertile Crescent Africa Mediterranean Sea Arabian Peninsula Persian Gulf Indian Ocean Asia Nile River Tigris River Euphrates River Mesopotamia b. Middle East 10. c. Asia 10 Indian Ocean Asia Africa Europe Middle East Pacific Ocean Russia India China Japan Indus River Huang River Mediterranean Sea 11. 11 Africa Atlantic Ocean d. Europe Middle East Asia Russia England Europe Portugal Spain France Italy Greece 12. e. Mesoamerica 12 Mesoamerica Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean South America Olmec Aztec Maya North America 13. 13 South America f. South America Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Mesoamerica Inca Andes Mountains 14. 2. People have adapted to many different land forms including the four major ones. a. mountain b. hill c. steppe d. plateau 14 15. 3. Mountain: a high, steep, rugged land that rises above the surrounding land elevation; at least 2,000 ft. high. 15 16. 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. 1. rich in mineral resources mining jobs 16 17. 2. heavily forested jobs in the lumber industry 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. 17 18. 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. water power (hydroelectricity) 3. swift flowing streams 18 19. 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. often in valleys4. affects where people live Glacial Valley, Stalheim, Norway, Scandinavia, Europe by James Hager Norway-Scandinavia-Europe-Posters_i3054112_.htm 19 the Punakha Dzong (Fortress) Terraces of Pisaq, Sacred Valley. Photo: Mylene d'Auriol Stoessel. Luxury Machu Picchu Travel. 20. 5. barriers to transportation, travel, trade 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. 20 Khyber Pass, Hindu Kush, West India in the Italian Alps, near Bormio and Sulden _abrams/1015242026/sizes/o/ Inca Bridges, Andes Mts , Peru The Inca Bridge of Qeswachaka 52 ft above river Repaired The Keshwa chaca Silk Road from China to Middle East 21. 6. can isolate people 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. 21 China 22. 7. Can form a natural fort for protection 3. Mountains: a. Mountains effect the culture of the people who inhabit them. 22 23. b. The Himalayas -- highest and oldest mountain range in the world. formation of Himalayas 3. Mountain: 23 24. 24 3. Mountain: b. The Himalayas 1) 1,500 miles long, the Himalayas create a natural order between China & India China India 25. 3. Mountain: b. The Himalayas 2. Mount Everest -- highest mountain in the world is at 29,035 ft Click small image to access 25 26. 26 3. Mountain: c. Tien Shan mountains located in northwest China. China India 27. 27 3. Mountain: c. Tien Shan mountains located in northwest China. 1) The combination of the Tien Shan, Himalayas and other features, geographically isolates China. This directly impacts the culture of China and leads to a very limited cultural diffusion, or the spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another. 28. 3. Mountains: d. Hindu Kush located in the northwestern corner of the Indian subcontinent or large landmass that juts out from a continent. 28 29. 3. Mountains: d. Hindu Kush located in the northwestern corner of the Indian subcontinent or large landmass that juts out from a continent. 29 The combination of the Himalayas and the Hindu Kush protected India from a lot of invaders. 30. 3. Mountains: d. Hindu Kush 30 Two groups did enter: the Aryans and the Mongols, 3000 years later. As a result, India had cultural diffusion via land routes (mostly internal) and sea routes (external). 31. 3. Mountains: e. The Andes these mountains along the western sea coast of South America were the home of the Inca. 31 An extensive system of roads were constructed to transport the emperors messengers and armies across his empire. 32. 32 520(8)23.jpg 33. 33 3. Mountains: f. The Alps - this mountain range at the northern border of the Italian peninsula hindered neither the Roman armies nor medieval trade from the Muslim world to Italy and across the Alps to Europe. 34. 34 3. Mountains: g. The Urals - the oldest and lowest mountains on Earth are located in Russia and act as the natural boundary between Asia and Europe. 35. 35 3. Mountains: h. The mountains and valleys of Greece resulted in the formation or individual city-states such as Athens and Sparta. 36. 36 3. Mountains: h. The mountains and valleys of Greece resulted in the formation or individual city-states such as Athens and Sparta. Athens Sparta 37. 4. Hill: a. areas of raised land lower than and not as steep as mountains. b. transportation and travel easier c. In ancient times used for its defensive capability 37 38. 38 39. 4. Hill: a. areas of raised land lower than and not as steep as mountains. b. transportation and travel easier c. In ancient times used for its defensive capability d. The city of Rome was built on seven hills 39 40. 5. Plateau: a. Large areas of high, flat land b. Elevation- a few hundred to several thousand feet high c. Tibetan Plateau - China 40 content/uploads/2011/10/TibetanPlateauPicture2.png 41. 5. Plateau: a. Large areas of high, flat land b. Elevation- a few hundred to several thousand feet high c. Tibetan Plateau - China CHINA INDIA 41 Texas Texas Texas Texas 42. 5. Plateau: a. Large areas of high, flat land b. Elevation- a few hundred to several thousand feet high c. Tibetan Plateau - China CHINA 42 43. 5. Plateau: c. Tibetan Plateau China d. Deccan Plateau - India 43 659813.jpg 44. 6. Steppe: a. sparse, dry grassland; vast treeless plain 44 45. 6. Steppe: a. sparse, dry grassland; vast treeless plain b.most of the worlds food is grown here 45 46. 6. Steppe: a. sparse, dry grassland; vast treeless plain b.most of the worlds food is grown here c. transportation easy 46 47. 6. Steppe: a. sparse, dry grassland; vast treeless plain b.most of the worlds food is grown here c. transportation easy 47 48. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. a. The first major civilizations began in river valleys. 48 49. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation 18580545.jpg?size=572&uid={E9581110-3A1F-43E9-AD4E- 66A5978E61DD} riffith/MrGsWebPage2/Ancient%20Egypt/ancient_egypt_images/nile_irrigation.jpg 49 50. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation c. source of food 50 51. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation d. large cities grow c. source of food 51 52. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation d. large cities grow c. source of food e. Important for transportation 52 53. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation d. large cities grow c. source of food e. important for transportation f. Important for trade 53 54. 7. Oceans, rivers, and lakes effect culture. b. freshwater for drinking and irrigation d. large cities grow c. source of food e. important transportation route f. important trade routes g. today: hydroelectricity 54 55. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature 55 56. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature 56 and precipitation. 57. a. Climate can affect culture. 1) Climate affects the agriculture of a society. a) Climate determines what crops will grow. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 57 58. Sugar cane Pineapples 58 59. Coffee Tea 59 60. a. Climate can affect culture. 1) Climate affects the agriculture of a society. a) Climate determines what crops will grow. b) Climate determines when crops will grow. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 60 Seasons of the Indus River 61. a. Climate can affect culture. 1) Climate affects the agriculture of a society. a) Climate determines what crops will grow. b) Climate determines when crops will grow. c) Example: monsoons or seasonal winds of India and China. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 61 62. 62 63. 63 64. a. Climate can affect culture. 3) It determines how people dress 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 64 65. a. Climate can affect culture. 4) It determines what recreational activities people choose. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 65 66. a. Climate can affect culture. 4) It determines what recreational activities people choose. 8. Climate is measurement of the temperature & precipitation. 66 67. 9. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. a. fertile soil 68. 9. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. b. clean water 68 69. 8. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. c. trees 69 70. 8. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. d. Minerals 8/n6894/images/418129b-i1.0.jpg 1b.jpg?v=0 70 71. 8. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. e. energy sources 71 72. 8. Natural Resourcesanything from the natural environment people use to meet their needs. f. human skills & labor 72 73. ace_Shuttle_Columbia_launching_cropped_2.jpg.jpg 73 74. 1) Forests 2) plant & animal life 3) grasslands 4) rich soil 9. Two kinds of natural resources a. Renewable Resources can be replaced as they are used up; replaced naturally or grown fairly quickly restry_information/images/LiveOakWorksh op075.JPG 74 75. b. Nonrenewable Resources-- cannot be replaced; formed over millions of years by geological forces 1) fossil fuels coals, oil, natural gas 9. Two kinds of natural resources 75 76. b. Nonrenewable Resources-- cannot be replaced; formed over millions of years by geological forces 2) metals and minerals iron, aluminum, phosphates 9. Two kinds of natural resources 42-15731797-sw.jpg 76 77. 10. The Five Themes of Geography --- Listen to the video and see if you can find them. ** Clue = mr help 77 78. 78 79. 10. The Five Themes of Geography a. m b. r c. he d. l e. p 79 movement region hehuman environment interaction location place 80. 10. The Five Themes of Geography a. movement all things move 1) People move for different purposes such as jobs, travel or goof living environment 2) Sometimes people involuntarily such as slaves or people under political persecution 3) Goods are moving in a global economy 4) Ideas are moving 80 81. 10. The Five Themes of Geography b. region large areas that share unique features in one way or another 1) Political regions such as countries, the Middle East, Southeast Asia 2) Economic regions such as Silicon Valley or the Mississippi River Delta 3) Cultural Regions such as the Bible Belt or the Blue Grass Region 81 82. 10. The Five Themes of Geography c. human environment interaction -- what humans have done or is done to humans by Mother Nature 1) Humans rely on nature a) Water to drink, fields to grow our crops, rivers for transportation and fishing 82 83. 10. The Five Themes of Geography c. human environment interaction -- what humans have done or is done to humans by Mother Nature 2) Humans modify the natural environment to meet our needs a) Tunnels in mountains for highways b) Dams for irrigation or power c) Levees to help keep floods away from our living community 83 84. 10. The Five Themes of Geography c. human environment interaction-- what humans have done or is done to humans by Mother Nature 3) Mother Nature can sometimes cause damage to our lives or our work a) Floods b) Forest fires c) Hurricanes d) Tornados 84 85. 10. The Five Themes of Geography d. Location where people or things are 1) Absolute location which is described by latitude and longitude or a specific address (100 Longwood Drive, Middle Island, NY 11953) 2) Relative location which is how we usually describe where we are such as the junior high is after the high school 85 86. 10. The Five Themes of Geography e. Place described by physical and cultural characteristics 1) Physical characteristics are natural features like the Sahara Desert or the Himalayas 2) Cultural characteristics can be people, industry, trade, transportation, parks, food and other cultural resources such as restaurants, theatres, museums, or historic sites the Pyramid at Giza, the Great Wall of China 86 87. Works cited Bilham, Roger . "Birth of the Himalaya." Earth, Wind, and Ice. Nova Online Adventure. 17 Aug 2007 . "Energy and the environment ." GCSE Bitesize: Geography. 17 Aug 2007 . "How Oil was formed." Kids Energy Page. EIA. 17 Aug 2007 . Nyberg , Hans . "Mount Everest -- 360 degree panorama." Panoramas dk. 17 Aug 2007 . "Pangaea Supercontinent." . 2008/2009. 14 Jun 2009 . Perman, Stacy. "World Class Sports Stadiums." Busniness Week 02 Feb 2006 6. Web.14 Jun 2009. . 87 88. Works cited continued Map Europe: Map Medieval Trade Routes: Spartan ruins: Athens: 88

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