
1 Best Managers on the Net Building A Successful Business Using The Internet Session 7 Build Free Traffic from a Variety of Sources SiteSell Education 2012 Warm Up Activity SBI Forums Skim F.A.Q and Stickies for Day 7 Building Traffic. Qualities of good posts? Skim the posts from SBIers. Any observations about posts that get noticed and commented on? Name one or two titles that intrigued you to click what were some reasons? Action Steps Understand the big picture of diversified traffic. Create a mobile version of your site with Mobilize It!. Add Content 2.0 invitations to some pages. Work with the free major search engines. Attract high-quality inbound links to your site. Seed a buzz. Grow your reputation with social marketing. Add discussion options to some of your pages. Start asking for and publishing articles (posts) from other contributors. Registered your domain? Congrats! Tell us about it! Your website address. What word(s) contains your VPP. Domain Registered! SBI! Is Ready for You. Link to your domain name. Log into SBI! link in. Site Central access. Lots of other info. Understand the Big Picture of Diversified Traffic Google is the biggest referrer of online traffic. Your lifeblood is free targeted traffic. Attract this traffic by: Creating high-value content pages. Being accessible via various devices. Establishing your presence in the search engines. Creating an engaging social media presence. Pleasing Search Engines and People On-page hooks. Keywords + excellent content. Off-page criteria. Human approval. Time spent on site. Inbound links. Social signals. The On-Page Criteria Analyze It! The Off-Page Criteria Reality Check Best Free Traffic-Building Techniques Big targeted traffic returns your time and effort. Ongoing traffic grows (rather than short-term or one- time spurts). Best low-risk results. Mobilize Your Site Add Content 2.0 Invitations Visitors can submit content that becomes a page on your site. Visitors can comment on and rate submissions made by others. Notification tools allow visitors to stay current with latest submissions and comments and keeps them coming back to your site. Content 2.0 Library C2 Builds Your Web Presence Get C2 Going Make people want to share, contribute or give an opinion by writing C2 invitations that entice them. Create unique, valuable content. Strategically place your C2 invitations. Read the C2 Guide. Work with Major Search Engines Continue to create high-quality content. Bring your content to the attention of social media fans, influencers in your niche, editors of niche directories, etc. Avoiding Low-Yield Tweaking Phase #1 Verify Site Ownership Verify ownership of your site with the search engines. Submit your site map to Google and Bing. Phase #2 SpiderWatcher SpiderWatcher checks your sites log files regularly and checks to see which pages the search engines visited and which have been listed. Phase #3 Search Engine HQ Reports the keywords and search queries for which your site and pages are ranking at the search engines. Provides information for Yahoo and Bing. Submit-Spider-List-Report records the dates each spidered page was indexed. Traffic Building Efforts Attract High-Quality Inbound Links Understand the difference between natural and manipulative links. The best links are earned by honest recommendations, rather than built. Other site owners will link to you if you create unique, high-quality content. C2 helps because people like to link to their published content. Active Linking Strategies Reach out to influencers in your niche. Add your listing to niche directories (optional). Be open to opportunities. Issue an occasional press release. Make professional acquaintances and refer to them occasionally with a link. Accept offers to write guest posts. Active Linking Strategies Participate in Value Exchange. Monitor It! Outbound Linking Advice Link to related, non-competing sites that provide additional value to your visitors. Exert control over where you link to and how many outbound links you create. Make affiliate links nofollow. Before linking to a site, use Search It! to check what types of sites link to it. Seed a Buzz & Grow Your Rep Build relationships with influential bloggers in your niche. Networking should be your focus. Passive social. Active social. Add Google Authorship Add Discussion Options Solicit & Publish Posts by Others As you build relationships with other web business owners in related niches, ask for guest posts from them. Helps build your content. Creates outbound links that add value to visitors experience. Adds different voices to the mix. Rounds out your content. Could lead to an invitation for a guest post with an inbound link to your site. Class Exercise Add a T2 page. Add a T3 page. Identify two quality sites you can link to. Identify two more topics you can write articles on. Create a C2 Invitation, Thank You page andnotifications. Add the invitation to one of your pages. Your Business-Building Homework Study Day 8 of the Action Guide. Continue work on your homepage. Continue to create more TIER 2 and 3 keyword focused content pages. Add a C2 invitation to one of your pages. Any Questions?your instructor:

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