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Yog Raj Sood Narayana Prasad Padhy H. O. Gupta

Department of Electrical Engineering,University of Roorkee, Roorkee

India 247 667E.-mail: [email protected]


This paper gives a bibliographical survey and general backgrounds of research and development in thefield of deregulation of power sector based on large number of published research papers. More then 125published articles and research papers from various sources like transactions, journals and conferenceshave been analyzed and referred in this bibliography.Keywords: deregulation, congestion, privatization, independent power producers, non-utility generation,available transfer capability, transmission open access, unbundling, independent system operator.


In deregulation environment, generation, transmissionand distribution are independent activities, There is acompetition among generators for customers. Mainbenefits from the deregulation are, cheaper electricity,efficient capacity expansion planning, costminimization, more choice and better service.

Since the mid-1980s the electrical power supplyindustry around the word has experienced a period ofrapid and irreversible change. The need for moreefficiency in power production and delivery has led to arestructuring of the power sectors in several countriestraditionally under control of federal and stategovernments. The privatization process in GreatBritain[V(7)] is the best known example, followed byothers such as Spain, New Zeeland, Argentina andChile, Norway and Sweden [V(3)]. Even in countrieswith privately own utilities, such as the US [V(5), V(6),V(15), V(20)] , there has been a strong drive towardderegulation and a more intense participation of thirdparty generation. Other countries are also consideringthe restructuring of their electricity power sector so as tointroduce more competition among producers and tooffer more choices for customers. In India [V(2), V(8),V(10)], the deregulation process has just been started.Some of private power generating systems are underconstructions. Some rules and regulation in this regardhas already been formulated. These changes are

concerned with the ownership and management of theindustry and the term de-regulation or privatization isfrequently used.

The basic features of electricity supply industry (ESI)restructuring, which will be of interest to both generalreader and the specialist engineer, are as follows:

♦ To introduce competion into a hithertomonopolistic industry.

♦ In order to achieve this, to separate (verticalunbundling) the functions of power generation,transmission, distribution and electricity supply toconsumers.

♦ To create several competing electricity generationscompanies (horizontal unbundling).

♦ To recognize that the power transmission system isa natural monopoly and, accordingly, to makespecial regulatory provisions in this respect.

♦ To allow consumers to exercise choice betweensuppliers (generation companies) while still usingthe existing transmission facilities.

Publications on topics, relevant to deregulation of powersystem, are far too numerous to exhaustively documentin a single paper. We have therefore chosen to limit theresources from which this paper draws the references. Inthis bibliography collection of selected literature from,IEEE transactions, leading technical journals andproceeding of conferences, etc. is included. Exceptions

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were made to include publication in other resources if apublication offered a significantly unique, technicalviewpoint on the relevant issue. The bibliography hasbeen divided into the following sections.v Basic Conceptsv Methodologies and Analysisv Regulatoryv Case Studiesv General Issues & future planning

Although the content of many publications spanned twoor more of these sections, the desire to limit documentlength required that publication be placed, in general,only in the single most appropriate section. Thepublications are sorted alphabetically according to firstauthor or publication resources.


This section includes the literature, which contains basicideas and definitions.

[1]. Hirano, D., Yamaji K., “A study on Fair Allocation of theWheeling Costs among Multiple Users”, Trans. of theInstitute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Part B, Vol.118-B, No. 9, September 1998, pp.990-997.

[2]. Hirano, D., Yamaji K., “A study on setting the WheelingRate of Electricity on the Basis of Marginal Cost”,International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Vol.11,No.1-4, 1998, pp. 195-202.

[3]. Ilic M.D., Yoon Y.T., Zobian, A., “Available TransmissionCapacity (ATC) and its Value under Open Access”, IEEETransactions on Power System, Vol.12, No.2, May 1997,pp.636-645.

[4]. Lo K. L., Zhu S., “Wheeling and Marginal WheelingRates: Theory and Case Study Results”, Electric PowerSystem Research, Vol.27, No.1, May 1993, pp.11-26.

[5]. Lo K.L., Zhu S., “A theory for Pricing Wheeled Power”,Electrical Power Systems Research, Vol. 28, No.3, January1994, pp.191-200.

[6]. Merrill Hyde M. and Bruce W. Erickson, “Wheeling RatesBased on Marginal-Cost Theory”, IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1989, pp. 1445-1451.

[7]. Rau N.S. , Necsulescu C. “A Model for Energy Exchangesin Interconnected Power Systems”, IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol.4, No.3, August 1989, PP.1147-1153.

[8]. Shiromohammadi Dariush, Rajagopalanet Chithra AlwardEugene R., Thomas Chifong L.," Cost of TransmissionTransaction : An Introduction", ” IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol. 6, No. 3, August 1991, pp. 1006-1016.

[9]. Wood A. J. and B. F. Wollenberg, “Power Generation,Operation and Control, second edition, New York, NY:John Wiley and Sons 1996.

[10]. Wu Felix F., Ni Yixin, Wei Ping, “Power TransferAllocation for Open Access Using Graph Theory –Fundamentals and Applications in Systems WithoutLoopflow”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 15, No.3,August 2000, pp.923-929.

[11]. Wu Felix F., Ni Yixin, Wei Ping, “Power TransferAllocation for Open Access Using Graph Theory –

Fundamentals and Applications in Systems WithoutLoopflow”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 15, No.3,August 2000, pp.923-929.

[12]. Yu, C.W., David A.K., “Long-run Marginal CostEvaluation of Transmission Capacity”, Proceedings of theInternational Power Engineering Conference, 22-24 May1997, Singapore, Vol.1, pp.425-430.

[13]. Yu, C.W., David A.K., “Security Related Long-runMarginal Cost Analysis of Transmission Service”,Proceedings of fourth International Conference onAdvances in Power System Control, Operation andManagement (APSCOM-97), 11-14 November 1997,Hong Kong, Vol.2, pp.463-468.

[14]. Yu, C.W., David A.K., “Transmission Open Access andMarginal Wheeling Cost Evaluation”, 3rd InternationalConference on Advances in Power System Control,Operation and Management, 9-11 November 1995 at HongKong, Vol.1, pp.277-282.


This section contains those publications, which arerelated operational issues, methodologies, technicalanalysis, costing, etc.

[1]. Alsac O. and Stott B., "Optimal load flow with steadystate security", IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus andSystems, Vol. PAS-93, No. 3, May/June 1974, pp745-751.

[2]. Caramanis Michael C., Bohn Roger E., Schweppe Fred C.,"The costs of wheeling and optimal Wheeling rates", IEEETrans. on Power System, Vol. PWRS-1, No.1, February1986, pp 63-73.

[3]. Christie Richard D., Wollenberg Bruce F., WangensteenIvar, "Transmission Management in the DeregulatedEnvironment", Proceedings of IEEE, Vol.88, No.2,February 2000, pp170-195.

[4]. Clayton J. Scott, Gibson A. Charles, “Interchange Costingand Wheeling Loss Evaluation by Means of Incrementals”,IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, October1990, pp. 759-765.

[5]. Fang R.S. & David A.k., "Transmission CongestionManagement in an Electricity Market" IEEE Trans. onPower Systems, Vol.14, No.3, August 1999, pp.877-883.

[6]. Ferrero Roberto W. and Shahidehpour S. M., " OptimalPower Transaction with network constraints in DeregulatedSystems", Electrical Machine and Power System, Vol.25,Number 6, July 1997, pp661-675.

[7]. Galiana Francisco D. and Phelan Mark, “Allocation ofTransmission Losses to Bilateral Contracts in aCompetitive Environment”, IEEE Transactions on PowerSystems, Vol.15, No.1, February 2000, pp.143-150.

[8]. Galiana Francisco D., Ilic Marija, "A MathematicalFramework for the analysis and management of PowerTransactions under Open Access", ", IEEE Trans. onPower Systems, Vol.13, No.2, May 1998, pp.681-687.

[9]. Gisin Boris S., Obessis Manos V, Mitsche James V.,“Practical Methods for Transfer Limit Analysis in thePower Industry Deregulated Environment”, IEEE Trans.on Power Systems, Vol. 15, No.3, August 2000, pp.955-960.

[10]. Hamoud G., “Assessment of Available Transfer Capabilityof Transmission Systems”, IEEE Transactions on PowerSystems, Vol.15, No.1, February 2000, pp.27-32.

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[11]. Hamoud G., “Feasibility Assessment of SimultaneousBilateral Transactions in a Deregulated Environment”,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.15, No.1,February 2000, pp.22-26.

[12]. Happ H.H., "Cost of Wheeling Methodologies", IEEETrans. on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 1, February 1994,pp147-156.

[13]. Happ H.H., “Transmission Pricing Policies and Methodsfor Evaluating Wheeling Services”,Proceedinds of theAmrican Power Conference, April 1994, pp.295-299.

[14]. Ito K., Yokoyama R., Gamou S., Matsumoto Y., "Analysisof Electric Wheeling on Cooperative Fuel CellCogeneration Systems Installed in Multi-Areas", Journal ofEnergy Resources Technology, Vol. 116, September 1994,pp.211-217.

[15]. Kirschen Daniel S., Strbac Goran, Cumperayot Pariya,Mendes Dilemar de Paiva, “Factoring the Elasticity ofDemand in Electricity Prices”, IEEE Transactions onPower Systems, Vol.15, No.2, May 2000, pp.612-617.

[16]. Kovacs Ross R. and Leverett Allen L., "A Load FlowBased Method for Calculating Embedded, Incremental andMarginal Cost of Transmission Capacity", IEEE Trans. onPower Systems, Vol.9, No.1, February1994, pp.272-278.

[17]. Kuwahata Akeo and Hiroshi Asano, "Utility-CogeneratorGame for Pricing Power Sales and Wheeling Fees", IEEETrans. on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 1994,pp.1875-1879.

[18]. Lee Kwang Y., “Network Congestion Assessment forShort-term Transmission Planning under DeregulatedEnvironment” IEEE Power Engineering Society 2001Winter Meeting, January 28 – February 1, 2001,Columbus, Ohio (U.S.A.).

[19]. Li Y.Z. and David A. K., "Optimal Multi-Area Wheeling",IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 1, February1994, pp. 288-294.

[20]. Lu, Q.C., Brammer S.R., “Transmission Loss Factors forArea Energy Interchange” IEEE IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol.11, No.3, August 1996, pp.1387-1392.

[21]. Ma X., El-Keib A.A., Haskew T.A., “Marginal Cost-Based Pricing of Wheeling Transactions and IndependentPower Producers Considering Security Constraints”,Electric Power Systems Research, Vol.48, No.2, December1998, pp.73-78.

[22]. Mukerji Rana, Neugebauer Wendell Ludorf Richard P.,Catelli Armand, "Evaluation of Wheeling and Non-UtilityGeneration (NUG) Options using Optimal Power Flows"IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol.7, No. 1, February1992, pp.201-207.

[23]. Nishimura Fuyuhiko, "Transaction Modes of ElectricEnergy Exchange and there effects of Benefit Optimizationand Allocation", Proceedings of International Conferenceon Energy Management and Power Delivery (EMPD '95),Vol.1, November 21-23, 1995, pp.25-30.

[24]. Nishimura Fuyuhiko, Tabors Richard D., Ilic Marija D.,Lacalle-Melero Joaquin R., "Benefit Optimization ofCentralized and Decentralized Power Systems in a Multi-Utility Environment", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol.8, No. 3, August 1993, pp. 1180-1186.

[25]. Pereira M. V. F., Gorenstin B. G., Fo. M-Morozowski,Silva J. B., "Chronological Probabilistic Costing andWheeling Calculations with Transmission NetworkModeling", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2,May 1992, pp. 885-891.

[26]. Perez-Arriaga I. J., Rubio F. J., Puerta J. F., Arceluz J.,Marin J., "Marginal Pricing of Transmission Services: an

Analysis of Cost Recovery", IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol.10, No.1, February 1995, pp.546-552.

[27]. Rashidinejad M., Y.H. Song, M.H. Javidi, “Option Pricingof Spinning Reserve in a Deregulated Electricity Market”,IEEE Power Engineering Review, July 2000, pp

[28]. Seethalekshmi K., Trivedi U.C., Ramamoorty M.,“Locational Pricing under Transmission Constraints in anInterconnected Power System”, Proceedings of theEleventh National Power System Conference (NPSC-2000), Vol.1, Dec. 20-22, 2000, IISc. Banglore (India),pp.197-202.

[29]. Shiromohammadi Dariush, Rajagopalanet Chithra AlwardEugene R., Thomas Chifong L.," Cost of TransmissionTransaction : An Introduction", ” IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol. 6, No. 3, August 1991, pp. 1006-1016.

[30]. Sood Y.R. and Padhy N.P. “Method of Evaluating Cost ofWheeling Based on Marginal Cost Theory”, proceedings ofInternational Symposium on Electricity Distribution in theDeveloping Countries, CBIP, 20-21, January 2000.

[31]. Sood Yog Raj, Padhy N.P., Gupta H.O. “Methods ofEvaluating cost of Wheeling under DeregulatedEnvironment of Power System”, the proceedings of AllIndia Seminar on Power System Recent Advances andProspects in 21st Century (PSRAP21C), February 17,2001at MREC Jaipur (Raj.).

[32]. Sood Yog Raj, Padhy Narayana Prasad, Gupta H. O.,“Analysis and Management of Wheeling TransactionsBased on AI Techniques under Deregulated Environmentof Power Sector”, Water and Energy InternationalJournal,Vol.58, No.1, January-March 2001, pp.45-52.

[33]. Sood Yog Raj, Verma S., Padhy Narayana Prasad, GuptaH.O., “Evolutionary Programming Based Algorithm forSelection of Wheeling Options”, IEEE Power EngineeringSociety 2001 Winter Meeting, January 28 – February 1,2001, Columbus, Ohio (U.S.A.).

[34]. Tsukamoto Yukitokin, Iyoda Isao, "Allocation of FixedTransmission Cost to Wheeling Transactions byCooperative Game Theory", IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol.11, No.2, May 1996, pp.620-629.

[35]. Yong T., Lasseter R., “Optimal Power Flow Formulationin Market of Retail Wheeling", IEEE Power EngineeringSociety, 1999 Winter Meeting, 31 January- 4 February,1999 at New York, NY (USA), pp.394-398.

[36]. Zuwei Yu, Sparrow F.T., Trafalis T., “A Proposed fastAlgorithm for Security Constrained Economic Dispatch inCase of Energy Exchange and Wheeling”, Proceedings ofthe American Power Conference, 1-3 April 1997 atChicago, IL, USA, pp.371-376.


As mentioned early, the power transmission system is anatural monopoly. So some special regulations arerequired for this system. This section deals withpublications on these regulations.

[1]. Brown A., “Electricity after the Energy Policy Act of1992: The Regulatory Agenda”, The Electricity Journal,January/February 1993, PP.33-43.

[2]. Chown Graeme A., Coetzee Marita G., “Implementation ofRegulation as an Ancillary Service in Eskom and the Useof Eskom Internal Web for This Service” IEEE Trans. onPower Systems, Vol. 15, No.3, August 2000, pp.1132-1136.

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[3]. Durham Robert A. and Durham Marcus O., “Electric Re-Regulation Impact”, IEEE Industry ApplicationsMagazine” Vol.5, No.5, September/October 1999, pp.47-56.

[4]. Edison Electric Institute, “Transmission Access andWheeling a Summary of State Laws and Regulations”Washington, D.C., 1989.

[5]. Edison Electric Institute, “Transmission Access andWheeling an Updated Summary of State Laws andRegulations” Washington, D.C., 1991.

[6]. Einhorn, M. A., “Electricity Wheeling and IncentiveRegulation”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol.2,No.2, June 1990, pp.173-189.

[7]. Heinold D.L., “Retail Wheeling: is Competition amongEnergy Utilities an Environmental disaster, or it can bereconciled with integrated resource planning?”, RutgersComputer & Technology Law Journal, Vol.22, No.1, 1996,pp.301-333.

[8]. Pace J.D., “Wheeling and the Obligation to Serve”, EnergyLaw Journal, 1987.

[9]. Seeley Karl, Lawarree Jacques and Chen-Ching Liu,“Analysis of Electricity Market Rules and their effect onStrategic Behavior in a Noncongestive Grid” IEEE Trans.on Power Systems, Vol. 15, No.1, February 2000, pp.157-162.

[10]. U.S. Government Printing Office, “Electric PowerWheeling and Dealing: Technological Considerations forincreasing Competition”, U.S. Congress, Office ofTechnology Assessment, OTA-E-409, Washington, D.C.,May 1989.


This section deals with those publications, which arerelated with restructuring or deregulation experience indifferent countries.

[11]. Asano H., Tsukamoto Y., “Transmission Pricing in Japan”,Utilities Policy, Vol.6, No.3, September 1997, pp.203-210.

[12]. Baji V.T., Ashok S., “Wheeling Power- a case study inIndia”, International Journal of Electrical Power & EnergySystems Vol.20, No.5, June 1998, pp. 333-336.

[13]. Christie Richard D., Wangensteen I., “The Energy Marketin Norway and Sweden Introduction”, IEEE PowerEngineering Review Vol.18, No.2, February 1998, pp.44-45.

[14]. Coulter Bob, Kalam Akhtar, Zayegh Aladin, “Privatizationin the Asia Pacific Region the Electricity Supply Industryin Victoria, Australia”, proceedings of Symposium onElectricity Distribution in the Developing Countries, CBIP,New Delhi, January 20-21, 2000, pp.34-37.

[15]. Falcone F.C., “Electric Utility Industry Structure in theUnited States”, IEEE Power Engineering Review, Vol.12,No.4, April 1992, pp.13-17.

[16]. Gent M.R., “Electric Supply and Demand in the UnitedStates: Next Ten Years”, IEEE Power EngineeringReview, Vol.12, No.4, April 1992, P.10.

[17]. Ilic M.D., Yoon Y.T., Zobian, A., Paravalos M. E.,“Toward Regional Transmission Provision and its Pricingin New England”, Utilities Policy, Vol.6, No.3, September1997, pp. 245-256.

[18]. Kumar Parveen, Srivastava S.C., “CongestionManagement in Deregulated Power- A Case Study on an

Indian Power System”, Proceedings of the EleventhNational Power System Conference (NPSC-2000), Vol.1,Dec. 20-22, 2000, IISc. Banglore (India), pp.191-196.

[19]. Nabas E.T., Falleiros, J.A.B., Masciotro J.C., “Wheeling –a Feasible Solution for the Co-generation using Biomass inBrazil”, Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Transmission andDistribution Conference, 11-16 April 1999, New Orleans,LA (USA), Vol.1, pp.305-309.

[20]. Palanicharmy C., et al., "Privatizing and RestructuringIndian Power Sector - An Overview", IE (I) Journal-EL,Vol. 80, May 1999, pp23-30.

[21]. Rudnics Hugh, Palma Rodrigo, Fernandez Jose E.,“Marginal Pricing and Supplement Cost Allocation inTransmission Open Access”, IEEE Transactions on PowerSystems, Vol. 10, No.2, May 1995, pp.1125-1142.

[22]. Sackey T., Zakhary S.Z., “Power Wheeling through theWest African Interconnected System”, Proceedings ofsixth International Conference on AC and DC PowerTransmission (Conf. Publ. No.423), April 29-May 3, 1996,London (U.K.), pp13-18.

[23]. Sackey T., Zakhary S.Z., “Power Wheeling through theWest African Interconnected System”, Proceedings ofsixth International Conference on AC and DC PowerTransmission (Conf. Publ. No.423), April 29-May 3, 1996,London (U.K.), pp13-18.

[24]. Sarma Sree Ram, Gopalachari, Viswanath K.,“Restructuring & Reforms of Power Sector, in AndhraPradesh State (India) – Case Study”, proceedings ofSymposium on Electricity Distribution in the DevelopingCountries, CBIP, New Delhi, January 20-21, 2000, pp.15-25.

[25]. Stein H., “Deregulation in the US Promises GoodProspects”, Modern Power Systems, Vol.15, No.11,Nov.1995, p. 19,21,23.

[26]. Vaahedi Ebrahim, Poirier R. J., Necsulescu Cristina, KarasA. N., "Benefits of Economy Transactions and Wheeling inCanada", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 8, No. 3,August1993, pp. 1299-1306.

[27]. Wang Lihua, Chen Jilai, Wang Jingyuan, Yin Qiyun,“Power Losses in Gansu 330 KV Power Network causedby Wheeling”, Power System Technology Vol.22, No.10,October 1998, pp.68-70.

[28]. Zarnikau, J., Reilley B., “The Evolution of theCogeneration Market in Taxas”, Energy Policy, Vol.24,No.1, January 1996, pp.67-79.

[29]. Zinow B.M., “Competition in the Amrican ElectricitySupply Industry – Report on a Survey Trip”,Elektrizitaetswirtschaft, Vol.96, No.25, December 1997,pp.1492-1494.


This section deals with publcations related with futureplanning, importance of the topic, critical comments andother general articals which may not be included in anyof the above four sections.

[1]. Adsmson A.M., Garver, L.L., Maughn J.N., Palermo P.J.,Stillinger W.L., “Summary of Panel: Long Term Impact ofThird Party Transmission Use”, IEEE Transactions onPower PAS, Vol.6, No.3, August 1991, pp.1183-1188.

[2]. Arokiaswamy, N.S.S., “Can Private Power Succeed asViable Option?”, Indian Journal of Power and River Valley

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Development, Vol.47, No.11-12, November-December1997, pp.224-227, 238.

[3]. Baran Mesut E., Banunarayanan, Garren Kenneth E.,“Equitable Allocation of Congestion Relief Cost toTransactions”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,Vol.15, No.2, May 2000, pp.579-585.

[4]. Baughman M.L., Siddiqi S.N., Zarnikau J.W., “AdvancedPricing in Electricity Systems”, IEEE Transactions onPower Systems, Vol.12, No.1, February 1997, pp.489-502.

[5]. Billinton R., Wang P., “Deregulated Power SystemPlanning using a Reliability network EquivalentTechnique”, IEE Proc.-Gener.Trans.Distrib., Vol.146,No.1, January 1999, pp.25-30.

[6]. Hanumantha Sastry M., Krishna Prasad G., “CustomerService Enhancement in Electrical Utility”, Proceedings ofPower Quality ’98 Conference, 1998, Hyderabad (India).

[7]. Happ. H.H., “Selection of Methods for Evaluating the Costof Transmission Wheeling Services”, Proceedings of theAmerican Power Conference, 57th Annual Meeting,Technology for a Competitive World, 18-20 April 1995,Chicago, IL, USA, Vol.1, pp.606-611.

[8]. Hazan E., “Industry Transformation is under wayWorldwide [Electric Utilities]”, Transmission &Distribution World, Vol.49, No.5, May 1997, pp.45-46,48-49, 51.

[9]. Hu Jiangyi, Huang Jiayu, Bian Beilei, “A Research aboutOptimal Wheeling Scheme”, Automation of Electric PowerSystems, Vol.22, No.12, December 1998, pp.34-36.

[10]. Hulleman V., Kerr W.A., “Access: a Global Issue inElectricity Generation”, Energy Sources, Vol.20, No.3,April 1998, pp.241-257.

[11]. Lewis P., "Wheeling and Dealing [Power Transmission]",IEE Review, Vol.42, Issue 5, September 1996, pp.196-198.

[12]. Lima J. W.,Marangon, Pereira M. V. F., Pereira J. L. R.,"An Integrated Framework for Cost Allocation in a Multi-Owned Transmission System", IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol.10, No.2, May 1995, pp.971-977.

[13]. Nakashima T., Niimura T., Okada K., “Multiple- impactAssessment of Wheeling and Independent PowerProducers in a De-regulated Power System”, Proceedingsof IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and ComputerEngineering, 24-28 May 1998, Waterloo, Ont., Canada,Vol.1, pp.89-92.

[14]. Scarfane Allen, "Short- Circuit Simulations Help QuantifyWheeling Flow", IEEE Computer applications in Power,Vol.8, Issue 2, April 1995, pp.44-47.

[15]. Stein Gerhard, "In search of Competitive ElectricitySupplies", Proceedings of Industrial and CommercialPower Systems Conference, May 1-5, 1994, pp.219-223.

[16]. Stein Gerhard, "In search of Competitive ElectricitySupplies", Proceedings of Industrial and CommercialPower Systems Conference, May 1-5, 1994, pp.219-223.

[17]. Thomas J. Overbye, Gross George, Laufenberg Mark J.,Sauer Peter W., "Visualizing Power System Operations inan Open Market", IEEE Computer Applications in Power,Vol.10, Issue 1, January 1997, pp.53-58.

[18]. Torre Teofio De La , Feltes James W., Roman TomasGomez San , Merrill Hyde M., “Deregulation,Privatization and Competition: Transmission Planningunder Uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,Vol.14, No.2, May 1999, pp.460-465.

[19]. Viswanath K., “Deregulation Concepts – Overview”,proceedings of Symposium on Electricity Distribution inthe Developing Countries, CBIP, New Delhi, January 20-21, 2000, pp.26-33.

[20]. Vojdani A.F., Imparato C.F., Saini N.K., Happ H.H.,“Transmission Access Issues”, IEEE Trans. on PowerSystems, Vol. 11, No.1, February 1996, pp.41-51.

[21]. Yu Z., D. Gachiri Nderitu, F.T. Sparrow, “A ProposedMarket Power Monitoring Model for RestructuringElectricity Markets”, IEEE Power Engineering Review,July 2000, pp.41-42.

[22]. Zhu S.P., "Some Considerations on Transmission ServicesConcerning Optimizing Wheeling Parties' Benefits"Proceedings of International Conferences on EnergyManagement and Power Delivery, (EMPD '95), November,21-23, 1995, pp.19-24.


This paper gives an overview of concept deregulation ofpower sector with a bibliographical survey of relevantbackground, practical requirements, the historicalevents, the present state and techniques. It is based onmany research articles published from last 20 years. Thecitation listed in the this bibliography provide arepresentative sample of current engineering thinkingpertaining to the transfer of power under deregulatedenvironment of power industry. Periodic bibliographicupdates on this topic will be useful as the industrycontinues to evolve.


Yog Raj Sood was born in Banur (Patiala), India. Heobtained his B.Sc degree from P.U. Chandigarh in 1980.He received his B.E. degree in Electrical Engineeringwith “Honours” and M.E. in Power System from Punjab

Engineering CollegeChandigarh (U.T.), in 1984 and1987 respectively. He joinedRegional Engineering CollegeKurukshetra in 1986. He hasbeen working as AssistantProfessor in the ElectricalEngineering Department ofRegional Engineering College,Hamirpur (H.P.) since 1991. Hehas published a number of

research papers. He is doing his Ph.D. from Universityof Roorkee,Roorkee (U.P).His research interests are in the area of computerapplications to power system, wheeling, deregulation,open access transmission system, power networkoptimization and non-conventional sources of energy.

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Narayana Prasad Padhy obtained his degree ofengineering and Master of Engineering in 1990 and1993, respectively. In 1997, he obtained his Ph.D.

degree from Anna University,Chennai, India. He joinedBirla Institute of Technology& Science as an AssistantProfessor in 1997. He ispresently with the faculty ofElectrical Engineering,University of Roorkee,Roorkee. He taught course inBasic Electrical Engineering,

Power Systems and Artificial Intelligence.His field of interest is Artificial IntelligenceApplications to Power System Optimization Problem.

H.O.Gupta was born in Agra, India. He obtained hisB.E. in ElectricalEngineering from the

GovernmentEngineering College,Jabalpur. He receivedhis M.E. in systemsengineering andoperation researchand Ph.D. from theUniversity ofRoorkee, Roorkee,in1975 and 1980

respectively. At present he is working as a professorin the Electrical Engineering Department of theUniversity of Roorkee, Roorkee. He visited McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, Canada, from 1981 to 1983 as apost-doctorate fellow.His research interests are in the area of computer-aided design, reliability engineering, power networkoptimization and power transformers.

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