

    We are a

    makingdiscipleswholight the world.


    Show up for a summer School of Discipleship class:

    Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad youre here. If youd like to connect and learn more about this church, one of our leaders will be available at the front of the room after worship, or you can visit




    Our Good Samaritan Fund is supported through contributions from our members, given to help individuals and families in serious financial need. We understand how hard it can be to ask for help, and we keep a high standard of confidentiality. If you or others you know are struggling financially, please contact Linda McCallister at x1159 for assistance.

    June 18: Evening Prayer Service, 6pmJune 29: Orlando Concert Bands A Hollywood Fourth, 4pm



    We are a

    makingdiscipleswholight the world.

    Join us Sunday, June 8 as we thank Donna McClellan. Stop by King Parlor from 12-1pm for a special reception to recognize her ministry, thank her and give her a big hug as she begins this next season of ministry. Also, there will be a Congregational Meeting that day at the 11:00am worship service, to dissolve her call at First Pres.


    SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES 9:45am, EMC 310 A single topic covered each Sunday morning by a different expert.

    Registration closes this Wednesday for the Womens Summer Bible Study, Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed. Offered Monday evenings, beginning June 9 or Thursday mornings beginning June 12. Register at (or pick up a form in the lobby of the Edington Ministry Center).

    SIMULTANEOUSLY RIGHTEOUS & SINNER 11:00am, EMC 330-B Join Mike Shockey, Minister for Prison & Jail Outreach for interesting discussions.

    How is your shower voice? Bring that voice to Summer Choir starting next Sunday, June 8, for a great opportunity to sing during worship. You dont have to be able to read music (though it helps). No audition - just come any Sunday between June 8 and August 31. Meet at 7:30am in the rehearsal hall.



    address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801 phone 407.423.3441 online /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

    CONGREGATIONAL CAREAs a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Carol Hinkle, Jack Couch, and Una Redwine.

    Our sympathy to Sarah & Robin Parkhouse on the death of her sister, Ruth Underwood, May 20.

    To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at

    GENEROSITYDue to the holiday printing schedule, our generosity report is unavailable. Itll be back next week, we promise.

    Be part of the story at First Pres. Give easily and securely from your smartphone:

    RECYCLE YOUR BULLETIN8:30am & 9:45am worshipers can help the church be better stewards of our resources and environment by placing this worship bulletin in one of our recycling stations as you leave today.

    There are two right outside the Sanctuary: one in the Grand Hallway leading to the Edington Ministry Center, and one across from the entrance to the Prayer Room. If youre in Lee Fellowship Hall, look for one to the right of the exit as you leave.

    The bulletins are reused for the 11:00am worship service, and recycled on Monday morning.

  • G E N E S I S WO R S H I P T R A D I T I O N A L WO R S H I P

    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. Dan Sharp *Scripture Reading Genesis 3:1-10 Message The Two Ultimate Questions

    Communion Invitation to the Table Prayer of Consecration Word of Institution Serving of the Bread Serving of the Cup

    Assisting in Genesis: Rev. Donna McClellan and Wil Brown.

    MATTHEW 26:26-29

    26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body.

    27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the [b] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers kingdom.

    Christ has died andChrist is risenChrist will come again - Wil Brown


    Dr. Dan Sharp grew up on a farm in Illinois. His family is of Mennonite/Amish heritage. He graduated from Wheaton College, Drake University, and the University of Southern California with a doctorate in Church Music. His doctoral dissertation is on worship and the Scriptures. Dan also did additional graduate work at Fuller Seminary. He is a founding faculty member of the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies where he teaches in the doctoral program and serves as a thesis advisor. He and Nancy have served churches in Massachusetts, Washington, and California prior to coming to First Presbyterian. They have two grown sons, Jonathan and Andrew.

  • G E N E S I S WO R S H I P T R A D I T I O N A L WO R S H I P

    This past Thursday, the day Jesus ascended back to heaven, marked forty days since Easter Sunday. All too often the events of the Ascension, and to a lesser degree, Pentecost, are largely forgotten or ignored. Both are hugely significant to our Christian faith. In the Ascension, Jesus physical body ascended to heaven thereby assuring all of us among other things, a bodily, physical resurrection when we die! We will have physical bodies in heaven. Jesus has a physical glorified body in heaven which has properties different from our earthly body. What is the significance of His return to heaven? He returns to the glory He had prior to the Incarnation.

    He intercedes on our behalf continually. His ascension opened the pathway for the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers with Gods very presence. We will celebrate Pentecost next Sunday. His ascension makes possible His glorious return to reign over Gods Kingdom forever and ever. Eternal life for the believer is assured and real. Is the Ascension significant? Absolutely! Rejoice! Hes coming back in the same way His followers saw Him leave. - Dr. Dan Sharp

    (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)


    Prelude The Power of the Cross Getty/Townend


    Organ Meditation Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer Becker/Getty

    *Call to Worship Sing and Rejoice! Will James

    *Processional Hymn of Praise A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing Hymn No. 322

    *Ascription of Praise

    Organ Praise

  • G E N E S I S WO R S H I P T R A D I T I O N A L WO R S H I P

    *Passing of the Peace St. Paul always greeted with the words, The peace of God be with you. This is an appropriate way to greet fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and so we say, The peace of the Lord be with you and respond, And also with you. We then pass this greeting of peace to one another. At the passing of the peace we should earnestly desire Gods peace upon each person we greet. Pastoral Prayer


    Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings *Doxology Hymn No. 34 *Prayer of Commitment

    Anthem of Devotion My Eternal King Jane Marshall Chancel Choir


    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. Dan Sharp *Scripture Reading Genesis 3:1-10 Pew Bible p. 2 Message The Two Ultimate Questions

    Communion Invitation to the Table Prayer of Consecration Word of Institution Serving of the Bread Serving of the Cup


    *Hymn of Response God of Grace and God of Glory Hymn No. 569

    *Invitation and Charge


  • G E N E S I S WO R S H I P T R A D I T I O N A L WO R S H I P

    *Choral Response Lantz Amen Daniel Sharp

    Postlude March in Eb major Alexander Schreiner

    * All who are able are invited to stand.

    Assisting in Worship: Dr. Case Thorp, Todd Long, (guest conductor) and Alan Trapp, (guest organist).

    ABOUT COMMUNIONToday we celebrate the sacrament of Communion, also known as the Lords supper, the story of which is found in Luke 22:7-19.

    We believe in an open table. We invite every believer who has publicly professed faith in Jesus to join us in this celebration. We believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, that the bread and the cup become for us the living presence of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. We do not believe it becomes actual flesh and blood, but the spiritually living presence of God through the Holy Spirit.

    Presbyterian churches do not have altars like other churches may. We have a table, symbolic of the Great Feast of Thanksgiving we will one day enjoy with Jesus and the heavenly host, as illustrated in Matthew 26:29 & Luke 22:16-18. We view the cross of Christ as the final and sufficient altar, on which the ultimate sacrifice was made.

    Suggestions for Celebrating Communion. Before serving the bread and wine (non-alcoholic grape juice), the pastor will lead the congregation in a time of prayer. During this time, confess your sins to God; ways you have violated His commandments; areas of your life where you are not living by faith; things you do in an attempt to earn His favor.

    While the bread is being served, meditate on what the death of Jesus means for you; how the sins you confessed were laid upon Him and paid for with His body. Rejoice that you do not suffer Gods judgment because Christ suffered this judgment on your behalf.

    While the cup is being served, Let it wash away your guilt, much the way we are washed spiritually by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus). One day, you will feast with God and all that your heart desires will be fully satisfied. Take this time to confess specific things that capture your heart more than God (approval of others, success, your family, etc.). Rest in His presence.


    SERVING THE CITYToday, 9:45am Second floor of the Edington Ministry Center

    Join us this morning for a brief overview of the ways our church is serving in the City Beautiful and how you can be involved.

    Meet staff and volunteers from our Compassion Corner homeless ministry, Mercy Drive Achievers Club, FOUR12 after-school outreach, Jobs Partnership class, and our jail and prison initiative.

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