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  • 8/3/2019 04752096


    Section 1 AdvancedManufacturing Technology


    Dept. ofMechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, ChinaTel: 86-571-87952820, Email: [email protected]

    Keywords: Green manufacturing, total qualitymanagement, comparative study, integration.AbstractThe background and characteristics of green manufacturing(GM) and total quality management (TQM) are brieflydescribed in the paper. And then, the relationship betweengreen manufacturing and total quality management isdiscussed from different points of view. Finally, theintegration of GM and TQM is illustrated from aspects ofstrategy, tactics and operation.1 IntroductionManufacturing is becoming the pillar industry with thedevelopment of science and manufacture technology. But atthe same time, it consumes many of the organic resources andcauses environment pollution. How to harmonize thecontradiction has become the most important task. On thebasis of this background, the concept of Green Manufacturing(GM) is presented. GM is a modem manufacture modelconcentrating on the consideration of the impact onenvironment and efficiency of resource utilization. Itadvocates that the enterprises lead the result of least impacton environment and achieve the most utilization ratio ofresource.The GM includes comprehensive meanings. Firstly, theconcept of 'manufacture' relates to the total life circle ofproduct. So the 'manufacture' here is a generalized concept.Secondly, the environmental problems relate to every countsof the manufacture process. So many relevant concepts suchas green design, ecological process planning, greenmanufacture and so on are brought out. Thirdly, GM is acomplicated system engineering problem. It needs to besurveyed from the view of system engineering. Finally, theessence of GM is a kind of sustainable development in thefield ofmodem manufacturing. So GM is the only solution ofsustainable development and it is also the enterprise'sresponsibility for the society.Total Quality Management(TQM) focuses on market or client.I t's main purpose is to satisfy the clients' demands and leadthe enterprise to develop the demanded product. TQM hasdeveloped for about half a century and has built up a wholephilosophy and operating method. Its main characters are asfollows.l) Focus on total quality. It requires not only to control

    product quality but also to manage the operation quality.2) Require the whole staffinvolved. The staff is the founderof product and operation quality. So every worker should beresponsible for the product quality and involved in thesolution of quality problem. Thus the enterprise quality can beimproved.3) Face to the process. It needs to begin from the root ofquality problem and go through the whole product life circle.4) Integrate management into the process. TQM needs manykinds of technology and management tools.Broadly speaking, 'green' can be seen as an index of qualityattributes. TQM should cover the concept of GM. TQM andGM are presented under different backgrounds. Though theyare both for sustainable development and can mutuallycomplete each other, they have respective system andemphasis. So they should be comparatively studied to find outan approach to integrate them organically.2 The comparison between TQM and GMGM and TQM belong to two different domains, but they bothultimately do with the integrity "product" .So there are lots ofcomparability and relevancy between GM and TQM. In thisarticle, the comparison is made from the views of sense ofvalue, the focusing point, supervisor mode, optimizationobjective and others. The result is shown in tablel.

    Item TQM GMValues attitude Client-oriented centered society duty and Sustainable

    developmentfocus the demands ofmarket or The Sustainable development

    client requirements of the wholesocietyType of Taking the benefit of Taking Sustainable

    management client as central, pushed development as central,by the demands of the pulled by laws and

    client regulationstarget Satisfying the client No waste(including energy,

    demands most, zero materialand other resources),defect, the stabilityof keeping the environmentprocess quality, reducing cleanthe loss of product defect

    as low as possiblePrinciple of guarantee ap roduct Guarantee circulating

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    International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006

    stuff selection utilizingStructure To be inspected, To be restored, disassemblecharacter assembled and and reused

    reliable ,etc.Technology DFQ, robust design, SPC Green design, LifeCyclecharacter and othercorresponding Assessment, Measurement

    technology SystemAnalysisProcess Watching theFluctuat ions Watchingthe Wastedemands of the process quality, Disposal, depletion, waste

    guaranteezerodefect, etc. guaranteeto dispose themaking s ure the normal waste properlyusage of the product

    Market Scat tered and detail ed Concent ration anduni tycharacter

    Demands on enhancing o ur Enhancing e nvironmentalstaff consciousness of quality awareness, eliminating waste,

    and the capacity of reducing depletion, cleancontinuous quality emission

    improvementThe degree of More Participation Strong Participation


    inThe Meeting the demands of Bearing social responsibility,

    foundation of clients abiding by the demands of theenterprise laws and regulationssurvival

    Corresponding IS09000 ISO14000standardsTable 1: the comparison between GM and TQM.

    The core value ofTQM is for client. Its basic philosophy is tosatisfy the client's demands. The core of GM is forsustainable development. Its basic objective focuses onsustainable development. So laws and regulations are neededto push and standardize the activities of the enterprise. Fromoptimization objective, the targets of TQM are high quality,zero defects and client's satisfaction, while GM takes valuemaximization and protection of non-renewable resource as itstarget.Form the view of material selection, the principle of TQM isto guarantee the product quality. Achieve best product qualityby rational material selection .At the same time, GMadvocates the selection of recycling, reusing andenvironmental protective materials. From structural point,TQM concerns more about the indexes of detestability,function adaptability, reliability and so on. But GMemphasizes on the indexes of detachability, maintainability,reusability and so on.From the view of technology supporting, TQM emphasizeson the prevention of defects or failures during design phase,the stability during manufacturing phase and the reliabilityduring the usage phase. The tools used to support TQMinclude design for quality, robust design, working procedure

    capacity study, etc. Similarly, GM is carried out around thetheme of 'green'. The main tools include green design, lifecycle analysis, multi-attribute decision making method,energy saving technique, recycling, and environmentalprotection processing other supporting technology. GMembodies the concepts of broad sense manufacturing andbroad sense recycling. It covers the chains of materialproduction and supply, product design, product manufacture,product usage and product retirement disposal. GM builds upa multilayered recycle structure of manufacture system. Thissystem extends the product life circle which the TQM alsoconcerns.From the view of market features, TQM hopes to subdividethe market to satisfy demands of different clients. But GMadopts concentric and uniform market deeds to dispose theresource rationally. TQM emphasizes on enhancing the staffsquality consciousness and the clients are less involved. At thesame time, GM emphasizes on enhancing the staff'sconsciousness of environmental conservation, preventing thewasting, reducing the loss and so on. GM also needs the clientto take part in the process further.From the view of standard system, TQM accords withIS09000 quality standard system in quality aspect andIS04000 standard system in environmental protection aspect.These two standard systems are becoming more and moreunified in structure. Whereas the living environment is gettingworse and worse, many environmental protection standardsfacing products are carried out. The responsibility forenvironmental protection has become the duty of theenterprises for the society. So the products should beenvironmental protection. And it has been a standard forentering the market or even been a new technical barrier.What's more, the enterprise must bear the cost of productrecycling. There are indications that environmental protectionstandard for some kinds of special products has been anothermarket entering standardwhich goes after the IS09000.3 The integration ofGM and TQMGM and TQM are presented under different backgrounds.They have their own unique ideological system andmethodology system. So it is necessary to integrate themorganically to enhance the operation efficiency and harmonyability. Obviously, the integration can not only be simplystacked. They need a deep integration. The intergrationprocess is shown in chart 1.3.1 Strategic integrationOn the strategic integration level, the main task is theintegration of enterprise cultures. Through this level ofintegration, it can enhance the consciousness of paying equalattention to quality and environment protection, harmonizingthe relationship of short term benefit and long term benefit,pursuing zero default, zero pollution and zero waste. It alsocan build up an aggressive enterprise culture, encourage theenterprise to improve product quality and promote theenterprise's capacity of competition.


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    Section 1 AdvancedManufacturing Technology

    3.2 Tactical integrationOn the tactical level, the integration is mainly about theprocess integration. It is to say that process is the focus. TQMand GM are integrated in the way of process management.This level of integration penetrates into supplying system,enterprise, client and the product's whole life circle. Firstly,during the analysis and identification processes of the productlife circle, especially for the process which has great impacton product quality and environmental protection indexes, theenterprise can develop preventative design, collocateresources and technology rationally and build up completeprocess models; Secondly, execute the operation steps andmethods according to the process. At last, detect and measurethe result of the process. On one hand, it helps to monitor theprocess; on the other hand, it provides the decision basis forprocess improvement. This operation flow matches the PDCAcircle which is advocated by TQM.The key of process integration is to build up a unified processindex system. This system is used as the basis of processincubation, monitoring and improvement. Obviously, thesystem should cover all the aspects, including quality, cost,environmental protection, time of delivery, etc, which canreflect the capability of enterprise's sustainable development.Among these, the time and cost indexes are concrete. But thequality and environmental protection indexes are abstract andmore related to the concrete processes, products or serviceobjects. And they should be deployed together with thecharacteristics of different products or industries. But from ageneralized point of view, all these indexes can be distributedinto three classes: technology attribute, social attribute andeconomy attribute. The technology attribute reflects itsnatural characters. It will not be affected by the social group'spreference so i t can be objectively measured. This attributeincludes the function, reliabili ty, safety, maintainabili ty,dissipat ive indexes and environment indexes, such as airpollution, water pollution, noise pollution and waste materials.The social attribute reflects the subjective characters. Theydepend on different social groups. It means that the attributerelates to people's recognition, society attitude, applicabilityand brand effect, so the attribute is closely relating to thesocial environment and not easy to measure. The economyattribute is the motivity of enterprise development. includesthe indexes of quality cost, environment protection cost andinvestment return rate. There are some problems must besolved during the integration. They are how to balance theseindexes and rationally disposal them into each special chain,how to implement them in a right way, how to prevent theprobable problem, and how to make continuous progress inpractice.3.3 Operation integrationOn the operational level, the integration is mainly about usingcorresponding technologies, such as application platform,enabled technology and tools to achieve the objectives.Through the strategic integration, a uniform appl icat ionplatform is built up. The GM and TQM systems can operationin a uniform and harmonious application frame. At the sametime, bui ld a information shar ing pla tform to detect all the

    quality and environmental indexes of TQM by using networktechnologies. These platforms can provide decision makingbasis to harmonize product quality improvement andenvironment protection.Both TQM and GM have many enable technologies and tools.They include teamwork mechanism, life circle assessment,activity integration computing units, PDCA circle, design forquality, capability index assessment, measurement systemanalysis and the old and new seven tools of TQM, etc. It isnecessary to share the enable technologies and tools on auniform platform. The development of computer science andnetwork technology has offered the implement conditions.The OOP/COM can be adopted to visualize the tools andmake them into modules or tool boxes. Then i t can be used inkinds of application environments.4 ConclusionGM is developing with the trend of sustainable developmentin recent years and it is just in the beginning phase. But TQMhas developed for about half a century and it is more mature.The integration of GM and TQM will do a great deal to theharmonious development of manufacture quality andenvironment protection. It is an important thesis ofmanufacture in the new century. This article makes somediscussion on GM and TQM at the concept level, andproposes the framework of the integrity ofGM and TQM. Butit is just some initial results of our studies, a lot of problemsshould be solved in the future. We hope many people can takepart in the studies to promote harmonious development ofGMandTQM.References[1] Tani T, "Product Development and Recycle System for ClosedSubstance Cycle Society", EcoDesign '99: First InternationalSymposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and InverseManufacturing, Published by IEEE Computer SocietyPiscataway NJ USA, Tokyo, Japan, 294-299, 1999.[2] S1. Schaltegger, R. Buritt, H. Petersen, "An Introduction toCorporate Environmental Management", Greenleaf Publishing,

    2003.[3] Jaakko Kujala, "Total Quality Management As CulturalPhenomena -A Conceptual Model And Empirical Illustration",

    Helsinki University ofTechnology, Espoo, Finland, 2002[4] Richard Reed, David Lemak, Neal P. Mero, "Total qualitymanagement and sustainable competitive advantage", Journal ofQualityManagement, 2000.Brief introduction of the author:Yu Zhonghua, professors and PhD supervisor of ZhejiangUniversity, the research work are mainly on QualityEngineering, Knowledge Management and GreenManufacture.

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    International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006

    Environment protection ~ ~ ' @ .Enterprise culture

    ~ a t e r i a l

    ~ m p r o v e m e n t

    Chart 1: the integration of GM&TQM.

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    Tech attribute

    Society attributeEconomic attribute


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