
Advanced Topics

Importing Models

๏Dozens of possible file types

๏.fbx and .obj are best

๏Drag and drop model files into Assets folder

๏Make sure materials and textures are included in the file you drag and drop


Places to Find Models



๏Dozens of others

Unity Asset Store






Unity Animation

๏Uses Key-frame animation

๏Can be applied to any GameObject

Particle Systems

๏Uses a large number of small objects to mimic “fuzzy” phenomena

๏Fire, Smoke, Rain, Snow, Clouds, etc.


๏Allows physical interaction between objects

๏Colliders react with other colliders

๏Can also be used for selecting objects

So Much More in Unity!

๏2D Game Objects



๏Virtual Reality


Experimentation Activity Ideas

๏Build a particle mimicking snow falling in your snow scene

๏Use colliders and physics to make a bouncing ball (Unity has a bounding ball tutorial)

๏Use a collider to activate object animations instead of a button press

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