Page 1: 01 Engineering & History - Faculty Personal Homepage- … 100/CE 100 lectures/01... · Engineering & History History of Engineering 20th century Age


Engineering & HistoryEngineering & History

History of EngineeringHistory of Engineering

20th centuryAge of Automatic Control

The Information Age8

21st centuryThe Biotechnology Revolution9

19th centuryElectricity and Applied Science7

18th centurySteam and the Industrial Revolution6

17th centuryRise of Modern Science5

Middle AgesRevolution in Power4

600 – 300 B.C.Birth of Greek Science3

3000 – 2000 B.C.Appearance of Urban Society2

6000 – 3000 B.C.Food-Producing Revolution1

تسلسل الرسل عليهم جميعا السالمتسلسل الرسل عليهم جميعا السالمحواء آدم

1ز قابيل





إبراهيم إسحاق


) الكوفة(قوم نوح جنوبي العراق

مدائن صالح والعال تيماءديار ثمود منطقة

حرقة بعد محولةولد بجنوب العراق، استقر بمدينة أور، قبل الميالد 1800نحو فلسطين ، انتقل الي حاران ثم ، سافر مع سارة بكوثي

، سافر مع ) بئر السبع(الي مصر ثم الي جنوب فلسطين مكة، تكررت زياراتة هاجر وابنة اسماعيل الي زوجه

بين مكة والخليل وفي إحدي الزيارات أمر اهللا ابراهيم ، ثم عاد الي الخليل ومات ودفن واسماعيل ببناء الكعبة


سارة 1ز

هاجر 2ز


هبط آدم بالصفا وحواء بالمروة وقيل أيضا هبط هبط آدم بالصفا وحواء بالمروة وقيل أيضا هبط وقيل أيضا وقيل أيضا ) ) جزيرة سرنديب، سيالنجزيرة سرنديب، سيالن((بالهند بالهند

أهبط آدم بالهند وحواء بجدة واجتمعا في أهبط آدم بالهند وحواء بجدة واجتمعا في المزدلفة دفن آدم في جبل أبي قبس وقيل حملة المزدلفة دفن آدم في جبل أبي قبس وقيل حملة

جبريل علية السالم إلى جبل عرفات وتوفي جبريل علية السالم إلى جبل عرفات وتوفي ودفن عند سفح جبل أبي قبسودفن عند سفح جبل أبي قبس






ولد إدريس بمصر وقيل ولد ببابل وهاجر الى مصر ، . مدينة188أنشئت في زمانة

مساآن عاد في أرض األحقاف، شمال حضرموت ، قوم هوديعبدون األوثان وقوم عاد الذين هلكوا هم عاد األولي ، أما عاد الثانية فهم سكان اليمن وقيل هم ثمود

7 اول من نطق بالعربية


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Food producing revolutionFood producing revolution6000 6000 –– 3000 B.C.3000 B.C.

Hunters and gatherersHunters and gatherersNomadic tribesNomadic tribesSparse populationsSparse populationsNo towns, villages, citiesNo towns, villages, cities

Crude tools, pottery, ornaments.

Appearance of urban societyAppearance of urban society3000 3000 –– 2000 B.C.2000 B.C.

Appearance of cities; Egyptian Appearance of cities; Egyptian societysocietyRise of Egypt as an (incredible) engineering Rise of Egypt as an (incredible) engineering societysociety–– Driven by class society and need for Driven by class society and need for

infrastructure to support.infrastructure to support.–– Also driven by pharaohs of time;Also driven by pharaohs of time;

Great Pyramid of Great Pyramid of CheopsCheops ((From about 2700 to 2500 B.C.)From about 2700 to 2500 B.C.); 2.3 ; 2.3 million cut blocks weighing 5,000 pounds each. Pyramid million cut blocks weighing 5,000 pounds each. Pyramid stands 481 ft high. Joints less than 0.02 inches in widthstands 481 ft high. Joints less than 0.02 inches in width

–– Precision cutting, measurement devices, irrigation, Precision cutting, measurement devices, irrigation, asphalt roads(!)asphalt roads(!)

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Appearance of urban societyAppearance of urban society3000 3000 –– 2000 B.C.2000 B.C.

Increase in wealth, extension of Increase in wealth, extension of political power, growth in trade, political power, growth in trade, required urban infrastructure, required urban infrastructure, stimulated engineeringstimulated engineeringKnowledge gained was empirical, Knowledge gained was empirical, gained from experience, and gained from experience, and handed down to next generationhanded down to next generation

History of EngineeringHistory of Engineering

2020thth centurycenturyAge of Automatic ControlAge of Automatic ControlThe Information AgeThe Information Age88

2121stst centurycenturyThe Biotechnology RevolutionThe Biotechnology Revolution99

1919thth centurycenturyElectricity and Applied Electricity and Applied ScienceScience77

1818thth centurycenturySteam and the Industrial Steam and the Industrial RevolutionRevolution66

1717thth centurycenturyRise of Modern ScienceRise of Modern Science55

Middle AgesMiddle AgesRevolution in PowerRevolution in Power44

600 600 –– 300 B.C.300 B.C.Birth of Greek ScienceBirth of Greek Science33

3000 3000 –– 2000 B.C.2000 B.C.Appearance of Urban SocietyAppearance of Urban Society22

6000 – 3000 B.C.FoodFood--Producing RevolutionProducing Revolution11Great PyramidGreat Pyramid27002700--2500 B.C.2500 B.C.

Lighthouse of Alexandria270 B.C.

Gardens of Babylon600 B.C.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus353 B.C.

Colossus of Rhodes200 B.C.

Temple of Artemis550 B.C.

Statue of Zeus457 B.C.

Seven Old Wonders of the WorldSeven Old Wonders of the WorldGreat Pyramid2700-2500 B.C.

Lighthouse of Alexandria270 B.C.

Gardens of Babylon600 B.C. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

353 B.C.

Colossus of Rhodes200 B.C.

Temple of Artemis550 B.C.

Statue of Zeus457 B.C.

Chinese DynastiesChinese Dynasties

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Chinese Dynasties Chinese Dynasties -- 11

Bronze weapons and Bronze weapons and silk making develop silk making develop

BCBC2000 2000

ShangShang DynastyDynastyBCBC


Chou DynastyChou DynastyBCBC


Work on the Great Work on the Great Wall of China begins Wall of China begins


Rice was cultivatedRice was cultivatedBCBC3500 3500

Civilization develops Civilization develops in the Yellow River in the Yellow River

Valley Valley BCBC


Chinese Dynasties Chinese Dynasties -- 22

Mongols attack China. Genghis Mongols attack China. Genghis Khan captures BeijingKhan captures Beijing

Acupuncture, a Acupuncture, a method of method of

relieving pain relieving pain using needles using needles

comes into usecomes into use

A time of A time of prosperity and prosperity and trade. Porcelain trade. Porcelain


Year 200 Year 200 Chinese invent Chinese invent


A unified system A unified system of writing was of writing was



From: From: 960960To: To: 12171217

SuiSui DynastyDynastyFrom: From: 581581To: To: 618618


From: From: 618618To: To: 907907

Sung Sung DynaDynastysty

Han DynastyHan DynastyFrom: From:


Ch'inCh'in DynastyDynastyBCBC




Emperor moves court to the Forbidden City

in Beijing

Ming Ming DynastyDynasty

Great fleets of ships were sent abroad for


From: From: 13681368To: To: 16441644

Chinese porcelain is treasured all over the


The Chinese build ships with watertight


Yuan Yuan DynastyDynasty

From: From: 12791279To: To: 13681368

Kublai Khan Kublai Khan establishes Yuan establishes Yuan


Chinese Dynasties Chinese Dynasties -- 33



Tea is the Tea is the most popular most popular beverage in beverage in


Ch'ingCh'ing DynastyDynastyFrom: From: 16441644

To: To: 19121912

China becomes a republicChina becomes a republic19111911

Chinese Communist party foundedChinese Communist party founded19211921

Troops kill student protesters in Beijing's Troops kill student protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen SquareTiananmen Square19891989

TaipingTaipingrebellion rebellion

against the against the ManchusManchus

War with War with Britain over Britain over

opium tradingopium trading

Chinese Dynasties Chinese Dynasties -- 44

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Birth of Greek Science Birth of Greek Science 600 600 –– 300 B.C.300 B.C.

Discovery of scienceDiscovery of scienceRecorded scientific and philosophical Recorded scientific and philosophical knowledgeknowledgeEngineers and architects respected Engineers and architects respected members of societymembers of societyRomans adopt Greek science and Romans adopt Greek science and become master engineers (but rotten become master engineers (but rotten scientists)scientists)

Birth of Greek Science Birth of Greek Science 600 600 –– 300 B.C.300 B.C.

Engineering dominated by Greeks, Romans.Engineering dominated by Greeks, Romans.Engineering knowledge acquired by conquest Engineering knowledge acquired by conquest (development and refinement, not research)(development and refinement, not research)Greeks more mathematically rigorous Greeks more mathematically rigorous (Aristotle, Archimedes) than Romans, (Aristotle, Archimedes) than Romans, although Romans considered better although Romans considered better engineers.engineers.Accomplishments included, sophisticated Accomplishments included, sophisticated roads and aqueducts, turbine engine, roads and aqueducts, turbine engine, navigation, running water and sewage navigation, running water and sewage drainage, heated houses, public baths, etc.drainage, heated houses, public baths, etc.

Revolution in PowerRevolution in Power(Middle Ages)(Middle Ages)

Up to this time, power supplied by slave Up to this time, power supplied by slave laborlaborEngineers harness power from three Engineers harness power from three sourcessources

Animals (horses, oxen, etc)Animals (horses, oxen, etc)Wind (windmills)Wind (windmills)Water (waterwheels, watermills, dams)Water (waterwheels, watermills, dams)

Revolution in PowerRevolution in Power(Middle Ages)(Middle Ages)

11stst –– 1616thth CenturiesCenturies–– Fall of Roman empire.Fall of Roman empire.–– Engineering dominated by Arabs, Chinese, Engineering dominated by Arabs, Chinese,

and Italians.and Italians.–– Accomplishments included paper, new Accomplishments included paper, new

smelting processes, waterwheels and smelting processes, waterwheels and windmills, movable type printing press, windmills, movable type printing press, telescope, gunpowdertelescope, gunpowder

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Rise of Modern ScienceRise of Modern Science1717thth CenturyCentury

Rediscovery of Greek scienceRediscovery of Greek scienceNewton, Galileo, Descartes, etc. Newton, Galileo, Descartes, etc. establish strong foundationestablish strong foundationTools of science and engineering Tools of science and engineering (telescope, microscope, barometer, (telescope, microscope, barometer, calculus, analytic geometry, etc.)calculus, analytic geometry, etc.)Truss and suspension bridges, canals, Truss and suspension bridges, canals, harbors, municipal engineering, pumps, harbors, municipal engineering, pumps, etc.etc.

1717thth and 18and 18thth CenturiesCenturies–– Dominated by EuropeDominated by Europe–– Accomplishments included scientific and Accomplishments included scientific and

engineering methods, canals and locks, ship engineering methods, canals and locks, ship design, fundamental theoretical design, fundamental theoretical frameworksframeworks

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Steam and the industrial revolutionSteam and the industrial revolution1818thth CenturyCentury

Invention of the steam engine and Invention of the steam engine and industrial equipmentindustrial equipmentMass production, steamMass production, steam--powered powered transportation (locomotives and paddle transportation (locomotives and paddle wheelers) spurred growth in canals, wheelers) spurred growth in canals, bridges, roads, railroadsbridges, roads, railroadsMaterials science, refined steel Materials science, refined steel ––bridges, transportationbridges, transportation

Electricity and the beginning ofElectricity and the beginning ofapplied science applied science (19(19thth Century)Century)

““RediscoveryRediscovery”” of electricity and of electricity and electromagnetismelectromagnetismElectrical generation and distribution, Electrical generation and distribution, batteries, telecommunications (telegraph)batteries, telecommunications (telegraph)SkyscrapersSkyscrapers1919thth CenturyCentury–– Dominated by United StatesDominated by United States–– Mass production, iron refinement, steam engine, Mass production, iron refinement, steam engine,


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Age of automatic controlAge of automatic control2020th & th & 2121stst CenturyCentury

Manned, powered flightManned, powered flightMass produced carsMass produced carsInformation AgeInformation Age–– Proliferation of computer technologyProliferation of computer technology

Human Genome ProjectHuman Genome ProjectGenetic engineeringGenetic engineeringNeural regenerationNeural regenerationBionicsBionics

–– Massive, almost exponential increase in scientific and Massive, almost exponential increase in scientific and engineering knowledgeengineering knowledge

–– Examples, Nylon, nuclear energy, solid state electronics, Examples, Nylon, nuclear energy, solid state electronics, jet aircraft, lasers, satellites, space explorationjet aircraft, lasers, satellites, space exploration

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