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Volume XXXVH Hope College. Holland, Michigan, Jan. 23, 1929 Number 74-1


FOR FIRST M. I. A, A. WIN Hope Team Leads Campbell

Crew Throughout the Whole Tilt

It was a fa r different Hope Col-lege team which played at Alma last Friday evening than the Hope five which lost to Hillsdale a few nights previous, as the Orange and Blue tossers took a 30-25 victory from the Campbell-coached outfit on the Alma floor after leading the entire way. After a poor start in the M. I. A. A. race, the Hope courtsters showed that they were not out of the running but can be considered a threat to any team desiring: the crown.

The Schoutenmen made one of the most rushing starts ever seen at Alma and controlled the ball for the first twelve minutes without leting their opponents have the ball. During this period the Hope-ites piled up a fine lead, which they continued to hold for the remainder of the setto.

De Pree led the Hope scoring with three field baskets and three fouls, Martin and Cook also^ figur-ing with two deuces and a foul apiece. Gussin was the big noise for Alma as he scored fifteen of his team's points on six baskets and three foul shots. Coach Schou-ten used all ten of the men who made the trip and all of them re-sponded with some fine play.



TO CHICAGO The New Field Offers Chance

for Study and Work

F.G. F. T.P. De Pree, f 3 3 3 Vander Hill, f 1 1 3 De Velder, f 1 0 2 Vandenbosch, f _ . l 0 2 Diephouje,_f.,_,._. - . . 0 o .0 . Martin, c 2 1

^ a n Lente, g 1 2 4 Cook, g 2 1 5 De Young, g 0 0 0 1

Becker, g 0 0 0 1

Totals 11 8 30


F.G. F.T.P. Albaugh, f 0 1 1 Mann, f 1 0 2 Wagner, f 2 0 4 Karpp, f 0 0 0 Heartt, c 0 1 1 Gussin, g 6 3 15 Pezet, g 0 2 2

Totals 9 1 25 - Hope's chances in the race de-pend largely upon the result of their game with Albion, which is to be played at Carnegie gym on Fri-day evening. With a large crowd of the students out, Hope has an even break with the visitors and a close and fast game will result. Al-bion has beaten Alma and Hillsdale and will come here with the intent of licking the Hope crew, but with Hope primed for victory the Metho-dists will be given all the basket-ball that they want.

Y. W. C. A. Meet ' with Prof. Hager

"The Balanced Life" and "The Great Moderator" were the sub-jects of one of the most unique meetings of the Y. W. C. A. on Jan-uary 14. Professor Hager, our col-lege pastor, directed the meeting into the form of a general discus-sion. The qualities that are present in the unbalanced life as well as those which are lacking were listed on the blackboard and became the basis of the topic for the evening. The song service was led by Ber-nice Mollema.

me. Austral Thrills Many from College

Last Wednesday, under the aus-pices of the Grand Rapids Philhar-monic Society, Madame Austral, dramatic s o p r a n o , and John Amadio, flautist, appeared in con-cert at the Grand Rapids Armory.

Through the instrumentality of Miss Martha Barkema, about ilfty tickets were obtained at moderate rates and were distributed among Hope students. Those whose cars permitted them to arrive in Grand Rapids were given one of the rare treats that come so seldom in the life of the small college.

The announcement was made last Sunday morning in the Bethany Reformed Church of Chicago of the acceptance of their call by Profes-sor Harry Hager of Hope College.

It is with the deepest regret that the Student Body hears that their well-beloved Prof. Hager feels that duty calls him to another sphere of influence. The three years that Pro-fessor Hager has been with us has served to instil in us a deep re-spect for the man and the work he has been trying to do.

The Church to which Professor Hager goes has recently erected a new $150,000 building. It includes in its membership 350 families, which makes it the largest Re-formed church in Chicago. Under the existing arrangements Profes-sor Hager will not leave us until June. While in his charge in Chi-cago, Rev. Hager will continue the work of several summer sessions at the University of Chicago.


Entertain at Fine Dinner


Last Wednesday evening at the Warm tavern the Varsity football teams of Hope College and Holland High were entertained^at dinner by the Holland Exchange Club.

The guest of Honor was Col. H. B. Hackett, grid veteran and World War hero. Col. Hackett is a grad-uate of West Point, at which school he won twelve athletic letters. He is now a Big Ten Coach.

After the dinner the following program was rendered: Xylophone Solos....Gene De Glopper Vocal Solo Paul Nettinga Guitar and Violin Duet

Arthur Van Arendale Ray Steketee


Frosh Sweat at Gym Work

One! Two! Three! Four! This count can now be heard throughout the gym as Jack Schouten, physical director, marshals his Frosh gym classes through their programme of marching, calisthenics, and games.

The girls' classes, of which there are two, meet on Monday and Fri-day, while the two sections allotted to the boys meet on Monday, Tues-day, Wednesday, and Thursday, each class meeting twice a week. The sections average twenty-five to a period. They are under the in-struction of Senior students, receiv-ing their practice teaching, who are directly under the supervision of Mr. Schouten. There are also two sections devoted to make-up work, and two sections for the high school students. Many humorous in-cidents occur as many have had no physical education at all and lack the co-ordination necessary.

o-Alethean Society

Elects Officers

The Alethean society held their semi-annual elections T h u r s d a y evening. The following officers were chosen: ^ President—Edith McGilvra.

Vice President—Ann Koeman. Secretary—Gertrude Benes. Treasurer—Martha Vandenberg. Sergeant-at-Arms—Ruth Ballard




T H E recurrance thru many writings of two Greek words

indicates that even in early times the people realized that

in this world nothing is at rest; there is, and always must

be# eternal flux and change. The old order must ever give way to the new.

But, it seems only just and fair that the new shall ack-

nowledge the debt it owes to the old for making their coming possible.

So it is that in this our first issue, we pause lor a mo-

ment to pay tr ibute to an editor an editor who in the face of

many difficulties; the handicap of sex, the handicap of an ex-

cessive amount of other work, and the handicap of too-kind a

nature in dealing wi th an often-erring staff: an editor who

took over an Anchor after another had published a few issues:

an editor who took over a Anchor just recovering from a se-

vere attack of the "yellow fever", and its accompanying close

faculty scrutiny: an editor who in the face of all these things

has been able to hand over to us a healthy paper, one with a

high standard of excellence for us to equal, and if possible, to surpass.

So it is that we pause to pay our respects to a business

manager who has given us an Anchor with a stable financial

system behind it . A n d so it is that we pause to pay tribute

to the staff of the 1928 Anchor , forthC great work they have

done, and for the efforts they have expened, and thru whose

work alone it has been possible for the executives to do the high quality work which they did.



As we go to press the word has come to us of the shooting Monday of Rev. Henry A. Bilkert, claso of 1914. Rev. Bilkert was an R. C. A. missionary in Iraq, and at the time of his death was en-route to Kuwait, in Arabia. The entourage was attacked by the fanatical Mo-hammedan tribe of Ikhwan, but only Rev. Bilkert was hit. An in-vestigation is being instituted.

This news is furnished through the courtesy of the Holland Sen-tinel



future Plans Are Announced by the Sponsor,

Dr. Nykerk

"All-College" Program in

Gym Soon On February 4 an "All-College"

night is going to be held in Car-negie Gymnasium under the aus-pices of the athletic association, the proceeds of which go enty-ely to the athletic association. A program conaisting of eight numbers is to be given, among which are a vocal selection by a male quartette, a vocal solo by Miyo Tase, our bril-liant little Japanese student, a read-ing by Oscar Hoelkeboer, an ac-cordion solo by Aaron Ungersma, a vocal duet by the Misses Martha Barkema and Helen Van Eenennam and a comic play taken from Shakespeare's "Mid - Summer's Nights Dream," the cast of which is made up of senior boys. Let's all show our real Hope spirit by attending. The price of admission will be 35c.

Chicago policemen have lost two prisoners in the past few days be-cause of revolving doors. Now the Holland department has never ex-perienced that disgrace. Hooray for our police department. Isn't he good-looking.

Drama Class Play Feb. 12-13

This year the drama class, under the direction of Mrs. Durfee, will present as their public perform-ance "The Amateur Detective," on February 12 and 13. The title role is played by Myra Ten Cate and the male lead by Bernard DePree. Th% ."iurres of. comic effect are brought out by the French maid. Celeste, played by Wilhelmina Wal-voord, and Susan, Mrs. Delavan's maid, played by Ann Heyboer. Susan is of the crepe-hanging type of humanity, doting on funerals, and very fittingly marries an un-dertaker. The villain, portrayed by Maurice Marcus, has a hectic time making love to three young ladies at once and is finally, as he puts it, "double-crossed" himself.

Other members of the cast of this very clever comedy are Verna Brower, Janet Yonkers, Gladys Huizenga, Marion Katte, Grace Duhrkipf, Ruth Van Alsburg, Ray-mond Steketee and Alfred Bentall.

o As "cat-lub" approaches we may

hear black cats murmuring to one another: "Don't let that zoology student walk in front of you — it's bad luck."

Glee Club Makes Money

The latest thing in Voorhees is hot chocolate and sandwiches at 9:30. The members of the impov-erished Glee Club have turned their culinary ability to practical use, and fifteen cents is all that is nec-essary to purchase the feed. Eat-ing your breakfast before going to bed has become quite the fad among Dorm girls. The newest Scotch joke is the one about the two girls that ate three slices of bread for dinner on the night the Glee Club girls made their on-slaught. Word has been received that some fellows also have pur-chased viands and report that the girls can cook as well as sing.


* 11

Jan. 23—Prayer Group in evening.

Jan. 24 — Dr. Van der Meulen speaks to Students.

DICKENSIAN ELECTION President Geo De Roos Vice-President Harold Kraai Secretary Andrew Vinstra Treasurer ...Gerrit Rezelman Keeper of Archives.. .Geo. Russcher Sgt. at Arms Dick Mouw

Custodian. Theo. Knapp



IF you look in a mirror and see reflected back a Utopian

image, perhaps you 11 be flattered—depending of course on the

k ind of person you are; if you sec a distorted image, you have

good reason to object and protest; but if you see yourself as

you really are, there should be- no cause for alarm, unlets

there is at the time some immediate danger, which we take

for granted should be remedied anyway. After the fashion of

a mirror we hope to construct our Anchor , not concave nor

convex, but one that will reflect as t ru thfu l a picture of life

on our campus, as lived bye and large, by each one of you.

Your paper is essentially a Student Publication. It be-

longs to you, it is at your service and when it ceases to fulfill

this function, you have every right to wi thdraw your support.

It is the general opinion around the Campus that the trouble

with the Anchor in the past has been, that it was a picture

of a Utopian Society, which was a fantasy to say the least, and in all good intent never existed.

W e are behind every College activity. W h e n in Athlet-

ics, Oratory, Debating, elcM we win, we shall accept it as a re-

ward for being the better, and when we lose we shall refuse

to qnibble, provided that we were not beaten by an inferior

team, when our representatives gave their best in their parti-

cular field of endeavor. We intend to praise where we think •

praise is due, and we intend to condemn, when we think con-

demnation will fur ther the principles upon and for which our institution was established.

If you are looking for something spectacular and dazzling

dur ing our regime, you have disappointments in storr, but if

you are looking for the t ru th we hope it will be reflected in

the pages of your Anchor . Your paper will be published by

and for the best intererts of Hope College, its Students, its

Faculty, and H a n s Christ ian Anderson will not be a contri-butor.

Jan. 25 — Hope-Albion Game here

Smiles, grins, and chuckles were drawn successively from an appre-ciative audience that filled Carnegie gymnasium at the presentation Fri-day night of "The First Year," the final number on the season's lyceum course. From the first scene, in which bashful Tommie Tucker won Grace Livingston as his bride, to the final curtain, when the young husband and wife were reconciled, the play held the closest interest because of its humor, pathos, and true reflection of life.

The plot centered about an event-ful evening in the life of Tommie and Grace Tucker during their first y ear of married life. A dinner guest was found to be the man upon whom their financial fortune de-pended through his decision whether to buy property in which Tommie had invested his last cent. As the deal was about to go through, the transaction was upset by the intervention of a former suitor of Grace, resulting in a quar-rel between Tommie and his wife and their separation. The young husband finally did push the sale across to his decided profit, only to realize the futility of attempted happiness without Grace. How the two were reunited through the kind hearted scheming of her uncle was the theme ot the rest of the play.

This production was interesting not only because of the entertain-ing plot, but also because of the lifelike characters presented. Mr. Livingston, who was slightly deaf at just the wrong times, the bach-elor uncle who philosophized about marriage, and the realistic hus-band-and-wife quarrels of Tommie nition. Hattie, the substitute maid who "washed better" than she served at table, was a source of amusement, while the rejected suitor and the negotiator for Tommie's land added an element of suspense. Mrs. Livingston was a tactful mother, who contrasted strongly with her impatient hus-band.

'The First \ e a r " closed one of the most successful lyceum course seasons, and according to Dr. Ny-kerk's announcement an equally satisfying one may be expected next fall.


Maurice Works And Dinner Waits

"And if I don't get home in time for dinner, you will be to blame," stormed the m i g h t y Maurice Marcus as he tested his might on a heavy clothesline Thursday noon. He pulled and tugged and tugged and pulled, yet he could not over-come. An increasing crowd gath-ered to see the performance.

He directed more than one nasty look at Mar. Meengs. The crowd laughed and giggled, while Maurice toiled on, and he finally won. The ropes fell to the floor. Maurice slipped on his rubbers and left.

Moral: Always untie knots; don't pull them tighter.


Jan. 25 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Mar. 1 Mar. 6 Mar. 8

Albion at Hope. St. Mary's at Hope. Hope at Gen. Mtrs. Tech. Hope at Kazoo College. Hope at M. S. C. Kaxoo College at Hope. Hope at Albion. . Calvin at Hope. Olivet at Hope. Gen. Mtrs. Tech at Hope. Alma at Hope. Hope at Calvin.

Debaters Chosen from Candidates

Last Tuesday afternoon the de-bate eliminations were held in the Columbia Avenue building. Those chosen to represent the negative were:

Henry Bast, J . Coert Rylaars-dam, Lawrence Vredevoogd, Henry Noble, alternative.

This team will meet the affirma-tive of Ypsilanti there on February 8.

Also, on the same date the Cal-vin College negative team will meet Hope's affirmative here. The affirm-ative team has not been named, but it will be chosen from the follow-ing:

Donald Martin, William Kuyper, Nicholas Burggraaff, Jacob Pelon, Leonard Hogenboom.

Men's Glee Club to Make Trip?

If Dr. Dimnent gives his con-sent, Hope's Men's Glee Club will enjoy a trip this year. Manager Otto Yntema has been busy for several weeks in preparation. He has not decided whether they are to go to the East or into the West, in event the desired permission is given.

The Manager states that this year sees one of the best clubs in school history and that the proe-pective tour has added new test to the club's practice sessions. Nich-olas Lanning, president of the or-ganisation, is also hopeful that Dr. Dimnent will

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T H E A N C H O R r Editor....- — — AntocUtc Editor*. Athletics. Campus News -Alumni Exchanges Head Reporter R e p o r t e r * M a r l o n

CiouRh, Harold Nienhuia, Robert

RuftinMB Manairer Aaaistants Circulation ManaKcr

Alday. Hoover Notier,

THE ANCHOR STAFF Earle E. Langeland

Alice Brunaon, Donald Wade Bernard Arendahorrt, WaUon Spoelatra

Evelyn Steketee """"" ^ Bernadine Siebera

Donald Martin ' P«ul Brower

Adella Beeuwke*. Nicholas BurtruraafT. Anno Buth. William Tillie Masselink. Esther Mulder. John Mulder, Arthur

Cynthia Palmer. Lillian Sabo. Harry Ver Strate. BUSINESS STAFF

Raymond McGilvra Louis Damstra, Lois De Wolfe

Harry K. Smith

V / T M . C y « - AND - A -


* o | • •

E N J O Y I N G W O R K 4 'Are you busy as a college s tudent?" Such is the foolish

question asked in t h e October "Forensic". But it also goes on to say, "You will be busier as a college professor or in

any other profession, if you make good, to an equal degiee . My word, what shall we do? Can it be tha t our teachers,

tha t doctors, lawyers, business men, or, in fact , anyone can possibly be more busy than we are? Work seems inevitable. Good marks, good positions, "raises", wealth, honored and envied position, success and power are all bought by work. The more popular, the more honored, the more beloved a per-son is, the more work is required of him. Nobody likes a lazy person; everyone admires and likes the one who is

always cheerfully "ready to help."

Yes, we might as well decide tha t life is mostly work, and

"gri t our tee th" and make the best of it. Some say tha t work can even be enjoyed. Perhaps t ha t is the best way to look at it. Anyway we all know tha t the nicer the th ing is tha t we wish to buy the more we usually have to pay fo r it. The "cash" in many cases seems to be work. Why not enjoy the "cash" even though it may not buy anything very g rea t?

Just a Word from. Ye Editors We, the underslung, in order to

make this column more universally local and more locally universal ex-tend this our formal invitation to all students of Hope College and the rest of you, to cdntrtyute to either of the Humor Editors, such jokes as you desire to be published in this, our weekly blabber.

Moreover, should such circum-stances arise, we invite you to criti-cize or advise us as to how we may better this column.

Yours Gradually, BILL and MIKE

o— . Who Ever'd A Thunk It

We are told there are only two kinds of collitch men. Those who try to make their work lighter; and those who try to make their lighter


"Lot's wife had nothing on me," said the convict as he turned to a pile of stone.

Young Wife: A rent you the same man I gave some biscuits to

last week? Tramp: No, Mum, and the doctor

says 1 never will be again, either.

Ah! who wouldn't walk a mile for a Camille? A ask yeh!

"Hey, Rastus! Lemme present mah wife to yuh!"

"Naw, Suh! Boy! I's got one of

mah own!"

Raymond, in history class: "Who discovered America?'

Les: "Ohio, sir." Aforementioned: "Ohio? You're

crazy. It was Columbus." L. V: "Yes, 1 know. But I didn't

think it was necessary to mention the gentlemans first name."

Popping (in telegraph office) "Now be sure these last three words are underlined."

Prof. Kleis: "Harry, what animal is most noted for its f u r ? "

Happy Friesma: "The skunk; the more fur you get away from

"I wonder what makes all Scotch-men such humorists," said the ab-sentminded p r o f e s s o r , as he scratched his pancake and poured syrup down his back. "It must be

a gift." J

Schade: "One man dies in New York every minute."

Carl W: "Yeah? I'd like to see


Larxo Cake is Feature Students in Western Theological

Seminary accompanied by their la-dies, stormed the home of Rev. E. J. Blekkink, College Ave., Thursday evening and surprised their former teacher and professor, who recently became professor emeritus. The refreshmer.ts taken by the party included a large cuke, about three feet long, decoratcd in pink letters, "W. T. S.—God Be With You!" Mr. and Mrs. Blekkink are to leave for Florida shortly.




Once upon a t ime there was a little boy named Johnny

who considered himself a very busy man. One day when i t seemed to Johnny t h a t he was the busiest boy in town, the re came pouring down upon him f rom murky skies a deluge of books, term papers and outlines, and glaring, empty, blue-books. The deluge struck Johnny so unprepared t h a t before he knew it, he was buried head and foot in a g rea t pile of such things so deeply t h a t all was very dark and gloomy and he couldn't see his way out. But finally, a f t e r kicking and squirming and sweating for several weeks, he finally shook the burden from his shoulders, very tired and worn out, and with more or less damage to the themes and blue-books.

Several months passed and Johnny once more saw hints of murky skies. But experience had made him a wiser and bet ter little boy, so when the deluge came th is time, he saw tha t it did not bury him as before, but climbing to the very top, cheerfully and calmly sat down and enthusiastically though carefully sorted out and eliminated the themes and blue-books one by one. Before he knew i t he was a t the bot-tom of the pile, and happy to again be free, ran joyously out

doors to play. The moral of the story is, "Sit on the top of the pile."

Go thou and do likewise.


I t is usual, a t the beginning of each new term, fo r the editor to declare a certain policy which he and his staff will

pursue throughout their term of office.

A t the present t ime there is no definitely formulated pol-

icy : only a tacit understanding among the staff members tha t they shall produce as readable, as inclusive, and as accurate

an ANCHOR as is humanly possible.

You, gentle reader, and perhaps voter, have given the editor a staff with no lack of ability. If then, we do not pro-duce as good an ANCHOR as you expect, it will not be fo r lack of talent in the staff, but only a lack of effort.

The time will come, as it mus t always come in insti tutions good and bad, when you will criticise the ANCHOR. Do not hesitate to do so. I t is YOUR ANCHOR, and no one has more right to criticise it than you. But let your crit icisms come directly. Do not tell your neighbor in class; or your best fr iend, but tell us. Your fr iend, or your neighbor cannot correct the evil: we may be able to do so. The editor is held responsible by the faculty fo r everything tha t goes into an ANCHOR, and if they wish to make any complaints, ihey come directly to him. Let it be so with you. If a false sense of modesty or a natural re t i r ing keeps you f rom mentioning these things directly, there is always the ANCHOR box in

Van Raalte Hall. Make use of i t !

Examination Schedule

Rudy: "No girl ever made a fool

out of me." Bob: "Who was it then?"

"Up and atom," cried the mole-


"Don't think you're a bargain just because you're half otT."

I can stand all slurs on myself Which question my good sense and

knowledge, But this is the one that I've shot

people fdr "Do you work now or still go to


The woman's board of foreign missions in tha Reformed Church in America will celebrate its fifty-fourth anniversary next Monday. It was organized in 1876 as an au-xiliary to the board of foreign mis-sions and in 1892 obtained its char-ter from the state of New York.

Its membership consists of GO women from all parts of the church, a majority from the vicin-ity of New York city, where all its business sessions are held. The officers are: President. Mrs. De-Witt Kn:x; corresponding secre-tary, Mrs. Eliza P. Cobb; treasur-er, Miss Anna F. Bacon.

The function of the board is to send out single women missionaries to maintain the work for women and children in the foreign field, and to foster the foreign mission-ary interest of these organizations in the home churches.


Prof. Robinson: Any questions? Famous last lines: Cupie: Yes, what course is this? "We could tell you some more Then they ask why Profs lose jokes, but what's the use? You'd

their adorable tresses. only laugh at them."

M N L,

We are informed in one of the

recent newspapers of Grand Rap-ids that Miss Helen R. Zander, of the Class of '28, has been appointed coach in basketball at Sturfpes Sem-inary, Japan. Miss Zander sailed for the Orient August 16, and upon her arrival there took the place of Miss Florence Walvoord, a grad-uate of '18, who is home on fur-lough. As a member of the faculty of Sturges Seminary, Miss Zander has taken hold of her work with enthusiasm, and at present is teaching English and History be-sides continuing her language


Rev. George Sterninger, alumnus of '10, conducted one of the chapel

services last week. It is interesting to know that in the year 1915, Rev. Sterninger won first prize in the Raven Oratorical Contest at Hope College. Following this he took first place in the State, then the District and finally the National contest for Oratory.

Clarence Vander Kalk, '28, re-cently graduated from the Western State Normal School at Kalamazoo and is now instructor in Mathe-matics and Physics in the Allegan High School. An increase in en-rollment made the mid-tern addi-tion necessary.

J . C P E N N E Y CO. CI-66 East 8th Street.



Basketball time is here and you'll

want a new suit when you take

her to the game. You'll like ours,

and if you do happen to refnember

the price, it won't spoil your pleas-

ure. $19.75 fur a suit with one pair

of pants and $4.98 extra for a 2-

pant;; suk.



Without nerve-racking, hetrt-breek-ing scales and exerciwi. You i r e taufht to pity by note in regular pro-fessional chord style. In your very first lesson you will be able to play a popular number by note.


The "Hallmark Self-Instructor", >• the title of this method. Eight years were required to perfect this work. The entire course with the ne-cessary examination sheets, is. bound in one volume. The first lesson is un-sealed which the student may examine and be his own "JUDGE and JURY." The later part of the "Hallmark Self-Instructor", is sealed-

Upon the student returning any copy of the-Hallmark Self-Instructor" with the seal un broken, we will rafund in full all money paid.

This amazing Self-Instructor will be sent anywhere. You do not need to send any money. When you receive this new method of teaching music. Deposit with the Postman the sum of len dollars. If you are not entin ly satisfied, the money paid will be return-ed in full, upon written request. 1 he Publishers are anxious to place this "Self-Instructor" in the hands of music lovers all over the country, and is in a position to make an attrective prop-ositionto agents. Send for your copy today. Address The "Hallmark Self-Instructor" Slatfon 0, Post Office Box 111, New York. N. Y.

"O. K." T h a t ' s what they all say.


Rev. and Mrs. Bayles, of New Brunswick, announce the engage-ment of their daughter, Marthena, '26, to Mr. Randall Bosch, '26. Mr. Bosch is attending the Harvard Law School.

Word has been received of the birth of a daughter, Marion, during the Christmas vacation, to Rev. and Mrs. C. Bakker (nee Marion Mersen) '23, of Holland.

Quality Shoe Reparng That's Our Busiuss

u D i c k " t h e S h o e D o c t o r

Electric Shoe Hospital D. Schaftenaar, Prop.

Phone 5328 13 E. 8th St.

We Call For and Deliver

Arnold's Confectionery





8:25 — 11:5$ ! 1 :05-

Monday All first have classes of 3, 4 Jan. 28 and 5 recitations per week

All second have classes of 3,4 and 5 recitation per week

Tuesday A11 t h i r d h o u r c l a f e 8 e s o f 3 ' 4

Jan. 29 and 5 recitations per week |

All fourth have classes of 3, 4 and 4 recitations per week; and classes in comparative anatomy and botany

Wednesday Jan. 30

Fifth hour Mon. and Wed. classes in Junior Bible, and and Sophomore Public Speak-ing.

All second hour classes of 2 recitations per week and all fourth hour classes of 2 reci-tation for week, and Tues. snd Thurs. fiftb hour Junior Bible sections.

Thursday Jan. 31

All third hour classes of 2 recitations per week

All first hour classes of 2 re-citations per week.

Friday Feb. 1

All sixth hour classes •

When 0i Beat'Em 6 to 5'

After the game—when the home team has put ud a terrific battle, and the winning point has been scored— even the folks who failed to see it done are "all set" for a hot time in the old town tonieht. Baseball, Football, Basket ball—it's aU the same. When our boys trim the other bunch, we're proud ol em, and we don't care who knows it1

No person in this community is more interested in foa-tering good, dean sports than the publishers of this paper. We want to do our bit every time there's a chance to boost a game or a celebration that merits popular support In addition to our newspaper columns, one of the best ways we can help is in tne printing of posters and an* nouncements. This is part of our business, and we can • produce the right \ind of advertising for any such occasion.

Don't depend on "word of mouth" publicity or "home made" pastas for the success of your picnic or athletic event Every contestant needs the encouragement of a good crowd—and you need ample gate receipts. Get our ideas about pub licity, and our prices for posters that will put your affair over with a bang.

We do it the way you want it Done

White Cross Barbers

Nick Dnema Electric Shoe Repair Shop 230 River Opp. Pott Olllco

m p f ir n

Holland City News 32 W. 8th Street (Second Floor) Bell Telephone 60B0


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• .



I'irst of all, we hope you have made a New Year's resolution to read this column.

Secondly, we appeal to all loyal Hopeites for aid. Hereafter when-ever you see something interesting, don't overlook it. If you know something interesting don't keep the information to yourself. Don't be selfish, tell us about it. Don't

cons ign these choice bits to the waste basket, give them to the Dust Pan instead. We call it the Dust Pan because we intend to use those bits of news that do not have the possibilities of a regular article and that are too good to throw away. So when some interesting piece of news comes your way, please sweep it up into the Dust Pan rather than throw it into the waste basket. We're Scotch and we hate to see good news wasted.

Thirdly we wish to thank those who edited this Column last year for their "best wishes and fervent condolences." Now to begin:

Last Sunday evening the Voor-hees inmates were honored by the presence of eight Fraters at sup-per. We don't just exactly under-stand the reason for this, but such popularity must be deserved. Any-way it's always interesting to have guests at supper.

We're glad to see that some of the fellows still possess hats. The cold weather last week caused many a worthy, shivering collegian to delve into the fa r corners of his closet, or into the depths of his trunk for long discarded headgear. Which only goes to prove that it's the weather that regulates our * lives. Now that going hatless is the accepted thing to do, it will soon become collegiate to cover the head once more. We crave some-thing different, you know.



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has revealed imitation cells that resemble very closely those of liv-ing organisms and the structure of protoplasm. Prof. Herrera makes no extravagant claims but merely holds that the evidence he has found during some 6,000 experi-

Speaking of cold weather — we heard someone remark that he hated to go to bed because he hated m e n ^ s m a y be worthy of note in a to get up in such cold weather. We hitherto uncredited field.

feel that a prize should be offered to anyone who invents a device whereby one is able to close an open window on a cold morning without getting out of bed.

Chiang Kaishek, president of the Chinese Republic, has the enviable record of having risen from a poor boy to his present position. The only way that his success is con-

Several changes have been going ceivable to such lengths as he has on in Voorhees Hall, moving in, g o n e jg o n the basis that his has moving out, and moving around, been a military career. He was 41 Orsavilla Austin and Olga Bender y e a r s 0 f a g e when he took office have moved in, Anne De Young has l a s t October. His wife is a grad-moved out, and several of the girls u a t e o f Wellesey College. have changed rooms. This chang-

world! Reports from the Dutch press in-

We sympathize with Helen dicate that there are those who fear Phillips and Phyllis De Jong who that Holland is suffering from have been absent from classes be- modernity. The efficient and ugly cause of illness. They say it's no threatens to supplant the pictur-


COLONIAL SWEET SHOP Candles, Fancy Sundaes, Hat Fudge Sundaes, Hat Chaca-

latev Taasted Sandwiches, Gilbert's Chacalates


CLASSES that have gone before have shown appreciation of the interest and courteous attention that we make a part of our printing service.

Holland Printing Co. Fine Printing


210 Callage Ave., HOLLAND

fun and we agree with them.

No one goes to bed hungry at the Dorm now. The Glee Club girls sold sandwiches to the Voorhees girls on Monday and Wednesday

evenings. p o r third time since its in-We are glad to see Janet McKin- gtitution in 1901 the Alfred B.

ley back on the campus again. Only, j^obel Prize for Literature has gone

esque and ancient and the modern rush of city people to the country destroys much of the beauty of rural haunts — for beauty must be sought apart from the throng.

It is reported that talking movies

require absolutely sound proof

studios for their production. The

outside of the buildings is covered

with hard surface plaster to deflect

noise, there is a dead air space of

four inches between walls. There can be no windows and the doors have to be specially constructed and hung to exclude sound waves. A very interesting and new field for building contractors has thus made its appearance.


in the percentage of college students whom we are privileged to serve

LAUGHLIN'S RESTAURANT "Where Food is most like Mothers"

wouldn't it be better to let your mother know that you arrived safely, Janet? Telegrams are ex-pensive, you know.

to Norway. Sigrid Undset is the honored person. She writes of the Norway of the middle ages and it is pointed out by the critics that

Oh yes, in case you've forgotten, she dominates because she has that We just want to remind you that rare power of living subjectively in exams begin next week. It 's always her works. She is blood and flesh nice to know about these things be- of the period of which sh^ treats

fore hand.

Sena Rensink was forced to leave school because of the condition of her health. We hope she'll be able to come back next year.

and has caused a wonderful rejuve-natioirof the Saga.

Ina De Cracker had a birthday the other day and it was celebrated at Voorhees with a "table party." Happy birthday, Ina, and many more of them.

Are you having a hard time get-ting to first hour class on time this week? We hope that all alarm clocks are in good working order. It doesn't pay to be a "foolish vir-gin" this week.

We imagine that most of us have been burning the midnight electric-ity in the annual last minute rush to get note-books, themes, and term papers finished.

It 's comforting to think that by this time next week we'll be almost at the end of exams.


& %W/

For Things Musical Pianos and Victrolas Rented

New Records Every Friday

MEYER MUSIC HOUSE 17 West 8lh St. Phone 5167


Have You Heard—

• Jt

The borderland between the in-organic and organic world on the fringe of recognized science has been for 30 years the chosen ex-perimental field of Prof. Alfonso L. Herrera, chief of the division of biology of the Mexican Department of Agriculture. It is his belief that he has in this way obtained curious evidence that may relate to the origin of life upon the earth. He has taken both mineral and organic substances and caused them to mimic life itself. His microscope

Questions—25 1—Who used the pen name

Georpe Eliot? 2—What was the longest game In

the American league? 3—How many secretaries of stnte

became Presidents and who were they?

4—What state was named for a King of England of the house of Stuart and who was he?

5—What Is biology? 0—In what branch of painting,

besides portraits, was Thomas Gainsborough celebrated?

7—What Is the name of the largest lake In Russia?

8—What country Is the turkey native of and bow many species are there?

9—How many letters are there in the French alphabet?

10—Where in the Bible does this verse occur: ''And he set the sea on right side of the east end, over against the south"?

Answers—25 1—Mary Ann Evans. 2—Philadelphia defeated Boston

4-1 In a 24-lnnIng game September 1, 1906.

3—Six; Jefferson, Madison, Mon-roe, John Qulncy Adams, Van Bu-ren, Buchanan.

4—Carolina, for Charles 1. 5—That branch of knowledge

that treats on the science of life. 6—Landscape painting. 7—Ladoga. 8—It Is a native of North Amer-

ica and there are but two species, the Yucatan and Central American.

9—Twenty-five. 10—II Chronicles; Chap. 4, ?. 10.

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Gives each Individual Hope Student the Best Service and Food possible.


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Cleaning and Steam Pressing Auto—Call Delivery—Service

College Ave, and 6lh St. HOLLAND, MICH.

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Call 5704 for Appelntnwiit Rear of Olliot

REPAIRING Try us for all kind of Jewelry

and watch repairing

izinga's Jewelry

Page 4: 01-23-1929

Page Pony T H E A N C H O R

ATHi-ETlEfi i

v p ; '

The Oracle (Alias Percy) Speaks By Percy Kuted






Fine Form in Frosh Tossers

The Orange and Blue tossers were turned back in their first M.I.A.A. struggle when the basket-ball team from Hillsdale College invaded the Carnegie gymnasium on Tuesday, January 15, and eked out a 29-26 victory. Hillsdale took the more experienced Hope five by surprise and led most of the way through some fine basketball and good shooting. It was not until late in the final period that the Schou-tenmen realized their superiority over the visitors, but a determined rally staged in the closing minutes of play fell just three points short of tying.

This is how the trick was turned against the boys. Hillsdale started things before the game was a min-ute old on a half-court shot, but De Pree retaliated with one of his own making that was equally as good. Vander Hill sank on through the meshes to give Hope an advantage but Restifo caged two field goals in quick succession to put the Hills-dale team in front. At the quarter the score stood 12-8 against the Hopeites, and as each team dropped in a deuce and Hope got a foul in the second period, Hillsdale main-tained the advantage.

Hilledale gradually drew away from the Hope fellows and held a comfortable margin as the game was nearing its close. Without a warning the Hope volcano began an eruption, Van Lente, De Velder, Martin and De Pree dropping in baskets that put Hope only one point behind the invaders. Both teams began a fast and furious bat-tle with the result that the Hills-dale team collected another basket and the game.

Hope basketeers were not right up to their highest form, but Mar-tin, De Pree and Van Lente played commendable ball. Howe and Al-linder were two sweet ball players for the winners and meant a great deal to the Hillsdale team in the

win. The Frosh played a snappy game

in the preliminary to beat the Sen-iors by a 27-17 count. Tite Van Haitsma was rather hot on the loop for the yearlings and accounted for six field goals. The Frosh have now won three straight games and will be a threat to any of the green-clads in the M.I.A.A.

Lineups and summary: HILLSDALE—29

Restifo, rf 2 0 4 Davis, rf 1 0 2 Howe, If 4 3 11 Johnson, If - 1 1 3 Voss, c 1 1 3 Allinder, rg 3 0 6 Vander Molen, Ig 0 0 0

Totals 12 5 29 HOPE—26

De Pree, rf 4 0 8 Vander Hill, If 1 0 2 De Velder, If 2 0 4 Martin, c 2 3 7 Van Lente, rg 1 1 3 De Young, Ig 0 0 0 Cook, Ig 1 0 2

Coach John L. (Jack) Schouten apparently has a yearling crop slightly better than the average. Headed by Joe Harms, the Archer flash, the squad appears pregnant with speed, an all important factor in the court game. Among the can-didates for forwards besides Harms are Dalman, a letter man from Holland High; Van Haitsma, from Zeeland; Ter Vree and Hoffman, from Holland High. "Waddy" Spoelstra, also a pupil of Hinga, looks best at center a t the present time. For guard positions. Coach Schouten has the redoubtable Tom Beaver; Bouma, a Zeeland High product; Cupery, of Cedar Grove, Fox, Damstra and Bossenbroek.

The team, as yet, has played but two games, eking out victories over the Senior and Sophomore class teams in closely contested games. The team at those times showed rare flashes of speed which, having been developed by Coach Schouten, should prove the necessary impetus to carry it over to victory.

An incomplete schedule follows: Feb. 6 Hope at Kazoo College. Feb. 15 Kazoo College at Hope. Feb. 19 Hope at Albion. Feb. 22 Calvin at Hope. Feb. 27 Olivet at Hope. Mar. 8 Calvin at Grand Rapids.

We see by the papers tha t A1 Smith is being considered fo r the position of chairman of the board

of directors of a New York bank. Think of all the honor tha t A1 would be missing if he were presi-dent-elect now. Maybe it is best af ter all that he is an also-ran.

Did you notice the cute little cookie-duster that adorned the upper lip of one of the Hillsdale boys? Rumor says that some of the girls actually fell for it. Prob-ably there are those in our midst who will favor the girls in making the sight of such an ornament an every day feature among the stu-dent body as well as among the fac-ulty.

Girls—when your beauty fails to get a husband, it 's time to use your head!

Brute Japinga's definition of a basketball basket:—"A cast-iron doughnut with drawstrings that sticks out from a couple of painted boards." •

Well, we didn't get the yellow edition, did we?

The fellow that borrows your book at exam time is usually the guy that boasts he never bought one for the course.

As this goes to the press the standings of the class league reach Us. It appears that the Juniors and the Frosh are the only undefeated teams. The eyes of the sport world will be centered on Holland when these two teams get together to make history.


I'm sitting on top of the world, I ask no more, I ask no more; I'm quitting the blues of the world. My exams are all o'er. My exams

are all o'er. • It 's queer that our campus should

get a double dose of alcoholic lec-tures; we thought that we had an ideal campus. No, folks, it isn't what it used to be.

In all probability the recently re- | tired Anchor Staff is heaving sighs |

At a meeting of the "Athletic Board of Control" it was decided that in the future all provisions in reference to Athletic Tickets will be strictly adhered to. Tickets are not transferable and will be con-fiscated if held by any other than person originally subscribing. No one may gain admission with the excuse that ticket was left home. If ticket is forgotten admission may be gained by payment of reg-ular fee, a coupon will be issued whereby on presentation with A.A. ticket admission will be returned. Duplicate tickets will be issued on payment of fifty cents. Children s admission is twenty-five cents.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Moser announce the engagement of Miss Margaret Gordon, '28, to their son, Frank, '28. Miss Gordon is taking a nurse s training at Ann Arbor while Mr. Moser is attending the University.

Miss Swantina De Young, '23, a missionary to Arabia, has an-nounced her engagement to Rev. Jones, a fellow worker in the Mis-

sion Field.

Among the guests in Holland over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yonkman (nee Janet Albers) '25, who drove from Iowa to visit their relatives. Mr. Yonkman is a teacher at the University of Iowa.

Dr. Morris Steggerda, '22, Prof, of Anthropology at Smith College, spent his vacation here with his parents. His brother, Frederick, '25, who is working for his Doctor's degree a t the University of Minne-sota, was also home at the time.



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Camburn's Delicious Candies Sold only in bulk and fresh each Friday night

Assorted Bon Bons 43c a pound Assorted Chocolates 43c a pound Assorted Mint Wafers 50c a pound

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20% reduction on all Overcoats

Leather coats and Sheep lined coats

VISSER & BAREMAN 50 East Eighth St.

"We want you to feel at home with us."



Totals 11 4 26 Referee: Kobs, M. S. C.

— — o Books and Bibles were handed

out as prizes to those having per-fect attendance in the Third Re-formed church Sunday school last week Sunday.

During the past year the Athletic Association of Hope College has been the recipient of several finan-cial gifts. It wishes at this time to thank the donors publicly for their aid. The Association Treas-ury has a consistently constant reputation for being "broke;" we wish that this reputation might be ruined. Professor Hager and Mr. Freyling (Wealthy Florals, Grand Rapids) have contributed to the purchasing of the new "warming-up pants" our boys are wearing. Boter's Basketeers of Grand Rap-ids turned over the profit of the New Year's Day game to our As-sociation ($257.90). We once more wish to express our thanks and will heartily welcome any further contributions.



Taking an early lead, Zeeland de-feated Grand Rapids Christian High basketball team at Zeeland Friday night, winning 20 to 18. Zeeland had a 9 to 3 lead at the first quarter, still was 11 to 8 a t the half, held a 15 to 12 lead at the third quarter and staved off a Gr. Rapids rally to come out on top. De Jonge of Zeeland was high man for that team with a total of 9 points, while Van Der Zee of Gr. Rapids lead his outfit with 6 points. Bos and Van Noord made five points each for Grand Rapids.

o Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Tyner, of

Holland, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn, to Mr. Wm. Leebelt. Miss Tyner is a grad-uate of Class '26.

of relief that its work is o'er.

Cupid's arrows have hit a num- j ber of our alumni over the Christ- | mas season.

- O n



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