Page 1: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

' X jt!J(


I County of. Zr.&.ijD.l*. y.^.L^TK. J |

B f)OC>&(:T «C« "* £ // O-*~t>ro/i /Jlc fa^tO^fthavinrr firsi been duly sworn, depnse .S*. orui

I . wyJ" ffiaf f'icy &,r£,. of lawful eye and . Cft-.4-.e~ tAe oppfopriator.5

I r end cfaimantS of the drier and wnitr right mentiontd in the foregoing notice ofSB * ~

I completiy? of groundwater appropriation hy means of well and the person^. whose name^

H subscribed thereto, as the appropriatorS and claimant^........ that Tt*.he..y know the

• contents of taid foregoing notics and that the matUrs jvKd~Hving& therein stated are true.

I , ///v\j(^^cw^//.A.X^^t^

I • SiibscrCbed and sworn to before me, this *r- -^ day of ^C^4^~^reS^^..-j^ , 19.fc.tT

H S Notary Public for the State of Montana.

I • Residing at /yz^&t***, ~^z£^&***<. .

I My Commission expires.....//'..-?..T/'.£-. 19ts?.£?

i -or S*W : II " • ill •lill^fl^ IB ~> - Sn

Page 2: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

•fl GW 2 Approved Slock Form—State Publishing Co.. Helena, '."—4S55'» ^ S S ? ^ 3 .


I ~ (Eiev. above sea ieveL.™l£^ ) Notice of Completion of Ground water• — Appropriation by Means of WellH - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUABY 1, 1962 1H — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Hj

! S | Owner.......... .„ -Address :.. •

I j _ Dnlle,.^?..^1.^.- i^^A# i ID Date of Notice cf appropriation of groundwater !*:.?... A .7. •

Wk ^_ _ i^£ ' Date well started.^£..??£' ..(J±l.Dntc comvkte^^^ 1

• __ SW u>*ter A Type Q{ weU J r l . ^ Equipment ,sed.l:.±^ii^.... . . . . ? 1fl J (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) j flH — I Water use: Domestic 0"" Municipal • Stock Q" Irrigation f j -1 flH _ J Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Qj- '•; flIfl I Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata flfl I met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sanu, etc. Show H|jB ~ | depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing H>X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. •

H SUe or Size nml From I To PERFftnATIONS fl• - Drilled Weltht (F.ei) (Feet) PERFORATIONS H• Hole of Culnt / o • ft • MlMl I From To flB — I b */f U H / t « » ^ ° U'V S,1" <"««>. <»*« fl

• _ I r ' P £*>*>' £>o' •

H -.•-"- I DO I | /i"f p vy ok.j S 'i fl

fl — I N Static Water Level for non-flowing well jfl

• _ . _^J _ __J Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WCILO..?..^.*.... Ifl I ' i Pumping Water Level .*??..? feet fl^v ! i ' /-» ^H• J w ; I ! E ai ™ gal. per minute. •fl j | Discharge v> gal. per min. of flowing well H

I - S £ 2 ? ^ ^ ^ — - ] -j now stcd &y. .^ , . . .B^i^: II " ^ 0 ^ ^ * " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ j ! Length of Tcrt Lk°.*,!C. II — O'clock^ •? u "» "T Remarks: (Gravel j-ucking, cementing, pack- • H

I _ i S c locafon of"we5f"and ^tld^JA"!^. •H place of use, if possible. Each P u , . r c / w ^ £ o"f* i? r ? &f! C.Ty I• — small square represents 40 "^ i ' / HH acres. ,^f

fl (Continue on reverse side) H• ' USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state Hn _ /-» O - J ' i ^ ^ ; number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- HI r?/3/>+V /?er-vo«-a1»^-» tion).> , A fl• — v — ° * a v I O ^ V - 3r..r.!r..lAS?.«..f?r? T.^.r.A.^.A..£^.rJ.?. ° X . / . 3 ! ? c ^ < ? . ^ - •• ~~ -j ' J/i^e r i-'^/s - ^ v c k ^ - T D ^ r ! ' i ^ ' u ^ f' .11: ^ i ° *" s *r^. * I• ' ^ Show exact depth of bottom. H p s« /) c (j «. s. «2. H

9 This form to bo prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the ' "".V."'","'".'", '"." '." ^ |H County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number H jH retained by driller. , **j ,f-> / / PD

£' /I <//? • l^slt*— HBi Please answer all questions. If not applicable, 60 state, •otherwise the form will be t^ -oS—*- *..—-ft' ^ H| | returned. Driller's Sipmnturc. H

Page 3: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

•a . H

I £13873 I

^ B / 7> day ,af-.- S~l&r'^ - H

I ^ ::":i. __ IH • • "cou'nty R«corch»r- •

Page 4: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

W^Mt File No T ' R -

H ^ K f DUPLICATE County ::... : •



fl^B OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER . ^ . ;6 !&-'.••

^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights ;j ^ ^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1S61)

f^B / ; ; . . /'s'i -"•//." V_, /• I 1 ?J)JLLJL~*U <^.*:£stA<-^. , of..^^-,.l^...c^: .^.L^C^/n*^,H^H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)•H County o£....^-^fe*=V.i /......<T:..£<r.*£ State of /&<c..i.tdC*£*.*£g- ^ - -..-^ ^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

M^H) | ; i | i ; : i I 2. The beneficial use on which theclaim is based.../^^?^ •;:c.-^.4^r.C':.l^^KK i i i '. • I ?:/•'?.<• e^"-ctjC. - •' V.^.'.-.Vf-T?-./J^^H : '; • I i j "7fl^HH '. ; ; ! | j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eontinu-j ^ ^ B —| : J— i--i—!—- otis the use has been....-^:::.v^r....y..!: /..*>..<:. J.• H : I ! ! i ! i ...h&iM .r.... Sl.<^^*^£?< y ^| ^ ^ ^ H w 1 : \ ' i \ i F ^/"J-i'C. '—-f/SSf. .. ...•r?!^*^?^-:?^.-?.-.d/-:'r:Jti?r*:}^^•H ••-; : : ; - ! 4 Tne amount of groiuidwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

• •••;-{ I i-f-f- ^^k3^:SkzS^f3n:^szm^ ^ ^ H [ I : '. ' I i ; i I B. Tf used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landefl^^^H s to which water has be«n appiied and uame of the owner thereof

• B sKk *^T_'LB«2 :zr::ss::::ssi^z:::::::::::::::::::::::^ ^ ^ ^ B Indicate point of appropriation ~^ I ^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. Each „ . , , . , , , -, , ^ •,^HH small square represents 10 acres. 6, The means of withdrawing such water from tho ground and the loca-^^H9 tion of each well or other means of withdrawal

^ ^ ^ H ?• The date of commencement and completion of. the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-^ ^ ^ H drawal of groundwater _-<l «jc? ../.C?..'"..'2-.G..;...J.?l.fc^ •

W^^m ' 8. Thu depth of water table J?....&:....Z / . •:./..

^ ^ ^ H 9- So far as it may be available, the type, si?,« *>nd depth of eacli well or the general specifications of any otherB ^ H B works for the withdrawal of groundwater ^ . yc.

^ ^ ^ ^ | 12. Such other information of a simUrir nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingIJ^^^B reference to book and page of any county record ~ —

m : = = = : : : : : : : : : : • : - :^ H Signature of Owncr..<{^^;.^^A..-^r^^?*^

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be ret.anwl.

j ^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofH ^ ^ B Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 3 i» *l .£" £

Page 5: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H STATE Ofpf^"V'"';':' . >K ' S. H

• Records ol Lewis * 9*"* H• Coun^V^Qt Montana:-j.- " i\ •

H sy —- • 5«P«rt» H

B 7 'r< * ••

Page 6: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ h 1"™ ' •" ••• • •• mi,1,11,1m


HB NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ^rave! shale' sandstone- etc show

1 . APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL . r ^ . , ^ © 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^B B H . Davdoped after January 1, 1962 '''''-'•O'S'.'s ^. '^ K ' ; i S t U

fj^H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <Eiw.abBvtic.iwa

B ^ ^ ^ K This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be fiied I From ToHH| by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Fw>) • t F r t t ) __•NHR' which this well is located., last copy to be retained by driller. o_ _ 2 0 JSrakeo.-Shale.HW. ,. Piease answer all questions. If nov applicable, so state, otherwise the _•HB form may be returned. ___ 201 60 Swiri HarH c h a y

__H_' \ Owner ._Cap... Bryant .—-— , __6ol JL2___Ha_i.Shala .9MHR, i~i~ for Administrators Usa |8Hf ' Address . ^ 8 0 . N v Montana Fi!e cgA^tfS.M ^ B - ' - ASjLe£^UiwS>^,'/97/ —

^ ^ H ; .Hsl«Ra+..Jto!tJ;aaa tr/.y..?../^On

^HB Date well started 2.r23-21 GW 1 j =

_ B B ~ completed 2-23-21

K^B -:15s of well ......PriUfd_B^_H * •' (Ouc. driven, boitri or drffied) 1 ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — —

^HHB Equipment used ....^PMry.^^H^B (Chum drill, taimry or other) - _ _ _ _ - _ — _______________-___-_-___- - - - -—-———

flH^B Water Use: Domestic (_ .^ur.icipal G Stock Q Irrigation 0

•B^ H | Industrial • Drainage C Other • * Garden/Lawn _| '

_ HwflHBH1HH| USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I^^^^m slate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ' "fl|^H and Addition)

^ H H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL £0,^SSSS Size of size and j From TTo I ~ ' •^•• •H Drirna WzUfA i.'M1 (Pedl PERFORATIONSS^^^H^^H now Of VrWinR — _ . ___.,. . , —•—— ——•-^••—•—— —-•' —••—•••—• ••.• ••• ——.«^«——•—»•—• m...m.• - - « — • —

____^__B Kind From To 1 I

SI 6 " 17 l b . 0 20 SU' (Fttt) <F^ ZZ1 -IH^B 20 123

• ZOZZZZZ:I 1 _ ifjEj —H B \ '? w ~" s TIT ZIZ I_ ' _~^ ^ ^ H ' j j I i I Static water level 60. ft.* -• — . -_ ^ ^ ^ _ ! ; Pumping water level 115- ft.* . __^ ^ ^ H -; -! at 2.0 gallons per minute.^ ^ ^ ^ B ! x ; measured .liO.minutes after pumping _____«. «.«.

"SB «- ' I ; a b e 9 8 n - |.

^•^^S ! ! *Me*iured from ground level. !^|^^^B ; ; Weil developed by ....air. ~ ,.""T~ "" *"^ ^ ^ ^ H ] : 'or 2 hours.H^H '; i Power Pump HP "1 .,...." ~ "" "* """"^ ^ ^ ^ B ; \ Remarks; (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ « _ _ — _ __ | ^ _ _ ! packers, type of shutoff) j ———. — —

• _ • .*ft...V« W.....V* See...5 ZIIZZ~II~I~. "~~"^ ^ m T 11.. . . N R '•?..... £w^m i w "zii\ .izzizzzzzmiiziil ^ H INDICATE LOCATION OF WSU AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE.


fifl Driller's Signature U>...-±±^f ^ T ^ ^ . ZZZZIZ:^ ^ H Driller's Address .^L^r^^rr^r.^^t .r^^T^~^*-?rr*:... - • i-^ ^ ^ ^ H LICENSE NO -5<f' Z - i c 3 _ Show exact depth of bottom

Page 7: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• A f^-?fc^S^ ; < i reroTd :J I

Page 8: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ B CW 2 Apprf-c<! Stock Form—St2t; Publishins Co- Helens. Montana—:6S05 - i ^ ^ f c 3 •

• File No :... T....J.1. ~R _.....'. -—. IE • • . • •>•' > •' (" IHj DUPLICATE County— ...i.: ,t:~- 5-fc- •9 STATE OP MONTANA IIS i l O U ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDWATER CODE Ifl T o f Q r o t m d _ STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD fl

1 " (Kiev, above sea level > Notice of Completion of Groundwater I• — Appropriation by Means of Well II - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 flH — 0 • ? • loOfft WflMAl (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) HI _ a taf te grav»?l S-es-si &*•••/<• &• flB Owner ^••....?*J*-W^. AMress..J:s.^^.'Ji.^...J.2:^^.~..J..-:.M B• — 7 - 29* »*ft ahal*. '""" ' fl• _ eaaaid&ra&ta Driller 8fl*»rt Price Address Ql^cy*. Homt»..._ fl• S&msr ©lay fl9 daUPlt 1HP9H& Date oi Notice of appropriation of groundwater.— flfl - oolor „ •• D%> well startcd.HaX..-15*-597ft. Date completf.]..Ba51..22#....I9.7Q fl• — 29 - 70* flM sihal© ^ •fl _ 1«8S Clay, Type of well drUX»& Equipment used gfomt «lTI»ill flfl HflSlfcdX* C9\QT (Dug, driven, bored or drilled; (Churn drill, rotary or other) •H Water use: Domestic£] Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • fl

H _ ?0 » 96• t i gh t Shala Industrial • Drainage D Other Q •fl •*W9 SaftiiOV Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata H• Bt;]*&.$ft8 Ot met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show HH _ t9Vj txgjhts SSSI83.O dopth at which water is encountered, thickness end character of water-bearing HH strata and height to which the water rises in the veil. H

fl Sbe of Sin and From To | PEBMJBATIONS H^

• SO • S t f t r t n&JJClXUj; m* «tc«i^ KI«J mm To •• — vattr 6*» g / 8 » 0 , D . »«» "*« «"«*> •fl _ 36«- 6 g«p«m* 15 !*>• 0 72 •I 90« - 9to 20 B.p.ra. t •I — 95» - 10 feo 12 S^p.«. 5 1/2" 0,,D. I •fl _ 96* - 15 g*p*i** 13 lb, 71 96 5* 15n»r tosch •fl porfontted firora •• — Rlit «<% •& « •K _ I 1 i H

• — N Static Water Level for non-flowing well HK _ ! « 73. feet. •S ! ! Shut-in Presbure forFlowmtWiill] ^tB _ ^ ! I Pumping "Wntcr Level feet ^MCT w I I E at f$. gul. per iniinutc. HK i j Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well HJ

I __ * ] -;- jailer """ flH I < How Tested ". flI - I ! 1 ! Length of Tost 2&»** flI — rX A- J. v <• Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- H j

I ~ . :L/y k.54 SccJL. rill R.^! cra> typc °f shUt° f f ) I• — Indicate location of well and BJm place of use, if possible. Each flI — small square represents 40 Bfl• _ Doc. No-,5 0 9. 9 J ( n<?ros- fl|• Filed for rccrrd • fl• "iis—erfJo--day o f j ^ ^ f c u J j j f ^ l (Continue on reverse side) H j

A. 0. 19_1K)—f at.J^fc3> / . fflMB~If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state fl_ o'clcx:k (T> M. number of acres nnd loention or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- • •

a tior.). ^ 1

' ' sShow exact depth of bottom. fl|

J ? / II This fomi to b« prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by tho owner with the .............*.... .». ^ HI County Clerk nml Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s I/iecnse Number H

retained by driller. / * ^ / 1 /O • • •Pleise anFwcr all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be —£...£..,KWL tZ4*CCJu. Driller's Sitmnturc. ^M

Page 9: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• zdmzs^H i ' *^H ^ '

• ,,OUNTY OK LEWIS A C U W f -• • .. - •

^m i fwreoy certii> ihirt "'w wttwn t»i^ 1 <trumont was f>!?'J in mx of )cy» ov ,• . , ' *

• i.0. 19_.^2 a t . ^ __mln. ft^i ~^-

• Oepirt> V—

I "

^ B * •

Page 10: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

T^*"^™ ••IIIHIIIII i mwmammmmmmmmmm

_ ^ ^ H SI ATE OF MONTANA - . - . . DRILLER'S LOG \jmm ADMINISTRATOR OF GROimtWATER CODE " - < j " lnd ica te t h c cnar3Cterr colcr, thiek-BH M O N T A N A WATER RESOURCES BOARD , ... . f . . ...__ ^ . o f tfrat, s o c h as soi,r c l a / f s a n d ,

^ H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWAT-tt .9™fcl* Ehale «ndstone etc ShowH APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEIL * • * £ ^ ' i £ t JS• • • • Developed after January 1 , 1962

fl^^H (Undk>r Chapter 237 Montane Session Law*, 1961, as imended) Top of Ground IE,--, »bovt<» in-en

U^H| This form to be prepared bv driller, and thrett copies to be filed 1J*~- j TOjS^^B by the twmer with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in I * (Fw<) .1 -S ^ ^ ^ H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. j__ __j_^ HS Piease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the I I — • r 1 _ - i . . . ! , .|HB form may be returned. ^ : i l i \ <"lUJ/ SOSTB

• H I Mdj^^i^Jk^:^^^^^...^.^^.^.. I—1—^ :WMW JijUc.l^.^.1^^/:. 7/kyA/%.t?32l..%3£o**.S^^&B ' i *" ~~~~«———————————H^HI Date well started .—*_ ir-g^ I=J. GW l j — ——— —

•^HB completed <- %*$. rr-\ ————— •— -~~-— —•!!-•• ._—.—— i — —

^ • ^ ^ H Type of well —— — — — - . — . — —I ^ ^ H B J (Oat, rtrlvcn. bored or drifled) _ _ _ _ _ - -

•^^H Equipment used -».«v.«—n*.••>••» ' ' ""^^•B v.hurn -HatJJlui. r««r, or ,«Q ) .B^^H Watc Use: Domestic p Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation •

H9B 'nJustrial D Drainage Q Other n * Gr.rden/Lawn Q

Hn "—~^^•K *Describe^HHK USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I " ' •~~~~~~-~---~~~*~~~ ——• ^ ^ ^ H state nurt>ber of acres anni location cr other dtata (i.e. Lot, Block — — _ _ _ . _ — . — _ ——HHHH _ _ • • _ _ HMH««a""B •i-*™_i«__—-B«B_in_"»—.^_n—_»«-"MiM—_>^—_"

• • ^ • H and Addition) u__ ___«.—-— _—-.—._ ^ H | ESTIMATFD ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL [

•Pj^^l M U M WrlfM iPttt) (CM*) PERFORATIONS I• _ • _ • • M»>» of CW>«« _ _ _ _ _ _ -.,—._».__—. — — . _ — — . —

. • • { ^ • B KH* from T . .

: • • *, - o lit. "- <Ft*" «p-» L _

^ • H "^ w ' ° =^=^ I !!..' Z ,^ ^ ^ O I i I ; I Static water level ...-JXnJ ^ • *_ - _ - _________________^^^Hj i ; Pumping water level .^ok ' ^'* •• f l^H J J. at j.jj, gallons per mifiute,• ^ ^ ^ H '• \ measured minutes after pumping _____ __^_ . . . _ ,______ ,_ .________J^^^H | j began. ..4vH^^B w • ; *Measured from ground level. —__ __— _.__._—»_._«.•_—.___,.fl^H i i Wel1 developed by^ 0 j . . i i ng -^ ^ ^ B i J for ....g hours.H^^B '; j Power Pump HP^ H | < j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,^ ^ ^ ^ D — ' peckers, type of shutoff) ..M _______


• I Driller's S;9nature ...,.icAy^.A^<tk^/X^^... I 1

^ ^ ^ B Driller's Address .....}j.^.. (i.rif-s.-A»--iid • -• Um~"—

^ l , LICENSE NO. . . H . . . . X 2 I Jg& r*- Show CXaCt * * ' h o< b0"0m

V^^BKNmmmLmmmmmmMmmammmmmmmmm-,-----* ,—

Page 11: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• • • • • • • • • • • B B H H n n i

• « . — e n , c*rtltv tMt the w«hlr. *»•

Page 12: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

« • V i S8P / . •

H Coimty..Xje»=4*!'-AW'.l.-i3i«*5? ;; I


I WATEil WELL LOG ":. : .•, * L t H G t N t i. S I

I I j J O^^.^h^^..^....^^^}^^rf<l^ Address...^/?.../f.....^4!^^**t.^ I

B I j _ DrUlerJi^L^i.14-1^ Addr«...*^^?....^*?!^^ I

H I _ | _ Dste Started tJx. . .# r X?-, 23£& Date Completed, lin^-,.-^4,y)96C.. "*• •

M 1 1 i 1 Location: Sec V T ///'/.. R. 3 M.. M sec I

H Type of well J$j& IX-^ 7Squlpment used «?5<*l?n 4 p l l : l I• • CI>K3, 5rfven. borrcj. a? drTOfJ) (Ctiarn teifi, retar.' other) ^ B

H Water u&e: Domestic ' . | J Municipal || \ Stock | J, Irrigation | \ I

H Irfustrial -J. j . drainage | [ Other: H

I C lng: ft. «, « :t. Typ...«..: b- .5?! Sfce ««J...*J! * I

H Casing: ft. to ft. Type ....Size H

H Casing: ft. to ft. Tyv? Size 5

• Perforated or Screened: Ft /.'.- to It....•f.r. Ft to ft- •

• Type of screen or perforations *i".... . ^^ . . ^ f o r ^ . . * ^ I

E StuUc Water level, for non-flowing well: ^0 . f t . . _fWW_ ,^TO^3 ..alOT. fee l> •

B Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb.'sq. in. on: H

H Pumping water level 2L feet at 3S, gal. per min H

H How tested: bit ilor H

B Length of test ap$£ax+..jl..hesi+ - I

H Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pac\c*r*, typ: of shut-off, depth of shut-off) ^ J

I - •<&* (over) ^M

Page 13: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ > Log of Well •

H | Depth, feet I« | — ^ _ Description of Material DrilledWt From | Toj^K ~ ~r j

9 0 j 45 oof t shale a n2 elrsy

H 45 ! 60 flra shale *Jnti ntny

H fit ! s g ! vcr^T hard ggay a^alc

• 6'.'' j ¥^ l*8# aoft jdialo nnd coce clny 1

• __ 7" ' 00 voiy t l^ht .'Tray g;alc

|H ' i •

H , - - . H

^ Q _ • — — ' — ———— . , ^M

H -- , — j — ! - — ; ^ —•£ ~ v" ^ r> *%T —^ '—~~~———' I

^m ^ I" r Q " I ?? _ ^ 1


Page 14: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

m GW 2 Approved Stock Form—State PublL-hin^ Co., Helena, Momma—4S35* - ^ S g ^ S &


E ~ (Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater |m " a J*L Jf* Appropriation by Means of Well I• - « r A DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 IHJ — "^" l 1>" -•* T" ^ ' T I *-•"*"* (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) 9

I 1 V^-~-*~ Om^.A, # ^ ^ ^ ^ |I - Dril leJ^yJ^ fcl~& ' I•J Date cf Notice ' f appropriat ion of groundwater •

• ~~ Date v;elUtarted..^*^dt..^..^S.^'.™n)ate completed..*d«^.^/~^Ly 1

• - iX-d? J* J?'fir Type of well......££*^ I^H ' /"^ /j (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary or other) <SB (*JcA~t if **4*1l***^ Water use: Domestic fjf Municipal Q Stock D Irrigation Jgf •H _ ^ Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Q v flH Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata HH met with in drilling, snch as soil, day, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show •H — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing IH strata and height to which the water rises in the well. B

H SUc of Sire and From To prppoBATTONS I• — Drithd Weight (F««) (Fee«) PERFORATIONS HH -. < y "*JJ~' Ho1c of C"1"* 4 ^—• Kind From To •

H — ^j^ 7** A N Static Water Level for non-flowing well M

I - JJLJOJ O****^ I i i P 5 ! &£?- et. I• n c/f Qs**"*f -' -' Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well HI yf 4r*>~*Y I < \ ; Pumping Water Level /.•?.£. feet I• j w ; I ! E at .*» gal. per minute. flH i I Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing w«ll •

I ~ j | How Tested C*£±rg*rSttR I1 J U1 *M~^* $ ' ' " " Lcnsth rf Tcst £??&£?**:. IH — ' Remarks: (Qra%rel packing, cementing, pack- I

I - /U^1^ yU—J myjKssnjSL TI R...^.y^rs ' type of shutoff) flH — fi fi y§ —+ ^- Indicate location of well and H• ^4jkL*.~& /n**-^-**- p l a c c of nse> i f p o s s i D i e - E n e h mB — small square represents 40 HHj acres. HH (Continue on reverse side) fl9 USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state flH _ number ot acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- fl

I - " O n ' : . . . . . . J r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^r^J....f^J±^ 1I L M J Show exact depth cf botto H

• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the " !""Vi"","""V" M '/' fl• County Clerk and Kecorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number •H retained by driller. / /) -/*^* f) flI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be ..:..^..7!i-..' .....^y... •• returned. Driller's SignnHire. "—' •

Page 15: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• ' J & a t ^ a j r s d i j • ..- -. • ' _ •••••• . , ' --••' •

' . .- .. -: ' -.* ^H; • ' • • ' " ; ' . . . . " . - : • • • • * : ' 4 ' * •

__. ,5 l A T E O F MONtANA , ICOUNT* OF LEWIS « CLARK ISS V .," - •

I her«by c.rKT/ ttwt t h . w ) v , ,n |n . ••trum*nt was fHed In my 4tflc« on • • • ' . - •

^ & S •: - = I

( <. '"- • ^ H

' - ' ' ' ' ' •" '"* • ^ H

• •-w'' " •-* ..: ... „ |"' ' I

Page 16: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I .. •^ ^ H File No T 11-N^-Jl 3~tf.

^ ^ H DUPLICATE CoTiDty..L»ds.^nd-.daik.

^HH STATE OF MONTANA \~p: r- . -,- - __,


^ ^ B OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER u U ;: > • i }%2 - "

| ^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights L £i^Gli*t£p^H^B (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)•HB 1 rHPV/AT.T.TCR BANffl POMPAKV , o f _ _ GatfStl.Q3«fc -flBBV (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)fl^H County of........_L«aia-.and-..Clark State of „ .Montana _^BBH have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

f^Bflf i i ! j ! ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is bised...Ma5*?t....???!?. _

B B B H ; I ; ; ! J•BBBJ 1 ; : ! ' "\ 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hovr con-

, Y H U H ' — ' i— '! ! i— tinuous the use has been .JglJ .to--datfe -; • B V H W ; • ; 1 ; 1 • E

*' BS^H • ; • ; j ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons.,' - • • • • ] ; -...'. ; . . . ; '; ; per minute) 3Q-- - - - -

1 ^ ^ ^ ^ B '• I ' 1 '• ! I I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands" ^•BsS s t o w°Jch water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

*2 fl|B Not -appli-aabl* -'•% ~ | H | -SW-Vi Sec..^..... T i^ .^ . .3W, - ~

• • • H Indicate point of appropriation, • • • • and place of use, if possible. , .I^BB Each small square represent* 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the•H|S acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal^HH ..../^..^.welX.aiKl..puinp»•HHJI .....wiiich--ia...]uMated.iA.-ite..SW/Jtt-.of-.Sec,..2^..1\4)...ll.^

• • O H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-•A^B drawal of groundwater July,-19SX»

H • •• • • • 8. The depth of water table 27-ftest-

"v'l ^ ^ H | 9- So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well o;: the general specifications of any other^ ^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater H§-feet"rieep ^^^•i"-^d^p^yd^rt-a"iaai!O1^t6xit•|^B -xlro»^l&"giB3^a^'a-mbMte--- ~ ~

:\ B^H "

MH 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year fiflft-mrl-'YrrwTgnrbiy

BBBB H* ^ n e °K °f formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available

HBB -31M Ur-uas -£Ea-U^-ty--#al&^

''"*"• ' - B B B P I ^ # Such other information of a similar nature &s may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including,». .'BB^^fl reference to book and page of any county record

• B B B H

•H g^_^^ ^ H Signature of Owner ^U^^^^.^..^£^^£M>^.,.

^ H Date.'^i^»^...d.< £.!.&£

B V J B I Three copies to be filo<l by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is

^BJBJ located.

• ^ ^ ^ H Please answer all <i\iestlons. If not. applicablo, KO state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ ^ H Original to tho County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana BureauBBBBJ of Mines and Geology, nnd Qundrnplicate for the Appropriator. , ^ C

Page 17: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


B -i«-^-— Pecord5 0< Lewis & Ctart.

Page 18: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• GWMON-' ANA WATPR RESOURCESfftONRSNA WATER RESOURCES BOARD Approved Stock Form-State Po.Mishtag Co.. Helen.-,. Monun»-*SM2 J ^ > 3 j

I File NO.R. E..O-E4-V.-E D R E C E I V E D T \i^ R 3 c .: _ j

S DOTLICATEpp ^ 'jCj57 AUG 2 8 1967 Conniy.Lm/i$...t....C.\«*.^-..... II LQU STATS OP MONTANA <i II ^"^L——I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATBR CODE ^ II | - -= |_ Iop_ot^re*84 =- OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER I

I (Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater II ~n 50 11^ Appropriation by Means of Well II **- DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 II — I~L _ , fv £- II /i / K (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) •

I _. 8ED5^^U State of Montana II 4~ Owner I

I CLAY Driller^£.J^jlL.<^^ II "Z5 seep l^rtTz/z Im "^ V-j /— CT i— T* ^ a t e °^ Notice of appropriation of groundwater •

I - Dave well started..tZ..^..4r....^.../.ft Date eompletcdA-k/.£r../.3.~/.Tp..7 I

I ~ R£ 0 5 # / * I Z Typoof well nj^JM.L.£.a.^m^nt^C.A£LLTaoL5 II J, (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) •

I \ \y Water use- Domestic Q ilunicipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • II — (Z L* / * I Industrial D Drainage D Other Q II Indicate ou the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata II <Z P* l~ P \AS r\ I L. ft m c t " ^ ^n drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show •I _ ^ > / J - * * ' * r*' depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •I I C" CT £• IT strata and height to wt : /.i 'he water rises in the well. I1 0 "%£> S U e o t Sizt Bm! F r a n T o prPPOBATIONS I• ^.yS — .-^ DriUrt Welibt (Fetl) (Fert) rERTORATIONS •I l"\ ll IS M<rte of C*sllMI W"* From !* I

t C*/u?fk 9h % O Wl\gs 50' torr I

- S /»A£ — II ? • •» . N Static Water Level for non-flowing well I

- Rj£0 */?ft0»W>/ | —1 1 1 HU« ..:.fect. II _ <Z H/\ L fc -1 -1 Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well./\/..#.— HI _ " ! • ; Pumping Water Lcvel.-i-|K-//./2. feet AlI 135 J^/M T / 5 / ^ 6 3 35" T I" 1 I j E at 40J&£&&L per minute. Um I ^i & f\ l-^ t^\ I /\/ ! i Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I

~ P | = : £ ) ^ ^ « A K "°"i i nowTestcd...ff^j.l.^X...IZ II n 5H/*L& < = 1 ! Length of Tc8t....3..../^ Ii fl/V Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- •

- P A « / < C « / A K .^.!le..S....T.MlE.:s«, - . w - ' - y ^ ' II I— C / J / \ / tZ indicate location of well and ./V/..# •I ^ (' ' * *" *~~ place of use, if possible. Each I| ~ small squai-c represents 40 II acres. <fl

UHl - II • • (Continue on reverse side) •I " WSE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state •I — number of aures and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- •I tion). fl

T L U I -**' •••••• I\kLmLml Show exact depth of bottom, B

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to l>c filed by the owner with the " ••»—>•«—-v/. •County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tisnuc copy to be Dri l ler 's License Number Eretained by driller. . H

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so, otherwise the form will be ^^./ . . .^TT/.*. x..x..^tA&4*<f?\m~ , Hreturned. Driller's Signnture. I

Page 19: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ ^ B ' STMt OF MONTANA I .^ B ; COUNTT OF LEV.IS 8. CLARK | S& r } .

^ ^ H I hwebv cnttlfy mat the wlthtn Irv - ' • ; •^^^H I ttrurr.Ml^««. filed In rap»fftoe »n

^ • 1 ! A.D^A9. ^ 7 Bt_Z51 jrvny (net

^^^B ' . __y!_ Keiords of Le«t« VCterh^^^B I Counyf Siotc ol MoiUMk^^

^^HS • fl

^ ^ ^ B ' ' ' ' " * MB

Page 20: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

1 ....fl^B County <4 ^^^...A-.C.^A.!?. *\..SH f D " '£ ''C 1> ? v P' i v»^•B MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGV f H} " i j |^ ^ H Butte, Montana " i-ii/


^ H j y 1 Owner .U.:. /.: L Z ^ ^ ^ ^ , Address K^^.S.-.

^ ^ H J i Drmer. .^. . . . .^: . .Zi . . i5^fc<4-^ Address .^we-**../?*^...*?^?.--/-

. , , - fl^B I i _ Date Started...<^^kT^...?...3.r /.?..$£. Date Completed...^2^r*^;.«^<?././ 9..f^

if.,. ^ ^ H 1 i ' I Location: Sec £ T.../ffe B..£.W... % sec <&C.*....4f..feK_..£:^^^M Type of welL ^.<xz£&Jz.. Equipment used. (^h^.1r^...../^^..^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B (Dug, driven, borpi. or drilled) (Churn frill, rotary, other)

^ ^ ^ H Water use: Domestic 1/^t Municipal 1 \ Stock l ^ i Irrigation \*\

^ ^ ^ H Industrial \ | Drainage { I Other:

^ ^ H Casing: .??. ft. to Z.&.. ft. Type &<<*<>d...%*^. Size .< :.t2£l..<2-....<4f-.

fl^B Casing: 7..J... ft. to ././.A ft. Type .''..... Size $.Jk...£2. jQ..

ffii^H Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

^ ^ | H Perforated or Screened: Ft .•=?...#. to ft c£..<°. Ft to ft

fl^B Type of screen or perforations r^±^.. #...'V..£*L'

^ ^ ^ H Static Water level, for non-flowing well: <><.•*?.. J^*r»W...'?^» feet,

^ ^ ^ B Shut-In pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on:^ ^ H (date)

^•H Pumping water level ?.. .jfc£.-..;jp*r>-..& ...feet at •&..">*?. gal. per min

H^B How tested: ID..4uJLt~

^ ^ H Length of test jt.jfc&U^i

^ ^ ^ H Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of sbut-off)

a^H *h*<x*.l ;^£A£^J. ttJL~t*J.. ..r?. O^r^^se; ?b.....a<G*d:. <^..~Z^£aZ..v

H 7 ^

Page 21: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

B Log of Well I

H Depth, feet I I^M —— ; — Description of Material Drilled •• From i To j •

^^B '; ! ^ ^M

H *? I -? y ! -^tLixU- <*^..J<' -&L*KAS£ a^vt^i ^-a-Jc^u. I_ ^ ^ T 7> _ _ _

I -g - - L ^ ^ ^ . - - - -^^' -^6^ 1

• /g / ' /*z i 7^^^, ^ L , 4 -.^L^ ^v^^. ^ 1H / ^ 3 i / / o j^L^f^i S<XAJJU aL~l' fe*-^j£L^, •

H i_ 9

H ^ w

H ! fl

_ , - . _l

I • fl

H i • ^t

I ^ i—4-S-i^N j ' l l ^ j • II ""O 5 J r c ^ - ~ C"^ fl

• U1 \ » !^y *VH - O. VS ^ I_ r—i -Y~| S J *' " Vi J ' ' \ i " flH ! - c ~ ^ —. • \ i 4-' V\ ,' -• I I ' SH

• 1B. ' fl

Page 22: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

IB G W . APFTO'.-«<! S :« t r-f-rT-.--Siite F-.:Mir'.i=r To.. Hsleoi. Mc«an*~412:-4 •*i^k . J /

• File No _ T u R ~'.r.

I DUPLICATE Couirty . _ v ^ . y i~ '• STATE OP MONTANA. IK ADMINISTRATOR. OF GROTJNIWATEB CODE U <. ,;I OFFICE OP STATE ENCJIN2ERI 8 ' ; ,-; - . - ; • , .I Declaration of Vested Groundwater RightsB (Under Chapter 237, Montana Se*sion Laws, 1961)

I i....C:i?L_LLJL X.L /Jt.A..LJS. /:. , of ^.:::.:±.A.:.lL:.:......L- J^Ll'±Lzr^-• J[Name of Appropriator) (Address) ^_ (Town) jI Cknmty e£->*C.JL\__±iZL - -State of...::^:...:L^:.:^^l.£-l~.^--:xB have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior m January 1, 1962, as followB: |

I , " , J I• ; ' ; i ; ; 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based^-.<:.'..:.-..^:.z^:.r--.:-r^—:~_ II —:—:--—*•— -I-— :-—•:-— i<...\r?,..<.w.. ;r...«.<£.f :.'* . r?:- / . . / . .^: .v. . :^: . - . .^ . .^ . . . ; .<: .^Z_ " II 1 '; "', \ £ I 'f" 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- MI I—•—! ; — • — ; — ; — ous the use has beet: •^.?;--..<:;..s~-.."l:>..(l...^fc£:i...c....L-..^.s:M/' 1

• w J \ \ 1 ' ; ; i E S-^..^.-<r.,^^rL....<:&-:¥:ff??..:te.:Z^ 1• : : I \ \ . .••^<^tf—z.^1 I• ' " ' ; : ; " j " \~ ; 4. The amount o? groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or .gallons 1I . - •—:—: «i—-**-~r-— per minute)../...:*~^.'^.:rK..^^^ •+- BI '; '; • '; '. : J;^i^..7^Z~!LzZJ^.^......<?^ I

I ' • ': 1 '• ! i 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •• s to which water has been applied and name of iha owner thereof II *%«tt. 9&0kt tee 8, *. 11 ». lge 3 M^M^~^:£z*iZ^fZ£&J^^ II Vi See T. R II Indicate point of appropriation ~ " II and place of use, if possible. Each , , , , , , . , II small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such wnti;r from the ground and the loca- •

I tion of each well or other means of withdrawal!^v*~v.*;-. ?:..":''uKi£.y$.*£cp t I

| , ^ \ > . . . * . : t : * ^ _ . » i ^ - . : 3 U ^ 1

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-, I

n drawal of jjroundwater,.-.-Vr-..i.;.K..?...%.. <-' ~^.\.-<•.-. ,.....-.« s^;f-:/.^^ :.^:.c53^..^^^:%^rf^.rs^5^«oi^.^^...K:'^*'1 ' ' •I -fcLu. ^:.^:::.:^^.^.3.'..x,..;:^Cr^:r5?....-.^.^>::^ ^.^.A...^<^..i •:^..^^..^^^-}-Jjf.:^J.U . / II i^ ••' • /."' " ' II 8. The depth of water table...*:'.i.-.l.r:C..::<?:.<"..;.\.-.-..v.-3. . ..'j^.ll... ^•/L*::sZ.^...h-..^..* •..<:.-.s..-:r.,-.*l:..:. .. flI 9. So far an it may be available, the type;, size and depth of each well or the general specificationiy)! any mother II works for the withdrawal of grouadwater ^ . <r^~..:r;.:r^.^^^i.»..v.~<t^.[.t^ II ^.:ft..u.^:::^...<=.l/:..^>r.«:*,;:.Cfr:^.-^,^.rj>.. ^ . .? , . .4T^-.^^. . . .C-^bC^^v ;^_^^:. . iX.: : : . .^^. . .^? ,.l II . ^.fev:,:,:v^^..../ye.^,2... >ic .: Z-4-«Zk-.j6r.*-.-.*---« -..*?- II /. / z... I

I T; ",'. "T II 10. The estimated amount of groundwntcr withdrawn each year:y/^*,J.^?.+l.6::j:.\-....••;.•;..... :"-..',^...^.->^.-^r.-.i»..-1r..;^..«^~.-s—; I8 ^ / t f ' . V ' ."5 '* "*"~~S y : « - r ' ^ " ' r

e^ y - , - y , / ' II vC/The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available *:~.\.? ".v.....«.'£-...-.. .^...*....£..-.'\.&«£c I

' lI 12. Such other information of n similar nature as may b> uscful_in carrying out tea policy of this act, including mI reference to book and pogc of any county record-- : ?T.."?r.T".;...'T. !r..Tr...r..rZ'..r.r<C.;. ....?. .l.xf^^t. •

I ;; :; ; 1I Signature of Owner 1 .„/?. '..-v.v.^/.«.<j..'*Z..:/:^.:^:{^ I

Date .J*r/*y..A... J:. II Three copies to be filed by the owner with the Count; Clerk nnd Recorder of the county in which the well is located. •

I Please answer nil questions. If not applicable, mi state, otherwise th« form will be riturned. •

I Original to the County Cleik end Recorder; Duplicate to the Stnte Knginetr; Triplicate to the Montnnn Bureau of II Mines smd OiHilopy. nnd Q«r4druplica1o. for the Appropriator. ^SLI 7 <2> I

^ I

Page 23: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

'sx3itp /a,- •• J • ISf»TE OF MONT*NA I ' / '•--... •


I C.»ret>* cert'fy that rh« vwthln In- Istrumcnt was filei in my office on Ithi* 4JL__. day r>( : t JUV^ •A.Qj,15i_fe.r.._at_*?5<^(Tiin. p*it • •

O p,r\nr.V& M. > _. , •/ R^mr'* of S^^h-lfiSar* •

Cotfntii'; M A of N'Oi! jn*l ' •

Page 24: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ ^ ^ H "Sj^fc, Gw 2 Ro-Kta :w» Coun:v«r«£.l»iS...C.larft. .'.?}

^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ^^ m ADM.N.STRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ,ndicate th_ ch co|or ^^ H MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n e s s o f s t r e t a s u c h a s soi | / d_y > S 3 n d

^ ^ B NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 rave l sba le sa"dstone, ate sh=-.v

H APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WRl g * To ^ ' r ^ t JS^ ^ ^ H Developed after January 1, 1962

^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, a» amended) Top of Ground (Be*. »be«»»ir*n

^HBH This form to be prepared by dril ler, and three copies to be f i led F ~ - » T « . . . —^ ^ ^ H by the o w n e r wi th >he County Clerk and Recorder in the coumy in ( F w ? . ^ * ° - - - - * ... -^ ^ ^ H which the w e l l is located, last copy to b e retained by driller. n . ^ _ __»a_-^__lii-_ —^^^^H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the -3 15 I Crray - ? AtkV *Ewfl Shialfr "^ ^ H form may ^ . r e t y m e d ^ ^ ^ ^ . 35 V7 1 Brown*--0--a~ ; -flj^^^HI O7 on WHfiTY ?iflF?*iirfl ^"fflfrvrHH Owner George Thompson i—r— . . — 1 -^9-tE26 • i toJ^'-e l .a^--- -— •S^S for Adminnirator s Use I2 t ra^ tor t i PattlBr^WlgltT ^1-jJ

^ H Address .»elena..¥allex. FMe gff/fil .Jtt9^J3*P--ft>Sy. Saod —^ ^ K ,,-> r\ * , T>> fo B a ^ Pan —^ H ^ 150 i5g cloy Pan ,^ ^ H Date well started M&..2.?....7?. GW 1 . . . . -J&3— l6JK-ftJL«y-goagCO SgaVfr3r^ H : Wttar^ H | completed Sftp1b..I6...72 | - 1 ^^^^^^H " ' " • * i I _»—»_—____^__—_______^—_•^H Typecf well .Dri l led 1 •^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H <Dag. driven, bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________————. l

^ ^ H Equipment used .Gl-VUCSL.-telll.^ ^ ^ P ^ H (Chorn drm, roury or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_______H :

^^^•f Vvater Use: Domestic B Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation • — I^^Mm Industrial Q Drainage n Other • * Garden/Uwn [3 1

^ H _ H *Describe iH_^H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, _-__-_-—_——-__—._-—- •H^^H s:ate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block • I

JaO end Addition) ' '. I


ajffffffBj date of CMtat ,— —•——.—•-«_•—->--—•—•—.——.———————-—._—•_ •

6 T«H_W Kl"< Fpam T« . I

_ _ ^ ^ ^ i-JWO _ _ _ _ _ **r* IF*««) tF«*) ^ ^ _ _ - _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - — _ - — . .

^^^^^B Q **_3CZ—v ._._____._-. _._o— ______._.-_.____..— i

fjH i52 i -.. I

S______ I ! 1 ' I Static water level .<?__ ft.* "" ]_ IIHH| ! ; PurnDing water level f.r. ^•*._.___ —___- I^^^MB - -—i"""">v "• at ^ gallons per minute. . I^ ^ ^ ^ H ', ; measured minutes after pumping H

4^^^^H ; J began. _____ ___________________________ H^ ^ ^ ^ H vt ; "j E 'Measured from ground level. __ _ ____ __ _ H^ ^ H ; ! Well developed-by ?.****O« - - H^ ^ ^ ^ B J J for*.. hours. _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _. I^ ^ ^ H j • Power Pump HP M^ ^ ^ ^ H ; I Remarks: (Gravel pocking, cementing, ______ _ . _ _ _ 9 _fl^^H — ' packers, type of shutoff) _______________________________ _ |

•_H .JS&...V* >£.'/« Sec.r H_ ^ H T /Z <_j)R.J.&:./!>L. E ^ • ^ : : •^ H s ® ! r — •^ ^ H INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. H^HH EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. H

^^M Driller's Signature . . . .U^ ' - i ^ ^^Uy^id^J, H

M Driller's Address .?» . . ^ . f ^ .M \ | | H

^ ^ H Helena fiOftt LICENSE NO ^ ? 165 Show exa<» depth of bottom 'jH

Page 25: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


• ^ :rj£? *•*»*. * . . 1• *d on P a s e

D C K a-fn- and rncorcJ. . - •^ B of " ~ of &ook_. « •

^B ^ ? jpty WunBr • — -r_ i^j- fl|

H ^ ^-^r-i O"i>uty BI H lea? ^^ *~J ^ B

19' ' ' ^ 1

Page 26: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

___• <=£g|*>3 GW 2 Rtvi«d 1969 p P #v », . . County^^k^/^.^.U-^i^t.. . . I

• •t"tr~"i>tcwm -*& R E I V E D ^ ^ =B STATS OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOO ^H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE f ; f t y - , , < , . , n d i c a t e t h e c h a r a c t e r # c o l o r , t h i c k . PE MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata sorh as soil, clay, sand, ' i

• NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDW&JM _"' Vi: r' rTST^e! shal*' *rndstone' f c J


• APPROBATION BY MEANS OF Will " ** ""° " " " * • *_ * I I S ^ !_?? J2^ H Developed after January 1, 1962H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Seuion Laws, 1961, a* amended) Top of Ground CEICT. rtovt«»i<vt» IBjH This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be f i led Fm» To IE l by the owner w i th the County Cleric and Recorder in the county in _____ Z^ j <a IBH which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. C_ _____? ^k___^>£_^____^ I^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the j > rt I• H form may be returned. l l ___ /_ , " ^ _?____£__!_i___?5* . I

I o^rfe«6^..S^r I rorM^7^Tl 2gIZB-J8tt gL^£ IH Address M/djE^nf.^.TJl^. File £.3MA1 Ij t .j3/*n%jy*xt*y>A p.^.Lf,3j3.H3.. IH Date well started „£?..£:.?....'A.K....GW 1 .<6:3.Q....8.:.GJ.: 1

B completed $..T...?..?.'.^..?. I

H Type of well ...USUMM.. 1P^K A (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) . . _ ^ . ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ - _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ H— /r. j/f^ JU0-S — — — K

• I Equipment used ...LMM^.....(fM.. ••jBJj (Churn drill, rotary or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ « _ - _ _ _ — — IH Water Use: Domestic Qf Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation • —— I

H Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn j ^ j fl

__H *noerriK«. - _ _ . . - . _ _ . . _ _ _ — . _ _ _ _ _ _ — ~ . _ — — — — . _ . H

| H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, I j •IH state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block " " —-—— —— , •

^ H and Addiiion) ,_ _. __„ .___„ i IB ^ ^ B ^ B _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ » ! _ — » » _ _ _ i _ _ _ » _ * _ _ - » _ _ _ _ » ' ____!


BJlj Stee of Slxe mn.1 I From To ~ ~ ~~ • '" • •H] Drilled WrfjM I (Fcc<) (Fed) PERFORATIONS •______• »% —* > _.* ri_.|,.A _, • ___m ___i __H. —Ml ___*•__*___• _H_i ___* ___k __Mt ___> __M* *__>•__« «__1 ___t ___i __M* _• ____l

i _ B Kind From To > ••H Sl~- (Fe«) (Feel) ________________-_ .____—_—-. _

H / /y « I

BS I ___,___,_. '' I_ ^ _ | _ . « _ . _ _ _ • _ _ - _ - • _ _ _ » _ • _ « • _ . _ • « « . • _ . B _

^m • — - . ' _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - _ — _ _ — - _ - - _ . H• _ • # — _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^) • . - _ . — .- » _ • _ • _ M___- .« -M_ H . _ H , _ .a_>__> a __«« a H , _M. . : ^B]

H ! I j 1 Static water level xc.Q..^....ft.* •^ H 1 I Pumping water level .•*?... ?....ft.* IPfl j 1 at {...>?.. gallons per minute, IBjBj j ! measured minutes after pumping _ BWK ! '• began. •_BH W ' I _1 . K _ _ _ - _ _ • i II _ _ _ — _ _ i _ _ _ _ « _ ™ _ _ _ _ M ^ - _ M H _ _ W _ _ _ M _ _ H

1H ! ! *Measured from ground) leveU __ _____ JHH ! i • W e " developed by ..&&**tt£f..... ~ _ _ . ~^B j J for /f^....j. hours. _ _ . » . _ _ _ _ •H I j Power..*w_i «.s/Pump HP ~*"T" ~ "" "" •UP ] j Remarks-. (Grdvei packing, cementing, ___, 1SBS packers, tyoe of shutoff) H• I s " " •m -• e.S! % &.£.% sec /.<?... 7~~I~~I~. H I IZII 1• INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. M• EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. •

• Driller's Signature J^/f.J....0^£=J^. - - - • • » - - . , . -- .-- •

H Driller's Address ' -J-ys I

• LICENSE HO.../&&... -?-!=£-. Show exact depth of bottom •

I S3,cs<{ I

Page 27: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


I 234437 j« .


H ** I lw»Dy certify that the within In-H rtrmmrt we* W«l InjW otnc* *i

B A [ n j 9 _ ^ _ a t ^ ^ _ - i n » ' » * < P ^ '^ ^ V ^ o CHOGKY*.—w. ^ ,-"

^ B B t e y * of L»w1» 4 Own ^ ^ • > ^^ | Cwnty. StU*iW Montana. "WTi'^^

^K ' ' '

Page 28: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I IHi Qw 2 - '"• if) aH B •«fc^S •—____ Art".' 'J Mo.t I-.TT-Sisir Publishing Co.. Helena. Momma— ?Mi» 2S(O-Y£/ I• * ' "* > - I• File No T R - ^ , |H ORIGINAL CoUTlty ; IB STATE OF MONTANA \ 1H ADMINISTRATOR OT GROUNDWATER CODE 1• 1 — | Top of Ground OFFICE Of STATE ENGINEER I• • ^ HH (Eev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater I• ~ Appropriation by Means of Well IH G [ A (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) •• ~ A^^"/ . . , II ~& >1'2A.?'''~C Owner.... . 3 ^ e , •>' . . /*. . -...:.• .. ..AddressA; . ?.*.. .A ....JLL'.C^.::. 1

| I.)rnkr..,^..f..^...^fC^ieS>C...A(WreRs. O^rr^^-jr^O^'.. I

B H .._ Viw\-,- of N-iti ,f A|ii>ri*]-<riiiiiun of <!ivmdw;!ti-r •

I Q I y L t • >~ l)at« \vrU Mtirt.-<1 ' T / V - ' ^ . £ . 7 Date C o n . p V u d ^ ^ X7 . ^ - <^3 I• __ p ^ ^ -<i>" A •// / s? s / T- f I• Typf of ' . v e l l ^ x ^ T H i ^ ? . / Equipment Used..C-?Vyr^.^'^<rT:.r..... •^ B — (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or •• //5" drilled) other) •H _ ..*••• Water Usu: Domestic Q Municipal Q Other • Irrigation • •H ^\A/fl ((S& Tndisstrial Q Drainage D Stock 0 . I

H ~ y <• iU _ f - v •. ••/•' "SS Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different flH 110 "^ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, Rravel, rock cr sand, etc. IBB *•» Show depth at whivh water is encountered, thickni-s* and character of water- IB l _ hearing strata and heipht to •which water rises in the well. •

B Dr"w | WtlUTof | (F«T. ! (F«t| i rtatFORATIONS •• r H ° " i C*""" ! i !~" Wn* ~ Fr«» To •HJ - ^ i ^-J Sl/e (Fetl) (Fett) fl

I - ^ f l^f i O !//d I

I E i"^ ..,.. ki.L. ;H ^ ., Siatii-Water Level for non-flowmir Wtil Zr.^s feet. ; I

9 ' ' s\- - I• f • — : — ' -• Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well «./V«rT'>"'Vr*-' • •• _ ' . • j ; " Tj : •B • , "• " " '''. rwni])ing Water Li'vcl.JJtl?. feet at. jl.O.. . (,'a'.. per minute. flH • j •" Discharge in gal. per min of flowing well *^tfTVT^*r •HJ \V i \ ' ^ yr\ . / . HJ• - ': ; ; s How Tested.£fc*k«'/C"<':>: Length of Test lO...ArL**Z. i fl

BM ~~ ' \ ' ~r' ' U• , ' . * ) X^ < > l n a r ' { S : (*JraVfll packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ! BJBJ - ;" : • ; -.' , \ lion of plac*1 of use of groundwater if not at well, and any : IBJ ..:. . . ; ' . . • ' . - • v J other similar pertinent information, including number of I

BJ ~ • . ^ acres irritrat'-il, if usi'tl for irrigation) H

B — J!ft..',4 Sec./.l. T.:.-: R..o... ' ' ^JlUT" IBJ _ Indicate location of well and HB place of use, if possible. Each <flBJ small square represents 10 acres. H

I -n(r,p' I• » ' f " Show exact depth of bottom. I f~> r \ H

Bj Driller's License Number fl

B ...^./..../7.'..7^-^^v B• Driller's Signature BJ• This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to b • filed by tin- owner with the County Clerk and Recorder BB) in ihc county in which the well is located. BJ

H 1'lcKsi* answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Stale Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau**)?^ BBJ Mines mid Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriutur. fl

Page 29: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H '' TSS" m

H ST^TE OF i/O.Y'/.l.Y.! j I

jj County t/A-'.,. _.£».«_. n.^.^_i...~r . ..'" '-:>•-::/•'- { •

^ H _ _.L .-.. / . . j_» ... -•'. . .~?7 '" .'. hnvin'j fir-i! b, ii, rlnltf au'iirn. dcposi i)i(/ flj

^M $aii that h> . . . . ..of hin'nl n<i' and the appropriator •

^ H and claimant of fhr or<lrr nnd water rinhf mrntiorsed in the forajoinq notice of •

B J coinpl(lion of iirO'in'ifrntvr aupropvwtion bi( mums of will mid il" pirsnit it'liust minif fl

^ B sub.wibt rl thn>to, ns tl'c approprinior and claimant .. . that he know the H

^ B contents of said foregoing iwtic and that tin matters and things thrnin staffd ar< tntr. fl

I '"1 •' • • ' • ''' /' I

H N:. .£ \.,:^\<..< :.~.-.~j£r-r*A .;...•' .s\ V

H .-•.,••...,,•,,,i ,<.•••! «,',ini to hi-fun m<, t h i s . . . . / . L v ' M w ••( . . . :.fX... . . ' . > / , /.•).. 6?,3 S

^B S'}tar\L,I}jtl>tic for the Siatr. of Vonfuna. II^ B . i - r . , • • • ' " . ^ • . . ' o a t a n a M

• .' Ttntidim, aty coufrr^i-.-oii-t.;;:;:^ ;i;V-, J •• U

^ B .1/;/ Ciin>ii)i.isifiii vj-pircs /fl 8 1

I ' •^ B ' 'iV' ^ ^ 1

Page 30: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H c^|i^b3 GVV 3 Revised i«*» County :1V:....: *rrrrr- \ I^ B 2057—1500—1/71 \ \ 1



H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session laws, 1961, as amended) I

H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. I

H ... Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the works 1M . are located. IH • '•; Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so stats, otherwise the form may be returned. I

• } i, f *-l Owner .^A'.^S. i^Zfl 1 ±1*^/ II | | • f For Administrator's Use Address ..Hslf'S.. ^ f /T dk^r./?: :.::?*'.... I

H /j £>/'////'£' •• File ....&rl.^<L:¥.sL&. Contractor (if any) „.! I

B :.JZii<}^^...ZZx../r..-/^/'..Z.^. Address of Contractor ....".... 1

I GW 1 ..../.&.:./£..JJ..-j..U.i. Date Started .:. Date Completed I

H 1. Describe means of obtaining groundwater (as by sub-irrigation, •

• developed spring, drains, etc) .^t^?.^..LC/..Jlt...k I

• 1 j j —j ; ; -— 2. Means of withdrawing water (gravity, pump, canal, etc.) •

• . . . | ^ . ^ ^ : ^ - ^ i . S - . f£;±3<!j.j.y.. I

H ! ! ' ; ! ', 3. Depih of water table I^ B tw * ' \ r * ' f H• • \ : ' i c ~r~ / 4 m• I : : •„..;_„.:.... 4- U s e o f »he w a t e r &.../...$.J.'l ktt.*.Lcs>...'...>:!j... 1

• — . — ; — ; — ; . ; — 5 Amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I

I s per minute) I

I j» •

I i j s~t *2 °- If useo< ^or irrigation, give number of acres and description 9

• INDICATE POINT OF APPROPRIATION •I AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. I• Elevation of spring, if known or esli- I• 7. Estimate amount of water used each year II mated V

• 8. Months of year spring flows /...m»+. I

I >& *>-]* /* -c y^-" I• Signature of Owner r&Z.../../.&&XtA!**!$. /SJKZfc*£?£.. •

I Date L.M*..V/..&.2://...%JS. I I


Page 31: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• - ""' ** **••»*•* ^• «HUI< ]fl alAlfc Of MONIANA i ~ !• i

JOb'NTr OF LEWIS & CLARK [ =>•H ! haraby certtty that the wtthln lr. ; : > *

• »,.D. 19-^ZLat / y /.intn oa»i .

H f P«n-nn1« of H(j»Jw^»r»B ^ourtfi7st«y of MonyBniX^ . JB ^ &<^Ct^^J / \ f -r* t_..c.,,iAf

Page 32: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

B^H^HHHf G Approved S;c-k F:vn—Siate Pr.Mi^int Co.. Ht'.tna. Monans—-m?* ^"v^*&'* '•'

HH File No T....UN 1.3.W '.. !>

^ B DUPLICATE County1^15 a n d . . C l a r k


^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Ricjrjt f^^ ,v ,-^••Y (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ ^ H l...QJ3MLES.X»..V.TULK.aM.lvlARGARET.A,..VULK.., of Rpute.l HelenaBftYB (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^ ^ H County of Lewis and. Clark S u t e of. Montana| BH have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, a* follows:

J^B Sec. 14 NSec. 13 ^^ ^ ^ H ; • ; • ; ! ! •#* 2. .The beneficial use on which the claim is based dontestie-j^ H ,:( v\^-~-*~*- : '< ;.---;--—j-^1 ^^watering.-Uvfistock-and.imgation^ ^ H • ;,.aXT • I • I L j / *^ ^ ^ H ! : I -—--]—j^—;-~ g j - j a t e 0J. approjjtnate fafa of earliest beneficial use; and how continu-^ ^ ^ 9 -—;....! ;-u- .;....': \<L.. , . t ous the use has been...aU..prior.ta.l&3S..-.CQntinU0U&

y • " M ..... i UF ::::::": "::- :::^ ^ H H : : '• i ; ! 4- The amount of ground water claimed (in miner's inches or galloni^HB ••--: ---•';—j :-—;—';---- perminute) 4QQ.gallons p&e-minute

^ ^ ^ ^ H I '• • ' I : I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands^ ^ ^ H s to which wate'r has been applied and name of the owner thereof

• . ^ V l SiSE^Sec. 13T.UN.R.3 W *.4..-.S.RiM[5«i:.-..l..a<^e..-..C.hwAas. _. d.Mwafltf»t..A»..yulk^^Bi SE-}NV%. Secl.4 THNR.3V*/ ^ 1 , .£2.aad.£3^...S^SE:L-..2..acrBa..r..a^

v H | Indicate point of appropriation A - Vulk. -#4-in-Sec,-..l4T-#l.,..#i.«nd4a.ln-Sec^aU-HEi^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each T. 11 N . , R. 3 W. , . , , , , ,^ ^ • H small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loc*m^Bm ticn of each well or other means of withdrawal.^l... .$2 and-<fr-3 are9^H ckiUed-.w^ei]^.r.iiUed-with..puxap-s^,^ ^ H fitted-wltfe-pump-r

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-^ ^ H drawal of groundwater. #1, \2 54 .^- ft2.r • opproxinoatcly 191Z ..«-r>..43-#. ,Approxlmately--lS40-and-

- ^ H Hr before 1900,^ ^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table., frl.artoslaa.for about.S-months oltlie..year..^.than..dowa.2.or..3.feet,-^^M #2, 10 feet — #3, 10 feet — -H, 50 feet.B^^B 9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^ ^ M works for the withdrawal of groundwater #1, drilled, 7" oa«4ng « 130 feat deep; #2 -driUod ,--4'!M l casing •*120- fset-de«p;.4t3.drilledT-C'' casing - -85 f«et;and44.hand-dug,-dirt-casing-^ ^ H approximately 75 feet deep r Tor withdrawing.*!, uses li-h,p..pumpf #2..u8eftlh»p..puinp;^ ^ H #3 uses i h,p. puTnp and No, 4 uses i.h,p^.pump,

i^^^^M 10. The estimated amount of gronndwatcr withdrawn each year approximately-5 milliorv gailoivs

'^^^H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available^^^B unavailable

^S^B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including^ ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record ..unavailable- — -..-

• H 7M**^ '^£^^^^B Signature of QTm\zr.&.&^l&«*~^... t^c*-£^..•VI "^•B Date December 30,. 1963Bl•^HB Three copies to bo filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.|BBYJ Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Page 33: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H , ir- / >7 <? *? l v ' ^ ">'.•. '"7'™*"—^ I

• / & / / ! / JA-"-'r •/'? / - ^ \> I

I fiTATf. OF MONTANA \ _;•, I• COUNTS OF LEWIS f^-<»»« \ . •

I ' , hereby «r t«y i^_^ ; • ^ • ; ' o ; I^ 1 ttrument w - • —J ' r Aj^X-^ • I

• HD. 19JL*?.-•';''^~'. "' ' '>3i' R

• By—ELL& o^£7 •

Page 34: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ ^ ^ ^ H G Approved S-.t-cfc Tern—State J'uWi.-.hinj: Co. Hci;ns. M.Maa»-;W« <* *>3 *

^Hi - \ ; ••'•'::

^ ^ M Pile No T__L.L~ R. w.

^ ^ H DUPLICATE Connty i_-c".....i*~.:v~



• | Declaration of Vested Groundwater RigSftATE ENGINEER^^JH (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ ^ 9 1. Ho;.' C/jlilev _ _ o f Rt. A __ Helens _ __^ ^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^ ^ B County of..Iol£.......Clgrkf? _ State of iJ2I]**r£ _| ^ ^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

^H *^ ^ B ! i i i ! ~~i I 2. The ben efic^l use 4»-whic& the claim is based v:^?^..I-^L..^ ^ ^ H : ! ; ; j 1 household " 33T .--!•.-nx-it

^ ^ ^ ^ H i l l i l l 3. Dr.te or approximate date oi earliest beneficial use; and how con-fl^^^H ; 1 ! 1 ! i tinuous the use has been "'...?._.t' .T:'..Z.i. „—...„„,...., -,r»/.-..-^ ^ ^ 1 j I i ; ! ; co:-tir.',;os for ".tocK I iT iga i lon >mt:..< ;&,? 1 , JS<M.

^ ^ ^ D w ; rpr, 1 j i E "~^cnirpuTeTuV!U/'us"e"TOE*"^13e<?i""™

^ ^ H B | ' ! ; ; ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons^ ^ H j . '[ • ! j ! per minute) 3.C_£ftlgji..J2a5-l^,mitSL _ „...

•H I I i i i i^ ^ ^ ^ 1 I I > ! . '• ' • j 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands^^^^m a to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof^ ^ ^ H t o i r r i g a t e £jtottbreak,_ Garden and t r e e s on

^ ^ B M.£...yiS£2f S**JhU T.J.L R.3... ..^p:/axlra.te'iit..aie...a.«:B..._ _ _

^ ^ H B Indicate point of appropriation^ ^ H B and place of use, if possible. „ . . . . . . . .^^Km Each small square represents 10 6- Tne means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theH Q ^ H acres. location of each well or other means of withdraw?.!

^ ^ ^ H 7. The dat« of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-^ ^ H drawal of groundwater A.cpt*...lC...tQ..I3..1255.«

^ ^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table C5...£.t.fc

^^^•j 9. So far as it inav be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the generr s. ;cifications of any other^ ^ H H works for the withdrawal of groundwater ^ .,•^H 66 f t . deep - t trell ca^irig

^H iiii:::;::::::::::^ H H log states well will produce^ ^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .UP....t.Q...5£

^ ^ ^ H 11- The log of formations enconnt'red in the drilling of each well if available D...t-.0...5..Xttn...P.cirJ,...<?,tid..Cr-e'vie-

^ ^ ^ H ...^...4o--^£.£t....»U%...oa&v..«»*i..;^^ elialc .rcavol^

^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be uiieful in carrying out the policy of this act, including^ ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record Reo-ord* in-L^wi-S A,. C la rk -Coun ty -

^ ^ H ptttse-Six- °-ot>k 106

^ ^ H Signature of Owncr...v..:/2 .,-[r.y ^..v...W.J.f^:.r

^ H i>^...0.//.^.J^.^....d.H ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is

^ ^ ^ H located.

^ ^ ^ H Pl"v<c answer all qnesitluna. •' act applicable, so state, other or iae the form will be returned.

^ ^ ^ ^ B OriK.;rini to the County Ci>;rk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau^ ^ ^ H of Minen and QeciUtgy, and Quadn:plicate 1'or the Appropriator.

Page 35: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H - r , .>,-.( t '1" s'i'Hin-In-

• l h e r ^ v c c ^ . ' ; - ! A v --Men


Page 36: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

95JI *-*' AfT'ovc '» Siock T&:*•'-:—State PuWii^jn- C c il'.-Un::, Mr. n'ana—-i-vo7t> ^ . .^••.ei"

H File No T A1.!«......R.... 3M

I DUPLICATE County...V*Y*^..r.*A?*':I STATE OF MONTANAI ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE fT"\ F (T !£, 1 V E \^\\M OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER 1 *{ " i D I• ti l l SEp 9 19B3 L_.• Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATE ENulN t t l \

H 1 Sam Smith f Route 1, HelenaH fXame of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)• County o L i ^ . . ^ " * . _ State of *?*?!» „ _ 1 _H have appropriated ijroundwater according to the Montana la-\>7i in effect prior to January 1, 1962. as follows:


B ^ ! • ' '• ; 2. The beneficial vise on which the claim is busedB ;. I . . . . ; i Domestic - i r r i g a t i o n - stockwater

H j"~ | ; : ! i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-H '- . 1 : ! ! tinuous the use has been _

• j i"~~j ; I ! 4. The amount of groitndwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

I —| ; j |~""; I per minute) inxixx: "

• 1 i • K ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, givt the acreape and description of the landsH s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereoff SW 1 4 11H 3W _ °n*-to«....»cr«Hk 1/ C2«« T 1> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^ H ...-75t... »>CC. I H --• " —

I Indicate point, of appropriation ' " '• »nd place of use, if possible. .I Bach small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theH acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal• JO}**?.

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-B drawal of eioundwater _ — •• /^proximatoiy i6»3 1

9 8. The depth of water table $'..*....i0.! I

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and dfptli of each well or the general specifications of any other •H works for the withdrawn! of grom^-iwater...... I• _ Unknov/Ti •

I 10. The estimated amount «f irronndwater withdrawn each yea': ?^9.*0M..f?»!.«. Sj

I . H/A 1• 11. The log of fornitticns encountered in the driliinp, of each well if available " ' . M

• 12. Such other information of a similar netui-e »s may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including I• reference to boak and paije m" any county record . ? ' * H

• Signature of Owner.._^rfftr.>r...';-. :^>:^.:J^.^S.. I

I Datc...?«i»t...*.,...1963 I

I Three copies to be filed by the owner wivb the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is H

I located. S

• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, no state, otherwise the form will bn returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk and Reerrdcr; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate lo the Montana Bureau HI of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for th? Appropriator. H

Page 37: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


jp»M^rv Of Li-*1 '- * '


Page 38: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I" " — -H | G v Approved Stock Form—State Publishing Co., Helena, Mc:«ana—58M7 <*S^ J*-'

• File No T ///1..3H 3^ ..yi j

B DUPLICATE County : :.. :... j



OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER D ) fe='^ <- • : -> '| 'ii I J

• Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights 8• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961£ T «. T C T M Q i J\j £ £ p I

1 ^Sssx&tob&fZZ. J&LL A x ^ . IK (yant^of Appropriate) z'} n (Address) i*. (Town) E• v County ot...^££d^^...^...^J^Zp^M^. State of .-Ch^ZZ^L.. 11Hj have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows: H

ft . N , , , , 9 « - 1V > ; i < '; ; 2. The beneficiaLuse on which the plajn^ is based.O»^'?.'^^?^W?2^L<^ fl

Si I ! | '; | j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; aDd .how con- H

m ! j j ! j . . . . i tinuous the use has been /..%.£.?. ....QjW^mtU^^^ ffl

• w —j—j—| i—j—j— E IZIZIIZZIIIIZIIZIIIZIZIIIIII'fl I• j '; i ; J ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons •

• ! ; j j j j — per minute) ^.a.^.a^^n^?. I

H 1 1 ! I ! • ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •H g to which water has been applied and name of the ownec thereof flI j.6 a<^^z..^...j^.^.K,A<u^ II *M«% Sec.7jr/T..y/.H.. .. * I• Indicate point of appropriation flflj and place of use, if possible. „ _ ... , , . flI Each email square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the •flj acres. location of each well or other^ieang of withdrawal fl• .....iE/..e..c_./i..,...eU /ZM...tta...p. I

B 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- fl• drawal of groundwater l&*&a*«*?T..../..£..£...$. fl

I 8. The depth of water table.... ^?. ..^JfeJrT: fl

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, Bize and depth of each well or the general specifications of ar f other HH works for the withdrawal of groundwater . . I

I ======= I• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year .^...^7..$..^/:...$..*:.'..?.. fl

fl 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available \-Jr4%4*4?. fl

B reference to book and page of any county record fl

• Signature of Ovmcr...kf/....TZ~.. <ir) • AJ Z^yL^cY^ •

1 Date 2?.ZaY^.L. /¥£&> II Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is IB located. fl

fl I'lcase answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. fl

fl flB Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau Bfl of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. •L '" I

_ _ — _ ^ i

Page 39: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

[,^:-J. I31U1

>ir" •"" /jc^untt1 R^^^^L^

J '

1 W

Page 40: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• - ,.;.. nrnnnjn

• STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG ( '• ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE p , n d i c a t e | h e c h a r a c t e r / c o , o r , thick- l

• MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD * * ^ Q . ? e s s o f s t r a , a s u c h a s d a y > $ a a d >

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER r . ' " We).' shale, sandstone, etc. Show

I APPROPRIATE BY MEANS OF WELL ^ •* • © » EtSS ^ ^ t w S I• Developed after January 1, 1962• (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 19(H, as amended) Top of Ground ( E I » . .bove se» level)

H j This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed -From To 1• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (Ftt>) ( F t a ) 1• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ & _ J__ __fcc_D_I0—X a<l<*- ^1«y IH Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the "Tl^ _"7TW BThPTT?* fiTflff^Tl IH form may be returned. I

I "_ « # a /_? 3] $xd* ~b 23 ~ looiraT^ny Vrnnrt 1

• Owner S^mM^SrMsg^r-^ Administrato,s l)se I J Wrol^- 1

I Address <_U_J*!MW..3i!-*!5^ File - ?Z ' 3** - Btlty-^Ug. I

• &+rf ££ L.M</JH.../3..:**?. -3a—jq-j- " ^ y ^ g y 3 ^ — II Date well started (h.tM.:/lM..... GW 1 .. .. I 1• ' 1)3 T 66 «l£t olfty aasw I• completed /jA*...l..:./.f.JA | | 1 tt»»-««aa II Type of well ...£Li+U±M L i-69 -ftW-gllty .»>»d 1^t _ (DUR. driven, bored or drilled; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' •

I Equipment used UJijUAau-iCLulL -69---TO-!»-•ilt> saAy--_ftd-«K>Wff> IH 'Cmirn drill, roti>ry or othtt) ____________ TJXW — BJIVJ. IH Water Use: Domestic • Municipal [ j Stock 5j Irrigation • ; —_.__._._ -~ fl

• Industrial • Drainage Q Other D* Garden/Lawn D -«M^«3l*»*»«4_«^»*Wfc%»- •

• e t l t an g_-_a>-M_a4 •I *Describe . — I• mA TOO wtTt r vn^ f*l»T I• USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, " ~~ * •• state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block - ~ — - •—•-.— -—-j—• — •• and Addition) .__M_.4gS_Wal^___________ •• ._ a..-naK\ «1 \_ 9• ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL IH Sin of She «n4 From To • ' ' ' fl• DrUln! Wrt»ht (Fed) (Feet) PERFORATIONS •• Hole ot C-tlnt _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ - _ _ - _ — _ _ . _ _ - _ . _ _ . _ _ . — H• Kind From To ' ' •

I 6« 6S/9"'S.D. sue lFMW (FN<) Z_iLJ^._i_«_L«_t£-t_,-»«;r I• 17 lb . 0 X2X T i l l ty II )' 5>" ouilngp porfomtod 121 12.: "fifiT""ft9~"vat-ftr"mry"iiiTiiy" 1I 4- «»»»» •• =======—-==========—- ^ im-lVta t o • t o p I• " mtit vnti twptf I• I j j j Static water level ...Jj. ft.*" ~ II ', ! Pumping water level .9Q ft.* m •H J \ at .*?. gallons per minute, IH ! ; measured minutes after pumping •B i ! began. IH i j _ *AAeasured from ground level.' _ ____ _ II ; ! Well developed by \ > ^ l g y j t . . . j g g gS" ' " " * - - - - - •• ] \..Q- for *» hours. olOCK M• i < Power Pump HP IB j j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, •I packers, type of shutoff) •• jlM-.V* JA Sec../y.... | •I T.7/ N *..JM J_ I ^ T 1• 5 W II INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. H


I Driller's Signature .^A:^.\U^...t^L^.i^^. I

• Driller's Address .LJ&JI^UJ /ijunJ". ' ' — II . ' / LICENSE NO...X7.S <^r4* Show exact depth of bottom • I


Page 41: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I : ' ' •H i : : • I ' : •'• ' .' . . • • • • . • • . • - • • . - . • • ' • H

• i •. ' • •• •. • ; , .d .. • . . .-. : . ; , ; ; . ; •

I ; •" <• ' ' • ' . • .'• , '. ' ••• •

^ H ' . t - **' • ^ |

m < ' I

Page 42: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

flj GW Approved SturV. rorrr— Stair PuhiKHric Co.. Helens. Vonisyia—«22:-» =«:§i>, - 3 . •

• File No T J.h^B>S -- ,,

• DUPLICATE Covnts^^-^^-C^^^X".



• Declaration of Vested Groundwater RlgMfti ^ r ^ , -I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I L^l^/i^^fii^^cl^StC-., , a$U>3. UM^Z^Z& Si^^£-.eC• _j£Neme of Appropriator) ' (Address) _< (Town) iI County oi....^£^i^^^S^C^C^<C^\~ -State of jidL^JL./^^lrf.iCc —- j•J have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1," 1962, as follows: i

I N i t / /2J$ II I i i • j i i i j 2. The beneficial u«r on whicjjl the claim fe Tasaed-^.i^^r^^^^X-jL.. j

H I ', • ! i '; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- IH • — ! ';— • — ! — ; — ou8 the use has heen._^i-i.,.^.<'i,/: j^JU^— •

I <v .Li ! L i \ ' =::~::iz::r^^^ I• " j • • | ! ;"• " 4. The amount of groundwater, claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I• . . . . ; . . . . ' : ': ; — ; i - . . perminute) /^.3ra^<f.-..f..^...)rf^<^^t.,. - IH : • • : ; • _ Q_ ?.. 1

H '; ! ', '; 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •H s to -which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof •

I N-fc* sec./XT.y/..B^ zi::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ID Indicate point of apprcv IH and place of use, if possib" IH small square represents 1 • ^s. ^- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground And the loca- •H tion of each •well or other means of jyitrnkaflfcal fl

• ...3&&^^U^4€^^^ W I

H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the •well, wells, or other works for with- •H drawal of groundwater fl

• 8. The depth of water table t£&.Xf*f~- 1I / \• 9. So far as i t may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other •H works for the wjfthdrajval-of groundwater * * y •»--••/ - •»» J I

• .7^:t2^,7z..vLL^^.......^^^. ..^„7..^...*rfu«_.^i^^^»-r..-^fc^a-^ I

I 10. The estimnted amount of groundwater withdrawn each year../C5i2?..j£?.£?..<? f42~r&::£&:1Z&^?zzrz:. I

flj 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available I

I ===^^^ JI 1H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including flB reference to book and page of any county record fl

flj Signature of 0wne/:^£<££?v^^!^<*-^^*^£<4^-•••*• I

flj Three copies to be filed by the owner vrith the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which thn well is located. I

flj Please answer nil questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. fl

I Original to the County Clerk and Reorder; Duplicate to the State Enfrinecr; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and (leolopy, and Quadruplicate for the Ajjpmpriaior. r>3^" Wi

^ " I

Page 43: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

K ^ • / 5 7 W . j | ^ ; ; - : ;

^HJ^k '' STAT : CF M0M1ANA i ' . -^ ^ B COUN7Y.5K LEWIS & C I ARK v - * - ; i

^HH I hereby »rt»y that the w^;n in-^ ^ ^ H strum«tnl was tiled in my ottico on , , -

^•fl , A.D. 19-ili alJ?&^—™. P"t^^^B / / o'eiockK-w- . ••; <,>

^ ^ H COWIW! St«e of Mont^n^* • ' i

• • u_2gfr*'£^ -


Page 44: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I• GW 2 Appnni Stock Form-Sac Publishing Co.. H-lens, McunaM-JS55. < ^ g J ^ 3

I File No _ , , „. T...-n//.._._.B_...^3.9 " ' . . i : ' • • ; • • • • • • ' - • ^ ^ - ; z ^ ? ? a

• DUPLICATE K C C 1 ?; V jE D Cctmtyj25^!W^^.. . . .^. .^*±^ !I T o a ..„ STATE OF MONTANA / j• J :ij' ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODE /• p — I Top of Qronnd STATE WATEE CONSERVATION BOAED V?

I " (Eiev. above sea ievei2^i£,j ' Notice of Completion of GroundwaterI — Appropriation by Means of Well• - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962H — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) j

I _ OwnGt^^^krU..^.^&^kJiddTcss j

I _ DriUeri4^._.y^^• * Date of Notice of appropriation of grotuidwater.— j^ B i M k h O s" .in/ I

W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ - ^ ^ , / t f ^ i ^ Date weU startedJe^ ]

I _ ' / ? Type Of TOiL^jdak&^fc^ .Equipment w^j!^^ J^S^£-. \H (Dag* driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotss-y or other) ]• Water use: Domestic (8 Municipal D Stock D Irrigation Q 1• _ Industrial D Drainage • Other D j• Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata j• met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show ]• — j i . r * depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing IH >•, - /*r"/*U4Ll~ap % fijiA*/ strata and height to which the water rises in the well. II f if V SIM of Size and iFrom To PERFORATIONS I• — IMM Wrtttat (FMt) (F««) PERFORATIONg 1• Role of C«tat | Klrnl From To 1

I i. _ /^f^A y iI — N Static "Water Level for non-flowing well 1

I ._ I apCj 1 j I feet. jH j !_ __ Shut-in Pressure for Flo wing "Wei} • jH _ ! I Pumping Water Level i*?.S. feet j• | w i I E at 0.. gal. per minute. 1H j | Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I

• ~~ '; I How Tested...<^??^^^?rr. I• - I ! 1 ! Length of Test /.•dfrttk&'fkzZ.. IH — Remarks: (Gravel packings cementing, pack- I

I " 7)fy V 4 . . . - S e c ^ T . / / . . R.3.... Cr8> t7PC ° f 8hUt0ff)

H — Indicate location of well and I• place of use, if possible. Each IH — small square represents 40 I• acres. J

I /<??/? *& i ^ ^ -...(Continue on reverse side) 1• """" ~~7~~s' ^ ^ — ^ u s e ^ ^or '""Kati011) industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state I• _ j . A, ^^ft^f., *Y number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- 1• ^'"" tion). I

LJ™.- = = = E = =m This fomi to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the r»'-Vi""i • vr i I• County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number I• retained by driller. s > . / -)f ,/tf I• Please ani"vcr all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be ../^..I..A..../^.« ,/.:...; f.../. II retuimed. Driller's Signature. I

" — — J

Page 45: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

E Rcc«r(sesi » n n


! herebv certify that the wtthln In.tfumwt wm flleti In ciiyofTIc* j»n

0 lt> 7 a> sp-^ mtn.^mti

J<et»rds of Lewis tiQKrVJounty^atate of Monta%ii/^^ , £

K*Y\~j/rfSi^LJ ^t$Z*fflyg/^Ow»uS *"


Page 46: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• C Approved Stoclr Form—Sutc Pablishinc Co., Helens. Mcnuru—JPSSV e\ J5* s I

I File No T...A1..H....R..3 WftBt I

I iI DUPLICATE County. X«Wla..&..CXaiCk 1


I ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDV7ATER CODE II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ( ^ £ C F 1 V ^ [ 7 ^ II Declaration of Vested Groundwater RightsM^ DEC261963 -^ II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

1 STAIt t^biNEER IE i.l^naM..^.4..M*?^...?li«i.. Allen of...lfake...Road »..Route... 1A .B&jL&Bft I• (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) II Coanty oi......lti^&..A^...Gl9Xk State of M9Bfc«E|*. II have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: •

I " I• '; ; I ; : | 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is bast-d I• —|-—j—j ; — i — j — Irrigation p^urpocea And doBttsticuaei I

• ; ; ; ' t ; | ; : 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- MI ! ! • .—; '; ! tinuous the use has been. Continuous &ince.l&8tO M

I w JJJJtLLU' ::===::= ^ I• i j '; '• ; i | ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons II —:— j—;-—f—•— j—;—•; per minute) 22QO...gallan&..i>jex.Jotijuite I

I ' ! ! f ,'• I . . . -Vi-f 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands •• /, SCfi*- 8 t o W^'C^ w a t e r ^ ^ been applied and name of the owner thereof II sPiviM- 240 acroB of irxlfca^ 1I sVJt st.iA sec/4. TM \\3lfiJ. ..o«m0A..hy...l»Qnald...«nd.i«ary...Kll«n..All«a II Indicate point of appropriation flI and place of use, if possible. * ML j - , . * * , _ . > - . ! _ I5 Each small square represents 10 r>- The means of withdrawing such water from tre ground and the gI acres. BKHWICTAL. Q3K A9KA location of c&ih well or other means of withdrawal ] •

• 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- II drawal of groundvratcr •I Pr«#«ot wolle conplftt^d approximately Wi2***?l«cml u*l'i* dating ta laaO. I

I 8. The depth of water table v ^ x l a « £ r o a B a p p r a x l j a a t « l y . 1 5 f o e t t i j . 1 2 0 fflfit fl

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other •I works for the withdrawal of grmmdwater X do POt h«»A thi«. . lafOTaatlOrn • aval l .abl». . . I

I 10. The estimated amov.nt of groundwater withdrawn each ycar..j6j6fi 5fitQ«.O{|Ql. g a l l o i l S . p e C yeAIT I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available II Do..aa&..ha?ta £hi* ia£orotatloa awallabla IH ^ « . . . . . . . . . . . . . >*>• . . . . . . » . . . . .*> . . . . . ^ H

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including HI reference to book and page of any county record I

I : II ' .^T-^ttite •

I Signature of O\mn.Xi^L''-*-<^id^.X--C^~^-^-- I

I Dat» Novenbtr 22» 1963 I

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well i» I

I located. I

I l'lcase anBwer all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Original to the County Clerk i.nd Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau II of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. •

Page 47: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I



:>••; /S/OJ-) H&:- ••?- :, M^,.-..- ; i

* » i H . . , , •••••<.-'• '• " " • & f ! < * o n ' r ; i

y p - L. . <-Li . i . J .. •- i


., ' ;.•'. ]• i

i. . . . . — . |

• • • • ' ' " , i

; < SW»* ;' .. • 'i

Page 48: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

H O W l . • Apprered Sto;k Form—Sta'= Pnblishiig Co. Helena, Montana—117-1. arf»3ic.3 9

• File No _.... - ;" ' <~' '"'"' " ' T ; 7: It..._!., •'•. ....- I

• DUPLICATE •• l''{ • ' •' C-Lya-ntj.^.rr.:-:/.-:.:''...^. ..J.-iii./:..:..! I


• (Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Ground water II ~~ Appropriation by Means of Well I• - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 I• — t (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

• O\7ner.^JsXlJZ {1.......£L^/.SLJ.1 kMrv&..^.L^:2..S^M./2.^..Jt/:.,... I

I <f Drmcr.Aj^-^-.^ IB ; A / Date of Notice of appropriation of grounrhvntt'r _ _. I

_ t 1 ^ ' Date weU started./^...^. £ Dau- comphte<tfte¥^l.-...111? I

• - Type of •wcll../rZ/ii_4.^r../;.../i?......Equipmcnt u^&C&J^LjO.vL..-?.. 1B "(Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) , - (Churn drill, rotary or other) •• Water use: Domestic fi^ Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation Q •• — Industrial's Drainage D Other Q 9

H -J-J Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata IH met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock ur sand, etc. Show IH — \j*y a. f~ £ f*\ depth at •which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •B yjl r strata and height to which the water rises in the well. I

• *•«* i Stoe""1 *^" : » PERFORATIONS I• Hole o(Ca<lne Kiwi Fim To >•^B ~~ Sl» (P«O <Pc«O j l

I : s*f° mo 5 I I• — ^" N SUtic. Water Level for non-flowing well I

B - : • ^5-..-?- feet. •B __ Doc* NO tfrtH<? (K ! i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing "WcH...^/-^- II - Pled for record , ; " I P i p i n g Water Level $.& feet jB thw / . 0 day nf >V7>L-t y ; . -? si IB _ A- D. 19_£2__, at ^//^c7 w j 1 j E at P -«- gal. per minute. •B o'clock 'P. M. ! ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well I

I "~ j j llwTcKleC.Jj?.jQ±£,../!l.../$ IB ~K>s I : 1 ! Length of Tcst..^?...../r/.../?..5. IB " .f }A J 'Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- I

I ' . 14 ScJE. 7JW R.3.LU- m t tJTC of Rhntoff) IB —» Indicate location of well and - •B place of use, if possible. Each I• "" small squtrc represents 40 ",".'"}""'" "A/ "ZT I• acres. /..K ^ ..... <-.r. •

B (Continue on reverse side) •

• USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, stnte I• — number of acres arid location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- I

I ctL WA 1£R IIIIZIIIIIZIIZII'I^IIIIII]]]I'IIZZI" IB IsLLJ Show exact depth of bottom. •

B Thin form to bo prepared by driller, and throe copies to be filed by the owner with the .^......../...U/...Of........ •B County Clerk mnd Recorder to the county to which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number •H retained by driller. / / B

H I'lcnsc answer all quesUons. U not applicable, so staic, otherwise the forn will be ..^C...<..{jjr7.#.....A*^.-<eCr!*cjtf(«!W •n rctarnw' Driller's Signature •

Page 49: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


1 224038 t ! ••«*• (EG.1 0MM>»i*||ZfNBaJI STATE. OF MONTANA t• COUNTS OF LEWIS * CLAR* |

• , h«>coy certify that the within In-

H i j

I II 1

Page 50: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• 1 > \ V ' . ^ j i - r r r ^ , ^ Approred Stock Form—Stite PubUiliinB C o , Helen*, Moaiio»—«2 o*^9^> s •

I Pile No u i ^ ^ ^ " T.._^.. _ R.._...LL. :.__ 1

I DUPLICATE . IAAR27 V-J/> County2.e^.^..i....OW"----.---. II •-.- T Q , .,... D- .,VT^.B: OF K\Tur.M_ STATE OP MONTANA. I• **- '"V* r ,cts PH'J v,0u^ ^ADMINISTRATOR OF GROTJNDWATEft CODE I• p _ T o p o f G r o m d


I (Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater II ~ : V Appropriation by Means of Wei! II ~ ^ v<* DEVELOPED AFTEE JANUARY 1, 1962 1• _. . ••"„ ;•* r/\ 'i. ««k (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session LJIWS, 1961) •

I _ SAM0> ^, 'e A- - , ? I

• - xh ,,<^ TM^^^E.,..i^ALXM....AMr^Bj^LlLj}/.£ II s- / A / Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater _ H

I „ ' Date well started.N]LV... -5 .Date comple1.ed/^.^.^ I

W — Type of well../..':.£l!y-4./-r../;..!'2.....Equipment nscd.C:dlii!.4:.X<?.^-4.i I• «"»< (Dug, Driven, bored or drilled) (Chturn drill, rotary or other) II f Water tiae: _ Domestic Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation D B• — ^ • " * * * " " * Industrial • Dr?inage Q Other n 9• ^ -> ' Indicate on the diagram the character and tlii°kness of the different strata •• met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show I• — 1/^ /\T /S i\ depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing• *s C. Btrata and height to which the water rises in the well.

I She at I Sbe «n« From To PRBFOBATIONS• — Drilled Weight (Feet) (Feet) PERFORATIONS• ' Bale ofCnlnt Kind From To

• — Size (Feet) (FecO

I - s^o r ° ^ [I ~* w Static "Water Iievel for non-flowing well

B — ^ ! ! ^A..J3. feet.• _ Dec. No".—r/KTO/a j \ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL.^V..£?-I „ ^ '^Z-ZCjl'd . yty, / \ i Pumping Water Level &.S. .feet• tliC L>3. •--•7 £\.-S/Ji6&&6. ! ; -r>^«:• _ I, A n -y, n/) ... £>j'0& w , ' ; E a t -p.C«?. gd. per minute.I _ c'r'^c' _ ^ M. ' ! Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing wellB _ 1 ^ ™ •} j jf.X....1..'...,

I ~* ^ / ! I How Tested...^2.^.7X..i£..vS.• . 7C»/ r I ! 1 i Length of Test...^?...../.:/.../?..5.I £/ V * - „_ «, ,.,.„„ „ , „ , , . .• ^^^"^ "** *» . Remarks: (Gravel packing, cemcntuig, pack-

I " , / V4...... Sec/i... T/M R^X3' tyPG °f 8hUt°ff) " I• — / Indicate location of well and - \ I• I place of use, if possible. Each J \B. ~ V ^ small square represents 40y^ -~~~.......-.~~y...g~ •• - _ (Continue on reverse side) •• TJSE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state I• — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi- •I ^ T **" • ' * * ' *s ••» •» v B J

I 7/L VVATZR I 1~IZZIZZZIZZZZIZIIIIZIIZZZ'Z 1I i L L I Show exact depth of bottom, H

I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by tbe owmr with the ~-....-..f «.v-c...w<r. _ „... •• Coanty Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number •• retained by driller. / / I

I Please nuswer all queutions. If not applicable, EO state, otherwise fthe form will be ..^iL...'..^J..f..t.....i<<kf...^u.<.^Zt....SK •• retorned. Driller's Signature fl

Page 51: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• ^ v Apprcncd Slock Form—Stilt Publishing Co.. Helen.-.. Mor,!s:i—^1921 =^ JD3 S

I Pile No T//'V R....3.W I


I Declaration of Vested Ground water R Sts DuC26t963 z) I• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws. 1961) r . - , - . , . _ I

I l.L.e.kW \A/.ZB«^<£f1*:~r.o.t*-v . ,of.(?L..A H.eU*.v<v 9I «A (Name of Apprc^riator) (Address) (Town) a• County of..Lc.j<v..i.«w-.-r*r....G..l.ft.v...lC State of iy/.C.w.4.A..t.v<w II have appropriated grotmdwater according to the Montana laws in effec'; prior to January 1, 19f<2, as follows: •

8 I j : \ i 1 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based.... /..•?..$. 9 <%..'.t.*f.. .. Hm - — i - - : . . . . ; :....:—;____ ius\.A Cc.«.& rt^et^j:/ y.\<c •$. J*.r. /ju?.»*.-?.c.X««'**t fl• ; ^ ; i i i £>««-</«. •*• / .^ i f^ /Cj^f lOfbtH ' > 1U i"oli i ! ! i ^' •'-)ate o r approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- Iin ; ; —'; • ; 1— ous the use has been t9.£>.3. •

I ""• : • j I ; 4. The amount of groundwuter claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I• ; • - - - : • — ! i.--. per minute).. l5*....a..*:t.(Q**.•.*.. ./...**XIA.X.. I

I • ' ! ; • 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands flB j, to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof mB w .Uo>^t.f.v.»..CA.v:..rfiSi.v.....?....i.b..^i.4«..V:.....L^.J.* fl• t*n'm.&vh/4, Sec iL TUJM. R.3VT. ^v.<p^.«x.\ f io .^ .** flB Indicate point of appropriation B• and place of use, if possible. Each . . . . , , , fl• small square represents 10 acres. «• The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- •I tion of each well or other means of withdrawal...yV.e.!*.CTr if flI .L3.^.)CI.\..L)L....A.«1^XJUC.A>.I4 .rt<O. Aja.v.v.4.R» I

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- II drawal of groundwater CctlL I.&.S3 I

I 8. The depth of water table Atopt-o*. U-O-- . Ll li^«..I*v. ihr...L.iiL. I M

H 9. So far as it may be* available, the type, size and depth of e«ch well or the general specifications of any other II works for the withdrawal of groundwater Qt.t.He.A :.....&..'-'..-..C.**..'*..!. *..* .- L..l."-...«^-«..«..w* I

fl 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each ycar..J.S.X.i»r>..X.2.*..* .34.S.--.....7r.S.J[.yy.*:^y.tfA.(k.V'*|.«.a«'. I

m 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available W. • 3.I....U..<L..TI A.S..A.»- .?..«f.??..« /.!«*• II .Afttitr*,fr. C.lA>>lt^, ^I«I.V.T.J». fc*.«t_ l.-»x «- Ua.»tl .* L-C O- I

fl 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying or.t the policy of this act, including flI reference to book and page of cny county record fl

fl Signature of Owner X ^ « W J ^ UXto*#a3fo[tt-*'CJ 1

I Dr.te. l.*r..r J.S. ~6r£ «

E Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. •

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form v,-ill be returned. I

I Originnl to the County Cleric, and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of I

B Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates „ - , - , - • fl

Page 52: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

I *


m | nerehv certify Hot V^ .vl«-'-. 'n« g

Page 53: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

S^BjB^BM GW . Approved S'ock Form—State Publishing Co . Hcicn». Mcntana—i?--.<~ ' ^ J g g ^ S


H | Me Nn -" - R E C E I V E D T--"y' d^7?H DUPLIOA-K Coun ty . . . ^ . . . . ^ . . - O*.OH »!AK *> l 3 / u STATE OF MONTANA I^ ^ 9 , , L 0 Q ADMINISTRATOR OP GROUNDWATER CODEH I-™~l Top of Qrotmd STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD

• H ~ (Eiev. above sea levels ) Notfccf of Completion of Groundwater^ H - Appropriation by Means of Well^ ^ H - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962^ ^ ^ B — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended)

Hi U 9 - 3« s o i l aona Owncr * * * ^ ©S** •Address

IH _ e l f ty Driller.? .®?.. . ¥ * ^ »!**S^^H 3 •• 12* Clay, SCOW Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwatcr ~

^^•B _ sharp gravelfl^H „ Date well starte(§*P?!*~..X7. .......Date completed.. 3®B**....S9*....X$6SH — 12 » 23* t ight clay^ ^ H _ bound 9hW*p Tjrpe o£ •weU...i ei3tl .4 .Equipment used..fthum...4xlll^B^H gravol (Dug, driven, bored or dulled) (Churn drill, rotary or other)^ | ^ D _ ^,_ Water use: Domestic f_] Municipal G Stock Q Irrigation Q• • _ Z3 - 37 ' S i l t « ©lay Industrial • Drainage Q Other D^B^B M «, hgl tljdifc clay Indicate en the diagram the character and thickness of the different strataM | ^ H ">» **Ci "u SZTa isn^mki m e t w ^^ ' n drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. ShowB f l H J _ oouna g z w o x depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing^ ^ ^ H . * strata and height to which the water rises in the well.^•B — 12 - M>» olay _ , ^_=_ ;^ ^ ^ H | 5U* o' s l " m d Frwn To PERFORATIONS -

H B P ~ *-6 - 5l» imrd iMm D^Sf oTcUrti, ("" "*' 5 s F ^ T;; \H ^ ^ l Sin (F«« (Feet) i

^ ^ H $1 - 58' loos« v»ry , i• • ~ sllty shale 6" 6 5/8" O.D.• ^ H — grav«l 15 !%• )^^M ~ 55 - 57' hard p»n 0 £8« | ,BB ~ 57 - 58« tl^it shale !• - gravel r ^ r . •^B^| — N Static "Water Level for non-flowing well ;^ ^ B _ I j T n I ...H feet. I^ ^ ^ ^ B i ! Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well. jH^H _ 2 3 1 80B» Wa'^r i | Pumping Water Level 38 f c e t '-

•fl - 5 ' - 53« SO^Wator - 1 ' j E at ~ gal. per mbute. JB ^ ^ l | ; ; Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well i^ ^ • 1 "~ i I How Tested .^^M?,• l - n o£jU± #LvA -i ] L c n« t h of Tcst -—"'^ ^ ^ • 1 — nor.. f i 0 ^T" / CL-TH' "(J Remarks: (Gravd packing, cementinR, pack-• \ ^ZS^^^^^t^jL^... - -*-n •-^ ^Hi — ' ' ,r, *jn_~ i •i'-— Indicate location of well and^ H fi.u- yJ Z~\A p l a c e o f USC| i f P°ssiWc- E » c n

fl^^H "~ o'c\ock_— -— ' small square represents 40 ""^ H ^ H | acres.^ ^ H m (Continue on reverse side)^•JB^BHI^ ^ ^ W USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, stutc• i ^ W — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-

^ H _. tion)-^KH LBHHJ Show exact depth of bottom.

n H /'/ /•f^H This form to be prepared by driller, ar.d three c< pio« to bu filed by the owner with the 'I'V'MI" ">" "i" M VW^^M County Clerk and Recorder in Ihe county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Lnller K License Nui iberH^^B retained by driller. J ,- j , )

W^Ku Please answer all question?. If not applicable, eo nti»te, otherwise the form will be ../..s...<R".tfr...(. /...s..(JS<.LiflKH returned. Llriiicr's Signature.

M i ^

Page 54: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• • £08516 PSi^^rni^ ^ H ' OPT-' -I ~f\ri—? i si v i i^ H STATE OF MONTANA *— '• f f . . ,.• ^ ^ 1 COUNTY OF LEWIS » CLARK > S i ^ ' "•<..> ' '• '.'

^ ^ ^ ^ H I hereby cert'iv ' ' n t :'>t- .v'lhir. «

^ ^ B t h i s - ^ T , •-•<.:• s' rL£^£r- . '. '• ' ••-•-• ;• y. • -_ • ••.-.: .• ••. ':;•;>

^ ^ ^ ^ H ..ounty R«5fcnlet . ' .

BBi Deputt

Hi %&&<?IHI ^^^^^K ' - *

Page 55: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

1H =*?S**»3 GW 2 RevKtd i w County... *JBKi3 &..v-w___ / *

^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG '^ m ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE Indicate the character, color, thick-« • - MONTANA WATER RESOURCES aOARD n e s s rf s t r5 ta s u c h as d a y s a n d

§H N O T I C E O F COMPLETION O F G R O U N D W A T E R s rave l-sha l: sandsione- e*- showM •? APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL S » ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ H Developed after January 1, 1962

• • • (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Uws, 1961, a* amended) Top of Ground <EI~. »•„« s« ie«o

I ^ ^ ^ B This form to be prepared by driller, and three ccpies to be filed F—- ToH^fl fay the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <Ff t0 ffea) | ___^ ^ ^ H which |he well is located, last copy to bs retained by driller. i___L. _4__2 ii-tfo aMttiy C,_g!^ —^ ^ ^ H Please iriswer ail questions. If not applicable, so s'ato, otherwise the w/ (M»nfc».r»—«ri g—a-WIfl^B fomi may5 be returned. T/,.nt jA.Q» •'ink t-izyny &\%y gyavw»l

| H Owner ^QtaUtaftSjft U^H L ^ 1 ' 5 ^ i -^yS^ga^^"—

•^Bm ifelen&*J&atan& 6mn&iJ.S/f9Si.JlX S»4fcp^g^aikaa-aaKft r.layay Hilt

I HI Dale well started£2ay.2£*..l«?2 GW 1 52.0.1 )LJvl - la i i - f l ia*

H fl completed%xJ?5j...?#7?. Sw>fl!.-Sfiutt:J!aa. gtaTOiiy oalyay rilt—

• • B R i ~~ ~« Type of well &&*©& 5&»0» J&J1 - I sn f 1 Mtf»v-,Hi;ty waTniy—._^ ^ ^ ^ H (Dug, drives, bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~f-TYpl

flH Equipment used . . .^um. . . .dri l l 63-iX? .-Vfea Tan gnTO-y a»it.y o lny.— -^ H _ _ _ _ B (Orarn drill, rotary or othr.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ——_-—_>—_——— "

^ ^ H Water Use: DomesticiQ Municipal D Stock Q Irrigation • $S-C-l-,7-i-3..^-»?i. olttygy .-TV» fJTI» — --- .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ _________________________«__»__-______-_?________-•--__--—--•-__---__---«

^ ^ ^ 5 Industrial • Drainage • Other • * Garden/Lawn • —; "tTT~

^ D Describe -^-t*i- * ~ -^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ B _ _ _ _ _ V/ft.-—*** HftH——Iftt. t% tjfk-O* '^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ;.^ ^ ^ H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block T _ - — - — — — — — —• .,

^ ^ ^ ^ H and Addition) ! ______. .«- .___—._._ . _ _ _ _ : ;


_ ^ ^ ^ B brStcd *,**$* (F«rt) (pScO ' PERFOR\nONS .,

^ ^ B 6 5/8" KLk ironj 1»5* 72.3* • »S KS ,FK«, "it

^^1 pipe XSlb. 1/8X6" 61.8' 71.6' •

_^O F#F* IZT1—• 11 -

l ^ | " N ===================== -— —- , ..^B^H I ; i j I Static wah»i' level ..._*J+«0 ft.* JH . iB| H ! ; Pumping water level ...aQ»Q* ft.* ___.—.__._.__,__. -k,H ^ ^ H -J J at ...30. , gallons per minute, '•' '^ ^ ^ H | Jf I i measured ..^..minutes after pumping _^__ '. __ |_i I ! began. ';^^_____________H \ V ______________—______*»—_w_—_w_____^_____»—_M*__i•_ I t - _ — _ _ - - - - _ _ _ • •_•_____•-——•H __-___!__-_____—•___•__—-—•-1•_"-_mi•_-_-*•_____ ____---___>—>-_—*-»>-_

, ^ ^ H H | i ! *Measured from ground level. ____.^HH I i Well developed by ^ H i n g ______________________________8^_v| - | -!- f^r X hours. .^BflQ '; ; Power Pump HP^^^^K i I Remarks; (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ _ . _ _ «^^^Hfl packers, type of shuteff)

HH ac % M..V, sec..i7 - • - • • • • • • - - • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -^ • • • - • • • ' • • • • • • • - • - • • •

^BM N R....3 •€ __ _



•^H Driller's Signatur___^*f^w?^^C<SS^^.i*^ —•

flHi Driller's Address .220. C. Ch»<!'... Wp.»fc - J - 1 _ _ _ _ _


«• •••Ut_»,- t t» i tM»- .&6(Xl LICENSE NO..225 -7Z*** S h o w e x a c t dePth o f b o t t o m

^ S s/y?3


Page 56: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I


.,eret,y certify ttvrl the wKMn *•>

"_( o'clocv/p Ml- *"<• r»cort'


• i

Page 57: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• a g_Sfc>3 G\V : Rrvisrd m? ."m-nt^ Ttna\ a A **^<T<r ^...< •

• L STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG 1• ADMINIfTSATOR O* GROUNDWATER CODE ! r v J i c a ! e ^ cha , ^ II ." MON-..NA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n e s s o f s , r a t a s u c h as c,By# s a n d / I

I * NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 rave l sha!*' sandstone, etc. Show I

I APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL g * £ * ^ 5 ^ ^ f IB Developed after January 1, 1962 •

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, at amended) Top of Ground <EICT ,bove«, u«n I

B This -form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed *>o— To •• by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in lFtH) (F"<) fl• wMdi ftje well is located, last copy to be r t ..ed by driller. QwQ1 ,i^»Q* ^ » n j T l Y f i i i r nHtn7 pi7^Y I• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the I

I form may LMJ returned. 2 2 ^ Jl6^1 J ^ « R ^ J ^ S K J l t J l U * |

I owner John ^ottbedc i . A . . . . — r r , 1 1-—1 Al—LI-ii awadr C--ftl I• For Administrator s use ~ •

I Address 7645-.^x*h. »ro1*oa.Av». File23t7$6l U - - U 1 ^ . ..__-&:-g_»J 1

m H^Una Hontax.\a /}ugas£JSJ$$3.../*_fe^.Mu51_tuS -SaaomWj wnnly adit I

1 Date well started ^1X^.^.-197.2 GW 1 fc***-1- holfl II completed «?,..JL932 1

I Type of well dri l led 1H IP (Dag. driven, borrd or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9

• Equipment used 010— —• ———.—._. •H (Chore JfnU rot»ry or othw) ______ ——. — _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ' I

• Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal • Stock © Irrigation • I

I Industrial Q Drainage [~ Other Q* Garden/Lawn D •

BB DOSCriD© .» . . «•——»_—•__ • _ » • - _ _ _ • _ a. a - H i i m i * ! ! • nir-WMMt—< _ • — • • •

B USE: If uced for irrigation, industr.'al, drainage or other. Lxplain, __-_-_—_--_———-—-—----——--——-. •B state number of acres and location or other date (i.e. Lot, Block ——— — —-— •

B and Addition) __._ . ______—.—._ ' fl


B Slt» of Size md I From To TTZ Z • " B• Drilled WritM (Fe«) (F*«) FERFORATIONS •^ B R o t e o f O - r t f i s I * _-_—••—•—» .——**-_—_. -»—_••-— r __.«•_•-_>•—••—-<•—>«—>^—'*_• —• ^ p

• 6- iwn 1,5* 46.0» « - g-. ^ ] |• Pll* 1/8X6- 34.0* U.0« I• _51o. K•ft Vp _-.•_.«_<• -.__»_••_ •_._.-_•__-.•__••_.-•_.--•_•_-_••___-._-.•«•. " _ •

_ B g i ~ * ^ ~ " " '''~t.'"''r ' ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ " ' " •' ' — • — » i •' • ' ! • • ••i»iii|m .„, „ . i .I, | . _ . . ., ,MIIH..I — I . I . I . •••—.— •—• —— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ f H _ « _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M _ l l _ _ I M - a H |

I \ j j I Static water levt 21*2 ft.* I• ; j Pumping water ,uvel .ft.* _._,_._,_ _,__,_,_,_._ IB j -! at -._2--fc©-_,5— -gallons per minute, •. •B ', j measured minutes after pumping _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ , _ , _ , _ _ _ . _ I

•> ! ! * Measured from ground level. _ _ _ . —._._._, _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ . IB j ! f Well developed by £ftUJUlg " ~ — mI I _ J i T X...hours. j _._.__,_,»._. . "BB ; j Pov.rr Pump HP flB • j Remarks-. (Gravel packing, cementing, _._»„_,_,__._._, __._ •• ________ packers, type of shutoff) fl

B ._.....% .S8..V4 Sec.17 •fl T...11 N R....3 _t I 1


I Driller't S\gnotKjt^^»^^....^..Ji^S^&^^>0^'-^- I

I Driller's Addres_20..C.CU-t«T-i-«-.Kant ' ' I

I H»lM»v..MoRtt_t..996CO. LICENSE NO..225 **•**- Show exact deplh of b(3ttom I

B——m__»______i_-n_____________________ B

Page 58: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• ^^

H^H^^^^^V * " *


Page 59: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

^ B >:Jnow2R.v«(i!!w __ - _ ._, County...I«;-:ia.. ..Ci?-.«« I• - « " .;. .. — j , ..> A• _ • STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOG x

Q | ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE . .. . „ ,., f>, rninr t k > l f \B MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD l n d l C%e ** ™, .?>*?' * ' * "DHHJ ness of strata sur.h as soil, clay, sand,H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER graW!/'shale, sandstone, etc. Show• APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL J P * a? wh'.ch. w 8 ' e r s f o u n d an.?^ ^ B height ,'o wn;';n water rtse^ in well.^ M Developed after January 1, 1962^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Uwt, 19&1, as amended) T o p of Ground (B!rv. abo»e «,*•.««^ H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From To^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in (F"'1 (Ftrt)

^ H which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. } 0,0* 10. u " u'riVeJJLi" s i l t y ~ c l a £ _^ H Please answer oil questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the (awJJLatt brown;^ H form may be returned. Ai'iill I^ii" '-.£££_* a 3 : ^ a \ . _ _^ B 12.0* "lS-P** "^%ndy"*flwreSXy ftlay T aSTI ^ H Owner E a r l i saXar I — ; 1 . . . . . •,-•, . ' , . . .m. •-..-. • i r . .- .n • • n . , , - . . — -

_ -«-*J... .w.^. For Administrator-s Use ^//jl^/ffJ^^ff^U&^/iJ^^

H Address , . . ^ . . i *K»^ .M^ Fii6 ...A.^LCL :f. jst^r~'nW^^^S^sr^ K .M?.%.Ii??*«»??..5^ : 7 7 _SSaC-SsSI^^LSSJL*222

H Date well started _!?«»..3A,.. 1973 G w , i .3c. ,. .,- H ^ 3 1 5 L - b £ B L 3 S ™ ! * 2 . « .

• completed 4BM..X5*.A923. ] |" I I &**2SL*US*!L i-.

BR Type of well °*lxl<*i }- . *t—^HB 'Don, driven, bored ot drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '* •••HH Equipment used .?*!?»»..drill ! w _J^ ^ H (Chum <lrtn, rootrv or other) i _ _ _ _ _ • <"....'

^ H Water Use: Domestic fe Municipal • Stocky Irrigation Q '—*—*— '""H

^ H Industrial • Drainage • Othv-r • * Garden/lawn D ""* ~~-~~ * "~ u™^

^^m .• 'Describe I— _ . . _ _ — . — . _ _ — _ _ — . _ — _ _ _ _ . - J

^ H £: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, j^ H state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block 1 —.—-—--,—.—.__ ——_-

^^H end Addition) . » . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ _ — _ i

^ B esTiwiAreo ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL .. «. . _

I *5E? ?$L **** ^ -wmwiww zzz. m z . _,• 6 5/8 6- ^l.oJ ;?6.o* S" <hiq "** Z Z I Z l -• | 15 ibt ;H 5" 1.0. 19,0' 34*0' l/8n8l^- 24.0» 34.C 1 ^_H_B •

^ ^ • f t __ ---. .I..-. *-• i 1 i"""""~>"**""'"" -" -"""" i"g"'^"" - -"*'"~*""*""" i""*"*n '"*<

_HHf ^^ H • i ' I j I Static water level jjl ft .* ~* "" *"Hi ! I Pumping water level •*?. ft.* ___.«.«.-.»>-._.___ — . — . _ _ . _^ ^ B ---!-. - — ; at ?fc5 gallons per minute. __,_____««_______.-«__.HR ' ; measured ...3yminutes after pumping _._«, „ . _________ _ _ _ _^ B '< ! began. ________«_»_-«____________«_-__-_^^m , " " " * * * , ; *Measurcd from ground level. _ _ . _ _MM ! Weil developed by ....feailAag j" ' ***- J^HB !. for S. hours. HHB • • Power Pump HP __________________________^D{ • Rcjmarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _ _ _ _ _ _^ ^ B " ' ' ' ptickcrs, type of shutoff) I

^ B ! S.'/4 StK.lif ^ - .• Ik R...J r .LRH « w i "| ^ B CATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE.' | H SQUARE JMPRESENTS 40 ACRES. 1 I

I «*vfr~4^^&>4&~-. FEL'T i• • • • • • »_—i •_>. aw ___ ws _«_ m m..._ »—> •__ __, „_, __ ,»_ , H —»•_- MM •—> __. M B • • * aw, I j

^M idress ..JJC..C. Cu»t«r.. i .«O. S.jOt?t ' -1

^ 1 itoBtwia .$9^01 LICENSE NO....*??5 -- 3 4 ^ f t ' Show exact deplh of boirom

Page 60: X j -… · >X j strata and height to which the water rises in the well. • H SUe or Size nml From I

• a i A l t OF MONTANA I• OUNTY OF LEWIS & Cl « K { * - . ,

Q tiorrty certify th«t th» »JltWn In• ,trun>enL w . l Wed >n n W ^ * • "

^ 1 / R«x:ofti* of t-*«J»^ Cl»r>

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