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Team Hardcore Call Transcription July 1 – Ashley Campos -

[Beginning of Recorded Material]


00:00:03 Jenelle: Okay guys. We’re ready to get started. This is JenelleSummers. This is the Team Hard Core training call and today is Wednesday, July first, so a new month, new goals, fresh start, time to draw a line in the sand and take great notes on this call because we have someone who is completely killing it speaking on the call today. Her name is Ashley Campos and I’ll introduce you to her in just one second. Real quick, I just want to get through a couple quick announcements. Number one, we won’t be having a call two weeks from now. So Wednesday, July fifteenth, two weeks from now, we will not be having a call. That call will be canceled. So make note of that to remind yourself to let your team members know that there will be no call in two weeks and that is because of Summit.

Also I just to remind you if you haven’t listened yet to Meg [unintelligible] social media call from Monday, The National Wake-up Call, definitely listen to that call. The call back number is eight – three - two – two – two – five – five – zero – six – five. That’s always the playback number so you always should have that memorized especially to let your team members know and remind them to listen to those calls. That’s what I consider a critical activity to listen to The National Wake-up Calls and again that number is eight – three - two – two – two – five – five – zero – six – five. And if you heard that call on Monday, which I definitely did, and Meg did an amazing job that’s why I want you to hear it. Ashley’s name was all over that call. I mean she was, you know, they always list the top Challenge Pack sales and top recruiters and, you know, all of that and I kept hearing Ashley’s name. And I do often, a lot of weeks I hear Ashley’s name mentioned. And Ashley is a part of my organization. She is one of Mindy Wender’s coaches. Actually Ashley are you personally sponsored by Mindy Wender?

00:01:57 Ashley: No. I’m actually personally sponsored by JenRichardson.

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00:02:01 Jenelle: Oh. Okay. So I knew you were within Mindy Wender’sdown line and obviously within my down line as well, and I can see, you know, obviously new coaches being added to my organization and I’m constantly seeing Ashley’s name. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, new coach, Ashley, Ashley, and it’s like, “Whoa!” So I started taking notice, and went, “Wow! I have a real major rock star in my organization.” And…so Mindy Wender was like, “Jenelle, you’ve got to have her speak on one of your team calls since she’s just killing it,” and again, like I said, I kept hearing her name on The National Wake-up Calls.

So I was like, “Yeah, absolutely. We want to hear what Ashley’s got to say. So she’s doing a call today that is called “Rocking Your Business Using Social Media,” and we just cannot get enough social media training, right? Because that’s where it’s at. If you talk to any coach who is killing it, making, you know, lots of Success Club points, building a team, rank-advancing, they’re usually really leveraging social media because that is, in my opinion, the most effective way to do it. And so Ashley is a One-Star Diamond and like I said, every month, month after month, she has high Success Club points. And you know, if you follow me and my trainings at all, you know that like I’m not going to tell you that it’s all about killing it with Success Club points, you’ve got to be building a team and training a team, but Ashley does that. I mean like I said, she is constantly bringing new team members on to her team and she’s just a great overall person. I know she’s super busy. She has a little girl at home there and she says she’s trying to keep her occupied as she goes through this call. I was like, “You know Ashley, we get it. Most of us are moms too. We totally get it.” And Ashley’s just gone through a move so she’s super busy. She could have every excuse in the world to not be working her business, and not be killing it. She’s also currently pregnant. You’ve got to check out her account you guys. You’ll have to give us your Instagram name, Ashley. Isn’t it getfitwithashley then underscore, is that what it is on Instagram?

00:04:00 Ashley: Yeah. Yeah.

00:04:02 Jenelle: Getfitwithashley and then an underscore.

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Getfitwithashley and then an underscore. You have got to check out her account. She’s so freaking cute. So anyways with all of that, Ashley, go ahead and take it away.

00:04:17 Ashley: Thanks Jenelle. And like I’m super excited that, youknow, you’re actually like I love talking about social media. So [unintelligible] I’m all for it so thanks for letting me be on your call this morning and to share a few tips that have worked for me. So I guess I’ll kind of give a little back-story. I’ve been a coach since May of two thousand fourteen. When I first started I was kind of like everybody else who first starts. I was kind of overwhelmed a little bit and kind of just trying to like take in as much information as I could about, you know, feeling like I’m going to…my brain’s going to explode. But my coaches did such an amazing job with offering, you know, these programs and these trainings for me to utilize so with [unintelligible] all that, that’s when I decided the next month, the following month of June, that I was going to start my own fitness, that’s the getwithashley one, that’s when I started that page was June, two thousand fourteen. When I first started that page I had one follower for like two days and it was my mom. So yea for mom. But, you know, it’s basically I wasn’t really focusing on building my Instagram, I was basically just putting my journey out there. I was eight months post-partum, I had gained over eighty pounds with my daughter and it didn’t come off after I had her, so I was really struggling to find something that would help me lose the weight.

So that’s when I found Jen Richardson and she told me about, you know, Beach Body and the programs and that’s when I decided to try the Twenty-one Day Fix and Shakeology and basically ever since then I have been posting my journey. Basically just showing people this is my workout. I…like if you look at my Instagram page, I usually post my workouts. I do like the video and show them like, “This is the upper fix, this is the lower fix,” and usually my daughter’s in there doing it with me. She’s two so it’s kind of fun to see that. But basically how I’ve grown my Instagram page, like I said I started with one follower, right now I think I’m up to almost thirty-three thousand followers on my Instagram since I started it last, well I guess a year ago. And a lot of people have messaged me and they’re like, “Wow! How do you

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build up your Instagram to that many people following you?” And I get asked a lot like if I bought my followers. I can tell you I didn’t buy them. They’re all people who just want to, you know, follow me and support my journey and I can’t thank them enough for doing that because it’s so awesome see all these people reaching out to me all the time. But I’ve shared this with my team, you know, and Jen’s team and Stephanie’s team, but there’s this method that I’ve figured out that’s been really helpful and a lot of my teammates have been doing it also. But it’s…and I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, so I’m just going to…like if you’ve heard of it, that’s good, but if not, I’m going to kind of just tell you about it. So basically what I’ve been doing to increase my followers is what Instagram calls “shout outs.” I’ve lost eighty pounds so far with Twenty-one Day Fix, T Twenty-five, Shakeology, and a little bit of [unintelligible]. So I have my transformation pictures and I’ll send them to these Instagram pages.

Most of them have like a hundred and thirty-six thousand followers or up in the hundred thousand followers. So when they post my picture on my page that’s where I get my most exposure and that’s when I have…people who come and follow me come to my page and start “liking” my pictures and then that’s when I’ll have people e-mailing me or sending me comments saying like, “Can you tell me more about the Twenty-one Day Fix?” or “Can you tell me more about being a coach? That sounds like something I would love to do.” So if you want to write down, I have a list of the top four pages that I usually submit my pictures to. The first one that I use because I’m a mom is called “idfitmoms” and it’s all one word. It’s “i – d – f – i – t – m – o – m – s,” “idfitmoms,” and they’re really good about featuring people. Recently, I believe, they just started this new thing where you can pay them five dollars and they will guarantee feature you. Like they’ll guarantee you a spot on their page so you can get more followers maybe like up to two-hundred followers within that one feature. Another one I use is called “transformationfitnation,” and that’s all one word too. It’s “transformationfitnation.” And then the other one is called “realprogress,” all one word. And then the last one that I use that I like is called “great,” and then underscore, “weightloss,” underscore, “inspirations.”

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And one of my coaches actually got featured on the “transformationfitnation.” I think it was yesterday she got posted on that page and she messaged me and she’s like, “Oh my god, I just got two hundred plus followers within an hour,” and I was like, “I told you.” Like it’s just amazing that people want to see real people. And people want to see you working for it and they don’t want to see you like taking, not the easy way, but they don’t

00:10:00 want see your shortcuts. They want to see peopleworking for their progress and people who are just like me and you who, you know, are stay-at-home moms, or they work at…you know, they go out and work every day, or they’re students, or you know, whatever your situation is, they just want to see real people.

And that’s one thing that I try to present on my Instagram is that I’m just a real, real person. I’m just some girl from California who’s thirty-three weeks pregnant and has a toddler and a dog and I workout from home and I’m making all of this stuff happen for me at home and I think for a lot of people that actually resonates with them because a lot of people who follow me are moms and who are struggling with, you know, their baby weight and just trying to find something that works with them and their schedule. Because I know being a mom first-hand is hard, like it’s really hard. Like I’m sitting here right now with Elmo on in the background, trying to keep my daughter occupied while I’m talking but it’s just that, like that method right there…if you can send your picture to them and few tips on that. When you send in your pictures, don’t put on there like “Twenty-one Day Fix progress.” Like make it generic. Put your picture there, put the day, like your start day and the end day you took the picture, and put your watermark on there and if you don’t know what a watermark is, basically just put your i.d. name across your pictures because I’ve had people who have stolen my pictures from different companies and said I have lost the weight using their products. So watermarks are really important especially on Instagram, especially if your page is public and anyone can just go to your page if they please, because I’ve honestly had that happen to me more than once and it doesn’t feel good knowing that you worked your butt off for it and they’re saying you did something else for it.

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But anyways, just, you know, as far as your Instagram, everyday when I wake up I…it’s like part of my job. I go into the day knowing that I have to post something on my Instagram at least three to four, three to four posts that day. Usually I’ll space them out, maybe like an hour or two in between just so I’m not like one after the other after the other and people are like, “Oh my gosh, the girls posts so much.” So I try to keep it at a minimum and I try to keep them spaced out time-wise. I try not to post anything “salesy,” like, “Hey come buy this or come do that,” it’s usually just me working out, or me drinking my Shakeology, or a picture of my daughter stealing my Shakeology to drink, or something that’s not super, super-duper “salesy.” I don’t ever use stock photos, I usually have a picture of like the containers or like I’m folding them or whatever, because I feel like most people don’t want to see that “salesy” like cheesy salesman-type stuff. They want to see that you’re just a normal person working from home and I think people really relate to me that way but it’s not like a salesman, I guess is what I’m trying to get after. Let me see, what else? I already told Jenelle I’m a rambler. So when I get like on a roll, I just go and go.

00:13:34 Jenelle: Hey Ashley, can I ask you something?

00:13:37 Ashley: Yeah, sure.

00:13:38 Jenelle: Can you hear me? Oh okay. So when you say you submityour picture to these…the list before that you gave us, are you saying you actually post your transformation and then you just tag them [unintelligible] or are you e-mailing these accounts or how are you sending your pictures?

00:13:53 Ashley: Yes. Okay that’s a good question. Sorry…totally missedthat one.

00:13:56 Jenelle: Oh, no worries.

00:13:57 Ashley: So usually I direct-message them. I’ll put the picture in adirect-message. And most people, I hope, know how to direct-message, but if not, if you go to your home screen, like where you scroll through the feed, there’s a little box in the corner of your Instagram page and it’ll

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be where you direct-message. And you’ll add the picture like you normally would post an Instagram picture, but then you’ll put in those names that gave in the “To:” and you’ll write like your little blurb about, you know, how you lost the weight and usually I tell my team sometimes it takes a few weeks for them to actually like look at it, but you have to kind of figure they have so many people doing this. Like there’s so many people and they have so many followers who are submitting their pictures to try to be featured that it does take some time sometimes, but it’s like a hundred and ten percent worth it when you get your name out there and you, you know, have people coming to follow you and

00:15:00 asking you what you’ve done. So usually I direct-message them. It’s the pretty much only way I can get their attention other than…because I usually always tag them in my pictures. Like every time I do like a [unintelligible] picture or whatever, I’ll tag them in it, but the odds are they’re probably not going to see it. So I usually always just direct message them.

00:15:20 Jenelle: And so I have a question and you said in that direct-message you want to explain, you know, a bit about your story and how you got your results. So in that message you go ahead and say that you got your results from Shakeology and, you know, and doing Les Mills and those things, you’re just saying don’t put like Twenty-one Day Fix across the picture.

00:15:39 Ashley: Yeah because…

00:15:40 Jenelle: So is that what you’re saying?

00:15:41 Ashley: Yeah, because like I had one page tell me that they won’t put my picture on their page just because it was advertising, which I mean, I don’t know. To each their own, but that’s how I did it. That’s how a lot of, you know, my own customers and a lot of my friends have done it so…but that’s just something…that’s just the policy that they had, but it’s just…for me it’s worked better if I don’t put it on there and then later on when they come to my page I can further explain how I did it personally.

00:16:15 Jenelle: But I mean when you’re direct-messaging these top four you do go ahead and tell them how you lost the weight,

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you’re just saying in that picture you’re giving to them, you’re not blasting across your picture that it was Twenty-one Day Fix or something that did it.

00:16:31 Ashley: Yeah, because usually like when you…when they put the picture up or when you’re scrolling through Instagram the first thing you see is the picture, right? So you’re not really reading the caption. The first thing you see is the picture. So when they see your picture and they say, “Wow, like how did she do that?” That’s when they’re going to go down to the caption and they’re like, “Wow,” you know, like I have people all the time saying, “ Wow, I’ve been seeing Twenty-one Day Fix on t.v. all the time, but it didn’t really know if it worked.” And I’m like, “Well, here, you know, here’s the proof it works. And if you’re willing to put the time into it and follow the workouts and the meal plan we can definitely make it work for you,” and then usually from there after the customer has reached out to me, I’ll start talking to them via e-mail or sometimes direct-messaging, but mostly e-mail and we’ll just take it from there.

00:17:14 Jenelle: Okay. Awesome. Okay. Cool. Go ahead. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.

00:17:19 Ashley: No. That’s okay. Let’s see. Trying to think.

00:17:26 Jenelle: Oh, go ahead.

00:17:28 Ashley: No, no. Fine.

00:17:31 Jenelle: Well I was just going to say, how often do you work in like something about, you know, joining your team, or a sneak peak, or, you know, something that helps you to either get people involved in a challenge group or buy a Challenge Pack, or join your team? How often do you weave that in?

00:17:47 Ashley: As far as posts like that I try to keep my page…I follow the eighty – twenty rule. I’ll do eighty percent personal, twenty percent business. I’ll try to post like I’m looking for new team members, I’ll try to post something like that every…not every week. Usually on Fridays I’ll try to do something like that, like “now hiring.” My goal that I set for myself is ten new people a month. So it’s…usually if I spread it out during the week I can try to get like a

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few in one week, a few in another week and just try to go from there. But as far as posting about like the Twenty-one Day Fix, you know, sales that’s happening right now, I don’t post about it as much as I used to in the beginning just because I have so many people who’ve seen me daily doing it, but every single day I’ll post a workout. Like yesterday I posted Upper Fix, I post a video so people can see and they can kind of see what it is that sells…you getting…if they buy it. But some…like at the beginning of the month of June I did post a flier saying, you know, “For the month of June you can get the Twenty-one Day Fix or the Twenty-one Day Fix Exchange for one forty.” And if you have any information…I kind of tell them about how I lost my weight with the program then I usually get e-mails or comments about how…or like them wanting to try it out also. But at the beginning when I first started my page, I would post about it probably once a week also. Post my priors. My coach Jen does a really great job at…she does fliers. Like she’ll put out fliers in our group that we can use. The…[unintelligible]…oops sorry. Can you hear me?

00:19:57 Jenelle: Oh that’s okay. Yes, no I can.

00:20:00 Ashley: Okay. But yeah, usually once a week I’ll post about both of them individually like “help wanted,” and usually when the Twenty-one Day Fix is on sale, it’s going to be a good month. Because that’s my like…that’s my soul mate program, you know, just that one program that you can find that you can make your most progress with and show people that just be the product of the product, basically is Twenty-one Day Fix and Shakeology, you know, I’ve lost a little bit over fifty pounds with it and just showing people that, you know, I have a daughter and right now I’m thirty almost thirty-four weeks pregnant and I’m still doing it. I think that it speaks to people who are sitting at home thinking that they can’t. They can’t do it because of “x” of “y” reasons. It’s been quite a journey, but it’s been fun and awesome.

00:21:00 Jenelle: You know I just want to tell everyone we’re about twenty-two minutes right now and at thirty minutes after sometimes it disconnects you, I don’t know why. It’s a new problem that’s happening, so if it does to any of us, just call back in. You might even have to call back in twice. So just wanted to warn you about that, but

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also, Ashley, I wanted to ask, do you, well first of all I know this is like a record month for you. Didn’t you…aren’t you about to hit like…or didn’t you hit like a hundred thirty Success Club points for June or something close to that?

00:21:29 Ashley: Yeah, I hit a hundred and thirty two this month. Definitely a record.

00:21:35 Jenelle: Oh my gosh. I should have said that at the beginning you guys. Because maybe when I said high Success Club points, you were thinking like, I mean I consider “high,” you know, twenty, and when Ashley told me one thirty, she was like, “And I think it’s a record for me.” I’m like, “Oh, you think so?” I think it’s a record for anyone. Like I don’t even know how to digest that. So what would you say you did differently this month? I mean I know you’re always high with Success Club points, but all of us are like, “What the heck?” I mean are you talking to each individual person that’s buying a Challenge Pack or joining your team? Or some people just go on right to your site and buying?

00:22:12 Ashley: I feel like some people I do get…that just go straight to my site and they’ll buy it, but usually I’ll talk to them through Instagram. Like I’ll comment about little questions. I don’t ever put the price on my Instagram because, I don’t know, I feel like it’s something I should talk to the person one-on-one about because [unintelligible] has different situations. But I’ll…usually when someone’s interested I’ll have them e-mail me or I’ll have them e-mail in the comment and if they’re interested, they’ll e-mail me and I’ll, you know, reply back to them. And usually in my reply I’ll tell them, and that’s how I’m making this the other day, I’ll tell them basically how the Twenty-one Day Fix works. The rundown of everything that they’ll be getting as far as like the workout, the meal plan, the portion control aspect of it, and also my challenge groups that I run on Facebook. I’ll tell them about that too and how e-mail…we’ll all be there to motivate and support each other and I just try to get them really like hyped up and like just wanting to start right now and then at the end I’ll tell them, “If you’re interested in joining I would love to be your coach.” And then, I’ll…at the beginning I didn’t do this, but now I do. I’ll put my link at the bottom just

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in case they’re interested in joining and I’ll give them kind of like a detailed description on how to go about buying the Challenge Pack just because sometimes people will want to think on it or people will want to go talk to their husbands or their wives or whatever and they’ll be like, “Okay, I’m just going to do it now.” And then they’ll just go on Beach Body and then they’ll sign up and they’ll buy a Challenge Pack but it wasn’t under you. So then you have to go and do the whole switch-over thing. So I feel like when I give them my link and I tell them how to do it just in case they’re interested, they are more likely to come and sign up under me and then I can get them into my challenge group on Facebook and then we can start working from there. But honestly I think and I was really worried about this when I got pregnant but I think having people see me doing it pregnant really is like, “If she can do it, why can’t I?” And I was really worried about, you know, I was like, “Man, this is going to be a slow month for me because I’m pregnant and it’s getting harder for me to move, but…I think that it’s actually really helped me this month [unintelligible] sounds.

00:24:42 Jellene: …Success Club points, yeah, I would say the pregnancy hasn’t slowed you down a bit - at least not with the business. And so the other question was, you know, what do you think…I mean are you giving people an incentive to buy it by a certain time and are you experiencing the same number of rejections as the rest of us, it’s just that you’re reaching more people? So incentives to buy and are you reaching more people?

00:25:10 Ashley: I did give an incentive this month. I did one. It was for Father’s Day. I said, “If you, you know, buy this, the Twenty-one Day Fix, I’ll…or if you buy a hundred”…geez, I can’t talk, “If you buy thirty days of Shakeology I’ll send you a ten-dollar gift card for Target.” And so I did that. And I had a handful of people jump on that. And I only said it was for the weekend. It was for Father’s Day weekend, so it was for Saturday and Sunday and I had a handful of people jump on that. And I do get rejections and I feel like people think, “Oh, you have so many followers, you know, you’re not used to rejection.” But I am, and I can related to my coaches when they say, you know, “Nothing’s working for me. I feel so frustrated.” Because I tell Jen, my coach, all the

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time, at the beginning, when I first started, like three or four months ago, I was like so frustrated. I felt like, “What am I doing wrong?” I kept…everytime I would say something I would get rejected but something I tell my coaches all the time is, “No matter what you do, you have to continue to work on yourself. You have to continue to show people that these products and these programs do work. So if you’re not actively doing the program or you’re not actively on Shakeology, then people aren’t going to take seriously and people aren’t going to say, you know, ‘She’s missing her workouts,’ or ‘She’s not committing, you know, herself to these thirty-minute workouts, that she’s telling me are so fast and, you know, so convenient at home.’” So when I tell my coaches like, “You have to stay dedicated to yourself first, you know, before you can start reaching out to all these people saying like, ‘This is amazing and, you know, this is going to work.’ You have to show them that it’s doable because people are looking for, you know, for real people.” Like I said, “People are looking for those people who are working hard at, you know, at their jobs, or at-home-moms, or whatever, that are still doing this.” So just staying a product of the product is something’s that really helped me get to where I am right now. I’m not saying like, I’m like, super successful. I’m just saying this is what’s worked for me. Just showing my vulnerability because I get frustrated too. When I hit [unintelligible] I get frustrated too when I have a bad, you know, I eat bad during the weekend or, you know, I miss workouts every once in a while as well, but, you know, we’re all human and we’re all doing what we can, but just showing people that, you know, these programs really are doable. T-Twenty-five, I did it [unintelligible] with that…of that with my husband and, you know, twenty-five minutes seems like nothing, but when you’re with Shaun T, twenty-five minutes is everything. So just find something that works for you no matter what it is, if it’s Piyo, or T-Twenty-five, or Insanity Max-thirty, or anything, and just dedicate yourself to for the amount of time the program is and share your journey every step of the way. Share the ups and the downs, share the good and the bad, the ugly and everything, because people want to see that. And people don’t want to see everything at all hunky-dory all the time. People want to just see you being real and experiencing what they potentially could experience

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when they do this program. So I think that’s kind of my biggest take-away from, you know, being a coach up until now is just working on yourself so you can help others, you know, does that make sense?

00:28:50 Jenelle: Yes. Totally makes sense. And I apologize. I did disconnect me so I lost like thirty seconds of what you just said, but I’m back. I’ve [unintelligible] on my computer, but it lost a few other people, like right around the same time, which is so annoying, but hopefully everyone’s back on. But yeah, that makes complete sense. And I do notice though…so I have two more questions. Is it okay? Is your daughter okay?

00:29:15 Ashley: Yeah. No. She’s coloring. She’s fine.

00:29:19 Jenelle: So I notice that, you know, you are very real and very likeable and very relatable and you’ve got this, you know, way about you and you just seem very confident and happy on your Instagram. I mostly follow your Instagram and I think that really draws a lot of people to you, but I do notice too that like…I don’t want to say that your stuff is like staged but you…everything has like an upbeat feel to it, you know what I mean? And so is that intentional or is that just you? I mean because obviously you have days, I’m sure where you’re exhausted, you have no make-up on, your hair’s a disaster, but yet I’m not seeing that. I see a very just upbeat, happy, very real, not like, you know, not trying to be perfect Barbie doll, but do you understand what I’m getting at? So is that intentional? And…because I always say that you do want to, you know, be real, but also kind of, put a good foot forward.

00:30:23 Ashley: Yeah. Exactly. I think right now, well not right now, but that’s just who I am. I was in the army for four years and I suffer from PTSD so a lot of stuff that happened to me in the past and then after I had, you know, got pregnant with my daughter, had post-partum depression, a lot of what you don’t…like what you see now is like a whole new me. I was prior to the…like who I am now, I was really depressed and I was…I didn’t care about myself, basically. I didn’t care about putting make-up on, I didn’t care about doing my hair, I [lost the call]

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00:31:13 Jenelle: Hey guys. I think we might have just lost Ashley. I don’t know if you can hear me okay, but hang on. I’m going to text her and let her that we possibly just lost her. I apologize. Let me text her real quick. So I’m sure she’s going to dial right back in and we’ll be good to go. And not on yet but I’m sure she’s coming.

00:31:55 Ashley: I’m sorry. I’m here.

00:31:38 Jenelle: Oh, good, good, good. You’re quick. [unintelligible] Yup. We knew it. I told them, “Hang on. She’ll come back on.” So you were saying it’s just you and the way your are now. Go ahead.

00:32:08 Ashley: Yeah. It’s just me. I’ve…and I tell my followers this all the time, I feel like my journey, fitness-wise, has really changed my view on life and I used to see everything negatively and I used to be, you know, always, every chance I had I was always just depressed about everything. But now, I tend to find the good in everything and no matter if I’m having like the worst day ever, there’s always something good that I’ll try to find to bring out of it. And as far as like my hair, there are days when it looks bad, but I’m usually, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s like I put my make-up on…but sometimes I’ll throw on a little bit…it’s just…I think that’s just who I am.

00:33:01 Jenelle: You look good. You look really good. You get this impression that like you care about yourself, you know? Even if this like, you know, going for an interview, you know, obviously going into that interview you have the same skills, you’re the same person no matter how you look, but we all know that people do…the way that you present yourself and carry yourself says a lot about you. And when you look at your Instagram, the way that you present yourself and the way that you carry yourself and the big smiles, it’s just all really, really conveys what you just expressed. That that is what you truly are feeling so I think it’s just a good testament that you can’t just pretend to be that person, you need to be feeling that and you need to be that person. Yeah. That’s awesome. Totally. So my next question, if you don’t mind, was just…do you pretty much do the same posts and things on your Facebook “like” page and personal page? How does that work?

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00:33:57 Ashley: Sometimes, yeah, I’ll do…and I’m really trying to like branch out a little bit further on my Facebook “like” page just because I feel like I neglect it sometimes. But I’ll usually post whatever I post on my Instagram on my Facebook page just so it’s reaching different people I guess. I know I have a lot people from my Instagram who followed me on my Facebook, but I really want to start adding different things to my Facebook than I’ve put on my Instagram just so it kind of like changes a little bit. I just haven’t got there yet. [unintelligible] Little bit, but it’s just something that I’ve…it’s been on my list to do, I just haven’t done it yet, but I would like to start maybe incorporating…maybe like more Twenty-one Day Fix meal recipes or something, or Shakeology recipes or, you know, maybe like little small, at-home workouts that you can do…like “moves of the day,” or whatever. Just something so it kind of changes up my Facebook “like” a little bit more than…you know, so it doesn’t completely mirror my Instagram. But as of right now, it’s basically the same thing.

00:35:13 Jenelle: And what about your personal page on Facebook?

00:35:17 Ashley: My personal page is more of my personal page. I do add my customers there obviously just because I need to put them in my Twenty-one Day Fix group, but I will post, you know, some of my workouts on my personal page on my Facebook, but my Facebook really isn’t my go-to social media. I guess my coach Jen, she rocks for Facebook, yeah. So it’s just not my thing. I have a lot of family and friends on my Facebook. Like I said, I was in the military so all of my military friends are on my Facebook, all of my family and friends are on my Facebook, so I try to keep that minimalized as far as like workout posts but I do post about it because I’m not ashamed of, you know, my weight loss, I’m proud of it and if, you know, they want to support me that’s great. If not, oh well. But they know, like they know, that I’m a Beach Body coach, I love what I do, but most of my posts are Instagram.

00:36:29 Jenelle: And so when you are communicating with those…so you have such a big following on Instagram or you do so well on Instagram and that’s obviously that’s more of your thing and so I think a lot of things…a lot of what

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coaches run into is “How do I actually start communicating and building relationships with those Instagram people?” So are you saying that you pretty much are getting their e-mail address and doing it via e-mail for the most part and a little of d-ming?

00:36:55 Ashley: Yeah. I would say like ninety-eight percent of my contact with my new customers from Instagram comes through e-mail. And then whenever they decide they, you know, they want to do the program with me, I’ll write their name down in my little notebook and then I’ll add them onto my Facebook page, my personal one, and then I’ll add them into my challenge group and I’ll kind of give them the run-down personally through Facebook Messenger about how it works…how the group works and, you know, where you can find stuff in the “files” section and then basically like if you have any questions or you need any guidance or if you’re just having a off day, you’re needing someone to rant to, you know, Facebook Message me because I do get a lot of e-mails, so sometimes I don’t see them right away when, you know, my challengers are e-mailing me, so I’ll tell them to Facebook Message me because I’ll see them quicker. And then I can respond to them that way.

00:37:59 Jenelle: Okay. So basically you’re meeting them and triggering interest on Instagram, you’re building relationships and talking about the challenge group and all the kind of stuff via e-mail and then Facebook Messaging. Did I get that right?

00:38:12 Ashley: Yup. My system.

00:38:15 Jenelle: That’s awesome. And is there any last ways…is there anything that you would say in particular you did this month that made it your record month because this…that was June last month. That’s not typically what people would have as their record month. Was there anything in particular that you could say really put you over the top?

00:38:35 Ashley: Well I’ve been doing the Twenty-one Day Fix for over a year now so I think people know me as a Twenty-one Day Fix lady so they know that, you know, that if it’s something that they need, they want to know more about, they can e…they can always e-mail me or ask me

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questions on the Instagram but I’ve basically just been doing my workouts. You know, I’ve been doing them every single day and I’ve been posting about them, the good and the bad days, the days where I don’t want to get up off the couch and do them. I just want to sit down and eat, you know, keep my feet up all day, but I just show them, you know, just keep it real and been posting about…I did post about my challenge groups a few times so I started this month with my team. I’ve actually started two different ones. We started one for…our group is called “Fit Moms.” basically it’s just a whole bunch of moms who are doing the Twenty-one Day Fix together and we can all kind of relate as far as like, you know, [unintelligible] or “I’m taking my kid around,” or, you know, all this, all the reasons why, you know, you wouldn’t want to work out, but it’s been really good and I’ve had a lot of feedback from that group in particular. I think that’s the largest group we have right now, the “Fit Moms” group because my little…my target audience right now obviously is the moms because I said like I have a lot of moms who follow me, a lot of moms who can relate to my story, and that…you know, it’s just…it’s been nice to be able to help them because I know what they’ve been through and it’s…

00:40:20 Jenelle: Yeah. Now in your “Fit Moms” group, that was…that’s a challenge group of people who have bought a Challenge Pack. Like for someone to be in a challenge group of yours, like this “Fit Moms” challenge group, do they have to have bought a Challenge Pack to be in that group with you?

00:40:34 Ashley: Yeah. It’s…they have to…it has…it’s not necessarily a Challenge Pack. Like they can buy a Challenge Pack from me, and be in that group if…but it’s basically just a Twenty-one Day Fix group. So if they bought the Twenty-one Day Fix Challenge Pack from me, I’ll put them in that group. But if they say, “I can’t afford that right now, can I just do the program?” I’ll say, “Yeah, sure,” and I’ll get them on that program also and put them in the group. And then I’ve had some people who’ll say, “I bought it Amazon,” of “I bought it on B.B., can I still join the group?” And I don’t exclude them. I’ll say, “Yeah, sure. Just go to my Beach Body page and sign up to have me as your free coach.” So they’ll do that and then once they do that, I’ll put them in the group as well.

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So later on, down the line, if they want to try Shakeology or something else, I’ll already be their coach and I don’t have to worry about, you know, all of that stuff.

00:41:28 Jenelle: Okay. So for someone to be in your challenge group they have to have either bought a Challenge Pack or the program or at least be a customer of yours officially signed up, but as a free customer.

00:41:40 Ashley: Right. And we do run…we have run free groups like clean eating…free clean eating groups and we’ve done like many like seven-day challenge groups that were free. But for the Twenty-one Day Fix groups it’s a requirement that they have to have at least bought the Challenge Pack or the program or be a customer.

00:42:03 Jenelle: Okay. Awesome. Wow Ashley, this was amazing. I was going to kind of wrap it up. Did you have anything else that you wanted to go over before I do that?

00:42:15 Ashley: No. I think we’ve covered a lot…a lot of stuff.

00:42:19 Jenelle: We sure did. So I mean basically what I’m hearing is that there’s no like big secret. It’s not like any big secret. Ashley gave us her awesome tips. The shout-outs…I know that the shout-outs can really help build your Instagram and if you guys missed it, she got an Instagram just one year ago and she’s already up to almost forty-three thousand followers. And she didn’t have to pay for those followers and they are real, true followers. They like her. They like and comment on her stuff. I mean I swear she gets more engagement on all of her stuff than I do on my stuff and I have more followers. So she is obviously doing things right and what I grasp from all of this is not only does she really do this shout-out thing, the shout-out message that she explained in the beginning, which definitely take that on, but she’s also, you know, she works on herself. She works very hard on herself and then personal development and being that positive person and she works hard to just be very real and she works very hard to be very consistent. I don’t know if you caught that, but she says she posts every day, three to four times a day. That is huge right there. I mean I know for myself my business slows down the less that I post. The more I post, the more it picks up. And there are a lot of days

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where I’ve made the only on the post on Instagram once or twice and it does make a difference. You can have twice the amount of build-up in your Instagram if you’re posting twice as much, and twice as much the engagement because they’re getting used to seeing you and they’re understanding who you are now. So it does make a huge difference and so she’s consistent with that. She doesn’t just do that for a week or two weeks, she’s consistently doing that every day. It’s like a non-negotiable for her. So Ashley, once again, thank you so, so much for taking time out of your very, very busy schedule, a time-out from being with your daughter. I will let you get back with her now and let you get back to your life. Thank you so much for being on the call.

00:44:14 Ashley: Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it.

00:44:17 Jenelle: No problem. Thanks guys and I’ll put the recording up in the Coach Success Group and we’ll talk to you next week. Have a great day. Bye bye.


[End of Recorded Material]

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