
Конференции в конце 2017 и начале 2018 годов

Для кардиологов, терапевтов и кардио- и сосудистых хирургов1. World Heart Congress

Страна: ЯпонияГород: TokyoДедлайн: 08.03.2018Даты: 14.05.18 — 16.05.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Conference SeriesУсловия участия и жилье: welcome you to attend the 2nd World Heart Congress from May 14-16, 2018 at Tokyo, Japan which melds brief Keynote presentations, speaker talks, Exhibition, Symposia, workshops and special sessions. This event is CME and CPD Accredited.The event is in collaboration with the Egyptian Society of Pediatric Cardiology, ISTH (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis), Arrhythmia Alliance, DAIC, Heart In, Placid Way, Infomed, Med gadget, World Citi Medical Centre and many more.Website - Committee Members for the event are –• Damien Byas - President, North American Scientific Committee on Cardiovascular Health, USA• Beder Gustavo Farez - President, Argentine Federation of Cardiology , Argentina• Santoso Karo Karo -Past President & Chairperson, Indonesian Heart Association, Indonesia• Guy Hugues Fontaine- Professor, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France• Mary Shibuya- Medical English Editor at Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition, Japan• Galya Atanasova -Medical University Pleven, BulgariaHeart Congress 2018 Emphasizes on:Heart Failure & Diseases, Heart Diagnosis, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac and Cardiovascular Research, Heart Devices, Diabetes, Heart and Stroke, Pediatric Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiac Nursing, Heart Regeneration, Cardiac Pharmacology, Cardiology - Future Medicine, Case Reports on Cardiology.This annual cardiology meeting / cardiology congress is a platform for postgraduate education and scientific work in the fields of cardiology, angiology, hypertension and cardiac and vascular surgery.Note : Proposals for Speakers talks, Workshops and Symposium accepted!!!Plan a trip to Tokyo, Japan!!Веб-сайт:

ПРИКРЕПЛЕННЫЙ ФАЙЛ РАЗМЕР HeartCongress 2018_Brochure.pdf

Для всех2. II Европейская конференция по биологическим и медицинским наукамСтрана: АвстрияГород: ВенаДедлайн: 14.12.2017Даты: 15.12.17 — 15.12.17Область наук: Биологические; Медицинские;Адрес: Praha 8 - Karlín, Lyčkovo nám. 508/7, PSČ 18600, Czech RepublicЕ-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Издательство «Премьер Паблишинг», Австрия-Чехия («Premier Publishing» s.r.o.)Приглашаем к участию в конференции студентов и аспирантов всех форм обучения, докторантов, работников образовательных учреждений, независимо от страны проживания.Статьи в сборник материалов конференции принимаются до 14 декабря 2017 года включительно. Рабочие языки: английский, немецкий, русский, украинский.Типовые выходные данные статьи:Antonov E. New approaches to cell biology // Proceedings of the 2nd  European Conference on Biology and Medical Sciences. Premier Publishing s.r.o. Vienna. 2017. Pp. 112-117.Сборникам материалов конференции присваиваются ISBN, выданные Австрией, выходные реквизиты австрийского организатора. Сборники размещаются на сайте в разделе «Архив» в открытом доступе, сертификаты участия в конференции рассылаются по email. Часть тиража издания рассылается в библиотеки крупнейших вузов Австрии.Материалы конференции включаются в РИНЦ (Договор с ООО «НЭБ» № 686-03/2014К)Срок рассылки электронных сертификатов и электронной версии сборника – до 25 рабочих дней после окончания приема статей.Секции конференции, тематика "Биологические науки"

Общая биология Физико-химическая биология Физиология

Секции конференции, тематика "Медицинские науки" Клиническая медицина Медико-биологические науки Профилактическая медицина Фармацевтические науки

Organizing CommitteeМирчо Тодоров,

 Болгария, доктор медицинских наукБахритдинова Фазилат Арифовна,

 Узбекистан, доктор медицинских наукВиякумар Мулей,

 Индия, доктор биологических наукЖанадилов Шайзинда,

 Узбекистан, доктор медицинских наукЖданович Алексей Игоревич,

 Украина, доктор медицинских наукЗаднипряный Игорь Владимирович,

 Россия, доктор медицинских наукИноятова Флора Ильясовна,

 Узбекистан, доктор медицинских наук

Кушалиев Кайсар Жалитович, Казахстан, доктор ветиринарных наук 

Мамылина Наталья Владимировна, Россия, доктор биологических наук

Михай Майя, Румыния, доктор медицинских наук

Никитина Вероника Владленовна, Россия, доктор медицинских наук

Петрова Наталья Гурьевна, Россия, доктор медицинских наук

Порта Фабио, Италия, доктор медицинских наук

Ручин Александр Борисович, Россия, доктор биологических наук

Сентябрев Николай Николаевич, Россия, доктор биологических наук

Скопин Павел Игоревич, Россия, доктор медицинских наук

Спасенников Борис Аристархович, Россия, доктор медицинских наук

Сулейманов Сулейман Файзуллаевич, Узбекистан, кандидат медицинских наук

Толочко Валентин Михайлович, Украина, доктор фармацевтических наук

Третьякова Ольга Степановна, Россия, доктор медицинских наук

Фролова Татьяна Владимировна, Украина, доктор медицинских наук

Шахова Ирина Александровна, Узбекистан, доктор медицинских наук

Расценки на услуги по публикации статей и доставке сборников:Услуга СтоимостьОргвзнос, публикация от 2 до 7 страниц текста (3600-12600 знаков без пробелов), включая текст в сносках. Включает размещение изданного сборника в открытом доступе.

25 евро

1 страница текста (1800 знаков без пробелов) при превышении объема, включенного в оргвзнос

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Рисунки (фото, диаграммы), формулы или таблицы в тексте статьи + 20% к итоговой стоимости публикации

Участие соавторов и получение сертификата участника конференции для основного автора и всех соавторов


Профессиональный перевод статьи на английский или немецкий язык (по желанию автора, не является обязательным условием), за 1 страницу текста – 1800 знаков без пробелов

8 евро

Печатная версия сборника конференции заказывается автором самостоятельно (по желанию) с крупнейшего интернет-магазина Ссылка на покупку высылается автору сразу после утверждения электронного макета издания. Примерная стоимость издания и доставки 1 экз. сборника конференции по всему миру – 30 евро.Мы заботимся об авторах, и предлагаем доступный, надежный и экономный способ получения качественной печатной версии – заказ сборника конференции с Каждое отправление

высылается заказной почтой, имеет трек-номер для отслеживания. При заказе сборников на сумму от 25 евро – доставка бесплатна.Пример ссылки на покупку сборника конференции –Веб-сайт: www.ppublishing.orgПРИКРЕПЛЕННЫЙ ФАЙЛ РАЗМЕР

 PP_II Conference_Biology_and_Medicine_15.12.2017.doc 550.5 KB Для ППС

3."РОСМЕДОБР-2017. Инновационные обучающие технологии в медицине"

Страна: Россия Город: МоскваДедлайн: 29.09.2017Даты: 05.10.17 — 06.10.17Область наук: Медицинские; Фармацевтические;Адрес: Москва, 1-ый Зачатьевский переулок, д. 4Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: НМП, РОСОМЕД, АСМОК, ВШОУЗ5-6 октября 2017 г. в Москве состоиться VIII Международная конференция и выставка "Росмедобр-2017. Инновационные обучающие технологии в медицине".Программа конференции включает пленарные и параллельные сессии, круглые столы и мастер-классы, выставку симуляционного оборудования и тренажеров, учебной литературы, IT-решений в сфере медицинского образования. Основные направления научной программы:

Непрерывное медицинское и фармацевтическое образование Аккредитация медицинских и фармацевтических работников Симуляционные технологии в повышении качества медицинской помощи и

безопасности пациентов Объективная оценка знаний и умений в медицине


Для офтальмологов-хирургов, нейрохирургов, офтальмологов4. 2018 North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting

Страна: СШАГород: HawaiiДедлайн: 31.10.2017Даты: 03.03.18 — 08.03.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: North American Neuro-Ophthalmology SocietyPresenters, exhibitors, staff, members and other attendees at NANOS events should strive to create a professional, collegial, harassment-free environment that is welcoming to all.  Meeting attendees are expected to behave in a courteous, professional, and civilized manner and to respect volunteers, Executive Office staff, convention center/hotel staff, and one another.  Conduct that is unprofessional, offensive, or harassing is unacceptable, in both personal and electronic interactions at all NANOS events. Since NANOS does not have the resources to police conference-related events, formal or informal, NANOS cannot assume responsibility for the actions of any member or event attendee.Веб-сайт:

Для нейрохирургов, детских хирургов, педиаторов, специалистов по визуальной диагностике, анестезиологов, реаниматологов, травматологов

5. I Съезд Евразийской Ассоциации детских нейрохирургов и Международная школа по детской нейрохирургии

Страна: БеларусьГород: МинскДедлайн: 15.10.2017Даты: 29.11.17 — 01.12.17Область наук: Медицинские;Адрес: Беларусь, Минск, Renaissance Hotel, пр-т Дзержинского, 1ЕЕ-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Евразийская Ассоциация детских нейрохирургов

Уважаемые коллеги!Приглашаем Вас стать участникомI Съезда Евразийской Ассоциации детских нейрохирургов

В рамках работы съезда состоится сессия официальной школы Международного общества по детской нейрохирургии (ISPN), пройдут десятки встреч с крупнейшими специалистами в области детской нейрохирургии из разных стран.Тематика съезда:

1. Гидроцефалия: диагностика, методы лечения. Осложнения в хирургии гидроцефалии.2. Кисты центральной нервной системы: диагностика, показания к хирургическому лечению.3. Современные проблемы диагностики и лечения пороков развития нервной системы у детей.4. Синдром фиксированного спинного мозга в детской нейрохирургии.5. Неонатальная нейрохирургия. Геморрагическая болезнь новорождённых.6. Функциональная нейрохирургия (эпилепсия, спастичность, гиперкинезы).7. Черепно-мозговая травма у детей8. Опухоли ЦНС у детей.9. Цереброваскулярная патологии у детей.10. Реабилитация и качество жизни.11. Эпидемиология и организация детской нейрохирургической помощи.12. Анестезиология и реаниматология в детской нейрохирургии.13. История, этика и гуманитарные проблемы в детской нейрохирургии.Более подробная информация размещена на официальном сайте I Съезда Евразийской Ассоциации детских нейрохирургов

Для хирургов6. The American Surgical Association 2018 Meeting

Страна: СШАГород: PhoenixДедлайн: 20.11.2017Даты: 19.04.18 — 21.04.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета:Организаторы: American Surgical Association

The American Surgical Association is now accepting abstracts for its 138th Annual Meeting. Please submit your abstracts today for consideration in the 2018 Annual Scientific Program.Веб-сайт:

Для хирургов-проктологов и –гастроэнтерологов7. 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Society of Colon and

Rectal SurgeonsСтрана: СШАГород: NashvilleДедлайн: 27.11.2017Даты: 19.05.18 — 23.05.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS)The meeting will include new innovative technology, and the most up-to-date research in the field.  The Annual Meeting offers attendees: topic-specific symposia, expert panels, hands-on workshops, oral and e-poster presentations, meet the professor breakfasts, and much more.  Abstracts may be submitted under the following categories: Basic Science Benign Disease Case Study Education Inflammatory Bowel Disease Neoplastic Disease Outcomes Pelvic FloorВеб-сайт:

Для гематологов, сосудистых хирургов8. Congress on Open Issues in Thrombosis and Hemostasis together with the

9th Russian Conference on Clinical Hemostasiology and HemorheologyСтрана: РоссияГород: Saint-PetersburgДедлайн: 30.08.2018Даты: 04.10.18 — 06.10.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: CTO CongressCongress on Open Issuesin Thrombosis and Hemostasistogether with the 9th Russian Conference on Clinical Hemostasiology and Hemorheology(October 4-6, 2018; St. Petersburg, Russia)Thrombosis and hemostasis disorders are essentially interdisciplinary problems. They are common and do not have state borders. Therefore, to find solutions is possible only through close interaction and communication between specialists. The rapid expansion of knowledge (both basic and clinical) in the field of thrombosis and hemostasis, prompted us to convene this Congress in St. Petersburg next year.Веб-сайт: http://coith2018.comПРИКРЕПЛЕННЫЙ ФАЙЛ РАЗМЕР

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Для специалистов в области спортивной медицины9. Х международный симпозиум по спортивной медицине и

реабилитологии под эгидой Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова

Страна: РоссияГород: MoscowДедлайн: 23.09.2017Даты: 21.10.17 — 22.10.17Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: кафедра спортивной медицины и медицинской реабилитации Первого МГМУ им И.М. Сеченова, медицинский комитет Российского футбольного союза (РФС) и клиника Smart Recovery

Уважаемые коллеги!21-22 октября 2017 г. в Москве состоится юбилейный Х международный симпозиум по спортивной медицине и реабилитологии под эгидой Первого МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова.Уже 10 лет Симпозиум является традиционным местом обмена опытом для множества практикующих врачей и специалистов из России и стран зарубежья.Ежегодно в рамках Симпозиума выступают известные спортивные врачи и реабилитологи, академики РАН, врачи ведущих российских и зарубежных спортивных клубов и реабилитационных клиник.За годы проведения, Симпозиум прочно закрепил за собой статус одного из самых представительных международных научно-практических мероприятий в России, полезных как для врачей, так и для спортсменов и тренеров.Организаторы Симпозиума: кафедра спортивной медицины и медицинской реабилитации Первого МГМУ им И.М. Сеченова, медицинский комитет Российского футбольного союза (РФС) и клиника Smart RecoveryСопредседатели: проф. Ачкасов Е.Е., проф. Медведев И.Б.Президиум: акад. РАН Пузин С.Н., чл.-к. РАН Фудин Н.А., проф. Поляев Б.А., д.м.н. Середа А.П.Ведущий: Безуглов Э.Н., главный врач национальной сборной России по футболуАудитория Симпозиума: спортивные врачи, реабилитологи, тренеры, спортсменыПартнёры   Симпозиума:  Российская футбольная Премьер-Лига, РФС, Научный центр биомедицинских технологий ФМБА, АНО «Клиника Спортивной Медицины» Лужники, Клиника «Вилла Стюарт» (Италия)Основные научные направления Симпозиума:Медицинская реабилитация и функциональная диагностика в спортеБиомедицинские технологии в спортеЛучевая диагностика в спортивной медицинеСпортивное питание и фармакологическая поддержка спортаВ этом году участники Симпозиума смогут услышать более 20 докладов по самым актуальным темам современной спортивной медицины, в также посетить мастер-классы по передовым методам лечения и реабилитации спортсменов.В рамках выставочной экспозиции Симпозиума можно будет ознакомиться с новейшими мировыми и отечественными разработками медицинского оборудования, фармакологической и нутрицевтической промышленности.Приглашаем Вас принять участие в научной программе, а также в работе

выставки X международного симпозиума по спортивной медицине и реабилитологии под эгидой Первого МГМУ им И.М. Сеченова.Среди участников юбилейного Симпозиума состоится розыгрыш ценных призов и подарков от спонсоров и партнеров!Во время Симпозиума состоится Интеллектуальная Викторина «Играй честно» от РУСАДА. Победителям викторины будут также вручены призы и подарки.Не упустите шанс стать участником уникального события!УЧАСТИЕ В СИМПОЗИУМЕ БЕСПЛАТНОЕПО ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОЙ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ

ОРГКОМИТЕТ СИМПОЗИУМА:По вопросам партнерства, спонсорской поддержки, участияв экспо-зоне и для получения дополнительной информации,обращайтесь в Оргкомитет Симпозиума:Иноземцева Екатерина СергеевнаE-mail: [email protected].: +7 (495) 724-00-09


Для специалистов в области геронтологии10.The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology

Страна: НорвегияГород: OsloДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 02.03.18 — 04.05.18Область наук: Медицинские; Социологические;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Gyro Conference ASThe theme for the 24 NKG – “Lessons of a life time” – indicates that not only the state of being old is important, but also the journey individuals and societies travel to get there. We want to take stock of current scientific knowledge on individual and societal ageing, and we also wish to take a critical look at where we need to focus in the future. In what way can hard-earned lessons provide the wisdom and knowledge to guide us to improve ageing in current and future populations?Веб-сайт:

Для специалистов в области сестринского дела11. 17th National Nurse Education Conference entitled Changing Worlds:

Synergies in nursing, midwifery and health educationСтрана: АвстралияГород: MelbourneДедлайн: 22.11.2017Даты: 01.05.18 — 04.05.18Область наук: Педагогические; Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: National Executive of the Australian Nurse Teachers’ SocietyOn behalf of the Australian Nurse Teachers’ Society (ANTS), we welcome you to the 17th National Nurse Education Conference entitled Changing Worlds: Synergies in nursing, midwifery and health education in Melbourne, 1- 4 May, 2018.Nursing and midwifery educators are in the middle of changing worlds in health, education, and society. It is our vision, leadership, expertise and guidance that will shape the worlds of students, clinicians, individuals and communities.The conference will explore changing practice through innovation, creative teaching and

learning strategies, supporting educators and learners, and collaborating in partnerships with others. Areas that may be of interest in the conference are:•   Creating and supporting change in education and learning•   Innovative educational programs•   Student engagement initiatives•   Collaborative health education projects•   Supporting vulnerable groups (such as children, refugees, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders)The ANTS looks forward to welcoming you to this national conference in the vibrant city of Melbourne.Веб-сайт:

Для микробиологов12. The European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

2018Страна: АвстрияГород: ViennaДедлайн: 30.11.2017Даты: 21.04.18 — 24.04.18Область наук: Биологические; Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: eccmidregistration[at]escmid.orgОрганизаторы: ESCMIDTo download the abstract guidelines and abstract topics in pdf version – please click here.1 Viral Infection & Disease2 Bacterial Infection & Disease3 Bacterial Susceptibility & Resistance4 Diagnostic Bacteriology & General Microbiology5 New Antibacterial Agents, PK/PD & Stewardship6 Fungal Infection & Disease7 Parasitic Diseases & International Health8 Healthcare-associated & Nosocomial Infections, Infection Control9 Experimental Microbiology, Microbial Pathogenesis & Biofilm10 Immunology & Vaccinology11 Other1 Viral Infection & Diseasea. HIV/AIDS (incl anti-retroviral drugs, treatment & susceptibility/resistance, diagnostics & epidemiology) OR (all aspects)b. Viral hepatitis (incl antiviral drugs, treatment & susceptibility/resistance, diagnostics & epidemiology) OR (all aspects)c. Influenza and respiratory virusesd. Emerging/re-emerging and zoonotic viral diseasese. Antiviral drugs, treatment, susceptibility/resistance (other than hepatitis & HIV)f. Viral molecular epidemiology (other than hepatitis & HIV)g. Diagnostic virology (other than hepatitis & HIV)2 Bacterial Infection & Diseasea. Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infectionsb. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditisc. Community-acquired respiratory infectionsd. Abdominal/gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infectionse. Skin, soft tissue, bone & joint & central nervous system infectionsf. Zoonotic bacterial diseases

3 Bacterial Susceptibility & Resistancea. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-positivesb. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: Gram-negativesc. Susceptibility testing methodsd. Resistance mechanisms4 Diagnostic Bacteriology & General Microbiologya. Diagnostic bacteriology – culture basedb. Diagnostic bacteriology – non-culture based, including molecular and MALDI-TOFc. Molecular bacterial typing methodsd. Laboratory automatione. General microbiology5 New Antibacterial Agents, PK/PD & Stewardshipa. Mechanisms of action, preclinical data & pharmacology of antibacterial agentsb. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of antibacterial drugs & therapeutic drug monitoringc. New antibacterial agents: clinical trialsd. Pharmacoepidemiology, improved prescribing and antibiotic stewardship6 Fungal Infection & Diseasea. Fungal disease epidemiology & clinical trialsb. Diagnostic mycology (incl molecular)c. Antifungal drugs & treatmentd. Antifungal resistance & susceptibility testing7 Parasitic Diseases & International Healtha. Diagnostic parasitologyb. Antiparasitic susceptibility & resistancec. Antiparasitic drugs & treatmentd. Parasitic disease epidemiologye. Travel medicine & migrant healthf. International & public health8 Healthcare-associated & Nosocomial Infections, Infection Controla. Intravascular catheter-related infectionsb. Other foreign-body and implant infectionsc. Surgical site infectionsd. Nosocomial infection surveillance & epidemiologye. Infection control interventional trialsf. Disinfection & biocides9 Experimental Microbiology, Microbial Pathogenesis & Biofilma. Microbial pathogenesis & virulenceb. Host-pathogen interactionc. Preclinical biofilm studiesd. Experimental and cellular microbiology10 Immunology & Vaccinologya. Host genetics: infection susceptibility & immunodeficiencyb. Clinical epidemiology of infections in immunocompromised hostsc. General vaccinologyd. Antiviral vaccinese. Antibacterial vaccinesВеб-сайт:

Для онкологов, реабилитологов, диагностов и хирургов13.4th World Congress Cancer and Prevention Methods

Страна: Испания

Город: ValenciaДедлайн: 22.11.2017Даты: 19.04.18 — 21.04.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Scientific Future Group The recognized multidisciplinary arrangement of the 4th World Congress on Cancer and Prevention Methods Conference will offer ideal surroundings for participants to build awareness, leverage knowledge and to promote education about oncology - placing the patient at the heart of all our efforts and discussions. The theme of Oncology-2018 is Novel approaches in oncology & cancer science. The conference offers a great opportunity to medical or surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, immunologists or pathologists practicing precision medicine. The event invites all the researchers working towards a common goal – which is improved patient outcomes and this is the ultimate aim of Oncology-2018.Participants can expect detailed exploration of the practical, political and financial issues that stand between the ideals and the reality of implementing optimal care for every person suffering from cancer.Call for PapersHeld Annually, the World Congress on Cancer and Prevention Methods is one of the world-leading conferences in the Cancer and Prevention Methods. Scientific Future Group is honored to host the coming World Congress on Cancer and Prevention Methods. Cancer and Prevention Methods will provide global scientists and researchers in all Cancer and Prevention Methods fields a platform to share new knowledge, new innovations in the Cancer and Prevention Methods and to envision the new market and new values created thereof for the Cancer and Prevention Methods. The Call for Papers for this conference is now open. Researchers from academia and industry are invited to submit abstracts.Conference Sessions/Tracks Diagnosis and therapy Epidemiology and prevention Health services research Information, patients and the public Survivorship and end of life care The cancer cell and model systems Cancer Cell Biology Cancer Therapies Cancer Biomarkers Clinical Cancer Research Tumor Virology & Pathology Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis Cancer Detection and Imaging Oncogenomics & Oncoproteomics Cancer Management & Prevention Organ-Specific Cancers Cancer GeneticsВеб-сайт:

Для гематологов, сосудистых хирургов, хирургов, травматологов, детских хирургов, педиаторов

14. World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) CongressСтрана: ВеликобританияГород: Glasgow

Дедлайн: 17.11.2017Даты: 20.05.18 — 24.05.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)On behalf of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) Congress Program Committees, it is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the WFH 2018 World Congress in Glasgow, Scotland.The WFH World Congress is unique because the entire global bleeding disorders community participates. Patients and families, WFH national member organizations, physicians and other health care providers, and regulators representing the whole community will all be present.The Congress program will feature internationally recognized experts in hemophilia care and research from more than 100 countries. Speakers will present and discuss the latest topics and advances in the management and treatment of people with inherited bleeding disorders, focusing on strategies, experiences and techniques supporting the global efforts of the WFH. Having planned many important sessions covering a wide range of topics, we believe there will be something for everyone.General plenaries. In addition to the President’s and VP Medical plenaries, we have prepared general plenaries on gene therapy and also on new structured research strategies for inhibitors.Medical plenaries. Keeping in mind the need for comprehensive insight on the latest developments in healthcare, we have also put together an overview of emerging therapies, a discussion on models of prophylaxis in the developing world, lessons learned from other inherited bleeding disorders, and case reports on gene therapy.Multidisciplinary plenaries. Along with medical plenaries, the WFH 2018 World Congress will feature parallel plenary sessions to provide participants with new insights and valuable information on the current understanding of pain, using the patient’s voice, women’s perspectives, and transitioning techniques.Medical topics. Building on the success of previous WFH World Congress, we have assembled a thought provoking medical program featuring sessions such as New Treatment Options Including Gene Therapy, Implications of Altering the Hemostatic Balance, and Bleeding Disorders in the Genomics Era, among many others.Multidisciplinary topics. A wide range of sessions have been developed for participants with multidisciplinary interests, ranging from topics such as Bleeding Disorders and Digital Technologies, to Treating and Bleeding: Healthcare Professionals Living with a Bleeding Disorder.Professional development workshops. We would like to encourage you to attend our professional development workshops and be part of the conversations and debates that are part of the session experience.The Congress program provides a wonderful opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and experiences. Similarly, patients will have the chance to interact with support networks from many different bleeding disorders communities from around the world.We look forward to welcoming old friends and meeting new ones in Glasgow.Веб-сайт:

Для гепатологов, хирургов-гастроэнрерологов, реаниматологов15. The International Liver Congress™ 2018

Страна: ФранцияГород: ParisДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 11.04.18 — 15.04.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]

Организаторы: EASL-The Home of HepatologyWe are a dynamic association in the field of hepatology, attracting high-profile sponsors concerned with the health and well-being of individuals across the globe.Become a sponsor and exhibit at The International Liver Congress™Join the world’s largest and most influential event dedicated to Hepatology! Generate interest, make connections, boost awareness, and build relationships at the largest international hepatology expert meeting. Choose from a range of sponsorship packages that can help you connect with our growing community in the way that fits your marketing strategy and your budget.At EASL we are committed to providing our industry partners with a variety of solutions to facilitate your presence at The International Liver Congress™. Our offering should give you flexibility to create your own tailor-made package.Веб-сайт:

Для акушер-гинекологов, эндокринологов, специалистов в области ЭКО16. 15th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and

Reproductive Health in Budapest in May 2018Страна: ВенгрияГород: BudapestДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 09.05.18 — 12.05.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: European Society of Contraception and Reproductive HealthIt is a great pleasure to invite you to the 15th Congress of the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health in Budapest in May 2018.We are delighted that our Society has organised this important 15th anniversary event in the capital city of Hungary.The title of the congress ‘Family planning and contraception from adolescence to the menopause’ highlights that we will deal with numerous issues relating to the reproductive health of all. It is the ESC’s aim to provide a platform for introducing and exchanging the latest scientific and sociologic knowledge in the field of reproductive health. Improving and sharing our knowledge can facilitate providing the most suitable, safe and effective healthcare. The Congress will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers, clinicians and other professionals to extend their knowledge and meet with international experts in this field. The programme has been divided into sessions on: technology & basic science, clinical practice, culture & policies, quality of services, general/other. In addition, there will be “Meet the Expert sessions”, “Expert Group sessions” and “Joint Society sessions”, which allow deeper discussion of special topics in smaller groups.Budapest is often regarded as one of Europe’s most beautiful cities. This attractive and vibrant city has all the ingredients to make the Congress a joyful and memorable event. You can find historical monuments from Roman times to modern, broad boulevards which are decorated by grand, Art-Nouveau mansions.Budapest has three UNESCO World Heritage sites, a wide range of cultural programmes and museums as well as the rejuvenating experience of beautiful health spas. Colourfully decorated churches, lively cafés and world-class music venues as well as friendly people, genuine hospitality and unique Hungarian gastronomy combine to make your stay memorable.We hope that the exciting scientific programme and the fascinating host city will convince you to join this Congress.We look forward to welcoming you to Budapest in May 2018.Веб-сайт:

Для онкологов, теравтов17. 13th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society

(ACOS2018)Страна: ТайландГород: Chiang MaiДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 23.02.18 — 25.02.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: ASOSIt is a great pleasure to announce the upcoming 13th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS), which will be held on 23-25 February 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.ACOS was established on October 1991 by Tetsuo Taguchi, a professor emeritus at Osaka University with a group of doctors from several Asian countries. ACOS aims to ensure Asian cancer patients the current best practice by implementing multidisciplinary treatments.The ACOS international conference is held every two years in Asia Pacific. We have been devoted to the care of cancer patients and to the development of scientific knowledge by having the scientific exchanges and sharing the best and most up-to-date information with Asian countries.Now we need your cooperation to strengthen ACOS itself as an Asian leading cancer association by having strong academic partnerships with major international organizations involved in cancer treatment and research. Therefore, we hope that many of you will participate in the 13th ACOS International Conference in Chiang Mai. ACOS executive and council members also promise the combined efforts of each member nation’s cancer-related associations to make the conference a great success.We are very much looking forward to meeting you in Chiang Mai, the alluring city filled with natural beauty and ancient wonders.The ACOS International Conference is held every two years in member countries in Asia. We cover a wide range of topics in cancer such as prevention, epidemiology, statistics, multidisciplinary treatment i.e. surgical therapy, chemotherapy including oriental medicine, radiotherapy as well as patient care under high grade development of translational research.More than 500 professionals are expected to attend ACOS 2018 and we are looking forward to welcoming more colleagues from the basic science community to help broaden our knowledge of specific cellular and molecular changes in the development of cancer.We invite you save the date for The 13th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS2018), 23-25 February 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and look forward to seeing you there.Веб-сайт:

Для онкологов, фтизиатров, пульмонологов18. 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11)

Страна: ИспанияГород: BarcelonaДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 21.03.18 — 23.03.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: European Cancer Organisation

The 11th edition of the European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11) will provide a unique multidisciplinary setting for all professionals with a common interest in breast cancer to discuss, debate, inform and educate themselves about this evolving disease landscape.The aim of EBCC is to support the establishment of a European multidisciplinary platform for scientific exchanges on all aspects of breast cancer, from bench to bedside.The EBCC-11 programme will highlight the importance of teamwork and interactions between all professionals and specialties involved in breast cancer.Веб-сайт:

Для нутрициологов, диетологов, экологов питания19. Dietitians Conference 2018

Страна: АвстралияГород: SydneyДедлайн: 07.11.2017Даты: 17.05.17 — 19.05.17Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: The Dietitians Association of AustraliaThe Dietitians Association of Australia invites you to the 35th National Conference in Sydney. It is time for the profession to Think Big. As the Sydney city skyline reaches higher and higher so do the achievements of dietitians and we look forward to showcasing their many and diverse talents.The themes of our Conference include the latest updates on precision medicine and medical nutrition therapy, women’s health through the lifecycle, the role of the microbiome in chronic disease and the latest in public health nutrition and food service. In Thinking Big we challenge you to move outside your comfort zone and think about the big issues facing nutrition and dietetics and develop different approaches to tackle them.Join us in debate about the best approaches for the profession to deal with wicked problems like obesity and global food security. Take inspiration from Daniel Flynn who shows that being young is no barrier to big achievements. We will introduce a further six keynote speakers.The International Conference Centre and the harbor surrounds have undergone huge redevelopment, making this not only one of the best Conference facilities in the world, but a gateway to all that Sydney Harbour has to offer in sightseeing, entertainment, shopping and fine dining.So take the big challenge, present your work and share in the learning and networking while enjoying all the city has to offer. Please help make this the biggest DAA Conference in the biggest Australian city.It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to Sydney in 2018.Веб-сайт:

Для всех20. The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Страна: НидерландыГород: AmsterdamДедлайн: 06.11.2017Даты: 02.05.18 — 04.05.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Institute for Healthcare ImprovementThe International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare is one of the world’s largest conferences for healthcare professionals committed to improving patient care and safety. In May

2018 we travel to Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Amsterdam RAI Exhibition and Convention Centre).The recent International Forum in London in April 2017 connected 3,000 healthcare leaders and practitioners from over 70 countries, providing an inspirational setting to meet, learn and share knowledge in our common mission to improve the quality and safety of care for patients and communities across the world.With Call for Posters we give the opportunity to individuals and teams to share their ideas and their work in improving quality of healthcare. The poster displays are the perfect opportunity to meet and learn from your colleagues from around the world. Why not share your achievements and contribute to improving healthcare worldwide?Displaying a poster gives you the opportunity to:Influence outcomes on a global scaleStart conversations and build networks for future collaborationsDemonstrate ideas that can be adapted by othersВеб-сайт:

Для цитологов, медицинских генетиков, пульмонологов21. 16th Lung Science Conference - Cell-matrix interactions in lung disease

and regenerationСтрана: ПортугалияГород: EstorilДедлайн: 02.11.2017Даты: 08.03.18 — 11.03.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: ERSThe Lung Science Conference is at the forefront of basic and translational respiratory science and it is an essential event for budding respiratory researchers looking to boost their career. It offers a unique opportunity to network with peers from across the globe and it will feature cutting-edge abstracts on novel experimental lung research.RegistrationRegistration for the Lung Science Conference 2018 will open in October 2017 in this website.Abstract and bursary submissionThe ERS Lung Science Conference organisers encourage presentations of any novel experimental lung research and intentionally provide a forum to allow interactions between different areas. Therefore submission of abstracts describing original research into all areas of respiratory medicine including those related to the main themes of the conference is encouraged.The online absrtact submission platform will open in September and close on November 02, 2017.Bursaries covering registration and contribution towards other costs are also available for up to 40 participants. Potential applicants have to submit an abstract in order to be considered for a bursary. Applicants must demonstrate a keen interest in lung science research as part of their future career. Abstracts selected for a LSC bursary would be automatically accepted for presentation at the ERS Paris International Congress 2018.Special features of the ERS Lung Science ConferencesLSC Awards3 competitions will be organised throughout the Conference: The Young Investigator Session Award: for young presenters (35 years old or less at the time of the Conference) who submitted an outstanding abstract The Best Oral Presentation Award Distinguished Poster AwardsMentorship programme

Each abstract author who receives a bursary is appointed a mentor. Together, they can discuss both scientific and career questions during a dedicated mentorship lunch on the first day of the Conference.Early Career sessionA special session for the LSC Early Career delegates is organised every year, for the Saturday afternoon of the Conference.Веб-сайт:

Для22. International Conference of Traditional and Alternative Medicine (ICTAM-

2018)Страна: ПольшаГород: WarsawДедлайн: 01.11.2017Даты: 01.02.18 — 01.02.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: APERO International Education and Research OrganizationOn behalf of APCO Practical Education and Research Organization (APERO) and The Scientific committee, we would like to invite you to join us in Warsaw for the ICTAM-2018 (International Conference of Integrative, Traditional and Alternative Medicine). Our aim is to provide expert teaching from the world’s most acclaimed professionals in a friendly environment to share techniques and ideas. On the other hand, we will introduce the most recent research advances in the basic and clinical aspects .Веб-сайт:

Для дерматологов, педиаторов23. 9th Regional Scientific Meeting of Paediatric Dermatology (RSMPD) 2018Страна: СингапурГород: SingaporeДедлайн: 01.11.2017Даты: 26.04.18 — 29.04.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета:Организаторы: Dermatological Society of SingaporeIt is our great pleasure to welcome you to participate in RSMPD2018.  This regional meeting has grown from its infancy to become the premier regional congress in the field of paediatric dermatology. At our last meeting in Bangkok, we attracted an attendance of participants not only from the South East Asian region but also from countries in the Asia Pacific region.  We hope to expand the Singapore meeting even further and endeavour to put forth a well-balanced programme.Based on our theme for this meeting “Shifting Boundaries, Fostering Collaboration”, you can expect the following : Presentations by international and regional experts Inclusive programme spanning the length and breadth of paediatric dermatology, covering novel pathogenic, diagnostic and therapeutic interventions as well as updates on this specialtyWe hope that you would participate in this event which will offer you an opportunity to network with experts in this arena throughout the Asia Pacific region.We look forward to welcoming you in Singapore!Веб-сайт:

Для специалистов в области интервенционной медицины и биорадиологии24. 13th Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional & Therapeutic

Neuroradiology (AAFITN 2018)Страна: МалайзияГород: Kota KinabaluДедлайн: 01.11.2017Даты: 07.03.18 — 09.03.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic NeuroradiologyThe Asian-Australasian Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (AAFITN) was founded in 1994 to promote the practice and knowledge of interventional and therapeutic neuroradiology in the Asian-Australasian region via the organization’s regional meetings. Our society holds scientific conferences every two years, with the world federation meetings happening in between. A main element of the field is neuroendovascular therapy, which is currently experiencing rapid progress with the development of techniques and devices. Our membership has also grown over the years, with a current headcount of over 400. The society’s Executive Committee is working towards making the society membership process more convenient as well as beneficial to its existing and potential members. The work that is given attention to includes improving the society’s official home page, establishing the society constitution, development of educational programs and maintaining stable working funds.Веб-сайт:

Для специалистов ОЗ и менеджеров ситемы ЗО25. Moving Into Action: Informing Policy and Strengthening Healthcare

Systems in Asia-PacificСтрана: ЯпонияГород: TokyoДедлайн: 01.11.2017Даты: 08.09.18 — 11.09.18Область наук: Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: ISPORISPOR is recognized globally as the leading educational and scientific organization for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) and its use in health care decisions. ISPOR’s Asia-Pacific Conference is the place to present your new research and to learn from the experts!. Audience: Approximately 1,400 conference attendees from the global HEOR community. Advance the Science: Contribute your research; share your knowledge and ideas. Extend Your Research Impact: The promotion and dissemination of ISPOR conference content, coupled with the ISPOR attendee profile and global recognition, broadens the reach and impact of your research. Career Development Opportunities and Recognition: Abstract publication and research excellence award finalist eligibility. All accepted research abstracts are published in Value in Health.The ISPOR scope and sphere of influence includes the international HEOR community of global leaders, policy makers, regulators, researchers, academicians, payers, decision makers, patients, and patient groups. This multistakeholder group is invested in using science and research to make better health care decisions.Веб-сайт:

Для специалистов в области медицинской биофизики26. 2018 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering

Страна: ЧехияГород: PragueДедлайн: 15.11.2017Даты: 01.06.18 — 01.06.18Область наук: Биологические; Медицинские;Е-мейл Оргкомитета: [email protected]Организаторы: Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics Member of Czech Medical Association JEP, Czech Association of Medical PhysicistsThis triennially organized joint meeting of medical physicists, biomedical engineers and adjoining health care professionals is a unique opportunity to liaise with your professional colleagues from all over the world, learn and share your knowledge, and discuss the latest research outcomes and technological advancements as well as new ideas in both medical physics and biomedical engineering field. Besides the purely scientific and technological topics, the 2018 Congress will also focus on other aspects of our professional involvement in health care, such as the education and training, the accreditation and certification, the health technology assessment or the patient safety.Scientific sessions, plenary sessions, poster sessions, keynote lectures, refreshing courses and special sessions will be the forms of the Congress events. These scientific meetings will be supplemented with exhibitions and presentations of the manufacturers, innovators and vendors, both local and global.Dear colleagues, we do hope that the 2018 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Prague will become a memorable event both professionally and socially to all participants and we are very much looking forward to meet you in person.Веб-сайт:

Для специалистов в области воспеительных процессов и заболеваний27. Inflammatory Diseases 2018

Conference21st May 2018 to 22nd May 2018Austria , ViennaWebsite: Person: Isabelle AllenJoin with Featured Speakers and Experts from USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific at Infectious and inflammatory Diseases Conference,Which is going to be held during May 21-22, 2018 at Vienna,Austria .Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th November 2017Organized By: alliedacademicVenue: Vienna, Austria

Для стоматологов

27. International Conference on Dentistry and Dental Practice24th May 2018 to 25th May 2018Austria , ViennaWebsite: Person: Anne NatalieDental Practice 2018, goes for uniting Professors, Researchers, Doctors, Instructors, Dental Experts and aspiring students in the field of Dental Science.This conference have been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and

provides you with an unique opportunity to meet up peers from both industries and academics belonging to Dental Practice and Oral Health.This is a 2 day event from 24th May to 25th May ,2018 in Vienna, Austria where we wish your Vivacious presence to make this event a sucess.The theme being " Advances in dental therapy and treatment" assuresDeadline for abstracts/proposals: 30th November 2017Organized By: euroSciCon

Для вирусологов, микробиологов, ифекционистов, иммунологов

28. 10th International Virology Congress and Expo2nd July 2018 to 4th July 2018Austria , viennaWebsite: Person: mark danielEuro Virology meet 2018 will be organized by conference series. This scientific event is consisting of structured scientific sessions which cover all the aspects of Viral diseases and virus researchDeadline for abstracts/proposals: 2nd July 2018Organized By: conferenceseriesVenue: Vienna, Austria

Для неврологов, ребилитологов, специалистов в области антиинсультной терапии и хирургии

29. 6th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke

5th July 2018 to 6th July 2018Austria , ViennaWebsite: Person: Chris VonPulsus group is organizing 6th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke” to be held on July 05-06, 2018 in Vienna, Austria where all the participants from whole around the world are invited to participate. The conference will be organized around the theme ‘Melioration in Innovations with advancement in Neurodegenerative disorders and Stroke’. Stroke 2018 will facilitate with new insights for Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke expertise, researchers and professors, scientific communities, therapists, counselors, delegates, industry experts as well as industry partners, investors, government representatives, executives, academics and other stakeholders.Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 20th October 2017Organized By: Pulsus Group

Для психиатров и психологов

30. 27th Euro Congress on Psychiatrists and Psychologists5th July 2018 to 6th July 2018Austria , ViennaWebsite: Person: Adriana MorrisEuro Psychiatrists 2018 (CME Accredited Event) will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work. Euro Psychiatrists 2018 will congregate renowned speakers, principal investigators, experts, psychiatrist and researchers from both academia and health care industry will join together to discuss their views and research.

Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 5th March 2018Organized By: Omics International

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