
Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

Volume 7 Issue 73, June 2018

Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

A Letter from the Editor:

In the last week I have been diligently trying to catch up in my gardening. Our weather is about a month behind, so planting seems to have been delayed an obscene amount of time. I have a partner who is very creative and enthusiastic about building me things like a greenhouse and garden boxes and such. He does not do the gardening because that is absolutely outside of his realm of knowledge and expertise. But he loves the effect of everything that I can grow, so he will be Johnny on the spot when it comes to building me anything I need for my earthly obsession. Needless to say, our yard and garden areas are beginning, in the three short years we have been in this location, to look quite spectacular.

This issue of FLIGHT has a number of fascinating articles in store for you. We have everything from connections with dragons to crystal programming to Jikiden Reiki and much, much more! I feel very blessed to have such amazing people as contributors to FLIGHT. And I am always

willing to take on more contributors, so if you feel like you might want to send me something for an issue down the road, please do! Also, feel free to forward this on to whomever you think might be interested in it. This little newsletter is already VIRAL and I would love to keep it that way. If any reader wants to receive their own free subscription to FLIGHT, all you need to do is email me that request at [email protected]. It will be so!

Enjoy the read!

Trent Deerhorn


Deerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle

With the impending lack of an affordable space for holding drum circles, Trent Deerhorn has come up with a dynamic solution in which the Drum Circle Community can participate! The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!

What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another.

How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.

Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.

Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.

What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.

Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.

Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents. 

Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar article of equal or greater value.

What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.

To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at [email protected] or at (306) 978-5300.

Upcoming Events


House ConcertDempsey Acreage, Batoche, SK

Date: June 23rd, 2018

Time: 7:30 pm

We are an eclectic musical Trio that performs labels and originals. The three part harmonies are haunting.

Price: $25/person

Early bird Discount: $20/person if registered by June 8th!

For Tickets Contact the TRODKA Trio Booking office at (306) 978-5300

Ticket Sales CLOSE June 21st!

This performance may contain: Mature Subject Matter, Coarse Language and Sexually Based Themes. Viewer Discretion is Advised! ;)

We will provide refreshments. Please bring POT LUCK SNACKS (that do NOT require an oven) for during intermission.

Heart Songs with Infinite Potential Sing and Play Alongs

with Bruce, Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!4th Friday's of the month, 7:30pm - 9:30pm 

(next one is Friday, May 25) at d'Lish by Tish Cafe (702A 14th Street East)

presence is priceless...enter freely... all donations and/or gifts are certainly welcome and appreciated!

Brian Paul Di Giuseppe Singer-Songwriter w/ Many 'Irons in the Fire' 

(Landline: 306-653-0636)

email Brian to be added to the heartsong email list sent every 90 daysre; live events, new releases, and more optional info/inspiration links!

Email: [email protected]

have a look, listen to more links and communication on the facebook page: Heart Song Arts and Crafts with Brian Paul D.G. and Friends

....and/or the "Brian Paul Di Giuseppe" Youtube Channel (hear/see "Brian Paul D.G. and Friends!" playlist for more!)

Presentations of Live Music, Special Events, Heart Song Sharing Circleswith Bruce, Brian and Friends, Workshops, Beeswax Candles, 

Water Kefir 'Grains' and Specialized "Kickaboo Joy Juice" Orders!


SKY RIVER TEMPLEPreparing for Mid-summer

June 10 20182:30

Gabriel DuMont ParkPotluck social to follow

(No nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)FREE to attend


Next ritual will be July 29 2018

Gabriel DuMont Park

Paranormal Experiences

These stories are intended to help expand awareness of whatever is "out there" that is not necessarily of this realm. Some of the stories may be frightening and some may be heart warming. Each one must be true and we are going to go out on a limb here and trust that whatever is sent in is, indeed, true to the experience of the writer. We do not want to have anyone telling someone else's story. This must be a first hand encounter reporting. It does not matter how long ago the event took place. What matters is the sharing of how this event has affected you since then. The story should be no more than 10 paragraphs long. Only one story will be published per FLIGHT issue. We look forward to hearing from you! Well it would seem that this month was quite busy for people and no one submitted an article for this section, so I decided to share an experience of my own. So...without further adieu...

Rear-View Mirrorby Dawn Devonshire

Even though this memory happened in my last year of high school, I still remember it vividly.

It was an ordinary Friday night with friends until the ride home. Around 3 a.m. I dropped off the last person and headed back to the farm. As a teen I thought it was a bad idea to speed on

the highway, but I liked to make up time on the grid roads. Of course, this was a terrible idea. Shortly after I left my friend’s yard and started back on the grid road towards home, I noticed an orange light in the rear-view mirror. I was surprised as there were no other visible lights on the road, nor were there any cars in sight. It was a strange light; I had never seen anything like it before. It certainly didn’t look like tail lights or headlights of any car I had seen before. I slowed down, but I couldn’t see anything unusual, so I kept going. Within five minutes I saw the orange lights flash again in the mirror. Once more I slowed down, but the lights were gone, and I could not explain where the lights could have come from. At that moment, I focused on the road ahead of me again and placed a heavy foot on the accelerator. As I hit the gas, the

orange lights flickered again in the mirror. I made a considerable effort to bring the car to a near stop. When I looked ahead, I saw a deer run across the road. At that point in the road there is a steep ditch on either side. Because I had almost stopped, I was able to avert a very disastrous situation. Had it not been for the unexplainable orange lights that slowed me down, who knows how this story could have ended.

As the deer made its way across the road, I stopped the car and noticed that all the hairs on my arms were standing up. In that moment I felt grateful, spooked, and protected all at the same time. I think this was the first time that I realized someone was with me always. I’d guess now that it was likely one of my spirit guides keeping me safe. Perhaps deep down I have always known that I am not alone, but this was the first time that my conscious mind questioned it. Now I know I am never alone. And I am grateful.

Household Hints and Handy Tips

To remove labels off ceramic or glass in a flash, simply soak them in warm water with a scoop of OxiClean.


I forgot to mention that I saw dragons.

The biggest one was undulating lazily through the universe, then stopped to watch the world tree being born from our Mother Earth - the seed from which it grew.I was at a vantage point somewhere in space - as well as on Earth at the same time - where I could easily see both the world tree and the stunning galactic dragon clad in red, gold, and ebony scales that flashed in the sunlight when she moved.

I was busily creating my own world tree to anchor myself to where I live, so that when I travel, I cannot be coerced into putting down roots elsewhere. I was intent upon spreading my roots deeply into the yielding earth, creating a strong and durable network to anchor myself, and spreading my branches as high as I could reach into the sky. I savored the sensation of the energy surging up through my roots from the life giving soil of our Mother, and the warm energy of the sun upon my boughs and leaves.

There was a noticeable change in the energies surrounding me. A colorful dragon, about the size of a dinosaur that could eat leaves off the top of very tall trees appeared, opened its mouth, roared, and breathed fire at me. Clouds of smoke filled the air but I was not burned. The dragon grabbed me and pulled me into its dimension, where we spiraled down into a bank of clouds far below, and swooped over jagged peaks, avoiding impalement at the last possible moment. I could hear and feel the wind rushing past my ears. It was exhilarating!

Meanwhile, back in this dimension, I felt the ground shake and heard a low rumble from far below. It grew louder and louder; the subtle shaking became strong tremors that rose to the surface, and tore ragged gashes in the ground. Large chunks of earth lifted and tilted, shifted and crumbled. The sound was deafening. I watched a gigantic tree burst forth beside me with such force that I thought I’d either burn up, be torn apart, or uprooted and killed. The expenditure of power could be likened to how it might feel standing beside a missile silo as the door opens and the missile deploys. I had neither witnessed nor stood in such close proximity to a source of such immense power as it created new life; a world tree that, once it broke the Earth’s surface, would continue to grow, past the limits of our atmosphere, far into the outer reaches of the known Universe, rending and gutting our planet in the process.

I was awed and terrified. I watched as fruit in countless numbers appeared upon the boughs of the tree. They glowed with golden light as they grew and ripened there, then exploded, showering infinite numbers of star seeds in every direction throughout the cosmos.

The dragon and I watched, fascinated.

After it was over, the dragon and I looked at one another and nodded, a silent acknowledgement that what we had witnessed was a once in a lifetime event.She turned away to resume her star travels and I, reluctantly, opened my eyes and returned to my life.

I will not easily forget these images; I will definitely remember the dragons.

Rock Talk by Ave Riddler

I’ve been hinting since we started on this more personal approach to these articles that I would get around to talking about programming crystals, today is that day!

Many people feel that you can program a crystal for a certain task. Perhaps you want it to help bring clarity to any messages received while in meditative journey, or you program a rose quartz to bring you your perfect love (Not a specific person of course that’d be a BAD idea). You might even

have a set of crystals you have programmed to work as a team for grid work, or laying around a table where you give or receive healing energy work to enhance the energy. These are only a few examples of what people like to program their crystals for. Usually one would hold the crystal and envision the task they want the crystal to be focused on, or even say exactly what the programming is for, how it is to be achieved. Sometimes the crystal will be placed on an image, or onto an icon of the task or goal. There is a belief that programming a crystal helps it and you to repeatedly access the same work, aim for the same goal each time it is used for that purpose, sort of a metaphysical streamline.

I’m likely going to surprise you; I DO NOT program my crystals.

A long time ago I started to think something shocking, when I ask for a certain goal, when I try to direct how that goal will be reached, and then charge and program a crystal to achieve that goal, this is an ego driven effort. I also realized that with how holistically I approach my crystal companions, that I could in fact, in my ego driven efforts, be missing parts of the equation. I don’t like using the “love” program example, but so far it’s been the easiest way for me to explain my view, I have been using this scenario to explain it for years! Perhaps I have charged and programmed a lovely piece of rose quartz to bring me my perfect love; the crystal does what it was programmed to do, before I am actually ready to receive that love. I could completely not see that love before me, or I could see it but because I am not ready, that perfect love cannot see me, or worse because I wasn’t ready it ends badly. Tragic right? I have reached a point in my crystal journey where I completely believe these powerful healers know better than I do, in my ego driven mind, what it is I actually need. Perhaps I need to learn to love and accept myself, before I will be ready for that perfect love, perhaps there is work I can achieve only if I am tasked with it alone. I use this same idea with using crystals for healing. Imagine you have sprained an ankle and wish to program a crystal to speed the healing, sometimes there are lessons to be learned during a healing journey, and you might unintentionally be blocking the message.

That isn’t to say I won’t use my crystals with a certain direction towards a goal in mind, I will instead ask them to help me in the way that seems best. I might ask that lovely rose quartz to simply open up the path so that I am able to find love. Or aid with my healing journey and any lessons I need to learn while on it.

I’m going to revisit the quartz sphere that helped me with a nasty chest cold/infection. When I went to sleep clasping it in my hand I only asked it to help in whatever way was best, I did not ask for the coughing to stop (though I wanted that more than anything) I did not ask for any actual goal, simply for help. I trust that the crystal would know better than I could what needed to be done, and how.

If I ever feel the need for a crystal to have a specific focus, it is usually a onetime deal, and only for the moment it is needed in that way. I used to take crystals in to the room when I needed to focus for an exam, or I will take a grounding stone of some type into an appointment where pain may be a concern. Yet still those crystals do not get programmed, they are asked to aid me in the moment of need.

This is not to say that programming is a bad thing, just for me, it feels like I am limiting a powerful and limitless companion. I love opening the cabinet I have for my mineral companions and simply asking all those lovely beings who wants to aid me for the day.

And that folks is my take on programming crystals, until next month, rock on.

Things to KnowDon't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

From the Flower Spirit Cards by Melanie Eclare

Buttercup: My message is one of gratitude.

The delicious, rich summer vision of the dewy Buttercup is a perfect reflection of a higher power at work. The dazzling sight of a field of Buttercups is heartwarming and joyful and an opportunity to connect with spirit and feel the inner-connectedness of all life. It is with this passion and expansive quality that the Buttercup flower spirit delivers its message to us.

If we enhance our daily lives with the belief that we are blessed, and take time to give thanks and gratitude, then we can transmute the effect of anything negative. Take a few moments before you go to sleep to run back through your day and give thanks for all your experiences.

This encourages a positive outlook, even in difficult times. It also removes any tendency to become a victim and transforms our self-worth, making us believe that only good things can happen to us. Although we often look to other people to solve our problems, all the answers we ever need are within us - it is just that often we don't know how to reach them.

The sublime Buttercup spirit calls you to participate in a new way of being. Interconnectedness with spirit will reveal a new world of peace and contentment. The more we practice feeling connected to Source within ourselves and give thanks, the easier life becomes. Melt into the soft pleasure of the beautiful Buttercup flower spirit and give thanks for just being.

My Road to Jikiden ReikiBy Beata Van Berkom

Sometimes information comes to me in a nonlinear way. Sometimes one's life path is revealed in nonlinear style. The story can’t always be told in linear form.

March 2018 I went to a Jikiden Reiki certification weekend. During the weekend I was reintroduced to a Hands-On healing technique I had been initiated into 20 years earlier.

20 years earlier I had been deeply into the Kryon book series. Lee Carroll even visited Saskatoon and I got a chance to see him in person channeling The Entity Kryon. This entity is the master of the magnetic frequencies of Earth. I was young mother at the time and still maintained my voracious reading habits. At the Kryon book club is where I met the woman who introduced me to Western Reiki. Before the other attendees arrived she sat staring at me across the room in a peculiar way. Finally she asked me a question. “What do you do?”

Now I didn’t know this woman from Adam, but I was trying to be polite. So, I said, “Well I’m a little art and a little science”. I thought that should suffice. She kept looking at me in a peculiar way then leaned forward and said very pointedly, “You are a magnetic spinner. There are six of you on this planet. You will be taken to different places on the earth to spin magnetics. ” At that point in my life any form of travel was unimaginable as I was a stay-at-home mom. So I smiled and replied, “Oh, interesting”. At the end of the evening she gave me her business card. Her first name was Topaz which is my birthstone, so it’s stuck in my mind. Also her business card a beautiful multi-colored one with a unicorn on it. I saw she was a Reiki Master.

I also thought she was a little bit ‘cuckoo’. However her words, her presence and her message to me, kept returning to my mind. I finally called her and arranged a Reiki treatment, "whatever

that is," I thought. After the session she told me about her experience giving me Reiki. She told me she started people on their stomachs so she could get a sense of their past. As I lay down on my stomach she asked her guides why I was there and they told her to flip me over. So when she did, all she saw was light coming out of my body. Her guides said, “Topaz, this woman can do Reiki!”. After the session when she told me what she saw and heard, I was a bit shocked and skeptical. But I did tell her about two experiences that I had had that sounded as if I had been guided naturally to use Reiki.

The first was an incident when my friend had invited another girlfriend to have coffee at my house. I didn’t know this woman, however we were having a wonderful conversation on the sofa in the living room. Suddenly a voice spoke to me. It said I needed to ‘Hold This Woman’s heels in my hands’. It was relentlessly asking me to do it.

I finally got up my courage and asked if I could hold her by the heels. She looked at my friend, who looked at me, who looked back at her and said, “Go for it”. So I took her heels in my hands. The next thing I knew it felt like there were balls of energy around my hands and her feet. She asked me what I was doing and I said I didn’t know. I sat there until this feeling dissipated and then I said, "There you’re done.” My other friend then stuck her feet up and said “Do me too!” I said, “You don’t have to be done”. She was a bit disappointed.

However, the interesting bit was the next day when my friend gave me a call. She said this woman had gotten her period. And that that was a big deal because she had not had her period for many months after having a termination. Later I realized the reflexology point for the womb area is located in the heel. Interesting I thought.

Another incident was when I was sitting across the table from a woman who had a silver rose necklace on. She was the sister-in-law of my best friend so I felt very comfortable in the setting. Suddenly her necklace asked me to come stand behind this woman because she was in need. It just kept on and was relentless so I got up and stood behind this woman. I could feel a great surge of heat from her lower back and I put my hands there and guided this heat to leave her.

She asked me what I was doing. So again I replied I didn’t know. I said her rose necklace told me to do it. I was just taking the heat off of her. She said the necklace was her grandmothers and slid the rose aside to reveal a Virgin Mary Icon beneath it. She said thank you, that she was in terrible pain and had forgotten her pain killers but she was needing surgery. So very interesting.

Topaz told me I had done spontaneous healing work with both these women. I was still a bit skeptical but she insisted I come to her to get my level 1 in Western Reiki. After getting my level one I tried to practice a bit but being a wife and young mother always got in the way.

I was left by my husband in 2009 and I started traveling in 2013. One of the trips was to the Island of the Sun at Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. I wanted to visit and feel the energy at the Crossing point of the Plumed Serpent line and the Rainbow Serpent line. These are magnetic lines that

run around the earth and cross on Sun Island and then on the opposite side of the planet. See my blog Mysterious places near Lake Titicaca for pictures.

The next trip that related to Reiki is the last trip I took, September 2017, when I visited The Source in the Sacred Valley of Peru, to dance with the ancient plant medicine Ayahuasca. See my blog Ayahuasca and Me. During the last two Ayahuasca ceremonies I had the feeling of turning into a great Happy Dragon. Also during the first ceremony many entities came to put their hands up and give me Reiki energy, just as I saw in the temples of Egypt. It seems that everywhere in Egypt those carved onto the temple walls were using their hands to Direct Energy for Healing and Wellness.

During the recent Jikiden Reiki certification course we were allowed to watch a video in which ‘seeing’ two dragons during Reju, was mentioned by founder Chiyoko Yamaguchi. These two dragons are on the certificate I received after the certification weekend.

On learning how much Western Reiki had changed in its journey around the world, Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son, Tadeo, decided to pass on what they had learned, coining the name Jikiden Reiki. The term “jikiden” is a Japanese word that denotes a traditional art form that is passed on carefully from teacher to student without alteration. Put quite simply, Jikden Reiki does not have any non-Japanese concepts and is very respectful of the original teachings. Jikiden Reiki is directly passed down from Usui to Hayashi to Yamaguchi. It is the traditional Japanese form and is much simpler than Western Reiki. I resonate fully with its teachings.

Recently I have started a study in which I will be doing 40 clients three times each for a nominal fee. When I was working on one client I could see the dragons on my certificate and had memories of being on Sun Island, of seeing The Healing Hands in Egypt, of turning into a dragon twice during my dance with Ayahuasca. Even my last talk before I left for Peru called ‘Surfing The Matrix’ was involved. In this talk I speak of the twin serpents often. You can see this lecture at my YouTube channel as well as here on my blog. As I was working on the client I became overjoyed at this connection. The story had unfolded in a very nonlinear way.

Finally I am where I should be. Now, having done all the magnetic spinning the universe asked of me on my Journeys and all the attunements I obtained at the sacred sites I visited, and at which I had spun magnetics , I am now molded into a passionate Jikiden Reiki worker. The feedback from my clients attests to my effective results.

To take part in my study if you are in the Saskatoon area please email.

[email protected]

Thought for the Day:

Success is a journey, not a destination. Half the fun is getting there. Gita Bellin


The inkwell was knocked overOn the writing desk.

Ink flowedDown the slanted surface

And ran over the edge,Splashing onto

Chair and desk legs alike,Before finally settlingInto an indigo puddle

On the floor.

Words, sentences,Paragraphs, and pages,Full with the ripeness

Of gestating proseNot yet brought to life

Upon the page;All of it lay broken and tangled

Within the dark, inky pool.

There was no moneyTo buy more ink.

The writer was devastatedBy the loss.

Tears ran freely down graceless cheeks

In rivulets of despair.

Without ink,The writer felt

Chained;Rendered immobile

In their creative tracks.Such a catastrophe;How to keep writing

Without ink to prime the pen?The writer bent down

And blotted the spilled inkOff the floor

With a linen handkerchief,And placed it, absentmindedly,

in a glass,And forgotten in the moment.

How to expressAn unbridled flow of creativity

That had abruptly ceased?

The hour was late,The candle sputtered.

There was just enough wickRemaining to hold the flame

That lit the way to bedBefore finally guttering out.

Sleep came quickly.Dreams followed;

The writer is rowing a boatUpon a lake of dark waters.

The further away from shoreThey rowed the boat,

The shorter the oars became,Until the oars dissolved completely.

All forward movement ceased.

There is no wind to disturbThe lake’s surface

Or ruffle the writer’s hair.Stuck without oars

In the middle of the blue-blackness,Panic and fear

Well up from the deeps.

When it seems as thoughAll is lost,

A figure breaks the water’s surface,Rising from the depths.

Watery black droplets fallFrom their luminous head,

Shoulders and torso,Legs and feet.

The Being stops just inchesAbove the surface.

The writer sits in the boat,Still as death, watching the being


A smile breaks acrossThe beatific face,

As the Lady of the LakeGazes upon the figure in the boat.

“Have no fear, Dear One.I bring you

One of your very own childhoodMemories.

Do you remember how onceYou made ink to write

Your first story,All those many years ago?

I dredged deeply into the muckAt the bottom of the lake

To retrieve this jewel,So that I may present it to you

Once again, this night.

You will remember the recipeWhen you awaken, but you will

Not remember me.Your writing days are far from over.”

With that, the Light Being winked out,A spark in the night.

The writer awoke, refreshed,Animated by the dream

That brought backThe long-forgotten recipe.

Rising, rememberingThe blotted-up ink

Staining the handkerchiefThat still sat in the glassFrom the night before.

Taking an eye-dropper,The writer

Carefully dripped waterOnto the cloth, then

Took up the fluid thatBegan to collect in the bottom

Of the glass.The ink was watery,But the words that

Spelled out the recipeWere legible;

Their paleness was not a concern.Once the new batch of ink was made,

The writer would trace over the words,Making them bold, and lasting,Ensuring the recipe would not

Easily fade to oblivion.

The writer made a pot of coffeeAnd set their favorite mug on

The counter, along withThe inkwell.

The recipe was concocted;The newly minted ink poured;

Just enough to fill the well.Fresh brewed coffee filled the mug.

Together, the writer and the penSat at the writing desk, and each

Savored the rich, dark brewFrom their respectiveWells of Awakening.

Coffee: Prepared skillfully,It is a powerful fusion

Of roasted and ground beans and water,Capable of awakening both

The Body and the Creative Mind.

And it makes great ink, too.

Extremes in Our World that You should Know:

Where is the   least expensive city   to live in?       

  Mumbai , India      ...   

At the other end of the spectrum, Mumbai, India, is the cheapest place to live in the world,   according to the Worldwide Cost of

Living Index, 2014.   For some comparison, a loaf of bread that would cost $3.36 in Singapore,  would only cost $0.91 in Mumbai.  A lot of poverty

brings the cost of living down.     

Paraprosdokians:First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are

figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them).

6. War does not determine who is right, only who is left.

Thoughtful Quotes by Nikola Tesla:From

There are many great scientists, but certainly one of the greatest is Nikola Tesla, who is often referred to as "the man who invented the 20th century". He is less famous than Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison, but his contribution to mankind is simply immeasurable.

Tesla was a quiet and modest inventor, a genius who lived and suffered for his inventions and who did not receive the majority of recognition for his work. This mysterious man brought to the world a system of alternating current (what powers every home on the planet), radar, radio, x-rays, transistor, and many more things that we are using in the present. However, as the years pass the significance of Tesla's inventions are increasingly gaining in importance.

What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics. (unknown)

From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean Smith

Causes are complex and have different time scales. The efforts of the individual are not the sole determining factor in the individual's condition in life, because everyone is part of the nexus of society and nature and the continuum of time. It is common for people to attribute causes wrongly because of misperception of real relationships.

Every cause is the effect of something else, and every effect is the cause of something else. What may seem a curse may be a blessing, and what may seem a blessing may be a curse. Hardship is a blessing when it spurs effort and development; ease is a curse when it increases complacency and self-indulgence.

-Muso Kokushi (1275-1351)

Dream Conversations on Buddhism and Zen

Things you may NOT have known about Canada:

Reflections from the Shaman's Hut

by Trent Deerhorn

Death Ritual

The other day I discovered that a magpie had died out on the street in front of my house. I felt very bad for the poor bird. I know that a lot of people find magpies to be annoying, as they do crows. But these are birds with which I share a great affinity. I felt that I had to do something in honour of this creature's life. It was not enough to just clean up the carcass. I had to show honour.

But I live in a fairly conservative neighbourhood. The mere fact that my partner and I are both male is a bit "out there" for many who live around us. So generally we just mind our own business and don't go out of our way to stir anything up. When you are already living on the outside within a society you really don't want to draw unwanted attention.

So, needless to say, the death ritual that I did for this poor creature whose life was ended all too early was done in private, in my healing room at my altar. Magpie is the power animal that, in many cultures, represents the Ancestral Spirits. So I consider them to be magnificent and sacred. A candle was lit, the vortex of my medicine wheel was opened, incense was set and prayers were said on behalf of the spirit of the fallen magpie. Gratitude was given for all the medicine that it carried with it into our realm and for the connection to the Ancestors themselves. It was simply, and beautiful. It lasted all of 15 minutes.

That is how I feel ALL of our death rituals should be. I tire very easily of religious death rituals with all the pomp and ceremony that has NOTHING to do with the one who passed and EVERYTHING to do with self-promotion of said religions. I have attended some funerals that lasted for up to 2 hours. By the end of it I was swearing to myself to never attend another one of these pompous events ever again. What events such as this tend to do more than anything else is simply piss off all the attendees. They are there to give tribute to the one who has died, not to give tribute to a religious organization. Ten to fifteen minutes is all it really takes to get the job done.

When we look at it reasonably we really have to recognise that simplicity is the essence of grace. We can flower things up all we want and complicate things to the billionth degree, but when we do this it becomes so weighed down by expectations and procedures that it becomes quite ugly. There is no need for that.

In any case, I hope that the soul of the fallen magpie makes it to whatever version of "heaven" it might have had. In the end, hopefully we can all find peace.

For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at

Encouragements for Personal Development:

Taken from Meditations with James Van Praagh

When I work with people, it is important that my environment is balanced, peaceful, quiet, and pleasant. I can tell immediately if someone is nervous, angry, scared, open, or closed, because I can feel the energy surrounding this person.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2018:

Lovely Lupine: Wild lupine is the longest-lasting of all lupines. Its showy clusters of blue, pea-like flowers; tall, upright habit; and handsome palmate leaves make it stand out in any garden. Easy to grow, lupine thrives in moist conditions with full sun and average soil. The best time to plant is mid-to-late summer. Mix seeds with sand for better visibility and

broadcast them by hand over prepared soil. Compress lightly, making sure not to bury them, and water until the soil is moist, not wet. Once seedlings are 4-6 inches tall, they can survive on natural rains.

June 18th: Pinch off the tops of sweet pea plants to encourage bushy growth.

June 28th: Full Strawberry Moon: Strawberry "seeds" are actually tiny dry fruit called "achenes," each of which contains one seeds inside.

Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn

Q: I know that you have had some really good advice for parents over the years in this publication. What I am wondering is what you would suggest for having some self-time in the midst of parenthood?

A: This is a very important question, and one whose answer is going to involve some commitment and dedication. Let me first mention that a parent who is burned out is not a very healthy parent, and thus not a very good parent. Exhaustion and stress make human beings (and parents are definitely human, after all) make really poor choices in parenting. The number of stressors can be in a list a mile long. The

problem is that we too often get overly distracted with the stressors and miss the opportunities to make a difference within ourselves. Many of the stressors are external factors over which we have ZERO influence. But what we DO have influence over is our inner selves.

But to get to a point of accessing our inner selves we must first commit to our own person as a number ONE priority. People are often brainwashed into thinking that their children have to be the number one priority. This is a lie. If the parent is not in a good space how good a space is the child actually going to be in? Kids need healthy parents, not burned out and exhausted parents. So the first order of business is to ask for assistance. Family and friends can become extremely important at this time. Even just one hour of spelling off a parent will do wonders for that person to become a better human being for their child.

The next order of business is to figure out what it is that feeds your soul that you could do within that one hour time frame where you actually have child care lined up. This can vary for many. Some turn to yoga classes and meditation while others would prefer to go to the gym and workout with weights, others would prefer to garden or to practice playing a musical instrument. Truthfully, some would also just sit on the back deck and sip some wine. Whatever it is that will bring you a moment of peace is what you should be doing in that time. This does not include chores such as laundry, groceries, washing dishes or floors and dusting or cleaning bathrooms etc. Those things are work and do not feed the soul. They may make a control freak feel like their life is in less of a spiral, but, with an active family, that will only last five minutes at most. What feeds the soul will bring joy and contentment and fulfillment to a person deep within.

The other thing that I must mention as the third order of business is a weekly DATE NIGHT with the other parent. During this time you have a sitter take care of the kids. Although you might have your cell phone on so that you can get a text from said sitter only in the case of an

emergency, you do NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE ON THE TABLE NEXT TO YOU OR IN YOUR HAND AT ALL TIMES. Your attention on date night should be on your partner, the other parent. Whether you go out for dinner or just go upstairs to get naked together is up to you. But you should not allow yourself to be disturbed by ANYTHING that is not a life or death emergency. I cannot tell you how often the stress and exhaustion of parenting is what actually has led to the split up of said parents. Having date night is something that is essential to maintaining a healthy partnership that then leads to a healthy environment for the children. They are not stupid little beings. They can tell when the parents are not connected or are struggling with one another. This puts a silent terror into their hearts because that partnership is what gives them a sense of stability and safety. They just don't understand how stuff that they do contributes to the stress, and they won't for about 19 or more years. But what they can come to understand is that nobody gets to interrupt date night. You may, or may not, have noticed that I said that date nights need to be weekly. This is because without the habit being maintained the tendency is to let it slide to bi-weekly or once a month and then suddenly you have not had a date night in over a year. Do NOT do that to your marriage. That is a number one method of relationship sabotage.

So it is about making sure that your needs are being met, that those of your partner are being met, and setting healthy boundaries around your children. People often put off things like having others take care of their children for them, thinking that the child will have huge struggles with it. The thing is that, first off, even if little Johnny does struggle, he will then have a growing and learning opportunity in discovering that the world does not come to an end just because he does not have mommy or daddy at his immediate disposal. He will learn that the world is not a scary place and that he can also trust folks that are people other than his parents. The other thing is that often the anxiety has nothing to do with the child and everything to do with the parent being insecure about how others may or may not respond to Johnny's needs. Pick your alternate care givers well. Know that it will be a learning curve no matter who you pick. Know that your child will be taken care of and that others can do just as good a job of that as can you. And, most importantly, know that your life does not ever need to be run by your child. Allowing it to do so is what makes a person completely lose their own sense of self. Don't treat the parent of your child in that manner. Allowing your life to be run by your child is one of a number of different dynamics that creates a narcissist out of that child. Don't do that to them.

Tidbits and Tickles:

A mother was practicing the alphabet with her four-year-old son, Tommy. She showed him a picture of a truck and asked, What is this?"

"A truck," Tommy replied.

Then she pointed to the letter T and asked, "What does it start with?"

"A key!" replied Tommy without hesitation.

Forum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to [email protected] and they will be published in the Forum Section!

Of the previous Issue:

Angela Wrote: I am so grateful that Ave wrote about how to choose a crystal for yourself. This is something that I have often struggled with.

Becky Wrote: Love Gail's poems!

Michael Wrote: Thank you, dear Trent, for your article on the Inner Warrior. It fed my soul.

Cindy Wrote: That article on energy exchange with the exchange of bodily fluids both inspired me and freaked me out. I loved it!

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Blessed Be!

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