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Cosmic Order & Non-being: Franz Bardon, Modern Spirituality's Erratic Sources, Will, Self-Cognition & Faith

The present article is the slightly revised version of a letter that I sent to a spiritual disciple a few years ago. It contains my response to few questions about Franz Bardon's definition of Will in his Questions & Answers. Franz Bardon (1909-1958) was a leading European Spiritualist and Mystic of the 20th c. I add few scanned pages of this book for reference (Merkur Publishing Inc., USA 1998). It goes without saying that, despite my different approach to several topics discussed in this book, I strongly recommend it to the interested reader with a background in Divine Studies and Spirituality.

Basically, I divided the text of my response into eleven units and, to facilitate the reader, I presented a Table of Contents in the beginning. The titles of the units are in block letters, whereas my disciple's brief letter and several quotes are in italics.

Table of Contents



Dear A,

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Thank you very much for your email, news, and questions!

I was waiting them; in addition, congratulations for your ceaseless efforts to improve your spiritual status!


As regards Franz Bardon philosophy's introductory book, I am glad that you stopped on the first page (actually p. 13, which is the main text's first page) and more specifically in the first two paragraphs.

I will first briefly answer your questions and then expand. So, the main part of my mail will be after the end of yours.

Dear Prof. Shamsaddin,I hope you are doing well.I am reading Franz Bardon's book.Whilst making notes of Franz Bardon's book, I am very aware that I cannot absorb these ideas without further explanation so they make sense.Please could you clarify the below points:1. WillA. What is the connection between the will and a wish?

God created the spiritual and the material worlds, which means that not even the spiritual world in its entirety is / can be eternal.

The spiritual world is distinguished by humans in three levels:- the 'astral' level (this term, preferred by New Age ideologists and propagandists, is biased and unjustified to some extent and it truly corresponds to the) lower spiritual level - the middle spiritual level- the upper spiritual level

The above distinction may be unclear to you; so, I will now try it make it somewhat understandable.

The upper spiritual level is the end of all pure and righteous souls that will merge with God after the Final Judgment (so, not at the End of Times/Al Yom al Ahar, but at the End of the World / Al Yom al Qiyamah). Angels and other top spiritual hierarchies are exclusively part of this sphere which, as you can imagine, includes many layers of importance and involves many stages of the Creation. The epicenter of this

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sphere is Allah who is also manifested in all stages and levels of Creation as well. This part of soul is not easily accessible to humans; one must eliminate totally his materialistic ego to possibly activate one's connection with the upper part of one's soul. Few manage to achieve this while being in this material life.

The middle spiritual level encompasses the human souls and many exclusively spiritual hierarchies. The middle level of one's soul is possible for a human to access after long and systematic spiritual exercise, focus, and elimination of thoughts, feelings, desires, and other material concerns.

Fully energizing one's connection with this level of soul offers a person the ability to act as per the scope of the Creation and empowers the person with capacities that are thought to be absolutely impossible by today's miserably materialistic (and therefore unbelieving) people. One can - walk in the air, in the surface or in the depth of the sea, - go (with the material body) through walls, mountains and rocks, - transport one's body at a speed as high as that of the light, - take different forms (that of a lion, a mosquito, a tree or an object), - accumulate instantly the knowledge contained within millions of books, - be present in a place without being visible to those who are there, - incite fear and respect to the wildest animals that will run away upon seeing the person, - move to different moments of the time (and thus see and hear historically known or unknown persons), - understand-speak-read-write earlier unknown (to that person) languages, - stand without a problem in front of a shooting gun (and magnetize the bullet so that it falls down before hitting the person or make it pass through the body without having any effect) or canon, - make a military aircraft fall, - survive in the middle of any explosion (nuclear included), and so on.

Such person can - emit light from the body or illuminate it from within, - transfer part of his power to others, and - perform other actions that today's unbelievers stupidly consider as 'miracles'.

The lower spiritual level contains the lower part of the human souls and many other exclusively categories of

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spiritual beings. When it comes to the human soul's lower spiritual level (which is mistakenly called 'astral'), this revolves around the possibility that many people have to move to other locations with their lower spiritual body ('astral voyages'), which has only the form and the appearance of their material body, although being purely spiritual. Through use of this lower spiritual body, people can appear to others as ghosts, visit them in their dreams, speak to them as if they were next to them and without anybody else hearing, influence others' opinion, guide them or mislead them without the others' understanding, prevent a bad occurrence, and so on.

After the death of the material body, the lower spiritual (astral) body gets decomposed into the five elements and it then disappears, leaving the soul (middle and upper levels) totally disconnected from the material world. I can expand much on this, but this is not the correct moment.

Bear only in mind that the soul's middle level is also composed of the five elements, but the soul's upper level is exclusively composed of ether, the primordial 'substance' or 'dimension', which is what people in the Late Antiquity used to call 'quintessence', i.e. the primary 'substance' or 'dimension' of Allah.

Ether is what Allah is 'made of' (if we can make this aphorism!), and through Ether, Allah is present everywhere, because Ether is present everywhere in all beings, spiritual and material; this does not mean that Ether is not part of the Creation. Ether is the very beginning of the Creation. But I am digressing.


While in life, every human being is said to be composed of his soul, body and character; in fact, what is called 'character' is the most commonly visible manifestation of the astral body at the material.

The body is situated at the material level; it is activated by the character / astral body.

There are three main sectors of human character: the intellect & the senses, the feelings, and the desires. The connection between the astral and the material bodies occurs by the means of bodily organs and the nerve network (nervous system): the brain (mind-intellect-senses), the heart (feelings), and the abdominal cavity (desires).

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Every soul's (and therefore person's) individuality guarantees - as per above - a different perception, a different standpoint, a different set of thoughts, a different array of feelings, and a different range of desires.

So, to come to your initial question ("the connection between the will and a wish), I have to say that the will is an expression of the intellect (mind / brain) whereas the wish is an expression of either the feelings or the desires of the person.

Many people confuse their wishes with their will. Sometimes, defective education, poor culture, and lack of self-knowledge are the reasons for this confusion (so they are personal, not social).

I wish to become a lawyer.I wish to help my father.I wish to eat this cake.

All three 'wishes', expressed by the same person, are not identical to one another; they differ not only in terms of action involved (as described by the three verbs) or object concerned (as defined by the three nouns) but mainly in relation to their nature.

In the first case, you have the expression of the intellect / and of a will.In the second case, you have the expression of a feeling.In the third case, you have the expression of a desire.

Many confused people take the 'will' as a 'wish' and vice versa. Confused people customarily fail to see the difference between will and wish.


Even worse, confused people consider their will, their feeling, and their desire as 'normal' and 'rightful'; this is anyone's guess! It can be normal and rightful, but it can also be quite the opposite.

Only critical thinking is the process that can eventually lead to the correct evaluation of a case in this regard; but critical thinking presupposes always another function of the human being, a function of the utmost importance.

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Who are the confused people?

Mainly those for whom one can say "there is much unsaid within them".

Theirs is a catastrophic way of life; it is a form of oppression or, to put it correctly, self-oppression. No one lives a proper human life, if one leaves much unsaid within oneself.

No one can deal with any situation properly without speaking within oneself about it and in truth, which automatically means a bipolar form of being or an interpolation. Ignoring, neglecting or disregarding the truth inside oneself is the reason of many wrong and disastrous reactions, grave sins, and overall failure in life.

Self-oppression is always evil; by this, I don't mean that, as soon as one girl feels a sexual attraction to another girl (or boy to boy), the girl (or the boy) must 'avoid self-oppression' and satisfy the abominable desire (which is what all the evil-minded persons in the West and worldwide 'advise').

Quite contrarily, they must accept it as a 'reality' at the personal level, and truthfully speak to their inner self, asking why this desire appeared. Then, starts the bipolar conversation inside that person, and the person gets engaged in the true battle of the life.

Otherwise, trying to deny the reality of the desire leads to self-oppression, and this will generate extremely negative results on the character of the person. Without eventually satisfying the abnormal desire, the self-oppressed person will become a negative pole in the society, because of the inevitable, terrible and lifelong consequences of the self-inflicted oppression (the fact of leaving much unsaid with oneself).

B. What is the aspect of the will as you previously suggested it is not the fire element as suggested by Franz Bardon.

Here, you refer to unit 1 of Bardon's text. Re-read that unit now in the light of the above, and you will see how great the distance between Bardon and my approach is.


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The basic mistake that follows Bardon across his lengthy books and treatises is the disregard of the primordial element, the Ether. However, I must admit that he accepts its existence (whereas most of the Freemasons, and all of the Jesuits and the Zionists do not), but he does it in a rather odd manner that excludes Ether from the reality of most circumstances that occur on the material levels, which is indeed incredible.

His approach is that out of Ether emanated four elements (water, air, earth, and fire - which is wrong) and that everything in the material world is appended to the said four elements, because Ether exists in all four elements but not independently - which is an outrage and a blasphemy (it is tantamount to excluding God from the Universe!).

The reason for this misperception is that Bardon's sources were very narrow and limited; it is the same with many spiritualists and mystics of his days (20th c.), with all the modern philosophers (15th-20th c.), and with modern sheikhs and imams of Islam, Christian theologians, Jewish rabbis, Hindu, Buddhist and other priests. The problem is as simple as that:

For what parts of Human Spiritual, Religious and Intellectual Heritage have been excavated, deciphered, known, studied, interpreted, accurately perceived and eventually understood today, the theoretical basis of all the aforementioned categories of thinkers and mystics is minimal.

None of them studied Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian - Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Elamite, Hittite, Hurrian divine literature, holy books, religious texts, which constitute the source of all later civilizations, cultures, divine studies (: spiritual sciences), mysticisms - esoterisms, cosmogonies, wisdoms, religions, traditions, literatures, sciences, arts, and philosophies.

This is something that few realize and even fewer are ready to accept, because it destroys fake faiths and vicious agendas altogether.

Without Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian - Assyrian-Babylonian, Egyptian, Elamite, Hittite, and Hurrian civilizations, there would not be Flood, there would not be Noah, there would not be Hebrews, Israelites and Jews, there would not be Exodus from Egypt and Moses, there would not be any ancient state called 'Israel' with David and Solomon as kings, there would not be prophets, there would not be

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Jesus, there would not be Christianity, there would not be Muhammad, and there would not be Islam.

All other posterior civilizations, nations, religions, and historical persons existed thanks to some of the aforementioned. Every antecedent civilization, nation, religion, historical person or historical stage predetermined to large extent the posterior. It is therefore totally impossible to understand the posterior without duly studying the earlier.

Contrarily to the nonsensical speeches and texts of the ignorant sheikhs - imams and of the fake academia of today's decayed, worthless and useless Muslim World, it is not the Holy Quran that reconfirms Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian sources, but exactly the opposite.

So, later the source of study and the point of reference of one modern thinker, intellectual or mystic is, less credible his base of spiritual doctrine becomes.

Franz Bardon belongs to a generation that idealized Classical and Late Antiquity, despised Christianity and Islam, and ignored the Ancient Orient. The most detrimental trait of their vision and contributions is of course related to their ignorance of the Ancient Orient. The reason for this is that either in the Classical and the Late Antiquity or within Christianity and Islam (all referred to as possible sources of contemporary thinkers and mystics), the true originality of the Mankind (which can also be described as the diachronic peak of human spirituality and intellect in 4th-3rd millennium BCE Orient) had already been lost. For this to understand, you have to view Human History as a series of falls and deteriorated decadence which are predestined to stop and be reversed at the End of Tine.

Ancient Sumerian, Assyrian-Babylonian, and Egyptian Cosmogonies and other holy texts represent in this regard the most authoritative source about the Creation; some of these texts deal with topics not mentioned and not discussed at all in later holy texts, the Quran included. These antediluvian texts give a very different perception of the World and of the Creation than what can be found in the later Oriental, Persian, Greek, Roman and Indian sources to which Bardon and modern thinkers, mystics and intellectuals used to refer to.

What came to me as a very striking discovery is that these Ancient Oriental texts overwhelmingly demonstrate the

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veracity of several key excerpts of the Quran (and this fact was actually the main reason for which I became Muslim).

This very fact did indeed shed also light to my long lasted question why the Western Orientalists prevented Muslims from having access to the then newly deciphered Egyptian and Assyrian-Babylonian (in the 19th c.) and Sumerian and Hittite (beginning of the 20th c.) texts.

In reality, they did not want them to be part of the discovery and they did not want to allow them the opportunity to grasp the true meaning of those texts that they later misinterpreted to Western and worldwide readers. At the same time, they strongly pushed Muslims and, in general, all the Oriental and African nations to disregard these discoveries, writings, literatures, holy texts, and historical - religious sources forever and to focus on their later and local stuff (Islamic, Hindu, Confucian and Buddhist), when the supreme essence of human spirituality and intellect and the true meaning of all words had already been lost (in the Classical and the Late Antiquity as well as in Christian and Islamic times).


No one can ever grasp any portion of the meaning of the Creation, if one fails to understand the reality of the processes of the Emanation. Emanation can be spiritual or material.

This means automatically that the universes (spiritual and material) were not created "ab ovo", and that the so-called 'Bing Bang' theory is Satanic.

Everything originates from Ether; then, the Soft Waters were separated from the Salt Waters. The process led to the emanation of the Air. Last to emanate was the Earth - as element of the spiritual world.

Similarly, the material universe was created in a manner totally opposite to all modern nonsensical theories expressed on this topic; in fact, there are no solar systems and there are no galaxies. All these fantasies are indeed parts of the deception that the world-ruling Satanic powers have gradually, methodically and tyrannically imposed during the last five centuries. The epitome of Satanism in today's world is the heliocentric dogma which is an entire falsehood and which is - quite tragically and surely

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terminally for today's Islam - accepted as 'true' by almost all Muslim 'scholars', 'sheikhs', 'imams', etc.

All human civilizations from the earlier Oriental cultures to Islam accepted the geocentric truth. Starting in the 15th c., the diffusion of the heliocentric (or Copernican) deception ushered the world into the final decadence that leads to the End of Times.


So, to answer your question about the element (not 'aspect') of which the Will depends, I have to say that this is the Ether. But ..............

This is NOT the 'will' that you know! The will that you know is the will of your intellect, of your mind.

Do never confuse the mind or the intellect with the soul!

The mind, the intellect and the thought, pretty much like the feelings and the desires are material functions. Lenin was very right saying that the thought is the supreme function of the material world.

The soul does not think. The Angels do not think. The demons do not think. All the hierarchies of the spiritual beings do not think. Thought is a very low, purely materialistic, ability. Same with the material endeavor that is called 'knowledge'. After the astral (lower spiritual) body is decomposed into its elements, all this 'knowledge' is dissolved.

Assuming that one soul can come to life in another body (a process which is very rare but possible), this happens without the soul 'bringing' along the previously accumulated, material knowledge and thoughts.

Is there any will in a soul? Yes! But the spiritual Will is very, very different from the material 'will' of the mind /the intellect. Its difference is very essential, because it emanates from the soul's self-cognition as an independent entity with a fully assessed identity in total incorporation within the spiritual universe. This means that there is no 'ego' in a human soul; 'ego' was developed only in negative spiritual hierarchies, the demons, etc. - purely to their destruction.

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But a human mind's will is a manifestation of the intellect's self-cognition as independent entity without a truly assessed identity and in total disconnection from the spiritual universe. This is in fact the result of the Fall (or - if you want - of the many, successive falls) of the Mankind. The human mind, contrarily to the human soul, develops an 'ego', although the Man was not created for this perspective. It is an unnecessary development of catastrophic consequences. The only possible salvation for every human is therefore the total elimination of the 'ego'; this is otherwise called as 'return of a human to his/her own soul'.

So, if the spiritual (middle - upper level) Will originates from / depends on Ether, the lower spiritual (astral) - material will originates from / depends on the Salt Waters.


What Bardon and others, since the days of the Late Antiquity, call 'Fire' is not an original element, but a later emanation of one of them. It emanated from the Salt Waters.

If the terms Soft Waters and Salt Waters appear clear, succinct and meaningful to you (and for this purpose I use them), you have to know that in ancient literatures they were not used like this.

Today, you and the rest of the world confuse two terms that were used in the past within the context of a striking contradiction: Ocean and Sea.

You think that the same type of water is called 'sea' in rather 'closed' basins (Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea) and 'ocean' in 'open', inter-continental spaces (Indian, Atlantic, Pacific, etc).

If one examines the situation today, one will agree that the type of water contained in either a sea or in an ocean is the same. However, this did not happen in the past, and when I say 'past', I mean before the Flood. The disasters caused at that time ended up with the formation of the present, abnormal situation.

You have therefore to consider the present world as 'abnormal' also in this issue.

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The idiotic, Satanic sheikhs of today's fake Islam know nothing of all this, because 1. their reading of the Quran is false, fake, worthless, useless to them, and most-offensive to God2. their overwhelming darkness and total ignorance of the Islamic Times' Spirituality, Transcendental Wisdom, Astrology - Astronomy, Alchemy, Magic, Mysticism and Royal Art irreversibly places them out of Islam (because their claims are all fake) and3. their ignorance of earlier Oriental sources is total, and this condition disables spiritually everyone, preventing him from speaking truthfully about Islam.

This is so because first, the true Islam is the Code of the Creation; second, Islam antedates the Creation of the Man; third, Islam was therefore continuously present among pre-Islamic nations, cultures and civilizations, and fourth, simple reason suffices to make anyone understand that the earlier eventually influences the later, and so there is at least the need for every Muslim to crosscheck and identify the roots of Islamic Spirituality, Transcendental Wisdom, Sciences, Literature, Philosophy and Art within the context of the Ancient Oriental Civilizations (mainly Mesopotamia and Egypt, but also Anatolia, Canaan, Iran and Central Asia).

But among ancient civilizations (and there is a vast documentation on this topic), there was a very big difference between the words 'Sea' (which meant 'Salt Waters') - Tiamat and 'Ocean' (which meant 'Soft Water') - Apsu (the two terms are Assyrian - Babylonian). Sea and Ocean were then very clearly understood as the exact opposites. However, even this was lost in later periods of History and lower stages of human intellect, notably the Ancient Greek and Roman times.

All major civilizations considered that, around the Earth (thought to be composed of one sizeable unit of landmass), ran an enormous circular current, which they called Ocean. They described it as exclusively composed of Soft Waters that did not intermingle with the Salt Waters of the coastal seas and basins (such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the North Sea, and so on). This was the antediluvian known Order of the Creation.

This idea was due to their superior knowledge of the Earth before the Flood, which was very different from the situation ensued after that terrible destruction. There were actually no proper continents, but one rather circular surface of Earth surrounded by the Ocean of Soft Waters.

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In that immense aquatic body, there were also layers: the upper layer was composed of Soft Waters, and then progressively there were alternating layers of Salt and Soft Waters, with the lowest being that of Salt Waters. Because of this situation, before the Flood, the sky had a very different color and it looked like turquoise.

For this reason, the turquoise stone was considered as truly precious and exquisite by all highly civilized ancient nations, which were known for having immense temples that functioned as the Abode of the Sacred and served therefore as esoteric ateliers, religious edifices, academic schools, research centers, and libraries. In striking opposition to the later, ignorant and barbarian priesthoods of Greece and Rome, the Sumerian, Assyrian - Babylonian, Hurrian, Hittite and Egyptian temples accommodated altogether initiates and theurgists, erudite explorers and wise scientists, hierophants and sophisticated sacerdotal hierarchies that reflected the supreme level of spiritual dominance and material authority that they had attained and which is unknown and even impossible to the present world.

As per above Unit V, all original Cosmogonies stipulate that the really first act of Creation is the separation of the Soft Waters from Salt Waters. This point relates to the transition from 'Non Being' into 'Being'. This is a vast subject that is almost not dealt with within later and lower Cosmogonies (Hebrew, Greek, Roman, Christian or Islamic), but it is extensively described and discussed within the corpuses of Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian literatures.

If I expand on these topics, it is due to the fact that no one can ever understand the nature and the substance of the five elements as well as the real meaning of the Creation without realizing some key points related to these issues.

The pre-cosmic separation of the Soft Waters from the Salt Waters could not have been effectuated without the commanding order and authority of Ether. But this already reveals much about the pre-Creation situation and the 'chaos' that is always said to have been prevailing then. In addition, it has - for us - a revelatory information of the utmost importance.

It makes us understand that the nature of the Creation is such that God can make the entire universe totally collapse, disintegrate and disappear in just one second. Of course, ignorant sheikhs and priests can also say this. But they

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cannot say how! If asked, they will reply that God is omnipotent, which is also true and useless at the same time, because in and by itself it does not explain anything.

However, God can truly make the entire universe disappear in a second, because the universe was created in a manner enabling this. The manner you already know: separation of the Soft from the Salt Waters - even before the creation of Light. Light is an emanation of Ether.


At this point, I must also add that it is extremely idiotic to attribute Light to Fire as Franz Bardon and many other modern spiritual theoreticians, mystics, and philosophers suggest, being influenced by their mistaken readings of Zoroastrianism and various Gnosticisms.

If Light had been due to / emanated from Fire, the entire universe would have been filled with smoke, we would not have been able to see anything, and an overwhelming darkness would have prevailed all over.

Believing that Fire can create Light is an oxymoron; it is tantamount to thinking that demons can perform Angelic deeds. And there is worse! In fact, if you are in a totally dark room and you set a match, what you will be able to see is a mere resemblance of Light; in reality, this a counterfeit light or, if you want, a negative reflection of Light.

This topic is truly vast, and it is for this reason that I totally oppose the seemingly innocent idea of meditating in front of a candle; this can only bring calamitous results that the victimized performers fail to assess.


The separation of the Soft Waters from the Salt Waters, as part of the Creation, means automatically that the 'Non Being' is also part of the Creation.

Following extensive analysis of Assyrian-Babylonian and Egyptian sacred texts relating to the topic, and reconfirming my early conclusions with spiritual experiments, I have every reason to believe and accept that Salt Waters represent actually the dimension of Non Being within the

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Order of the Creation, being actually a component of the spiritual and material universes.

The separation of the Soft from the Salt Waters is the way Ether helped purify the pre-cosmic Soft Waters and then utilized them as the foremost element of the Creation.

With the emanation of the Air and the Earth, the order of the Creation was finally complete.

At this point, I can repeat - so that you understand better -three lines that I first included as per above Unit VI:

So, if the spiritual (middle - upper level) Will originates from / depends on Ether, the lower spiritual (astral) - material will originates from / depends on the Salt Waters.

It becomes now automatically understood: without prior elimination of the 'ego', involving the material & astral mind and/or character, every human being is driven to non-existence (Non-being).

Never forget that non-existence (Non-being) is not the Hell (which is an existing part of the spiritual universe), but something far worse!

Jesus, attacking his times' Jews, and more particularly the Scribes and the evil Pharisees (the Jewish priests), revealed much on the topic - for those who truly understand through the lines and have access to the original sources. Jesus said (Gospel of John, 8:39-45):

"They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. 42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not".

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In fact, Jesus denied (8:39) that the Jews of his times were the descendants of the Hebrews (: Abraham) and he accused them of being the offspring of the father of Satan (8:44). The modern English translations are - all - deliberately false at this point. The wording is wrong: " Ye are of your father the devil". The Latin translation (Vulgata) is very correct: "vos ex patre diabolo estis" (: you are from the Father of the Devil). And so it is in the original Ancient Greek text: "ὑμεῖς ἐκ τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ διαβόλου ἐστέ" (: you are from the Father of the Devil).

Jesus' accusations reveal that the origin of Satan is indeed pre-cosmic and that he emanates from the Non-being (Salt Waters) part of the Creation; this shows that, literally speaking, God did not 'create' Satan, but the emanation of the Negativity was a predestination inherent to the Creation. This gives full reason to the Creation of Man by God with the destiny to exterminate Satan and his demons and to generate a new universal order with the Sea eliminated (or 'imprisoned' or 'contained'). This justifies also the numerous eschatological traditions that portray the End Times' Antichrist (Masih al Dajjal) coming out of the Sea (as it was first said in the Hittite Apocalyptic Epic Ullikummi and then repeated in John's Revekation).

But I am digressing. Here I think that with the above I completed my answer.

C. What is the right power needed to make the wish manifest?

I guess you mean the will here.


Of course, there is Will and will - as I already said.

There are different prerequisites for each.

For a materialistic person and a wrong mystic / spiritualist, there are several ways to achieve the materialization of a will or feeling or desire or 'wish' - as per each different case.

For a person relying on God, 'making one's will or wish manifest' cannot possibly be a priority. Discovering one's soul, encountering one's inner and true being, operating one's own electromagnetic fields, and commanding one's own electromagnetic fluids are the priority. Self-cognition must precede any formation of will. If you don't know who

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you are, you cannot possibly want - and if you do, in reality you execute someone else's will that managed to penetrate and inhabit your subconscious (that you don't control).

Only when a person (character) meets one's own true being (one's own soul) - with which today's society, modern education, and in general, the fallen world (in which we live) totally prevented the person from being connected -, can the person (character) at last understand the purpose of coming into the material world and the scope of work that is asked from that person to carry out. Then, unity with one's true self is guaranteed.

To go back to the materialistic persons and the wrong mystics / spiritualists of the modern world, I must admit that their mistakes lead them inevitably to disaster. They thought that they materialized their will and that they made their wish manifest, but this was only a deception.

In reality they didn't materialize their own will and they didn't make their own wish manifest, but theirs was the will and the wish of one demon (or more) who found its way to the subconscious of that person.

The subconscious part of the mind is a material-astral dimension of every person that must be always kept as it is at the moment the person is born: totally empty. This is another vast subject of its own, but already understanding that the subconscious must be kept empty and trying to act accordingly can help everyone mark a great advance in one's life.

The subconscious represents the element of the Salt Waters in each person. As it is tantamount to Non-Being, it must be kept empty; every single reflection (or idol or image) stored there brings the person one step closer to Non-Being.

In the societies of the Fall, it is impossible not to add unnecessary stuff in one's subconscious; this occurs already infancy and before the baby becomes a child (in the 'toddler stage'). Then, these negative idols (or images or reflections) function like mirrors and attract a myriad of demons, who manipulate these images in a way to induce humans to improper and sinful deeds, and I guess you know the consequences and all the rest.

Thought control and elimination, mind self-control, feeling restriction, meditation, elimination of desires, abstention from materialistic concerns and pleasures (anything from

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food to sex to leisure) are some of the methods that help empty one's subconscious.

It is as simple as that: without emptying your subconscious and without eliminating your ego, you cannot achieve self-cognition, and as long as you are far from self-cognition, you must not 'want' anything.

I could expand much on the different methods employed by persons (without empty subconscious) to materialize their own will and make their own wish manifest prior to achieving self-cognition. But it would be purposeless; it was always calamitous, and the entire world is about to be met with final annihilation due to precisely this nefarious and ominous situation.


D. Does the fact that this is the first paragraph mean that it is the most important? For example, belief is the second paragraph.

With this question, you reach a very critical point of considerations about the spiritual world. Yes, this is perhaps the first question one should ask, if one considers the form (and not the contents) of Bardon's presentation.

Why speaking first about (or why defining first) one's will, and not one's belief?

This sort of questions / considerations are existential / fundamental. What comes first as manifestation of a person's identity?

Here, you will face the multitude of modern philosophers (which means mainly Western, i.e. basically Anti-Christian, Freemasonic and Zionist) who specify that the basic expression of each and every material being is his/her/its will.

This is a fundamental aberration; it consists in one of the few major mistakes, due to which one loses forever the chance to return to mental normalcy. Many centuries ago, in the early 17th c., one of Europe's most revered but most disastrous and most evil philosophers, Descartes (Cartesius), said in Latin the notorious sentence: "Cogito ergo sum", which means lit. 'I think, therefore I am'.

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Descartes played a determinant role in Modern European Philosophy and there was not one modern philosopher who bypassed him; contrarily, all referred to him with veneration, and every single European thinker identified himself through a particular reference to Descartes.

Consequently, thought / thinking progressively became of primordial importance for post-16th century Europeans, whereas this was not so before. After Descartes, Belief and Faith started being viewed as less important activities, endeavors or expressions of the human being.

The fake self-identification of the modern Europeans was therefore based on Individual Thought (which is totally controlled by the Subconscious if this is not fully emptied), and this situation brought forth the Will of the fake humans who are deprived of self-cognition and identity.

It is all about how one human being is / can be self-defined.

This relates to what was called Gnosiology by the Ancient Greeks (

Never confuse Gnosiology with Gnosis, the Gnostics, and the numerous religious-philosophical systems of the Late Antiquity that are called Gnosticisms!

Gnosiology (falsely called 'Epistemology' today) is indeed one of the five parts of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy: - Metaphysics (concerning the Creation, the Cosmic Aeons, the Spiritual World, the Soul, the Spiritual Hierarchies, God, the Interconnection between the Spiritual and the Material Worlds, the Hereafter, the Destiny of the Man), - Logic (exploring valid Reasoning and Argumentation), - Ethics or Moral Philosophy (identifying what is an ethical, just and proper value), - Esthetics (differentiating between the notions of Beauty and Ugliness), and - Gnosiology (specifying what is and what is not Knowledge, how we know that we truly know, where the importance of Knowledge is placed, how we learn, what we can know, etc).

As a matter of fact, due to a) the rise of the modern philosophical systems and b) the formation of modern sciences, many major changes occurred leading to a dramatic transformation / alteration of the traditional function and operation of Philosophy after the 15th-16th c. in Western Europe. Newly diffused concepts (like the

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concepts of 'usefulness' and 'profit') deeply changed the nature of philosophical endeavor. For all ancient philosophers, 'useful' was equal to trash; it was vulgar, hideous and even barbaric; it was tantamount to worthless and valueless. This was very right indeed, because all types of possible 'use' cannot possibly have any real value. Everything one can buy has a price and a market worth; therefore it cannot - by definition - have any real value, and it does not represent any virtue.

Pretty much like modern, fake and 'indirect' democracy (which is a counterfeit system at the antipodes of the ancient, 'direct' democracy), the modern Western European 'philosophers' tried - in striking opposition with the philosophers of ancient times - to setup useful systems and to control modern thought, sciences, and the world of power (which they distorted, falsified and called politics - a nonexistent, fake term).

So, Gnosiology was then obliterated by modern academia and those 'philosophers', who replaced it with what is rather called today Cognitive Science ( Similarly, the fake modern science of Psychology has nothing to do with the Soul (despite the first component of the term; 'psyche' meaning 'soul' in Ancient Greek). In fact, modern Cognitive Sciences have nothing to do with the processes of self-cognition as undertaken by the soul and the mind. As academic discipline, Cognitive Science is packed with preconceived ideas, farfetched innuendos, and a high amount of aberrations that help setup the troublesome and fake cognitive basis of the unfortunate and disoriented modern humans. This falsehood was actually spread worldwide due to academic, educational, intellectual and cultural colonialism.

Muslims have not been exempted in this regard, because, as I said, this system was imposed worldwide and without reaction; not even one Hindu, Buddhist, Eastern Christian, Confucian, Taoist or Muslim thinker, intellectual or mystic was left there to identify and denounce the preconceived schemes that were first elaborated and imposed in the West, and second diffused among the followers of the afore-mentioned religions, and of other faiths and cultures. Finally, this system forced the entire modern world to totally lose every connection with their past and identity.

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So, for the modern world's fake human being, the first element of self-identification is the Will, and this is translated to thoughts, feelings and desires.

This is the reason for which Franz Bardon starts with Will.

Certainly, this is all wrong, and more importantly, it is a terrible drawback for anyone who wants to start an effort to discover and connect with one's own soul. At this point, I repeat three statements already included in Unit VI so that you better assess their meaning thanks to what I presented in-between:1) The mind, the intellect and the thought, pretty much like the feelings and the desires are material functions. 2) The soul does not think. 3) Is there any will in a soul? Yes! But the spiritual Will is very, very different from the material 'will' of the mind /the intellect. Its difference is very essential, because it emanates from the soul's self-cognition as an independent entity with a fully assessed identity in total incorporation within the spiritual universe.

Due to these points, one can understand immediately that the spiritual beings have another manner of identifying themselves, and this manner is indeed very different from the expression of a human thought or the manifestation of a human will. What is valid for all spiritual beings also concerns the human souls.

As the creation of the material universe was a duplication of the creation of the spiritual universe, every human being must adapt to its soul and thus establish the correct concordances.

The premier identification of a created spiritual being or of a created soul is the manner of its connection with the Creator; this is different in each and every soul.

That's why it would be a mistake to make a sentence like "the premier identification of a created spiritual being or of a created soul is its connection with the Creator".

The correct definition refers to "the manner of" connection with the Creator as "the premier identification of any created being".

What is the manner of a soul's connection with the Creator?

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This is called Faith.

Faith is something you don't know, something most of today's people don't know, something that is largely irrelevant of the simple belief. For today's people, belief and faith are almost identical notions and concepts. But this is wrong.

Look at how erroneous all modern followers of (the already distorted and therefore fake) religions are! Read the following four sentences:

A- Christians believe that God is manifested as Trinity.B- Muslims believe that Muhammad was the Prophet of God.C- Communists believe that human ignorance and sheer fear made humans believe in God.D- Atheists believe that there is no God.

In all the above cases, you have in reality a superficial, meaningless, and worthless attachment to various narratives; all cases are the same and equally false. Because of this, many say - and they are right - that 'communism is a religion' and that 'atheists have a God, either they accept this conclusion or not', meaning that each atheist is characterized by a particular attachment to some thoughts and ideas - a situation which is similar and equivalent to a Christian's attachment to a Christian narrative and to Muslim's attachment to an Islamic narrative.

In fact, all these narratives have nothing to do with Faith. Faith is not this.

Look here at the extent to which 'faith' and 'belief' are confused in modern dictionaries:

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing <her belief in God> <a belief in democracy> <I bought the table in the belief that it was an antique.> <contrary to popular belief> 2 : something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something believed <an individual's religious or political beliefs>; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group <the beliefs of the Catholic Church> 3 : conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence <belief in the validity of scientific statements>

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1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty <lost faith in the company's president> b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions <acted in good faith> 2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof <clinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return> (2) : complete trust 3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith>

You may have fast noticed that the two terms are practically speaking interchangeable.

Here you will find a better portrait of the currently reigning confusion among humans, and more importantly, among theologians:

As John Simpson and Nathan Ketsdever have stated, faith is not belief without evidence. Faith is merely the extent of belief. In other words, if your belief is so strong that it affects your actions and attitudes, it has become faith. If you have complete confidence in something or someone, you have faith. Faith is synonymous with the word, trust. Thus if someone is "faithful" then they are someone you can have faith in.

Thus blind faith is having completely confidence in someone or something without any reason to do so. It's typically used pejoratively. Hardly anybody I know has a completely "blind faith" because even if their faith is based on shaky or faulty reasoning, they usually have some reason or some story to how they came to this faith.

For example if a child believes in Santa Claus so much that they have complete confidence in his existence or reality, they have faith. But is it really a blind faith? If you ask a child why they believe in Santa Claus, they might say that they believe in Santa Claus because their parents said he exists. At that point, it is no longer blind faith. They have SOME reasoning for this faith in Santa Claus, even if it is not the best reason. They trust their parents, who have their best interest at heart.

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Now the term "blind faith" could alternatively mean, having faith in something which you cannot observe scientifically. I believe this is the way many atheists use the term. This use of the term however, is rhetorical abuse. It is essentially claiming that unless something can be observed in a rigorous scientific way, it is not reasoned and cannot be evidence. It is imposing an evidential foundationalist philosophical worldview. The fact of the matter is that human beings do not operate that way. If I have faith in the goodness of my parents to me, I have not subjected their goodness to rigorous scientific testing. Yet I have every reason to believe in their goodness and have faith in them. Rigorous scientific observation is not the only path to knowledge and the intellectually honest should reject any claim that it is.

Written by an Evangelical Christian, the above text is a high degree certificate of real, complete, and consummate disbelief. Confusing belief with faith is full proof of materialism; it automatically discredits whatever a person may declare as his/her own faith. The person that makes an equation between belief and faith knows no God, and if he/she says that he/she believes in God, he/she is a liar and a hypocrite.

Look at what Jesus said about Faith:But early in the morning, as he came back into the city, he hungered. 19And seeing one fig-tree in the way, he came to it and found on it nothing but leaves only. And he says to it, Let there be never more fruit of thee for ever. And the fig-tree was immediately dried up.Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and do not doubt, not only shall ye do what [is done] to the fig-tree, but even if ye should say to this mountain, Be thou taken away and be thou cast into the sea, it shall come to pass. 22 And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.Gospel according to Matthew, ch. 21, v. 21-22

This quotation is one of the excerpts that we find in the Christian Gospels about Jesus' description of Faith.

Two other examples of Faith Prophet Jesus gave to his disciples personally: 22 Then Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side of the lake, while he sent the

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people away. 23 After sending the people away, he went up a hill by himself to pray. When evening came, Jesus was there alone; 24 and by this time the boat was far out in the lake, tossed about by the waves, because the wind was blowing against it. 25 Between three and six o'clock in the morning Jesus came to the disciples, walking on the water. 26 When they saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. “It's a ghost!” they said, and screamed with fear. 27Jesus spoke to them at once. “Courage!” he said. “It is I. Don't be afraid!” 28 Then Peter spoke up. “Lord, if it is really you, order me to come out on the water to you.” 29 “Come!” answered Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. 30 But when he noticed the strong wind, he was afraid and started to sink down in the water. “Save me, Lord!” he cried. 31 At once Jesus reached out and grabbed hold of him and said, “How little faith you have! Why did you doubt?” 32They both got into the boat, and the wind died down.Gospel according to Matthew, ch. 14, v. 22-32

The two examples involve: a. walking on the surface of the lake waters, and b. stopping the wind.

Why did Peter started to sink? Because of the so-called Law of Gravitation, which is a fake?


But because he had ..... "little faith".

Faith is the spiritual power which is founded on absolute, spiritual self-knowledge and self-identification acquired by means of instinctive perception of the soul's connection with God. Every normal human can have faith, and those who have it can exercise full and infinite control of the matter and of the entire material world.

In the above excerpts, Jesus gives the example that by means of Faith one man can remove an entire mountain from its place and throw it into the sea, stop the wind, and walk on the surface of the water.

You may wish perhaps at this point to ask me about consciousness, and you may eventually pretend that before Faith, Belief, and Will, one should start discussing ontological matters by specifying consciousness as the cornerstone of each and every human and as the very beginning of every mental and spiritual activity.

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Certainly, consciousness comes before will and before belief.

Before you expressed a desire to eat (when you were a few months old baby), you felt your personal need to eat, and this is a manifestation of consciousness.

Before you first heard of Islam (when you were a small child), you identified yourself as an independent being.

Consciousness is tantamount to self-cognition and self-identification, but at this level, we have to also make a clear distinction: there is mental-material consciousness and there is spiritual consciousness, and in most of the cases they differ greatly, because in today's fallen world, humans are disconnected from their own spiritual self (i.e. their soul).

In every case, when a human is disconnected from his/her soul, his/her mental-material consciousness is false.

In our fallen world, the path of one person to re-encounter one's soul and to enact one's inherent spiritual powers is the definition of the person's spirituality and religiosity. This can be achieved through many different narratives and several spiritual methods.

Useless to add that persons, who understand the immense power of the spiritual world, but fail in their personal path, sometimes make deals with evil spirits, demons, and other negative spiritual entities and - through the related initiation and subsequent exercise - they manage to achieve a certain spiritual power. However, this is conditioned on many terms and, in turn, it conditions the soul of these persons to spiritual slavery, permanent punishment (Hell) or even total extinction (elimination in the Non Being).

Contrarily to the false mental-material consciousness, spiritual consciousness is the true self-cognition (self-identification) of every person; this implies that in spiritual terms, Consciousness is Faith and Faith is Consciousness. They are identical to one another. Spiritual contact with God is one with the affirmation of a soul's self-identification.

I have questions about the other paragraphs which I noted down but I do not understand the meaning or context of the first paragraph and would like to start from there.

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As always wishing you the bestA Best,Shamsaddin

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