Page 1:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

Name__________________________Date _______________

HUM 1020Class Meets (circle) M T W R F

Final Exam

Match the characteristics of art with their correct period:

1. Paleolithic____ A. arched eyebrows; cylindrical bodies; large eyes2. Neolithic_____ B. elongated bodies and body parts; stretched out3. Egyptian_____ C. return to classical ideals; symmetry is key4. Amarna _____ D. ornate, rich, lavish decorations; Trompe l’oiel painted

illusions5. Sumerian _____ E. usually mundane and palace life scenes; a-symmetrical6. Assyrian/Akkadian_____ F. discipline and order are focus; moral themes7. Middle Ages ____ G. emphasis on women and children; supernatural and occult themes8. Christian _____ H. everyday people doing ordinary things; world as it really is9. Islamic ____ I. no sharp edges; minimal defined lines; intense color10. Gothic _____ J. application of paint of canvas for its creative ability11. Romanesque_____ K. pointed arches; stained glass; rose windows; light and airy12. Realism_____ L. geometric patterns; no icons; use of water as power13. Impressionism_____ M. practical is key; use of arch; inside is beautiful not outside14. Post-Impressionism _____ N. exaggerated outlines; deformed heads and bodies15. Neo-Classical _____ O. canon of proportions is strict; eyes, head feet in profile16. Romantic _____ P. golden mean as perfect measurement; contrapposto; man is the measure of all things17. Baroque _____ Q. portrayal of violence; king or warriors are the focus 18. Rococo _____ R. dramatic, erotic, passionate, emotional19. Renaissance _____ S. rounded arches; thick walls, small windows20. Roman _____ T. focus on natural world; small portable sculptures21. Classical Greece____ U. focus on spiritual world; invention of architecture; humans more frequently portrayed22. Hellenistic Greece ____ V. decayed style; faulty proportions; focus on symbol 23. Mannerism _____ W. religious themes are the focus; decay in style; basilica is main form of building

Page 2:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

Identify the name of the art work, the style (type), artist (if applicable) and one other piece of information.

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Page 3:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 4:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 5:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 6:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 7:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 8:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 9:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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Page 10:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

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72) 73) Define the following words – matching

Matching. Choose the best answer for each selection. Place the capital letter in the space provided.

74)____ Dadaism a) huge, monumental in size but seeming weightless75)____De Stijl b) measurement of humans76)____Futurism c) art that causes optical illusions77)____Expressionism d) art which people can interact with in the environment78)____Cubism e) art that is created to offend/stir emotions79)____Fauvism f) art made from copying things from pop culture80)____Art Nouveau g) art made from pieces put together/usually trash81)____Environmental Art h) art that is temporarily put in a space (installed)82)____Installation Art i) technique used to print comic strips/new pointillism83)____Assembled Art j) paintings on unrolled canvas that is dripped, thrown on84)____Controversial Art k) reaction to European Abstract Art/representing Americana85)____Pop-Art l) art with no meaning/random patterns and shapes86)____Op-Art m) Dutch for “the Style”/pure abstraction87)____Anthropometry n) drawing without any planning/free drawing

Page 11:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

88)____ben-day dot o) art that distorts reality89)____Brutalist p) child’s word/meaningless art in a meaningless world90)____Surrealism q) organic, floral and plant motifs in curvilinear style91)____automatism r) strong use of color and anti-realism/”wild beast”92)____Abstract Art s) objects are broken up and re-assembled in abstract ways93)____Regionalism t) art that admired speed, youth and violence94)____Drip paintings u) distorting the world to achieve an emotional effect

Identify the following god/gods with their correct culture

95)____ Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ishtar A) Aztec96)____ Yahweh B) Shinto Japanese97)____ Jesus Christ C) Hebrew98)____ Mithras D) Mayan99)____ Ra, Osiris, Isis E) Egyptian100)___ Ahriman, Ahura-Mazda F) Sumerian101)___ Zeus, Poseidon, Hades G) Hindu102)___ Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto H) Christian103)___ Allah I) Greek104)___ Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu J) Mithraic105)___Izanagi, Izanami, Ameratsu K) Muslim106)___ Coatlicue L) Roman107)___ Chac Mool M) Persian

Match the holy book with the correct culture

108)___ New Testament A) Egyptian109)___ Bhagad-ghavita B) Persian110)___ Book of the Dead C) Christian111)___ Torah D) Hindu112)___ Quran E) Jewish113)___ Zend-Avesta F) Muslim

114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar? What is different?Answer all aspects of the question for full credit.

A) B)

Page 12:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

C) D)

E) F)

G) H)

I) J)

Page 13:   · Web view114-150) Name the following works of art. Discuss which one is the work that inspired the other works. How did it inspire the other works? What is similar?

K) L)

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