Page 1: 人教修订版 高中二年级 ( 上 ) Unit 8. Extensive Reading Revision 1. How I wish I ____ a bird! A. a B. was C. were D. will be Multiple choices. C

人教修订版高中二年级( 上 ) Unit 8

Page 2: 人教修订版 高中二年级 ( 上 ) Unit 8. Extensive Reading Revision 1. How I wish I ____ a bird! A. a B. was C. were D. will be Multiple choices. C

Extensive Reading

Page 3: 人教修订版 高中二年级 ( 上 ) Unit 8. Extensive Reading Revision 1. How I wish I ____ a bird! A. a B. was C. were D. will be Multiple choices. C


1. How I wish I ____ a bird!

A. a B. was C. were D. will be

Multiple choices.


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3. It is suggested that the person ____

to hospital at once.

A. be sent B. will be sent

C. would be sent D. should send


2. If I ____ his party yesterday, I would

have seen that famous star.

A. have attended B. had attended

C. attended D. attend


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5. He speaks English so well as if he

____ an Englishman.

A. is B. was C. are D. were


4. ____ you ____ more careful, you

wouldn’t have made the silly


A. Have…been B. Are…/

C. Were…/ D. Had…been


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What you should do if you are in such


Animal bites

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Burns Cuts

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1. Animal Bites: Wash the wound

under cold water. Then see a doctor

as soon as possible.

2. Burns: Cool the area of skin at

once. Wash the area of skin under

the cold tap for several minutes.

Cover the wound with a loose

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bandage or a piece of dry clean cloth.

See a doctor if a child has been burn

t or if more than ten percent of the b

ody has been burnt.

3. Cuts: For a simple cut, it is only n

ecessary to wash the area of the cut,

dry it and cover it with a piece of

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dry clean cloth. If a person is bleedin

g badly, you must try to stop the ble


4. Poisoning: Talk to the person to fi

nd out if he or she is conscious and b

reathing. Next, call for an ambulanc

e. Send whatever you find

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to the hospital to help the doctor

know what kind of poison the person

has swallowed.

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1. eventually: in the end; at last

e. g. He felt ill and eventually died.

Eventually he was tired of trying

so hard.

2. spit vt./vi. (spat/spit; spitting)

e. g. The injured man is spitting blood.

People who spit can spread disease.

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3. call for

e. g. Let’s go to the meeting together,

and I’ll call for you.

If you find a person injured in an

accident, please call for an


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4. make sure + that clause

e. g. Before you leave the lab, make

sure that the lights are turned


Please make sure that electric

wires are safe.

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5. find sb. /sth. + prep. phr. /doing/adj.

e. g. She found her uncle on the point

of leaving the market.

He found a lot of people doing

morning exercises there.

Do you find the book interesting?

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1. What should you do if you find a

person who has stopped breathing?

I think the best thing is to try to start

his/her breathing at once, using the

mouth-to-mouth method. We should

lay the person on his/her back, close

his/her nose with our finger and

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breath into his/her mouth, and

repeat this as often as necessary.

2. What should you do if you find a

person with a knife in his or her leg?

We should prevent him from

moving and leave the knife there.

And then call for an ambulance/the

nearest emergency centre/120.

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3. You find a girl unconscious on a

sofa. You think that she may be

poisoned. What do you do first?

First, we should find out if she is

breathing. If she isn’t breathing, clear

the airway and try to get her to

breathe. Next, call for an ambulance.

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Search the room for any pills or bottles

that may contain the poison. Send

whatever you find to the hospital to

help the doctor find out what kind of

poison the person has swallowed.

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4. What should you do if someone has

been bitten by a dog?

We had better wash the wound with

the cold running water for a few

minutes, then dry it with a clean cloth,

and then see a doctor as soon as


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5. Your friend burnt herself when she

was cooking. What could you do to


We should cool the area of skin at

once. Wash the area of skin under

cold tap for several minutes. Cover

the wound with a loose bandage or a

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piece or a piece of dry clean cloth.

See a doctor if she has been burnt

or if more than ten percent of the

body has been burnt.

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Words and phrases on P134

1. accident, incident, event

accident 指意外或偶然发生的事故 ,

特别是不幸的 , 有损害性的事故。 e. g. He was killed in a traffic accident.


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注 : accident 为可数名词 , 前面可加不定 冠词 an , 表示“一个” “一次” , 习惯

用 语 by accident 为“偶然” , 相当于 by

chance 。 e. g. I met her in the street by accident,

yet she had a bad accident three

days ago.

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我在大街上偶然见过她 , 然而三天 前她却遭遇了一场严重事故。 incident 泛指不重要的事件 , 还可指政

治上有影响的重大事件。 e. g. I remember an incident that took

place in Mr. Li’s class.

我记得发生在李先生课上的一件 事。

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The Lugouqiao Incident broke out

on July 7th, 1937.

1937 年 7 月 7 日爆发了卢沟桥事变。 event 指重要事件 , 特别是有历史意

义的重大事件。 e. g. How to develop the western part of

China well is an important event.

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如何开发好中国的西部是一项重要 的活动。 2. manage 主要用法如下 :

a) 经营 , 管理 e. g. He managed the company while

his father was ill.

他父亲生病期间 , 他管理公司。

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She managed the money very well.

她管财有方。b) 设法对付 , 处理

e. g. Do you need any help with those

heavy bags?

No, thanks. I can manage.

你需要帮忙搬那些重袋子吗 ?

不用了 , 谢谢 , 我能行。

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She knows how to manage him

when he’s angry.

她知道在他生气时怎样对付他。 c) manage to do sth./ try to do sth.


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manage to do sth.

表示 ( 经过努力 ) 终于做到了 ;

try to do sth.

表示设法 , 尽力做某事 , 但不一定成功 e. g.

Try to get home early.


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He tried to give up smoking, but h

e failed.

他努力戒烟 , 可是没戒掉。 We managed to catch the last bus.

我们终于赶上了末班车。 He managed to pass the college

entrance examination.


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1. Write a short passage.

根据所给中文提示,写出语法正确,意思连贯,符合逻辑的小段文。所给的英文提示词必须都用上。( 60 - 80 字)


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be travelling , motorbike , library , c

rowd round , lie , gate keeper , police ,

medicine , the First Aid Centre (急救中心)。

2. Preview Writing on Page 64.

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