Page 1:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of




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Affir:rn.s it\ qn · tbQ · · uu1er. Show6 :Po.or ,Judgment; : ·

,__.., . ~ '

A .I 'i ,, ' _.,

• . . • . . . . ~ "'':p .. ~ \l •

Wll$0N HEADS ONE WINt ~- .. ~ · ~ ·. ·rrr .... rrlnrn1hrt--~·- - -~-~o"-· DEM~CRAltc-PAITY\---~~--- ~

lon. They d!.t not ~ree ·wtUa blm ~

when b~ oppqiC!Id prep.rodnf)le lot . • · war, Hnd they dttt not clllr!l ~ with · .

""-'--~~:z._.g:==·=~-t--'---'~-7----~~~=--=-"""~~~,~+rnr.:."":::-rr-~-=~~:-::&:'"T~=:--T:=-·--r-t=--:l ... -.-"'. wb~n he adVocated -.-·jov~rn~ ~-"·--~~ p:um'Po.wned me.tch•nt marino .. ·

In hfl4 rn•~•&tt to Ooogrese 1.-1 : a moe •eore . .

Rio Grande the 'tD"inJange of the &lrlkin& feature of New· Mexico 1oila 23 to 10 in favnt of ~bo villitore. tn tbit teotion. Tho ,berlfi;e office quoetioo,_ a.ttd. •ffirm~tft.on tho. 1\o.cky lfoun&'!ina enflra the ••ate is their grea~ productiveuelh! tbe the second baH tb~ (:loQ~·wllrk J•re ~·· b!"en hus1 for the pJ!t etweral c;;tber, fmd It le to be re&reuecl~tba\< frdm Colorado and forma the 'water moment water is 1:1ppra•'d m atro .. ·.11·1~0 1 or Fr·r·no nayAr· - failed buL ~aye tryinr to maktl connections in the ll:le case the e~treme h••an•

. .. - . ... • . .. '"· I. - r - "' r, . • . - bf hit p'an-enns for It m· 'nlv lh ab~d bettteell tbes tributariel of .tbt dia:i.ction· to older and longer eul gr .. dually ~arri~!•lo w~akepfld, h<1tb W!th the forger, but at yet "No X.:' dlmunt,ion ot taint (?ralte~ 1 and -~: .1\to Qr~ndo .. !•Qd Jhe :•'!•dlao {l~ver tlVJled w~ht Q£ :tbo: easttrn' nfi'eo,Woly and .defentnvely .• and the Tom. . . · .· be o(ber, hia unyielding Attitude w~icb r~ lll.tbeac h~&li·m~&~nta1D~. wbu~b are more or len de game oJo~ed 45 ·ao 12 in f&vor or the · The .•b • .»va ut only ona of. the pllya !l- llOOr comt>llmtn~ to bt.buai-

To thee~~ of tbe Pee~ River · · ' boya.trmn .t~e Golden Weet. many lllmdar I(IUJ:IC)I. lh~t has be:en u_ee Jttdgi!JCmt • . . 1 . --~ ~ and aoulb of th.t CaQ&dia·n Rive·r .Eastern New Mexico i1f .outaide To fully i\ppreclat~ the a;l\me, l)nrpttra~ed on ~be Carru::1tZU peo• fh~hu entms._ hlltll>n will ~t!lf'6t tbut Uoe the table l~nd kAo~-~ b.r. old of Ull! g,reat hurricane or Jto~m bel and the brilliar.t ~ork ~f, -~be home ~ in the J>'tlt 1\X w,.eks. . , ·. ~t':.:l\!!1 preparf#d,. if over, to aup· &~o&raphert M the .Staked. PlaJDI o~ ofctb.e we•~· Tbere: •re ~'·ntme boyt1 olll b)UJ~ have wJHne&~sr} Only~ week or JO ago nnlf_. R.. J, .hiut withou~ regArd fnt polhi:" L,toano &tacac,lo wb1cb ~ra tbe conli 1t.orcnl, but 'hti ara leu Jrequen£ tbft 11me Atl. en~hUtei.,tic ~rowd lt&yno1da. wtm h•d been maki~~ o~lniud; b1~~ it juftly 4)Xpectt&l •u.&ti()~·,of $~ bigli .pbJu. of .Weft an-d IIIN tOnre.. , . · . . apptaudati {JUt boy~t 1t. f!JVI'.ry turn. . hia hruntt Ear- tha paat't. more- h '·*difficult to J)r~e,ralt. ern T..-xu and tbe ,Pa.n.h•tJdle. of Tb:a.fou.ra-.o~ •r• :well markr.d and n_o.on~ t,ft the .. _ ·8•me reeling worked 1be.eame f(tune ~the ;::~ ~r:b~i~~!~~~ali:U~~'*=-

. Oklabottta.• ~beaet>l,•}DJ"~~~mon~ ~t~ug!t;.~-~~&*;te~l1:1" tbi$tb-ttw~ofr ~~~.1~ tea.,- . ~-pt.tty, tu4_ ~~n ~ro.~~b®t ilfJ~~z,,·l!r 1bat al tba uure, .. tba:r - · Q tbe·mOit fortde laua.~lt\ Jbe _.wortd oltehlperatttte. The ~un •nnu~J wu in a_ny d•1r.t0 wantin~, e1'"~pt 150.00 te.t.Jn_g{)()(t · · . not wh"t thtly ••~m . · · '

t 't'lle1 .,,,evet, in raJ.., .. tttmpnature lor NJ~w MexieD il 64' that their nwu ceuetOUI a bow- of It atttsm• that CarriiOIO is or-~ i& i~clioed l() ••• , !IHb 'tht f•ll, wbicb varie:~ •nnually betweeo de~re_, l'nd the a'lferage. raiofaU . u1 ,.bllitv h•d ~~n ove.r•bldowed by rnote thl\n bet llhllre ur the bandi- mUJ;c cl.hl• w~itten tbouKbt• •nd

. ~ plane "nun rt oonfldtnot- in hif

. ..

•'~ '.

. . . . . .

' . .. ·- ..

Page 2:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

! .

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' I

i '

. . ·"'

•, ,"". ~~"' or ". ,.

' ·;,.;;;- . ·.,..~ ·-. -.~v--1; -·· .

tlon of a qewtpa.per, . Millicent had come to tlte metropoll•

abrlm wltb tile bleb bopea an4 dfiDI• ncnt enthu1faam ot youth. ·Jqctde~tal· I)' the broucbt rcmarkabt• 1004 lOOkll; wJtb bor too, •Jihouah, -"lnc. Uti~ Jlblttleatect and rrom the counlr)', vue UreJII!lent vu aot aa .. u-contcloUI ot them •• tnoat ctty &lrJ• of ber ace_ are. The.

yeara reallud wltb lncreaatnc llOIP•J1cr wbat a tu u~n btt act4 ll'&rantt' alendtr teiOI!rc" tlt• wa1. . AI A .Jirl ll'OWI, qJdilt lbt £t&tM ~ore and bftfer thfap, and, no mat­ter bow •U1bt11 tht mat lHr fa•

. ·,. ... - •'.

·. ' -: ,,.~_,·: . ~ ~ :,:: c,:~.;~~ • : ~- :f • . : ..• >~ :.,·~~,·:; '.~··::: ·~:- i ·: ~~ '; ' ~~ ••.•· ~'''·':"'~' '·':1 t; · •·v

eut Mid Ol Ule t'OOllltJ, . lll&l'tl611 . tbelr · m& Mtd -wu .. lllaln •old JecODd. WlTOI had not OMJl 'Wedd.a. ~ ana,r}(64 wJth tlle 111Jtlall 4>t ~hts toro. · . . . , . antl brUtecroom~ • rt .... ~ n~ . to· recall

J< .. , Hour. atom. 0MI1r'l. ~ WUb.taston'• mamue. The In or4.r to 'TOJ.d.tlle. crowa. ot curJ.. bow:• ot hf• CburtUJ,p, ncan-.

ou tolk m WulWiaton th• ., • . l)t HIIIUf: ll1il e.wpoual. liS.loTe .... th:t' tlle weddltii''JrU.ktl)t -.ctot unm·,.t. "WJ4ow c~n 'l'homaa Jetrer~Qp,

' .,


. Jn7 am. not hollfnc tor better thJan. " . cot mr aleoves rolled 'UP. and l'm w01"lt~ lliC' tM them.~ •• · · ,

AT THE FIRST SIGNS ot Falflnf · Halr Ott . CutlouN. I& ,

Worki Wond•~ Trial l"rtt. • <;.-;'11<-

'l'ouch ll)Otl of 4U<lnltt aU4 itcbli:il with Clltlcltl'lt Ombaea.t, U4 1-oUow 11.Xt mornl11,f With a hot lham~ cr CIIUcura. eoa,. 'Thfl at on.ce anwtt tllllll* hair an4 promotu hair Jl'C)wUt. You 2n&7 r~1 Oil th ... IU.Pil'Cl'MZtl1

· el%1-olllentt lor all akin troubtN. S&mple ~11 ftM b7l11111 'Wltll Book.

..U~ poe~, (htUcua, ,l>tpt. XT,­noitoa: SOld. .,errwhere.-Acl..-.·

In ttt• -hm• crau. · llapp-Have & &oo4 'lme 1rhUt &.,at"

on rour Ytcatton 1

~T~ .. St4tll&-A.n the;" a ~ t~t BeUa.-V_,.; tltey caQ: keep & ~

a ca.t ad a cook.


-· ..

,., .. , .. ;__:_,,. "');.

' -"''

: . ..iiii 4P"'


I' .


Page 3:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

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·----· ·---~--~-· .

-· ...

; '

Gasoline Engines·, Windmills, Barbed Wire, \Vater Tanks madq to order, ·all kinds of Sheet . 'Metal and Repair \Vork, Blackami thing.

In fact we c~rry everything to~ IJe · fourid in a fir;~t elMs

I •


Carrizozo, • • • . ..

' . ~--""'~~ -.---~~~~ ==--~~0' . .

. .. 'PHOrfE HO n

. New 'M~xico

THis. b~nking institution well deserve~"the

success that ha.s been accorded to it during the

past years.

. · . ·· Eating meat builds ·up your muscle, · / _ __b juj~y_~1~~~ will _mak~. y()tl ·hustle. ·

··With Huscte.and Rustle-·· · ' '


'' . ' '. , ..

• i

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' .. ·~-: : .... -::-: _!->-~-::5"::.;~--£ .. _ -df_~__,~:··' ·1· ·. 1,. - ~! _>,

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•••t+++'flt~········ ············~:+.+++·••• ' B. OlUU~ .JOJiNSON .. . . E. A. ORME JOIJNSON· t j t , . . -~ l$UlCK AGENTS . . + ' . ' . - . ' . ' ' ... __ ,_ ..... _·-···rjolmson·=-Bros~~::-carag-··-~e- ·.'·: ~--~--~ .. ' . ' ' ' . - . . '


Aluo ~oo 22.N~NJq. s;SE! ~e~' 23, T luE .• cl)fJtalning :.?40 fiCrell. Tbcnque no improvtmen tot un thi~;~ lnnd .

Alt~o t:Ht!~ Se~- a. SEiSEt &c ~- t-ilN~ Sec lli; r. us., R. 9&. <!Ollhliuing 0$6(. acres Tliert are uo iiiiJ)rovcmcuts ou thatt land

Also ijl~JSWt S!SEt Si!r. 11, S!SW~ Sen. 12 •. ~-um•, NEtN \\ ~ Ser. u '1'. ~ , ll llE. cunt<tiuing <J.!O acre~. 'rhcn fif(l t'!O itni)YOVl'mCOtlf lilt thiH luntl

Alsu Lota 1 2. t\!~4- Sec li. '1'. 8S • lt U!!i, containin 22u.G!J ~:~ires; ''lhero 11r, no improvetm!rtta on tbi-1 huul. , ,

Als•• Sl?t Scu 1, 1' 8S • It 121~ , Mn tninirag UN ncres• l'lwrc ure no improve. meuh on tbi3 land

Ala1t !\EiSWJ. SE!N'Wl &:e. 20, 'I'. llS, n. 11g .• coutttiniug 80 acres 'l'tu· im(Jrvveml'tltS nu this lbhd cnuJJiot c.r fl'ndntt valve $20.

t' o bleb c•n •lu:! nbnve dcsrrihl'd nwJ viill be tlt't'C')lft'lllur le1;J tlum 'l1trec [Ju1 ltrs (~~t OUJ JWr aere "hkh !11 tho UliJ)tai" (id vnluo tiH•rcur, uml in mhlitinu llu•n•tl• the tiiiNe>::>ful bitld£'r mu•t for till'

• -~ .. ~·....--~~...:--~~~-~ f


S~ppli.ea and Repairs Tires 9.iui •rubes Ropalred and Vuicanlrc.:l ! Headquarter& tor ttoawcll Autoroouile'Mall Lin~ ;

+- 'PHONE .NO. 5. 4

: QA~RIZOZO, ~:, : ' NE\V 1\lEXIdO" :. •••++++++++++.;·+••++t+++++++++++++++++t.

aaaa~&flfi~aaaaa · a.-~Dm · · · .'" --GO TO--. "\ · · .

t:f · · Grocenes · ~ . .

~ Nice line of Caudies and Cookies. · P•m't fnil to call 1 Q .nnd .sc~. Goode d~livered both morning and even-.. .. G1 ing. 'l>hon9 fot whut you want. Pric·os t•ight nnd · a goods guaranteed. Out of towri .('U[.:!OnWJ'S ·e~pecin.t.. ~· ll1 Jy asked t,o call. . . .. · . -. ! . G. A. WILLIAMS . I Ql:m lJDDmmGDD!li!t.IOD Dl'~~ms~! ~~·~ i


If it 1s Building MatPrnai you ~ant \Ye can. ·supply you, H! vf qunhty or qunnt1ty.

('I • arrtzozo, . . -.. . . • • ·New Mexico

. --~~~~-~· ·=~-'----·

~.o;JL'.'I~**'*'***tt* **'~'ti*~*~*'**'****il) ~ . ',__ ~ .

-__ THE~--CARRIZ-OZO BAR ..... ~--~~~·~. _·\Vpot.

-,BEER, '\VINES, IJQUORS.~~d,OIGARS .ICE· ·*·· -. ·. . -·· --~·-· .... ---------;---··---··~.~····. . L ..... ····- * s:lpMiAl att~ntiort paid" to lbll 'Or Telephout~ Ordett · t}


Page 4:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

i '

I ;,1 l.

. ,-.



W~·arAfo1illlfat Tho proper place t:~Pioa'tiorts thftt. j~ is time for boa ta·dlPcover th.-. foot end moutb:die· tilir.iee to cetuw Io thl!se foreigu · ea~.e ie in A shoe etnre. hnule they- Ar~;~ heing m"r" riducnl-

The dnJZ wit_b_(lut tP.-t · ~~Lt.hanjn__Jhelr....ruvnlandrlot f1111'A-J.,.~·-~-r---holda the -bone. Anft isn~t Unele w~ utulertttantl the pfculh•ritiea of abo_u t intb~ ~O('ition of the· .tootJi~ lbee~ PfU'Ilfill!JU' Am'~tit'anfJ, -and J~•" dn~? while ~o realize tba_utter futility

·-ankle, and an ~thcient epinater · -thued ~he-

., ,-

: _,

, I

. . Other Suuestiont

Belts,· Caps, Scarfs, Shirts, SJippers,· Trav­eling Bags, Etc.

man on earth, and of cnur"&e tbe little ltkslihood tbat the pilgrimage coi'Jt each one o£ the bil( eity eating Outlook ~ditur believed every will amount to any1bing more than bouses about- $14. There wilt be a

·llu.•y told UIJ .. a pleasure jaunt. lbe expenllM o( wbol• lot c•f people who will wood· . When "l»c"ceful Uenry"·•ucceeds wlii~h 'Will be inourrt~tl by Mr FonJ _ er whether tbis sot~ or adverti'ling In bdnging f\b(IUt- pel\t~ in Europe At, \bey . 8hould make :PeACe pays. or .COUl'Jie: it does-,. or !ohn. Wt''Wnutd su~rreat .tha.t h«" retur' to amon_g tbemaelvee, tlnd ~hereby. aet R. Th;.mp!mn'wouldn't do iL tJe

• •

. . ~-< • - ·~·-

n ~~1!. examJ)I~~~_J__he ~ll~"rt'!n!~D~·

\:. - ·-

N'aw tu•a foraat ,lh:tico"':"'tor ·a •-·-+U'II.Y Of •• Q (lOd' ptl'tUI lbt Qbtok

· .


.. '~ ,•· '"£.'}..

··:-:---- ... ,. ......... :·-- ,, . ~- -· _·_ .. "- :_ ___ :~,.:,;;. __ ~ ·fi <~~-~ • ..::,;::;.; --~- --

. . . ~ . . . , ' ~ ·:

every few $1.25 to $2.~5 . . n~w· .Pat- __ , --~.---

terns and coloring$ ~ eho.uld solve ·many ·a · gift .problem lor you. . .

·- • Ladie~ --Silk H-ose · Alwtlye ·~~ri acceptable.


You Get 1he Best Here.

·~- __ Winter Y~etJbles~.~.Fresh- and ·Salt Meats, ·Staple and Fancy Groceries.· ·



' "




-·-· ·· ·· Ben- Acco~odations for · 1- __ ,, AU the·~-........

I ~~0~() ~tin.~~~~-L.. --:~~--,·-- .~ .. ~-~._ ~·~-~~.--·~~·~~:~c.,-.~·~~-·,_,,._,,,-··-~---~~-'-''-~,,.· . .,-·~"·~=·~---~~·"'·''~-":::' ~-'\-'""·~=~·~-"~''''"'~'I

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'· .....

'• •,

Page 5:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

' '. .. . ! ; ; ; . ; '

. .


. . , .

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• ·'

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RALPH . JONES· .!. -·

-Cleaning,. ~fessing, ~epaiiing . . .

· is- al~o baulm1 ore from Caot Ro· -..:.....;;;;;;:=:;==:::;::=:i::::===;b=======::::::~~e:;:=::::;:;=:;:::;;::;:==~======= bertJ' mint:t. · · · GUIDO RANNIGER, M. D. .. • v • -

~ -·-··.: ·~--': -- .. ~. -~ ~.fBEE:.SEED~·--- .- -'"~· ,~"-4--""' . - ' li~ited S~ato Senator Aib~rt B. ~' . Fall: write! i8 follows in regard 'if.. to the disr'Osition of seeds for distri'

!'Puld be sdaq to. bear" frorn thoa~ wha:, ~i.e wan ticg tria' packagf? 'fbo Jetter from t bs sitnator a~ya:

qartizozo Outlook, .. G~ntlemen: ; · ·· 1'hett! ·baa been ,Uotted me for di,etributitm by 'the Depa.itment of

. A~riculture, a limited number of pau:kaRe• of '4forage .crotr.'. •~ede; coorittipg of the foU(urins:

doe 'poun.,j packa&e• oT · Sudan 1(1'181 t!~d.

Fl,'l .. pound pack(lget of feterita •e~d · . . :) .

F~u.r-oound package-a ~~·dwarf :milo teed.

l!'our-pound packsg.,. Of Peru· ~·~-~~· vJatr AIFalt• •·e-ed.

Four pound packages Her~ari 11eed.

Eaqb or tbe above pl'lckage, ·eon· tairt • ftllffiC!ie~~ . quantif~-- or -~~ed for a ntisfactort field t&st-about oae 1cro.

The Departme11t or

taained by their test~t Ftall instructions t~gardicg the

culture of tb6 crop ..,ill areompany ~acb pickage . Owinj;t tr• the limit .. ed t~uoply 1be Dep11rtrntmt deems it adviaahte tbat nnindividue.t reeeive mote than 6ne paek•ge of· seed of ty.

..... "' .... u.~u .. u ae;(!d, no cotlditions at by th~ 0Ppartment, may

file their appt_icl\tiona with me t't . an. t·arly date. I wiUI(teatly appre ____ c,iaf~,}6ut co operAti91!· ___ .. c ..

.. R1q•1esta for 1be~e aeeds will be filed With the Department. in the

· · ord~r in which recPivtd. ad cnQ1· -------cprreawlth .to ltie extenf"' , ' . " · tnent wilt pe·rmit. .·

. . -·

'· ·. Sincert?<l1, _ . Alber~ B irall ..

'Tia$ D · puo ltt~~r•ld it ~hff .&a.t .. 1r'ML'• #i&t•t n•••t~l*'· . •a.~ e'I'Wtbod!~U.l

'· ; ,

~-~ ' . ~a:·· I ... . . "'-y·• . • t- -- -w,,;:M.,.,,.;_ .. _ ... _ ..... _~-~~---

{' ..

erry · --~·cnristriias

. ' . .

Suggestions For .·Usefu_l · Christmas G1fts ' ·



1847 Rogers Bros. Silverw;, Cum­

mu~ity Silverware, Carving Sets, UniVtH·~! Pere'lla.tors, Chocolate Sets, . Dinner Sett~,

Library Tables, Dining 'rt!bles, Bt·as~ Bl4ds~

~.Sealy 1\Iattresses,.~Bec.L.Rom•L Sui~·--- ht~~!!~l .. i)~ks, 1\lnga.zine Racks, H~osier . \Vonder

. ·oauinetH,. ..tuu.jcZ:Um-~Cult•'!( __ arut : Mmmrch ~Range8, and=TclephoneStaodS: -~~~-· -· -~~ I

FOR 1HEBOY 22 Rifles, 410 Gauge Sllot Guns, H ec

tric Pocket Lamps, Pocket. Knives, '1\Vagona

and Velosipedes. ..

_·, .

.. ._~-"_;, ,."!,4 I

.l..c.. ----"~.i ...... »"•<"-lo- .:.t.·. _, •.

PHYSICIA!f AND SURGEON :l.n C.l\!fl2:0Z()_~v~ry_f)!!L«<•I . ... .... ~-~-- ~~---· *·····

· 'Ifbone tn · - · - · ·· · · --OSCURO, .: N ~ W MEXWC

FUNERAL DI~~CJ:t~ffD liCE~~ED. 'l'he1ne il6


O*rritolo l..otlgc No 41, A. F. & A rllrO"IIO, New Mexico

If lllf!llar. {';«)t'UIJUifliCAliORI lot ~~ 5 · Jon, :m; l~'t•LI. 27; Abt

~7: Apr. !H~ )f:ly 2~ Juni'20;J. uly. 24;A\IJ . 21; Sept, IS: Ott, :n " Nvv 211; flee.l8 11. t<J l,ino. \\ M • . S. 1•', Millf'r, &eo


Meetin~!f ever1 M1~dny evcninr tn thi lfauouir hl\11. All mcanbfot~t are ur~td c.c he prefltnt au_d vlsitin~ Knigh~ welcnrn. 4!11 ..

G. T. JdcQU'JLLE~. C. C. .. .. E. A. 0 JOHNSON, K oE n. ,\: 8

tAN OS Uohit~ara,lh, Dfwt. 1'1ata Landlf, Cont..u -~~ _____ .


1t.TIHiit-t>'iffil.ti iliiUWiffi!f m~; • ___ -l~Uon thHtlully fUrttitlt~--~- - --- -


-·-~ tmf!:L WOOh Carritoao, N. If


Excbani[C Bank> n,tildin~ !Anruzozo, .... .. ! Ngw :&iF!XK'O

A 'I TORNEY Jh Bank Boilditlg tt>tfon& N.,., U'

CAlUtlZOZO : NEW All~X:lCO'. ...... ~~

----···· EDWIN. MECHEM . ATTon:N:EV .. A T-Lt\ W

. OJ.l:NIR AL Pll Al,:tlr.Jt OtfJeo o'VI!t Rullatid'• D · 1tot8


__ RDBT. L. lfANSOM-~ - ,,_ AHD CEMENT 'WOIKrt - . ~

fE!1fm~"furi"tat~ l;~ aHTcfhdi m pJJA'itt--~-. - -


Page 6:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

J , 1



> . .. .



'04,, •

. ' ' ' ' {

SHOE· REPAIR ·sHop· ' .

- •• 1

__,._ When Car Condu~tor Start• to Enfor.c• 8ug;tatlon Made at W~thlrigton That

HI• Comm•nd He Jotna P•.. Anacoatla 'Flats· \Jo Leutd at •cn&.llrl In Laugff, ' Npmln"'l Rental ..

•· ,'-"--~ ··-···"-~ ··-- ·---- ~-

hu keA ••tt.a.Ua• th• wbot. oountr1 tor miUtr 7tlti. au41t hu AuUy b~tn det•rmb:i-.d thlt Jtardt, clroUiht·rMiat­ilatt •,t oft,r tht !Jf·at material tor'--hill~ verlllt.Q4f•t btt~attfteaUob. lt- fa !lot · •4Y1•bt.-w o~ too -muoa·'ot tliif •t-ll<llh or •tattoa arouOtitt tot obvt­ou MIIOa•: thftelort. ft'ft al14



a gens .. Buggies.-Hacks Cement . · , .. :) · ...

/ Portia rid ~eipen~. · _,. ·__ :Coal ._. . '

What Shall I Give Him?

.. , ,,

-, -1,., ••

. ·)·, · ·.Boots ·and ·Sh6es ·, .·.·Dry g~s ~

· · Ammunition . Lubrica ring Oil's ..

· Grain "Bags .

What Shalf I ·Give Her?





Fountain Pensj Gillette Razors, Pipes, Cigars, Pocket Knives, ..

Stationery, Perfumes, Toilet Water, Hand


Painted China. Mir-


.... ----A---C~mplete ~ineof DoUs' and Toys t • ~ •

ROLLAND .BROS. Carrizozo,

' "

• •• • • • New Mexico

- '"'I

. '


. . ... ""'·; • ' ,;:· ~ '. l 1:

' '

-- .,._ -


. '


J ·~



Page 7:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

. ~'l :;i~~-:~r !:~,:·· .. _~·: :<'! • ~"?~ . ~~ -·< .... ~-~ ~-- ~---, ~~~. -~-"'·:···---~-~-... , .

Cont,U.l.t1~'4 . e~rSMQne$ gr~ndea d~ ~~\10 pri.>ce:deu:tets .del conda4o lndtly. • ' ' :.

Gftn. dano tu~ causadQ wr' 'una tudoQ t~~Pe•t"d i.t~ vtep,to ~:n.

· d.aleua.· · ·- ·· .... ·· -· ·"'~.~ ..

Eln e.nta Fe, Jo~ep~ Z.:nell' · ~ulpable de. vqnd.~ 4 U'll 1tuUo-. · ·

lA . p6rdl4a p~r el 1~c~nato de en.SUver

. ' CJnC'J- lOU Ucenclas de automovn·

tuenm ~oncedtdu eate "'.fio, d, aea 2,· 000 JI)4JJ que el atio 1'1. paedo~ · "

Lot trabajoa .fln el edltlclo· de un.

Lata ·PttPr.s ~ de 1Cal'l1ondate .Jie · lle­va:rnA 'el ·pre~lo do elntp. ·ttztiJ en la expo.JclOn.. . nactonal· · .cle papal$ que tuv.Q lusl'r en Grand Rapids.

Peter Troseley; de ss a.Aoj{ de $l.aii, ~Jllple~ulo:·en to.:·~ttol'J~·de 'fmdcardl . de l&$1 tUndlci<>nes de Arkall.J.aa Vlll· ley •n :LeadvUle. fu' ~atado. ·

11DO:a . < ·~tAn Yel\illendo _blllet~a )?!for~ La Expoatcl<Sn 4el O~ate . de Gl!ouado en I>enver en el me!l d~

. llll&'fQ .holpllalteu -~_a:~~~~.:;~~p~zaro_ll~J~~r;.,~~:.qtp~len:o;..;:.;,;.:._;=~~,;;;:_,:_~---t~~~~~~;;;;:;;;~;~~~-~~ · alre4t<i91: del prlmero del

· ~ "Jttlin arrellapdQ loa planes para 1,. arecclOn y mantenlmlento de un


Ocato. f.lntera reserva de oto en

l1pldo1. ct. 1 o dlcll.'mbre

J.,& ~·•. • valor de. 116,13G,1G4. . Un homo cle la . Compatlta" de Cal de · Arthur tu6 eneendlda. . de aJr;una La nrJmera t"lUadura de 1emllhl

d Ida d tr Jd It' ~ E;I. Pa~o, Tex., fu6 voladQ por una. manora eaconoo Y ea u •· de remolacha eu Ja t!brlea d6 azl\eu · lm ~tttclo dl Nfl6vo Hoxleb CJ11 S&n de LQvetand .delarro.lld el heoho de explceJCn de. dln.amlta. -· · · · "' ·

· ... '

• • • ~ ·--. --:-~·-~- ~~ ·-................. ,.. DJeco tu• 31t dtJXIOJldo por una· tozr., que dote acreiS producleron Ia eanll& ..Chtl!ago•tu6 ~etegldo por .cl comtt6 menta vlolenta de vJento Y UuY~ dada_ de 11GOO llbraa por I'Cre. naclona:J repubttcano como Iu&ar de Not to Bo Thougltt or. Altogothtr Too cartiNI.

· 1'ClUnJ611 _,o Ja conveiicl6'n reJ>Ubllcana Ell Dr. A. G. SJ:lorllo de Albuquerqu• Stephen. A. pa,., uno. de loa de 1916, t'l 'l>de Junlo, 6 Ita uJia Yar•.•«o Senator Fr1 vlalted Bpo- Ttae editor In cl\ar&'e of the peraon-

f.U6 tleJLdo pr~ldente. do la All~ ayu4antu- . -del .Oenera1 •em.attt\ an tea de la convencUSn demo- kane, which waa tllen In the boy4ay ai lnqulr)' column opened bfl aevon• Cl6u m~tca dtl auro&~te en El Fato. durante la auerra clYll '1 uuo de loa ctAtlu c::n San LlJll, . of 1t11 boom Ute. lte. wu royally en· tleth le-tter wlth a 1roan.

$.il. Mltctat Mt'- l:iablindo de una ··de II. Horaee GrteleY'• Uillou, tertalned by~ a J~&trfarchal old fellolt' • ''l ban I oat throe Jruabauda,u & lady ~ ~lewr.ct<Sn euando u~ nab«dc:J ~.<sf'tl~ $:n u~~ ~llllat1 de ~ la llll. ex·Juu WUlla Brown .de Salt '\VhCt •eemed to be ~me,ihat. mo~e, ~t -~ TKdtr .ll.JUt .,v.Jtten. .®nft.llC~ntl.Ti. "JJfd el nue\·o puente sobr• el lUO Graude: clud&d. de Greeley, :talleclO m •u. eaa&. Laj(e Cttt, conferenclant,, una au tori· 'J)OQmcr than ntllt\Y Qf tb~ arden~ one• now ban th~ otter or a .tourtb. Shall

Walt-· Greenfield de l>exter com· en DenTer.. dad en codea tla juvt~ntud., ~ 1undailor pthered ther~. :He looked ltke a dea.. 1 •Cleept hUn ?'t • .... del a ... tem& de eacuela agdcola •pater- con, wore Jonc wblak<lrl, and waa ro- The editor dipped bla pen in the

1Jt6 UO ovelf• <te "v~ll6n: dorado" eon Aunque ae re~re Ulll. sran dlJ. · nal de Ga~. Ind., fut\ arrestado en vuted. to be tmmentely ·wealthy. Ill tnk. 'l'bl• waa the Jaat atraw. &1 obJ.~to dt mantenulaa como repro- mfnu~Un ~n Iu &x~rtaclon~• tie re- Chica•o :ac.ueado nn10 L A Tbonu2•on l ........ tn1 .. "'f tb"" .. 1.1~, •tl· .. ••nator aata:·. "'lf tiou~·ve Joat ·three huabandt,., he · du........... · ralow ae Na•ldact hnr lll aauana. de ·. .. *'.v .. · • • · · • -- - -·u vvoo"' .... .,. 'T ~ ' "'.,..., J

.. ....,.,. ~~"" UJ;l dt'!pendlente de <!Orreos del ter- "One ot the objecta which -.ttrAct~ wrote, "l JhouJd eay )'ou are much tm pr1Jntl d~ de opera~16n de- laa n.nver de la mayor lW'te ·de · las zocurJl, de haberle 6ilMado la my attention wu a very lonr buU!Unr too aretea1 to b!! trusted with a

mant.ctuerat c:te la nueva le¢herla djll naclo.nes en suerra. Incla.f.erra eati •uma de $100. .><:. -a tremt!ndolua ~lfatr, onc of th~)ons· fourth.'* ' D.mfnr •• producferon ochenta Y ~· env11lldn tantaa <'aja• de asu_lnaldos eat bulldlnc• I bad (lVcr 1een. •now co libra. de mtnte<:Jl, · P com~ en tlempo de ~~. · many gambllnc pm~a do you •uppoall · l!:l xm~ro <te aub«Serlpetoues at tondo fA• condado. <le Powe:ra 1 Baea dill• thtro are Jn that building!' uked my

))Ill'& la tollltrucc16n· de la Mia de frutan de ~G,OOO tonela<Jas de mafj trJend and plde. 'Give It • aald 1.

To lcHP_ cte&n. anct tw.J~h tilte nr. Pjerce'a lJJeUint Pellet... · :t'fltllal• liver, bowek &Dd ~eh.-A • .

The Fiery v .. r. , The Plymouth Rock-Terrible ttmet. The ~ghprn-Ye~; l didn't. lay m:r

en to be an omelet.

"He"a wedded to hl• art." •tt• It a. hapl)t match?;;-Detrolt

. ' '


_.,, "-=.O: ,~~~ ...,...c- ·p- ~ ~=r.:.:;;.-.-=.--......:.-~"'-=·-•~•~~ -~ ,

obllert)l de cerv'el!er1tii u aerfamente enfetmo de pai'ill•f• ell td~1tanm de ·ta comlal6n tndtlttrsar ,. ... 1,-.._ c..Q· en:Waabh'tgton.

estado i)itl'll. protMftit eh tOntta de se· 8U,PO de · bUetia . -AUWrld!ld .ll una liota t~lentetnente tJ1jtt~ ' N~1'3 Y()rlc uu.e un •lto o(lcl•l de uu l& llCr Iu ~tnJ)&Ilfl.W .de de ia. unlotu!t ' · Snternaclouate~ eerfea -ae 'Zaq. <:tapitot Y N~ Ire~ maroreJJ en Am6rlca .. ~ •erl&montt •mo• l J)f.ttlf del 31 dtt cllcittil· empt;flacto •· la lo.Teittsacl6tl. lJ.u• !!l bfj, il1Cl:liQoQ;11p't~lifJ~1ten:a111~'m•.,uJ t procurairor T&ritiall (li lot . 'lr!JIHi.J'Ini; r··

. '. '. .

:Unlet~ eetl· C!Obduol~nc:to~en el ~ de · · d• ll'tana Von lth1te-

~ ~-~· ._::." --

.... ·

~ ..... -

''"'~ ' ,y!

. :,- .'J.i..~.

n~~· Bushel· Crop ··in 191& -

r.....,.;q·r .... aw.otui...tdafti,_.. • .., -~w..-..,... .. ~- ....

, -R~~ditUt Wleate:m-Canadau.aarata · ·· · Pt'OlUitliCtl~ DUI'Jnel8 DWl


Page 8:• · .. .,.· ~ -·-- ·- -.--~·:_.: .. .:... .• ~----~-!11~-~ -•' ·~y .-·-··-C·-·-•··-·~ -~ ~ . -.-, . Of

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. !F' ' j / ..

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i '



. '


' I l.,. ..

-- ........ )' ..•

Wtmft~cl-A poBilion ila domtatia ta~i,,, Will Mi worJ.; for less than $.1 00 p!•r. Wff'k Call or Wtl_te B9· e-ll' H. Marrio, 1Jo.x 104, Lincoln, N

+.-.... .,..

" """','C . . --·- __ ....___, __ . ---- .. -·..-·-·-

,, . '

...... !' "•

• I~


· · branded X Pan lrrt abo older· tnd t'ra musth"'"" ti1a ~trt CJt proplaeey In au llis1 Bntvrd11y CV{'ning otJ No, 4. · . h .t 1• rt.. 0 rtnrd to the "reM' they must lu~~ 1.' lore· . aliout 13 1 2 aou1 ugu. ne 80r- ,. · • . • •

II you arc lntc nclmg to hnve a . · old to wJmr, pawe~ and ·1nlluence ~


· ·Christma.~ -Greettn,gs.

~itJ"t·Cl,U. Kind rliougbtjs_ and Wi~he8 for . . .


New Year "-tltrr tank tmute· &f'O me l)efore .ret htn'!6 mule, 7 Y~ ! . \\'ouldcomo 'l'bt!y uadne>dread ofoffi• M ,.luring VC1l1r CJI'drr-Ed TJnng, the on right nnd left. lnf>', ftbou~ 13 dol arts or morive:o 'l'hoy hn<l (~tTth in m 'A p·· . • inner . h~nda hlgh $5.Q9 reward WIJl be the ul~im~tc triumph Q( LtuLb,. Jcilcrson itt • . . rosperous

Mru. {t"l(lrcn"io Vflgt. who lH~IJ Atven for the recovery of &he above. w•~ wtllh.g tla~t ~rror mf}tht lt'l pre.tented ~.P . .

I . I I Ill .I J n I . Steen White 01$kll N. M. 2t, u hutb C•JIUd on.y be k£&. tree kl CQIU• ~ ·l't>n c nnJ!ffOUt~ 'I ,or He vera • "'' • . • 1 . . • t, 1&. lio w118 oppcmed to • ctr.IKJrshlp

t' ce~B iH rflrortvd as being on the JuJJ~ re~<:ived from the. St. LoUIIJ ol:thc p're~11, and llaid lhaHt lae-•nuat. rttad Ia fl·(lo\'Uy. ·• , mnrkel11 a firu; lin" of Boaton llt"Au clwo~ bchr<'en • govermnent ."'itbotJt

If m want to. know all arn.ut ty MackreJ. ·Red Salmon, Rotred ne'I\'1P!IJJCr8 and ilCW.!CPilJlCr& Wl!lwu~ a. y J • F S k d Bl 1 r guvcrhment. he would pa~rer to mk tho Prolt•ctlnn V8 li'rpe Tudo BPnd poa Uemr.g, • uncy. mo I! oa e 11 news Hper withl)ut tb" ~~v~mmcnt.

I"' ;(u d rF.queat (f!r rre.," B"llJJpJe and Donl11rti Uetrin~ llso im~ru~d H~ };dirvtd tllat. publi3 opinion would ~~Jflf8 of lhA Aml!'tJtlOfl B~onomiBt~ Swise•llnd ntJ('k Uu"~l'le-Carrn~C'%0 Ult~n~urai>!y .(!,Ufi('C~ alt tllings if puNk~ ,}3[) Hrolld WtJy. ~cw York. · ~Jcat ·Market, A C. W1ogfield, Prop opir ion \\cr~ !dt frte, but . th!\t govern·

Dr n. 1'. l.UI.'I.IIIi!l ad c t j F "nk A ,,ngli~h Jert ment \\'ilhout. i\ tree t!Xpre:::sion or publla • 1 ,on r•c~vr •r.. • ~"~· . 1 . 1.• ,.,__ ·· d t' ,. 1Ji1ion tmd ndtbttg mnoy or her va tt• • r 11 . u .. ~-·tl ,_ opan on ~ou ". _110nn 111:\omc• e,po a!!tn, • · • . Moud11y tl'lnr:mg or •e !lJ ..... .... ..,.. ~Wblc improvements to ln~ rteadeoce ( 1 tl •nch some ••nmty .five 'I l • J8 Ill rn on n nve.

T radi~g CarrizozO. 1 - '

' . (:omp!ny

_ Hay, Grai~n. ~n..9.~oal

Freight and G?ner~~ '-':~at1~f~~~~usinees ~----- --~--~~ -~--~~ ~·~ ~-' --~~- '-o-- -~,


'Phone 86 or 91 l.ocJted on El Put; Ave~ fittt door .Olltla of Lumber 7ard

(~ . . . . - . . .. .

.. ' .

~ J'.• .

' '

·. ••


.. "·-t ............. UI!LL_, .. ...__.._a-Al·~~~'"'-~-·-·----·-... " ....... _, , mat mortling a!ld eveaiag G'iJlacbet-- Bros:-· w-;r$?· irttown w-et came.

• .c..;.;::Lc •

. N1CE. tt~V~ TY UN£ .

..... .}

. ...

j;/ ~

Ye Chriat Lbe wor.hip tha~ ia )'etterday £rom tbttlf linch -~ Jg.. . Tbe word or God hM nllfl1 gru~ m. $u"day 1cboo-l It 9:45, clittt tank. ' ~ \ or doettb~N. O~~e of

hUlltuor C'burch 2 aod 3, l~&ar,UG Harry· Comrey waa dowh from lodiot a~d most tieQOtl..ry It Faith 1ha l•t Suddaf ,{ tb• hi1 Ancbo nn-e~ :otr biRintH withoinfalfh it jt-Jm~blt to we will bigin • fel'iu day~ pte .... God. The Putot. ia colat. MrViCt:l. ~ Lut Ul ""

-lh·¥··· P~·th.1il·h 11'itli~--~-=-~' · · 'Ev_wybcld,t nlcODJ. c.hJ. all .

. .• t

1.. .. ..

t61PJMII!IM. ohbe Cbotofl~ .: . • ~. · .·, ·

.fti.Uilno ra.,...,. ... , . u·vn· t .--u...... -- ----.. . .

. ··If' ..

-~--~-·-"'"'"·-··-~--~.~--~~-~-- -<""-··--··-··--- - _,._ __ :-~-~·~· .·t····:· .. ~·--=---· "''"' ~-- •

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